TY - JOUR. T1 - Ultrastructural study of the primary olfactory pathway in Macaca fascicularis. AU - Herrera, Loren P.. AU - Casas, Carlos E.. AU - Bates, Margaret L.. AU - Guest, James D. PY - 2005/8/8. Y1 - 2005/8/8. N2 - Olfactory ensheathing glial cells (OEGs) interact with a wide repertoire of cell types and support extension of olfactory axons (OAs) within the olfactory pathway. OEGs are thought to exclude OAs from contact with all other cells between the olfactory epithelium and the glomerulus of the olfactory bulb. These properties have lead to testing to determine whether OEGs support axonal growth following transplantation. The cellular interactions of transplanted OEGs will probably resemble those that occur within the normal pathway where interactions between OEGs and fibroblasts are prominent. No previous primate studies have focused on these interactions, knowledge of which is important if clinical application is envisioned. We describe the detailed intercellular interactions of OAs ...
A Specialized Odor Memory Buffer in Primary Olfactory Cortex. . Biblioteca virtual para leer y descargar libros, documentos, trabajos y tesis universitarias en PDF. Material universiario, documentación y tareas realizadas por universitarios en nuestra biblioteca. Para descargar gratis y para leer online.
The mammalian olfactory cortex is a complex structure located along the rostro-caudal extension of the ventrolateral prosencephalon, which is divided into several anatomically and functionally distinct areas: the anterior olfactory nucleus, piriform cortex, olfactory tubercle, amygdaloid olfactory nuclei, and the more caudal entorhinal cortex. Multiple forebrain progenitor domains contribute to the cellular diversity of the olfactory cortex, which is invaded simultaneously by cells originating in distinct germinal areas in the dorsal and ventral forebrain. Using a combination of dye labeling techniques, we identified two novel areas that contribute cells to the developing olfactory cortices, the septum and the ventral pallium, from which cells migrate along a radial and then a tangential path. We characterized these cell populations by comparing their expression of calretinin, calbindin, reelin and Tbr1 with that of other olfactory cell populations.
View more ,The process of establishing long-range neuronal connections can be divided into at least three discrete steps. First, axons need to be stimulated to grow and this growth must be towards appropriate targets. Second, after arriving at their target, axons need to be directed to their topographically appropriate position and in some cases, such as in cortical structures, they must grow radially to reach the correct laminar layer. Third, axons then arborize and form synaptic connections with only a defined subpopulation of potential post-synaptic partners. Attempts to understand these mechanisms in the visual system have been ongoing since pioneer studies in the 1940s highlighted the specificity of neuronal connections in the retino-tectal pathway. These classical systems-based approaches culminated in the 1990s with the discovery that Eph-ephrin repulsive interactions were involved in topographical mapping. In marked contrast, it was the cloning of the odorant receptor family that quickly ...
We used slice preparations and electrophysiological methods to investigate synaptic function and plasticity in Fmr1 KO mice and WT controls. We observed a pronounced deficit in expression of stable LTP in ASSN synapses in the anterior piriform cortex in mice lacking FMRP. This deficit only appeared in tissue from animals at least 6 months of age and was not observed in slices from hippocampus. We did not see significant differences in basal synaptic transmission, alterations in paired-pulse plasticity, or significantly modified local circuit properties in responses to high-frequency bursts. The same age-dependent LTP impairment in the APC was observed whether or not GABAA receptors were blocked. These findings suggest that the primary defect in LTP in the olfactory cortex involves mechanisms responsible for stabilization of potentiation. Both the age dependence and regional selectivity of the defect place constraints on the cellular basis for it.. FMRP could participate directly in the ...
Olfactory Pathways, part of the limbic system, are a set of nerve fibers conducting impulses from olfactory receptors to the cerebral cortex
The antennal lobe is the deutocerebral neuropil of insects which receives the input from the olfactory sensory neurons on the antenna. Functionally, it shares some similarities with the olfactory bulb in vertebrates.. In insects, the olfactory pathway starts at the antennae (though in some insects like Drosophila there are olfactory sensory neurons in other parts of the body) from where the sensory neurons carry the information about the odorant molecules impinging on the antenna to the antennal lobe.[1] The antennal lobe is composed of densely packed neuropils, termed glomeruli, where the sensory neurons synapse with the two other kinds of neurons, the projection neurons and the local neurons.[1] There are 43 glomeruli in the Drosophila antennal lobe; in Aedes aegypti there are 32;[1] locusts and social wasps may have over 1000.[1] The projection neurons project to higher brain centers such as the mushroom body and the lateral horn.[2] [3] [4] The local neurons, which are primarily inhibitory, ...
