• Coan EV, Valentich-Scott P (2022) Replacement name for a Panamic bivalve (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Cyrenidae). (pensoft.net)
  • A Synoptical Classification of the Bivalvia (Mollusca). (wikimedia.org)
  • Shell morphometric relationships of the most common bivalve species (Mollusca: Bivalvia) of the Algarve coast (southern Portugal). (foliamalacologica.com)
  • About new records of rare species Donacilla (Mollusca, Bivalvia) and Ophelia bicornis in the Black Sea intertidal zone. (foliamalacologica.com)
  • Clams and Mussels (Mollusca: Bivalvia). (encyclopedia.com)
  • 2016, Thesis, Signature of Postglacial Colonization on Contemporary Genetic Structure and Diversity of Quadrula quadrula (Bivalvia: Unionidae). (cmich.edu)
  • The taxonomic term Bivalvia was first used by Linnaeus in the 10th edition of his Systema Naturae in 1758 to refer to animals having shells composed of two valves. (wikipedia.org)
  • Struktur Komunitas Gastropoda dan Bivalvia pada Ekosistem Mangrove di Gugus Pulau Pari, Kepulauan Seribu. (unibabwi.ac.id)
  • Substrat Dasar dan Parameter Oseanografi Sebagai Penentu Keberadaan Gastropoda dan Bivalvia di Pantai Sluke Kabupaten Rembang. (unibabwi.ac.id)
  • The larval density of the invasive mussel Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) was monitored from January 2005 to February 2006 at two points along the Paraná and the Iguaçu Rivers, near Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil. (edgehill.ac.uk)
  • A phylogenetic backbone for Bivalvia: An RNA-seq approach. (wikimedia.org)
  • Sulfur-oxidizing endosymbiosis in Divaricella quadrisulcata (Bivalvia : Lucinidae) : morphological, ultrastructural, and phylogenetic analysis. (univ-antilles.fr)
  • Bioekologi Kerang Kerk Gfariumtumidum Roding 1798 (Bivalvia : Veneridae) Diperairan Teluk Ambon Maluku. (unibabwi.ac.id)
  • Two New Species of Pratulum from the Lower Miocene of Chile: The First Records of Pratulum (Bivalvia, Cardiidae) from South America," Ameghiniana 57(5), 433-442, (31 October 2020). (bioone.org)
  • Collation of marine bivalvia records collected between 1848 and 1982 by taxonomic experts. (data.gov.uk)
  • Bivalvia (/baɪˈvælviə/), in previous centuries referred to as the Lamellibranchiata and Pelecypoda, is a class of marine and freshwater molluscs that have laterally compressed bodies enclosed by a shell consisting of two hinged parts. (wikipedia.org)
  • Total keseluruhan Bivalvia Mangrove yang diperoleh yaitu 628 individu, indek keanekaragaman di seluruh stasiun mempunyai rata-rata Hˊ= 1,66 dengan katagori sedang, sedangkan indeks dominansi di semua Stasiun mempunyai rata-rata C= 0,22. (unibabwi.ac.id)
  • Secara ekologis Bivalvia dikategorikan sebagai biota penting penyusun suatu ekosistem karena Bivalvia bersifat filter fideer sehingga Bivalvia mampu menyaring bahan-bahan organik yang ada di dalam perairan Penelitian dilakukan di Hutan Mangrove Pantai Bama Taman Nasional Baluran pada bulan Maret-September 2020 dengan metode Purposive sampling dan tehnik Pengambilan sampel dibagi menjadi 3 stasiun dengan jarak tiap stasiun 200 m dan dengan luas tiap stasiun 450 m 2 . (unibabwi.ac.id)
  • Massive polymorphism and natural selection in Donacilla cornea (Poli, 1791) (Bivalvia: Mesodesmatidae). (foliamalacologica.com)
  • Time for Bivalvia Mollusca! (thebeatcroft.com)
  • The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature has emended the spelling of the name Xylophagidae Purchon, 1941 (Mollusca, Bivalvia) to remove homonymy with Xylophagidae Fallén, 1810 (Insecta, Diptera). (bioone.org)
  • Opinion 2429 (Case 3717) - Xylophagidae Purchon, 1941 (Mollusca, Bivalvia): emended to Xylophagaidae to remove homonymy with Xylophagidae Fallén, 1810 (Insecta, Diptera)," The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 75(1), 297-299, (31 December 2018). (bioone.org)
  • Functional and annotated checklist of the continental molluscs (Mollusca: Gastropoda & Bivalvia) from Grand-Est (France). (mnhn.fr)
  • Bivalvia (/baɪˈvælviə/), in previous centuries referred to as the Lamellibranchiata and Pelecypoda, is a class of marine and freshwater molluscs that have laterally compressed bodies enclosed by a shell consisting of two hinged parts. (wikipedia.org)
  • Unionoidea er en overfamilie av større ferskvannsmuslinger (Unionoida) som inkluderer fire familier , hvorav to er utdødd . (wikipedia.org)
  • Differences between zoologists and palaeontologists over high-level bivalve taxonomy reflect the hitherto poorly understood early phylogeny of the class Bivalvia. (palass.org)
  • Population structure, growth, mortality and productivity of the wedge clam, Donax trunculus (Bivalvia, Donacidae), were investigated on high-density sandy beaches (0.5-2 m) west of the Marmara Sea between May 2011 and April 2012. (comu.edu.tr)
  • The taxonomic term Bivalvia was first used by Linnaeus in the 10th edition of his Systema Naturae in 1758 to refer to animals having shells composed of two valves. (wikipedia.org)