Invitrogen™ eBioscience™ Human TSP-1 Platinum ELISA Kit 10 x 96 tests Invitrogen™ eBioscience™ Human TSP-1 Platinum ELISA Kit T-U...
Castration experiments in rodents show that the stromal vasculature is critical to the androgen-mediated prostate growth regulation. However, the role of angiogenesis inhibitors, such as thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1), in this process is unclear. TSP-1 is a multifunctional glycoprotein that can function as a potent angiogenesis inhibitor and an in vivo activator of latent transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) in some tissues. On the basis of these observations, we hypothesized that TSP-1 regulated androgen withdrawal-induced prostate regression and that this process was mediated not only through antiangiogenic activity but also through TGF-beta activation. To test this, we evaluated angiogenic activity in human prostate epithelial and stromal cells treated with androgens and hypoxia in vitro. TSP-1 knockout mice were characterized to investigate the in vivo functions of TSP-1. In vitro, we found that androgens and hypoxia differentially regulated TSP-1 and angiogenic activity. Androgens ...
ABT-510 is synthetic peptide that mimics the anti-angiogenic activity of the endogenous protein thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1). ABT-510 inhibits the actions of several pro-angiogenic growth factors important to tumor neovascularization; these pro-angiogenic growth factors include vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF)), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and interleukin 8 (IL-8). Check for active clinical trials or closed clinical trials using this agent.
We next speculated about whether administration of Tsp-1 would constitute a potential antimetastatic strategy, as it has been postulated that Tsp-1 could be a potent clinical inhibitor of tumor progression and metastasis (16, 21, 22). However, the translational relevance of this approach has been minimized by the fact that Tsp-1 is an extremely large protein that is not feasible to use as a therapeutic agent (23). Indeed, a mimetic nonapeptide derived from the type I repeat of Tsp-1, which contains the antiangiogenic activity of the endogenous protein, has been developed. However, in clinical trials, this drug showed little efficacy due, in part, to its inability to fully replicate the activity of the full-length protein (24, 25). We reasoned that to effectively use Tsp-1 as a therapeutic agent, it would be necessary to induce the expression of full-length Tsp-1, containing all of its inhibitory activity, in the premetastatic lung, particularly in the bone marrow cells. We therefore turned our ...
Five subclasses of thrombospondin exist, TSP-1 to TSP-5, of which TSP-1 and TSP-2 are the most closely related structurally. TSP-1 consists of a heparin domain; a procollagen-like domain; type 1, 2, and 3 repeats; and a cell-binding domain (11).. The procollagen domain and the type 1 repeats, shared by TSP-1 and TSP-2, are believed to confer antiangiogenic properties and impair migration of endothelial cells in vitro (3). It is the multidomain structure of these molecules that enable it to interact with a variety of molecules.. TSP-1 modulates platelet aggregation, wound healing, protease activity, and cellular functions such as adhesion, motility, and growth (1). However, the precise function of thrombospondin in angiogenesis and tumor growth is not straightforward as controversy surrounds the actual role of thrombospondin in neovascularization. Evidence suggests that TSP-1 has both proangiogenic and antiangiogenic properties, as described below, thus displaying a regulatory role in tumor ...
My project aimed at validating a strategy consisting of the neutralisation of a vascular glycoprotein, namely Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1)...
Thrombospondins are glycoproteins which constitute a family of at least five, structurally related, multidomain ECM proteins, of which three (THBS-1, -2 and, -5) have been detected in vascular tissue.1-3⇓⇓ Whereas a range of functional properties have been attributed to THBS-1,4 the diverse functions in the ECM of THBS-2 and -5 remain poorly understood. However, like THBS-1, THBS-2 is considered to play a role as an adaptor and modulator of cell-matrix interactions through interaction with cell-surface receptors, cytokines, growth factors, proteases, and structural proteins.4 THBS-5, on the other hand, may be involved in the adhesion and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells during atherogenesis.3 Of the remaining members of the thrombospondin family, THBS-3 is not very well characterized with respect to function, whereas THBS-4 appears to act as an adaptor protein in ECM assembly.5. Considering their potential significance for important cellular events in the arterial wall, ...
Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing vasculature, plays a decisive role for the rapid growth of avian follicles. Compared to mammals, few data on the angiogenesis in the avian ovary are available. However, whereas several pro-angiogenic factors in the avian ovary have been recently studied in detail, little information is available on the localization of anti-angiogenic factors. The aim of this study was to determine the localization and possible function of the anti-angiogenic factor thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) and its receptor CD36 in the ovary of the ostrich using immunohistochemistry and to correlate the results with ultrastructural data ...
Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1), a matricellular protein widely acclaimed to be involved in the inhibition of angiogenesis and tumorigenesis, is synthesized and secreted by many cell types, including osteoblast and cancer cells. TSP-1 is highly upregulated during early stage of osteogenesis, whereas it inhibits terminal osteoblast differentiation. Expression of TSP-1 is downregulated in cancer cells, and its ectopic expression has been shown to restrain tumor growth. Transcriptional regulation of TSP-1 in osteogenesis and cancer is poorly understood; this prompted us to study its regulation by the two key regulators of the aforementioned processes: Runx2 and Runx3. Through a PCR-based cDNA subtraction technique, we identified and cloned a cDNA fragment for mouse TSP-1, whose expression was dramatically upregulated in response to Runx2 expression in mesenchymal stem cells. Moreover, TSP-1 expression was considerably reduced in the lung of Runx2 knockout mouse. On the other hand, TSP-1 gene expression
Extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules are involved in multiple aspects of cell-to-cell signaling during development and in the adult. In nervous system development, specific recognition processes, e.g., during axonal pathfinding and synaptogenesis involve modulation and signaling by ECM components. Much less is known about their presence and possible roles in the adult nervous system. We now report that thrombospondin-4 (TSP-4), a recently discovered member of the TSP gene family is expressed by neurons, promotes neurite outgrowth, and accumulates at the neuromuscular junction and at certain synapse-rich structures in the adult. To search for muscle genes that may be involved in neuromuscular signaling, we isolated cDNAs induced in adult skeletal muscle by denervation. One of these cDNAs coded for the rat homologue of TSP-4. In skeletal muscle, it was expressed by muscle interstitial cells. The transcript was further detected in heart and in the developing and adult nervous system, where it was ...
We are intrigued that TSPs have a significant effect on inflammatory, but not on postnatal developmental CNV. We speculate that during development, other inhibitors compensate for the absence of TSP-1 and/or -2 in the knockout mice, and that these inhibitors are sufficient to maintain angiostasis in postnatal life, as long as trauma to the ocular surface is trivial. If, however, a postnatal angiogenic stimulus exceeds the threshold of protection provided by these other inhibitors, the absence of TSP-1, more so than TSP-2, permits induced CNV to proceed. This suggests a constitutive system of regulation that can control angiogenic stimuli up to a certain level of intensity, after which it fails. If corneal avascularity is to be maintained beyond this threshold, other factors or enhanced expression of endogenous inhibitors must intervene. We further speculate that upregulation of TSPs by inflammatory angiogenic stimuli helps to control CNV beyond this threshold. In favor of this view is the report ...
Washington D.C. [USA], Apr 7 (ANI): A new research from a mouse study has suggested that treatments that increase levels of the protein thrombospondin-1 could help the liver recover from an overdose of acetaminophen.
Thrombospondin is one of a class of adhesive glycoproteins that mediate cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix interactions. We have used two monoclonal antibodies to isolate cDNA clones of thrombospondin from a human endothelial cell cDNA library and have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the …
Results Balloon denudation increased TSP-2 gene expression by 10-fold, when compared to non-denuded arteries after 21 days (p = .01). Fluorophore-conjugated siRNA confirmed transmural delivery following denudation. When compared to saline treated animals, TSP-2 siRNA reduced TSP-2 mRNA expression by 70% (p = .001). The addition of the transfection reagent PEI to TSP-2 siRNA treated grafts, however, did not significantly augment gene silencing. Morphometric analysis of arterial cross sections demonstrated significantly less neointima formation-as measured by intima-media (I/M) total area ratio-among grafts dip-coated with unmodified and PEI-treated TSP-2 siRNA (I/M: 0.2 and 0.4, respectively) compared to saline grafts (I/M: 1.0, p , .001). ...
