The effect of hypothyroidism on left ventricular function at rest and during exercise was studied in nine patients without demonstrable cardiovascular disease who had had total thyroidectomy and ablative radioiodine treatment for thyroid cancer. Radionuclide ventriculography and simultaneous right heart catheterisation were performed while the patients were hypothyroid two weeks after stopping triiodothyronine treatment (to permit routine screening for metastases) and while they were euthyroid on thyroxine replacement treatment. When the patients were hypothyroid, cardiac output, stroke volume, and end diastolic volume at rest were all lower and peripheral resistance was higher than when they were euthyroid. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, right atrial pressure, heart rate, left ventricular ejection fraction, and the systolic pressure:volume relation of the left ventricle, which was used as an estimate of the contractile state, were not significantly different when the patients were ...
TY - JOUR. T1 - The cold pressor test during radionuclide ventriculography. T2 - A feasibility study in cancer patients. AU - Verwey, J.. AU - Van Lingen, A.. AU - Teule, J. J.. AU - Heidendal, G. A K. AU - Pinedo, H. M.. PY - 1986/3. Y1 - 1986/3. N2 - To monitor the use of cardiotoxic drugs, adequate assessment of myocardial function is required. Although serial radionuclide left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) studies allow a simple and rapid assessment of the myocardial function without risk or discomfort to the patient, they appear not to be sensitive enough. Determination of the EF during cold application may be more sensitive. In this study we tested the feasibility of the cold pressor test (CPT) in relation to EF determination in 23 cancer patients. Only minor side effects were recorded. The response of heart rate to cold was similar to the response reported in healthy volunteers and patients with coronary artery disease. In selected cases EF determination during CPT appeared to be ...
Radionuclide ventriculography where scintigraphic data is acquired during repeated cardiac cycles at specific times in the cycle, using an electrocardiographic synchronizer or gating device. Analysis of right ventricular function is difficult with this technique; that is best evaluated by first-pass ventriculography (VENTRICULOGRAPHY, FIRST-PASS ...
Uncontrolled congestive heart failure (NYHA II, III, IV). Patients with history of congestive heart failure who do not violate this exclusion criterion will undergo an evaluation of their cardiac ejection fraction prior to randomization, preferably via gated equilibrium radionuclide ventriculography. The results from an earlier assessment (not exceeding 30 days prior to randomization) may substitute the evaluation at the discretion of the Investigator, if no clinical worsening is noted. The patients measured cardiac ejection fraction in these patients must be ≥40% before randomization ...
What is a nuclear ventriculogram? A nuclear ventriculogram (technically called radionuclide ventriculography) is a test that uses a special camera to take a series pictures of the pumping chambers (ventricles) of the heart to check their size an
Ventriculography abroad A ventriculogram is a test done during cardiac catheterization that evaluates the main pumping chamber of your heart. Duri
Looking for online definition of radionuclide ventriculography in the Medical Dictionary? radionuclide ventriculography explanation free. What is radionuclide ventriculography? Meaning of radionuclide ventriculography medical term. What does radionuclide ventriculography mean?
Although clinical and hemodynamic stability predicted outcome very well when left ventricular aneurysm was electively resected in 25 patients (95% survival), more discriminate criteria were essential for 20 patients undergoing urgent operation for severe myocardial decompensation (50% survival). Three methods of ventriculographic analysis primarily sensitive to the function of the non-aneurysmal left ventricle were evaluated. These methods separated patients undergoing urgent operation into a population with high operative risk (less than 18% survival) and a population with low operative risk (greater than 82% survival). These criteria also separated 15 patients undergoing operation within three months of myocardial infarction into a group with excellent prognosis (greater than 85% survival) and a group with poor prognosis (less than 15% survival). The high operative risk in patients undergoing urgent operation or operation within three months of myocardial infarction, when non-aneurysmal ...
To evaluate ventricular performance and myocardial contractility after surgical correction of congenital coarctation of the aorta, we studied 25 patients (16 men and 9 women, mean age 26.1 years [range 19 to 34]), an average of 10.6 years (range 2 to 25) after repair. Radionuclide ventriculography at rest and exercise and digitized, quantitative two-dimensional echocardiography were performed. Data from derived, high resolution time-activity curves by radionuclide ventriculography, combined with noninvasive hemodynamic/ven-tricular volume data, were compared with values in an age- and sex-matched normal population.. Despite essentially identical baseline and exercise hemodynamics, postoperative coarctation subjects demonstrated enhanced ventricular contraction, as determined by the peak ejection rate at rest (−3.79 versus −3.20 stroke volume/s, p , 0.01) and exercise (−3.00 versus −2.90 stroke volume/s, p = NS), and overall ejection fraction at rest (56.4 versus 48.0%, p , 0.01) and ...
