Vertebrate isoforms of actin capping protein beta have distinct functions In vivo. (33/3329)

Actin capping protein (CP) binds barbed ends of actin filaments to regulate actin assembly. CP is an alpha/beta heterodimer. Vertebrates have conserved isoforms of each subunit. Muscle cells contain two beta isoforms. beta1 is at the Z-line; beta2 is at the intercalated disc and cell periphery in general. To investigate the functions of the isoforms, we replaced one isoform with another using expression in hearts of transgenic mice. Mice expressing beta2 had a severe phenotype with juvenile lethality. Myofibril architecture was severely disrupted. The beta2 did not localize to the Z-line. Therefore, beta1 has a distinct function that includes interactions at the Z-line. Mice expressing beta1 showed altered morphology of the intercalated disc, without the lethality or myofibril disruption of the beta2-expressing mice. The in vivo function of CP is presumed to involve binding barbed ends of actin filaments. To test this hypothesis, we expressed a beta1 mutant that poorly binds actin. These mice showed both myofibril disruption and intercalated disc remodeling, as predicted. Therefore, CPbeta1 and CPbeta2 each have a distinct function that cannot be provided by the other isoform. CPbeta1 attaches actin filaments to the Z-line, and CPbeta2 organizes the actin at the intercalated discs.  (+info)

The genetic analysis of age-dependent traits: modeling the character process. (34/3329)

The extension of classical quantitative genetics to deal with function-valued characters (also called infinite-dimensional characters) such as growth curves, mortality curves, and reaction norms, was begun by Kirkpatrick and co-workers. In this theory, the analogs of variance components for single traits are covariance functions for function-valued traits. In the approach presented here, we employ a variety of parametric models for covariance functions that have a number of desirable properties: the functions (1) are positive definite, (2) can be estimated using procedures like those currently used for single traits, (3) have a small number of parameters, and (4) allow simple hypotheses to be easily tested. The methods are illustrated using data from a large experiment that examined the effects of spontaneous mutations on age-specific mortality rates in Drosophila melanogaster. Our methods are shown to work better than a standard multivariate analysis, which assumes the character value at each age is a distinct character. Advantages over existing methods that model covariance functions as a series of orthogonal polynomials are discussed.  (+info)

Extracellular matrix-associated protein Sc1 is not essential for mouse development. (35/3329)

Sc1 is an extracellular matrix-associated protein whose function is unknown. During early embryonic development, Sc1 is widely expressed, and from embryonic day 12 (E12), Sc1 is expressed primarily in the developing nervous system. This switch in Sc1 expression at E12 suggests an importance for nervous-system development. To gain insight into Sc1 function, we used gene targeting to inactivate mouse Sc1. The Sc1-null mice showed no obvious deficits in any organs. These mice were born at the expected ratios, were fertile, and had no obvious histological abnormalities, and their long-term survival did not differ from littermate controls. Therefore, the function of Sc1 during development is not critical or, in its absence, is subserved by another protein.  (+info)

Life span of Japanese male medical doctors. (36/3329)

There have been few reports with regard to the life spans of medical doctors. The status of the medical doctors graduating from 1926 to 1974, alive or dead as of October 1996, was ascertained on the basis of the list of graduates from the School of Medicine, Hokkaido University. Excluding data on female doctors and those who died in battle during World War II, data on a total of 3,982 doctors were available for study. Their mortality as of October 1996 decreased in parallel with the graduation year. Their mean future life span at graduation was estimated to be about 52.88 years (95% CI, 52.45-53.31) through linear regression (r = 0.992). Their mean age at graduation was 25.17 years. This was not different from the future life expectancy at 25 years of age of the general population (52.35 years). The future life span of surgeons and gynecologists-obstetricians was shorter than that of the doctors of basic medical sciences and internal medicine. This difference might be accounted for by factors peculiar to each speciality (e.g., exposure to blood) or by the degree of stress from work.  (+info)

A delayed wave of death from reproduction in Drosophila. (37/3329)

Mortality rates typically increase rapidly at the onset of aging but can decelerate at later ages. Reproduction increases the death rate in many organisms. To test the idea that a delayed impact of earlier reproduction contributes to both an increase in death rates and a later deceleration in mortality, the timing of the surplus mortality produced by an increased level of egg production was measured in female Drosophila. Reproduction produced a delayed wave of mortality, coincident with the sharp increase in death rates at the onset of aging and the subsequent deceleration of mortality. These results suggest that aging has evolved primarily because of the damaging effects of reproduction earlier in life, rather than because of mutations that have detrimental effects only at late ages.  (+info)

Longitudinal determination of skin collagen glycation and glycoxidation rates predicts early death in C57BL/6NNIA mice. (38/3329)

