TY - JOUR. T1 - Innate differences in medial septal area burst firing neurons and the hippocampal theta rhythm during ambulation in selectively bred rat lines. AU - Breen, Timothy E.. AU - Morzorati, Sandra L.. PY - 1996/4/1. Y1 - 1996/4/1. N2 - Previous studies have demonstrated a higher mean peak frequency of the hippocampal (HPC) theta rhythm during REM sleep in alcohol-nonpreferring (NP) rats when compared with alcohol-preferring (P) rats. Burst firing neurons of the medial septal area (MS/VDB) are thought to pace the HPC theta rhythm during REM sleep and ambulation. Therefore, extracellular action potentials of MS/VDB burst firing neurons and HPC-CA1 field potentials were recorded simultaneously in ambulating P and NP rats. These recordings revealed that the mean peak frequency of the HPC theta rhythm during ambulation was higher in NP rats (7.62 ± 0.12 Hz) as compared with P rats (7.21 ± 0.14 Hz) (P , 0.05). Consistent with the difference in the HPC theta rhythm, the burst pattern of ...
Reaction-time variability is a critical index of sustained attention. However, researchers still lack effective measures to establish the association between neurophysiological activity and this behavioral variability. Here, the present study recorded reaction time (RT) and cortical electroencephalogram (EEG) in healthy subjects when they continuously performed an alternative responding task. The frontal theta activity and reaction-time variability were examined trial by trial using the measures of standard deviation (SD) in the time domain and amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation (ALFF) in the frequency domain. Our results showed that the SD of reaction-time variability did not have any correlation with the SD of trial-by-trial frontal theta activity, and the ALFF of reaction-time variability has a significant correlation with the ALFF of trial-by-trial frontal theta activity in 0.01-0.027 Hz. These results suggested the methodological significance of ALFF in establishing the association between
Theta activity is one of the most prominent rhythms in the brain and appears to be conserved among mammals. These 4-12 Hz oscillations have been predominantly studied in the dorsal hippocampus where they are correlated with a broad range of voluntary and exploratory behaviors. Theta activity has been also implicated in a number of mnemonic processes, long-term potentiation (LTP) induction and even acting as a global synchronizing mechanism. Moving along the dorso-ventral axis theta activity is reduced in power and desynchronized from the dorsal part. However, theta activity can also be generated in the ventral hippocampus itself during anxiety- and fear-related behaviors. Until now it was unknown which hippocampal cell population was capable to generate theta activity and it was controversial if its origin was local, in the hippocampus, or driven by other brain regions. In this thesis I present compelling in vitro and in vivo evidence that a subpopulation of OLM interneurons (defined by the ...
OKeefe and Recce [1993] Hippocampus 3:317-330 described an interaction between the hippocampal theta rhythm and the spatial firing of pyramidal cells in the CA1 region of the rat hippocampus: they found that a cells spike activity advances to earlier phases of the theta cycle as the rat passes through the cells place field. The present study makes use of large-scale parallel recordings to clarify and extend this finding in several ways: 1) Most CA1 pyramidal cells show maximal activity at the same phase of the theta cycle. Although individual units exhibit deeper modulation, the depth of modulation of CA1 population activity is about 50%. The peak firing of inhibitory interneurons in CA1 occurs about 60 degrees in advance of the peak firing of pyramidal cells, but different interneurons vary widely in their peak phases. 2) The first spikes, as the rat enters a pyramidal cells place field, come 90 degrees-120 degrees after the phase of maximal pyramidal cell population activity, near the phase where
Theta oscillations are perhaps the most important and well-studied oscillations within all mammalian nervous systems. Theta waves are large amplitude and prominent oscillations. Theta rhythm has a specific range of frequency from 4 Hz to 10 Hz and is crucial for proper functioning of the hippocampus. Depending on ongoing behavioral state of the animal, and also during REM sleep, this rhythm persists, but varies in some characters (i.e. frequency). It is believed that theta rhythm plays key roles in coordination of hippocampal neural networks. Theta waves may provide phasic effects on both synaptic transmission and on the baseline of membrane potential in single hippocampal neurons and may provoke phase precession in timing of action potentials in place cells. Therefore the temporal relationship between theta rhythm and spikes may act as a coding and decoding mechanism for the place. Theta oscillations are also effective in synaptic plasticity and thus may be responsible for memory encoding and ...