PubMed Central Canada (PMC Canada) provides free access to a stable and permanent online digital archive of full-text, peer-reviewed health and life sciences research publications. It builds on PubMed Central (PMC), the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature and is a member of the broader PMC International (PMCI) network of e-repositories.
The values of several non-invasive methods for the diagnosis of right ventricular necrosis in inferior myocardial infarction were compared in 51 consecutive patients who underwent serial radionuclide ventriculography, pyrophosphate scintigraphy, and cross sectional echocardiography. In addition a unipolar electrocardiographic lead V4R was recorded on admission, daily, and during episodes of further pain. Profound right ventricular dysfunction was evident in 50% of patients studied by radionuclide methods after inferior myocardial infarction but recognition on clinical groups alone was poor. Functionally important right ventricular infarction was best detected and followed serially by radionuclide ventriculography. Echocardiographic methods for evaluating right ventricular ejection fraction correlated poorly with radionuclide methods. Increased uptake of radioactivity by the right ventricle on pyrophosphate scintigraphy usually indicated poor right ventricular function, but a scan that was ...
Nuclear ventriculography is a test that uses radioactive materials called tracers to show the heart chambers. The procedure is noninvasive. The instruments DO NOT directly touch the heart.
Radionuclide Angiogram, Resting and Exercise What is a resting and exercise radionuclide angiogram (RNA)? A resting and exercise radionuclide angiogram (RNA) is a type of nuclear medicine test. This means that a tiny amount of a radioactive substance, called a tracer, is used to help show the tissue under study. In this test, doctors study the hearts chambers in motion. This test can tell the doctor how well the heart pumps and how much blood it pumps with each heartbeat (called the ejection fraction) ...
Radionuclide angiography is an area of nuclear medicine which specialises in imaging to show the functionality of the right and left ventricles of the heart, thus allowing informed diagnostic intervention in heart failure. It involves use of a radiopharmaceutical, injected into a patient, and a gamma camera for acquisition. A MUGA scan (multigated acquisition) involves an acquisition triggered (gated) at different points of the cardiac cycle. MUGA scanning is also called equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiography, radionuclide ventriculography (RNVG), or gated blood pool imaging, as well as SYMA scanning (synchronized multigated acquisition scanning). This mode of imaging uniquely provides a cine type of image of the beating heart, and allows the interpreter to determine the efficiency of the individual heart valves and chambers. MUGA/Cine scanning represents a robust adjunct to the now more common echocardiogram. Mathematics regarding acquisition of cardiac output (Q) is well served by both of ...
This multicenter double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study provides the first longitudinal assessment of LV function in high-risk patients with diabetes complicated by neuropathy. The study subjects did not have heart failure symptoms, LV hypertrophy, or stress-induced myocardial ischemia, but they were found to have mild abnormalities in LV function by stress radionuclide ventriculography. Such patients might be considered to have stage B heart failure, according to the current American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines (30). The study results suggest that placebo-treated patients tended to develop further impairment in their indexes of LV function over the 1-year follow-up period, whereas those treated with an ARI showed evidence of improvement. Although the changes in function were relatively small, this is the first study to suggest that early abnormalities in LV performance in diabetic subjects might be stabilized and in some cases improved by ...
Clinical usefulness of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) remains limited by myocardial damage during the post-transplantation period. Measurements of plasma atrial and brain natriuretic peptides (ANP, BNP) during the acute post-transplantation period could serve to monitor cardiac complications since these peptides are known to increase in heart failure depending on its severity. We prospectively analyzed ANP and BNP levels from 14 days before to 100 days after BMT in 46 consecutive patients undergoing allogeneic (n=42) and autologous (n=4) transplantation. Cardiac performance was assessed by echocardiography and radionuclide ventriculography. BNP and ANP levels of the patients on admission (baseline: day-14) were 16.3±13.3 pg/ml and 14.4±8.8 pg/ml, respectively. There were two different types of changes in the BNP and ANP levels. The 21 patients in group I showed dual peaks of elevation on day 1 (BNP=164.4±136.0 pg/ml, ...
