P53 gene family members (p53, p63 and p73) are involved in crucial cellular functions such as cell-cycle arrest, apoptosis and development. In this study four partial p53 family cDNAs (cDNA1-4) and the first complete genomic sequence of the p53 family homologue in the mollusc Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis were identified and characterized. Results indicate gene structure of M.galloprovincialis p53 family homologue to be most similar to vertebrate p63 gene, considering p63 as the ancestral gene of the p53 family as well as the only gene of the family present in non-chordate metazoan species. The M.galoprovincialis p63 gene spans through 20620 base pairs (bp) and is composed of 15 egzons interrupted with 14 introns. Analysis showed the new M.galloprovincialis cDNA (cDNA1-4) sequences code for TAp63 or TAp63 isoforms, and identified all other molluscan p53 family sequences as p63 gene or its expression isoforms. Comparison of M.galloprovincialis p63 gene structure with other ...
The Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis = Mg) has become established throughout Puget Sound and the effects of this species introduction on the native mussel M. trossulus (Mt) are unknown. Mg and hybrids between Mg and Mt (Mgt) are abundant on floating docks and large Mg and Mgt mussels also occur at low frequencies in the intertidal zone and in areas of low salinity. A variety of factors (e.g., growth/survival rates, predation, larval recruitment) may be causing these observed distribution patterns. In this study we performed three field experiments to examine the relative survival and growth rates of Mg and Mt: 1) at different tide heights on pilings vs subtidal locations on docks, 2) when grown in single-species groups and mixed-species groups, and 3) at locations with different salinities. Individuals of Mg had higher survival and growth than Mt in all areas except the high intertidal. Each species had similar growth rates when grown in single and mixed-species groups. Mg had
This symposium aims to highlight the latest research on marine mussels (Mytilus sp.) from a multdisciplinary perspective, including studies from the fields of genomics, proteomics, immunology, physiology, ecology and aquaculture among others. Marine mussels represent an excellent study system in evolutionary biology, ecology, ecotoxicology, climate change and more importantly, they are a key species in aquaculture, being commercialised worldwide. ...
There is no evidence in the literature for the presence of unfit hybrid recombinants within Mytilus hybrid zones (Comesaña et al., 1999; Toro et al., 2002; Beaumont et al., 2004; Westfall & Gardner, 2010; Dias et al., 2011). As discussed by Comesaña et al. (1999), the degree of natural hybridization is generally higher in the Mytilus edulis-M. galloprovincialis hybrid zone in Europe than in the M. edulis-M. trossulus hybrid zone on the east coast of north America. According to Harrison (1993) the more genetically divergent the parental types, the lower will be the fitness of the hybrids produced. This difference in natural hybridization in these two mussel hybrid zones implies that M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis are more closely related (Gardner, 1994) than are M. edulis and M. trossulus (Rawson et al., 1996). This has been corroborated by successful interbreeding between M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis, the production of viable offspring in back-crosses of F1 hybrids (Beaumont et al, ...
Bivalves play vital roles in marine, brackish, freshwater and terrestrial habitats. In recent years, these ecosystems have become affected through anthropogenic activities. The ecological success of marine bivalves is based on the ability to modify their physiological functions in response to environmental changes. One of the most important mechanisms involved in adaptive responses to environmental and biological stresses is apoptosis, which has been scarcely studied in mollusks, although the final consequence of this process, DNA fragmentation, has been frequently used for pollution monitoring. Environmental stressors induce apoptosis in molluscan cells via an intrinsic pathway. Many of the proteins involved in vertebrate apoptosis have been recognized in model invertebrates; however, this process might not be universally conserved. Mytilus galloprovincialis is presented here as a new model to study the linkage between molecular mechanisms that mediate apoptosis and marine bivalve ecological ...
