The Janus kinase, Tyk2, plays a pivotal role in controlling the expression of genes involved in immune responses, cell transformation and maintaining homeostasi...
Involved in intracellular signal transduction by amplifying type I and type II IFN signaling. Phosphorylates the interferon-alpha/beta receptor alpha chain. Plays an essential role in promoting selective immune responses, including innate host defense mechanisms and specific antiviral activities.
Billing Admins are responsible for the billing management of the Tyk Cloud account. Organisation Admins, Team Admins and Team Members are responsible for managing the Tyk Cloud organisation hierarchy and deploying/managing stacks, as well as having access to the Tyk Dashboard to manage APIs. Users of Tyk Cloud are usually DevOps, Architects and sometimes Engineers or Managers.. You can add users to the Tyk Dashboard itself instead of inviting them as Tyk Cloud users. These users would likely be your API Developers and Engineers who manage the APIs.. ...
TY - JOUR. T1 - Lack of association between tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to SLE in a Japanese population. AU - Kyogoku, Chieko. AU - Morinobu, Akio. AU - Nishimura, Kunihiro. AU - Sugiyama, Daisuke. AU - Hashimoto, Hiroshi. AU - Tokano, Yoshiaki. AU - Mimori, Tsuneyo. AU - Terao, Chikashi. AU - Matsuda, Fumihiko. AU - Kuno, Takayoshi. AU - Kumagai, Shunichi. PY - 2009/5/14. Y1 - 2009/5/14. N2 - Tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) is a type I interferon (IFN) signaling pathway gene and was previously reported to be a risk factor for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Caucasian populations. In order to test for its genetic association with SLE in a Japanese population, TYK2 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs2304256, rs12720270 and rs280519, were genotyped. A case - control association study was performed in a total of 411 Japanese SLE patients and 467 healthy controls. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) among TYK2 SNPs was examined. According to the data from 94 healthy ...
TYK2 - TYK2 (untagged)-Kinase deficient mutant (K930M) of Human tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) available for purchase from OriGene - Your Gene Company.
Thousands of genetic variants have been identified, which contribute to the development of complex diseases, but determining how to elucidate their biological consequences for translation into clinical benefit is challenging. Conflicting evidence regarding the functional impact of genetic variants in the tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) gene, which is differentially associated with common autoimmune diseases, currently obscures the potential of TYK2 as a therapeutic target. We aimed to resolve this conflict by performing genetic meta-analysis across disorders; subsequent molecular, cellular, in vivo, and structural functional follow-up; and epidemiological studies. Our data revealed a protective homozygous effect that defined a signaling optimum between autoimmunity and immunodeficiency and identified TYK2 as a potential drug target for certain common autoimmune disorders.
Cells and virus preparation. Transformed fetal liver cells, bone marrow cells, and tumor-derived cell lines were maintained in RPMI medium containing 10% FCS, 100 U/ml penicillin/streptomycin, and 5 μM β-mercaptoethanol. A010 cells that produce an ecotropic replication-deficient form of the Abelson virus were maintained in DMEM containing 10% FCS and 100 U/ml penicillin/streptomycin. Viral supernatant was prepared as previously described (49).. Mice and infection of neonatal mice with A-MuLV. TYK2-/- mice were described previously (25) and were backcrossed to C57BL/6 for 8 generations. Nude mice were purchased from the Institut für Labortierkunde und Genetik (Himberg, Austria).. For the infection of newborn animals, TYK2+/- were bred with TYK2-/- animals. Hence, every litter contained TYK2+/- and TYK2-/- animals to ensure appropriate controls. We initially started the in vivo transformation experiments by intercrossing TYK2+/- and TYK2+/- mice and analyzed leukemia/lymphoma formation in all 3 ...
Signal transducer and transcription activator that mediates cellular responses to interferons (IFNs), cytokine KITLG/SCF and other cytokines and other growth factors. Following type I IFN (IFN-alpha and IFN-beta) binding to cell surface receptors, signaling via protein kinases leads to activation of Jak kinases (TYK2 and JAK1) and to tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT1 and STAT2. The phosphorylated STATs dimerize and associate with ISGF3G/IRF-9 to form a complex termed ISGF3 transcription factor, that enters the nucleus. ISGF3 binds to the IFN stimulated response element (ISRE) to activate the transcription of IFN-stimulated genes (ISG), which drive the cell in an antiviral state. In response to type II IFN (IFN-gamma), STAT1 is tyrosine- and serine-phosphorylated. It then forms a homodimer termed IFN-gamma-activated factor (GAF), migrates into the nucleus and binds to the IFN gamma activated sequence (GAS) to drive the expression of the target genes, inducing a cellular antiviral state. Becomes ...