Li backed up these findings with scans of the volunteers brains. She used a technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to show that their learning experiences were mirrored by changes in their posterior piriform cortex (PPC), a part of the brain involved in learning new smells. At the start of the study, sniffing both forms of 2-butanol triggered similar patterns of activity in the PPC. After the shock, these patterns became more distinct, even though the overall level of activity in the region stayed the same. In contrast, the patterns for the rose oxide molecules remained strongly coupled throughout the study. Adaptive sniffing Weve known for decades that a shocking stimulus can condition an animal towards certain types of behaviour, but this study clearly shows that it can also make an animal more sensitive to the stimulus in question. Clearly, animals benefit from being able to discern the smell of danger and ignore unimportant odours. As Li herself put it, the whiff of ...
To directly test for an explicit population code for reward valence, we trained linear classifiers (SVMs) to decode reward from the responses to a set of four odors (two rewarded, two unrewarded), then tested the ability of the same classifier to decode reward from the responses to the other set of four odors presented in the same session (Fig. 6B). Overall, we found that classifiers trained on OT data successfully decoded reward from responses to odors that the classifiers did not see during training. On the other hand, classifiers trained on pPC data did not have this property. Importantly, these results were consistent across individual mice (OT, n = 5 mice; pPC, n = 3 mice) and odor sets for which populations of at least five cells were available (Fig. 6B; Materials and Methods). A single neuron could respond similarly to two odors with the same valence, because the response is valence specific or strictly due to similar purely sensory-driven responses evoked by the two odors. In turn, the ...
An essential feature of the organization and function of the vertebrate and insect olfactory systems is the generation of a variety of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) that have different specificities in regard to both odorant receptor expression and axonal targeting. Yet the underlying mechanisms …
The major finding of this study is that antennal lobe projection neurons and mushroom body Kenyon cells express different sets of ionic currents.. Kenyon cells express at least three different voltage-gated outward K+ currents. The transient component comprises a rapidly inactivating (A-type) current and a slowly inactivating current, whose kinetic parameters have been described in great detail (Pelz et al., 1999). The amplitude of the sustained (delayed rectifier) current is relatively small compared to the transient K+ currents, as described in various insect or crustacean neurons (e.g. Byerly and Leung, 1988; Saito and Wu, 1991; Hayashi and Levine, 1992; Delgado et al., 1998; Kloppenburg and Hörner, 1998; Benkenstein et al., 1999; Kloppenburg et al., 1999b; Schmidt et al., 2000 (for a review, see Wicher et al., 2001) and in antennal motoneurons within the honeybee deutocerebrum (Kloppenburg et al., 1999a). By contrast, projection neurons do not express such prominent transient K+ currents. ...
The Drosophila olfactory system exhibits very precise and stereotyped wiring that is specified predominantly by genetic programming. Dendrites of olfactory projection neurons (PNs) pattern the developing antennal lobe before olfactory receptor neuron axon arrival, indicating an intrinsic wiring mechanism for PN dendrites. These wiring decisions are likely determined through a transcriptional program. This study found that loss of Brahma associated protein 55 kD (Bap55) results in a highly specific PN mistargeting phenotype. In Bap55 mutants, PNs that normally target to the DL1 glomerulus mistarget to the DA4l glomerulus with 100% penetrance. Loss of Bap55 also causes derepression of a GAL4 whose expression is normally restricted to a small subset of PNs. Bap55 is a member of both the Brahma (BRM) and the Tat interactive protein 60 kD (TIP60) ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes. The Bap55 mutant phenotype is partially recapitulated by Domino and Enhancer of Polycomb mutants, members of ...
In approximately 60% of adult preparations, a few terminal branches cross the midline to innervate the antennal lobe ipsilateral to the soma (arrow in Figure 1c, h); these collaterals are not observed at the larval stage (Figure 1b, i). The larval olfactory system lacks an antennal commissure (Subhashini Srinivasan, unpublished observations), which in the adult carries contralateral branches of a majority of ORNs and some PNs that connect both lobes [4]. The terminals of the CSDn in the lobe contralateral to the soma are blebby in appearance, strongly serotonin positive (Figure 2b) and resemble structures of the B. mori CSD neuron that were shown by electron microscopy to be presynaptic to some of the neural elements within the lobe [20]. In order to confirm that these endings are presynaptic, we expressed a GFP-tagged synaptotagmin (Syt-GFP) in the CSDn and found the protein highly enriched in the terminal endings (Additional file 2c, f) and not in the ipsilateral arbors (Additional file 2a). ...
Fig. 437. View of inside of the lateral wall of lateral ventricle of a human foetus at beginning of third month== His. Bb, bulbus olfactorius; C. L, lateral limb of corpus striatum; C.m., medial segment (consisting of the middle and inner limbs) of the corpus striatum. The furrow between these two parts opens into the anterior olfactory lobe; hRl., posterior olfactory lobe; L./., frontal lobe; L. o. y occipital lobe; Og. } olfactory nerve; R. i., recessus infundibuli; R. o., recessus (prae-?) opticus; St., stalk of hemisphere (strio-thalamic junction); V.I., lateral ventricle; v.Rl.+Bb, anterior olfactory lobe. {{Template:Bailey 1921 Figures}} [[Category:Human]] [[Category:Neural ...