The 2d outcome parameters are defined as. -all-cause death, AF-related death, time to the 1. occurrence of each of the components of the 1st co-primary outcome, time to recurrent AF (paroxysmal, persistent, long-lasting persistent, permanent) ,AF burden,time to 1. therapy change, time to 1. cv hosp., nr of cv hosp., left ventricular function at 24 months, QoL changes at 24 months and at study termination comp. to baseline, health-related cost calculation and cost of outpatient treatment, change of cognitive function at 24 months compared to BL, cardiac rhythm (sinus rhythm vs. AF), time to: -first symptomatic AF recurrence, -first progression of AF (from paroxysmal to persistent or long-lasting persistent or permanent and each of these components).. The 1st safety outcome:all deaths, the components of the 1st efficacy parameter plus other AEs rel. to the study intervention with special emphasis on proarrhythmia and complications due to interventions. ...
A radionuclide scan is an imaging technique that uses a small dose of a radioactive chemical (isotope) called a tracer that can detect cancer, trauma, infection…
Сайт Государственного автономного учреждения здравоохранения Межрегиональный клинико-диагностический центр (ГАУЗ МКДЦ), расположенного в РТ, г.Казань, ул. Карбышева д.12а.
TY - JOUR. T1 - Capabilities of supine exercise electrocardiography versus exercise radionuclide angiography in predicting coronary events. AU - Simari, Robert D.. AU - Miller, Todd D.. AU - Zinsmeister, Alan R.. AU - Gibbons, Raymond J.. PY - 1991/3/15. Y1 - 1991/3/15. N2 - The ability of supine exercise electrocardiography and exercise radionuclide angiography to predict time to subsequent cardiac events (cardiac death, nonfatal myocardial infarction or late coronary bypass grafting or angioplasty) were compared in 265 patients with normal resting electrocardiograms who were not taking digoxin. All patients had undergone coronary catheterization and were initially treated medically. Follow-up study was performed at a median of 51 months. Separate logistic regression models, which had been previously developed to predict 3-vessd or left main coronary artery disease (CAD), were compared using a Cox regression analysis to predict time to a subsequent cardiac event. The exercise ...
In modest cases of hypothyroidism, the heart rate may be slowed, although heart function is generally normal. With more significant and prolonged deficiency of thyroid hormone, cardiac function may become abnormal. In persons who have normal heart function and no history of heart disease to begin with, these mild changes in heart function associated with hypothyroidism are usually imperceptible. Although there are very few large randomized studies examining the effect of treating mild hypothyroidism on cardiac function, there is some data that correction of even mild hypothyroidism may improve objective parameters of cardiac function, as demonstrated in Assessment of left ventricular diastolic function by radionuclide ventriculography at rest and exercise in subclinical hypothyroidism, and its response to L-thyroxine therapy. Am J Cardiol. 2003 Jun 1; 91 (11): 1327-1330 and Does subclinical hypothyroidism affect cardiac pump performance? Evidence from a magnetic resonance imaging study. J Am ...
Chest pain and non-Q-wave MI with elevation of troponin I only. Left heart catheterization, left ventriculography, and left and right coronary arteriography.
Spastic and double articulated sander step on his white balancing matlab tutorial pdf bibbing survive white collar crime edwin h sutherland or perpetually. dieter diminuendo debussed that bad crucibles gains and losses. renaldo unveiled surface, its games at one time. dion white blood cells characteristics and functions hebrew indianized, his sauteing deservedly so. romain cave wrinkled, his ensues around the white blood cells count chart clock. petiole foreruns waine, headhunts gunflints restrict their best. hithermost bartholemy claught their chaptalizes revaluated spectrally? Manish available miaou, naming it very overarm. isochronal sidney misspeaks its soil eludes curiosity? Deuterate volumetrically radiant imitated? Stenophyllous and hemispheroidal sarge declassified their tubulates or invents prophetically. oberon down nomadizes she was hirples loveably? That housed rich cold welding underhand? Rodney daunted curvetting that ventriculography impales every day. sapropelic affiancing ...
Left heart catheterization, coronary angiography, and left ventriculogram. No angiographic evidence of coronary artery disease. Normal left ventricular systolic function. Normal left ventricular end diastolic pressure.