Fouling-release (FR) coatings minimise the adhesion strength of fouling organisms. This study describes improved technologies to control the settlement and adhesion of the important fouling organism Mytilus galloprovincialis by incorporating the nano
Molluscan shell chemistry may provide an important archive of mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual range in temperature (MART), but such direct temperature interpretations may be confounded by biologic, metabolic, or kinetic factors. To explore this potential archive, we outplanted variously sized specimens of the common mussel Mytilus californianus at relatively low and high intertidal positions in San Diego, California, for 382 days with in situ recording of ambient temperature and periodic sampling of water chemistry. The prismatic calcite layer of eight variously sized specimens from each intertidal position were then serially microsampled and geochemically analyzed. Average intraspecimen delta(18)O values significantly covaried only with temperature, whereas Mg/Ca values showed a strong and significant positive correlation with growth rate. To assess intra-annual variations in shell chemistry as proxy for MART, each specimens delta(18)O record was ordinated in the time domain and compared
Freezing is an extreme stress to living cells, and so freeze tolerant animals often accumulate protective molecules (termed cryoprotectants) to prevent the cellular damage caused by freezing. The bay mussel, Mytilus trossulus, is an ecologically important intertidal invertebrate that can survive freezing. While much is known about the biochemical correlates of freeze tolerance in insects and vertebrates, the cryoprotectants that are used by intertidal invertebrates are not well characterized. Previous work has proposed two possible groups of low-molecular weight cryoprotectants in intertidal invertebrates: osmolytes and anaerobic byproducts. In our study, we examined which group of candidate cryoprotectants correlate with plasticity in freeze tolerance in mussels using 1H NMR metabolomics. We found that M. trossulus freeze tolerance varies on a seasonal basis, along an intertidal shore level gradient, and with changing salinity. Acclimation to increased salinity (30 ppt compared to 15 ppt) ...
Read Appearance of Muscle Proteins in Ontogenesis of the Mussel Mytilus trossulus (Bivalvia), Russian Journal of Marine Biology on DeepDyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips.
Effects of the deletion of Ca++, Mg++, or Ca++ and Mg++ on the leakage of primary amines, Ca++, and Mg++ from gills of Mytilus californianus were studied. In the absence of Ca++ the gills leak primary amines and Ca++ for about 30 minutes, after which the primary amines are reabsorbed. In the absence of Mg++ the gills leak primary amines, with no net reabsorption for at least 90 minutes, and show rapid leakage of Mg++. In the absence of both Ca++ and Mg++ amino acid leakage is initially less than in the absence of only one of the cations. Measurements of the kinetics of leakages of Ca++ and Mg++ are consistent with the hypothesis that both ions are associated with the cell surface, but the affinity of Ca++ for the cell surface is greater than that of Mg++. In the absence of Mg++, the influx of 14C-glycine was depressed to about 1/3 that seen in controls, while deletion of Ca++ had no effect on the rate of influx. Increasing the [Mg++] stepwise between 5 x 10(-6) and 1 x 10(-1) M results in a sigmoidal
Sigma-Aldrich offers abstracts and full-text articles by [Jin-Long Yang, Pei-Jing Shen, Xiao Liang, Yi-Feng Li, Wei-Yang Bao, Jia-Le Li].
Antibiotics accumulation in aquatic organisms may be of great concern from an ecological point of view but also from a human perspective, especially when they are accumulated in edible animals like marine mussels. In this work, mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) were exposed to sulfamethoxazole antibiotic (SMX) at 10 µg/L during 96 h, followed by 24 h of depuration. The experiment was carried out at summer and winter conditions. SMX showed a bioconcentration factor in mussel of 1.5 L/Kg (dry weight) and 69% of the compound was eliminated from the organism in 24 h. The metabolomics approach revealed alterations in amino acids levels (aspartate, phenylalanine, valine and tryptophan) pinpointing disturbances in osmotic regulation and energy metabolism. Besides, the levels of some nucleotides (guanosine and inosine) and a carboxylic acid were also affected. However, SMX exposed mussels did not show any significant alteration in the enzymatic activities related to the xenobiotic metabolism and ...
The University of Washington Libraries does not provide reproductions of this image. This record contains a citation for this image. If you want to use the scanned image, acknowledgement of the Freshwater and Marine Image Bank as a source for borrowed images is requested ...
Myticin is a cysteine-rich peptide produced in three isoforms, A, B and C, by Mytilus galloprovincialis, the Mediterranean mussel. Some isoforms show antibacterial activity against gram-positive bacteria, while others are additionally active against the fungus Fusarium oxysporum and a gram-negative bacterium, Escherichia coli D31. Myticin-prepro is the precursor peptide. The mature molecule, named myticin, consists of 40 residues, with four intramolecular disulfide bridges and a cysteine array in the primary structure different from that of previously characterised cysteine-rich antimicrobial peptides. The first 20 amino acids are a putative signal peptide, and the antimicrobial peptide sequence is a 36-residue C-terminal extension. Such a structure suggests that myticins are synthesised as prepro-proteins that are then processed by various proteolytic events before storage in the haemocytes as the active peptide. Myticin precursors are expressed mainly in the haemocytes. The family Mytilin has ...