Van de Bittner GC, Riley MM, Cao L, Ehses J, Herrick SP, Ricq EL, Wey HY, ONeill MJ, Ahmed Z, Murray TK, Smith JE, Wang C, Schroeder FA, Albers MW, Hooker JM. Nasal neuron PET imaging quantifies neuron generation and degeneration. J Clin Invest. 2017 Feb 01; 127(2):681-694 ...
Such observations reinforced the prospect that the biological events underlying chemi- cally induced toxicity are complex and that the encapsulate concentrations of covalently bound adducts in macromolecules is not the solitary determinant of toxicity per se. A swatting following kainate-induced seizures showed that the cyclin D1 mRNA was induced in the vulnerable CA3 part, and to a lesser extent, in non-vulnerable regions, while that the expression of CDK4 and cyclin D1 was upregu- lated in neurons of the rat piriform cortex and amygdala 1В-3 days after KA administra- tion in vivo. Who Is Agonistic by Fibromyalgia toradol 10 mg on-line pain medication for dogs aleve. The thin film of a childish stripling may let someone have the visualization of cursory venous circulation across the abdomen. Perhaps a couple of centuries later, the grey Hebrews displayed presumptuousness with this pursuit: in the Out-moded Testament, the perpetually tormented Responsibility cries prohibited The arrows of the ...
Such observations reinforced the prospect that the biological events underlying chemi- cally induced toxicity are complex and that the encapsulate concentrations of covalently bound adducts in macromolecules is not the solitary determinant of toxicity per se. A swatting following kainate-induced seizures showed that the cyclin D1 mRNA was induced in the vulnerable CA3 part, and to a lesser extent, in non-vulnerable regions, while that the expression of CDK4 and cyclin D1 was upregu- lated in neurons of the rat piriform cortex and amygdala 1В-3 days after KA administra- tion in vivo. Who Is Agonistic by Fibromyalgia toradol 10 mg on-line pain medication for dogs aleve. The thin film of a childish stripling may let someone have the visualization of cursory venous circulation across the abdomen. Perhaps a couple of centuries later, the grey Hebrews displayed presumptuousness with this pursuit: in the Out-moded Testament, the perpetually tormented Responsibility cries prohibited The arrows of the ...
Author Summary Many lines of evidence suggest that few spikes carry the relevant stimulus information at later stages of sensory processing. Yet mechanisms for the emergence of a robust and temporally sparse sensory representation remain elusive. Here, we introduce an idea in which a temporal sparse and reliable stimulus representation develops naturally in spiking networks. It combines principles of signal propagation with the commonly observed mechanism of neuronal firing rate adaptation. Using a stringent numerical and mathematical approach, we show how a dense rate code at the periphery translates into a temporal sparse representation in the cortical network. At the same time, it dynamically suppresses trial-by-trial variability, matching experimental observations in sensory cortices. Computational modelling of the insects olfactory pathway suggests that the same principle underlies the prominent example of temporal sparse coding in the mushroom body. Our results reveal a computational principle
The olfactory bulb (OB) is the first processing station in the olfactory pathway. Despite smell impairment, which is considered an early event in Alzheimers disease (AD), little is known about the initial molecular ...
1. A large-scale computer model of the piriform cortex was constructed on the basis of the known anatomic and physiological organization of this region. 2. The oscillatory field potential and electroencephalographic (EEG) activity generated by the model was compared with actual physiological results. The model was able to produce patterns of activity similar to those recorded physiologically in response to both weak and strong electrical shocks to the afferent input. The model also generated activity patterns similar to EEGs recorded in behaving animals. 3 ...
