Struma ovarii is a rare ovarian teratoma characterized by the presence of thyroid tissue as the major component. Malignant transformation of the thyroidal component (malignant struma ovarii) has been reported in approximately 5% of struma ovarii. The management and follow-up of this unusual disease remain controversial. We report the case of a woman with a history of autoimmune thyroiditis and a previous resection of a benign struma ovarii that underwent hystero-annexiectomy for malignant struma ovarii with multiple papillary thyroid cancer foci and peritoneal involvement. Total thyroidectomy and subsequent radioiodine treatment lead to complete disease remission after 104 months of follow-up. The diagnosis and natural progression of malignant struma ovarii are difficult to discern, and relapses can occur several years after diagnosis. A multidisciplinary approach is mandatory; after surgical excision of malignant struma, thyroidectomy in combination with 131I therapy should be considered after ...
Struma ovarii is a rare ovarian teratoma characterized by the presence of thyroid tissue as the major component. Malignant transformation of the thyroidal component (malignant struma ovarii) has been reported in approximately 5% of struma ovarii. The management and follow-up of this unusual disease remain controversial. We report the case of a woman with a history of autoimmune thyroiditis and a previous resection of a benign struma ovarii that underwent hystero-annexiectomy for malignant struma ovarii with multiple papillary thyroid cancer foci and peritoneal involvement. Total thyroidectomy and subsequent radioiodine treatment lead to complete disease remission after 104 months of follow-up. The diagnosis and natural progression of malignant struma ovarii are difficult to discern, and relapses can occur several years after diagnosis. A multidisciplinary approach is mandatory; after surgical excision of malignant struma, thyroidectomy in combination with 131I therapy should be considered after ...
Adenomyosis is a condition when the endometrium (inner lining of the uterus) infiltrates the myometrium, the muscular layer. This causes a global enlargement of the uterus. Symptoms include painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea) and increased bleeding (menorrhagia). More myometrium = more bleeding. During my OBGYN rotation, I spent a few days with the pathologist to learn more about gynecological pathology. While I was looking at slides of ovarian pathology under the microscope, the pathologist gave me a slide and asked what I saw. I took a look and scratched my head, It looks like thyroid tissue with colloid in the center… I was right! It was thyroid tissue, but it was growing in the ovary. This rare ovarian tumor is called struma ovarii.. Struma ovarii, as seen on the right hand side of the doodle, is a monodermal teratoma which contains thyroid tissue. Its name, struma ovarii, literally means Goitre of the Ovary. Depending on the histologic findings, the tumor may be classified as benign ...
Struma ovarii is a rare ovarian tumor defined by the presence of thyroid tissue comprising more than 50% of the overall mass. It most commonly occurs as part of a teratoma, but may occasionally be encountered with serous or mucinous cystadenomas.
Struma ovarii is a rare ovarian tumor defined by the presence of thyroid tissue comprising more than 50% of the overall mass. It most commonly occurs as part of a teratoma, but may occasionally be encountered with serous or mucinous cystadenomas.
Pathology Research International is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of pathology.
Mature teratomas in the ovary are benign [9080/0]. For testis, mature teratoma in an adult is malignant (9080/3); however, mature teratoma in a child is benign (9080/0). With regard to the thyroid issue, from the information above, the medullary carcinoma in the patients thyroid is clearly a separate event. According to our expert pathologist consultant, thyroid tissue is one of the many tissue types that may be seen in teratomas. When the teratoma has exclusively or predominantly thyroid tissue the term struma ovarii is used Adenoma or carcinoma of the thyroid type may be seen in this thyroid tissue. If medullary carcinoma were present in the thyroid tissue in the ovary/teratoma, there would be mention of it in the path report. ...
