A scleroprotein forms long protein filaments, which are shaped like rods or wires. Scleroproteins are structural proteins or storage proteins that are typically inert and water-insoluble. A scleroprotein occurs as an aggregate due to hydrophobic side chains that protrude from the molecule. A scleroproteins peptide sequence often has limited residues with repeats; these can form unusual secondary structures, such as a collagen helix. The structures often feature cross-links between chains (e.g., cys-cys disulfide bonds between keratin chains). Scleroproteins tend not to denature as easily as globular proteins. Miroshnikov et al. (1998) are among the researchers who have attempted to synthesize fibrous proteins.[3] ...
Extracellular Matrix Proteins (ECM Proteins) are macromolecular organic compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and usually, sulfur
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Strains of the bacterium Enterobacter, similar to newly found opportunistic infectious organisms seen in a few hospital settings, have been identified on the International Space Station (ISS). The strains found in space were not pathogenic to humans, but researchers believe they should be studied for potential health implications for future missions, according to a study published in the open access journal BMC Microbiology.