• Compassion and sympathy are terms associated with empathy. (wikipedia.org)
  • Like empathy, compassion has a wide range of definitions and purported facets (which overlap with some definitions of empathy). (wikipedia.org)
  • Affective empathy can be subdivided into the following scales: Empathic concern: sympathy and compassion for others in response to their suffering. (wikipedia.org)
  • Compassion is borne out of a sense of empathy - the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. (medscape.com)
  • In one study on empathy ratings among doctors, 87% of the public believe that compassion, or a clear and obvious desire to relieve suffering, is the most critical factor when choosing a doctor. (medscape.com)
  • Such actions and statements can only stem from a lack of compassion and empathy, where personal gains take priority overthinking and feeling for others. (entrepreneur.com)
  • Tim Cook, the successor of Steve Jobs, is famous for his empathetic style of management, and so has Howard Schultz rebuilt Starbucks by giving empathy and compassion to its rightful place in business. (entrepreneur.com)
  • How do you maintain your sanity, empathy, compassion, and good business sense such that you not only retain your vision but also are able to inspire others along the way. (entrepreneur.com)
  • When forgiving, we need a combination of empathy and compassion. (scoop.it)
  • Narcissists dont lack empathy in the way we typically believe they lack compassion, remorse, and regret. (psychcentral.com)
  • We tend to confuse emotions like compassion with empathy, but as mentioned above, a person can understand what another person feels, thinks, and experiences without feeling the human emotions that go along with it. (psychcentral.com)
  • In his book on Buddhist moral philosophy, Charles Goodman notes that Buddhist texts distinguish between "sentimental compassion," which corresponds to what we would call empathy, and "great compassion," which is what we would simply call "compassion. (garrisoninstitute.org)
  • This distinction between empathy and compassion is critical for the argument that I make throughout my book Against Empathy . (garrisoninstitute.org)
  • In a review article, Tania Singer and Olga Klimecki describe how they make sense of this distinction: "In contrast to empathy, compassion does not mean sharing the suffering of the other: rather, it is characterized by feelings of warmth, concern and care for the other, as well as a strong motivation to improve the other's well-being. (garrisoninstitute.org)
  • One sees a similar contrast in ongoing experiments led by Singer in which normal people-nonmeditators-were trained to experience either empathy or compassion. (garrisoninstitute.org)
  • Empathy and Compassion is the first research theme at the Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities. (lu.se)
  • Our goal is to explore challenges associated with developing tools to increase empathy and compassion in health care and in professional education. (lu.se)
  • The conference The Neuroscience of Empathy and Compassion in May 2022 was an eye-opener for many of the participants, regardless of which faculty they came from. (lu.se)
  • The quality of relationships depends on empathy and compassion. (lu.se)
  • It would therefore be highly beneficial to individuals, professionals and society in general if empathy and compassion could be efficiently, reliably and meaningfully enhanced by training. (lu.se)
  • In fact, the complexity of empathy and compassion makes these concepts elusive even theoretically, and definitions and operationalisations across and within many studies are inconsistent. (lu.se)
  • Our aim is to explore the conceptual and practical challenges associated with developing efficient, evidence-based tools to enhance empathy and compassion. (lu.se)
  • And, what about the flip side: what's the damage done by lack of empathy? (providesupport.com)
  • Fast forward to the present world of business, and you see swaths of business leaders and entrepreneurs exhibiting their recklessness and lack of empathy. (entrepreneur.com)
  • Heres how it works and why the narcissist lack of empathy concept is a farce. (psychcentral.com)
  • Thats exactly why the narcissists lack of empathy concept is a farce and a dangerous one at that. (psychcentral.com)
  • The narcissists lack of empathy idea implies that their abusive behavior is completely unintentional. (psychcentral.com)
  • As you can see, the narcissists lack of empathy is a myth because they need to use cognitive empathy to get what they want from those around them. (psychcentral.com)
  • In counseling, the therapist is expected to show empathy for their clients whose experiences are different from the counselor. (bartleby.com)
  • On the other hand Victor, fails to show empathy throughout the novel even when it relates to his own family and friends. (ipl.org)
  • Give examples of how you can show Empathy? (jeopardylabs.com)
  • Why is it important to show Empathy to others? (jeopardylabs.com)
  • Why might it be difficult to show empathy towards someone else? (jeopardylabs.com)