In 1988, the National Institute on Aging launched a 10-year program aimed at identification of biomarkers of aging. Previous results from our laboratory showed that pentosidine, an advanced glycation product, formed in skin collagen at a rate inversely related to maximum life span across several mammalian species. As part of the Biomarkers Program, we investigated the hypothesis that longitudinal determination of glycation and glycoxidation rates in skin collagen could predict longevities in ad libitum-fed (AL) and caloric restricted (CR) mice. C57BL/6NNia male mice were biopsied at age 20 months and at natural death. Glycation (furosine method) was assessed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and the glycoxidation products carboxymethyllysine (CML) and pentosidine were determined by GC/MS and HPLC, respectively. CR vs. AL significantly (P<0.0001) increased both mean (34 vs. 27 months) and maximum (47 vs. 31 months) life spans. Skin collagen levels of furosine (pmol/micromol lysine) were approximately 2.5-fold greater than CML levels and 100-fold greater than pentosidine. Individual accumulation rates modeled as linear equations were significantly (P<0.001) inhibited by CR vs. AL for all parameters and in all cases varied inversely with longevity (P<0.1 to <0.0001). The incidence of three tissue pathologies (lymphoma, dermatitis, and seminal vesiculitis) was found to be attenuated by CR and the latter pathology correlated significantly with longevities (r=0.54, P=0. 002). The finding that markers of skin collagen glycation and glycoxidation rates can predict early deaths in AL and CR C57BL/6NNia mice strongly suggests that an age-related deterioration in glucose tolerance is a life span-determining process.  (+info)

Genotype-environment interaction for quantitative trait loci affecting life span in Drosophila melanogaster. (39/3329)

The nature of genetic variation for Drosophila longevity in a population of recombinant inbred lines was investigated by estimating quantitative genetic parameters and mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) for adult life span in five environments: standard culture conditions, high and low temperature, and heat-shock and starvation stress. There was highly significant genetic variation for life span within each sex and environment. In the analysis of variance of life span pooled over sexes and environments, however, the significant genetic variation appeared in the genotype x sex and genotype x environment interaction terms. The genetic correlation of longevity across the sexes and environments was not significantly different from zero in these lines. We estimated map positions and effects of QTL affecting life span by linkage to highly polymorphic roo transposable element markers, using a multiple-trait composite interval mapping procedure. A minimum of 17 QTL were detected; all were sex and/or environment-specific. Ten of the QTL had sexually antagonistic or antagonistic pleiotropic effects in different environments. These data provide support for the pleiotropy theory of senescence and the hypothesis that variation for longevity might be maintained by opposing selection pressures in males and females and variable environments. Further work is necessary to assess the generality of these results, using different strains, to determine heterozygous effects and to map the life span QTL to the level of genetic loci.  (+info)

Adaptive role of caloric intake on the degenerative disease processes. (40/3329)

Carcinogenicity and aging are characterized by a set of complex endpoints, which appear as a series of molecular events. Many of these events can be modified by caloric intake. Since most of these processes determine an organism's ability to cope with various environmental stressors, it is not surprising that a relationship (in the presence of a constant nutrient density) exists between caloric intake and time-to-tumor and/or life span. Our studies have clearly shown that generally, the greater the caloric intake, the greater the body weight, the higher the incidence of spontaneous tumor occurrence, the greater the susceptibility to chemical carcinogens, and the shorter the life span. It is also recognized that variables other than body weight influence the life span and carcinogenesis. We have focused our attention on the questions of how and to what extent caloric intake modifies those homeostatic processes believed to be critical in determining the ability of an organism to cope with endogenous and exogenous stresses such as chemical, physical, and biological carcinogens. The response of an organism to its environment can be divided into four categories--physiological, metabolic, molecular, and cellular. We have found that, from a physiological perspective, decreasing caloric intake causes body temperature in rodents to be decreased by 0.5 to 1.8 degrees C and water consumption to be increased by 80%, as is running activity. However, metabolic output per gram of lean body mass is not altered. Reproductive capacity declines, whereas the ECG waveform is preserved as caloric intake decreases. Alterations in these and other physiological functions suggests that energy intake serves as a signal to up-regulate or down-regulate functions related to the flight-or-fight response observed in placental mammals. A number of key metabolic pathways are altered as a function of lowered caloric intake, even though the rate of food consumption per gram of lean body mass remains steady during body weight decreases caused by decreasing caloric intake. Pharmacological compartmentalization, however, is altered. As caloric intake declines, changes occur in the expression of a number of drug-metabolizing enzymes, with the most striking effect seen in sex-specific growth hormones and liver-dependent phase I and phase II enzymes. Additionally, oxidative stress (free-radical and mediated damage to macromolecules) appears to decrease as a function of reduced caloric intake. A number of molecular processes also change with changes in energy consumption. Our studies have shown that, regardless of the source and nature of DNA damage, DNA repair is better preserved and/or enhanced when caloric consumption decreases. In addition, the fidelity of DNA replication increases and oncogene expression is stabilized, P53 gene expression is increased, and apoptosis is elevated by up to 500% with decreased caloric intake. At the cellular level, cell proliferation is decreased in direct proportion to lower energy intake in some but not all tissues. Studies have also shown an enhancement in immune capacity, changes in IGF1, and accelerated rates of wound healing proportionate to declines in energy consumption. Our most recent findings, however, have shown that the benefits associated with decreases in caloric intake only occur in the presence of sufficient nutrient quality and density. In the absence of proper nutrition, however, sensitivity to carcinogens and toxic substances appears to be enhanced. These findings are supported by independent studies. These observations have led us to conclude that, in certain organisms, when caloric intake is decreased, there is an up-regulation of those processes that modulate the responses to a wide range of environmental stressors. This response allows for a better survival rate and a down-regulation of reproductive activity. It is our belief that, during periods of environmental stress, these systems may be essential to perpetu  (+info)