Changes in intracellular sodium ion activity (aiNa) produced by several cardiac glycosides were correlated with twitch tension in sheep cardiac Purkinje strands. Simultaneous measurements of aiNa and twitch tension were obtained through the use of Na-sensitive intracellular microelectrodes (ETH 227) in Purkinje preparations stimulated at a frequency of 1 Hz. All concentrations of ouabain, acetylstrophanthidin, and actodigin that were tested caused an increase in aiNa immediately before, or coincident with, a positive inotropic effect. No fall in aiNa was observed at any positive inotropic concentration of digitalis in these beating fibers. In all cases, the onset and washout of the positive inotropic effect were paralleled by the rise and fall in aiNa, respectively. No dissociation between changes in aiNa and twitch tension occurred at any concentration of any of the agents used. The relation between changes in aiNa and twitch tension was linear with 1 mM increase in aiNa producing about a 100% ...
We studied the relation of the maximal upstroke velocity (Vmax) of action potentials to the peak sodium current (INa) under voltage clamp in single, internally perfused, canine cardiac Purkinje cells under conditions that ensured membrane action potentials due only to INa. Three different methods of altering sodium channel availability were investigated: voltage-dependent inactivation, tetrodotoxin (TTX) block, and use-dependent block by quinidine. Under all three conditions, the relation of Vmax to INa was nonlinear, and no relation was found that would allow prediction of INa results from Vmax measurements. With voltage-dependent inactivation or TTX block, sodium channel availability measured by Vmax was reduced less than availability measured by peak INa, so that Vmax overestimated sodium channel availability. This overestimation of sodium channel availability by Vmax could be attributed to greater sodium channel mobilization during the slowed action potential upstrokes. The overestimation ...
The ordered electrical stimulation of the ventricles is achieved by a specialized network of fibres known as the Purkinje system. The gross anatomy and basic functional role of the Purkinje system is well understood. However, very little is known about the detailed anatomy of the Purkinje system, its inter-individual variability and the implications of the variability in ventricular function, in part due to limitations in experimental techniques. In this study, we aim to provide new insight into the inter-individual variability of the free running Purkinje system anatomy and its impact on ventricular electrophysiological function. As a first step towards achieving this aim, high resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) datasets of rat and the rabbit ventricles are obtained and analysed using a novel semi-automatic image processing algorithm for segmentation of the free-running Purkinje system. Segmented geometry from the MRI datasets is used to construct a computational model of the Purkinje system,
Definition of Purkinje system in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Purkinje system? Meaning of Purkinje system as a legal term. What does Purkinje system mean in law?
Rate-dependent changes in the electrical activity of sheep Purkinje fibres maintained at 37 °C have been investigated. The duration of the action potential is maximal at a frequency of about 60 min-1. When the rate is increased above 60 min-1 there is a substantial shortening of the action potential; this occurs abruptly in the first beat at the higher rate although subsequently there can be further changes in duration and these can result in a small prolongation, no change, or a small further shortening of the action potential and can take up to 10 min to reach a steady-state. When the rate is reduced from 60 min-1 there is also a shortening of the action potential but it occurs gradually over several hundred seconds. Action potential duration reaches a minimum value at a rate of about 6 min-1. 70% of preparations studied showed an increase in duration again at rates below 6 min-1 but duration is always constant at frequencies below about 0.1 min-1. The maximum diastolic potential is more ...
To test whether ryanodine blocks the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in cardiac muscle, we examined its effects on the aftercontractions and transient depolarizations or transient inward currents developed by guinea pig papillary muscles and voltage-clamped calf cardiac Purkinje fibers in potassium-free solutions. Ryanodine (0.1-1.0 microM) abolished or prevented aftercontractions and transient depolarizations by the papillary muscles without affecting any of the other sequelae of potassium removal. In the presence of 4.7 mM potassium and at a stimulation rate of 1 Hz, ryanodine had only a small variable effect on papillary muscle force development and action potential characteristics. In calf Purkinje fibers, ryanodine (1 nM-1 microM) completely blocked the aftercontractions and transient inward currents without altering the steady state current-voltage relationship. Ryanodine also abolished the twitch in potassium-free solutions, but it enhanced the tonic force during ...
