India takes an open source approach to drug discovery. (41/96)


You wrote it; you own it! (42/96)


Creating a clinical video-conferencing facility in a security-constrained environment using open-source AccessGrid software and consumer hardware. (43/96)

The Department of Laboratory Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) has been split into widely separated facilities, leading to much time being spent traveling between facilities for meetings. We installed an open-source AccessGrid multi-media-conferencing system using (largely) consumer-grade equipment, connecting 6 sites at 5 separate facilities. The system was accepted rapidly and enthusiastically, and was inexpensive compared to alternative approaches. Security was addressed by aspects of the AG software and by local network administrative practices. The chief obstacles to deployment arose from security restrictions imposed by multiple independent network administration regimes, requiring a drastically reduced list of network ports employed by AG components.  (+info)

Academic patents and access to medicines in developing countries. (44/96)


How can we improve the translational landscape for a faster cure of type 1 diabetes? (45/96)

Translation of novel therapies for type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases to the clinic has been slow despite significant new initiatives from funding agencies. One reason for this is that different incentives drive industry, academia, and funding bodies. These communities therefore lack common goals and often communicate poorly, resulting in unintended obstacles that hamper progress in efficiently translating basic scientific discoveries into medical practice. Here, based on our own personal experiences, we discuss some of the drivers within each community that cause these problems, existing mechanisms to facilitate the translation of science into medical practice, and remaining issues that need to be solved.  (+info)

Security and privacy requirements for a multi-institutional cancer research data grid: an interview-based study. (46/96)


A trade agreement's impact on access to generic drugs. (47/96)


Is it time to reexamine the patent system's role in spending growth? (48/96)