Date: 07/18/2008 05:53 PMBy PEGGY HARRISAssociated Press WriterLITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) _ Because of his own injuries, Ben Vereen seems like a natural to hig
Organophosphorus nerve agents irreversibly inhibit acetylcholinesterase, causing a toxic buildup of acetylcholine at muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. Current medical countermeasures to nerve agent intoxication increase survival if administered within a short period of time following exposure but may not fully prevent neurological damage. Therefore, there is a need to discover drug treatments that are effective when administered after the onset of seizures and secondary responses that lead to brain injury. To determine potential therapeutic targets for such treatments, we analyzed gene expression changes in the rat piriform cortex following sarin (O-isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate)-induced seizure. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were challenged with 1 × LD50 sarin and subsequently treated with atropine sulfate, 2-pyridine aldoxime methylchloride (2-PAM), and the anticonvulsant diazepam. Control animals received an equivalent volume of vehicle and drug treatments. The piriform cortex, a brain region
Hyperosmia is an increased olfactory acuity (heightened sense of smell), usually caused by a lower threshold for odor. This perceptual disorder arises when there is an abnormally increased signal at any point between the olfactory receptors and the olfactory cortex. The causes of hyperosmia may be genetic, environmental or the result of benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome. When odorants enter the nasal cavity, they bind to odorant receptors at the base of the olfactory epithelium. These receptors are bipolar neurons that connect to the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb, traveling through the cribriform plate. At the glomerular layer, axons from the olfactory receptor neurons intermingle with dendrites from intrinsic olfactory bulb neurons: mitrial/tufted cells and dopaminergic periglomerular cells. From the olfactory bulb, mitral/tufted cells send axons via the lateral olfactory tract (the cranial nerve I) to the olfactory cortex, which includes the piriform cortex, entorhinal cortex, and ...
Biological olfaction outperforms chemical instrumentation in specificity, response time, detection limit, coding capacity, time stability, robustness, size, power consumption, and portability. This biological function provides outstanding performance due, to a large extent, to the unique architecture of the olfactory pathway, which combines a high degree of redundancy, an efficient combinatorial coding along with unmatched chemical information processing mechanisms. The last decade has witnessed important advances in the understanding of the computational primitives underlying the functioning of the olfactory system. EU Funded Project NEUROCHEM (Bio-ICT-FET- 216916) has developed novel computing paradigms and biologically motivated artefacts for chemical sensing taking inspiration from the biological olfactory pathway. To demonstrate this approach, a biomimetic demonstrator has been built featuring a large scale sensor array (65K elements) in conducting polymer technology mimicking the olfactory ...
The accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) processes pheromonal signals which in turn drive social behaviors. Here we identify a tract of aromatase-expressing (arom+) fibers in the dorsal lateral olfactory tract (dLOT) which terminate in the granule cell layer (GCL) of the AOB. We utilized a retrograde tracer in aromatase reporter animals to delineate the source of these fibers. We show that these input fibers emerge almost exclusively from a contiguous population of arom+ neurons that spans the bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract (BAOT) and posterioventral subnucleus of the medial amygdala (MeApv). This population of neurons expresses the estrogen receptor alpha and contains more aromatase neurons in male mice than female mice. Thus, this population of feedback neurons can detect neuroendocrine changes and modulate the output of AOB projection neurons in a way that is sexually dimorphic and could influence every downstream target of the AOB.
Đây là một trong những cách dưỡng da tốt nhất cho làn da bị mụn và bị hao tổn do môi trường. Bạn có thể sử dụng nhiều loại mặt nạ đắp mặt từ thiên nhiên khác nhau, tuy nhiên bạn chỉ nên lựa chọn các loại mặt nạ phù hợp nhất với làn da của mình. Hãy xuy sét cẩn thận khi lựa chọn loại mặt nạ vì nó có thể gây kích ứng da khi bạn sử dụng đấy.. Thời gian tốt nhất để đắp mặt nạ là khoảng 15 phút, đừng để mặt nạ đắp mặt quá lâu vì nó có thể sẽ gây biến chất các loại vitamin và chất dưỡng da có trong mặt nạ. Bạn cũng có thể tận dụng khoảng thời gian đắp mặt nạ để thư giãn hoặc xem phim giải trí.. Một số loại mặt nạ đắp mặt tốt cho làn da như dưa leo, ngọc trai, bùn …có thể phù hợp với đại đa số làn da của bạn. Một số nhãn hiệu mặt nạ tốt ...
Đây là một trong những cách dưỡng da tốt nhất cho làn da bị mụn và bị hao tổn do môi trường. Bạn có thể sử dụng nhiều loại mặt nạ đắp mặt từ thiên nhiên khác nhau, tuy nhiên bạn chỉ nên lựa chọn các loại mặt nạ phù hợp nhất với làn da của mình. Hãy xuy sét cẩn thận khi lựa chọn loại mặt nạ vì nó có thể gây kích ứng da khi bạn sử dụng đấy.. Thời gian tốt nhất để đắp mặt nạ là khoảng 15 phút, đừng để mặt nạ đắp mặt quá lâu vì nó có thể sẽ gây biến chất các loại vitamin và chất dưỡng da có trong mặt nạ. Bạn cũng có thể tận dụng khoảng thời gian đắp mặt nạ để thư giãn hoặc xem phim giải trí.. Một số loại mặt nạ đắp mặt tốt cho làn da như dưa leo, ngọc trai, bùn …có thể phù hợp với đại đa số làn da của bạn. Một số nhãn hiệu mặt nạ tốt ...