Here we examined theta oscillations recorded from the mPFC of mice performing a SWM task. We found that theta oscillations were the most prominent feature of the mPFC LFP and that these oscillations were synchronized with both spiking of mPFC single units and theta-frequency fluctuations in the amplitude of gamma oscillations. Moreover, mPFC theta oscillations were modulated by working memory and synchronized with theta-frequency oscillations in the hippocampus. Finally, both analytical and experimental approaches revealed that this hippocampal-mPFC synchrony relies on activity in the vHPC.. Several lines of evidence have demonstrated that cortical theta can be relevant to behavior. Theta oscillations have been observed previously in area V4 of the primate visual cortex during a visual working memory task (Lee et al., 2005), as well as in the electroencephalogram (EEG) of human subjects performing working memory tasks (Schmiedt et al., 2005; Raghavachari et al., 2006; Haenschel et al., 2009). Of ...
Background Levetiracetam (LEV), an antiepileptic drug, has been recently demonstrated to improve the cognitive function. Hippocampal theta rhythm (4-12 Hz) is associated with a variety of cognitively related behaviors, such as exploration, locomotion and spatial memory in both humans and animal m
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant MH080318 (A.D.R.). We thank Anoopum Gupta, Carien Lansink, and Sebastian Royer for discussion, Tobias Bast for discussion and helpful comments on a previous draft of this manuscript, and Chris Boldt and Kelsey Seeland for technical assistance. ...
Theta activity is one of the most prominent rhythms in the brain and appears to be conserved among mammals. These 4-12 Hz oscillations have been predominantly studied in the dorsal hippocampus where they are correlated with a broad range of voluntary and exploratory behaviors. Theta activity has been also implicated in a number of mnemonic processes, long-term potentiation (LTP) induction and even acting as a global synchronizing mechanism. Moving along the dorso-ventral axis theta activity is reduced in power and desynchronized from the dorsal part. However, theta activity can also be generated in the ventral hippocampus itself during anxiety- and fear-related behaviors. Until now it was unknown which hippocampal cell population was capable to generate theta activity and it was controversial if its origin was local, in the hippocampus, or driven by other brain regions. In this thesis I present compelling in vitro and in vivo evidence that a subpopulation of OLM interneurons (defined by the ...
Unchanged hippocampal-prefrontal theta coherence.(A) Average coherence during TST and baseline revealed a sharp peak in the delta frequency range in both genoty
Jacobson TK, Schmidt B, Hinman JR, EscabÃ- MA, Markus EJ. (2015). Age-related decrease in theta and gamma coherence across dorsal ca1 pyramidale and radiatum layers. Hippocampus 25(11):1327-35. Schmidt B (g), Hinman JR, Jacobson TK (g), Szkudlarek E (u), Argraves M (u), EscabÃ- MA, Markus EJ (2013). Dissociation between Dorsal and Ventral Hippocampal Theta Oscillations during Decision-Making. J. Neuroscience 33(14):6212-24. Jacobson TK, Howe MD, Schmidt B, Hinman JR, Escabi M, Markus EJ (2013). Hippocampal theta, gamma, and theta-gamma coupling: Effects of aging, environmental change, and cholinergic activation. J. Neurophysiology 109(7):1852-65. Schmidt B, Papale A, Redish AD & Markus EJ (2013). Conflict between Place and Response Navigation Strategies: Effects on Vicarious Trial and Error (VTE) Behaviors. Learning & Memory 15;20(3):130-8. Schmidt B, Marrone D, and Markus EJ (2011). Â Disambiguating the similar: The dentate gyrus and pattern separation. Behavioral Brain Research. 226(1):56- ...