Signal transducer and activator of transcription 1-alpha/beta; Signal transducer and transcription activator that mediates cellular responses to interferons (IFNs), cytokine KITLG/SCF and other cytokines and other growth factors. Following type I IFN (IFN-alpha and IFN-beta) binding to cell surface receptors, signaling via protein kinases leads to activation of Jak kinases (TYK2 and JAK1) and to tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT1 and STAT2. The phosphorylated STATs dimerize and associate with ISGF3G/IRF-9 to form a complex termed ISGF3 transcription factor, that enters the nucleus. ISGF ...
TYK2 is a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase involved in adaptive and innate immune responses. A deactivating coding variant has previously been shown to prevent receptor-stimulated activation of this kinase and provides high protection from several common autoimmune diseases but without immunodeficiency. An agent that recapitulates the phenotype of this deactivating coding variant may therefore represent an important advancement in the treatment of autoimmunity. BMS-986165 is a potent oral agent that similarly blocks receptor-stimulated activation of TYK2 allosterically and with high selectivity and potency afforded through optimized binding to a regulatory domain of the protein. Signaling and functional responses in human TH17, TH1, B cells, and myeloid cells integral to autoimmunity were blocked by BMS-986165, both in vitro and in vivo in a phase 1 clinical trial. BMS-986165 demonstrated robust efficacy, consistent with blockade of multiple autoimmune pathways, in murine models of lupus nephritis ...
Tyk2 - Model 12647 - cKO - The targeting vector has been generated using C57BL/6J DNA and transfected into TaconicArtemis C57BL/6N Tac ES cell line.
Reactome is pathway database which provides intuitive bioinformatics tools for the visualisation, interpretation and analysis of pathway knowledge.
lydia: ilek lah....klak mun ko dh jdi cekgu sekda org tyk pointer ko time kat ngga cara ko ngajar , berkesan ka sik, bukn teori jk penting ...
lydia: ilek lah....klak mun ko dh jdi cekgu sekda org tyk pointer ko time kat ngga cara ko ngajar , berkesan ka sik, bukn teori jk penting ...
TYK2 antibody (tyrosine kinase 2) for ELISA, WB. Anti-TYK2 pAb (GTX31515) is tested in Human, Mouse, Rat samples. 100% Ab-Assurance.
Napriek tomu že sa Ostarine nedá porovnať s objemovými steroidmi jeho účinky sú viditeľné a efektívne. Ostarine je skvelý pre tých ktorý majú pauzu od brania rôznych anabolík ale zároveň sa chcú zbaviť telesného tuku. Čo sa tyká znižovania kalórii za účelom znížiť T3, IGF Ostarine pôsobí na vaše androgénne receptory a znižuje hladiny estrogénu a kortizolu čím sa hladina testosterónu prirodzene zvýši čo zabraňuje katabolizmu. Ak užívate Ostarine počas diéty dodá Vám silu a zlepší výkonnosť na tréningoch pri čom nepotláča Váš sexuálny apetít ...
Chairman and CEOs Statement. This year, in line with our stated strategy, we have concentrated on advancing our three lead drug discovery programmes in order to maximise their value and make them attractive to potential licensors and commercial partners.. The CHK1 programme, in collaboration with CRT Pioneer Fund, is in its final preparations before submitting the Clinical Trial Applications for Phase 1 clinical trials. With positive preclinical results for the candidate both as a single agent and in combination with chemotherapy, two clinical trials applications are now expected be made in Q1 2016 and, if successful, trials should commence shortly thereafter.. We continue to make good progress with our TYK2 programme targeting autoimmune diseases, including psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. Further investigations, funded in part by the Innovate UK Biomedical Catalyst, will also be conducted on the efficacy of our lead molecules against certain cancers that require TYK2 signalling for ...
