Organisms such as animals, plants, fungi, and protists are examples of eukaryotes because their cells are organized into compartmentalized structures called organelles, the nucleus in particular. The presence of a distinct nucleus encased within membranes differentiates the eukaryotes from the prokaryotes. The eukaryotes are also known for having cytoplasmic organelles apart from nucleus, such as mitochondria, chloroplasts and Golgi bodies. Eukaryotes often have unique flagella made of microtubules in a 9+2 arrangement. ...
According to, cellular organisms that do not have a distinct nucleus, such as bacteria, are called prokaryotes. They are distinct from the eukaryotes, which are the cellular organisms...
ENDOMETRIOZA - niezależny portal informacyjny o endometriozie. Forum wsparcia dla chorych na endometriozę. Co to jest endometrioza ? Objawy, diagnoza, leczenie.
Tetrahymena macronuclear genome mapping: colinearity of macronuclear coassortment groups and the micronuclear map on chromosome 1L ...
Eisen JA, Coyne RS, Wu M, Wu D, Thiagarajan M, Wortman JR, Badger JH, Ren Q, Amedeo P, Jones KM, Tallon LJ, Delcher AL, Salzberg SL, Silva JC, Haas BJ, Majoros WH, Farzad M, Carlton JM, Smith RK Jr, Garg J, Pearlman RE, Karrer KM, Sun L, Manning G, Elde NC, Turkewitz AP, Asai DJ, Wilkes DE, Wang Y, Cai H, Collins K, Stewart BA, Lee SR, Wilamowska K, Weinberg Z, Ruzzo WL, Wloga D, Gaertig J, Frankel J, Tsao CC, Gorovsky MA, Keeling PJ, Waller RF, Patron NJ, Cherry JM, Stover NA, Krieger CJ, del Toro C, Ryder HF, Williamson SC, Barbeau RA, Hamilton EP, Orias E. Macronuclear genome sequence of the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila, a model eukaryote. PLoS Biol. 2006 Sep;4(9):e286. PubMed[Eisen-2006] ...
One of the most consequential developments in the history of biological evolution occurred approximately 2 billion years ago with the appearance of the first eukaryotes - unicellular organisms that contain a distinct nucleus. This first eukaryotic lineage would subsequently give rise to all higher organisms including plants and animals, but its origins remain obscure. Some years ago, microbiologists analyzed DNA sequences from marine sediments, which shed new light on the problem. These sediments were recovered from a hydrothermal vent at a site known as Lokis Castle (named for the Norse god of fire) on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Arctic Ocean. Sequencing of the DNA molecules they contained revealed that they were derived from a previously unknown group of microorganisms. Although the cells from which the DNA originated could not be isolated and characterized directly, the sequence data showed them to be closely related to the Archaea. The researchers therefore named the new group ...
December 2019 Authors: Kelsi A. Lindblad, Jananan S. Pathmanathan, Sandrine Moreira, John R. Bracht, Robert P. Sebra, Elizabeth R. Hutton & Laura F. Landweber Info: Researchers sequenced the whole genome of Oxytricha trifallax, a model protozoan ciliate, using long read … more ». ...
INSPEcT is an R/Bioconductor compliant solution for the study of RNA transcriptional dynamics from RNA-seq data (De Pretis et al. 2015, Furlan et al. (2019)). It is based on a system of two ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that describes the synthesis (\(k_1\)) and processing (\(k_2\)) of premature RNA (\(P\)) and the degradation (\(k_3\)) of mature RNA (\(M=T-P\)):. \[\begin{equation} \left\{ \begin{array}{l l} \dot{P}=k_1 - k_2 \, \cdot \, P \\ \dot{T}=k_1 - k_3 \, \cdot \, (T - P) \end{array} \right. \tag{1} \end{equation}\] The total RNA (\(T\)) is measured from the exonic quantification of transcripts in RNA-seq experiment, while premature RNA (\(P\)) is measured by the intronic quantification. The model is based on two commonly accepted assumptions: nuclear degradation is deniable, and nuclear export occurs at a rate considerably faster than other rates and can be disregarded.. The package supports the analysis of several experimental designs, such as steady-state conditions or ...