Brain Regions (94): CTX (Cerebral cortex) MOB (Main olfactory bulb) AOB (Accessory olfactory bulb) AON (Anterior olfactory nucleus) TT (Taenia tecta) PIR (Piriform area) NLOT (Nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract) PAA (Piriform-amygdalar area) COA (Cortical amygdalar area) TR (Postpiriform transition area) CA (Ammons Horn) DG (Dentate gyrus) RHP (Retrohippocampal region) SUB (Subiculum) CP (Caudoputamen ) ACB (Nucleus accumbens ) FS (Fundus of striatum) OT (Olfactory tubercle ) LS (Lateral septal nucleus ) CEA (Central amygdalar nucleus ) AAA (Anterior amygdalar area) MEA (Medial amygdalar nucleus ) PALd (Pallidum_ dorsal region) PALv (Pallidum_ ventral region) BST (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis ) PALm (Pallidum_ medial region) AM (Anteromedial nucleus) AV (Anteroventral nucleus of thalamus ) LD (Lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus) RT (Reticular nucleus of the thalamus) LAT (Lateral group of the dorsal thalamus) LP (Lateral posterior nucleus of the thalamus) LGv (Ventral part of the ...
A unifying feature of mammalian and insect olfactory systems is that olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) expressing the same unique odorant-receptor gene converge onto the same glomeruli in the brain [1-7]. Most odorants activate a combination of receptors and thus distinct patterns of glomeruli, forming a proposed combinatorial spatial code that could support discrimination between a large number of odorants [8-11]. OSNs also exhibit odor-evoked responses with complex temporal dynamics [11], but the contribution of this activity to behavioral odor discrimination has received little attention [12]. Here, we investigated the importance of spatial encoding in the relatively simple Drosophila antennal lobe. We show that Drosophila can learn to discriminate between two odorants with one functional class of Or83b-expressing OSNs. Furthermore, these flies encode one odorant from a mixture and cross-adapt to odorants that activate the relevant OSN class, demonstrating that they discriminate odorants by using the
Multiple factors contribute to the onset and progress of PD, that initially targets few susceptible neuron types in motor nuclei of glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves, and in the anterior olfactory nucleus [2, 3, 24]. Many animal models are available for mimicking PD landmarks, however none can reproduce in full the human pathology. The picture is even more complicated by the presence of both motor and non-motor symptoms, whose assessment in animal models may be difficult and need careful overall interpretation (for a review, see [25]). We choose the MPTP model because we were interested in olfactory dysfunctions, which are a hallmark of early PD stages. MPTP administered acutely in mice can reproduce early stages of PD [26], however, it is not sufficient for fully exploring PD, since MPTP-injected mice recover spontaneously, which precludes the study of pharmacological interventions. Moreover, various strains of mice show different sensitivity to MPTP.. PD implies a complex imbalance of the ...
1. Lagha M, Bothma JP, Levine M (2012) Mechanisms of transcriptional precision in animal development. Trends Genet 28: 409-416. doi: 10.1016/j.tig.2012.03.006 22513408. 2. Frankel N, Davis GK, Vargas D, Wang S, Payre F, et al. (2010) Phenotypic robustness conferred by apparently redundant transcriptional enhancers. Nature 466: 490-493. doi: 10.1038/nature09158 20512118. 3. Ebert MS, Sharp PA (2010) Emerging roles for natural microRNA sponges. Curr Biol 20: R858-861. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.08.052 20937476. 4. Couto A, Alenius M, Dickson BJ (2005) Molecular, anatomical, and functional organization of the Drosophila olfactory system. Curr Biol 15: 1535-1547. 16139208. 5. Fishilevich E, Vosshall LB (2005) Genetic and functional subdivision of the Drosophila antennal lobe. Curr Biol 15: 1548-1553. 16139209. 6. Fuss SH, Ray A (2009) Mechanisms of odorant receptor gene choice in Drosophila and vertebrates. Mol Cell Neurosci 41: 101-112. doi: 10.1016/j.mcn.2009.02.014 19303443. 7. Tharadra SK, Medina ...