  • Teachers can be role models who, by example, show students the power of empathy in relationships. (edutopia.org)
  • Satya Nadella, the chief of Microsoft, has almost turned around the culture at his company by the sheer power of empathy and has become the world's best business leader. (entrepreneur.com)
  • The Power of Empathy. (scoop.it)
  • Definitions of empathy encompass a broad range of social, cognitive, and emotional processes primarily concerned with understanding others (and others' emotions in particular). (wikipedia.org)
  • Types of empathy include cognitive empathy, emotional (or affective) empathy, somatic empathy, and spiritual empathy. (wikipedia.org)
  • They further distinguish between "affective ToM (the ability to detect and understand others' emotions) and cognitive ToM (the inference and representation of others' beliefs and intentions)," linking the affective component with empathy. (chronicle.com)
  • Perspective taking, also known as cognitive empathy, occurs when a person is able to imagine herself in the situation of another. (edutopia.org)
  • Here are some strategies our graduates around the world use with their students to help develop both affective and cognitive empathy. (edutopia.org)
  • Empathy can be cognitive or emotionally based. (bartleby.com)
  • Cognitive empathy is being able to know what another person feels and what he/she might be thinking. (bartleby.com)
  • Think of every sleazy lawyer, salesperson, or interrogator youve ever heard about or come across they all utilize cognitive empathy. (psychcentral.com)
  • This gives narcissists the ability to see things from your perspective and then act in a way thats most beneficial to them.Cognitive empathyis still empathy just not the kind most people are familiar with. (psychcentral.com)
  • In all of these situations, they need cognitive empathy to get into the subjects head. (psychcentral.com)
  • But the good news for executives: Empathy, especially cognitive empathy, the act of intellectually relating to another person - is a muscle that can be trained and honed. (edelman.com)
  • The present study's objective was to examine the validity of the Online Empathy Questionnaire (QoE - initials in Portuguese), whose purpose is to evaluate empathy via three factors: emotional, cognitive and compassionate empathy. (bvsalud.org)
  • Cultivating a culture of empathy and belonging leads to a more human workplace. (forbes.com)
  • Here, Jason Averbook navigates the blending lines between B2C and B2B and demonstrates how a culture of empathy can revolutionise the world of work. (mercer.com)
  • The importance of empathy in doctoring is evident, but Hojat says it's crucial to differentiate between clinical empathy and emotional empathy. (medscape.com)
  • Atticus paints the importance of empathy with a brush of metaphors on the canvas of life. (ipl.org)
  • How can I teach my child empathy? (babycenter.com)
  • In this podcast I talk about my upcoming book on children and mental health, ⁠How to Help Your Child Clean Up Their Mental Mess⁠, teaching your child empathy from youth, what we can do as parents and guardians to support our children, and more! (scoop.it)
  • Here are the different types of empathy and how they play out in action. (psychcentral.com)
  • Paradigmatically, a person exhibits empathy when they communicate an accurate recognition of the significance of another person's ongoing intentional actions, associated emotional states, and personal characteristics in a manner that seems accurate and tolerable to the recognized person. (wikipedia.org)
  • Although the term "empathy" was not coined until 60 years later, the accident showed scientists that the ability to share another person's feelings has deep neurological roots. (medicalnewstoday.com)
  • You can also try experimental empathy, which means getting a direct experience of another person's life. (britishcouncil.org)
  • In simple terms, empathy refers to a person's ability to understand and share another person's emotional experiences. (forbes.com)
  • Shared emotional response, or affective empathy, occurs when an individual shares another person's emotions. (edutopia.org)
  • Empathy is the ability to understand another person's viewpoint, to recognise and experience their feelings, and to be aware and understanding of their thoughts, from their perspective. (bartleby.com)
  • Empathy is honoring a person's feeling state. (psychologytoday.com)
  • As organizations continue to navigate a global pandemic and focus efforts on developing equity and inclusion within their teams, leading with empathy is more important than ever. (unc.edu)
  • This talk is about building empathy for people with impairments, making sure we are aware of how to design and build services which don't disable people. (bcs.org)
  • Leveraging neuroscience principles to empathy in selling is a newfound way to be successful in this digital selling reality. (forbes.com)