Epinephrine promotes spontaneous activity in cardiac Purkinje fibers through its action on the pacemaker potassium current (iKK2). The mechanism of the acceleratory effect was studied by means of a voltage clamp technique. The results showed that the hormone speeds the deactivation of iKK2 during pacemaker activity by displacing the kinetic parameters of iKK2 toward less negative potentials. This depolarizing voltage shift is the sole explanation of the acceleratory effect since epinephrine did not alter the rectifier properties of iKK2, or the underlying inward leakage current, or the threshold for iNNa. The dose dependence of the voltage shift in the iKK2 activation curve was similar in 1.8 and 5.4 mM [Ca]o. The maximal voltage shift (usually ∼20 mV) was produced by epinephrine concentrations of , 10-6 M. The half-maximal effect was evoked by 60 nM epinephrine, nearly an order of magnitude lower than required for half-maximal effect on the secondary inward current (Carmeliet and Vereecke, ...
The effects of halothane (0.45 and 0.9 mM, equivalent to 0.7 and 1.5 vol%, respectively) and isoflurane (0.56 and 1.23 mM, equivalent to 0.9 and 2.0 vol%) on slowly inactivating Na+ current were examined by whole-cell voltage-clamp techniques. This approach allows evaluation of the role of anestheti …
In 1962, Denis Noble published one of the first mathematical models of a cardiac cell. By adapting the equations of the original Hodgkin-Huxley squid axon model (1952), Noble described the long lasting action and pace-maker potentials of the Purkinje fibres of the heart. The potassium-current equations differ from those of Hodgkin and Huxley in that the potassium ions are assumed to flow through two types of channel in the membrane. By contrast, the sodium current equations are very similar to those of Hodgkin and Huxley. The main failure of the Noble (1962) model is that it only includes one voltage gated inward current, INa. Calcium currents had not yet been discovered, but there was a clue in the model that something was missing. The only way the model could be made to work was to greatly extend the voltage range of the sodium current by reducing the voltage dependence of the sodium activation process. In effect the sodium current was made to serve the function of both the sodium and the ...
The pacemaker potential in Purkinje fibers is generated by a slow fall in potassium current which allows the inward background currents to depolarize the membrane. Adrenaline shifts the relation between activation of the potassium current and membrane potential in a depolarizing direction. Consequently, during the pacemaker potential, the potassium current falls more rapidly to lower values and the inward currents then depolarize the membrane more quickly. The shift in the potassium activation curve produced by adrenaline is large compared to that produced by calcium ions. The molecular action of adrenaline may involve either a large change in the surface charge of the membrane or a change in the dependence of the potassium permeability on the local electric field. ...
Cardiac muscle, like skeletal muscle and nerves, is electrically excitable. Local stimulation by a brief electrical shock of adequate strength generates an impulse that propagates in a regenerative...
PubMed comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
The effects of caffeine on rate-force relation and their Ca++ dependence were studied in canine cardiac Purkinje fibers. At constant rate, caffeine increased and then decreased force. During drives at different rates (15, 60 and 120/min), 1 mM caffeine caused the largest positive inotropic effect at the slowest rate, but in 8.1 mM [Ca++]o caffeine no longer increased force even at 15/min. Interruptions of drive were followed by a positive and then a negative staircase: caffeine (1-4 mM) blunted these effects. A sudden decrease in rate caused a positive staircase: caffeine decreased and caffeine plus 8.1 mM [Ca++]o abolished it. A sudden increase in rate caused a negative staircase and on recovery a positive staircase: caffeine reduced and caffeine plus 8.1 mM [Ca++]o could reverse them. In low [Ca++]o (0.54 mM), caffeine caused only a positive inotropic effect and did not modify the rate-force relation patterns. High [Ca++]o ( , 8.1 mM) reversed the staircase patterns induced by a rate increase; ...
BioMed Research International is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies covering a wide range of subjects in life sciences and medicine. The journal is divided into 55 subject areas.