RATIONALE: Recent evidence in animals and humans suggests that low-frequency stimulation (LFS) has significant antiseizure properties. The anterior piriform cortex (APC) has been demonstrated to be a highly susceptible seizure-trigger zone, and may be critical for the initiation and propagation of seizures originating from cortical and limbic foci. We studied the effect of LFS of the APC on seizure frequency, severity, and duration in the kainate seizure model in rats. METHODS: Adult Sprague-Dawley rats (n=7; Hilltop Lab Animals Inc, Scottdale, PA) were implanted with tripolar electrodes in the left APC, and recording electrodes bilaterally in the hippocampal CA3 regions. Rats were monitored continuously with video-EEG for the emergence of spontaneous recurrent seizures after induction of status epilepticus by intraperitoneal kainic acid injections (KA). After emergence of spontaneous seizures, animals underwent 2 weeks of baseline recordings to determine seizure frequency and duration. Then, LFS of the
TY - JOUR. T1 - D-serine, an endogenous synaptic modulator. T2 - Localization to astrocytes and glutamate-stimulated release. AU - Schell, Michael J.. AU - Molliver, Mark E.. AU - Snyder, Solomon H.. PY - 1995/4/25. Y1 - 1995/4/25. N2 - Using an antibody highly specific for D-serine conjugated to glutaraldehyde, we have localized endogenous D-serine in rat brain. Highest levels of D-serine immunoreactivity occur in the gray matter of the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, anterior olfactory nucleus, olfactory tubercle, and amygdala. Localizations of D-serine immunoreactivity correlate closely with those of D-serine binding to the glycine modulatory site of the N-methyl-D- aspartate (NMDA) receptor as visualized by autoradiography and are inversely correlated to the presence of D-amino acid oxidase. D-Serine is enriched in process-bearing glial cells in neuropil with the morphology of protoplasmic astrocytes. In glial cultures of rat cerebral cortex, D-serine is enriched in type 2 astrocytes. The ...
Exposure to propofol (30g or 60 mg/kg) on P7 produced significant c-Fos expression in the deep layers of the piriform cortex on P8. Double immunofluorescence of c-Fos with interneuron markers in the piriform cortex revealed that c-Fos was specifically induced in calbindin (CB)-positive interneurons. Repeated propofol exposure from P7 to P9 induced behavioral deficits in adult mice, such as olfactory function deficit in a buried food test, decreased sociability in a three-chambered choice task, and impaired recognitive ability of learning and memory in novel object recognition tests. However, locomotor activity in the open-field test was not generally affected. Propofol treatment also significantly decreased the number of CB-positive interneurons in the piriform cortex of mice on P21 and adulthood.. ...
Fingerprint Dive into the research topics of Radial glia interact with primary olfactory axons to regulate development of the olfactory bulb. Together they form a unique fingerprint. ...
In the mouse, each class of olfactory receptor neurons expressing a given odorant receptor has convergent axonal projections to two specific glomeruli in the olfactory bulb, thereby creating an odour map. However, it is unclear how this map is represented in the olfactory cortex. Here we combine rab …
Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) are the glial cells of the olfactory system. Their primary role is thought to be to provide support and guidance for primary olfactory axons. However, OECs are known to phagocytose bacteria and express immune markers and thus they may help to maintain a healthy environment. Interestingly, following widespread death of primary olfactory axons, there is minimal mobilisation of macrophages but yet the axonal debris is rapidly cleared. Purpose: We have therefore investigated whether OECs are the cells that are primarily responsible for removal of axonal debris. Methods: We cultured red fluorescent OECs from S100beta-DsRed mice and green fluorescent primary olfactory neurons from OMP-ZsGreen mice. Results: In explant cultures of DsRed-OECs and ZsGreen-neurons, OECs clearly contained green fluorescent axonal debris. When cellular debris from green fluorescent neurons was added to cultured OECs, the OECs extended pseudopodia and rapidly phagocytosed the axonal debris ...
Boto T, Louis T, Jindachomthong K, Jalink K, Tomchik SM (2014) Dopaminergic modulation cAMP drives nonlinear plasticity across the Drosophila mushroom body lobes. Curr Biol 24: 822-831.. Tomchik SM (2013) Dopaminergic neurons encode a distributed, asymmetric representation of temperature in Drosophila. J Neurosci 33: 2166-2176.. Tomchik SM, Davis RL (2009) Dynamics of learning-related cAMP signaling and stimulus integration in the Drosophila olfactory pathway. Neuron 64: 510-521.. Tomchik SM, Davis RL (2008) Behavioural neuroscience: Out of sight, but not out of mind. Nature 453: 1192-1194.. Tomchik SM, Davis RL (2008) Cyclic AMP imaging sheds light on PDF signaling in circadian clock neurons. Neuron 58: 161-163.. Tomchik SM, Berg S, Kim JW, Chaudhari N, Roper SD (2007) Breadth of tuning and taste coding in mammalian taste buds. J Neurosci 27: 10840-10848.. Dvoryanchikov G, Tomchik SM, Chaudhari N (2007) Biogenic amine synthesis and uptake in rodent taste buds. J Comp Neurol 505: ...