The sister chromatid exchange (SCE) test is a widely used method to detect chemically induced genetic damage. This method has been applied in some aquatic species to monitor genetic pollutants in estuarine and marine environments. Dose response to 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was investigated in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk. Experimental assays were carried out by incorporating 4, 10, 20 and 40 µg ml-1 BrdU in asynchronously growing mussel gill cell populations. SCE frequency was dose dependent both for mussel cells labelled with BrdU for a first round of replication followed by a second round without BrdU (24+36 h), and for mussel cells labelled with BrdU for 2 consecutive rounds of replication (60 h). For every dose assayed, significant differences in SCE frequencies were also found between these 2 kinds of BrdU treatments. The relationship between the duration of the BrdU treatment and the frequency of SCEs was also investigated in M. galloprovincialis. We tested the effect of in ...
Adaptation to culture conditions and feeding behaviour of common sole (Solea solea), which caught from natural environment, were investigated in this research. Soles were captured in March-April 2007 period from Izmir Bay by trawl and gill nets. During preliminary adaptation of totally 270 soles, antibiotic treatment (furozolidon added 100 ppm for 60 min./day) was applied for first five days in dark environment. In culture conditions, squid (Loligo vulgaris), long-yawed plume worm (Diopatra neopolitana), mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis), razor clam (Solen marginatus), oyster (Ostrea edulis), patella (Patella spp.), sea snail (Monodonta turbinata) and fresh sardine (Sardine pilchardus) were used for first feeding. Soles started to feed in 0-2 days and long-yawed plume worm was the most preferred species. After adaptation period of one month, the survival rate (58%) of soles which were caught using gill nets was found out significantly higher than the survival rate (29%) of soles ...
LC3B是检测自噬程度的标志性分子,但是在低等动物体内缺少特异性强的LC3B抗体。为研究贝类的自噬性细胞死亡,本研究通过将紫贻贝的LC3B编码序列克隆到pET-32a原核表达载体中构建重组表达载体,进而对IPTG诱导浓度、诱导表达时间进行摸索;采用亲和层析对重组蛋白进行纯化,并采用SDS-PAGE检测及Western blot进行验证;利用获得的重组蛋白免疫新西兰兔,制备其多克隆抗体。结果显示,在20℃,转速为150 r/min条件下,当IPTG浓度为0.6 mmol/L,诱导表达10 h后,可以得到高表达量、可溶性的重组MgLC3B-His融合蛋白,亲和层析纯化后,获得单一条带的MgLC3B-His可溶性重组蛋白;采用纯化后的MgLC3B-His融合蛋白对新西兰兔进行多次免疫,采集分离兔抗血清并利用protein A纯化,获得紫贻贝的LC3B多克隆抗体,效价为25 600。紫贻贝LC3B多克隆抗体的成功制备
In the present study, the effects of both decreased pH values and increased temperature on the important immune parameters of two bivalve species were evaluated for the first time. The clam Chamelea gallina and the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, widespread along the coast of the Northwestern Adriatic Sea, were chosen as model organisms. Bivalves were exposed for 7 days to three pH values (8.1, 7.7 and 7.4) at two temperatures (22 and 28C). Three independent experiments were carried out at salinities of 28, 34 and 40 PSU. The total haemocyte count, Neutral Red uptake, haemolymph lysozyme activity and total protein levels were measured ...
A new method has been developed for the extraction and determination of the heavy metals Ni, Cu, Cr, Pb, and Cd in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and polychaetes (Nereis diversicolor), using biodegradable mixed-micelles (SDS and Triton X-100) as the extractant, and GF-AAS analysis. This method proves to
Peer-reviewed publications:. 30. Smith, Craig R., Verena Tunnicliffe, Ana Colaço, Jeffrey C. Drazen, Sabine Gollner, Lisa A. Levin, Nelia C. Mestre, Anna Metaxas, Tina Molodtsova, Telmo Morato, Andrew K. Sweetman, Travis Washburn and Diva J. Amon. 2020. Deep-sea misconceptions cause underestimation of seabed-mining impacts. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2020.07.002). 29. Fernandes, Elna, Tainá G Fonseca, Tânia Carriço, Nélia C. Mestre, Álvaro Tavares, M. Bebianno. 2020. Cytotoxic responses of the anticancer drug cyclophosphamide in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and comparative sensitivity with human cells lines. Chemosphere. 261:127678. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127678). 28. ODonovan, S., Mestre, N.C., Abel, S., Fonseca, T.G., Carteny, C.C., Willems, T., Prinsen, E., Cormier, B., Keiter, S.H. Bebianno, M.J. 2018. Effects of the UV filter, oxybenzone, adsorbed to microplastics in the clam Scrobicularia plana. Science of The Total ...
