begin{equations*}[t]{llr} \frac{sin(80^\circ-x)}{sin(x)}&=\frac{sin(10^\circ)sin(30^\circ)}{sin(20^\circ)sin(40^\circ)}\\[10] sin(80^\circ-x)sin(20^\circ)sin(40^\circ)&=sin(10^\circ)sin(30^\circ)sin(x)\\[10] sin(80^\circ-x)sin(20^\circ)sin(40^\circ)&=\frac{1}{2}sin(10^\circ)sin(x)&[sin(30^\circ)=1/2]\\[10] sin(80^\circ-x)sin(30^\circ-10^\circ)sin(30^\circ+10^\circ)&=\frac{1}{2}sin(10^\circ)sin(x)\\[10] sin(80^\circ-x)(cos^2(10^\circ)-cos^2(30^\circ))&=\frac{1}{2}sin(10^\circ)sin(x)&[sin(A-B)sin(A+B)=cos^2 B-cos^2 A]\\[10] sin(80^\circ-x)(cos^2(10^\circ)-\frac{3}{4})&=\frac{1}{2}sin(10^\circ)sin(x)&[cos(30^\circ)=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}]\\[10] sin(80^\circ-x) \frac{4cos^3(10^\circ)-3cos(10^\circ)}{4cos(10^\circ)}&=\frac{1}{2}sin(10^\circ)sin(x)\\[10] sin(80^\circ-x) \frac{cos(30^\circ)}{4cos(10^\circ)}&=\frac{1}{2}sin(10^\circ)sin(x)&[cos(3A)=4cos^3 A-3cos A]\\[10] sin(80^\circ-x)cos(30^\circ)&=2sin(10^\circ)cos(10^\circ)sin(x)\\[10] sin(80^\circ-x)cos(30^\circ)&=sin(20^\circ)sin(x)&[sin(2A)=2sin A ...
Notice in Romans 7:8-13 how sin is spoken of as a living thing. For without the law sin is dead. For I was alive without the law once, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died. (Rom. 7:8-9) Sin is something that comes to life, and therefore sin is something that may be put to death. But how does sin come to life? The answer is of such importance, for once we know how sin gets its life, we shall then know how to put sin to death: by taking away that which gives sin life! The answer is so easily seen in the passage, it is a wonder how so many can miss it. Sin comes to life by the law. In this we are taught the most amazingly profound truth. Sin lives by law; law gives sin its vitality so that it controls our bodies. For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. (Rom. 7:5). How does the law give sin life? The law gives sin life by giving sin an occasion, an opportunity to rebel. It is sins ...
The Terrible Effect Of Sin Sin is the greatest of all evil. Sin is like rotten meat that attrack flies (demons) In God opinion, Sin has no individuality, so that no one can say of it that someone created it. It is simply the name of a state or condition. Sin or evil is not a self-existent thing, but simply the absence or nonexistence of good. The terrible effect of sin The negative effect of the sins of the earthly fathers The Awfullness of the sins of the earthly fathers »Sins can brings, sadness, tears, poverty, suffering, sickness and death »Sins is the open doors which the evil one enters into a persons life. »The sins of the fathers is an open door for all the devils to access a person career »Through the sins- Satan gains entry into a persons life »Through sin - Satan gains control over a person life and affairs and hold them captive. »Through the sins of the father, the door to a person life and my destiny will be open to the devils. »The devils uses through the sins of the
SIN3A - SIN3A (untagged)-Human SIN3 homolog A, transcription regulator (yeast) (SIN3A), transcript variant 2 available for purchase from OriGene - Your Gene Company.
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If xcos(z) +ysin(z) =2a, xcos(k) + ysin(k) =2a and 2sin(z/2).sin(k/2) =1 then (a) cos(z) + cos(k) = 2ax/x 2 + y 2 (b) cos(z). cos(k) = (2a 2 - y 2 )/(x 2 + y 2
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Jerry Coyne weighs in with a few thoughts about the various attempts, considered in my last post, to preserve the notion of original sin in the light of modern science. It turns out hes even less impressed by those attempts than I am. Go have a look!
