In Indonesia Apium graviolens and Orthosiphon stamineus benth have been used to as traditional medicines to lower blood pressure. Since at present time is avaiLable as a combination of those phytopharmaca in the market, therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study to evaLtnte the ffictivity and side effects of those phytopharmaca toward hypertensive subjects. A randomized double blind conftolled trial was conducted at area of Monica - Jakarta in South of Jalarta from July-untiL 29 October 2001 toward mild and moderate hypertensive subjects. The first group (72 subjects) received phytophanmaca (Tensigard® which contains Apium graviolens and Orthosiphon stamineus benth) 3 x 250 mg, whiLe the second grottp (70 subjects) had Amlodipine I x 5 mg. Obseruation were conducted for 12 weelcs, and the parameter observed wère systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP), plasma lipid, blood glucose before and after treatment, and electrolyte with nvo week intervals. The Resuhs revealed that ...
O. stamineus is a medicinal herb with remarkable pharmacological properties. However, poor solubility of the active principles limits its medicinal value. This study sought to prepare nano liposomes of OS ethanolic extract in unpurified soybean phospholipids in order to improve its solubility and permeability. OS liposomes were prepared by the conventional film method, and were characterized for solubility, entrapment efficiency, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), particle size and zeta potential, release, absorption in everted rat intestinal sacs, and DPPH scavenging effect. OS liposomes showed substantial enhancement of extracts solubility from 956 ± 34 to 3979 ± 139 μg/ml, with entrapment efficiency of 66.2 ± 0.9%. FTIR study indicates interaction between soybean phospholipids and OS extract. TEM and dynamic light scattering showed presence of round anionic nano liposomes with particle size and zeta potential of 152.5 ± 1.1 nm and −49.8 ±
Orthosiphon stamineus also called Orthosiphon aristatus is a small, perrenial shrub native to tropical Asia. Its habitat range span from India, threw Myanmar, Thailand, Laos,Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, down to Australia. In late nineteenth century it has been brought to Europe by Dutch traders. It is characteristic for having extraordinary long flower stamens, which brought it common name Cats Whiskers. Those flowers are making it look so beautifull that it became cultivated for purely ornamental purposes and many people dont realize medicinal values of this plant. Cats Whiskers is one of the oldest medicinaly used herbs in tropical Asia, as in many regions one of mostly used herbs nowdays. Even though this herb was listed in Nederlandish Pharmacopaeia over 60 years ago, it is still barely known and hard to get in Europe, but its popularity seems to grow all around the world. On Java Island pleasantly tasting infusion of Orthosiphon stamineus, is such a common drink, ...
Interest on these cats kumus herbs such munitions out at the end of the branch with a pale purple or white color, the longer stamens of the flower tube, cat whiskers medicinal plants propagated by stem ...
Smallholders usually sun-dry leaves. In estate farming artificial drying is practised. To obtain a high-quality product, the leaves are first withered in the air, and then dried at 45 - 50°c. Dried leaves of good quality are green (a blackish colour is due to overheating or contact with metal containers), have a good aroma, a moisture content below 14%, a bitter taste, an ash content of about 10%, a contamination content of less than 2%, and do not contain insects or fungi ...
Thyme Java Tea is a straggling, somewhat shrubby perennial herb, up to 1.5 m tall, not or hardly aromatic. Stems are several ascending to erect, 4-angled, normally well branched, retrorsely pubescent along the angles, sometimes with dense spreading hairs. Leaves ovate to elliptic, usually 1-4 cm long, but larger in well-shaded plants, glandular punctate and hairless or pubescent above, pubescent, particularly along the veins beneath; margin scalloped or toothed; petiole up to 25 mm long. Flowers are borne in fairly lax spike with 6-flowered whorls spaced 8-20 mm apart. Bracts are 2-3 mm long, ovate-triangular. Calyx is 3-4 mm long, prominently purple on the upper lip, green otherwise, lobes of lower lip awn-like, 2-3 mm long. Flowers are usually pink, sometimes white or mauve, 8-16 mm long; tube straight ...
Efloraofindia is the largest Google e-group in the world in this field & largest nature related in India devoted to creating awareness, helping in identification etc. along with discussion & documentation of Indian Flora.
