Post partum diastasis of the pubic symphysis: a case report. (1/8)

The post partum pubic symphysis diastasis is an uncommon disease. It is resposible of acute pelvic pain. It increases when manual pressure is applied to the pelvis in a latero-lateral and antero-posterior direction. The diagnostic test for this condition is an anteroposterior X-ray of the pelvis. Here we present a case following spontaneous vaginal delivery. The conservative treatment is able to obtain good results. If this disease is underestimated the patient can develop chronic pain.  (+info)

Genetic analysis of Hedgehog signaling in ventral body wall development and the onset of omphalocele formation. (2/8)


Biomechanical analysis of a transiliac internal fixator. (3/8)


Management outcomes in pubic diastasis: our experience with 19 patients. (4/8)


Isolated anterior unilateral sacroiliac dislocation without pubic arch disjunction. (5/8)


Radiographic changes of implant failure after plating for pubic symphysis diastasis: an underappreciated reality? (6/8)


Is fixation failure after plate fixation of the symphysis pubis clinically important? (7/8)


Spontaneous urinary voiding of metallic screws in a patient with symphyseal plating for type II pelvic ring disruption. (8/8)

With rapid advancement in surgical techniques and improvement in implant materials, rate of internal fixation for pubic symphyseal disruption in rotationally and vertically unstable pelvic ring injuries has increased. Among various modes of implant failure, screw/plate breakage and loosening are common complications following unstable fixation. Migration of loose screws into the urinary bladder has been reported as an extremely uncommon complication of pubic symphyseal plating. Here we present a case report of a 52-year-old female who presented with asymptomatic passage of screws in her urine following migration into the bladder, 2 years after symphyseal plating for pubic diastasis in an anteroposterior compression pelvic ring injury.  (+info)