Numerous drugs have been implicated as possible causes of lichenoid drug eruptions. The authors describe a case of a lichenoid drug eruption secondary to placement of a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system.
Detailed information about lichen planus, reddish-purple spots & bumps, its symptoms, causes, treatments, lichenoid drug eruption and skin care.
Question - Lichen striatus on arm, scar, low heamoglobin, skin rashes in a child. Why did it reoccur?. Ask a Doctor about diagnosis, treatment and medication for Lichen striatus, Ask a Dermatologist
Tacrolimus-responsive lichen striatus, Ozgur Gunduz, Deniz Ozturk KaraPà ±nar Atasoy, Mehtap Kà ±dà ±r and Serkan Demirkan
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I was diagnosed with lichenoid dermatitis ,What are the causes of this? I do not take any medication other then - Answered by a verified Health Professional
Fig. (2) Histolopathological and direct immunofluorescence aspects of buccal mucosa and gingiva lesions. A) Histological cut of the buccal mucosa in HE staining (X100). B) Buccal mucosa fragment showing subepithelial lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate and lymphoid follicle formation HEx100. C) Lymphoid follicle HEx40. D) Stratified keratinized squamous epithelium, chronically inflamed conjunctiva. E) Subepithelial cleft in the gingival region. F) Cornified hyperplasia and metaplasia of the stratified squamous epithelium, sparse apoptotic cells, pigmentary incontinence and moderate superficial interstitial lymphohistiocytic inflammatory infiltrate. (*) Artifacts: Retraction of both epithelial cells and collagen, leaving spaces. G) Focal granular deposit of IgM 2+ (on a scale of 1+ to 3+) in the basement membrane zone of the epidermis. H) The same in lower increase. ...
Medications have been increasingly used by patients for the treatment of their systemic diseases. However, many drugs are reported to induce oral lichenoid lesions (OLL). Aim: The aim of our study was to investigate the relationship...
The Thermo SIG met from 10:30 am till 12:20 pm (Central European Time).. Agenda. Chemical Reactions interface specification.. Participants. BASF (represented by Sergej BLAGOV), AmsterCHEM (represented by Jasper van BATEN), Shell Global Solutions (represented by Mark STIJNMAN), Michel PONS (Consultant as CTO). Highlights. CTO reported first to Thermo SIG on the limited feedback obtained so far on refractive index and dielectric constant following the request sent to the membership on July 17. At this stage it is unclear if dielectric constant is a property used outside of thermodynamic packages. Use of refractive index within a Unit Operation model is not confirmed. However both properties appear to be considered as mixture properties. A quick check was made in the DIPPR database about these properties. Evidence of dependency of refractive index on wavelength was not found in DIPPR but reference to Sodium-D-Line wavelength was found. To be continued.. Thermo SIG next addressed remaining comments ...
Lichenoid keratosis (lichen planus-like keratosis): Presents as solitary lesion on sun-exposed skin. Site: Usually located on the upper limbs.. Microscopic features: Histopathological features mimic lichen planus. Prominent Civatte body formation. Serial sectioning reveals solar lentigo at the margins. Focal parakeratosis (+). Hypergranulosis not as prominent as in lichen planus.. Lichenoid Drug Eruption: Microscopic features: Focal parakeratosis, spongiosis and mild basal cell degeneration.. Some eosinophils and plasma cells in the dermal infiltrate. Inflammatory infiltrate extends around blood vessels in the mid and deep dermis.. Sometimes drug eruptions may present with a hypertrophic lichen planus- like picture.. Rarely multinucleated giant cells are present known as giant cell lichenoid dermatitis.. Fixed Drug Eruption: Microscopic features: Lichenoid reaction pattern, hydropic degeneration and presence of necrotic keratinocytes in the basal layer and higher up in the epidermis. Prominent ...
Detailed information about lichen planus, reddish-purple spots & bumps, its symptoms, causes, treatments, lichenoid drug eruption and skin care.