Januskinase-inhibitorer (JAK-inhibitorer eller jakinibs) hæmmer aktiviteten af en eller flere af januskinase-familiens enzymer (JAK1, JAK2, JAK3, TYK2) og påvirker derigennem den såkaldte JAK-STAT pathway. Disse JAK-inhibitorer har terapeutisk effekt ved behandlingen af kræftsygdomme og inflammatoriske sygdomme, fx reumatoid artritis. Effekten ved behandling af reumatoid artritis synes at være på niveau med den, man ser ved biologiske antireumatika. Patienter, der har svigtet på biologisk behandling, kan have effekt af baricitinib eller tofacitinib. JAK-inhibitorerne er internationalt godkendt til 2.-linjebehandling. Der foreligger endnu ikke vejledninger fra Medicinrådet. Det forventes, at anbefalingen fra Medicinerrådet bliver, at JAK-kinaserne benyttes som 3.-linjebehandling. Bivirkningerne er især infektioner og forhøjet kolesterol- og kreatinin-niveau. Der findes ingen langtidsstudier. ...
Toka setti on nimeltään The Midas Touch. Nää on nyt niitä hypetettyjä ovaalin muotoisia siveltimiä joita näkyy joka paikassa. Oon ite halunnut kokeillä näitä jo pidemmän aikaa, ja innoissani sit lähin testaamaan näitä ekana. Tän malliset sudit itsessään vaatii jo vähän erilaisen tekniikan kuin normaalit siveltimet, kädet kuitenkin joutuu olemaan vähän eri asennossa ja tuotteet levittyy eri tavalla. Kuitenkin pakko sanoa suoraan että en tykännyt lopputuloksesta mitä näillä sai aikaan, enkä usko että se johtuu tekniikasta. Meikkivoiteen levittäminen oli ihan mission impossible, eikä sitä voinut vaan jättää sen näköiseksi, oli pakko lähteä levittämään sitä uudelleen toisella sudilla koska näiden meikkivoidesudilla siitä tuli ihan epätasainen. Eyelinersudeista ja luomivärisudeista tykkäsin kyllä ihan sikana. Oli tosi helppoa levittää niillä meikkiä kun käden pystyi pitämään poissa silmien edestä ...
Rør chiafrø, hampefrø, kokosmælk, vaniljepulver, vand og blåbær godt sammen. Tilsæt mere vand, hvis grøden er for tyk. Lad den gerne trække i 15 minutter eller natten over på køl (så kan du lave din morgenmad klar om aftenen, hvis du skal ud ad døren i en fart næste morgen).. Drys eventuelt med gojibær inden servering.. Både chiafrø og hampefrø har et højt proteinindhold. Derudover indeholder hampefrø også alle de essentielle amino-syrer, har et højt E-vitaminindhold, er en god kilde til D-vitamin og indeholder 2-4 % af omega-fedtsyren GLA. Endelig er hampefrø rige på mineraler som magnesium og jern. Chiafrø er til gengæld en af de fødevarer, der er rigest på ome-ga-3-fedtsyrer og fibre.. Peanutpandekager. Lækre, sprøde crepes fyldt med protein. Kan spises med masser af forskellige lækre slags topping, alt efter hvad du har lyst til.. Giver cirka tre store pandekager. Det skal du bruge:. ...
Glomerular mesangial cells (MCs) are central to the pathogenesis of progressive glomeruli-associated renal diseases. However, molecular mechanisms underlying changes in MC functions still remain poorly understood. Here, we show that in MCs, the urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) induces, via its specific receptor (uPAR, CD87), upregulated expression of the complement anaphylatoxin C5a receptor (C5aR, CD88), and modulates C5a-dependent functional responses. This effect is mediated via the interaction of the uPA-specific receptor (uPAR, CD87) and gp130, a signal transducing subunit of the receptor complexes for the IL-6 cytokine family. The Janus kinase Tyk2 and the transcription factor Stat3 serve as downstream components in the signaling cascade resulting in upregulation of C5aR expression. In vivo, expression of C5aR and uPAR was increased in the mesangium of wild-type mice in a lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced model of inflammation, whereas in uPAR -/- animals C5aR expression remained ...
