Looking for online definition of solanine in the Medical Dictionary? solanine explanation free. What is solanine? Meaning of solanine medical term. What does solanine mean?
Steroidal glycoalkaloids (SGAs) are toxic specialized metabolites that are found in the Solanaceae. Potato (Solanum tuberosum) contains the SGAs α-solanine and α-chaconine, while tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) contains α-tomatine, all of which are biosynthesized from cholesterol. However, although two cytochrome P450 monooxygenases that catalyze the 22- and 26-hydroxylation of cholesterol have been identified, the 16-hydroxylase remains unknown. Feeding with deuterium-labeled cholesterol indicated that the 16α- and 16β-hydrogen atoms of cholesterol were eliminated to form α-solanine and α-chaconine in potato, while only the 16α-hydrogen atom was eliminated in α-tomatine biosynthesis, suggesting that a single oxidation at C-16 takes place during tomato SGA biosynthesis while a two-step oxidation occurs in potato ...
Bone Marrow Research is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies related to all aspects of bone marrow. As an interdisciplinary journal, Bone Marrow Research aims to provide a forum for both scientists and physicians.
ANSWER: Solanine, a substance found in the stem and leaves of the tomato and related plants, is harmful to dogs in large quantities. The leaves, stems, and young, green tomatoes contain higher amounts of solanine than ripe fruit, which means that ripe tomatoes are generally safe to feed to dogs.
Solanine is referred to as aceytlcholinesterase inhibitor, which works to stop the breakdown of a neurotransmitter, acetylcholine (ACh), leading to an accrued buildup of ACh in nerve receptor sites. This leads to persistent over-stimulation of ACh receptors, especially those found in the nervous system that contribute to the stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Solanines do not dissolve in water, and cannot be destroyed when cooked, and broken down in the body. It has to be excreted as an alpha-solanine. Alpha-solanine is labeled as a neurotoxin, and many foods containing it, also have around 5 other neurotoxins including nicotine and atropine ...
TY - JOUR. T1 - Cyclosporine concentrations in blood after liver transplantation. T2 - Correlation of immunoassay results with clinical events. AU - Haven, M. C.. AU - Sobeski, L. M.. AU - Earl, R. A.. AU - Markin, R. S.. PY - 1989. Y1 - 1989. N2 - To investigate the clinical utility of immunoassays for cyclosporine and metabolites in plasma and whole blood, we monitored 25 patients after orthotopic liver transplantation. We compared cyclosporine as measured by TDx fluorescence polarization immunoassay (of both plasma and whole blood) and by two polyclonal radioimmunoassays (from Sandoz and INCSTAR). We found considerable differences in measured cyclosporine concentrations, which were dependent on method, matrix, and clinical condition. Correlation coefficients between results by the various methods for samples from individual patients ranged from 0.825 to 0.996. The three methods used for monitoring cyclosporine in whole blood gave proportional results (Sandoz , INCSTAR , TDx) in individual ...
Since the development of genome editing tools like CRISPR/Cas9, it is possible to modify the sequences of genes in a very specific manner. The molecular delivery into plant protoplasts to improve the quality of agricultural crops represents a major bottleneck in the routine application of CRISPR/Cas9 in modern plant breeding. To approach this need, we suppose using gold nanoparticle mediated (GNOME) laser transfection for delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 ribonucleoproteins (RNP) into potato protoplasts with high-throughput. As a proof-of-concept, we aim to reduce the toxic steroidal glykoalkaloid α-solanine in potatoes. GNOME laser transfection utilizes a picosecond Nd:YAG laser operating at 532 nm to excite surface plasmon resonance of membrane-attached gold nanoparticles. The strong absorption of laser light results in a temperature increase, leading to vaporization of the surrounding medium and to the formation of cavitation bubbles, which causes a transient permeabilization of the cell membrane. The ...