To identify features of the human thrombospondin 2 gene (THBS2) important for regulation of expression, the sequences of 5 kb of the promoter/5 flank and 3 kb of transcribed and intronic DNA were determined. Two repetitive sequences were found: an MLT1c element located 2.2 kb 5 of exon 1 and, furt …
THBS1 Antibody is a Rabbit Polyclonal antibody against THBS1. TSP1, also named as THBS1, THBS and TSP, is an adhesive glycoprotein that mediates cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix interactions, and which can bind to fibrinogen, fibronectin, laminin, type V c
Thomas then goes on to formulate a solution engine for higher-level Steiner problems (i.e with more than five asymmetrically placed nodes), using natural selection operating on a computer-generated TSP solver. The results are truly astonishing: although the theoretical number of possible solutions is fantastically large, the TSP solver using simple natural selection (call it the NS_TSPS) found several optimal solutions with amazing speed. The same thing happened when Thomas tested the computer-generated solutions using soap films. Indeed, he was able to show that the NS_TSPS was actually more efficient at finding solutions than the soap film generator, a result that surprised him (and most of the commentators on the Thumb). One of the soap-film solutions took the shape of a doggie, a solution that the NS_TSPS didnt find. Thomas was able to show that, although the soap-film solution was stable, it was actually sub-optimal to an alternative solution generated by the NS_TSPS (hence the title ...
References for Abcams Recombinant Human Thrombospondin protein (ab52124). Please let us know if you have used this product in your publication
Thrombospondin小鼠单克隆抗体[A6.1](ab1823)可与小鼠, 大鼠, 羊, 马, 牛, 狗, 人, 猪样本反应并经WB, IP, IHC, Flow Cyt, ICC/IF实验严格验证,被17篇文献引用…
The objective of the 5 year career development plan outlined in this KO1 application is to foster the development of the candidate, Dr. Alford into a productive...
Quantikine® ELISA kit for human COMP/Thrombospondin-5 (Cat#DCMP0). 0.036 ng/mL detection sensitivity. View COMP/Thrombospondin-5 ELISA kit details.
Reactivity: Chicken, Cow, Guinea Pig and more. Compare 27 different THBS4 ELISA Kits & buy the right one directly at!
TFA Salt. Storage:. Store at -20°C. Store under desiccating conditions. The product can be stored for up to 12 months.. Note:. This product as supplied is intended for research use only, not for use in human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications without the expressed written authorization of United States Biological.. Documents:. MSDS ...
1962 m. Antanas Buračas gavo paskyrimą dirbti KPI Politinės ekonomijos katedroje asistento pareigose, po pusmečio paskirtas vyr dėstytoju. Pragyventi iš dėstytojo algos su šeima be mokslo laipsnio buvo sunku, teko papildomai dirbti ir Lietuvos žemės ūkio akademijoje. Todėl 1964-1967 m. įstojo į TSRS Mokslų akademijos Pasaulinės ekonomikos ir tarptautinių santykių instituto aspirantūrą (vadovė I. Osadčaja). Jau pirmaisiais mokslo metais A. Buračas visasąjunginiame suvažiavime padarė daug dėmesio sulaukusį pranešimą iš Vakarų ekonominių doktrinų metodologijos. Tai vėliau jam atvėrė duris į centrinius TSRS MA socialinių mokslų institutus ir labai padėjo tiek publikuotis visasąjunginėse leidyklose Maskvoje ir Novosibirske, tiek ir pagreitintai parengti habilitacijos darbą. Jau kandidatinės disertacijos iš gyventojų išlaidų teorijų gynimo metu 1967 m. gegužės mėn. abu oponentai gynimo taryboje siūlė išimties tvarka Antanui Buračui suteikti ...