SWISS-MODEL Repository entry for A1TYK3 (RS3_MARHV), 30S ribosomal protein S3. Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus (strain ATCC 700491 / DSM 11845 / VT8)
As a member of the wwPDB, the RCSB PDB curates and annotates PDB data according to agreed upon standards. The RCSB PDB also provides a variety of tools and resources. Users can perform simple and advanced searches based on annotations relating to sequence, structure and function. These molecules are visualized, downloaded, and analyzed by users who range from students to specialized scientists.
IFNAR2 Associates with IFNAR1 to form the type I interferon receptor. Receptor for interferons alpha and beta. Involved in IFN-mediated STAT1, STAT2 and STAT3 activation. Isoform 1 and isoform 2 are directly involved in signal transduction due to their association with the TYR kinase, JAK1. Isoform 3 is a potent inhibitor of type I IFN receptor activity. Belongs to the type II cytokine receptor family. 3 isoforms of the human protein are produced by alternative splicing. Note: This description may include information from UniProtKB ...
Antibody Sampler Kit for studying IRF-9/JAK1/JAK1 (Tyr1034/Tyr1035) phosphate/Stat1/Stat1 (Tyr701) phosphate/Stat2/Stat2 (Tyr690) phosphate/Tyk2/Tyk2 (Tyr1054/Tyr1055) phosphate in the research area.
03); **represents significant difference between. group 1%FBS + 10 ng/ml TGF-β1′ and group 1%FBS (P = 0.044). Figure 6 The effects of TGF-β1 on expression levels of PKCα and p38 MAPK. BxPC3 cells were treated with 0.1, 1 and 10 ng/ml TGF-β1 for 10 min, 30 min and 24 h. Total cellular protein was extracted and subjected to western blotting analysis to detect expression of PKCα, phosphorylated-p38/total p38 MAPK and phosphorylated-ERK1/2/total ERK1/2. Bx represents BxPC3 cells and Bx/T represents the stably transfected BxPC3 cells with TGF-β1 plasmid. To determine whether the induced PKCα activity is Veliparib in vivo responsible for the TGF-β1-induced decrease in the sensitivity of BxPC3 cells to cisplatin, we treated the cells with a selective PKCα inhibitor, Gö6976, and assessed TGF-β1-induced drug resistance. We found that inhibition of PKCα. activity could partially reverse TGF-β1-induced drug resistance of BxPC3 cells to cisplatin RGFP966 solubility dmso (Figure 7). Figure ...
Lee, Amanda J. et al Inflammatory monocytes require type I interferon receptor signaling to activate NK cells via IL-18 during a mucosal viral infection. Journal of Experimental Medicine 214.4 (2017): 1153-1167. Web. 23 Feb. 2018. ...
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IFNAR1, PE, clone: MAR1-5A3, eBioscience™ 25μg; PE IFNAR1, PE, clone: MAR1-5A3, eBioscience™ Primary Antibodies IgY to Interferon
Shop Interferon alpha/beta receptor ELISA Kit, Recombinant Protein and Interferon alpha/beta receptor Antibody at MyBioSource. Custom ELISA Kit, Recombinant Protein and Antibody are available.
TY - JOUR. T1 - Allelic variation in the Tyk2 and EGF genes as potential genetic determinants of CNS repair. AU - Bieber, Allan J.. AU - Suwansrinon, Kanitta. AU - Kerkvliet, Jason. AU - Zhang, Weidong. AU - Pease, Larry R.. AU - Rodriguez, Moses. PY - 2010/2/15. Y1 - 2010/2/15. N2 - The potential for endogenous remyelination and axonal protection can be an important factor in determining disease outcome in demyelinating diseases like multiple sclerosis. In many multiple sclerosis (MS) patients CNS repair fails or is incomplete whereas in others the disease is accompanied by extensive repair of demyelinated lesions.We have described significant differences in the ability of two strains ofmice to repair CNS damage following Theilers virusinduced demyelination: FVB/NJ (FVB) mice repair damaged myelin spontaneously and completely,whereas B10.D1-H2q/SgJ (B10.Q)mice are deficient in the repair process. A QTL analysis was performed to identify genetic loci that differentially regulate CNS repair ...