Natural antioxidants derived from plants have shown a tremendous inhibitory effect on free radicals in actively metabolizing cells. Overproduction of free radicals increases the risk factor of chronic diseases associated with diabetes, cancer, arthritis and cardiovascular disease. Andrographis paniculata, Cinnamon zeylanicum, Curcuma xanthorrhiza, Eugenia polyantha and Orthosiphon stamineus are ethnomedicinal plants used in the Asian region to treat various illnesses from a common fever to metabolic disease. In this study, we have quantified the total phenolic (TPC) and flavonoid content (TFC) in these plants and its inhibitory effect on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) and 2,2′-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) free radicals as well as the cytotoxicity effect on cell lines proliferation and zebrafish embryogenesis. Results showed that Cinnamon zeylanicum and E. polyantha have the highest phenolic and flavonoid content. Furthermore, both herbs significantly ...
CoQ10 may also interact with alpha-lipoic acid, Alzheimers agents, anticancer herbs and supplements, antidepressants, antifungal herbs and supplements, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, antiviral herbs and supplements, beta-carotene, cholesterol-lowering herbs and supplements, dopamine agonists/antagonists, eye health herbs and supplements, fertility herbs and supplements, garlic, geranylgeraniol, gum arabic, heart health herbs and supplements, heart rate-regulating herbs and supplements, herbs and supplements that may affect the immune system, herbs and supplements that may affect the nervous system, herbs and supplements that may enhance exercise performance, herbs and supplements that may promote urination, herbs and supplements that may treat asthma, herbs and supplements that may treat mental disorders, hormonal herbs and supplements, L-carnitine, lung health herbs and supplements, MyoViveT, nutritional mitochondrial herbs and supplements, omega-3 fatty acids, Orthosiphon stamineus, ...
JAVA TEA - VERY USEFUL HERB FOR KIDNEY STONES Orthosiphon stamineus (0. aristata) Lamiaceae/Labiatae This attractive shrub from Southeast Asia can grow to a height if almost 1m. It has rregular, indented leaves, which grow in pairs opposite one another. A distinctive feature if the plant is the white or lilac flowers
In vitro antifungal activities of various plant crude extracts and fractions against citrus post-harvest disease agent Penicillium digitatum Ghassan. J. Kanan ,Rasha. A. Al-Najar. The Effect of Crown Restorations on The Types and Counts of Cariogenic Bacteria. Rabeah Y. Rawashdeh ,Hanan I. Malkawi,Ahmad S. Al-Hiyasat and Mohammad M. Hammad Hepatoprotective Activity of Orthosiphon Stamineus on Liver Damage Caused by Paracetamol in Rats. C. Maheswari, R.Maryammal, R. Venkatanarayanan. Cytokine and Antibody Response to Immunization of BALB/C Mice With E.Granulosus Using Various Routes. Khaled M. Al-Qaoud, Laiali T. Al-Quraan, Sami K. Abdel-Hafez. The Latency and Reactivation of Temperature- Sensitive Mutants of Mouse Cytomegalovirus in Different Organs of Mice.. Hazem Akel, Farouk Al-Quadan, Moh d Al-Huniti, Suzan Al-Oreibi, Moh d Ghalib and Sheerin Issa.. Effect of Allium sativum and Myrtus communis on the elimination of antibiotic resistance and swarming of Proteus mirabilis.. Adel Kamal ...
Vodno alkoholni izvle ek (1:10) iz listov ortosifona (Orthosiphon stamineus folium), vodno alkoholni izvle ek (1:10) iz zeli zlate rozge (Solidago virgaurea herba), vodno alkoholni izvle ek (1:10) iz korenine navadnega glade a (Ononis spinosa radix), vodno alkoholni izvle ek (1:10) iz listov breze (Betula pendula folium). Vsebnost alkohola 18% Alc/Vol Neto koli ina: 50 ml; Prehransko dopolnilo ni nadomestilo za uravnote eno in raznovrstno prehrano! ve ... ...