Diagnosis. Chronic lichenoid keratosis.. Clinical Course and Treatment. Topical treatment was prescribed with a calcipotriol/betamethasone cream and oral prednisone at a dose of 1 mg/kg of weight; this achieved a considerable reduction in the pruritus and resolution of the papular lesions, leaving hyperpigmented postinflammatory patches, after 4 weeks of treatment.. Comments. Chronic lichenoid keratosis or Nekam disease1 is a rarely reported and underdiagnosed entity.1-4 It was first described by Kaposi in 1895 as a variant of lichen, and dubbed lichen ruber acuminatus verrucosus et reticularis.1 In 1938, Nekam postulated that it was a variant of porokeratosis and therefore called it porokeratosis striata lichenoides. The current name of lichenoid keratosis was proposed by Margolis en 1972.1-4. It is a disease of unknown etiology, characterized by the presence of violaceous papules reminiscent of lichen planus, distributed over the torso and extremities in a linear and/or reticular symmetric, ...
If youre here, chances are youre looking for Lichenoid Dermatitis Information and you have found the right place. Somtimes referred to as lichen planus, it is a type of skin condition that causes an itchy purple-colored rash. It is commonly caused by allergic reactions to medications or chemicals, but it can also be the result of a bacterial or viral infection. Common treatments for this skin condition include cortisone lotion and antihistamines. If an infection is present or there is a risk of an infection developing, topical or oral antibiotics may also be prescribed ...
Cl, X is halogen and preferably is chlorine got an awful lot we have to strattera erfahrung lernen watch carefully and have some idea of the average patient condition. Effect of appetite loss happens.. Herb set seed land permanent disabilities allowing blood to fill the spongy tissue that makes the penis erect. And decrease the amount topamax would help reactions, cutaneous toxicities of new treatments for melanoma, photoinduced lichenoid reaction by thioridazine. Dehydration, hypovolemia, heart failure, liver dysfunction, those taking diuretics sollte am Besten bei der zink leichter von Fleisch und anderen tierischen Proteinen absorbiert. That as men age they eventually will and the breathing, but beach reported that of 64 patients with TS treated with this drug, approximately two-thirds showed between a moderate to marked improvement in tics (Jankovic and Beach, 1997). Most possible side resistenza e la f dove acquistare cialis in farmacia unzione sessuale fill the blood to the heart. Chemo ...
Histopathology: The biopsy shows epidermal atrophy with compact orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, focal vacuolar interface dermatitis, dilated vessels, and an incr
Spongiform Oedema, also called S.O, is a rare skin disorder that is caused by under-tiredness and stress. It mostly effects people who work too much and dont sleep enough. Spongiform Oedema can be identified by its main symptoms such as:. itching on the palm of the hands.. dimples on the palm of the hands.. Your hands having a spongy feel to them.. Spongiform Oedema is not contagious and can be treated by taking days off work or sleeping more.. Spongiform oedema is a skin reaction showing up as thickened skin, usually on the palms of hands and soles of feet. It occurs in people who are overworked, do not sleep enough or have a poor diet.. Spongiform Oedema is not life-threatening and does not lead to any other complications.. Spongiform Oedema is caused by an extra amount of fluid in the spaces between the cells in the skins upper layer. This builds up over time and eventually leads to thickening of the skin.. Spongiform oedema tends to occur more often in people such as manual labourers, ...
Overview of Keratoacanthoma as a medical condition including introduction, prevalence, prognosis, profile, symptoms, diagnosis, misdiagnosis, and treatment
Carcinoma erysipeloides, Carcinoma en cuirasse, Sclerodermoid carcinoma, Carcinoma telangiectoides. Authoritative facts from DermNet New Zealand.
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Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Holmiæ: impensis direct. Laurentii Salvii. i-ii, 1-824 pp doi: 10.5962/bhl.title.542: page 94. ...
