Regulation of odor receptor genes in trichoid sensilla of the Drosophila antenna. (1/62)


Nymphs of the common bed bug (Cimex lectularius) produce anti-aphrodisiac defence against conspecific males. (2/62)


Disruption of olfactory receptor neuron patterning in Scutoid mutant Drosophila. (3/62)


Mixture interactions in moth olfactory physiology: examining the effects of odorant mixture, concentration, distal stimulation, and antennal nerve transection on sensillar responses. (4/62)


Response properties of crayfish antennules to hydrodynamic stimuli: functional differences in the lateral and medial flagella. (5/62)


Influence of fungal odor on grooming behavior of the termite, Coptotermes formosanus. (6/62)


Acid sensing by the Drosophila olfactory system. (7/62)


The extremely long-tongued neotropical butterfly Eurybia lycisca (Riodinidae): proboscis morphology and flower handling. (8/62)