Kumis Kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus (B1) Miq.) Sinonim : O. longiflorum, Ham. O. grandiflorum et aristatum, Bl. O. spiralis, Merr. O. stamineus, Benth. O. grandiflorus, Bold. Clerodendranthus spicatus (Thunb.) C.Y. Wu. Trichostemma spiralis, Lour. Familia : Labiatae Uraian : I. URAIAN TANAMAN: Terna, tumbuh tegak, pada bagian bawah berakar di bagian buku-bukunya, tinggi 1-2 m, batang…
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Madeswaran, Arumugam, Muthuswamy Umamaheswari, Kuppuswamy Asokkumar, Thirumalaisamy Sivashanmugam, Varadharajan Subhadradevi, Puliyath Jagannath (2011) Docking studies: In silico lipoxygenase inhibitory activity of some commercially available flavonoids. [Publication] Full text not available from this repository ...
Ini ialah gambar operasi pemandulan 697 kucing yang dilakukan di fakulti vaterinar Universiti Florida minggu lalu. Kucing-kucing ini dirampas dari Haven Acres Cat Sanctuary setelah pihak jabatan haiwan menerima laporan terdapat kucing yang mati dan dan berpenyakit di santuari ini. Haven Acres Cat Sanctuary tidak mampu menjaga kucing yang diambil oleh mereka. Pemilik Haven Acres Cat Sanctuary juga tidak percaya dengan konsep pemandulan kucing dan akibatnya jumlah kucing di santuari menjadi terlalu banyak sehingga menggangu jiran tetangga. Kesemua kucing yang dirampas dimandulkan before they are allowed to be adopted. I dunno about you tapi gambar kucing-kucing ini dimandulkan secara pukal agak funny but also sad at the same time. Jangan bersedih ok cat lovers. Pemandulan ini dilakukkan kerana kebanyakkan kucing disini mengidap penyakit lukemia, jangkitan mulut dan feline infectious peritonitis. Lebih baik mereka dimandulkan dari pass the desease to their offsprings kan? Klik link berita penuh ...
Ketika Shinichi Kudo berjalan di koridor depan kantor kas, nampak seekor kucing sibuk menggaruk-garukan kakinya di halaman rumput yang terhampar di samping koridor. Mungkin dia habis beol, terus berusaha menutupi feces yang keluar dari dirinya itu dengan tanah. Sebuah ritual khusus yang dijalani bangsa kucing sejak jaman dahulu kala. Namun apa daya. Tanah yang tertutup rerumputan tebal membuatnya tak kunjung berhasil. Setelah beberapa lama usahanya gagal total - akhirnya si kucing menyerah dan pergi begitu saja. Ada dua pilihan yang bisa dilakukan kucing itu pada hari-hari berikutnya. Pertama adalah kembali buang hajat di tempat itu kemudian garuk-garuk rumput lagi dengan sia-sia. Kedua dia mencari tempat lain yang memungkinkan dia menimbuni hartanya dengan tanah. Rasanya nggak perlu men-cap kucing yang memilih pilihan pertama sebagai keledai bodoh karena jatuh dua kali pada lubang yang sama. Karena dia bukan keledai tapi dia adalah seekor kucing ...
Anda suka pada binatang Kucing yang lucu dan menggemaskan? Apakah anda memelihara kucing sebagai teman bermain dan bercanda di rumah? Jika iya ... Waspadalah ... Waspadalah ... Ternyata ... Kucing bisa menjadi sumber penularan penyakit toxoplasma. Penyakit menular ini dapat menyerang semua hewan termasuk burung dan ikan, tak terkecuali manusiapun dapat menularkan. penyakit ini disebabkan…
Abstract: When approaching the atomically thin limit, defects and disorder play an increasingly important role in the properties of two-dimensional materials. While defects are generally thought to negatively affect superconductivity in 2D materials, here we demonstrate the contrary in the case of oxygenation of ultrathin tantalum disulfide (TaS2). Our first-principles calculations show that incorporation of oxygen into the TaS2 crystal lattice is energetically favourable and effectively heals sulfur vacancies typically present in these crystals, thus restoring the electronic band structure and the carrier density to the intrinsic characteristics of TaS2. Strikingly, this leads to a strong enhancement of the electron-phonon coupling, by up to 80% in the highly-oxygenated limit. Using transport measurements on fresh and aged (oxygenated) few-layer TaS2, we found a marked increase of the superconducting critical temperature (Tc) upon aging, in agreement with our theory, while concurrent electron ...
Analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography (gradient system) on sinensetin, 3-hydroxy-5,6,7,4-tetramethoxyflavone and eupatorin from localities and batches in spray dried Misai kuching extract. Seminar on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Current Trends and Perspectives;July 20-21, 2004, Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Kepong ...
Buy ORTOSIPHON 500mg - 100 tablets Online.Powerful natural diureticORTOSIPHON (Ortosiphon Stamineus), known as Java tea as well, is a perennial plant native to Malasya.The richness in potassium salts fr
itu la, DC tak pandai bab2 kimia dan sains ni. ikut je kata vet.. kalau spray yg berasaskan air, residue atau peninggalan sisa spray tu kurang meninggalkan kesan berbanding dgn penggunaan spray aerosol. Penggunaan spray berasaskan air seperti fogging ubat nyamuk. Tak ada kesan minyak pun. Kdg2 kucing stress sbb bunyi spray tu, bukannya ubat dr spray tu. So far DC tiada masalah dgn penggunaan spray berasaskan air ni..... ...
itu la, DC tak pandai bab2 kimia dan sains ni. ikut je kata vet.. kalau spray yg berasaskan air, residue atau peninggalan sisa spray tu kurang meninggalkan kesan berbanding dgn penggunaan spray aerosol. Penggunaan spray berasaskan air seperti fogging ubat nyamuk. Tak ada kesan minyak pun. Kdg2 kucing stress sbb bunyi spray tu, bukannya ubat dr spray tu. So far DC tiada masalah dgn penggunaan spray berasaskan air ni..... ...
杂记杂记 - 学校假期进入第三个星期了》 其实也好快哦( 还有三个星期多就要开学了3大宝明年读早班了3我得开始train他早睡3要不然肯定起不了床(当然我也要开始早睡3要不然连我也睡不醒3LOL! 暂时来说儿子的假期都在太平过》 他也还好3没喊闷或什么3在家玩玩具3看书3偶尔给他做作业3看下TV玩Ipad等》 当然也少不... ...
- Mampu meningkatkan nafsu makan - Mencegah flu dan herpes - Meningkatkan antibody - Membantu penyerapan kalsium - Meningkatkan hormon, enzym, kolagen
pastu we all gerak ke Rabbit Farm...main2 ngan rabbit..bagi makan..tapi wa geli arr nak bg dia makan..last2 makanan arnab tu suh Lia yg bagi kan..wa cuma pegang itu arnab tuk amik gambar ekeke..sib baik dia tak cakar2 mcm kucing ekekeke...[ sememangnya wa amat penakut ngan kucing..sama la ngan arnab..geli gittew ekekeke..]..pastu tgk gak binatang2 yg ada kat situ..mcm rusa..kuda..pastu ada anak2 arnab..kura2 kcik..burung bangau ...
is normally a creeping perennial herb, widely distributed in probably the most tropical and subtropical regions. immunomodulator, and as an anti-inflammatory agent [2].P. nodiflorapossesses many pharmacological activities such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, antiatherosclerotic, antidandruff, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, 331645-84-2 antiurolithiatic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant capabilities [3C7]. Inside a earlier study, we shown the methanolic extract of the aerial … Read more is normally a creeping perennial herb, widely distributed in probably the. Read More ...
From Data Fusion to Knowledge Fusion Xin Luna Dong, Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Geremy Heitz, Wilko Horn, Kevin Murphy, Shaohua Sun, Wei Zhang Google Inc. {lunadong gabr geremy wilko kpmurphy sunsh
Gambar 1/2 manusia 1/2 kucing ditambah tatoo diseluruh badan menjadikan dia benar-benar 1/2 gila. Gigi manusia ini sudah berbentuk ...
Gambar 1/2 manusia 1/2 kucing ditambah tatoo diseluruh badan menjadikan dia benar-benar 1/2 gila. Gigi manusia ini sudah berbentuk ...