TY - JOUR. T1 - Structure of the 30-kDa Sin3-associated protein (SAP30) in complex with the mammalian Sin3A corepressor and its role in nucleic acid binding. AU - Xie, Tao. AU - He, Yuan. AU - Korkeamaki, Hanna. AU - Zhang, Yongbo. AU - Imhoff, Rebecca. AU - Lohi, Olli. AU - Radhakrishnan, Ishwar. N1 - Copyright: Copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.. PY - 2011/8/5. Y1 - 2011/8/5. N2 - The ∼2-megadalton evolutionarily conserved histone deacetylase- associated Rpd3L/Sin3L complex plays critical roles in altering the histone code and repressing transcription of a broad range of genes involved in many aspects of cellular physiology. Targeting of this complex to specific regions of the genome is presumed to rely on interactions involving one or more of at least 10 distinct subunits in the complex. Here we describe the solution structure of the complex formed by the interacting domains of two constitutively associated subunits, mSin3A and SAP30. The mSin3A paired amphipathic helix 3 ...
We produced transgenic Arabidopsis plants that express chimeric genes for transcription factors converted to dominant repressors, using Chimeric REpressor gene-Silencing Technology (CRES-T), and evaluated the salt tolerance of each line. The seeds of the CRES-T lines for ADA2b, Msantd, DDF1, DREB26, …
How can two different biological events, infection and organogenesis, be controlled by the same transcription factor, NIN? How can NIN act both positively and negatively in a stage- or tissue-dependent manner during nodule organogenesis? Recent reports in Arabidopsis indicate that a transcription factor may act as a bifunctional transcription factor and mediate a wide variety of biological events. WUSCHEL acts as both a repressor and an activator in a domain-dependent manner (Ikeda et al., 2009). In our study, however, a NIN chimeric repressor can repress IT formation in the epidermis (Fig. 5; Table I), so that NIN functions only as an activator in both infection and organogenesis. If NIN functions as a repressor of IT formation, the NIN chimeric repressor should not repress IT formation. Another possibility is that different actions of NIN are dependent on tissue- or stage-specific downstream targets, including cotranscriptional regulators. The putative cortex- or late nodule-specific ...
import System.Environment;import System.Random;import Graphics.GD d=round;e=fromIntegral;h=concatMap;q=0.2588 j a(x,y)=[(x,y),(d$c*e x-s*e y,d$s*e x+c*e y)] where c=cos$pi/a;s=sin$pi/a go s f w p@(x,y)((m,n):o),x,1=go s f w(s,0)o,abs(e$y+n),q*e x=go s f w p o,elem(x-m,y+n)f&&(v*z-z)*(b-q*z)-(-v*q*z-q*z)*(a-z),0=p:go s(p:f)w(s,0)o,1,2=go s f w(x-m,y+n)o where z=e s;a=e x;b=e y;v=e w/100 main = do k,-getArgs;g,-getStdGen;let(s:p:w:_)=map read k i,-newImage(2*s,2*s);let t=h(j 3)$h(\(x,y)-,[(x,y),(d$0.866*e x+0.5*e y,d$0.5*e x-0.866*e y)])$take(s*d(q*e s)*p`div`100)$go s[(0,0)]w(s,0)$map(\r-,((1+r)`mod`2,r))(randomRs(-1,1)g) mapM(\(x,y)-,setPixel(x+s,y+s)(rgb 255 255 255)i)((h(j(-3/2))t)++(h(j(3/2))t));savePngFile o.png i ...