Type I interferons (IFNs) are so-named as a result of they intrude with viral an infection in vertebrate cells. The research of mobile responses to type I IFNs led to the discovery of the JAK-STAT signaling pathway, which additionally governs the response to different cytokine households. We overview right here the end result of viral infections in mice and humans with engineered and inborn deficiencies, respectively, of (i) IFNAR1 or IFNAR2, selectively disrupting responses to type I IFNs, (ii) STAT1, STAT2, and IRF9, additionally impairing mobile responses to type II (for STAT1) and/or III (for STAT1, STAT2, IRF9) IFNs, and (iii) JAK1 and TYK2, additionally impairing mobile responses to cytokines aside from IFNs ...
Dôkazom bohatosti českej rock/metal scény je aj kapela DW8 z Jeseníka. Ich nový album Temná řeka zaujme hlavne gitarovými riffmi a výbornými textami. Nie len o ňom porozprával gitarista Róbert Bican.. Zdravím Róbert, ako by si charakterizoval váš nový album Temná řeka?. Robert Bican: Myslím, že by se dalo přirovnat k té řece. Místy dravý živel s hučícími splavy, místy nervózně tekoucí masa s nebezpečnými spodními proudy a místy poklidné zákoutí se stojatou vodou. A teď bez poetiky - prostě rockové album, jehož skladby jsou postavené na kytarových rifech, vícehlasých vokálech a českých textech.. Musím povedať, že čo sa tyká rifov tak tie sa vám podarili viac než na výbornú. Od kedy začali dané skladby vznikať?. Robert Bican: Jednotlivé skladby vznikaly v průběhu let 2010 - 2013. Skladby Díra a Srdce byly nachystané už na naše první demo, které vyšlo v roce 2011, ale bohužel se nevešly do nahrávacího plánu.. Okrem ...
A Contact a v rosi s trekking ker kp rgumiabroncsok cs cskateg ri ja. a Fut fel let tervez se a bionika alapelvein nyugszik. Az egys ges fut fel let biztos s gyors halad st biztos t az utakon. A flexibilis oldalb tyk k s a finom lamell k kiv l tapad st adnak a kanyarokban s a laza fel leteken. Az eg sz abroncskonstrukci t a mindenre kiterjed magas min s g teszi teljess . Az ultra-finom sz vetv z sszet tele cs kkenti a g rd l si ellen ll st, mik zben rz kelhet en k nyelmesebb ker kp roz st biztos t. Sz vets r s g: 180 Tpi. M retek: 622 - 28 / 32 / 37 / 42 / 47
Janus kinase (JAK) is a family of intracellular, nonreceptor tyrosine kinases that transduce cytokine-mediated signals via the JAK-STAT pathway. They were initially named just another kinase 1 and 2 (since they were just two of a large number of discoveries in a PCR-based screen of kinases,) but were ultimately published as Janus kinase. The name is taken from the two-faced Roman god of beginnings and endings, Janus, because the JAKs possess two near-identical phosphate-transferring domains. One domain exhibits the kinase activity, while the other negatively regulates the kinase activity of the first. The four JAK family members are: Janus kinase 1 (JAK1) Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) Janus kinase 3 (JAK3) Tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) Transgenic mice that do not express JAK1 have defective responses to some cytokines, such as interferon-gamma. JAK1 and JAK2 are involved in type II interferon (interferon-gamma) signalling, whereas JAK1 and TYK2 are involved in type I interferon signalling. Mice that do ...
Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT)3 has recently emerged as a key player in the development and pathogenesis of psoriasis and psoriatic-like inflammatory conditions. Indeed, STAT3 hyperactivation has been reported in virtually every cell type involved in disease initiation and maintenance, and this factor mediates the signal of most cytokines that are involved in disease pathogenesis, including the central Interleukin (IL)-23/IL-17/IL-22 axis. Despite the recent availability of effective biological agents (monoclonal antibodies) against IL-17 and IL-23, which have radically changed the current standard of disease management, the possibility of targeting either STAT3 itself or, even better, the family of upstream activators Janus kinases (JAK1, 2, 3, and TYK2) offers additional therapeutic options ...