High rosmarinic acid (RA) productivity has been achieved by applying jasmonic acid and yeast extract elicitors to the in vitro sprout culture of Orthosiphon aritatus (IOSC). The highest RA accumulation from three solvents was detected in IOSC after treatment with yeast extract (5 g/L). HPLC analysis clearly confirmed a drastic increase in RA subjected to yeast extract elicitation. Therefore, this yeast extract elicited IOSC was chosen for a lactic acid bacteria (LAB) fermentation study as a model system. This selected IOSC was subjected to different types of LAB fermentations (Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014 and Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM) for different periods of time 24, 48 and 72 h. The LAB fermentations consisted of solid state fermentations (SSF) and liquid state fermentations (LSF) in a Digital Control Unit (DCU) fermenter system. The aim was to determine the effect of fermentation on the antioxidant properties of the plant extract. Results indicated that all types of LAB fermentation
Andrographis Paniculata Extract - Browse to find Andrographis paniculata extract sellers, suppliers, wholesalers, companies, manufacturers, exporters, factories.
Find Andrographis Paniculata manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers, dealers, distributors in Andhra Pradesh India - Andrographis Paniculata verified companies listings from Andhra Pradesh with catalogs,phone numbers, addresses, best deals and more
ANTICANCER ACTIVITY OF ANDROGRAPHIS PANICULATA PDF - Rajeshkumar et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. ANTICANCER ACTIVITY OF ANDROGRAPHIS PANICULATA. showing anticancer activity on
Hai nak tanya, slain dri polybamycin, agaknya boleh pkai cream lain( yg ada kt rumah)tak smntra tggu cari polybamycin.. kucing sy dh 2 hari demam n sakit sbijik mcm kes sis.. tp time hntr vet, dktr just belek tapak kaki sminit je dh ckap yg kucing sy mgkin alergic kutu. Pdhal bru je mandi 2 hari sblum tu.. n sy mmg bgi kucing mandi skali smggu pun xpnah lgi nmpk kutu slma ni. Bgi ubat kutu lpas tu balik rmh tp kucing still demam malah makin truk. Last2 serch kt google nmpk blog ni rupa2nya sbijik mcm kes sis ni. So skrg xtau mna nak cari polybamycin, tp cream lain ade lh kt rmh ni.. dh kaji ingredient pun 80% sma mcm polybamycin. Boleh pkai ke cream gatal lain tu ...
TY - JOUR. T1 - Antidiabetic, antihyperlipidemic and antioxidant effects of the flavonoid rich fraction of Pilea microphylla (L.) in high fat diet/streptozotocin-induced diabetes in mice. AU - Bansal, P.. AU - Paul, P.. AU - Mudgal, J.. AU - G. Nayak, P.. AU - Thomas Pannakal, S.. AU - Priyadarsini, K.I.. AU - Unnikrishnan, M.K.. N1 - cited By 63. PY - 2012. Y1 - 2012. U2 - 10.1016/j.etp.2010.12.009. DO - 10.1016/j.etp.2010.12.009. M3 - Article. VL - 64. SP - 651. EP - 658. JO - Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology. JF - Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology. SN - 0940-2993. IS - 6. ER - ...
Pilea microphylla Linn. (Urticaceae) and related genera are used in Jamaican and Chinese traditional medicine for the treatment of diabetes. This study was aimed at evaluating the antidiabetic potential of flavonoid rich fraction of Pilea microphylla (PM1) and its possible mechanism of action in C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice. These diabetic mice were treated with PM1 (100 mg/kg, i.p.) for 21 days and were evaluated for parameters such as food efficiency ratio, oral glucose tolerance test, inhibition of plasma dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV), metabolic markers, pancreas histology and hematological profile. PM1 significantly (P , 0.05) reduced body weight, food efficiency ratio, plasma glucose, triglycerides and inhibited plasma DPP-IV, while increasing insulin levels in C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice. PM1 also improved oral glucose tolerance significantly (P , 0.05) with mean percentage reduction of 31.2 in glucose excursion (AUC0−120 min) and preserved islet architecture of pancreas without showing any ...
Andrographis Paniculata extract benefits, uses in homeopathy, recommended dosages and side effects. What do Andrographis plant supplements do in the body and how does it work? Learn how this herb known as The King of Bitters is used in Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine to treat coughs, infections and certain diseases.
Side effects, dosage and benefits of the medicinal herb Andrographis paniculata and its historical, common and traditional uses as tea or extract
In vitro evaluation of antibacterial potential of Andrographis paniculata against resistant bacterial pathogens methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and multiple drug resistant Escherichia coli (MDR E. coli)
This research aimed to measure dosage of sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Ness) extract to decreaseblood glucose level of diabetic rats (Rattus norvegicus). Completely randomized design was appli...