I can literally hear many of you groan when reading the above list. After all anyone eating a varied healthy diet is going to be including at least two thirds of that list every week. In fact it would seem that nightshades are fundamental to our modern day diet. Its not just the actual tomatoes we are eating but consider pizza, marinara sauce (in fact most pizza sauces) ketchup, barbecue sauce ……. The list could go on and on! Potatoes are also another household staple in the form of baked potatoes, French fries, chips, mashed and roasted potatoes. I think we all eat peppers at least once a week these days in salads or roasted.. So we know we like them, we know we consume them often and we probably thought they were good whole foods we should be including in our diet. So what are the potentially problematic aspects of nightshades?. Alkaloids. Nightshades contain substances called alkaloids, which can cause inflammation and stress. One type of alkaloid in nightshades, Solanine, has been ...
The main culprit with regards to gout is a persons diet. Whereas an increased intake of vitamin D is still to be confirmed as far as its overall effect on the reduction of incidence of gout, other changes in daily food intake can have a much more immediate impact. These include: reducing consumption of so-called nightshade foods, items such as white potatoes and tomatoes, which contain the chemical alkaloid solanine; avoiding food additives such as MSG and artificial sweeteners; and even reducing not just food but also the amount and types of prescription drugs being administered.. Excessive beer and wine consumption has also been found to increase the statistical incidence of gout, with the former a more likely cause than the latter. So a person susceptible to gout, instead of taking additional vitamin D, will be better served by keeping their alcohol consumption well below the daily, recommended minimums, and even selecting one or two days (or more) per week that they designate to be ...
naturalized throughout East and East-Central United States; plants contain solanine (poisonous alkaloid); known as Deadly or Bittersweet Nightshade ...
Tomatine (sometimes called tomatin or lycopersicin) is a glycoalkaloid, found in the stems and leaves of tomato plants, and in the fruits at much lower concentrations. It has fungicidal, antimicrobial, and insecticidal properties. Chemically pure tomatine is a white crystalline solid at standard temperature and pressure. Tomatine, as well as the closely related aglycon (or aglycone) derivative tomatidine have been shown to have multiple health benefits. Tomatine is sometimes confused with the glycoalkaloid solanine, which is found in potatoes. Tomatoes were brought to Europe in the 1590s. The English botanist John Gerard was one of the first cultivators of the tomato plant. In his publication Grete Herball, he considered tomatoes as poisonous due to their levels of what would later be called tomatine, plus high acid content. Consequently, tomatoes were generally not eaten in Britain until the mid-18th century. In 1837, the first medicinal tomato pills were advertised in the United States because ...
Solanum aculeatissimum Jacq. () is a perennial undershrub (30 to 90 cm in height) and tropical America is its place of origin. It grows wild throughout the world, and is used to treat bronchitis and rheumatism in China.. Three alkaloids, solanine (), solasonine (), and β-solamardine () have been isolated from the acid methanolic extracts of the fruits (). The fruit, Kikania lei (Hawaii), is cooked and eaten. Solanum aculeatissimum also contains two new steroidal glycosides, aculeatisides A () and B () in the roots (). The yields of solasodine and aculeatiside B are surprisingly high (3.8 and 3.0% dry weight, respectively). Solasodine (), an aglycon of solasonine and β-solamargine and nuatigenin (), an aglycon of aculeatiside A and B are potentially useful precursors for the manufacture of steroidal hormones and pharmaceuticals, since nuatigenin and solasodine can be converted to the pregnane derivatives () as well as diosgenin (). Thus the potential utilization of the sapogenin nuatigenin has ...
Animal meats, dairy, eggs, nori seaweed, and peanuts contain arachidonic acid. When used excessively, arachidonic acid can actually be destructive to the body.. Beans: in lupus diet though tasty, contain amines and hydrazines, which increase lupus symptoms.. Cured meats like hot dogs are bad because they contain components that have been proven to trigger lupus symptoms.. Eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, and white potatoes: (also known as nightshade vegetables) should be avoided because they contain solanine, an agent that triggers inflammation and pain common to lupus sufferers.. Fat reduction can reduce up to 25% of the aches and pains of a lupus patient.. Herbs like andrographis, echinacea, eleutherococcus, garlic, ginseng, and Panax should be taken with caution since they are known to increase autoimmunity in lupus diet.. Dietary supplements for iron could promote joint destruction, pain, and swelling. Foods containing iron, however, are okay.. Oils like corn, poppy seed, safflower, and ...