A j dhi ny okozta pajzsmirigyfunkci -cs kken s nem felt tlen l okoz hypothyreosist, de ahhoz elegend , hogy fokozott TSH- termel st v ltson ki, mely tart s fenn ll s eset n a pajzsmirigy megnagyobbod s t okozza (diff z str ma). Cs kkent j drakt r mellett a pajzsmirigy azonos TSH-stimulusra kifejezettebb v laszt ad, ami a str ma n veked s ben is megnyilv nul. Term szetes (kezel s n lk li) lefoly sa sor n, a kezdetben diff z str m ban 10-15 v m lva ultrahanggal felismerhet , de nem tapinthat g b k jelennek meg (ultrahangos g b ss g st diuma), majd jabb 10-15 v alatt a g b k n vekednek s tapinthat v v lnak (struma nodosa). A g b k ilyenkor m r nuclearis elj r sokkal is l that k (Tc-scan, 131 I-scan), a nagyobb pajzsmirigyben hideg, vagy hideg s meleg ter letek form j ban. Ezut n 5-30 ven bel l a meleg g b k forr v v lnak, kompenz lt st diumban subclinicus hyperthyreosist, dekompenz lt llapotban manifeszt hyperthyreosist okoznak (toxicus multinodularis struma). Az etiol giak nt szerepl j dhi ny ...
Im 26 and was diagnosed two years ago with Graves, which send my thyroid into a whirlwind. The symptoms I was experiencing before my diagnosis where a nightmare and pretty much the scariest time of my life. But luckily I was diagnosed quickly and I started taking my antithyroiddrug (methimazole.) which made me feel much better. But I guess after a while my thyroid started working too slowly so they put me on 25 mg Levothyroxine still combined with the methimazol. The Levo quickly became 50mg, then 75mg. This made me feel ok. But now Im getting signs of hypo again. Im experiencing thinning hair, pain in my muscles and joints, my struma has come back (which has been a while) , Blue cold hands and Im experiencing a lot of anxiety which is not normal for me. Im usualy a very calm person but my anxiety is starting to consume me. They now want me to take 100mg. Im just so fed up with it ...
P gina 37 - And if it become once impregnated with a peculiar taint, it is wonderful to remark the tenacity with which it retains it, though often in a state of dormancy or inactivity for years, or even entire generations. For as every germ and fibre of every other part is formed and regenerated from the blood, there is no other part of the system that we can so well look to, as the seat of such taints, or the predisposing cause of the disorders I am now alluding to ; often corporeal, as gout, struma, phthisis... ...
Es besteht eine Resistenz verschiedener Gewebe gegen Schilddrüsenhormon. Die klinische Symptomatik ist sehr variabel: Es besteht eine Struma, begleitet von Hyperaktivität, Hör- und Lernstörungen und den klassischen Symptomen einer Hyperthyreose, einer Thyreotoxikose oder auch Entwicklungsstörungen des Zentral-Nervensystemes und des Skeletts.
A j dhi nyos struma adapt ci s betegs gnek tekinthet : az el gtelen j dbevitel (vagy a j danyagcsere zavar t okoz egy b t nyez ) k vetkezt ben kialakul v laszreakci . A hormonszint zishez rendelkez sre ll j dmennyis g cs kken se a pajzsmirigy m k d s nek jelent s v ltoz s t id zi el , ami a cs kkent j dk n lat ellen re a kiel g t pajzsmirigyhormon-szint zis biztos t s t szolg lja. Az adapt ci , az exog n j dbevitel mind nagyobb h nyad nak akkumul ci j t eredm nyezi, m sr szt hathat sabban t rt nik a pajzsmirigyhormonok degrad ci j b l sz rmaz j dmennyis g jrahasznos t sa is. A j dhi nyhoz t rt n adapt ci folyamat ban sz mos mechanizmus igazolhat . A pajzsmirigy TSH ltal bek vetkez stimul ci ja mellett szerepet j tszik a pajzsmirigy TSH ir nti rz kenys g nek fokoz d sa is. Bizony tott emellett a j dhi nyhoz auton mi val t rt n adapt ci jelens ge is, s az ut bbi id ben a pajzsmirigy hyperplasi j nak kialakul s ban fontos szerepet tulajdon tanak a n veked si faktoroknak is. Ismeretes tov bb , hogy ...
