Morphological and histochemical changes in the regenerating vomeronasal epithelium. (33/321)

Receptor cell degeneration and regeneration within the vomeronasal organ (VNO) of the rat was studied using both electron microscopy and histochemical methods. Electron microscopy was employed to examine the morphological changes along the surface of the sensory epithelium, and histochemical markers were used to monitor the changes in the epithelial cell layers. Transection of the vomeronasal nerves induced selective degeneration of the receptor cells, and within six days, a significant decrease in the number of receptor cells was observed. During the subsequent stage of receptor cell regeneration, cilia and bud-like structures characteristic of a developing sensory epithelium were seen. By day 15, thin microvilli covering the surface of the receptor cells reappeared in the sensory epithelium. The neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) and two vomeronasal system-specific lectins; 1) Bandeiraea simplicifolia lectin (BSL-I) and 2) Vicia villosa agglutinin (VVA) were used as the histochemical markers. NCAM immunoreactivity on the surface of the epithelium was observed to be decreased significantly six days after nerve transection, and was restored during receptor cell regeneration (day 15). The reactivity of the two lectins, BSL-I and VVA, was decreased slightly during degeneration, but was still detectable at the time of maximum receptor cell degeneration (day 6). Lectin reactivity was restored to control levels by day 15. These findings suggest that (1) NCAM is a useful marker for vomeronasal receptor cells and that the vomeronasal system-specific lectins may bind to both receptor and supporting cells and (2) degeneration of vomeronasal receptor cells occurs during the first week (day 6) following nerve transection and the receptor cell population begins to recover within 15 days. The morphological changes observed during receptor cell regeneration suggest that the stages of VNO receptor cell regeneration are similar to those observed during development.  (+info)

Zonal organization of the mammalian main and accessory olfactory systems. (34/321)

Zonal organization is one of the characteristic features observed in both main and accessory olfactory systems. In the main olfactory system, most of the odorant receptors are classified into four groups according to their zonal expression patterns in the olfactory epithelium. Each group of odorant receptors is expressed by sensory neurons distributed within one of four circumscribed zones. Olfactory sensory neurons in a given zone of the epithelium project their axons to the glomeruli in a corresponding zone of the main olfactory bulb. Glomeruli in the same zone tend to represent similar odorant receptors having similar tuning specificity to odorants. Vomeronasal receptors (or pheromone receptors) are classified into two groups in the accessory olfactory system. Each group of receptors is expressed by vomeronasal sensory neurons in either the apical or basal zone of the vomeronasal epithelium. Sensory neurons in the apical zone project their axons to the rostral zone of the accessory olfactory bulb and form synaptic connections with mitral tufted cells belonging to the rostral zone. Signals originated from basal zone sensory neurons are sent to mitral tufted cells in the caudal zone of the accessory olfactory bulb. We discuss functional implications of the zonal organization in both main and accessory olfactory systems.  (+info)

The existence of the vomeronasal organ in postnatal chimpanzees and evidence for its homology with that of humans. (35/321)

It is currently thought that New World monkeys, prosimians, and humans are the only primates to possess vomeronasal organs (VNOs) as adults. Recent studies of the human VNO suggest that previous investigations on Old World primates may have missed the VNO. We examined nasal septa from the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) grossly and histologically for comparison with nasal septa from humans, Old World monkeys (Macaca fascicularis, M. nemistrina) and prosimian primates (Microcebus murinus, Otolemur garnettii). Grossly, chimpanzees had depressions on the nasal septum similar to fossae reported anterior to the VNO openings in humans. Histologically, chimpanzees and humans had bilateral epithelial tubes which were above the superior margin of the paraseptal cartilages (vomeronasal cartilage homologue). The epithelial tubes had a homogeneous ciliated epithelium. These structures were thus positionally and structurally identical to the human VNO and unlike the well-developed prosimian VNOs which were surrounded by vomeronasal cartilage. Macaques had no structures which resembled the VNO of either the prosimians or humans. The results demonstrate that the VNO is present postnatally in the chimpanzee and is almost identical to the human VNO in its anatomical position and histological structure. This in turn suggests that the reported absence of the VNO in at least some adult Old World primates is artifactual, and that further study may provide evidence for its existence in other species.  (+info)

A role for the EphA family in the topographic targeting of vomeronasal axons. (36/321)

We have investigated the role of the Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases and their ligands in the establishment of the vomeronasal projection in the mouse. Our data show intriguing differential expression patterns of ephrin-A5 on vomeronasal axons and of EphA6 in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB), such that axons with high ligand concentration project onto regions of the AOB with high receptor concentration and vice versa. These data suggest a mechanism for development of this projection that is the opposite of the repellent interaction between Eph receptors and ligands observed in other systems. In support of this idea, when given the choice of whether to grow on lanes containing EphA-F(c)/laminin or F(c)/laminin protein (in the stripe assay), vomeronasal axons prefer to grow on EphA-F(c)/laminin. Analysis of ephrin-A5 mutant mice revealed a disturbance of the topographic targeting of vomeronasal axons to the AOB. In summary, these data, which are derived from in vitro and in vivo experiments, indicate an important role of the EphA family in setting up the vomeronasal projection.  (+info)