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|p|CEP-33779, is a highly selective, orally active inhibitor of Janus kinase 2 (JAK2). When evaluate against the other members of the JAK family, CEP-33779 demonstrates varying degrees of selectivity from >40-fold versus JAK1 to >800-fold against TY
Previously, we have demonstrated that the IFN-I signaling molecules, IRF9 and STAT1, were required for the production of IgG autoantibodies in the pristane model and for the high expression levels of TLR7 and TLR9 following treatment with IFN-I in B cells [32]. Here, we describe the autoantibody profile and TLR-dependent B-cell response in SLE mice genetically deficient in the IFNAR2 chain of the IFNAR. Autoantibody profiling using autoantigen microarrays in combination with conventional techniques to confirm the array results revealed that, similar to the phenotype for IRF9-/- mice, pristane-treated IFNAR2-/- mice specifically lacked IgG autoantibodies directed against all of the major targets in the pristane model. These targets included components of the RNA-associated complexes Sm/RNP and RiboP as well as the DNA-associated autoantigens ssDNA and histones. B cells from IFNAR2-/- mice exhibited defects in the expression of TLR7 as well as in responses to TLR7 agonists in the absence of ...
TY - JOUR. T1 - Virus-Induced Unfolded Protein Response Attenuates Antiviral Defenses via Phosphorylation-Dependent Degradation of the Type I Interferon Receptor. AU - Liu, Jianghuai. AU - HuangFu, Wei Chun. AU - Kumar, K. G Suresh. AU - Qian, Juan. AU - Casey, James P.. AU - Hamanaka, Robert B.. AU - Grigoriadou, Christina. AU - Aldabe, Rafael. AU - Diehl, J. Alan. AU - Fuchs, Serge Y.. PY - 2009/1/22. Y1 - 2009/1/22. N2 - Phosphorylation-dependent ubiquitination and degradation of the IFNAR1 chain of the type I interferon (IFN) receptor is regulated by two different pathways, one of which is ligand independent. We report that this ligand-independent pathway is activated by inducers of unfolded protein responses (UPR), including viral infection, and that such activation requires the endoplasmic reticulum-resident protein kinase PERK. Upon viral infection, activation of this pathway promotes phosphorylation-dependent ubiquitination and degradation of IFNAR1, specifically inhibiting type I IFN ...
Wiki-Pi: a web resource for human protein-protein interactions. It shows genes and PPIs with information about pathways, protein-protein interactions (PPIs), Gene Ontology (GO) annotations including cellular localization, molecular function and biological process, drugs, diseases, genome-wide association studies (GWAS), GO enrichments, PDB ID, Uniprot ID, HPRD ID, and word cloud from pubmed abstracts.
The interferon-α/β receptor (IFNAR) is a receptor which binds type I interferons including interferon-α and -β. It is a heteromeric cell surface receptor composed of one chain with two subunits referred to as IFNAR1 and IFNAR2. Upon binding of type I IFNs, IFNAR activates the JAK-STAT signaling pathway. Interferon stimulation classically results in an anti-viral immune response. Type I IFNs share a common receptor consisting of two subunits, IFNAR1 and IFNAR2, which associate upon IFN binding. IFNAR2 is the major ligand binding component of the receptor complex, exhibiting nanomolar affinity to both IFNα and IFNβ subtypes. IFNAR1 and IFNAR2 belong to the class II helical cytokine receptor (hCR) family, which includes the receptor for type II IFN, tissue factor (TF), and IL10Rβ.. ...
For Incyte, XVIVO developed a chaptered animation program on the JAK signaling pathway. Janus kinases (JAK) are enzymes that mediate signaling of several important drivers of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs), other hematological malignancies, and inflammatory diseases. This animation focuses on four JAK enzymes: JAK1, 2, 3 and TYK2. Aberrant activation of the JAK-STAT pathway has been documented in a variety of cancers. This clip illustrates normal JAK pathway activation and the associated downstream signaling.. ...
A ubiquitously expressed heterodimeric receptor that is specific for both Interferon-alpha and Interferon-beta. It is composed of two subunits referred to as IFNAR1 and IFNAR2. The IFNAR2 subunit is believed to serve as the ligand-binding chain; however both chains are required for Signal Transduction. The Interferon alpha-beta receptor signals through the action of Janus Kinases such as the TYK2 Kinase ...
