• Danger, G., Pascal, R., and Cottet, H. (2009) On-line sample stacking of peptides in capillary electrophoresis for the study of prebiotic reactions between alpha,alpha-dialkylated amino acids and amino acid N-carboxyanhydrides. (exobiologie.fr)
  • Evaluation of microextractions techniques and nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis. (usp.br)
  • In regard to the antigens (proteins) used in the HIV antibody tests you may like add that in the paper by Bess et al shows that "infected" and "non-infected" cultures have a qualitatively identical protein electrophoresis pattern. (sidasante.com)
  • Application of multivariate analysis techniques and isozyme electrophoresis in studies. (usp.br)
  • We develop an original mixed method associating i) study of the culturable bacterial community according to diverse antibiotics concentrations, and ii) taxonomic affiliation of resisting bacteria by 16S rRNA gene PCR-Temporal Temperature Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (TTGE) and sequencing. (umontpellier.fr)
  • L' cosyst me microbien a t explor par num ration et par extraction directe de l'ADN et PCR-Temporal Temperature Gradient Electrophoresis. (isara.fr)
  • L'électrophorèse ( Electrophoresis, كهرتهجير) est l'une des techniques de séparation et d'analyse utilisées en biochimie. (takween.com)
  • Analysis of the components of Lycopus europaeus L. in body fluids during metabolism studies comparison of capillary electrophoresis and high-performance liquid chromatography. (wikiphyto.org)