TY - JOUR. T1 - Dynamically detuned oscillations account for the coupled rate and temporal code of place cell firing. AU - Lengyel, Máté. AU - Szatmáry, Zoltán. AU - Érdi, Péter. PY - 2003/9/22. Y1 - 2003/9/22. N2 - Firing of place cells in the exploring rat conveys doubly coded spatial information: both the rate of spikes and their timing relative to the phase of the ongoing field theta oscillation are correlated with the location of the animal. Specifically, the firing rate of a place cell waxes and wanes, while the timing of spikes precesses monotonically as the animal traverses the portion of the environment preferred by the cell. We propose a mechanism for the generation of this firing pattern that can be applied for place cells in all three hippocampal subfields and that encodes spatial information in the output of the cell without relying on topographical connections or topographical input. A single pyramidal cell was modeled so that the cell received rhythmic inhibition in phase ...
During aging, hippocampal functioning is impaired; specifically aged humans and rats show reduced performance on spatial memory tasks. An age-related reduction in the neurotransmitter acetylcholine has been postulated to underlie this impairment. Rhythmic oscillations (theta, gamma) may serve to synchronize activity within the hippocampus and across the brain during learning; these may also change with aging. To determine what aspects of oscillation are important for memory processing, the effects of aging, encountering a novel situation, learning a new task and cholinergic system activation (with physostigmine) were examined. Both age groups showed increased theta, but not gamma activity when encoding a novel situation. Activating the cholinergic system shifted theta power to a lower frequency with no effect on gamma. These results indicate a more prominent role for theta than gamma in processing new spatial information. In addition, a behavioral paradigm to study changes in hippocampal theta and
DeCoteau, W. E., Thorn, C., Gibson, D. J., Courtemanche, R., Mitra, P. P., Kubota, Y., Graybiel, A. M. (2007) Oscillations of local field potentials in the rat dorsal striatum during spontaneous and instructed behaviors. Journal of Neurophysiology, 97 (5). pp. 3800-3805. ISSN 0022-3077 DeZazzo, J., Tully, T. (1995) Dissection of memory formation: from behavioral pharmacology to molecular genetics. Trends Neurosci, 18 (5). pp. 212-8. ISSN 0166-2236 (Print) DeZazzo, J., Xia, S., Christensen, J., Velinzon, K., Tully, T. (1999) Developmental expression of an amn(+) transgene rescues the mutant memory defect of amnesiac adults. Journal of Neuroscience, 19 (20). pp. 8740-6. ISSN 1529-2401 (Electronic) Decoteau, W. E., Thorn, C., Gibson, D. J., Courtemanche, R., Mitra, P. P., Kubota, Y., Graybiel, A. M. (2007) Learning-related coordination of striatal and hippocampal theta rhythms during acquisition of a procedural maze task. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 104 (13). pp. 5644-9. ISSN 0027-8424 (Print) ...
Driven either by external landmarks or by internal dynamics, hippocampal neurons form sequences of cell assemblies. The coordinated firing of these active cells is organized by the prominent theta oscillations in the local field potential (LFP): place cells discharge at progressively earlier theta phases as the rat crosses the respective place field (phase precession). The faster oscillation frequency of active neurons and the slower theta LFP, underlying phase precession, creates a paradox. How can faster oscillating neurons comprise a slower population oscillation, as reflected by the LFP? We built a mathematical model that allowed us to calculate the population activity analytically from experimentally derived parameters of the single neuron oscillation frequency, firing field size (duration), and the relationship between within-theta delays of place cell pairs and their distance representations (compression). The appropriate combination of these parameters generated a constant ...