  • In a rare neuroscience look at racial minorities, the study shows that African-Americans showed greater empathy for African-Americans facing adversity -- in this case for victims of Hurricane Katrina -- than Caucasians demonstrated for Caucasian-Americans in pain. (sciencedaily.com)
  • There is no consensus regarding whether personal distress is a form of empathy or instead is something distinct from empathy. (wikipedia.org)
  • The ability of the observer to put itself in its partner's shoes, so to speak, and understand, without being guided, whether its partner could or could not see the green circle from its vantage point, is perhaps a primitive form of empathy. (engadget.com)
  • Empathy has two major components: Affective empathy, also called emotional empathy, is the ability to respond with an appropriate emotion to another's mental states. (wikipedia.org)
  • Why teach empathy? (britishcouncil.org)
  • The authors of the study suggest that the decline might be due to the rise in narcissism among young people, the growing prevalence of personal technology and media use in everyday life, a shrinking family size (having several siblings may teach empathy), and stronger pressures on young people to succeed academically and professionally. (britishcouncil.org)
  • Empatico intends to teach empathy to children with global interactions that widen their perspective of the world beyond their own community. (springwise.com)
  • There is one essential way to help a child truly integrate empathy. (psychologytoday.com)
  • Taking a human-centred approach to digital transformation means organisations must think hard about how to integrate empathy at scale into their digital strategies. (mercer.com)
  • While it can help promote cooperation and motivate prosocial behavior, in some cases, empathy can actually deepen divisions been groups and inspire aggression against others. (bps.org.uk)
  • Successfully handling this shift requires learning new ways of selling with empathy to customers in addition to listening continually to your customers, creating empathy maps to deepen understanding and personalizing to show you care. (forbes.com)
  • In the article "America's Continuing Empathy Deficit Disorder" it states that "by developing empathy you deepen your understanding and acceptance of how and why people do what they do, and build greater respect for others"(LaBier). (bartleby.com)
  • US president Barack Obama went so far as to claim in 2013 that the 'empathy deficit' was more of problem than the federal deficit. (britishcouncil.org)
  • President Barack Obama has described empathy as the ' heart of my moral code ' and has suggested that an empathy deficit is at the heart of many of our society's problems. (bps.org.uk)
  • Since empathy involves understanding the emotional states of other people, the way it is characterized derives from the way emotions are characterized. (wikipedia.org)
  • For example, if emotions are characterized by bodily feelings, then understanding the bodily feelings of another will be considered central to empathy. (wikipedia.org)
  • On the other hand, if emotions are characterized by a combination of beliefs and desires, then understanding those beliefs and desires will be more essential to empathy. (wikipedia.org)
  • Alexithymia describes a deficiency in understanding, processing, or describing one's own emotions (unlike empathy which is about someone else's emotions). (wikipedia.org)
  • Thinking about the absence of empathy conjures up an image of a cold-blooded killer or ruthless con-artist with no regard for other's emotions or well-being. (bps.org.uk)
  • Key cultural artifacts of empathy include giving and receiving thanks, celebrating successes, supporting colleagues who need help, sharing positive emotions and seeing each other as individuals. (forbes.com)
  • Webster defines empathy as, the feeling that you understand and share another 's experience and emotions. (bartleby.com)
  • Empathy gives us as clinicians the ability to understand and connect with the client's emotions. (bartleby.com)
  • Karla is the author of Embracing Anxiety , The Dynamic Emotional Integration Workbook , The Art of Empathy , The Power of Emotions at Work , and the multimedia online course Emotional Flow: Becoming Fluent in the Language of Emotions . (soundstrue.com)
  • A child who consistently receives empathy gains the ability to regulate negative emotions in a healthy way. (psychologytoday.com)
  • The content of the novel Frankenstein depicts a monster displaying human traits that his creator Victor does not possess: empathy, a need for companionship, and a will to learn and fit in. (ipl.org)
  • The Law School Empathy Deficit. (prospect.org)
  • The e-mail and the ambivalent response to the odious attitudes expressed in it exemplify the serious empathy deficit in our law schools. (prospect.org)
  • Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another's position. (wikipedia.org)
  • The ego-empathy balance requires paying attention to another's desires without wholly sacrificing one's own. (scoop.it)
  • Empathy is the ability to put yourself in another's place and to take that perspective into account in your relationship with the other person. (babycenter.com)