In this study, four protein extraction protocols from Mytilus galloprovincialis were evaluated with the aim to identify the most practical, efficient and reproducible method. Four extraction protocols frequently used for mussels and organic matrices were selected and compared. The methods were based on the use of: i) TRIzol reagent; ii) Lysis buffer; iii) phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride; iv) trichloroacetic acid-acetone. Protein concentration was measured by the Bradford method. Three specimens of mussels were studied and the analysis was conducted in triplicate for each of the four protocols. Results indicated that the four methods could extract significantly different protein profiles. The highest number of protein spots resolved in 2DE gels and the best reproducibility was obtained using trichloroacetic acid-acetone protocol. Results afforded the selection of a suitable extraction protocol to be used for ecotoxicoproteomics studies from mussels and for other proteomic studies conducted by particularly
Acute thermal stress and various heavy metals induce tissue-specific pro- or anti-apoptotic events via the p38-MAPK signal transduction pathway in Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lam.). J Exp Biol. 2005 Dec; 208(Pt 23):4427-36 ...
It now is widely recognised that the global temperature is rising, a phenomenon which could alter the effects of pollution on wildlife. In order to assess the role of temperature and exposure to chlorine due to cooling water discharges, a battery of metabolic, oxidative stress and histological parameters were evaluated in Mytilus galloprovincialis after 15 and 30 days at 15 °C and at two increased temperatures (+5 and + 10 °C). Diverse gill pathologies such as haemolymphatic sinus dilatation, an increased number of mucocytes and granulocytes as well as a lower number of cilia were observed after 30 days exposure at higher temperatures. Protein, amino acid, triglyceride and fatty acid levels decreased when the temperature increased, as a consequence of higher energetic demand. Similarly, acetylcholinesterase, catalase and glutathione S-transferase activities showed an inhibition at higher temperatures, although gill lipid peroxidation levels remained unaffected. Our results suggest that ...
The higher KmNADH and kcat values of M. trossulus cMDH suggest that this ortholog is more cold-adapted than the orthologs of either M. galloprovincialis or M. californianus. We base this inference on the results of numerous comparative studies of marine ectotherms that examined temperature sensitivity of 2-hydroxy acid dehydrogenases, i.e. cMDH and the closely related, structurally homologous enzyme A4-lactate dehydrogenase (A4-LDH; this enzyme catalyzes the reduction of pyruvate to lactate using NADH as a cofactor). Such studies repeatedly have shown that the enzyme kinetic parameters Km and kcat shift in a stereotypical manner during temperature adaptation, in order to conserve substrate affinities and catalytic rate within an optimal range at physiological temperatures (Hochachka and Somero, 2002). For example, studies using A4-LDH from marine teleosts have shown that, as species adapt to colder temperatures, the enzyme tends to show lower substrate affinities (i.e. higher KmPYRUVATE) and ...
In 2010-2012/13, the OMEGAS consortium is investigating the impact of ocean acidification (OA) on two ecologically important, calcification-dependent marine invertebrates (sea urchins Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and mussels Mytilus californianus) in relation to local-to-coastal variation in carbonate chemistry in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME). An interdisciplinary team of investigators with expertise in physical and chemical oceanography, marine ecology, biochemistry, molecular physiology, and molecular genetics carry out integrated, lab and field, multi-site investigations of the ecological, physiological, and evolutionary responses of sea urchins and mussels to spatial and temporal variation in OA.. The research takes place in the context of a mosaic of variable oceanography, including recently documented latitudinal variation in carbonate chemistry along the upwelling-dominated US west coast. Variation in upwelling regimes from Washington to southern California ...
The total standing stock of bivalves cultured in Thau Lagoon (France) that is mainly constituted of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, and the Mediterranean mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis, vary between 14,000 and 20,000 tons within a year. These variations were attributed to the rearing cycle of molluscs in the lagoon but also to their growth performances. Oysters cultured in the Thau Lagoon presented the best growth rate ever reported whereas trophic conditions are low : mean concentrations in organic particulate matter and total chlorophyll a averaged 1 mg.l-1 and 1.2 µg.l-1, respectively. The development of a growth model shows that temporal pattern (i.e. seasonality) of bivalve growth is explained by water temperature and spatial pattern is ...
The Effects of Phytoplankton Concentration, Size of Mussel and Water Temperature on Feed Consumption and Filtration Rate of the Mediterranean Mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk) ...