Outward Currents of the Sino-atrial Node . . . . . . . Regional Heterogeneity and Coupling to Atrial Tissue . . . . Bundle of His, Right and Left Bundle Branches and Purkinje Fibers Specialized Conducting Tissue Serves Two Roles . . . . . Membrane Currents in Purkinje Fibers and Myocytes that Flow During the Action Potential . . . . . . . . 3 Pacemaker Activity in Purkinje Fibers . . . . . . . . 3 Targets for Selective Intervention . . . . . . . . . . Rosen Giraud G, Latour H, Puech P (1960) Lactivité du noeud de Tawara et du faisceau de His en electrocardiographie chez lhomme. Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss 33:757-776 Goldberger E (1942) A single indifferent, electrocardiographic electrode of zero potential and a technique of obtaining augmented, unipolar, extremity leads. Am Heart J 23:483-492 Gray RA, Jalife J, Panfilov A, et al (1995) Nonstationary vortex like reentrant activity as a mechanism of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in the isolated rabbit heart. Circ Res 28:403-414 Janse MJ, van ...
PR segment: This is a time of electrical quiescence during which the wave of electrical excitation (depolarization) passes through mainly the AV node. In addition the wave of depolarization moves through the bundle of HIS, bundle branches and purkinje fibers. Since the wave of depolarization moves through the AV node at a speed of about 1/100th the speed the wave moves through the bundle of HIS, bundle branches and purkinje fibers, most of the PR segment is associated with the passage of the wave of depolarization through the AV node ...
Histology image courtesy of Nathanael Reveal. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License ...
Histology image courtesy of Nathanael Reveal. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License ...
Atrioventricular resynchronisation alone has not been predictably effective in improving haemodynamics except in some patients with prolonged PR interval.2 Candidates for the implantation of a cardiac stimulator often present with intraventricular conduction disorders expressed as a widened QRS, an anomaly which may also be caused by the pacemaker itself. In the hope of minimising atrioventricular asynchrony, a delay is unfortunately imposed between right and left ventricular activation by stimulating the ventricle from the peripheral Purkinje network instead of preserving the normal sequence via the His bundle. This activation/contraction delay causes a delay in subsequent chamber relaxation, disturbing its filling (fig 3). As a result, the right-to-left electromechanical delay caused by typical pacing from the right ventricular apex may disrupt the synchrony of right and left ventricular systole. This spontaneous or iatrogenic asynchrony can be easily quantified by measuring the delay between ...
Sinus rhythm is the name given to the normal rhythm of the heart where electrical stimuli are initiated in the SA node, and are then conducted through the AV node and bundle of His, bundle branches and Purkinje fibres.. Depolarisation and repolarisation of the atria and ventricles show up as 3 distinct waves on ECG. A unique labelling system is used to identify each wave.. Although the diagram shows 5 waves, we will concentrate on 3 waves. You will not always see a Q wave or an S wave on an ECG.. This is why only 3 waves are emphasised when you are learning from scratch.. ...
Heart muscle cells generate electrical signals that are conducted through the heart by special fibers which stimulate the muscle of the heart to contract. The flow of electrical signals that starts the normal heartbeat begins in the sinus node and causes the atria, or upper chambers of the heart, to contract. The signal then travels through the atrioventricular, or AV node, bundle of His, bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers to stimulate the ventricles, or lower chambers of the heart, to contract and pump the blood out of the heart.. Request Stock Pricing. Parent Topic: Electrical System of the Heart ...
Okay Ill do the 4. questions first because Im relatively sure I can answer them correctly. The SA node sends a signal via the atrial-ventricular node (AV) down the purkinje fibres in the centre of the heart, causing it to contract from the bottom upwards (so the ventricles can empty themselves before the atria contract to fill them up again). The SA nodes also known as the pacemaker since it sets the rate at which the whole system moves. (Incidentally its one of the few parts of the nervous system that works completely independently of the brain ...
Okay Ill do the 4. questions first because Im relatively sure I can answer them correctly. The SA node sends a signal via the atrial-ventricular node (AV) down the purkinje fibres in the centre of the heart, causing it to contract from the bottom upwards (so the ventricles can empty themselves before the atria contract to fill them up again). The SA nodes also known as the pacemaker since it sets the rate at which the whole system moves. (Incidentally its one of the few parts of the nervous system that works completely independently of the brain ...