Interference with the activity of TSP-1 and its antiangiogenic peptides by soluble GST-CD36 fusion proteins. Increasing concentrations of CD36 fusion proteins
In addition to ID3, Kim et al. [72] also showed that the angiogenic inhibitor TSP-1 is decreased by 2.5-fold in response to PTTG1 overexpression in vitro ...
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Thrombospondin-1 (TSP) induces endothelial cell (EC) actin reorganization and focal adhesion disassembly and influences multiple EC functions. To determine whether TSP might regulate EC-EC interactions, we studied the effect of exogenous TSP on the movement of albumin across postconfluent EC monolayers. TSP increased transendothelial albumin flux in a dose-dependent manner at concentrations ≥1 μg/ml (2.2 nM). Increases in albumin flux were observed as early as 1 h after exposure to 30 μg/ml (71 nM) TSP. Inhibition of tyrosine kinases with herbimycin A or genistein protected against the TSP-induced barrier dysfunction by >80% and >50%, respectively. TSP-exposed monolayers exhibited actin reorganization and intercellular gap formation, whereas pretreatment with herbimycin A protected against this effect. Increased staining of phosphotyrosine-containing proteins was observed in plaque-like structures and at the intercellular boundaries of TSP-treated cells. In the presence of protein tyrosine ...
ADAMTS9 (ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 9), Authors: Sawako Yoshina, Shohei Mitani. Published in: Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol.
ADAMTS1 (ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 1), Authors: Natacha Rocks, Didier Cataldo. Published in: Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol.
Compare ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 15 ELISA Kits from leading suppliers on Biocompare. View specifications, prices, citations, reviews, and more.
Reaktivität: Fledermaus, Rind (Kuh), Hund and more. 40 verschiedene ADAMTS18 Antikörper vergleichen. Alle direkt auf antikörper-online bestellbar!
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you click Continue well assume that you are happy to receive all cookies and you wont see this message again. Click Find out more for information on how to change your cookie settings ...
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you click Continue well assume that you are happy to receive all cookies and you wont see this message again. Click Find out more for information on how to change your cookie settings ...
We have also demonstrated that eyecups from TSP-1KO mice were ineffective in inhibiting T-cell activation. RPE SN from TSP-1KO animals contained levels of latent TGF-β comparable to that of wild-type C57BL/6 eyecups, but lacked active TGF-β. The mechanisms of TGF-β activation in the eye are not fully understood. Activation of TGF-β in vitro is achieved by treating the latent TGF-β with extremes of heat and pH, whereas, in vivo the activation of TGF-β is largely enzymatic through proteolytic activities of plasmin, cathepsin, and others. 26 TSP can activate TGF-β by binding the latent TGF-β complex, 27 and the effectiveness of TSP in activating TGF-β is usually enhanced in the presence of proteolytic enzymes. Although RPE produce plasminogen activators 28 and display receptors for urokinase, 29 there was no indication that RPE from TSP-1KO mice mediates TGF-β activation through enzymatic mechanisms alone. To our knowledge, this is the first report to show that RPE activates TGF-β and to ...
Thrombospondins are multimeric multidomain glycoproteins that function at cell surfaces and in the extracellular matrix milieu. The function of the C-terminal domain is not yet known ...
The cells of our body are surrounded by an extracellular matrix. The matrix is not only structurally important for keeping cells and organs together.
Next-day shipping cDNA ORF clones derived from ADAMTS10 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 10 available at GenScript, starting from $99.00.
Our findings showed that both groups had higher serum levels of both molecules before surgery than 10 days after surgery. However, a significant difference was noted between before and after surgery regarding TSP-1 (p = 0.00001). Although a marked decrease was found after surgery with respect to TSP-2, the difference did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.22). In patients with TLE, serum levels of both molecules before surgery were found to be significantly higher than in healthy controls (TSP-1, p = 0.00001; TSP-2, p = 0.007 ...