V oblastiach sveta, kde je nedostatok jódu (nenahraditeľný pri produkcii tyroxínu a trijódtyronínu) v strave sa môže štítna žľaza výrazne zväčšiť, čo vedie k opuchnutému krku (endemická struma).. Tyroxín je kritický v regulácii metabolizmu rastu v celej živočíšnej ríši. Podaním látky blokujúcej štítnu žľazu ako propyltiouracyl obojživelníkom môže napríklad zabrániť žubrienkam v premene na žaby, naopak podanie tyroxínu spustí metamorfózu.. U ľudí, deti narodené s nedostatočnosťou tyroidných hormónov majú problémy s rastom a vývojom a ich mentálny vývoj tiež môže byť vážne obmedzený, tento stav sa nazýva kreténizmus. Novonarodené deti v mnohých rozvinutých krajinách sú dnes rutinne testované na nedostatočnosť štítnej žľazy ako časť skríningu novorodencov. Deti s nedostatočnosťou sa liečia substitučne podávaním syntetického tyroxínu, čo im umožňuje normálny rast a vývin.. V dôsledku selektívneho ...
Peran NO dalam mengatur fungsi ovarium terlihat dari peningkatan produksi NO saat folliculogenesis dan ovulasi, demikian pula peningkatan kadar oestrogen. Konsentrasi NO dalam sirkulasi yang meningkat pada folliculogenesis terlihat pada wanita yang mengalami fertilisasi invitro yang diberi terapi dengan GnRH, HMG dan HCG, yang mengakibatkan hormon FSH, LH, Progesteron terlibat dalam pengaturan produksi NO dan folliculogenesis. Bahwa NO berperan pada proses ovulasi terbukti pada percobaan binatang ( tikus ), dimana pemberian NOS inhibitor intra peritoneal atau melalui bursa ovarii, menghambat ovulasi. Yang masih tidak jelas adalah peran ini dilakukan oleh eNOS, nNOS atau iNOS. Hasil penelitian terkini menunjukkan bahwa eNOS dan iNOS terlihat dalam proses ovulasi, secara simultan. Karena sel theca, sel luteogranulosa dan sel pada corpus lutheum terlibat dalam steroidogenesis, jelas NO terlihat dalam proses regulasi sintesa steroid. Dari hasil-hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produksi NO baik ...
Ovarian teratomas is the most common group of ovarian germ cell tumors. They can be divided into 3 main sub types mature ovarian teratoma immature ovarian teratoma specialized teratoma struma ovarii tumor See also ovarian tumors
An ovarian neoplasm characterized by the presence of aberrant thyroid tissue and a carcinoid tumor. A minority of patients develop symptoms of functioning thyroid tissue. The neuroendocrine carcinoid cells infiltrate the aberrant thyroid tissue and progressively replace the follicular lining cells.
On 27 August 1916 Colonel Zymbrakakis, a local hero of the Balkan Wars, established a Committee of Public Safety in Salonika with Sarrails open support, and pledged to establish a National Army which would fight the Bulgars harder than the Royalist officers who had surrendered their positions in May. Some Royalist Greek forces defected, whilst others were coerced by Venizelist Greeks into changing sides.[48][49] In September, an Allied naval force arrived off Piraeus, but King Constantine rejected its most important terms. On 10 September an Allied counteroffensive began. On 12 September Serb troops, supported by French artillery, attacked Mount Kajmakcalan, capturing and holding it over a fortnight of fighting. Two French divisions and a Russian brigade attacked towards Kenail and the British up from the Struma Valley, at each point meeting trenches dug under German supervision. By 17 September Zouaves and the French Foreign Legion occupied Florina.[34][48][50]. With French help, Venizelos ...
Inspirační stridor: Šelest při nádechu, typický pro zúžení nebo malpozici horních dýchacích cest (hrtanu, průdušnice, průdušek). Některé možné příčiny: epiglottitis, záškrt, zvětšení štítné žlázy (struma), vdechnutí cizího tělesa, benigní nebo maligní nádory v oblasti dýchacích cest nebo orgánů mediastina, jednostranná nebo oboustranná obrna hlasivkových vazů ...
Stem cells of these tumors formed nests consisting of undifferentiated embryonic cells in the center with more differentiated cells towards the periphery. A type viral particles were seen in the cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Ultrastructurally the stem cells of ovarian teratomas did not differ from stem cells of testicular or embryo-derived teratomas. They were however distinct from the cleavage stage embryonic cells and/or the unfertilized ovum, they stemmed from. They correspond both cytologically and developmentally to ectodermal embryonic cells from the egg-cylinder, the most advanced developmental stage of parthenotes observed previously in the ovary of LT mice.