One approach to discriminate among specific DNases in apoptosis is to use inhibitors specific for each endonuclease. Zn2+ is known to inhibit Ca(2+)- and Mg(2+)-dependent endonuclease enzymatic activities during apoptosis. Acidic DNases were thought to be insensitive to Zn2+. In this paper, we analyse the effects of Zn2+ on activity of DNase II, either purified or in nuclei from lens fiber cells. These cells follow a physiological nuclear degeneration with DNase II accumulation in their nuclei. We show that Zn2+ is able to inhibit also this acidic endonuclease at a concentration of 1-6 mM. At a higher concentration of Zn2+, DNA is extensively degraded during the assay, masking the inhibition of the enzyme. This DNA degradation in the presence of Zn2+ has led to an overestimation of the activity of DNase II in studies of apoptosis. Hence, Zn2+ cannot be used to specifically identify one endonuclease among the different DNases involved in nuclear degradation during programmed cell death.
Lösemi, Lenfoma ve Miyelomada Tanı ve Tedavi Ölçütlerinde Uzlaşı Çalıştayı 21-23 Mayıs 2010 tarihinde Boluda başarı ile gerçekleştirildi. Birincil amacı ülkemiz pratiğine yönelik bir rehber hazırlamak olan bu çalıştayın belirli aralıklarla güncellenmesi ve hematolojinin diğer alanları için de yapılması düşünülmektedir. 2010 çalıştayının ilk basamağı Marmariste Hematolojik Onkolojide Güncelleme programı ile yapıldı. Güncellenmiş bilgiler ile rehber oluşturmamız daha kolaylaşmış oldu. THD Bilimsel Alt Komitelerince yürütülecek olan çalıştay programı Lenfoma, Miyeloma, Akut Lösemiler, Kemik İliği Yetersizliği, Pediatri ve Kronik Miyeloproliferatif Hastalıklar-KML oturumları olarak düzenlendi. Çalıştayın amaçları arasında öncelikli olanı ülkemizde hematolojik onkolojik olgulara standart bir yaklaşım sağlamak, ayrıca eğitim görmekte olan genç arkadaşlarımızın eğitimine katkıda bulunmak, Sağlık/Sigorta ...
Ülkemizde yeni eğitim kurumlarını hızla açmayı ya da diğer ülkelerden hekim getirmeyi gerektirecek bir büyük hekim açığından bahsetmek uygun değildir. Üstelik henüz öğrenci almayan 10 fakülte öğrenci almaya başladıklarında, nüfusun 2050ye doğru 100 bin civarında sabitleneceği öngörüsünden de hareketle 2013 yılından sonra ülkemizdeki hekim sayısı katlanarak artacak ve 1000 kişi başına düşen sayı çok daha aşağıya inecektir. Bununla birlikte ülkemizde uzman / pratisyen hekim oranı pratisyen hekimler aleyhine oranı 1/1in altına düşmüştür ve giderek uzmanlar lehine bozulmaktadır. Amerikan Mezuniyet Sonrası Eğitim Konseyi (COGME) ABDdeki uzmanlaşma eğilimini görerek, 1992 yılında, birinci basamak sağlık hizmetlerinde insan gücü açığının önüne geçmek için, uzman/genel pratisyen oranının yüzde 50/50 oranında tutulmasını önermiştir. Ülkemizdeki çabaları, bozulan bu dengeyi yeniden kurmak üzerine ...
We welcome our new ASI Sustaining Member: PeproTech Our ASI Sustaining Members recognise the importance of supporting ASI and Immunology researchers ...
Nowa kolekcja GUESS Jesień-Zima już jest. Odkryj must-haves nowego sezonu: Odzież, Denim, Torebki i Akcesoria dla Niej i dla Niego.
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The pond-dwelling ciliate Oxytricha trifallax is a model system for the study of gene regulatory mechanisms. It possesses a heterochromatin-rich germline micronucleus, and a transcriptionally active somatic macronucleus (MAC). The MAC genome is highly fragmented, consisting of ,16,000 unique nanochromosomes, with a mean size of 3.2kb. Consequently, only a limited number of nucleosomes can be accommodated in short nanochromosomes. Nanochromosome size does not vary in multiples of ~147bp corresponding to mono-nucleosome-sized DNA, suggesting that nucleosome depleted regions may be especially prevalent. This unusual genome architecture presents novel challenges for the regulation of gene expression. The efficacy and prevalence of chromatin-mediated gene regulation thus remain unclear in Oxytricha. In addition, the paucity of non-coding DNA suggests that promoters in Oxytricha are highly compact, and may be organized differently from other eukaryotes. Our study aims to uncover how the chromatin ...