TITLE Borg-Graham type generic K-A channel UNITS { (mA) = (milliamp) (mV) = (millivolt) } PARAMETER { v (mV) ek (mV) celsius (degC) gkabar=.01 (mho/cm2) vhalfn=-33.6 (mV) vhalfl=-83 (mV) a0l=0.08 (/ms) a0n=0.02 (/ms) zetan=-3 (1) zetal=4 (1) gmn=0.6 (1) gml=1 (1) } NEURON { SUFFIX borgka USEION k READ ek WRITE ik RANGE gkabar,gka, ik GLOBAL ninf,linf,taul,taun } STATE { n l } INITIAL { rates(v) n=ninf l=linf } ASSIGNED { ik (mA/cm2) ninf linf taul taun gka } BREAKPOINT { SOLVE states METHOD cnexp gka = gkabar*n*l ik = gka*(v-ek) } FUNCTION alpn(v(mV)) { alpn = exp(1.e-3*zetan*(v-vhalfn)*9.648e4/(8.315*(273.16+celsius))) } FUNCTION betn(v(mV)) { betn = exp(1.e-3*zetan*gmn*(v-vhalfn)*9.648e4/(8.315*(273.16+celsius))) } FUNCTION alpl(v(mV)) { alpl = exp(1.e-3*zetal*(v-vhalfl)*9.648e4/(8.315*(273.16+celsius))) } FUNCTION betl(v(mV)) { betl = exp(1.e-3*zetal*gml*(v-vhalfl)*9.648e4/(8.315*(273.16+celsius))) } DERIVATIVE states { rates(v) n = (ninf - n)/taun l = (linf - l)/taul } PROCEDURE rates(v ...
Since the mid-1990s, repetitive TMS has been used to make purposeful changes to the activability of nerve cells in the human cortex: In general, the activity of the cells drops as a result of a low-frequency stimulation, i.e. with one magnetic pulse per second. At higher frequencies from five to 50 pulses per second, the activity of the cells increases, explained Prof. Funke. Above all, the researchers are specifically addressing with the effects of specific stimulus patterns like the so-called theta burst stimulation (TBS), in which 50 Hz bursts are repeated with 5 Hz. This rhythm is based on the natural theta rhythm of four to seven Hertz which can be observed in an EEG, says Funke. The effect is above all dependent on whether such stimulus patterns are provided continuously (cTBS, attenuating effect) or with interruptions (intermittent, iTBS, strengthening effect ...
Arrhythmic Slowing Central Left, Slowing - Theta Waves Frontal Left, Slowing - Theta Waves Unilaterally on the Right Symptom Checker: Possible causes include Brain Concussion, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke. Check the full list of possible causes and conditions now! Talk to our Chatbot to narrow down your search.
Arrhythmic Slowing Temporal Left, Slowing - Theta Waves Frontal Left, Slowing - Theta Waves Unilaterally on the Right Symptom Checker: Possible causes include Brain Concussion, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke. Check the full list of possible causes and conditions now! Talk to our Chatbot to narrow down your search.
Task-relevancy effects on movement-related gating are modulated by continuous theta-burst stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and primary somatosensory cortex Academic Article ...
clear; phz=NaN(12,6); %VCO phases are defined by a 12x6 matrix representing the output from a matrix of theta CPGs in Fig. 7C rotation_angle = 0; %orientation of the tuning function is zero by default q=0.65; % spike threshold is 0.65 by default %% Note that above, the phz matrix is assigned to all NaNs, meaning that the target neuron %% receives no input from any ring oscillator. Assigning a value of N=1-12 to an entry of the %% phz matrix causes the target neuron to receive input from the theta cell at the Nth position %% in the ring oscillator at the corresponding matrix position. For example, phz(8,4)=10 causes %% the target neuron to receive input from the 10th theta cell in the ring at row 8, column 4. %% Note that this scheme only permits the target neuron to receive input from one theta cell %% per ring, and that by default, the weights of all inputs are uniformly equal to one. %%%1) border cell against bottom edge in square box % phz(10,:)=[3 4 6 8 12 10]; %%%2) large spacing entorhinal ...