Differential diagnosis of ovarian cystadenofibromas should include stromal ovarian tumors with fibrous component, struma ovarri, ovarian metastases and endometriomas. Ovarian tumors with fibrous parts, including fibroma, fibrothecoma and Brenner tumor often present with a predominantly solid component of low signal intensity on T2-weighted images [7, 11, 12]. Struma ovarri has been described as multilocular ovarian mass, with variable signal intensity of the cystic parts and coexistence of hypointense areas on T2-weighted images, due to the presence of viscous colloid material [15, 16]. Ovarian metastases with a rich fibrous component, usually originating from the gastrointestinal tract often have areas of low signal intensity on T2-weighted images and display strong enhancement after contrast material administration [17 ...
Europe: Aegean and Black Sea basins, from Struma drainage to area of Varna (Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey), Lakes Volvi and Koronia (Greece); Danube basin in Bulgaria. In Danube and Struma drainages, C. strumicae occurs together with hybridogenous, sprem-parasitic lineages, which have originated by hybridisation of C. elongatoides with C. taenia or C. tanaitica (Ref. 59043 ...
Inwendige Geslachtsorganen der Vrouw op Overlangsche Doorsnede (Afbeelding) 1. Huid van den rug. 2. Huid van den buik. 3. Voorwand van den buik. 4. Buikvlies; Peritoneum. 5. Buikholte; Cavum peritonei. 6. Ruggemergskanaal. 7. Wervelkolom. 8. Promontorium (het Nederlandsche woord voorgebergte wordt in deze beteekenis niet gebruikt). 9. Ophangband van den eierstok; Ligamentum suspensorium ovarii1). 10. Eierstok; Ovarium. 11. Eileider; Tuba Fallopii (in den regel tuba genoemd). 12. Heiligbeen; Os sacrum. 13. Holte van het heiligbeen. 14. Baarmoederlichaam; Corpus uteri. 15. Holte van Douglas (behoort tot de buikholte); Cavum Douglasii. 16. Baarmoederhals; Cervix uteri. 17. Achterste gewelf van de scheede; Laquear posterius. 18. Scheedegedeelte van de baarmoeder; Portio vaginalis uteri (14, 16 en 17 tezamen: de baarmoeder; Uterus). 19. Uitwendige baarmoedermond; Ostium uteri externum (kortweg: Ostium). 20. Achterwand van de blaas. 21. Pisblaas (kortweg: blaas); Vesica urinaria. 22. ...
Diagnosis of ovarian teratoma (costs for program #256601) ✔ University Hospital Erlangen ✔ Department of Hematology and Internal Oncology (Department of Medicine V) ✔
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Chromosomal heteromorphisms and DNA polymorphisms have been utilized to identify the mechanisms that lead to formation of human ovarian teratomas and to construct a gene-centromere map of chromosome 1 by using those teratomas that arise by meiotic nondisjunction. Of 61 genetically informative ovarian teratomas, 21.3% arose by nondisjunction at meiosis I, and 39.3% arose by meiosis II nondisjunction. Eight polymorphic marker loci on chromosome 1p and one marker on 1q were used to estimate a gene-centromere map. The results show clear linkage of the most proximal 1p marker (NRAS) and the most proximal 1q marker (D1S61) to the centromere at a distance of 14 cm and 20 cm, respectively. Estimated gene-centromere distances suggest that, while recombination occurs normally in ovarian teratomas arising by meiosis II errors, ovarian teratomas arising by meiosis I nondisjunction have altered patterns of recombination. Furthermore, the estimated map demonstrates clear evidence of chiasma interference. Our ...