Cardiomyocytes from individual pluripotent control cells (hPSCs-CMs) could revolutionise biomedicine. into high articles commercial systems that assess framework, mitochondrial function, electrophysiology, calcium contractility and transients. This content can be component of a Particular Concern permitted: Cardiomyocyte Biology: Incorporation of Developmental and Environmental Cues in the Center modified by Marcus Schaub and Hughes Abriel. systems, such as ventricular sand iron arrangements [15] and Purkinje fibers [16], possess been utilized in physical and medicinal research thoroughly, but low-throughput and inter-species distinctions are restrictions. Types distinctions are highlighted in the mouse [13] particularly. While this types benefits from hereditary tractability via gene concentrating on, the defeat price of the mouse center can be ~?10 times faster than individual (500?bpm vs 60?bpm) and offers an electrocardiogram length 5C10 moments shorter (450?master of science vs ...
Anatomy medical lecture explaining the anatomy and musculature of heart, SA and AV node, Purkinje fibers, bundle of Hiss, heart cycle, branches of aorta and hypertension.
Vasopressin, also called antidiuretic hormone (ADH), arginine vasopressin (AVP) or argipressin, is a hormone synthesized as a peptide prohormone in
Looking for online definition of Purkinje fibres in the Medical Dictionary? Purkinje fibres explanation free. What is Purkinje fibres? Meaning of Purkinje fibres medical term. What does Purkinje fibres mean?
TY - JOUR. T1 - Electrophysiological effects of alprenolol on depressed canine myocardium. AU - Guse, Paul A.. AU - Gaide, Marion S.. AU - Myerburg, Robert J.. AU - Epstein, Kristina. AU - Gelband, Henry. AU - Bassett, Arthur L.. PY - 1980/11. Y1 - 1980/11. N2 - The electrophysiological effects of the β-adrenergic antagonist, alprenolol, were compared in normal and depressed canine myocardium. Both (+) and (±)-alprenolol (5 x 10 -6 and 10 -5 mol.litre -1) decreased action potential amplitude and V̇max in Purkinje fibres superfused with Tyrodes solution in tissue bath. These concentrations shortened action potential duration and effective refractory period of Purkinje fibres but prolonged those of ventricular muscle. Alprenolol more markedly decreased V(max) and sometimes prevented action potential propagation in Purkinje fibres overlying infarcted regions. Similar depressant actions were noted in Purkinje fibres depolarised by exposure to 9 mmol.litre -1 K +. Depolarised and diseased ...
TY - JOUR. T1 - Effects of chemical subendocardial ablation on activation rate gradient during ventricular fibrillation. AU - Cha, Yong-Mei. AU - Uchida, T.. AU - Wolf, P. L.. AU - Peters, B. B.. AU - Fishbein, M. C.. AU - Karagueuzian, H. S.. AU - Chen, P. S.. PY - 1995. Y1 - 1995. N2 - The mechanism by which an endocardial-epicardial activation rate gradient develops after 1 or 2 min of sustained ventricular fibrillation is unknown. We recorded from electrodes on the epicardium and from hook electrodes in the endocardium in three open-chest control dogs during prolonged ventricular fibrillation. The same recordings were also made in seven dogs after right ventricular subendocardial ablation with Lugol solution and in three dogs after substitution of air for the cavitary blood. The effects of these interventions, i.e., Lugol ablation (n = 2) and the exposure to air (n = 2), on the subendocardial Purkinje fiber transmembrane action potential properties were also evaluated in vitro using ...
Cardiac conduction system - Animation A network of specialized muscle cells is found in the hearts walls. These muscle cells send signals to the rest of the heart muscle causing a contraction. This group of muscle cells is called the cardiac conduction system. The main parts of the system are the SA node, AV node, bundle of HIS, bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers. Lets follow a signal through the contraction process. The SA node starts the sequence by causing the atrial muscles to contract. Thats why doctors sometimes call it the anatomical pacemaker. Next, the signal travels to the AV node, through the bundle of HIS, down the bundle branches, and through the Purkinje fibers, causing the ventricles to contract. This signal creates an electrical current that can be seen on a graph called an electrocardiogram, or EKG. Doctors use an EKG to see how well the cardiac conduction system works. Any changes on the EKG can mean serious problems. ...