The main goal of our research is to increase our understanding of the cellular and synaptic mechanisms underlying neuronal synchronization and electrical oscillations in neuronal networks and to relate such knowledge to the changes observed in these network oscillations during pathological states of the brain such as Alzheimers disease, schizophrenia and epilepsy. Such knowledge is essential to understand pathological network changes and will enable us to find ways to rescue altered network oscillations in pathological states and define new targets for therapeutic intervention.. Using in vitro electrophysiology, imaging and modeling our research focuses mainly on gamma- and theta-frequency oscillations in the neuronal networks of the hippocampus and the medial septum, both of which play an important role in higher brain functions and are affected in various brain disorders:. ...
Hippocampal pyramidal region consist of pyramidal cells and several types of interneurons. The importance of this region is because hippocampal theta waves with 4-10 Hz frequency are generated here. Gamma waves with 40-70 Hz frequency are mostly superimposed on theta waves.. Isolated hippocampal CA-1 pyramidal neurons show resonance with theta frequency [24]. In addition, whole cell clamping in thin slices of CA-1pyramidal neurons show resonance in these neurons with the preferred resonant frequency of 2-5 Hz [11, 12 and 13]. Similarly, horizontal interneurons with cell bodies in stratum oriens have resonant frequency around 1-5 Hz. However, the majority of interneurons in pyramidal layer are fast spiking interneurons (including basket cells and axo-axonic interneurons) and their resonant frequency is around gamma band (~ 40 Hz) [13].. As mentioned before, CA-1 pyramidal neurons contain both M current and h-current that may be responsible for generation of subthreshold resonance in theta-range ...
Independent coding without synaptic coordination explains complex sequences of population activity observed during theta states and maximizes the number of distinct environments that can be encoded through population theta sequences.
摘要(Abstract): 选煤工艺主要有跳汰、重介、浮选几大类,前两种针对的粒级是0.5~50 mm,后一种是0~0.5 mm。但现场生产发现重介、跳汰只能够对1、2 mm以上的颗粒有较好的分选效果,而浮选(特别是浮选柱)对0.3 mm以下的颗粒分选较强,因此中间这部分粗煤泥要用更为有效的方法进行分选。新的工艺在不断的发展,新设备也日趋完善。目前,有几种方法可以较为有效地回收粗煤泥。介绍了粗煤泥分选工艺的现状及TBS、螺旋分选机、煤泥重介旋流器、水介质旋流器4种粗煤泥分选设备,结合TBS在五阳选煤厂中的应用实例,说明针对一些煤泥含量高的选煤厂,TBS可以很好地解决粗煤泥的回收利用问题,即处理了重选有效分选下限问题,又减少了浮选的入料量和药剂消耗。最后,阐述了自己思考的3种新的回收工艺。. 关键词(KeyWords): ...
Weblio日中中日辞典の索引「T」9ページ目。例えば、tbody fluid exhaustion、TBS電視台、TBSdiànshìtāi、TBS廣播與信息公司、TBSguǎngbōyǔshēnxīgōngsī、TBS週六晚間八點連續劇、TBSzhōuliùwǎnjiànbādiǎnliánxùjù、TBS週四9時連續劇、TBSzhōusì9shíliánxùjù、TBS週五連續劇、などの用語があります。
TY - JOUR. T1 - Sessions of Prolonged Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation or High-frequency 10 Hz Stimulation to Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex for 3 Days Decreased Pain Sensitivity by Modulation of the Efficacy of Conditioned Pain Modulation. AU - De Martino, Enrico. AU - Fernandes, Ana Mércia. AU - Galhardoni, Ricardo. AU - De Oliveira Souza, Carolina. AU - Ciampi De Andrade, Daniel. AU - Graven-Nielsen, Thomas. PY - 2019/12/1. Y1 - 2019/12/1. N2 - The 10 Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (10 Hz-rTMS) to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex produces analgesia, probably by activating the pain modulation system. A newer rTMS paradigm, called theta burst stimulation (TBS), has been developed. Unlike 10 Hz-rTMS, prolonged continuous TBS (pcTBS) mimics endogenous theta rhythms, which can improve induction of synaptic long-term potentiation. Therefore, this study investigated whether pcTBS to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex reduced pain sensitivity more efficiently ...
Continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) represents a promising approach in the treatment of neglect syndrome. However, it is not known whether cTBS in conjunction with another technique may enhance the therapeutic effects. In the present sham-controlled study, we aimed to combine cTBS with smooth pursuit training (SPT), another method known to effectively improve neglect symptoms, and to evaluate whether this combination would result in a stronger effect than SPT alone. Eighteen patients with left spatial neglect after right-hemispheric stroke were included in the study and performed a cancellation task on a large 54.6″ touchscreen monitor. A sequential application of cTBS and SPT induced a significantly greater improvement of neglect than SPT alone. After the combined application of these two methods, patients detected significantly more targets and their cancellation behaviour presented a significantly greater shift towards the contralesional hemispace. We suggest that a combined, sequential
The medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) spatially modulated neurons, including grid cells, all contribute to the brains spatial navigation system. The mechanisms behind the grid cells hexagonal firing pattern in space remain elusive. One question pertains to how distal inputs modulate the grid cell network. The medial septum (MS) densely innervates the MEC and pharmacological inactivation of the MS is found to disrupt the spatial periodicity of grid cell firing and the local field potential (LFP) theta oscillations. The spiking activity of grid cells is in synchrony with the ongoing LFP theta oscillations, suggesting a relationship. In contrast, this relation is not found in bats that seem to lack theta activity, indicating that grid cell activity may be independent of theta oscillations. The MS projection to the MEC consists of inhibitory and excitatory neurons but their relative contributions are not well understood. Moreover, the postsynaptic targets of the MS projections in the MEC have not ...
To establish whether a relationship exists between theta activity during exploration and infants later recognition of the explored objects, a stepwise linear regression was performed on the data. To account for any variation in infants exploration behaviour or amount of artefact-free data included in analyses, Frontal theta score, Visual exploration, Manual exploration and Number of samples were entered as predictors and Novelty score as the dependent variable. A significant model emerged (F1,21 = 8.803, p = 0.007, R2 = 0.295), explaining 29.5% of variance of the dependent variable. The only significant predictor of Novelty score was Frontal theta score (β = 0.543, t21 = 2.967, p = 0.007), whereas Visual exploration, Manual exploration and Number of samples did not explain a significant amount of variance and were therefore dropped from the model (multiple regression using Enter method produced the same results; see the electronic supplementary material for details). This relationship between ...
Threats reliably evoke shifts in high-level ideological investment, but little work to date has explored the neural mechanisms...
Hippocampal theta-band oscillations are thought to facilitate the co-ordination of brain activity across distributed networks, including between the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex (PFC). Impairments in hippocampus-PFC functional connectivity are implicated in schizophrenia and are associated with a polymorphism within the ZNF804A gene that shows a genome-wide significant association with schizophrenia. However, the mechanisms by which ZNF804A affects hippocampus-PFC connectivity are unknown. We used a multimodal imaging approach to investigate the impact of the ZNF804A polymorphism on hippocampal theta and hippocampal network coactivity. Healthy volunteers homozygous for the ZNF804A rs1344706 (A[risk]/C[nonrisk]) polymorphism were imaged at rest using both magnetoencephalography (MEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). A dual-regression approach was used to investigate coactivations between the hippocampal network and other brain regions for both modalities, focusing on the theta band
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TY - JOUR. T1 - Reduced risk-taking behavior during frontal oscillatory theta band neurostimulation. AU - Dantas, Aline M.. AU - Sack, Alexander T.. AU - Brüggen, Elisabeth. AU - Jiao, Peiran. AU - Schuhmann, Teresa. N1 - data source: experiment in partnership with FPN. PY - 2021/5/15. Y1 - 2021/5/15. N2 - BackgroundMost of our decisions involve a certain degree of risk regarding the outcomes of our choices. People vary in the way they make decisions, resulting in different levels of risk-taking behavior. These differences have been linked to prefrontal theta band activity. However, a direct functional relationship between prefrontal theta band activity and risk-taking has not yet been demonstrated.ObjectiveWe used noninvasive brain stimulation to test the functional relevance of prefrontal oscillatory theta activity for the regulatory control of risk-taking behavior.MethodsIn a within-subject experiment, 31 healthy participants received theta (6.5 Hertz [Hz]), gamma (40 Hz), and sham ...