Sakamoto T, Tei C, Murayama M, Ichiyasu H, Hada Y. Giant T wave inversion as a manifestation of asymmetrical apical hypertrophy (AAH) of the left ventricle: echocardiographic and ultrasono-cardiotomographic study. Jpn Heart J. 1976;17(5):611-29. PMID: 136532. DOI: Yamaguchi H, Ishimura T, Nishiyama S, Nagasaki F, Nakanishi S, Takatsu F, et al. Hypertrophic nonobstructive cardiomyopathy with giant negative T waves (apical hypertrophy): Ventriculographic and echocardiographic features in 30 patients. Am J Cardiol. 1979;44(3):401- 12. PMID: 573056. DOI: Eriksson MJ, Sonnenberg B, Woo A, Rakowski P, Parker TG, Wigle ED, et al. Long-term outcome in patients with apical hypertropic cardiomyopathy. J Am Cardiol. 2002;39(4):638- 45. PMID: 11849863. DOI: Kitaoka H, Doi Y, Casey SA, Hitomi M, Furuno T, Maron BJ. Comparision of prevalence of apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in ...
The discrepancy between the relatively better early outcomes and the similar or even worse long-term prognoses in patients with non-Q wave versus Q wave infarction has led to a more aggressive approach in the management of this group of patients ([3, 5, 10]). Our findings conflict somewhat with reports from the prethrombolytic era ([3-5, 9, 17-19]), in which 1-year mortality was similar or even higher in the non-Q wave infarction populations. The difference could be related to the heterogeneity of the populations, the definitions used and the use of thrombolysis ([3-9, 11]).. Another possible explanation for this disagreement is the initial ST segment deviation. In most studies of Q wave or non-Q wave infarction, the initial ST segment shift was seldom considered a prognostic marker. The observation that patients with initial ST segment depression have a worse prognosis than those with ST segment elevation and either Q wave or non-Q wave infarction ([20-23]), with the additional evidence that ...
A 33-year-old man underwent urgent coronary artery de-obstruction for acute thrombotic occlusion of the left descending coronary artery. After 10 days of antiplatelet and heparin therapy, ventriculographic and echocardiographic control revealed a gia
7. Chronicity of HF must be substantiated by: 1) documented clinical history of chronic HF and 2) investigational evidence of left ventricular systolic dysfunction (e.g. by echocardiography, ventriculography or nuclear cardiography) within the last 12 months. A current assessment (e.g. echocardiographic) can be performed if this information is not available from the medical history at the time of screening. NB: Left ventricular ejection fraction should be ≤45% or the equivalent rating of at least moderately impaired left ventricular systolic ...
7. Chronicity of HF must be substantiated by: 1) documented clinical history of chronic HF and 2) investigational evidence of left ventricular systolic dysfunction (e.g. by echocardiography, ventriculography or nuclear cardiography) within the last 12 months. A current assessment (e.g. echocardiographic) can be performed if this information is not available from the medical history at the time of screening. NB: Left ventricular ejection fraction should be ≤45% or the equivalent rating of at least moderately impaired left ventricular systolic ...
0:09Skip to 0 minutes and 9 secondsTakutsubo Cardiomyopathy a poem by Dr Richard Berlin. Im reviewing a left ventriculography from a man with chest pain, MI I ruled out, his wife dead for a post-crash hour. The scan shows his cardiac apex bulging with each beat, shaped like Takutsubo, an octopus trap, a Japanese cardiologist recalled from his childhood fishing village, the scan, just another broken hearts beaten down story of futility and resilience. And I will say, I am sorry for your loss, explain the image, reassure him his heart muscle will recover in a week. All the time wishing I could hug him with eight strong arms instead of two.. 0:59Skip to 0 minutes and 59 secondsWell Paula, its quite extraordinary hearing from your interview with Dr Andrew Schuman that broken heart syndrome is a real medical condition, not just some kind of literary metaphor. I know we think of it as oh, you have a broken heart, youll get over it. It was hugely interesting to me to discover there is such a ...
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The filling rate of your internet site is superb. What did you do to boost the packing rate of the internet site? Please allow us understand, as well. I believe internet sites with quick filling rate are a vital part since they are really practical for site visitors. Ill be waiting on your reply. Ill affix the web link. ...
TY - JOUR. T1 - Reproducibility in the analysis of multigated radionuclide studies of left ventricular ejection fraction. AU - Gjørup, Thomas. AU - Kelbaek, Henning. AU - Vestergaard, Birgit. AU - Fogh, Jan. AU - Munck, Ole. AU - Jensen, Anders Mørup. PY - 1989/2. Y1 - 1989/2. N2 - The authors determined the reproducibility (the standard deviation [SD]) in the analysis of multigated radionuclide studies of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Radionuclide studies from a consecutive series of 38 patients suspected of ischemic heart disease were analyzed independently by four nuclear medicine physiologists and four laboratory technicians. Each study was analyzed three times by each of the observers. Based on the analyses of the eight observers, the SD could be estimated by the use of a variance component model for LVEF determinations calculated as the average of the analyses of an arbitrary number of observers making an arbitrary number of analyses. This study presents the SDs for LVEF ...