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ABSTRACT: A dynamic energy budget (DEB) model was developed to investigate the growth and reproduction of cultured bivalve species raised under different environmental conditions (varying phytoplankton carbon biomass [Phyto-C], particulate organic carbon [POC] and temperature) and tuned against field data for Mytilus galloprovincialis from the Maliakos and Thermaikos Gulfs (Aegean Sea, Greece). Values of most DEB model parameters were adopted from the literature, while half saturation constant (Xk) and initial values of energy reserves (E) and reproductive buffer (R) were calibrated. Different values have been found for Xk in the 2 areas (Maliakos: Xk = 36 mg C m-3; Thermaikos: Xk = 28 mg C m-3), suggesting that Xk should be treated as a site-specific parameter. Food density (X) was adapted to include not only Phyto-C but also POC in the diet of M. galloprovincialis and only when Phyto-C density was low compared to POC density. Results showed a small contribution of POC during spring in the ...
The microbiological quality of aquacultured mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) meat treated with two types of vinegar during cold storage was determined. After processed with 1:2 ratio of vinegar:water for 5 minutes, mussel meat was removed from their shell. Mussel meat was processed with grape and rose vinegars at a ratio of 1:2 (mussel:vinegar) for 3 and 7 minutes. Then, they were stored in cold storage condition (4±1⁰C) and investigated periodically for 16 days for total mesophilic aerobic bacteria (TMAB), total psicrophilic aerobic bacteria (TPAB), coliform, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and Enterobacteriaceae. During cold storage, grape and rose vinegar groups were found to be more effective (p,0.05) than the control group according to microbial analyses. In addition, it was determined that grape vinegar was more effective than the rose vinegar. The differences between vinegar types and processing time were found statistically significant (p,0.05), depending on storage time during cold ...
This work presents aspects regarding the pollution with pesticides and heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn) from mussels tissue (Mytilus galloprovincialis) collected from different zones of the Romanian Black Sea Coast: Mamaia, Tomis Harbour and Agigea. The heavy metals were analysed using atomic absorption spectrometry. For the pesticides analysis a FISONS gas cromatograph was used equipped with an electron capture detector and a capillary cromatograph column filled with mixture of silicone oils on chromosorb WHP. ...
CAMPUS for A+ Girl by mytilus CAMPUS for A+ Girl by mytilus Detail link: http: www.renderosity.com mod bcs index.php?ViewProduct=82077 DOWNLOAD HERE : http: rapidgator.net file 1dc7ef7aa
Once cured, hard-shelled gourds, such as Corsican, will last indefinitely and can be painted, carved, cut, or drilled as you would do with wood for dozens of craft projects. Carve them, leave the natural color, or paint these 6″-10″ round and 3½-5″ deep gourds any color you want. Gourds may be sown 24″ apart if trellised. Photo and description thanks to: Botanical Interests. ...
123 Mytilus Road Mini-Eco House is truly one of a kind. Barely distinguishable from its environment on google earth, this home is a testament to low impact development. Making extremely good use of its space, the Mini-Eco feels much larger than it actually is. Massive bay view windows let in the suns rays, while simultaneously transporting the interior to the spectacular exterior views! This Green Home must been seen to be believed ...
Sea otters in California are commonly infected with Toxoplasma gondii. A unique Type X strain is responsible for 72% of otter infections, but its prevalence in terrestrial animals and marine invertebrates inhabiting the same area was unknown. Between 2000 and 2005, 45 terrestrial carnivores (lions, bobcats, domestic cats and foxes) and 1396 invertebrates (mussels, clams and worms) were screened for T. gondii using PCR and DNA sequencing to determine the phylogeographic distribution of T. gondii archetypal I, II, III and Type X genotypes. Marine bivalves have been shown to concentrate T. gondii oocysts in the laboratory, but a comprehensive survey of wild invertebrates has not been reported. A California mussel from an estuary draining into Monterey Bay was confirmed positive for Type X T. gondii by multilocus PCR and DNA sequencing at the B1 and SAG1 loci. This mussel was collected from nearshore marine waters just after the first significant rainfall event in the fall of 2002. Of 45 carnivores ...
BioMed Research International is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies covering a wide range of subjects in life sciences and medicine. The journal is divided into 55 subject areas.
Shipworm: Shipworm, any of the approximately 65 species of marine bivalve mollusks of the family Teredidae (Teredinidae). Shipworms are common in most oceans and seas and are important
Disclaimer: Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Prices are subject to change without notice, errors and omissions excepted. ...