Concentration invariance - the capacity to recognize a given odorant (analyte) across a range of concentrations - is an unusually difficult problem in the olfactory modality. Nevertheless, humans and other animals are able to recognize known odors across substantial concentration ranges, and this concentration invariance is a highly desirable property for artificial systems as well. Several properties of olfactory systems have been proposed to contribute to concentration invariance, but none of these alone can plausibly achieve full concentration invariance. We here propose that the mammalian olfactory system uses at least six computational mechanisms in series to reduce the concentration-dependent variance in odor representations to a level where different concentrations of odors evoke reasonably similar representations, while preserving variance arising from differences in odor quality. We suggest that the residual variance then is treated like any other source of stimulus variance, and
Thapsigargin is an inhibitor of the Ca2+-ATPase of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that depletes the intracellular Ca2+ stores (Thastrup et al., 1990; Rosay et al., 2001). Thapsigargin application for 15 min (Fig. 4) clearly decreased the total number of photons (Sp: 5813±1380.8, P,0.05; Ci: 3197±494.9, P,0.05; Oct: 4732±3013.7; P,0.05), as well as the duration of the response (Sp: 28±5.4 s, P,0.0001; Ci: 22±2.0 s, P,0.001; Oct: 25±3.0 s, P,0.001). The amplitude of the first component of the response was also affected, as compared with control flies, for spearmint (P,0.05) and octanol (P,0.05; Fig. 4A,G), whereas it was not affected for citronella (Fig. 4D). These results suggest that, although thapsigargin slightly affects the amplitude of the first component (for two of the three tested odors), more importantly, it affects the second component of the response (for the three tested odors). This lead us to suggest that the first component does not necessarily involve Ca2+ release from ...
PubMed comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
In search of smells meaning. Gloria Chois research addresses the mechanisms by which the brain learns to recognize olfactory stimuli and to associate them with appropriate behavioral responses.. Much recent work has been devoted to the question of how the binding of odorant molecules to their receptors in the olfactory epithelium leads to the perception of odors. In other sensory modalities such as vision, touch or hearing, the primary sensory cortex shows a topographical organization in which stimulus features are systematically mapped on the cortical surface. In the olfactory area (known as piriform cortex), however, no such order has been found; while individual inputs to the cortex are tuned to specific odorants, their projections within the piriform cortex are widely dispersed. Consistent with this, olfactory stimuli typically activate sparse ensembles of piriform cells, with no obvious spatial pattern. Yet somehow the brain must learn to recognize these apparently arbitrary spatial ...
M&T Bank offered a drawing called M&Ts Save & Win Sweepstakes that featured automated entries with savings deposit activity. M&T Bank also contributed $5,000 to help a randomly selected saver who participated in the sweepstakes reach their savings goal. In addition, M&T Bank actively encouraged savings during America Saves Week and throughout February 2015 by sending over one million emails to customers, distributing 105,200 branch flyers, calling over 3,570 customers to schedule savings plan review appointments, and sharing information with its social media followers. The promotional materials used during M&T Banks February savings focus encouraged the use of automated savings plans through direct deposit and automatic transfers. Through the America Saves Week effort, M&T Bank established more than 2,330 new savings relationships with customers. M&T Bank is also a proud recipient of the 2015 America Saves Designation of Savings Excellence.. ...
Olfactory sensory neurons express a wide variety of axon-sorting molecules to establish proper neural circuitry. This protocol...
The term olfactory bulb refers, in the human and macaque, to a small oval white structure located in the cleft between the ventral surface of the frontal lobe and the floor of the cranial cavity ( Carpenter-1983 ). In the rat and mouse it is a much larger structure in comparison to rest of the brain; there it occupies almost a quarter of the length of the cranial cavity ( Swanson-2004 ). Though classically considered a separate structure from the cerebral cortex in primates ( Nomina-1983 ), it is classified on the basis of internal structure as a component of paleocortex in all species ( Stephan-1975 ). In all species it is connected rostrally with the olfactory nerve. Caudally in primates it connects with the olfactory peduncle; in rodents it connects through the olfactory tract directly to the olfactory tubercle and olfactory areas (rodent) of the cerebral cortex ( Swanson-2004 ). It is a layered structure that contains cell bodies of the second neurons in the olfactory system. It is a key ...
What is an Odor Object? On a visit to the Western Ghats, we observed hundreds of species of phytophagous insects with equally diverse host choices; some specialized on a single plant species, some feeding on a variety of plants. How do these insects locate their hosts in the incredible floral diversity of the rainforest? How…
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J:78541 Peretto P, Cummings D, Modena C, Behrens M, Venkatraman G, Fasolo A, Margolis FL, BMP mRNA and protein expression in the developing mouse olfactory system. J Comp Neurol. 2002 Sep 23;451(3):267-78 ...
odor - MedHelps odor Center for Information, Symptoms, Resources, Treatments and Tools for odor. Find odor information, treatments for odor and odor symptoms.
The human brain has the ability to recognise and process a very wide range of sensory stimuli, from which it builds a mental representation.