Wheezing nel bambino. Incidenza, pattern longitudinale e fattori che predicono la persistenza Luciana Indinnimeo Dipartimento di Pediatria e NPI Il bambino con wheezing La prevalenza di wheezing può raggiungere
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The protein encoded by this gene is the fourth major glycoprotein of the platelet surface and serves as a receptor for thrombospondin in platelets and various cell lines. Since thrombospondins are widely distributed proteins involved in a variety of adhesive processes, this protein may have important functions as a cell adhesion molecule. It binds to collagen, thrombospondin, anionic phospholipids and oxidized LDL. It directly mediates cytoadherence of Plasmodium falciparum parasitized erythrocytes and it binds long chain fatty acids and may function in the transport and/or as a regulator of fatty acid transport. Mutations in this gene cause platelet glycoprotein deficiency. Multiple alternatively spliced transcript variants have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Feb 2014]
The cytokine transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1) is secreted in a latent form that has no known biological activity. The conversion of latent TGF-β1 into its biologically active 25kDa form is thought to be an important step in the regulation of TGF-β activity both in cell culture and in vivo. Thrombospondin (TSP)-1, a 360kDa platelet α-granule and extracellular matrix protein, has been shown to participate in TGF-β1 activation. We have used a chemically defined system to examine the mechanism of TSP-1-mediated TGF-β1 activation. However, the addition of two different preparations of TSP-1 to recombinant small latent TGF-β1 in the test tube resulted in only a very small increase in the proportion of the TGF-β1 able to bind to the TGF-β type II receptor: from 0.1% to a maximum of 0.4%. This small effect was not specific for TSP-1: matrix metalloproteinase 2, tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase 2 and active plasminogen activator inhibitor 1, but not transglutaminase, ...
Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is a potent growth regulatory protein secreted by virtually all cells in a latent form. A major mechanism of regulating TGF-beta activity occurs through factors that control the processing of the latent to the biologically active form of the molecule. We have shown previously that thrombospondin 1 (TSP1), a platelet alpha-granule and extracellular matrix protein, activates latent TGF-beta via a protease- and cell-independent mechanism and have localized the TGF-beta binding/activation region to the type 1 repeats of platelet TSP1. We now report that recombinant human TSP1, but not recombinant mouse TSP2, activates latent TGF-beta. Activation was further localized to the unique sequence RFK found between the first and the second type 1 repeats of TSP1 (amino acids 412-415) by the use of synthetic peptides. A peptide with the corresponding sequence in TSP2, RIR, was inactive. In addition, a hexapeptide GGWSHW, based on a sequence present in the type 1 ...
Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is a potent growth regulatory protein secreted by virtually all cells in a latent form. A major mechanism of regulating TGF-beta activity occurs through factors that control the processing of the latent to the biologically active form of the molecule. We have shown previously that thrombospondin 1 (TSP1), a platelet alpha-granule and extracellular matrix protein, activates latent TGF-beta via a protease- and cell-independent mechanism and have localized the TGF-beta binding/activation region to the type 1 repeats of platelet TSP1. We now report that recombinant human TSP1, but not recombinant mouse TSP2, activates latent TGF-beta. Activation was further localized to the unique sequence RFK found between the first and the second type 1 repeats of TSP1 (amino acids 412-415) by the use of synthetic peptides. A peptide with the corresponding sequence in TSP2, RIR, was inactive. In addition, a hexapeptide GGWSHW, based on a sequence present in the type 1 ...
Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is a potent growth regulatory protein secreted by virtually all cells in a latent form. A major mechanism of regulating TGF-beta activity occurs through factors that control the processing of the latent to t
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Gene target information for ADAMTS17 - ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 17 (human). Find diseases associated with this biological target and compounds tested against it in bioassay experiments.
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Capillarity: Capillarity is a phenomenon of rise or fall of liquid surface relative to the adjacent general level of liquid. This phenomenon is due to the combined effect of cohesion and adhesion of liquid particle. The rise of liquid level is known as capillary rise whereas the fall of liquid surface is known as capillary […]. ...
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Nel corso del Quattrocento la scoperta della commedia latina e la trasformazione profonda del sentimento religioso comune comportarono anche un radicale mutamento del dramma sacro medioevale. Contaminato dalla nuova ...
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