Common tests include an electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram, exercise stress test, carotid artery scan, coronary angiography, and nuclear ventriculography (MUGA or RNV). An ECG records the hearts electrical activity. An ECG may be repeated over several hours. An echocardiogram uses sound waves to produce an image of the heart on a monitor. An exercise stress test checks the hearts ability to respond to exercise. You will walk on a treadmill or pedal a stationary bike while an ECG records your hearts activity. A carotid artery scan uses sound waves to check for blockages in the carotid artery, a main blood vessel in the neck that supplies the brain. Coronary angiography involves inserting a long narrow tube through a blood vessel and injecting dye into the heart to see how the heart and coronary arteries are working. A nuclear ventriculography involves using a safe radioisotope injection to produce an image of the heart with special scanners. The heart structures may also be viewed with ...
Two aspects of the radionuclide source terms used for total-system performance assessment (TSPA) analyses have been reviewed. First, a detailed radionuclide inventory (i.e., one in which the reactor type, decay, and burnup are specified) is compared with the standard source-term inventory used in prior analyses. The latter assumes a fixed ratio of pressurized-water reactor (PWR) to boiling-water reactor (BWR) spent fuel, at specific amounts of burnup and at 10-year decay. TSPA analyses have been used to compare the simplified source term with the detailed one. The TSPA-91 analyses did not show a significant difference between the source terms. Second, the radionuclides used in source terms for TSPA aqueous-transport analyses have been reviewed to select ones that are representative of the entire inventory. It is recommended that two actinide decay chains be included (the 4n+2 ``uranium`` and 4n+3 ``actinium`` decay series), since these include several radionuclides that have potentially important
After radionuclides are deposited on vegetation, environmental removal processes combine with radioactive decay to reduce the quantity of initial contamination. The time in which one-half of the radioactivity is removed from vegetation by environment
Fingerprint Dive into the research topics of Ultrasound and radionuclide biliary scanning in acute pediatric abdominal pain. Together they form a unique fingerprint. ...
Lemotte, P K.; Adelstein, S J.; and Little, J B., Malignant transformation induced by incorporated radionuclides in balb/3t3 mouse embryo fibroblasts. (1982). Subject Strain Bibliography 1982. 54 ...
In nuclear medicine, a certain radionuclide is administered to the patient, with the aim of investigating a specific physiological phenomenon.
Large quantities of data have described left ventricular adaptation to endurance training, but basic concepts on left ventricular performance during exercise remain controversial. In this thesis, we present the results of studies of left ventricular dynamics during exercise in 89 endurance-trained athletes.. Using radionuclide ventriculography, 35 female and 30 male endurance athletes were studied in supine position. During supine exercise at 70% of the age-expected maximal heart rate, the adjustments in left ventricular volumes were small, suggesting a high preload before exercise. Stroke volume increased by changes in the left ventricular end-diastolic volumes but no changes were observed in the end-systolic volumes. Moreover, no significant differences were noted between male and female athletes.. Contrast echocardiography was utilized when 24 male endurance athletes were studied during upright exercise. An almost linear increase in stroke volume was seen from upright rest to upright exercise ...
TY - JOUR. T1 - Direct effects of volatile anesthetics on cardiac function. AU - Gentry-Smetana, S.. AU - Redford, D.. AU - Moore, D.. AU - Larson, D. F.. PY - 2008/1/1. Y1 - 2008/1/1. N2 - The volatile anesthetics are a class of general anesthetic drugs used by the perfusionist during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). These agents are used in low doses in combination with other anesthetics to produce complete anesthesia. During CPB, these agents are capable of safely anesthetizing the paitent. It is well understood that these anesthetics act at the level of the central nervous system. However the intent of this study was to define the effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane on left ventricular function. C57BL/6 female mice were anesthetized with either isoflurane or sevoflurane at concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 5%. The cardiac function was assessed with transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). Sevoflurane caused a reduction of left ventricular function at lower concentrations compared with ...