Prelogs main interest was focused on alkaloids. He found an ideal topic in the elucidation of the structure of solanine; he continued his work on Cinchona alkaloids and started to investigate strychnine. He showed that Robert Robinsons formula for strychnine was not correct. Although the formula he proposed was also not the right one, the discovery increased his international prestige. Later he worked on elucidating the structures of aromatic Erythrina alkaloids with Derek Barton, Oskar Jeger and Robert Burns Woodward.[12] At mid-century, the instrumental revolution necessitated a new approach to structural elucidation. Purely chemical methods had become outdated and had lost some of their intellectual appeal. Recognizing the growing importance of microbial metabolites, Prelog started working on these compounds, which possess unusual structures and interesting biological properties. It led him into antibiotics, and he subsequently elucidated the structures of such compounds as nonactin, ...
I posted in the other forums because nightshades also have strong affect for people with those conditions. Nightshades really aren t good for anyone, but everyone reacts differently to poisons. The nightshade family (solanaceae) poisons (included in all the nightshades are alkaloids, nicotine [yes nicotine is in tomatoes too], solanine, scopolamine, atropine, and more) build up in our system no matter who we are. I mean think about how some people die from smoking cigarettes and some people smoke up into their 60 s 70 s or older. I remember George Burns smoking a cigar at his 100th birthda ...
Abstract High temperatures affect potato production in the tropics, putting tuber yield and quality at risk and leading to increased glycoalkaloid concentration the cause of the bitter taste in potatoes and a cause for concern for human health. The International Potato Center (CIP), has developed new heat tolerant clones which are heat tolerant and also resistant to late blight. These clones offer an opportunity to evaluate yield and glycoalkaloid levels after growth under high temperature environments. We evaluated four sets of 16 full-sib families and 20 clones for tuber yield and glycoalkaloid content in order to estimate narrow-sense and broad-sense heritability respectively. We used a randomized complete block design replicated in three locations in Peru; San Ramon, La Molina and Majes At harvest, the number and weight of marketable and nonmarketable tubers were recorded. We analyzed samples of tubers from each clone for glycoalkaloid content using spectrophotometry. Narrow-sense heritability for
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Citation: N/A Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: Colorado potato beetle (CPB) is a destructive pest of the cultivated potato. Certain glycoalkaloids in potato leaves are effective deterrents to this insect; however, in tubers these compounds can be toxic to humans. Leptines are foliar specific glycoalkaloids produced by the related species, Solanum chacoense. We are studying the inheritance of leptine production in segregating F-1 and F-2 populations derived from two S. chacoense accessions, 55-1 and 55-3, which are (respectively) high and low leptine producers. The F-1 segregates 1:1 for high (,70% of total glycoalkaloids) and low (,20% of TGA) leptine content. Segregation data from the F-1 and F-2 populations suggest a two-gene model for leptine production: a dominant repressor and a recessive inducer. Using two bulked DNA samples composed of high and low-leptine individuals from the F-1 population, we are using various molecular markers (RAPDs, SSRs, DS-PCR, and AFLPs) to search for ...
Upon entering our digestive tract, anti-nutrients irritate the intestinal tract resulting in intestinal permeability - in other words, wheat (breads, pasta, pizza, cereal) containing gliadin and glutenin, potatoes containing glycoalkaloids and saponins, and legumes containing saponins and lectins - all of those foods irritate the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, breaking down the the natural barrier of the intestinal wall. This breakdown of the intestinal wall is sometimes referred to as leaky gut syndrome. Intestinal permeability is associated with chronic low-grade inflammation (resulting in diverticulitis), inappropriate immune responses (allergies), and autoimmune diseases (such as celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), rheumatoid arthritis, Type 1 diabetes, and Multiple Sclerosis).. For the record, sweet potatoes and yams do not contain saponins or glycoalkaloids.. ...