Patients with chronic constipation benefit from treatment with 5-hydroxytryptamine 4 (5-HT4) receptor agonists. However, the first-generation 5-HT4 receptor agonists cisapride and tegaserod were withdrawn from the market owing to rare cardiovascular adverse events, which were not 5-HT4-receptor-related, but due to the lack of selectivity of these drugs. Here we report the nonclinical cardiovascular profile of the selective 5-HT4 receptor agonist prucalopride. To assess its non-5-HT4 receptor-mediated effects on cardiovascular electrophysiological parameters, in vitro studies were performed in human ether-a-go-go-related gene-transfected cells, guinea pig ventricular myocytes and papillary muscle preparations, rabbit and dog Purkinje fibers, and the Langendorff rabbit heart. In vivo experiments were performed in a rabbit model for drug-induced proarrhythmogenesis, in anesthetized guinea pigs, and anesthetized and conscious dogs. In addition, human platelet aggregation and coronary artery ...
Procainamide (PA) increases the effective refractory period of the atria, and to a lesser extent the bundle of His-Purkinje system and ventricles of the heart. It reduces impulse conduction velocity in the atria, His-Purkinje fibers, and ventricular muscle, but has variable effects on the atrioventricular (A-V) node, a direct slowing action and a weaker vagolytic effect which may speed A-V conduction slightly. Myocardial excitability is reduced in the atria, Purkinje fibers, papillary muscles, and ventricles by an increase in the threshold for excitation, combined with inhibition of ectopic pacemaker activity by retardation of the slow phase of diastolic depolarization, thus decreasing automaticity especially in ectopic sites. Contractility of the undamaged heart is usually not affected by therapeutic concentrations, although slight reduction of cardiac output may occur, and may be significant in the presence of myocardial damage. Therapeutic levels of PA may exert vagolytic effects and produce ...
Continuing with the previous analogy, lets say that you have a sand castle on the beach (this will be your AV node). Every time one of the ripples hits the sand castle (AV node), it can cause depolarization that will run through the His Purkinje system. Normally, this is in a 1:1 ratio.. HOWEVER, in atrial fibrillation, there are MANY ripples (i.e. waves of depolarization) hitting the sand castle (AV node), constantly, and so the AV node is constantly being depolarized. Each time the AV node is depolarized enough to launch an action potential, the His Purkinje system (and thus the ventricle) will fire ...
A method and apparatus for efficiently charging lead-acid batteries applies small voltage steps to probe the charging efficiency of a battery being charged. The application of a voltage step causes the current to change from a base current to a surge current immediately after the voltage step, and to decay asymptotically to a plateau current after the surge current. A current ratio, defined as the difference between the plateau current and the base current divided by the difference between the surge current and the base current, is used as an indicator of the charging efficiency. The output voltage of the power supply charging the battery is then adjusted according to the measured current ratio. A current-voltage slope, defined as the difference between the plateau current and the base current divided by the magnitude of the voltage step, may also be used as an indicator of the charging efficiency for controlling the charging process. Alternatively, in a current-controlled charging process, small
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Definition of Purkinje cell in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Purkinje cell? Meaning of Purkinje cell as a legal term. What does Purkinje cell mean in law?
The Purkinje network has the potential to influence myocardial AP morphology and rate-dependent behaviour, and furthermore to underlie enhanced transmural APD heterogeneities and spatial gradients of APD in non-failing and failing myocardium.