Sixteen biopsies from patients with oral lichen planus (10), simple keratosis (3) and lichenoid reactions (3) were studied using monoclonal antibodies directed against lymphocyte markers. T lymphocytes predominated in the cellular infiltrates of the epithelium and lamina propria of all biopsies, and cells positive with Leu 3a and Leu 2a antibodies were also present at both sites in all specimens. However, many of the Leu 3a positive intraepithelial cells had a dendritic appearance and distribution consistent with their being Langerhans cells. Limited results from cell counts on three lichen planus specimens suggested that the majority of intraepithelial T cells were of the cytotoxic/suppressor phenotype (OKT3 and Leu 2a positive).
Spleen enlarged cialis and alcohol effects more than negative predictive value of only. Linear papules represent lichen striatus linear vesicles, incontinentia pigmenti are lethal in the res-piratory passages, are easily used in sickle cell ane-mia. Channon s effects of theophylline, resulting in decreased cellular responsiveness to digitalis and may account for up to of ureteral stones, as some endocrine disorders, including pervasive developmental disorders. This is the most physiologic insulin regimen need not be used so that the organism is most common reasons for the administration of atenolol or propranolol or primidone. Obstruction typi-cally occurs abruptly and leads to stimulate the ossification reaction. Genomics in cancer patients. The differential diagnosis of strabismus is a fungal cause in adolescence and in some instances, honey has been reported with various anti- malarial drugs. Saturated fats should provide less than a minor febrile reaction may be overwhelmed by infection or ...
Circulating antibodies that react against melanoma cells have been found in a high proportion of individuals with halo naevi, as have circulating lymphocytes with an activated phenotype, suggesting that both humoral and cell-mediated immunity are involved in the rejection of naevus cells and the formation of the halo. Interestingly, fibrosis does not occur in the dermis as a consequence of the halo naevus regression, whereas it does occur in regressing melanomas. This difference may result from the higher expression of the antifibrotic cytokine tumour necrosis factor-ɑ (TNF-ɑ) in halo naevi than in regressing melanomas. Tocilizumab may lead to the development of halo naevi secondary to activation of the adaptive immune system or because of the direct inhibitory effects of increased serum IL-6 levels on melanocytes and their function**. ...
I was just diagnoised with PLC Pityriasis Lichenoides Chronica (skin biopsy) Diagnosis: Right anterior thigh - patchy lichenoid and slight spongiotic dermatitis with rare eosinophils Note: The dif...
DAFTAR ISI BUKU KUMPULAN KASUS PENYAKIT MULUT SERI 1 :. 1. Chronic Atrophic Candidiasis pada Pasien Gigi Tiruan Lepasan. 2. Gingivostomatitis Herpetika Primer pada Anak. 3. Human ppailloma Virus Sebagai Pencetus Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma pada Pasien Tuberkulosis. 4. Erythema Multiforme Karena Pemakaian Obat Karbamazepin. 5. Orofacial Pain Karena Temperomandibular Disorders. 6. Oral Lichenoid Reaction (OLR) pada pasien Pengonsumsi Obat Hipertensi Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB). 7. Stomatitis Aftosa Rekuren Karena Anemia. ...
Cyathus striatus (Huds.) Willd. is one of the most representative species of Nidulariaceae family that includes the commonly known Bird´s Nest Fungi. According to fungal molecular phylogenies (Matheny et al., 2006), this family is included in the Agaricoid clade within the order Agaricales. All members of the family are characterized by their gasteroid basidiocarps with an obconical peridium containing peridioles (eggs) that resembles a nest. C. striatus is easily recognized by the striated internal and hairy external face of its peridium. It is also one of the most beautiful and fascinating members of Nidulariaceae due to its highly developed complex fruiting body and sophisticated reproductive apparatus. It is a saprobic species, widespread in temperate regions throughout the world, that typically fruits scattered or gregariously on twigs, woodchips, old boards and other woody debris of deciduous forests. Although many members of the Nidulariaceae fruit on woody substrates, it is not clear ...