The hybrid of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) ♀ × blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) ♂ (C × B) is the best catfish for pond culture. The current technology, artificial fertilization and handstripping is labor intensive, time consuming, and requires sacrifice of mature 5 ~ 6 year old blue catfish males. Xenogenic catfish produced by transplanting blue catfish stem cell into the gonads of triploid channel catfish could reduce the generation interval to produce blue catfish and might result in channel catfish males that are able to produce blue catfish sperm, and increase the efficiency of C × B hybrid catfish embryo production. Gonadal cell size and type of 90 ~ 100 day - old fry (TL: 5 ~ 6 cm), two - year old juvenile (TL: 25 ~ 30cm) and mature adults (TL: 65 ~ 70 cm) blue catfish was examined. Gonads of all ages of fish contained oogonia (12 ~ 15 μm diameter, distinct nucleus 7 ~ 8 μm) and spermatogonia (12 ~ 15 μm, distinct nucleus 6 ~ 7.5 μm). Male juvenile blue catfish, which ...
Estienne C. Swart; John R. Bracht; Vincent Magrini; Patrick Minx; Xiao Chen; Yi Zhou; Jaspreet S. Khurana; Aaron D. Goldman; Mariusz Nowacki; Klaas Schotanus; Seolkyoung Jung; Robert S. Fulton; Amy Ly; Sean McGrath; Kevin Haub; Jessica L. Wiggins; Donna Storton; John C. Matese; Lance Parsons; Wei-Jen Chang; Michael S. Bowen; Nicholas A. Stover; Thomas A. Jones; Sean R. Eddy; Glenn A. Herrick; Thomas G. Doak; Richard K. Wilson; Elaine R. Mardis; Laura F. Landweber (2013-01-29). The Oxytricha trifallax Macronuclear Genome: A Complex Eukaryotic Genome with 16,000 Tiny Chromosomes. PLOS Biology. 11 (1): e1001473. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001473. PMC 3558436. PMID 23382650 ...
a b Estienne C. Swart,John R. Bracht,Vincent Magrini,Patrick Minx,Xiao Chen,Yi Zhou,Jaspreet S. Khurana,Aaron D. Goldman,Mariusz Nowacki,Klaas Schotanus,Seolkyoung Jung,Robert S. Fulton,Amy Ly,Sean McGrath,Kevin Haub,Jessica L. Wiggins,Donna Storton,John C. Matese,Lance Parsons,Wei-Jen Chang,Michael S. Bowen,Nicholas A. Stover,Thomas A. Jones,Sean R. Eddy,Glenn A. Herrick,Thomas G. Doak,Richard K. Wilson,Elaine R. Mardis,Laura F. Landwebe. The Oxytricha trifallax Macronuclear Genome: A Complex Eukaryotic Genome with 16,000 Tiny Chromosomes. PLOS. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001473. Diakses tanggal $1 $2. Unknown parameter ...
ID J9IB24_9SPIT Unreviewed; 1230 AA. AC J9IB24; DT 31-OCT-2012, integrated into UniProtKB/TrEMBL. DT 31-OCT-2012, sequence version 1. DT 22-NOV-2017, entry version 19. DE SubName: Full=Serine/Threonine protein kinase {ECO:0000313,EMBL:EJY71208.1}; GN ORFNames=OXYTRI_07921 {ECO:0000313,EMBL:EJY71208.1}; OS Oxytricha trifallax. OC Eukaryota; Alveolata; Ciliophora; Intramacronucleata; Spirotrichea; OC Stichotrichia; Sporadotrichida; Oxytrichidae; Oxytrichinae; Oxytricha. OX NCBI_TaxID=1172189 {ECO:0000313,EMBL:EJY71208.1, ECO:0000313,Proteomes:UP000006077}; RN [1] {ECO:0000313,EMBL:EJY71208.1, ECO:0000313,Proteomes:UP000006077} RP NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [LARGE SCALE GENOMIC DNA]. RC STRAIN=SB310 {ECO:0000313,Proteomes:UP000006077}; RX PubMed=23382650; DOI=10.1371/journal.pbio.1001473; RA Swart E.C., Bracht J.R., Magrini V., Minx P., Chen X., Zhou Y., RA Khurana J.S., Goldman A.D., Nowacki M., Schotanus K., Jung S., RA Fulton R.S., Ly A., McGrath S., Haub K., Wiggins J.L., Storton D., RA Matese J.C., ...
The Infusoria or Ciliophora, as they are now called have long been recognized as a monophyletic assemblages. The composition of the group has remained largely unchanged since Faure-Fremiet (1950) included among holotrich ciliates, the suctorians, which had often not been included with the other ciliates by the specialists of the day (Corliss 1979). The classification of the group remained largely unchanged in the 20th century after Corliss (1961) formalized Faure-Fremiets conceptual vision, based primarily on the morphostatic morphology of the cells, derived from observation of the silver-stained ciliate cortex, and coupled with ontogenetic characters revealed through observation of division morphogenesis, and particularly stomatogenesis. Electron microscopy was just beginning as Corliss (1961) went to press. In the ensuing decades exploration of this new level of organization revealed a wealth of new characters for both cell biologists and systematists. These new data, accompanied by new ...