The European Commission asked EFSA for a scientific opinion on the risks for animal and human health related to the presence of glycoalkaloids (GAs) in feed and food. This risk assessment covers edible parts of potato plants and other food plants containi .... ...
Species, Scientific Experts, Publications, Genomes and Genes, Research Grants, Research Topics about fluorescence polarization immunoassay
Rapid detection and discrimination of food-related bacteria using IR-microspectroscopy in combination with multivariate statistical ...
Rapid detection and discrimination of food-related bacteria using IR-microspectroscopy in combination with multivariate statistical ...
For companies to successfully fulfill the demand for greater transparency, they need to be in tune to what causes and concerns consumers care about. A recent Nielsen study identified 16 hot topics related to todays food/grocery industry and noted Americans level of awareness and interest in...
For consumers today, the perceived ethicality of a foods production method can be as important a purchasing consideration as its price. Still, few studies have examined how, neurofunctionally, consumers are making ethical, food-related decisions. We examined how consumers ethical concern about a foods production method may relate to how, neurofunctionally, they make decisions whether to purchase that food. Forty-six participants completed a measure of the extent to which they took ethical concern into consideration when making food-related decisions. They then underwent a series of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans while performing a food-related decision-making (FRDM) task. During this task, they made 56 decisions whether to purchase a food based on either its price (i.e., high or low, the
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Ladies and Gentlemen, Fork in the Road has a new feature: Ask the Critics. So send us your questions and either Robert Sietsema or Sarah...
Butyrylcholinesterase [BuChE (acylcholine acyl hydrolase); EC] limits the access of drugs, including tacrine, to other proteins. The atypical BuChE variant, in which Asp70 at the rim of the active site gorge is substituted by glycine, displayed a more drastically weakened interaction with tacrine than with cocaine, dibucaine, succinylcholine, BW284c51 [1,5-bis(4-allyldimethylammoniumphenyl)pentan-3-one dibromide], or alpha-solanine. To delineate the protein domains that are responsible for this phenomenon, we mutated residues within the rim of the active site gorge, the region parallel to the peripheral site in the homologous enzyme acetylcholinesterase [AChE (acetylcholine acetyl hydrolase); EC], the oxyanion hole, and the choline-binding site. When expressed in microinjected Xenopus laevis oocytes, all mutant DNAs yielded comparable amounts of immunoreactive protein products. Most mutants retained catalytic activity close to that of wild-type BuChE and were capable of binding ligands
As dementia progresses, caregivers increasingly have to manage the decline of food-related abilities with little outside information or input from support services The provision of food coping skills and knowledge can lessen the burden on caregivers. However, there is little research on caregivers perspectives on food-related services. This paper reports on a qualitative study to investigate informal caregivers experiences of, and views on, food-related information and support services in dementia. Twenty informal caregivers were interviewed and the transcripts from these interviews were analysed using both deductive and inductive thematic analysis. Four categories emerged. Direct food-related Information, covers written material, training, Direct food-related informal support: lunch clubs, Indirect non-food related formal support services covers respite services and domestic help at home. Finally no services required covers those who did not feel they needed any form of intervention ...
Fluorescence polarization immunoassays (FPIA) were developed for the determination of pesticides triazophos and carbaryl in wheat grains using the portable FPIA device Sentry 200 (Ellie). FPIA of carbaryl was developed first. Tracers for FPIA were synthesized and their structures were confirmed via mass spectrometr
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Word math problems are a great way to engage students in learning how to apply the skills they have learned. Interesting problems encourage students to think creatively about how to solve problems that have applications in the real world. Both in 2020 and 1920, there were many word problems that are based on food-related topics.…
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