Reidel thyroiditis, also known as Reidel struma and invasive fibrous thyroiditis, was first described by Bernhard Reidel in 1896.8,9 Multiple hypotheses regarding its pathogenesis have been postulated; however, the exact etiology remains uncertain. Of these hypotheses, an autoimmune etiology currently seems most likely.1,10 To our knowledge, there have been no case reports of distant metastasis, though there are rare reports of a concomitant thyroid malignancy.11. Pathologically, this disease is secondary to a chronic inflammatory reaction of the normal thyroid parenchyma.12 As the inflammation progresses, the gland is infiltrated by lymphoid and plasma cells and variable numbers of eosinophils.4,8,10 Gradually the gland is replaced by attenuated hyalinized fibrous tissue.8 Unlike the fibrosing variant of Hashimoto thyroiditis, which remains confined to the thyroid gland, the attenuated fibrous reaction of Reidel thyroiditis extends beyond the thyroid capsule to engulf adjacent structures, ...
Augeo Family Estate Shiroka Melnishka Loza and Merlot 2019 includes 70% of the typical variety from Struma Valley and 30% Merlot. The wine has medium intensity color with attractive crimson notes. The aromas are the characteristic for Shiroka Melnishka Loza strawberries, white cherries and red fruit. The distinctive aromas for Merlot blueberry, blackberry and chocolate could be felt as well. The taste reconfirms the aromas with additional fruit notes that could be savored. The wine has a long finish and potential for aging. The series is limited to 2679 bottles.. The Shiroka Melnishka Loza grapes came from our own vineyards near Vranya village, planted in 1955. The grape variety Shiroka Melnishka Loza was named after the broad leaves of its vine and after the region where the grapes grows - Melnik. The grape variety is unique and cannot be found anywhere else around the world. Merlot is an international variety, originating from France. In our country it grows well in the Thracian valley in the ...
Apoplexia of the ovary (apoplexia ovarii) is an acute gynecological disease that results in the rupture of vessels (this may be the vessels of both the ovary itself and the cyst formed), and a sudden hemorrhage develops into the ovarian tissue or into the abdominal cavity.. Anatomy and physiology of ovaries.. The ovaries are a paired organ located on either side of the uterus in a small pelvis. Their average length is 3 cm, the thickness is 1 cm, and the width is 2 cm. But these dimensions are not constant, and vary throughout the month, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Ovaries are female sex glands, they produce sex hormones (progesterone and estrogens), and every month an egg is formed that can give life to a new organism. Ovaries have their own ligaments, with which they attach to the uterus.. The prevalence of the disease.. Apoplexy of the ovary occurs at any age, but most often the gap occurs in women of childbearing period (from 18 to 45 years), because it is at this age that ...
Introduction: The presence of MUC5AC (M1 antigen) and MUC6 have previously been found in ovarian mucinous cyst. We characterized the mucins in the crude mucus and tissue of a mature ovarian tera...
Question - Left ovary removed, irregular periods, no periods this month, not pregnant. Normal symptoms?. Ask a Doctor about Ovary removal, Ask an OBGYN, Gynecologic Oncology
Question - i am feeling alot of pain in my left ovary since ovulation - P2. Find the answer to this and other Medical questions on JustAnswer
I am 37 years old and have two children, both caesarean deliveries. After suffering from very severe endometriosis and the crippling symtoms for 18 months my Gynae has decided that a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is now necessary in order to improve the quality of my life. I accept and understand that the removal of my overies will mean using HRT. But im confused as to the meaning of bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Is this additional surgery to total abdominal hysterectomy? What does it mean ...
TY - JOUR. T1 - Germinal cell ectopism in the strepsirhine prosimian Galago crassicaudatus crassicaudatus. AU - Yoshinaga, Kazuya. AU - Hess, David L.. AU - Hendrickx, Andrew G. AU - Zamboni, Luciano. PY - 1990. Y1 - 1990. N2 - The presence of germinal cells outside of the embryonal and fetal gonads of the strepsirhine prosimian Galago crassicaudatus crassicaudatus is described. Forty‐three embryos and fetuses from day 26 or 27 of gestational age to near term were studied: more than 90% possessed germinal cells in ectopic sites situated either far from (extragonadal ectopism) or close to the gonads (perigonadal ectopism). The first sites were the walls of the aorta and mesenteric artery, the stroma between the aorta and the cardinal vein and the retroperitoneal neuroganglia. The second were the mesenchyme dorsal to the gonads and around the vestigia of the mesonephric glomeruli and tubules, and the rete ovarii and testis. The ectopic cells were generally present in conspicuous numbers, in some ...