The relationship between structure, dynamics, and function of neural networks in nervous systems is still an open question in the neuroscience community. Nevertheless, for certain areas of the mammalian nervous system we do have sufficient data to impose constraints on the organisation of the network structure. One of these areas is the medial entorhinal cortex which contains cells with hexagonally repeating spatial receptive fields, called grid cells. Another intriguing property of entorhinal cortex and other cortical regions is a population oscillatory activity, with frequency in the theta (4-10 Hz) and gamma (30-100 Hz) range. This leads to a question, whether these oscillations are a common circuit mechanism that is functionally relevant and how the oscillatory activity interacts with the computation performed by grid cells. This thesis deals with applying the continuous attractor network theory to modelling of the microcircuit of layer II in the medial entorhinal cortex. Based on recent ...
A majority (24/32) of the extracellularly recorded dorsal hippocampus field CA1 putative GABAergic interneurons were excited in conjunction with theta activation on formalin injection (5%, 0.05 ml, s.c. into right hind- paw) in urethane (1.0 g/kg, i.p.)-anaesthetized rats. An increase in activity was observed to the 10th minute (n=24) and also at later time-periods at which a few of the neurons were recorded following injection of formalin. The mean peak increase in activity within 5 min of formalin injection was 6.43±0.81 Hz over the average background activity for these neurons (6.46±1.04 Hz). Of 24 neurons, 14 exhibited an increase in activity which was rhythmically modulated with theta. With a concurrent administration of formalin and morphine (5 mg/kg, i.p.), the presumed interneurons recorded displayed an initial increase in discharge rate (mean peak increase within 5 min of 6.95±1.10 Hz) which then declined with a decrease in theta activity. The effect of concurrent morphine was ...
TY - JOUR. T1 - Role of oculoproprioception in coding the locus of attention. AU - Odoj,Bartholomaeus. AU - Balslev,Daniela. N1 - This work was supported by the Danish Medical Research Councils (grant number 09-072209 to D. B.).. PY - 2016/3. Y1 - 2016/3. N2 - The most common neural representations for spatial attention encode locations retinotopically, relative to center of gaze. To keep track of visual objects across saccades or to orient toward sounds, retinotopic representations must be combined with information about the rotation of ones own eyes in the orbits. Although gaze input is critical for a correct allocation of attention, the source of this input has so far remained unidentified. Two main signals are available: corollary discharge (copy of oculomotor command) and oculoproprioception (feedback from extraocular muscles). Here we asked whether the oculoproprioceptive signal relayed from the somatosensory cortex contributes to coding the locus of attention. We used continuous theta ...
The vestibular system is a sensory system that has evolved over millions of years to detect acceleration of the head, both rotational and translational, in three dimensions. One of its most important functions is to stabilize gaze during unexpected head movement; however, it is also important in the control of posture and autonomic reflexes. Theta rhythm is a 3-12 Hz oscillating EEG signal that is intimately linked to self-motion and is also known to be important in learning and memory. Many studies over the last two decades have shown that selective activation of the vestibular system, either using natural rotational or translational stimulation, or electrical stimulation of the peripheral vestibular system, can induce and modulate theta activity ...