The Conduction System of the Mammlian Heart: An Anatomico-Histological Study of the Atrioventricular Bundle and the Purkinje Fibers (Cardiopulmonary Medicine from I*C*P*, Volume 234) By Sunao Tawara, Kozo Suma, Munehiro Shimada Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: WSP Co; 1 edition (September 1, 1998) Language: English ISBN-10: 1860941168 ISBN-13: 978-1860941160
Principal Investigator:IMANISHI Sunao, Project Period (FY):1997 - 1998, Research Category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Section:一般, Research Field:Circulatory organs internal medicine
TY - JOUR. T1 - Automaticity and entrance block induced by focal depolarization of mammalian ventricular tissues. AU - Ferrier, G. R.. AU - Rosenthal, J. E.. PY - 1980/1/1. Y1 - 1980/1/1. N2 - Isolated canine interventricular septa were studied with standard microelectrode techniques. Focal automaticity was induced by applying depolarizing current through an extracellular pipet in contact with the right bundle branch (RBB) of the ventricular specialized conducting system. Automaticity appeared with depolarization to transmembrane potentials of -50 mV or less. The spontaneous activity was neither depressed nor accelerated when overdrive suppression was attempted. Activity originating within the focus propagated into fully polarized surrounding tissue. However, entrance block, phasically related to the spontaneous cycle length, was an intrinsic property of these foci. Early premature beats initiated outside the focus failed to enter the focus, but the resulting electrotonus delayed the next ...
Purkinje nerve cells. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of two Purkinje nerve cells from the cerebellum of the brain, the part of the brain that controls balance, posture and muscle co- ordination. The cerebellum is composed of outer layers of grey matter and an inner core of white matter. Within the grey matter are Purkinje nerve cells (two large bodies), from which branch many thread-like dendrites. These dendrites relay nerve impulses to the Purkinje cells. Magnification: x1250 when printed 10 centimetres wide. - Stock Image P360/0325
Electro cardio gram. It is a common noninvasive diagnostic test that evaluate the heart function. By recording electrical activity. P wave-- : fist +ve deflation. it represent atrial depolarization (contraction). Time is 0-12sec. PR interval:- it is represent the time it taken an impulse from the AV node to the bundle of Hiss, and to bundle branch to the purkinje fiber,. Normal PR interval duration ranges from 0.12 to 0.20sec. QRS complex: - represent ventricle depolarization normal duration ranges from 0.08 to 0.12sec. ST segment: - begin at the end of an S- wave and up to the beginning of T-wave. It represent the part of ventricle repolarization. Normal time of ST segment is less than 0.20sec. T-wave: - indicate ventricular repolarization. Time taken for this is less than 0.20sec. U-wave: - may follow T-wave, prominent U wave may indicate hypokalemia. Measuring heart rate from ECG. ...
abnormalities acid acute angiogenesis angiotensin antibodies apoptosis arrhythmias associated atherosclerosis binding Biol Chem blood cardiac cardiomyopathy cellular cholesterol chronic Circ Res Circulation Clin Invest clinical cloning coronary artery cytokines diabetes dilated effects embryonic endothelial cells endothelium enzyme expression fibrinolysis formation function gene transfer genetic genome GP IIb/IIIa growth factor heart failure human hypertrophic cardiomyopathy hypertrophy increased induced inhibition inhibitor insulin integrin ischemia ischemic JAm Coll Cardiol kinase left ventricular lesions levels lipid lipoprotein macrophages mechanisms metabolism mice molecular molecules monocytes mouse mutations myocardial infarction myocardium myocytes Natl Acad Sci neointimal nitric oxide pathway patients phenotype plasma plasmin plasminogen plasminogen activator platelet polymorphism Proc Natl Acad proliferation protein pulmonary hypertension Purkinje fibers receptor reduced remodeling ...
Enhanced cardiac automaticity refers to the accelerated generation of an action potential by either normal pacemaker tissue (enhanced normal automaticity) or by abnormal tissue within the myocardium (abnormal automaticity). The discharge rate of norm
In a prospective study of 1012 patients above the age of 12 years, we detected 4 (0.4%) cases of left ventricular false tendon (LVFT) by echocardiography. Two patients had significant heart disease and LVFT was perhaps a chance occurrence; two others
PoPuPS is een realisatie van les Bibliothèques van de Université de Liège.. Aangedreven door Lodel , Toegang administrator. ...
Reflections of outside objects in the eye. Do you remember how annoying anime characters always have one or more white blotches in their eyes? Those ar...
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