The amygdala consists of a whole bunch of tiny little nuclei, and were going to just group them into a couple of two big clusters, the corticomedial and the basolateral. The corticomedial group is associated with the olfactory bulb. It gets a lot of information from the olfactory system, and then sends that information to the nuclei of the brain stem and the hypothalamus. This is one of the ways that olfactory information can have an impact on your visceral systems. So if somethings really particularly stinky, you dont want to eat it. Its one of those safety things. And it also helps you learn that if youve ever had ingested something that smelled funny, you dont eat it again because you remember the visceral responses that you had to the first time. Its also corticomedial group because it goes to brain stem and then on to spinal cord as well, is one of the ways that the amygdala is connected to your sympathetic nervous system. And so weve talked about the amygdala being part of your ...
Pharmacological fMRI reveals that associative connections contribute to odor categorization by supporting discrimination and generalization at different stages of the human olfactory system.
Một meme ( /miːm/ MEEM) là một quan niệm, hành vi, hoặc phong cách lan truyền từ người này sang người khác trong một nền văn hóa - thường với mục đích chuyển tải một hiện tượng, chủ đề, hoặc ý nghĩa cụ thể do meme đại diện.[1] Một meme hoạt động như một đơn vị để mang những quan niệm, biểu tượng, hoặc những thói quen thuộc về văn hóa có thể truyền tải từ ý nghĩ của người này sang người khác thông qua việc viết, nói, cử chỉ, nghi thức, hoặc các hiện tượng có thể mô phỏng khác, cùng với một chủ tố được bắt chước. Những người ủng hộ khái niệm này xem các meme như là những mô hình thuộc văn hóa có liên quan đến các gen mà trong đó chúng tự sao chép, biến đổi, và phản ứng lại với những áp lực chọn lọc.[2] Những người khởi xướng lý giải rằng các meme là ...
Fresh Wave helps you fight odor at home with a variety of natural odor-fighting sprays, shampoos and powders. Shop Pharmaca today!
div style=text-align: center; border: 4px solid #12478a; background-color: #60b5ee; padding: 10px 15px;, {, style=width: 100% !important; ,- , style=width: 45px; text-align: left; font-size: 45px; color: white; ,{{#fas:exclamation-circle}} ,!- This is one of the icon-, ,,div style=font-size:115%;, Nội dung trong trang này nói về một vật phẩm/tác phẩm hay một nội dung nào đó đã được xác nhận nhưng chưa được cung cấp một cách công khai. ,!- This is the text part-, ,/div, ,br, ,div style=font-size:95%;, Nội dung được hiển thị ở trang này vẫn rất sơ khai và không đầy đủ; đồng thời nội dung ở đây có thể thay đổi với tốc độ chóng mặt! Chính vì vậy, đừng thêm các thông tin/nội dung sai lệch vào. ,!- This is also the text part-, ,/div, , style=width: 45px; text-align: right; font-size: 45px; color: white; ,{{#fas:book-open}} ,!- This is an another icon-, ,} ,/div, ...
Large search returns make our pages slow to load. Therefore, some functionality has been disabled until you refine your search to bring the number of returned assay results under TBD ...
Collaborative research: Computational models for this project will be developed in Dr. Bazhenovs laboratory (UC Riverside). Experimental work will be conducted...
Publikations-Datenbank der Fraunhofer Wissenschaftler und Institute: Aufsätze, Studien, Forschungsberichte, Konferenzbeiträge, Tagungsbände, Patente und Gebrauchsmuster
A korszerű chemo-, és immunprofilaxis ellenére a traumás lépsérülések sebészi megoldásaként felmerülő lépeltávolítás lehetséges szövődményei napjainkban is komoly problémát jelenthetnek, melyek megelőzésében a lépmegtartó eljárások igen fontosak lehetnek. A munkánk során használt homogén állatcsoport lehetővé tette egy olyan komplex vizsgálati protokoll beállítását, amelynek segítségével a splenectomiát illetve lép autotransplantatiót követő/követhető aspleniás-hyospleniás állapotok esetleges késői szövődményei és ezen megváltozott állapotok okozta hatások is eredményesen vizsgálhatóvá válhattak. Eredményeink igazolták, hogy a vörösvérsejt deformabilitás szignifikánsan rosszabb még 2 évvel a splenectomia után is, szemben a lép autotransplantatiót követő állapottal. A vizsgálatok során két módszert, a filtrometriát és az ektacytometriát párhuzamosan alkalmaztunk eredményesen a különbségek ...
Mất giấy phép kinh doanh không phải là hiếm gặp đối với những trường hợp doanh nghiệp thường xuyên phải mang đi ra ngoài hoặc khi đổi địa chỉ văn phòng.
The U.S. Department of Treasury plans to offer shares of M&T Bank Corp. it owns to collect $381.5 million, which is the amount the bank owes the gover ...
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.Tôi Yêu Việt Nam. Chào mừng 20 năm tái lập tỉnh Lào Cai và ngày Quốc khánh 2/9. 2/9/1945 - 2/9/2012 http://enviet.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/vn14.jpg