Izumi K, Mine K, Inoue Y, Teshima M, Ogawa S, Kai Y, Kurafuji T, Hirakawa K, Miyakawa D, Ikeda H, Inada A, Hara M, Yamada H, Akashi K, Niho Y, Ina K, Kobayashi T, Yoshikai Y, Anzai K, Yamashita T, Minagawa H, Fujimoto S, Kurisaki H, Shimoda K, Katsuta H, Nagafuchi S. Reduced Tyk2 gene expression in ß-cells due to natural mutation determines susceptibility to virus-induced diabetes. Nat Commun. 2015 Apr 07; 6:6748 ...
Chhatbar C, Detje CN, Grabski E, Borst K, Spanier J, Ghita L, Elliott DA, Costa Jordão MJ, Mueller N, Sutton J, Prajeeth CK, Gudi V, Klein MA, Prinz M, Bradke F, Stangel M*, Kalinke U*. Type I interferon receptor signaling of neurons and astrocytes regulates microglia activation during viral encephalitis. Cell Reports 2018;25:118-129. IF 8.032. Stangel M, Kuhlmann T, Matthews PM, Kilpatrick TJ. Achievements and obstacles for remyelinating therapies in multiple sclerosis. Nat Rev Neurol 2017;13:742-754. IF 19.819. Skripuletz T, Manzel A, Gropengießer K, Schäfer N, Gudi V, Singh V, Salinas Tejedor L, Jörg S, Hammer A, Voss E, Vulinovic F, Degen D, Wolf R, Lee D-H, Pul R, Moharregh-Khiabani D, Baumgärtner W, Gold R, Linker RA, Stangel M. Pivotal role of choline metabolites in remyelination. Brain 2015;138:398-413. IF 9.196. Bénardais K, Gudi V, Gai L, Neβler J, Singh V, Prajeeth CK, Skripuletz T, Stangel M. Long-term impact of neonatal inflammation on de- and remyelination in the central ...
Accepted name: non-specific protein-tyrosine kinase. Reaction: ATP + a [protein]-L-tyrosine = ADP + a [protein]-L-tyrosine phosphate. Other name(s): ABL; ABL1; ABL2; ABLL; ACK1; ACK2; AGMX1; ARG; ATK; ATP:protein-tyrosine O-phosphotransferase (ambiguous); BLK; Bmk; BMX; BRK; Brutons tyrosine kinase; Bsk; BTK; BTKL; CAKb; Cdgip; CHK; CSK; CTK; CYL; cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinase; EMT; ETK; Fadk; FAK; FAK2; FER; Fert1/2; FES; FGR; focal adhesion kinase; FPS; FRK; FYN; HCK; HCTK; HYL; IMD1; ITK; IYK; JAK1; JAK2; JAK3; Janus kinase 1; Janus kinase 2; Janus kinase 3; JTK1; JTK9; L-JAK; LCK; LSK; LYN; MATK; Ntk; p60c-src protein tyrosine kinase; PKB; protein-tyrosine kinase (ambiguous); PSCTK; PSCTK1; PSCTK2; PSCTK4; PSCTK5; PTK2; PTK2B; PTK6; PYK2; RAFTK; RAK; Rlk; Sik; SLK; SRC; SRC2; SRK; SRM; SRMS; STD; SYK; SYN; Tck; TEC; TNK1; Tsk; TXK; TYK2; TYK3; YES1; YK2; ZAP70. Systematic name: ATP:[protein]-L-tyrosine O-phosphotransferase (non-specific). Comments: Unlike EC, receptor ...
Filgotinib C21H23N5O3S MW425.504 Elemental Analysis: C, 59.28; H, 5.45; N, 16.46; O, 11.28; S, 7.54 1206161-97-8 Cyclopropanecarboxamide, N-[5-[4-[(1,1-dioxido-4-thiomorpholinyl)methyl]phenyl][1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyridin-2-yl]- G146034 GLPG0634 N-(5-(4-((1,1-dioxidothiomorpholino)methyl)phenyl)-[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyridin-2-yl)cyclopropanecarboxamide Galapagos Nv INNOVATOR PHASE 3, Crohns disease, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ulcerative colitis Filgotinib is an orally available inhibitor of JAK1/JAK2 and TYK2 in phase III clinical development at Galapagos and Gilead for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, moderate…