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Kebutuhan bayi akan ASI adalah hak bayi yang harus dipenuhi karena ASI adalah makanan yang terbaik di awal pertumbuhan 6 bulan pertama bayi. Banyak factor yang mempengaruhi produksi ASI berkurang yaitu Strees, kecapekan, sakit ...
Dziś są urodziny mojej Babci. Z tej okazji zrobiłam dla Niej kartkę z życzeniami. Babcia zasłużyła na swoje miejsce na tym blogu nie tylko dlatego że jest mi bliską osobą ale również dlatego że jest poprzednią właścicielką machiny szyjącej, którą używam na potęgę. Podarowała mi ją z okazji mojej obrony i jak się okazało, pomimo iż ma już 30 lat (machina), chodzi jak nowa - bo była raptem używana jakieś 10 godzin ...
Moussaka ndeimwe yehupfumi hweGreek gastronomy. Ino zivikanwa nepasi rose, inofanana ne lasagna, asi inotsiva zvidimbu zvepasta zve
The mechanism responsible for final cell separation at the end of cytokinesis is currently unknown. Knockout strains of the ciliate, Tetrahymena thermophila lacking the kinesin-II homologous molecular motors, Kin1p and Kin2p are paralyzed due to their complete loss of cilia and undergo frequent cyto …
Surprisingly, our ML analyses indicate that the distribution of mutational effects in T. thermophila is best approximated by the equal effects model (shape parameter, β → ∞). An alternative explanation is that the distribution of mutational effects is complex (e.g., a bimodal distribution including a high probability of slightly deleterious mutations and a second peak of moderately deleterious mutations) and not well approximated by any gamma distribution (Davies et al. 1999; Halligan and Keightley 2009). These hypotheses could be tested by repeating the multiple GE analysis for more MA lines, which would allow us to estimate the variance in mutational effects (Vs) directly.. In a survey of MA studies, Halligan and Keightley (2009) noted that the dominance of new mutations has been studied only in a handful of organisms and is not well understood even in those. Therefore, estimates in additional organisms are valuable. Our estimate of the average dominance coefficient of new mutations (h = ...
Due to its central role in both evolutionary change and human disease, mutation has been the focus of intensive research. The probability that a spontaneous mut...
View the latest weather forecasts, maps, news and alerts on Yahoo Weather. Find local weather forecasts for Nowa Brzeznica, Poland throughout the world
Hamilton, EP., Kapusta, A., Huvos, PE., Bidwell, SL., Zafar, N., Tang, H., Hadjithomas, M., Krishnakumar, V., Badger, JH., Caler, EV., Russ, C., Zeng, Q., Fan, L., Levin, JZ., Shea, T., Young, SK., Hegarty, R., Daza, R., Gujja, S., Wortman, JR., Birren, BW., Nusbaum, C., Thomas, J., Carey, CM., Pritham, EJ., Feschotte, C., Noto, T., Mochizuki, K., Papazyan, R., Taverna, SD., Dear, PH., Cassidy-Hanley, DM., Xiong, J., Miao, W., Orias, E., Coyne, RS. (2016). Structure of the germline genome of Tetrahymena thermophila and relationship to the massively rearranged somatic genome. Elife. 5 (abstract ...
ciliate Definition, ciliate Best Plays of ciliate in Scrabble® and Words With Friends, Length tables of words in ciliate, Word growth of ciliate, Sequences of ciliate
Podczas WAIC 2021, spółka Shanghai Electric również nawiązała strategiczne partnerstwo ze spółkami uczestniczącymi w funduszu AI Investment Fund, który został uruchomiony w 2019 r. w ramach inicjatywy władz Szanghaju wspierającej zobowiązanie miasta do budowania „najwyższej klasy ekosystemu innowacji w zakresie sztucznej inteligencji. W ramach współpracy Shanghai Electric zapewniać będzie rozwiązania cyfrowe wspomagające unowocześnianie i transformację […]
1 Answer - Posted in: norco, fever, vomiting, allergic reactions, reaction - Answer: A fever is not good with a severe burn. The Norfolk might make ...