  • How might we offer more time of the week for Empathy Circles that work for people? (google.com)
  • People who have developed a high degree of empathy are good at managing relationships and relating to others - think of a great manager or teacher. (britishcouncil.org)
  • Many people consider this ability to understand and feel what others are feeling, or empathy, as a primary source of morality and the glue that holds societies together. (bps.org.uk)
  • Empathy is a key component in our relationships, and in many situations, it does motivate people to help others in need. (bps.org.uk)
  • Most people see empathy as a good thing. (bps.org.uk)
  • Bloom's central argument is that empathy, which he defines as 'feeling what other people feel', is not the best guide for making moral decisions. (bps.org.uk)
  • When you weave empathy into everyday culture, people relate with their heads and hearts, and their minds open to new ways of working. (forbes.com)
  • Empathy gives one the ability to accurately sense the reactions of other people thus producing the connecting means to make the transaction happen amicably. (scoop.it)
  • Among other things, it explains how Larson-Green tries to tap empathy for computer users and how she relies on data about how people actually interact with their PCs. (technologyreview.com)
  • The primary things that help you create a good user experience are empathy, and being able to put yourself in the place of people who are using the products," she said. (technologyreview.com)
  • Writing with empathy means writing in a way people can understand and relate to. (cdc.gov)
  • This means that with the growing use of empathy others will be able to better understand and connect with people on an emotional level. (bartleby.com)
  • Humanity is already full of empathy, but nothing is changing .People don't really need to know the feelings of others in order to help them. (bartleby.com)
  • Empathy is a spotlight focusing on certain people in the here and now. (pcma.org)
  • When practiced by leaders with their people, empathy can build stronger teams and cultures, answering the call for inclusion that's increasingly heard in modern workplaces. (edelman.com)
  • In empathy training, people were instructed to try to feel what others were feeling. (garrisoninstitute.org)
  • and Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, discussed the importance of developing empathy for people in all parts of the world. (edweek.org)
  • As Prof. Baron-Cohen explains, this is one of the 10 brain areas involved in the neural circuit "responsible" for creating empathy. (medicalnewstoday.com)
  • There is a neural difference: Empathy training led to increased activation in the insula and anterior cingulate cortex. (garrisoninstitute.org)
  • But Kim, isnt empathy the glue that holds relationships together and creates a positive environment for communication? (psychcentral.com)
  • Design, Empathy, Interpretation tells the story of empathic design, a design research program at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland, that has developed an interpretive approach to design over the past twenty years. (mit.edu)
  • Empathy means understanding and sharing the feelings of another person - it's our ability to put ourselves in someone else's shoes. (cdc.gov)
  • Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. (edutopia.org)
  • Empathy is often described as having consideration of someone else feelings. (bartleby.com)
  • Empathy consists of having the ability to feel another person 's feelings and the ability to place oneself in another person shoes or situation. (bartleby.com)
  • In certain conditions, rather than motivating prosocial behaviour, empathy fosters hostility and aggression. (bps.org.uk)
  • It is the correct portions of ego and empathy that fosters successful selling. (scoop.it)
  • In fact, he says, clinical empathy and emotional empathy have different consequences in a medical setting. (medscape.com)
  • The relationship between clinical empathy and clinical outcomes is linear, meaning that more empathic engagement leads to more positive clinical outcomes," says Hojat. (medscape.com)
  • However, the relationship between emotional empathy and clinical outcomes is curvilinear, or an inverted U shape, similar to the association between anxiety and performance, meaning that limited emotional empathy or limited sympathetic engagement could be helpful, but its overabundance can hamper clinical relationships and objective clinical decision making. (medscape.com)
  • The takeaway is that when physicians don't regulate their emotional empathy, it becomes an obstacle to clinical empathy, ultimately detrimental to healthcare outcomes. (medscape.com)
  • They hypothesized that a physician's empathy would positively effect clinical outcome, not just patient satisfaction. (kevinmd.com)
  • Burnout, empathy and sense of coherence among district nurses before and after systematic clinical supervision. (lu.se)