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That is, Qkℓ is an identity matrix except for four entries, two on the diagonal (qkk and qℓℓ, both equal to c) and two symmetrically placed off the diagonal (qkℓ and qℓk, equal to s and −s, respectively). Here c = cos ϑ and s = sin ϑ for some angle ϑ; but to apply the rotation, the angle itself is not required. Using Kronecker delta notation, the matrix entries can be written ... es una innovadora plataforma multimedia que reúne sus propias cámaras con la tecnología de vídeo en directo imágenes, localizadas en toda Polonia. Ayuda a los usuarios de Internet a ver partes interesantes de la país sin salir de casa y de forma gratuita. ... es una innovadora plataforma multimedia que reúne sus propias cámaras con la tecnología de vídeo en directo imágenes, localizadas en toda Polonia. Ayuda a los usuarios de Internet a ver partes interesantes de la país sin salir de casa y de forma gratuita. ...
LEPTOS S是创新的功能强大的和应用广泛的残余应力分析软件,用著名的sin2ψ法,并延伸到二维XRD (XRD2) 应用。可用零维、一维或者二维探测器测量。作为LEPTOS软件包的一部分,这个模块继承了整软件包所有共通功能。 ...
Oh this tussle.... this eighth sin we all are guilty of... we wouldnt be feeling guilty of our sins if we really were that far away from our soul... but then there are some sins that soothe the soul so much at times... I bet the soul must be turning a blind eye to those sins... and at times it is our mind that restrains us from committing sins that may cost us dear ...
Find sin(s+t) and (s-t) if cos(s)= 1/5 and sin(t) = 3/5 and s and t are in quadrant 1. =Sin(s)cos(t) + Cos(s)Sin(t) =Sin(1/5)Cos(3/5) + Cos(-1/5)Sin(3/5) = 0.389418 Sin(s-t) =sin(s)cos(t) - cos(s)sin(t) =sin(-3/5)cos(1/5) - cos(1/5)sin(3/5) =Sin-3/5 cos-3/5 = -0.46602 HELP ... ...
Complete information for SINHCAF gene (Protein Coding), SIN3-HDAC Complex Associated Factor, including: function, proteins, disorders, pathways, orthologs, and expression. GeneCards - The Human Gene Compendium
This is a collection of ImplicitCAD files for an assortment of objects. Enjoy! module box1(BT,FH,H,PL,PB,SW,TT,UL,W,WT,G,cos,sin) /*type 32*/ {difference()/*remove inside & notch*/ {linear_extrude(H)/*make solid*/ polygon/*outside*/([(0,SW+PB+PL*cos/sin),(PL,SW+PB),(PL,SW/2+TT/2),(0,SW/2+TT/2),(0,SW/2-TT/2),(PL,SW/2-TT/2),(PL+SW/2-TT/2,0),(W-PL-SW/2+TT/2,0),(W-PL,SW/2-TT/2),(W,SW/2-TT/2),(W,SW/2+TT/2),(W-PL,SW/2+TT/2),(W-PL,SW+PB),(W,SW+PB+PL*cos/sin)/*back*/,(W,UL-PB-PL*cos/sin),(W-PL-PB*sin/cos+G*sin/cos,UL-G),(PL+PB*sin/cos-G*sin/cos,UL-G),(0,UL-PB-PL*cos/sin)/*front*/]); translate(0,0,BT)/*move up to leave bottom*/ linear_extrude(H)/*make solid*/ difference()/*round off inside corners*/ ...
He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.
Romans 6:6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with [him], that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. see cross Crucifixion
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오랫만에 하려니 sin() 함수가 radian 값을 받는것도 깜박잊고 꽤나 헤매게 만드네.. #include GL/gl.h #include GL/glu.h #include GL/glut.h #include math.h static int year = 0, day = 0; void disp..
Sinéad OConnor has been pretty much invisible for the past few years. Theres a good reason, wel, she tells me with her usual disregard for social niceties.
t = 0:0.01*pi:21*pi; x = sin (t).*(exp (cos (t)) - 2*cos (4*t) + sin (t/12).^5); y = cos (t).*(exp (cos (t)) - 2*cos (4*t) + sin (t/12).^5); plot(x, y ...