Spat collectors were suspended on 7 localities on the Skagerrak Coast from 21 May to 3 September 1984. One group of collectors were suspended in May and single collectors withdrawn every week. From another group collectors were suspended separately every week and all collectors withdrawn in September. From a third group collectors were suspended one week each from May to July. From 12 to 14 June due to prewailing winds from the north, the surface water along the south-eastern coast was cold and with relatively high salinity. The spatfall varied considerably between the localities and was best on the most inshore localities where the pelagic larvae stayed longer in the area and where the water temperature was somewhat higher and the salinity lower than at the outermost localities. In general, the growth of the spat was low compared to normal summers. On some localities it was recorded 5-600000 spat pr 0.1 m2 collector surface. The heaviest spatfall occurred in 0-1 m below the surface. The ...
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Mussels use a rather flexible method to attach to a surface; they spin a set of threads from an internal muscle to the surface, also known as stem. (Waite, 1983) (Waite,1992) The treads are 2 to 4 cm in length and attach to the surface by the use of plaques (diameter 2-3 mm). Thus, this plaque connects the substrate and the byssal thread. The specific adhesion is determined by the number of threads, which can go up to 30 to 50 threads per mussel. This will lead to a total attachment strength up to 400N. The plaque is divided into three sections. The first part is a pre-coating adhesive layer, which can attach to the surface. On top of this, the byssal threads are anchored in an open, cellular structure. (Benedict & Waite, 1986) The overall protection layer is formed by a varnish, which protects against enzymatic and chemical degradation. (Rzepecki & Waite, 1995). The foot of the mussel (Haemers, 2003 ...
To view insects in the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) they must be dry, ....really dry! An electron microscope uses electrons to make images of samples, and since almost anything (even air) can stop an electron, these microscopes must have a good vacuum inside to operate. If we put a wet bug inside the SEM, we would not be able to achieve a good vacuum, and could not take pictures of that bug. So, one of the first things we have to do to prepare your insect is to make sure it is dry. How we do this depends on the insect that has been submitted. Any hard-shelled insect such as the one in the picture above can be air-dried. The chitinous exoskeleton (its hard shell) is not damaged by air drying so we can just leave it out on a table for a couple of days until it is completely dry. Other insects are not so easy. Caterpillars for example, are soft bodied and would shrivel up when air-dried. We have machines called Critical Point Driers (CPD) for these kinds of hard-to-dry samples. These machines ...
Limited Supply. 1982. Johnson. Amazingly comprehensive for its brevity, this book details the life of the soft-bodied, hard-shelled, ten-legged crustaceans known as crabs. It is …
But Not For Long by Michelle Wildgen available in Hardcover on Powells.com, also read synopsis and reviews. Hard-shelled, career-minded Greta is the newest and least likely member of a sustainable-foods...
Suggested Usage Take 2 tablets 1 to 3 times daily preferably with meals or as directed by a healthcare professional. Caution For adults only. Do not exceed recommended dose. Not to be used by pregnant or nursing mothers or children under the age of 18. If you have a known medical condition or have questions about the advisability of taking this product, consult your physician prior to using this or any dietary supplement. Allergen Information Contains shellfish (Glucosamine, New Zealand Green Lipped sea Mussel) and Soy. Not manufactured with milk, wheat, egg, peanuts and tree nuts. Manufactured in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients containing these allergens. These statements *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease ...
Fujisawa Y, Furukawa Y, Ohta S, Ellis TA, Dembrow NC, Li L, Floyd PD, Sweedler JV, Minakata H, Nakamaru K, et al. The Aplysia Mytilus inhibitory peptide-related peptides: Identification, cloning, processing, distribution, and action. Journal of Neuroscience. 1999 ;19:9618-9634. ...
Fujisawa Y, Furukawa Y, Ohta S, Ellis TA, Dembrow NC, Li L, Floyd PD, Sweedler JV, Minakata H, Nakamaru K, et al. The Aplysia Mytilus inhibitory peptide-related peptides: Identification, cloning, processing, distribution, and action. Journal of Neuroscience. 1999 ;19:9618-9634. ...