Author Summary The way mammals navigate in space is hypothesized to depend on neural structures in the temporal lobe including the hippocampus and medial entorhinal cortex (MEC). In particular, grid cells, neurons whose firing is mostly restricted to regions of space that form a hexagonal pattern, are believed to be an important part of this circuitry. Despite several years of work, not much is known about the correlated activity of neurons in the MEC and how grid cells are functionally coupled to each other. Here, we have taken a statistical approach to these questions and studied pairwise correlations and functional connections between simultaneously recorded grid cells. Through careful statistical analysis, we demonstrate that grid cells with nearby firing vertices tend to have positive effects on eliciting responses in each other, while those further apart tend to have inhibitory or no effects. Cells that respond similarly to manipulations of the environment are considered to belong to the same
View Notes - 5cEthogram from BIOL 6C at DeAnza College. Exercise 5C Field Activity: Vertebrate Behavior Field Notebook: 1. Select one species of mammal or bird that you wish to study with at least
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at quiet levels from 27-28 April and increase to quiet to unsettled levels beginning 29 April due to CH HSS effects. Field activity is expected to begin decreasing by 02 May, with overall quiet levels likely from 03-10 May. Field activity is expected to increase to unsettled to active levels beginning late on 11 May and likely reaching active levels on 12-13 May due to CH HSS effects. Field activity is expected to decrease to unsettled to active levels by 14 May as CH HSS effects begin to wane; and return to quiet to unsettled conditions from 15-17 May. Field conditions are expected to increase to unsettled to active levels on 18 May due to a CH HSS and return to quiet to unsettled conditions as the CH HSS rotates out of a geo-effective position by 21 May, and remain at quiet levels for the remainder of the outlook period ...
I am going to write a few post on basic concepts in brain science. This first one is about oscillations.. A group of neurons that are close together is referred to as a population or cluster. A population will have a specific role, e.g. responding to a particular stimulus such as for example a cat. When the neurons in a population fire at roughly the same time, then go quiet, and then fire again and repeat this process this is called an oscillation. The time when they fire is called a burst of firing. The number of bursts in a second is the frequency of the oscillation. A frequency of 1 Hertz or for short Hz is 1 oscillation a second, which means that there will be one burst of firings and one period of silence. 10 Hz is 10 oscillations a second, 50 Hz is 50 oscillations a second etc. Different names are given to different ranges of the frequency (Hz) of the oscillation (also called rhythms). The delta band rhythm ranges from 0.1−3.5 Hz. Theta rhythm ranges from 4−7.5 Hz. Alpha band is ...
ROC curve of theta band SL as predictor of diagnosis in epilepsy patients without IEDs and their matched non-epilepsy patients (n = 74).
Navigation Data (b-13-72-np.050 [SINS]) YYYYMMDDHHMMSST YYYYMMDDHHMMSST 197207300820000 197209150119000 197209150519000 197209151245000 197209151310000 197209151310000 197209152044000 197209160920000 197209161354000 197209161354000 197209161415000 197209170134000 197209170540000 197209222345000 197209230022000 197209230022000 197209230116000 197209230116000 197209230208000 197209230208000 197209230330000 197209230330000 197209230540000 197209230600000 YYYYMMDDHHMMSST YYYYMMDDHHMMSST Magnetics Data (b-13-72-np.221_050) YYYYMMDDHHMMSST YYYYMMDDHHMMSST 197207302000000 197207310445000 197207310500000 197207310510000 197207310630000 197208011525000 197208020105000 197208020400000 197208020435000 197208021355000 197208022300000 197208031840000 197208040135000 197208040400000 197208040415000 197208040645000 197208040820000 197208041815000 197208050130000 197208051540000 197208060615000 197208060800000 197208060825000 197208061300000 197208061310000 197208062115000 197208070430000 197208070800000 ...
Join a community of over 2.6m developers to have your questions answered on Multi line Editable Grid Cell of KendoReact General Discussions. New here? Start with our free trials.
The EXt JS Grid is great! i want to make the text selectable in cell, just like Excell or Google Spreadsheet. does any one know how to do it? Thanks
Colin Holbrook is the author of this article in the Journal of Visualized Experiments: Kontinuerlig Theta Burst stimulering af den bageste mediale frontale Cortex eksperimentelt reducere ideologiske trussel svar
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This set of scripts will allow you to drag a window to fit within grid cells on the screen. For example, using 2 columns and 2 rows would split the screen into 4 cells, dragging the mouse around...
Neuroscientists discovery of grid cells, popularly known as the brains GPS, was hailed as a major discovery. But new Stanford research suggest the system is more complicated than anyone had guessed.