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The Lazar laboratory is studying the transcriptional regulation of metabolism. We are particularly focused on the role played by nuclear receptors (NRs). In the absence of ligand, NRs bind to DNA and function as potent transcriptional repressors by recruiting corepressor complexes that include the chromatin modulating enzyme histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3). We are studying the tissue-specific and physiological roles of the corepressor complexes using by combining genomic, genetic, proteomic, bioinformatic, and metabolic phenotyping approaches. We are especially interested in the circadian NR Rev-erb alpha, which utilizes the corepressor complex to potently repress transcription. Rev-erb alpha is a key repressive component of the circadian clock that coordinates metabolism and biological rhythms. We are also studying PPAR gamma, a nuclear receptor that is a master regulator of adipocyte (fat cell) differentiation. Ligands for PPAR gamma have potent antidiabetic activity, and thus PPAR gamma ...
Component of the SIN3-repressing complex. Enhances the ability of SIN3-HDAC1-mediated transcriptional repression. When tethered to the promoter, it can direct the formation of a repressive complex to core histone proteins. Auxiliary component of the splicing-dependent multiprotein exon junction complex (EJC) deposited at splice junction on mRNAs. The EJC is a dynamic structure consisting of core proteins and several peripheral nuclear and cytoplasmic associated factors that join the complex only transiently either during EJC assembly or during subsequent mRNA metabolism. Component of the ASAP and PSAP complexes which bind RNA in a sequence-independent manner and are proposed to be recruited to the EJC prior to or during the splicing process and to regulate specific excision of introns in specific transcription subsets. The ASAP complex can inhibit mRNA processing during in vitro splicing reactions. The ASAP complex promotes apoptosis and is disassembled after induction of apoptosis. Involved in ...
Histone deacetylases (HDACs) play important roles in transcriptional regulation in eukaryotic cells. Several lines of evidence also link HDACs to cancer. HDAC i...
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body,.... Since grace reigns in you, sin should not: seeing ye are dead to sin, are baptized into the death of Christ, and are dead with him, and alive through him, sin therefore should not reign in you, and over you. This exhortation does not suppose a freewill power in man naturally, for this is spoken to persons, who had the Spirit and grace of Christ, and in whom God had wrought both to will and to do of his good pleasure; nor is this exhortation unnecessary to believers, though they are dead to sin, and though God has promised it shall not have the dominion over them, and though reigning sin, as divines say, cannot be in regenerate persons; for though they are entirely dead to sin as justified persons, yet not perfectly so as sanctified: they are indeed dead to sin, but sin is not dead in them; it struggles, it makes war, leads captive, and threatens absolute and universal dominion, wherefore such an exhortation is necessary; besides, though God ...
def z1y2x3(alpha, beta, gamma): Rotation matrix given Euler angles return np.array([[np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(beta), np.cos(alpha) * np.sin(beta) * np.sin(gamma) - np.cos(gamma) * np.sin(alpha), np.sin(alpha) * np.sin(gamma) + np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(gamma) * np.sin(beta)], [np.cos(beta) * np.sin(alpha), np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(gamma) + np.sin(alpha) * np.sin(beta) * np.sin(gamma), np.cos(gamma) * np.sin(alpha) * np.sin(beta) - np.cos(alpha) * np.sin(gamma)], [-np.sin(beta), np.cos(beta) * np.sin(gamma), np.cos(beta) * np.cos(gamma)]]) which given alpha, beta, gamma as: angles = np.radians(np.array([30, 20, 10])) returns the following matrix: In [31]: z1y2x3(angles[0], angles[1], angles[2]) Out[31]: array([[ 0.81379768, -0.44096961, 0.37852231], [ 0.46984631, 0.88256412, 0.01802831], [-0.34202014, 0.16317591, 0.92541658]]) If I understand correctly, one should be able to compose this matrix by multiplying the rotation matrices that it is made of. However, I cannot reproduce this matrix via ...