Use Molecular Biology Software? Qualify For a Chance To Win an iPad Air! - posted in Molecular Biology Products: Comprendia is running a survey about molecular biology software, it should take 5-10 minutes to complete and well have a drawing for an iPad Air, here is the link: https://www.surveymo.../molbiosoftware Contact me with any questions. Mary [email protected]
Mussel aquaculture is a significant industry in Eastern Canada where the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis and the bay mussel, M. trossulus co-occur. Generally mussel farmers associate M. trossulus with significant loss of productivity because of low meat yields and fragile shell. Previous studies on homogenous M. edulis populations have demonstrated that individuals showing the greatest performance are characterized by a lower standard metabolism related to higher multi-locus heterozygosity (MLH) level based on specific allozyme markers. These mussels rely less on their energy reserves to maintain vital functions and had more energy available to support physiological responses to stress at high temperatures. Mussels with high MLH levels also had lower mortality and higher growth rate. In this study, the metabolism performance of each species and their hybrids were estimated along with their respective MLH. For each species (M. edulis and M. trossulus) and hybrids, we observed that individuals with lower
The sequence of 13.9 kilobases (kb) of the 17.1-kb mitochondrial genome of Mytilus edulis has been determined, and the arrangement of all genes has been deduced. Mytilus mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) contains 37 genes, all of which are transcribed from the same DNA strand. The gene content of Mytilus is typically metazoan in that it includes genes for large and small ribosomal RNAs, for a complete set of transfer RNAs and for 12 proteins. The protein genes encode the cytochrome b apoenzyme, cytochrome c oxidase (CO) subunits I-III, NADH dehydrogenase (ND) subunits 1-6 and 4L, and ATP synthetase (ATPase) subunit 6. No gene for ATPase subunit 8 could be found. The reading frames for the ND1, COI, and COIII genes contain long extensions relative to those genes in other metazoan mtDNAs. There are 23 tRNA genes, one more than previously found in any metazoan mtDNA. The additional tRNA appears to specify methionine, making Mytilus mtDNA unique in having two tRNA(Met) genes. Five lengthy unassigned ...
Kang C.-K., Sauriau P.-G., Richard P., Blanchard G.F. (1999) Food sources of the infaunal suspension-feeding bivalve Cerastoderma edule in a muddy sandflat of Marennes-Oléron Bay, as determined by analyses of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 187, 147-158 ...
1. 1. Pyruvate kinase of the adductor muscle of the sea mussel displays an absolute requirement for Mg2+ or Mn2+. By the use of Ca2+ or Zn2+ no enzyme activity is obtained. 2. 2. In the presence of Mn2+, in contrast to Mg2+, always hyperbolic substrate saturation curves are obtained. 3. 3. ... read more There is evidence that Mn2+ not only acts by forming an ADP-Mn2+ complex, but also as an allosteric activator. 4. 4. Ca2+ is a strong inhibitor but the enzyme becomes less sensitive to this inhibition when Mg2+ is replaced for Mn2. show less ...
The wide distribution of microsatellites in mussels of the Mytilus edulis complex (Mytilidae) enables the analysis of inter-simple-sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. The aim of this investigation was to assess genetic differentiation in six sampling localities distributed along the European Atlantic coast to expose the potential of these markers in genetic studies requiring the detection of low polymorphism and as a source of sequences for developing microsatellite markers. We detected low genetic structuring within each member of the Mytilus edulis complex. Nei and Li distances and AMOVA clustered the individuals studied into two groups. On the basis of these results two sampling localities coming from the M. edulis x M. galloprovincialis mosaic hybrid zone in Western Europe were assigned to one species. On the other hand, mussels of a sampling locality in the Baltic Sea were not significantly different from a pure M. edulis locality supporting an extensive introgression of M. edulis in these individuals.
This symposium aims to highlight the latest research on marine mussels (Mytilus sp.) from a multdisciplinary perspective, including studies from the fields of genomics, proteomics, immunology, physiology, ecology and aquaculture among others. Marine mussels represent an excellent study system in evolutionary biology, ecology, ecotoxicology, climate change and more importantly, they are a key species in aquaculture, being commercialised worldwide. ...
Predicting copper (Cu) toxicity in marine and estuarine environments is challenging because of the influence of anions on Cu speciation, competition between Cu2+ and other cations at the biotic ligand and the effect of salinity on the physiology of the organism. In the present study the combined effect of salinity and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on Cu toxicity to larvae of Mytilus galloprovincialis was assessed. Two statistical models were developed and used to elucidate the relationship between Cu toxicity, salinity, and DOC. All models based on dissolved Cu indicate a decrease in Cu toxicity with increasing DOC concentrations, which can partly be explained by complexation of Cu2+ ions with DOC. These models also indicate an increase in Cu toxicity (modeled with dissolved Cu or Cu2+ activity) with increasing salinity, suggesting a salinity-induced alteration in the physiology of the mussel larvae. When based on Cu body burdens, neither of the models indicates an effect of salinity or DOC. ...