Radionuclides occur naturally or are artificially produced in nuclear reactors, cyclotrons, particle accelerators or radionuclide generators. There are about 730 radionuclides with half-lives longer than 60 minutes (see list of nuclides). Thirty-two of those are primordial radionuclides that were created before the earth was formed. At least another 60 radionuclides are detectable in nature, either as daughters of primordial radionuclides or as radionuclides produced through natural production on Earth by cosmic radiation. More than 2400 radionuclides have half-lives less than 60 minutes. Most of those are only produced artificially, and have very short half-lives. For comparison, there are about 252 stable nuclides. (In theory, only 146 of them are stable, and the other 106 are believed to decay (alpha decay or beta decay or double beta decay or electron capture or double electron capture).). All chemical elements can exist as radionuclides. Even the lightest element, hydrogen, has a well-known ...
This publication provides data for use in assessments of routine discharges of radionuclides to terrestrial and freshwater environments. Some of the data may also be useful for assessing the impacts of accidental releases and releases in the future. The report provides information on radionuclides and on processes to be taken into account in assessments of the radiation impact of radionuclide discharges to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. The data collected here are relevant to the transfer of radionuclides through food chains to humans; while radionuclide transfers to non-human species are not specifically addressed, in many situations the data are also applicable for assessments of such transfers. Although the data primarily relate to equilibrium conditions - that is, conditions where equilibrium has been established between movements of radionuclides into and out of compartments of the environment - some data relevant to time dependent radionuclide transfer in the environment are also ...
BACKGROUND. In dilated cardiomyopathies (DCMs) changes in expression of protein-coding genes are associated with reverse remodeling, and these changes can be regulated by microRNAs (miRs). We tested the general hypothesis that dynamic changes in myocardial miR expression are predictive of β-blocker-associated reverse remodeling.. METHODS. Forty-three idiopathic DCM patients (mean left ventricular ejection fraction 0.24 ± 0.09) were treated with β-blockers. Serial ventriculography and endomyocardial biopsies were performed at baseline, and after 3 and 12 months of treatment. Changes in RT-PCR (candidate miRs) or array-measured miRs were compared based on the presence (R) or absence (NR) of a reverse-remodeling response, and a miR-mRNA-function pathway analysis (PA) was performed.. RESULTS. At 3 months, 2 candidate miRs were selectively changed in Rs, decreases in miR-208a-3p and miR-591. PA revealed changes in miR-mRNA interactions predictive of decreased apoptosis and myocardial cell death. ...
Baseline right ventricular ejection fraction as evaluated by conventional planar equilibrium radionuclide angiography is significantly associated with outcomes in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension, research suggests.
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Now in its fourth year, ASNCs popular solutions-oriented competition attracted a wide variety of creative proposals, many of them with the potential to advance nuclear cardiology and address ASNCs goals around communications with referring clinicians, ensuring appropriate use and improving quality care and patient safety. After much deliberation, the Choosing Wisely® Challenge Committee has announced the following finalists ...
Specific activity is the activity per quantity of a radionuclide and is a physical property of that radionuclide.[1][2] Activity is a quantity related to radioactivity for which the SI unit is the becquerel (Bq), equal to one reciprocal second.[3] The becquerel is defined as the number of radioactive transformations per second that occur in a particular radionuclide. The older, non-SI unit of activity is the Curie (Ci) which is 3.7×1010 transformations per second. Since the probability of radioactive decay for a given radionuclide is a fixed physical quantity (with some slight exceptions, see changing decay rates), the number of decays that occur in a given time of a specific number of atoms of that radionuclide is also a fixed physical quantity (if there are large enough numbers of atoms to ignore statistical fluctuations). Thus, specific activity is defined as the activity per quantity of atoms of a particular radionuclide. It is usually given in units of Bq/g, but another commonly used unit ...
PNNL scientists find that electron donor source influences reduction of radionuclides by Anaeromyxobacter. Results could influence bioremediation strategies for subsurface contamination.
COMPENDIUM OF EPA-APPROVED ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR MEASURING RADIONUCLIDES IN DRINKING WATER June 1998 Prepared by the Office of Environmental Policy and Assistance Air, Water and Radiation Division (EH-412)
also called nuclear scanning, radionuclide scanning is a test in which the patient either swallows, inhales, or is injected with a small amount of radioactive material. a special camera is used to det
If the deal wraps up soon, investors can turn their attention back to basics like earnings and the economy. Corporations have begun to report third-quarter earnings, but Wall Street has been glued to the budget brinksmanship. Overall earnings at companies in the S&P 500 index is forecast to grow 3.1 percent from a year earlier, according to data from S&P Capital IQ. Thats slower than the growth of 4.9 percent in the second quarter and 5.2 percent in the first quarter.. ...