It is not a mechanical process that the Apostle is establishing in I John 1: 9 as if to say that no sin is forgiven that is not confessed. This is the error of the Pelagians and Catholics who think that if they die with any unconfessed sin then they are doomed. No one even knows the depth of his own sin. How can a man confess his sins if he is not even aware of them? What the Apostle is saying is that the person who is walking with God and in the light is one who is a confessor of his hamartia ...
Guest essay by David Archibald One Senate inquiry is addressing Australias drift towards a fuel crisis, a sin of omission on the part of the Rudd/Gillard government and the current Liberal one. Another Senate inquiry is investigating a sin of commission that started under Howards watch and continues to this day, namely the proliferation of…
The real problem is we dont have an understanding of how deadly sin is. How much exposure to anthrax is acceptable? How much cyanide is safe to ingest? We understand these to be lethal and do what we can to avoid or counteract them. Sin is lethal too, in small doses or large.
If you know that God is righteous, you may be sure that everyone who does right has been born of him. See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are Gods children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is. And all who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure. Everyone who commits sin is guilty of lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. You know that he was revealed to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. No one who abides in him sins; no one who sins has either seen him or known him. ...
Interaction between NBS1 and the mTOR/Rictor/SIN1 complex.A & B. Co-immunoprecipitation assays showed the interaction between NBS1 and mTOR in 293T cells ov
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Sinéad Cahalan is one of the longer-serving Galway camogie players, having represented her county since minor, and winning an All-Ireland ...
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Over on the new-ish blog Via Media, Simon Butler has responded to a brief conversation he and I had online, in which he argues that the mantra Hate the sin,
R=1; // radius of tube N=9.6; // number of turns H=5.0; // height P=1.5; // power P1=1.1; // another power T=0.8; // Triangleness of cross section A=0.1; // Angle of tilt of cross section (radians) S=1.5; // Stretch W = (u/(2*pi)*R)^P1 Fx = W(u)*cos(N*u)*(1+cos(v+A)+sin(2*v+A)*T/4) Fy = W(u)*sin(N*u)*(1+cos(v+A)+sin(2*v+A)*T/4) Fz = S*W(u)*(sin(v+A)+cos(2*v+A)*T/4) + S*H*(u/(2*pi))^ ...
Read Sekai wa Happy de Dekiteiru Vol.2 Chapter 6 : Love And Sin - From Terrad: Kanae, whos just been through terrible heartbreak, decides to take a vacation to the mountains, hoping to take her mind off of things. Her skiing instructor turns out to be more of a comfort to Kanae
I have little writing news of my own right now. But Grant has a lot happening - as always. His latest release, All the Comfort Sin Can Provide, has just become available for pre-order. It has the most enticing title and cover ...
And when the righteous turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and when I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die. Because you have not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand. ...
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Buenas noches, Un ELISA positivo sin un examen confirmatorio positivo, tal como un Western Blot positivo, no es concluyente. Si te entiendo correctamente, ahora tienes dos ELISAS positivos y dos...
CallesRockCorner har siden 2007 delt sin interesse for Rock, Heavy, Metal og Blues Rock med anmeldelser, interviews, Band Of The Week, konkurrencer m.m.
CallesRockCorner har siden 2007 delt sin interesse for Rock, Heavy, Metal og Blues Rock med anmeldelser, interviews, Band Of The Week, konkurrencer m.m.
CallesRockCorner har siden 2007 delt sin interesse for Rock, Heavy, Metal og Blues Rock med anmeldelser, interviews, Band Of The Week, konkurrencer m.m.
CallesRockCorner har siden 2007 delt sin interesse for Rock, Heavy, Metal og Blues Rock med anmeldelser, interviews, Band Of The Week, konkurrencer m.m.
Sin-eaters are not unknown to many us. And for literally thousands of years they have served the purpose to eat and remove the sins of humans.
Hukkerikar, A. S., Sin, G., Abildskov, J., Gani, R., Sarup, B., Kontogeorgis, G., Frenkel, M. & Krooshof, G.. 01/07/2010 → 30/09/2013 ...