TY - JOUR. T1 - Uniform Variation in Genetic-Traits of a Marine Bivalve Related to Starvation, Pollution and Geographic Clines. AU - Hummel, H.. AU - Bogaards, R.H.. AU - Amiard-Triquet, C.. AU - Bachelet, G.. AU - Desprez, M.. AU - Marchand, J.. AU - Rybarczyk, H.. AU - Sylvand, B.. AU - De Wit, Y.. AU - De Wolf, L.. N1 - Reporting year: 1995 Metis note: 2048; CEME; MM; file:///L:/Endnotedatabases/NIOOPUB/pdfs/Pdfs1995/Hummel_ea_2048.pdf. PY - 1995. Y1 - 1995. N2 - Consistent patterns of genetic variation in the marine bivalve Macoma balthica (L.) were found after exposure to low levels of copper, starvation, and along geographic dines. The geographic dines were related to temperature and salinity. Genetic differences were primarily found in the LAP (Leucine aminopeptidase) locus; under stress the frequency of one specific allele, and thereby the heterozygosity, decreased strongly. The degree of changes depended on age and condition of the animals; adult animals showing stronger changes than ...
Contrary to popular belief, thermal cameras by themselves are not the ultimate solution for identifying and locating people with elevated body temperature.
Bay, Copper, Gill, Heavy Metals, Iron, Metals, Mussel, Mussels, Mytilus, Mytilus Edulis, Tissue, Water, Blood, Classification, Containment, Control Group, Diagnosis, Disease, External Fixator, Goal
This organization was created during the 27th ESCPB (European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry) meeting in 2010 in Alessandria, Italy. A group of researchers interested in the use of bivalves as a research
The latest company information, including net asset values, performance, holding & sectors weighting, changes in voting rights, and directors and dealings.
Del Mar, California--(Newsfile Corp. - April 6, 2020) - Defense Technologies International Corp. (OTC Pink: DTII) (the Company) and Passive...
ice for 5 min to avoid coagulation and then centrifuged at 12 0006 g for 2 min at 4uC to pellet the hemocytes. The supernatant was then collected. Glucose concentration (mg dL21) in the hemolymph was assessed using the glucose oxidase method of a commercial kit (Hospitex Diagnostics).Criteria for Choosing Experimental CrayfishOnly hard-shelled, intact, and sexually mature males were used for the experiment. A total of 80 individuals (cephalothorax length: 47.560.6 mm) were thus selected: 20 for the extraction of cHH and 60 for behavioural observations. Since purchase Salmon calcitonin dominance increases with body size in crayfish [3], the experimental pairs of fighting males were size matched (maximum difference in cephalothorax length: 62 mm) to eliminate any factor that could induce an obvious bias to our experiments. Before the beginning of the experiment, crayfish were kept in isolation in opaque plastic aquaria (25615625 cm) for at least two weeks, which is a sufficient time to reset any ...
Adults found in reefs and over soft bottoms to depths of 100 m, but may occur deeper in the tropics (Ref. 30573). Often found washed up on beaches. Known to brace themselves against the substrate to sleep at night (Ref. 4930). Appear to be active during the day. Juveniles often with floating weeds (Ref. 48637). Solitary. Juveniles pelagic in oceanic surface waters (Ref. 30573). Feed on hard-shelled invertebrates. Not usually marketed. ...
What does this mean for the future of bivalves as disease control agents?. These results support several other studies that have shown that various species of bivalves can filter out bacteria, viruses and even parasites in a range of aquatic environments. Fewer studies have demonstrated that filtering can inactivate parasites, reducing onward transmission. The recent study described here supports this body of literature and expands the number of systems where bivalves can help reduce parasite transmission.. The impressive filtering abilities of bivalves has not gone unused over the years. They have been used to measure bioaccumulation at local sites. The most famous example is the Mussel Watch Programme that started using mussels and oysters along coasts and lakes in the US in 1986 to monitor accumulation of pollutants. They are now used worldwide for monitoring metal and pollutant accumulation. Maybe next on the list is reducing disease?. This study, and others, point to a role for bivalves in ...
If youre not familiar with mussels, they are a type of bivalve mollusk that lives in salt water and eat by sucking in food particles.
How to Clean Mussels. Fresh mussels are delicious when eaten with a tasty sauce or tossed into a decadent pasta dish, and you can easily enjoy them from the comfort of your own home! In order to keep them healthy and tasty while being...
Identification to improve your identification skills is to spend time looking at many individuals of each species. This will enable you to learn how each character varies within the species and help you