Originally a 2012 Kickstarter project, Mindsenses long awaited Mail Pilot email client is now available from the Mac App Store following a beta...
Group-based IDS Collaboration Framework - A Case Study of the Artificial Immune System vorgelegt von Diplom-Informatiker Rainer Bye aus Damme Von der Fakultät IV Elektrotechnik und Informatik der Technischen
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Third, I have not offered an unrequested psychoanalytic diagnosis, only a few general points regarding the psychodynamics of task-oriented groups which any group so utterly brilliant as to be working seriously on such a critical project as FAI is surely well aware of as a matter of course, right? Any complex, recursively self-enhancing entity created by human programmers is likely to develop some functional layers analogous to the human DU. If we are not aware of the morphogenetic origin of our own motivations, a group of imperfectly deceptive social organisms may well end up inadvertently creating a perfectly deceptive antisocial machine. There are no safeguards. Without greater personal and interpersonal insight on the part of the task-oriented group, not Solomonoff, not Bayes, not Kolmogorov nor any combination of causal validity, external reference or shaper/anchor semantics can guarantee this will not happen. How can we create a generalized intelligence when we dont yet understand the ...
Chapter 1: Introduction. This section is concerned with giving the research context of the thesis. It gives the motivation behind developing learning capabilities for technical systems, especially robotic systems. The one emphasized are the need for higher flexibility and autonomy of such systems in order to remove the barrier of highly specialized knowledge needed during the application of robots in the industry or in the service robotics field. The problem of task-oriented behavior is viewed from the programming and learning perspectives. Three common approaches for accomplishing such high-level behavior have been addressed: learning from demonstration, reinforcement learning and task-oriented motion planning. Current accomplishments in all three fields are referenced and specific advantages and disadvantages of each approach are covered. Based on this, the motivation for the research direction taken in this thesis is pointed out. The research hypothesis and goals are defined. On the end of ...
The Distinction Between Fixed and Random Generators in Group-Based Assumptions. James Bartusek and Fermi Ma and Mark Zhandry. Abstract: There is surprisingly little consensus on the precise role of the generator g in group-based assumptions such as DDH. Some works consider g to be a fixed part of the group description, while others take it to be random. We study this subtle distinction from a number of angles. - In the generic group model, we demonstrate the plausibility of groups in which random-generator DDH (resp. CDH) is hard but fixed-generator DDH (resp. CDH) is easy. We observe that such groups have interesting cryptographic applications. - We find that seemingly tight generic lower bounds for the Discrete-Log and CDH problems with preprocessing (Corrigan-Gibbs and Kogan, Eurocrypt 2018) are not tight in the sub-constant success probability regime if the generator is random. We resolve this by proving tight lower bounds for the random generator variants; our results formalize the ...
ESTJ at Work: ESTJs enjoy structured work that allows them to control, enforce and supervise people, project and processes. They are the classic executive: highly task-oriented and efficient planners.