Andrographolides and traditionally used Andrographis paniculata as potential adaptogens: Implications for therapeutic innovation;kpubs;
Jual Paket Hemat Bundling 1 Pc Mackerel & 1 Pc Ocean Fish - Makanan kucing dengan harga Rp110.000 dari toko online Muezza Cat Feed Official Shop, Jakarta Barat. Cari produk Makanan Kucing lainnya di Tokopedia. Jual beli online aman dan nyaman hanya di Tokopedia.
1. Hancke J, Burgos R, Caceres D et al: A double-blind study with a new monodrug Kan Jang: decrease of symptoms and improvement in the recovery from common colds. Phytotherapy Res 1995; 9(8):559-562. 2. Thamlikitkul V, Theerapong S, Boonroj P et al: Efficacy of Andrographis paniculata, Nees for pharyngotonsillitis in adults. J Med Assoc Thai 1991; 74(10):437-442. 3. Melchior J, Spasov AA, Ostrovskij OV et al: Double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot and phase III study of activity of standardized Andrographis paniculata Herba Nees extract fixed combination (Kan Jang) in the treatment of uncomplicated upper-respiratory tract infection. Phytomedicine 2000; 7(5):341-350. 4. McGuffin M, Hobbs C, Upton R (eds): American Herbal Products Associations Botanical Safety Handbook. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL; 1997. 5. Norred CL & Brinker F: Potential coagulation effects of preoperative complementary and alternative medicines. Alt Ther 2001; 7(6):58-67. ...
ELDER BERRY tincture Healthy Eyes Immune System Support purple black berries Elder bush thick syrupy low alcohol extract Rich vitamin C flavonoids herbal health
Data fusion processes are often categorized as low, intermediate, or high, depending on the processing stage at which fusion takes place.[2] Low-level data fusion combines several sources of raw data to produce new raw data. The expectation is that fused data is more informative and synthetic than the original inputs. For example, sensor fusion is also known as (multi-sensor) data fusion and is a subset of information fusion. Humans are a prime example of Data Fusion. As humans, we rely heavily on our senses such as our Vision, Smell, Taste, Voice and Physical Movement. A combination of all these senses combine on a daily basis to help us in performing most if not all tasks in our day to day lives. That in itself is a prime example of data fusion. We rely on a fusion of smelling, tasting and touching food to ensure it is edible or not. Similarly, we rely on our sight and our ability to hear and control movement of our body to walk or drive and perform most tasks in our lives. In all these cases, ...
Lifestyle Blogger, Veterinarian, Social Media Influencer, Love Travel & Ladies Rider , Any Advertorial, Collaborations and Review : Facebook , Eintan Nurfuzie , Page Facebook , , Group Facebook , Tips dan Rawatan Kucing , Instagram , @eintan_nurfuzie , Twitter , @eintan_nurfuzie , Channel Telegram , Eintan Nurfuzie , Channel Youtube , Eintan Nurfuzie , Email , [email protected] ...
Andrographis paniculate extract from Changsha World-Way Biotech Inc.. Search High Quality Andrographis paniculate extract Manufacturing and Exporting supplier on
Eternal Repair Neck and Body Serum. Pioneering overall regenerating cosmetic for long-lasting anti-age treatment. Neck and Body Serum with plant stem cell Nano liposomes. Formulated to renew and rejuvenate the skin in areas that have been weakened by age and sun, such as the neck, cleavage, arms and shoulders. It gives them the hydration and maximum care provided by the most state-of-the-art anti-ageing treatment creams.. ...
Andrographis paniculata has received acclaim for its beneficial effect on inflammation. A Chilean study involved 60 adults who took either 150 mg andrographis extract daily or a placebo. Those taking the extract showed dramatic improvement of several outcomes, including fewer numbers of tender and/or swollen joints. For joints that remained tender and/or swollen, the intensity was lessened. Arthro-Immune Joint Support contains PARACTIN¨ Andrographis extract, which has demonstrated its efficacy in easing inflammation in human clinical, in vivo and in vitro studies ...