  • The relationships between, on the one hand, burnout, empathy and sense of cohoerence (SOC) and, on the other, personality traits were investigated, together with the effects of systematic clinical supervision on these phenomena among Swedish district nurses. (lu.se)
  • There were no significant effects of clinical supervision on burnout, empathy, or SOC. (lu.se)
  • Of course, the reverse is also true - burnout can make it harder for physicians to muster up empathy of any kind toward their patients. (medscape.com)
  • The results indicated some correlations between personality traits and burnout, empathy, and SOC, as well as correlations between the latter three phenomena. (lu.se)
  • By injuring a key element of this brain circuit, the accident deprived Gage of the ability to feel empathy. (medicalnewstoday.com)
  • To mark World Refugee Day on 20 June 2015, the British Council's Emily Reynolds looks at why empathy is so important and how teachers can help children develop the ability. (britishcouncil.org)
  • Moreover, the ability to quantify empathy gives medical educators and professional organizations a tool to assess and enhance empathic skills at the graduate and postgraduate levels. (kevinmd.com)
  • They also readily integrate the ability to have empathy for others. (psychologytoday.com)
  • Lesson plans scaffold the video conference with tips to encourage perspective taking and empathy building, and then wrap up with guided reflection activities in each classroom. (edutopia.org)
  • In psychology, there are currently two common approaches to empathy: shared emotional response and perspective taking. (edutopia.org)
  • Beginning with empathy requires users to take a step back and approach a problem from the perspective of others. (edweek.org)
  • The notion that empathy is not always a force for good was recently popularised by psychologist Paul Bloom at Yale University, with widely discussed pieces in popular media outlets like the New Yorker and the Boston Review as well as a recent book, Against Empathy. (bps.org.uk)
  • But in this excerpt from his book Against Empathy, Yale researcher and psychologist Paul Bloom argues that the opposite is true. (pcma.org)
  • In such situations, empathy is useful because, instead of rushing to judgement, we seek to understand what motivates others and how best to respond. (britishcouncil.org)
  • Considerable evidence supports the idea that empathic concern motivates helping directed toward reducing the empathy-inducing need,' says Batson. (bps.org.uk)
  • Recent studies published in the Creativity Research Journal reveal a connection between creativity and empathy, suggesting that constructing mental representations of others' minds is a crucial component of empathetic responses. (scoop.it)
  • Empathy is therefore a crucial element in helping to understand global conflicts as well as those within our own societies. (britishcouncil.org)
  • Studies on empathy show it to be crucial to quality healthcare and not just for patients. (medscape.com)
  • In this dialogue, Atticus is bestowing a crucial piece of advice, regarding empathy. (ipl.org)
  • A Korean study in the healthcare sector found that empathy improves patient satisfaction and compliance. (providesupport.com)
  • The project strives to reach deeper understanding of the working conditions within Swedish healthcare and how job satisfaction correlate with self-care, empathy fatigue and secondary trauma. (lu.se)
  • Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the most commonly heard words in sales thought leadership is "empathy. (forbes.com)
  • Last year, we coined the term "Chief Empathy Officer" to describe the new mandate for CEOs to act with empathy as the pandemic brought unprecedented global turmoil on businesses and the workforce. (edelman.com)
  • Sympathy is not a weakness-empathy does not represent a lack of strategy. (ifaw.org)
  • Awaken and master empathy, the most life-changing emotional intelligence skill. (soundstrue.com)
  • Despite the decline in empathy, things are being done to develop the skill in the classroom. (britishcouncil.org)
  • Thus my reaction to the headline that a new study indicated a doctor's empathy was important for the care of diabetic patients and that empathy should be considered an important skill for successful medical practice was predictable. (kevinmd.com)
  • But empathy, teaches Karla McLaren, is a universal human skill that we can all learn to awaken and use wisely. (soundstrue.com)
  • As our social landscape and ways of connecting continue to shift and evolve rapidly, empathy may be the most essential skill for navigating our emotional and interpersonal lives. (soundstrue.com)
  • And for several years now, the researchers David Kidd and Emanuele Castano have been tying reading to a specific outcome that many feel is woefully lacking in our political life: empathy. (chronicle.com)
  • We can feel empathy towards individuals and groups who are strangers, such as those we see on the news or read about in the papers. (britishcouncil.org)
  • Research has shown that we are more likely to feel empathy for those who are similar to us. (britishcouncil.org)
