Haltung und Handlung Theorien als Werkzeug Sozialer Arbeit Workshop auf der 5. Merseburger Tagung zur systemischen Sozialarbeit Zentrale Fragen Was verbindet Theorie und Praxis? In welchem Verhältnis stehen
Maxs House. Managing PEG Tubes and Feeding Tubes Theresa M. Ortega and Marcella F. Harb-Hauser. Feeding tubes allow continued feeding of an animal when it has a mouth, jaw, throat, esophageal, stomach, liver, kidney, or pancreatic disorder that causes loss of appetite or prevents normal eating swallowing, or digestion. There are several different types of feeding tubes, all of which have an external feeding port connected to a tube that ends in the gastrointestinal tract, Nasoesophageal, nasogastric, and nasojejunal tubes enter one of the nostrils, pass through the nose and throat, and end in the esophagus, stomach, or small intestine (jejunum), respectively. Pharyngostomy tubes enter the throat (pharynx) and esophagostomy tubes enter the esophagus; both end in the esophagus. Gastrostomy tubes enter the left abdominal wall directly into the stomach. PEG tubes (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes) are gastrostomy tubes that have been placed using endoscopy. Button tubes are short ...
Dear doctors, Thank you for giving your time in this forum. In March 2007 I drove myself to the emergency room because of shortness of breath. Thought I had bronchitis. I woke up 10 days later after e...