Immunocytochemical study of G(i)2alpha and G(o)alpha on the epithelium surface of the rat vomeronasal organ. (37/321)

To investigate in detail the distribution of G protein subtypes G(i)2alpha and G(o)alpha along the surface of the vomeronasal epithelium, we used double labeling immunocytochemical methods and electron microscopy. We examined the immunoreactivity of these surface structures with antibodies against G(i)2alpha and G(o)alpha. G(i)2alpha- and G(o)alpha-positive cells were observed at the epithelial surface and were evenly distributed. Electron microscopy revealed that strong immunoreactivities to both antibodies were observed on the microvilli and knob-like surface structures of receptor cells. No immunoreactivity was found on the microvilli or surface membranes of supporting cells. This expression pattern is similar to that reported for putative pheromone receptors. These data confirm that there are two distinct classes of vomeronasal receptor cells expressed at the surface of the epithelium. These two classes of receptors correspond to the same G(i)2alpha- and G(o)alpha-positive cells distributed in cell body layers of the epithelium and in the axon terminals in the accessory olfactory bulb.  (+info)

Sexual dimorphism and developmental expression of signal-transduction machinery in the vomeronasal organ. (38/321)

We have explored the use of a new model to study the transduction of chemosignals in the vomeronasal organ (VNO), for which the functional pathway for chemical communication is incompletely understood. Because putative vomeronasal receptors in mammalian and other vertebrate models belong to the superfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors, the objective of the present study was to define which G-protein subunits were present in the VNO of Sternotherus odoratus (stinkpot or musk turtle) in order to provide directionality for future functional studies of the downstream signaling cascades. The turtle vomeronasal epithelium (VNE) was found to contain the G-proteins G(beta) and G(alphail-3) at the microvillar layer, the presumed site of signal tranduction in these neurons, as evidenced by immunocytochemical techniques. G(alphao) labeled the axon bundles in the VNE and the somata of the vomeronasal sensory neurons but not the microvillar layer. Densitometric analysis of Western blots indicated that the VNO from females contained greater concentrations of G(alphai1-3) compared with males. Sexually immature (juvenile) turtles showed intense immunolabeling for all three subunits (G(beta), G(alphai1-3), and G(alphao)) in the axon bundles and an absence of labeling in the microvillar layer. Another putative signaling component found in the microvilli of mammalian VNO, transient receptor potential channel, was also immunoreactive in S. odoratus in a gender-specific manner, as quantified by Western blot analysis. These data demonstrate the utility of Sternotherus for discerning the functional signal transduction machinery in the VNO and may suggest that gender and developmental differences in effector proteins or cellular signaling components may be used to activate sex-specific behaviors.  (+info)

Human vomeronasal organ function: a critical review of best and worst cases. (39/321)

The human vomeronasal organ (VNO) has been the subject of some interest in the scientific literature and of considerable speculation in the popular science literature. A function for the human VNO has been both dismissed with ridicule and averred with conviction. This question of VNO function has been needlessly tied to the separate question of whether there is any place for pheromone communication among humans, a topic that is itself bogged down in conflicting definitions. This review is an attempt to weigh the evidence for and against human VNO function, to deconvolve that question from the question of pheromone communication and finally to provide a working definition of 'pheromone'. Further experimental work is required to resolve the conflicting evidence for and against human VNO function but chemical communication does appear to occur among humans. However, several examples reported in the literature do not meet the proposed definition for communication by pheromones: 'chemical substances released by one member of a species as communication with another member, to their mutual benefit'.  (+info)

Vomeronasal epithelial cells of human fetuses contain immunoreactivity for G proteins, Go(alpha) and Gi(alpha 2). (40/321)

Two G protein subfamilies, Go(alpha) and Gi(alpha 2), were identified and localized immunohistochemically in the vomeronasal organ (VNO) of 5-month-old human fetuses. Immunoreactivity for Go(alpha) and Gi(alpha 2) was present in a subset of vomeronasal epithelial cells. Prominent immunoreactivity was observed in apical processes and their apical terminals facing onto the vomeronasal lumen. Nerve fibers associated with the VNO exhibited intense immunoreactivity for Go(alpha) and weak immunoreactivity for Gi(alpha 2). Since Go(alpha) and Gi(alpha 2) are characteristically expressed and coupled with putative pheromone receptors in rodent vomeronasal receptor neurons, the present results suggest the possibility that vomeronasal epithelial cells containing Go(alpha) and Gi(alpha 2) in human fetuses are chemosensory neurons.  (+info)