Specifications TOTAL POWER OUTPUT RMS 12W à 2 THD + N 10% SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO ⠥85dBA DISTORTION ⠤0.5% INPUT TYPE Dual RCA input (RCA - RCA and RCA to AUX) FREQUENCY RESPONSE 70 HZ-20 kHz +/-9db INPUT SENSITIVITY PC: 700±50mV AUX: 550±50mV (THD + N=1%) BASS UNIT 4 inch (106mm), 6Ω TWEETER UNIT Φ13mm silk dome
TY - JOUR. T1 - Environmental noise and population dynamics of the ciliated protozoa Tetrahymena thermophila in aquatic microcosms. AU - Laakso, Jouni. AU - Loytynoja, K. AU - Kaitala, Veijo. PY - 2003/9. Y1 - 2003/9. KW - VARIABILITY. KW - PREDATION. KW - DENSITY. KW - BIOMASS. KW - ECOLOGY. KW - IMPACT. KW - COLOR. KW - COST. KW - BLUE. KW - SIZE. M3 - Article. VL - 102. SP - 663. EP - 671. JO - Oikos. JF - Oikos. SN - 0030-1299. IS - 3. ER - ...
Ciliated protozoan (Tetrahymena vorax), coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). Tetrahymena vorax is a fresh water, holotrichous, oligohymenophoran, ciliate. Shown here are 3 cells with nice ciliated pellicle surfaces. Tetrahymena are free-living ciliated protozoa that can switch from commensalistic to pathogenic modes of survival. They are common in freshwater ponds. Tetrahymena species are used as model organisms. Magnification: x260 when shortest axis printed at 25 millimetres. - Stock Image C032/0976
Tissue-engineered intervertebral discs consist of a distinct nucleus pulposus (NP) and anulus fibrosus (AF) that are engineered in vitro from sheep IVD chondrocytes. In 10 athymic rats a discectomy in the caudal spine was performed. The discs were replaced with TE-IVDs. Animals were kept alive for 8 months and were killed for histological evaluation. At 1, 5, and 8 months, MR images were obtained; T1-weighted sequences were used for disc height measurements, and T2-weighted sequences were used for morphological analysis. Quantitative T2 relaxation time analysis was used to assess the water content and T1ρ-relaxation time to assess the proteoglycan content of TE-IVDs. ...
Tlr elements are a novel family of ~30 putative mobile genetic elements that are confined to the germ line micronuclear genome in Tetrahymena thermophila. Thousands of diverse germ line-limited sequences, including the Tlr elements, are specifically eliminated from the differentiating somatic macronucleus. Macronucleusretained sequences flanking deleted regions are known to contain cis-acting signals that delineate elimination boundaries. It is unclear whether sequences within deleted DNA also play a regulatory role in the elimination process. In the current study, an in vivo DNA rearrangement assay was used to identify internal sequences required in cis for the elimination of Tlr elements. Multiple, nonoverlapping regions from the ~23-kb Tlr elements were independently sufficient to stimulate developmentally regulated DNA elimination when placed within the context of flanking sequences from the most thoroughly characterized family member, Tlr1. Replacement of element DNA with macronuclear or
Tetrahymena thermophila ATCC ® 30383™ Designation: B-18686 Isolation: derived from WH-6 X WH-14, Urbana, IL, early 1950s
Microfluidic trapping technology has been widely applied for single-cell observation in order to reveal characteristic cell behaviors. However, this strategy has yet to be tested for monitoring highly motile cells, which are often biologically important. In this paper, we seek the conditions that enable effe
The impact of particulate matter (PM2.5, PM10) concentration on the occurrence of acute cardiorespiratory disorders and its exacerbations in children in Krakow agglomeration on the basis of Admission to the Voivodship Children Specialist Hospital in ...
Developmentally programmed deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA) rearrangements are structural reorganisations of the genome that occur reproducibly during the development of a variety of organisms
Sumber: milis asiforbaby Para ibu yang memiliki ASI dengan kadar enzim lipase yang tinggi seringkali menemukan bahwa ASIP mereka sangat berminyak dan berbau seperti sabun. Enzim lipase berfungsi untuk menguraikan kandungan lemak dalam ASI - semakin tinggi kadar enzim ini, maka akan semakin cepat sel-sel lemaknya terurai sehingga menghasilkan ASI dengan bau yang sangat khas…
When in 1977 a group of Polish dissidents managed to establish a semiclandestine publishing network called Nowa, Tadeusz Konwicki was one of the first writers to send them a manuscript-his new novel The Polish Complex, now published in English translation. This book, soon followed by Konwickis The Little Apocalypse, became ...
Nowa nauka wykonująca badaczami przy Ohio stanu uniwersyteta Wexner centrum medycznym pokazuje to jeśli chodzi o overuse urazy w szkoła średnia sportach, dziewczyny jest przy target26_0_ wysokim
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