  • While it can feel challenging to find steps towards real change in this time, empathy, vulnerability, and personal relationships are necessary foundations of this work. (unc.edu)
  • Empathy is caring about the answer to the question, 'How would I feel if I were in her shoes? (babycenter.com)
  • Remote work has made this "delegated empathy" more important. (forbes.com)
  • Why is empathy important in environmental health communication? (cdc.gov)
  • Empathy requires that we connect with them and allows us to build a relationship with that person therefore empathy is also one of the most important forms of communication. (bartleby.com)
  • There is an evidence-based scientific foundation for studying empathy as an important factor in patients' health. (kevinmd.com)
  • Empathy for "the other" is also an important prerequisite for equal care. (lu.se)
  • A new learning tool from the US, Empatico , focuses on building empathy in students. (springwise.com)
  • Empathy, as this example suggests, is essential to forming and sustaining human relationships. (britishcouncil.org)
  • And then we connect with others through relationships, intimacy, empathy and dialogue. (unc.edu)
  • Helping them acquire the capacity for empathy is critical because it is key in maintaining close and healthy relationships. (psychologytoday.com)
  • The Art of Empathy provides us with the insights and training to master its many dimensions. (soundstrue.com)
  • He says that there is neuroscientific consensus that empathy occurs across at least 10 brain areas, with more to be discovered. (medicalnewstoday.com)
  • But, if no one sounds the alarm now, we can end up with a series of appointees with "empathy"- which is to say, with justices who think their job is to "relieve the distress" of particular groups, rather than to uphold the Constitution of the United States. (wnd.com)
  • Race matters on a neurological level when it comes to empathy for African-Americans in distress, according to a new study. (sciencedaily.com)
  • Kids will have the chance to explore their similarities and differences, expand their horizons, and strengthen their empathy muscles," explains Daniel Lubetzky, the entrepreneur and philanthropist who founded The Kind Foundation. (edutopia.org)
  • That's why we've published a practical guide to building, using, and deploying your empathy as an organizational superpower. (edelman.com)
  • This is a critical aspect in developing cooperation, competition and empathy skills, while it also lays the foundation for deception. (engadget.com)
  • Some of the earliest experiments were conducted in the 90s by the social psychologist C. Daniel Batson, one of the leaders of empathy research, and his colleagues. (bps.org.uk)
  • Mohammadreza Hojat, PhD, research professor of psychiatry and human behavior at the Asano-Gonnella Center for Research in Medical Education and Health Care at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, says that empirical research he and colleagues have done on empathy in health profession education and patient care over the past 20 years shows that empathic engagement in patient care is reciprocally beneficial for both clinicians and patients. (medscape.com)
  • When a child experiences empathy, he or she gains the capacity to have empathy. (psychologytoday.com)
  • Empathy: Why do we care? (medicalnewstoday.com)
  • MetLife, Inc. MET has recently teamed up with the holistic guidance and care provider for bereaved families, Empathy. (yahoo.com)
  • As a result, employees and their beneficiaries enrolled in life insurance can enjoy access to the bereavement care platform of Empathy through the Beneficiary Claims Concierge Services of MET. (yahoo.com)
  • Empathy also means that we care about each other. (bartleby.com)
  • Dr. Mohammodieza Hojat and a multidisciplinary team at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia have previously published 5 articles validating an objective and reproducible measure of empathy exhibited by physicians in the context of medical education and patient care. (kevinmd.com)
  • Communication and empathy skills among health care workers of an emergency department of a general hospital]. (bvsalud.org)
  • The health care team is not trained in communication skills, crisis intervention and empathy . (bvsalud.org)
  • Empathy and good communication are essential for users and family members to perceive health care as satisfactory and safe and to comply with indications. (bvsalud.org)
  • I have a slight sense of frustration that often do with NVC empathy circling of it being just a bit mono directional and never really getting off the space and into the guts of things. (google.com)
  • After sifting through numerous approaches to problem solving, I've found the design-thinking framework to be the most effective because it asks the user to begin with developing a sense of empathy. (edweek.org)
  • Using a new global education platform called Empatico , the two teachers recently started connecting their students for learning activities designed to foster empathy along with global awareness. (edutopia.org)