The information in the second edition of this volume has been substantially expanded and updated to incorporate recent approaches to sensor and data fusion, as well as additional application examples. A new chapter about data fusion issues associated with multiple-radar tracking systems has also been added. This chapter includes topics such as sensor registration requirements, Kalman filtering, and a discussion of interacting multiple models. As in the first edition, the book discusses the benefits of sensor fusion that accrue when sensors that operate with different phenomenologies or surveil separate volumes of space are used to gather signatures and data about objects or events in their field of view. Subject matter includes: (1) applications of multiple-sensor systems to vehicular traffic management, target classification and tracking, military and homeland defense, and battlefield assessment; (2) target, background, and atmospheric signature-generation phenomena and modeling; (3) the JDL ...
Multi sensor data fusion has played a significant role in diverse areas. Various multi sensor data fusion methods have been extensively investigated by res
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Olive leaf extract is an herbal supplement that has been proven effective in relieving constipation, according to WebMD.The supplement may also have antiviral and antioxidant capabilities, according...
Cells lacking ATM exhibited a slightly increased number of chromosomal breaks in untreated cells compared to VA13 . On the other hand, oxLDL SB-742457 cost kinase inhibitor drastically enhanced chromosomal breaks in each cell lines. In VA13 cells, the quantity of chromosomal breaks following 8 h greater up to thirty. In AT22 cells the quantity of chromosomal breaks improved as much as 42. Fig. 6B even further displays that the variety of oxLDL induced chromosomal breaks in AT22 cells are significantly higher when in contrast to VA13 cells. Treatment method of VA13 and AT22 cells with LDL was without results on chromosomal breaks when compared to untreated cells . three.5. PDTC scavenges oxLDL induced elevated ROS ranges in the T cells ATM deficient cells are inside a consistent state of oxidative pressure and might possibly exhibit diminished antioxidant capability . We demonstrate that AT22 cells exhibited approx. one.five fold higher ROS amounts when compared to VA13 cells . Incubation of ...
Bermula dengan ibunya yang dipatuk angsa ketika datang merisik Maimun hinggalah rombongan pengantin yang membawa Maimun telah tersilap ke rumah yang mengadakan kenduri bersunat di kawasan kejiranan rumah Rahman.Tak cukup dengan itu, Rahman terpaksa berhadapan dengan bapa mertuanya, Pak Brahim yang agak alim orangnya, sedangkan Rahman alim-alim kucing sahaja. Pelbagai kisah haru-biru yang berlaku di rumah Pak Brahim setelah Rahman menjadi menantunya. Ikutilah juga kisah ketua marhaban, Hajah Meriam yang terpaksa merempit dengan babi semata-mata ingin ke kenduri potong jambul anak kembar Rahman ...
rumah terbuka kecik-kecik ja..yg g aku,aini,cek su ngan aina satu keta..yg lagi 1 keta wan,yana kucing,yana,suzanna ngan aida ...
Penggunaan solekan ala mata kucing tampak lebih versatil dan penuh gaya apabila dipadankan dengan busana retro atau olesan gincu bibir merah menyala. Pilihan ga
tadi jamuan berlangsung. saya dan naziff jadi pengacara majlis. amboi naziff suka betol kau jadi pengacara ni kan. in fact you dont even need me actually. tapi biasalah, perempuan kan penghias dunia, bile ade pengacara lelaki kenalah ade pengacara perempuan. bila ade romeo ada lah juliet. bila ade edward ada lah bella. bila ade kucing ada lah anjing. bila ada penjahat ada lah polis. nampak tak nampak tak? haaa. saya tau saya penghias :) long story short, jamuan start dengan ucapan2, awards, makan, and games. kami main KERU-RAMA (kerusi berirama atau nenek saya panggil musical chair), kami main CHARADE, kami main CUN-BOX (kotak beracun. get it?), kami main TELEFON BODOH. haha memang macamtu ke nama -.- mainan die mcm ni, orang pertama bisik dekat orang sebelah satu ayat and then orang sebelah tadi bisik lagi ayat tu dekat orang sebelah die. sampai orang last, tengok ah ayat tu jadi apa. pernah main kaaaannn. so perkataan asal kami - ravi naik moto pergi kedai langgar anak ayam mati tengah jalan ...