On gross pathological examination, they are solid, sharply circumscribed and pale yellow-tan in colour. 90% are unilateral (arising in one ovary, the other is unaffected). The tumours can vary in size from less than 1 centimetre (0.39 in) to 30 centimetres (12 in). Borderline and malignant Brenner tumours are possible but each are rare. ...
Ovarian teratoma | Surgery treatment. Gynecology: Treatment in Germany ✈. Prices on - booking treatment online
Consider retaining normal ovaries in women |45 with endometrial cancer who have no risk factors; remove ovaries of patients with Lynch Syndrome during surgery. ดูแลรักษาโดยและเป็นของ น.พ.รัฐชัย แก้วลาย. โลโก้ เป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของ น.พ.รัฐชัย แก้วลาย. ข้อมูลส่วนตัวของคุณถือเป็นความลับและจะไม่ถูกเผยแพร่ไปยังบุคคลที่สาม. ข้อมูลใน ใช้เป็นแนวทาง, ไม่ใช่เพื่อทดแทน, การให้การวินิจฉัย, รักษาและคำแนะนำสำหรับผู้ป่วย. แพทย์ของคุณอาจให้คำแนะนำในการวินิจฉัยหรือรักษาเป็นอย่างอื่นขึ้นกับข้อมูลและสถานการณ์นั้นๆ. ...
The Brenner Base Tunnel is a horizontal railway line running through the Alps; a railway line for the future. The Brenner Base Tunnel is the main element of the new Brenner railway from Munich to Verona.
The usual classification of thyroiditis includes acute thyroiditis, subacute thyroiditis, chronic thyroiditis, and Riedels struma.. Acute thyroiditis is generally defined as acute bacterial infection of the thyroid. Signs, symptoms, and laboratory data are those of acute localized infection.. Riedels struma consists of thyroid parenchymal replacement by dense connective tissue. In some cases at least this presumably represents scar tissue from previous thyroiditis. Thyroid function tests are either normal (if sufficient normal thyroid remains) or indicate primary hypothyroidism.. Subacute thyroiditis (granulomatous thyroiditis or de Quervains disease) features destruction of thyroid acini with a granulomatous reaction consisting of multinucleated giant cells of the foreign body reaction type and large histiocytes. The etiology is unknown but possibly is viral or autoimmune. The classic syndrome of subacute thyroiditis includes thyroid enlargement (usually less than twice normal size) with ...
Sandanski is located at the South-Western side of Pirin mountain. Its vicinity is abundant in cultural, historical, and natural landmarks. It is believed that Spartacus of the Thracian Maedi tribe, a gladiator who became leader of the biggest slave uprising against Rome, was born and lived in the town area. The monument of Spartacus is one of the town symbols.. The town is famous for its unique climate and mineral springs with a temperature of up to 83°C. The average annual temperature in this part of Bulgaria is 14.7°C. The winter is mild and short and the autumn is warm and long.. The mineral springs are an exceptional natural treasure due to their hydrocarbonate and sulphate content. The springs in Sandanski are graded 4th class on the Carstens-Alexandrov scale. There are 80 mineral springs along the valley of the Struma river, grouped in 13 troves. Some of the best-known springs include the Turkish Bath, the Chrism Tap, Pariloto, and the new drilled well. The mineral water healing ...
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Harvard University Center for the EnvironmentSchool of Engineering and Applied Sciences Office: Pierce Hall, 313Assistant: LaShanda Banks, (617) 496-1461Email: [email protected]:
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See before and after photos of patient 10131261 who has received Breast Lift with Augmentation services from Kevin Brenner, MD FACS
Considerations for deciding whether to have a hysterectomy along with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (removal of both ovaries and both tubes).
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Wheatgrass is just the young grass of the wheat plant, Triticum aestivum. As wheatgrass itself cannot be eaten as it is tough to digest. Interestingly, it is quite easy to grow indoors and outdoors by putting wheat seeds in water and then harvesting the leaves. Its mostly consumed as a fresh juice, but it also comes