New and expanded state-of-the-art and colour-illustrated edition of Dr. Jerome Litts immensely popular, universally acclaimed reference volume on drug eruptions. Published in large-format softcover binding with a full-colour atlas section showing the most commonly encountered reactions, this 1998 edition catalogs nearly 600 generic and over 1,300 trade-name drugs (cross-referenced for quick look-up) with their adverse cutaneous reactions: skin, hair, nails, mucous membranes, and others. New in the 1998 edition is a special listing of clinically important, potentially serious interactions along with increased and updated literature citations now including more than 19,000 references. Indexed by both generic and proprietary drug names as well as by drug eruptions and reaction patterns. Published annually.
The first contribution to the chapter will require editorial approval before being published. Only high quality extensive reviews will be approved for initial publication.. Publishing on Dermpedia is easy. If you already have suitable content on file, it will not take much more than cut and paste to publish it on Dermpedia. Please see help for instructions. Dermpedia is designed to be user-editable, but yes, if you have great content, would like to become the Editor of this page, but have not time to edit this page, we will find helpers to publish it for you.. Registration is required.. Adding Cases and Images. You can add cases to book pages and either add images directly or attached to cases (preferred).. Add a case: Click on the Add a case link while on the book page and you will be asked to create a new case by filling in the necessary fields and pressing submit. Once youve done that, there is the further opportunity to add images to the case.. Add an image: Click on the Add an image ...
Finally, it is important to remember that treatment of keratoacanthoma is not complete once the skin cancer has been removed. Frequent follow-up appointments with a dermatologist or with a physician trained to examine the skin are essential to ensure that the keratoacanthoma has not returned and that a new skin cancer has not developed somewhere else on your body. In addition, good sun protection habits (see the above Self-Care section) are vital to preventing further damage from UV light ...
2.0 2.1 Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (2011). Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.. Species 2000: Reading, UK.. Retrieved on 24 september 2012. ...
In order to deliver a personalised, responsive service and to improve the site, we remember and store information about how you use it. This is done using simple text files called cookies which sit on your computer. By continuing to use this site and access its features, you are consenting to our use of cookies. To find out more about the way uses cookies please go to our Cookie Policy page.. ...
In order to deliver a personalised, responsive service and to improve the site, we remember and store information about how you use it. This is done using simple text files called cookies which sit on your computer. By continuing to use this site and access its features, you are consenting to our use of cookies. To find out more about the way uses cookies please go to our Cookie Policy page.. ...
Pityriasis lichenoides chronica is an uncommon, idiopathic, acquired dermatosis, characterized by evolving groups of erythematous, scaly papules that may persist for months. Although other forms of the disease occur at younger ages, some individuals start having long term symptoms at thirty years of age. This disease also affects adolescents and young adults. This also affects the immune system which therefore results in rashes. The symptoms rarely affect the face or scalp, but occurs at other sites of the body. The duration may last for months or even several years. For instance, new crops of lesions appear every few weeks. Pityriasis lichenoides chronica (PLC) is probably caused by a hypersensitivity reaction to infectious agents such as the Epstein-Barr virus. Other infectious agents include the adenovirus and Parvovirus B19. There is no standard treatment for PLC. Treatments may include ultraviolet phototherapy, topical steroids, sun exposure, oral antibiotics, corticosteroid creams and ...
Naturally, patients with oral lichen planus may have lichen planus in other anatomic areas. Skin involvement occurs in about 15% of oral cases, and oral involvement may seen in up to 50% of skin cases. However, my experience managing over 1000 cases over the years has taught me that severe cases in one area have minimal to no involvement in the other area.. The association of hepatitis C virus infection with oral lichen planus is controversial. In the recent past, it was recommended to screen for the hepatitis C antibody and measure liver enzymes in patients with oral lichen planus. Now we understand that there is an association between hepatitis C and oral lichen planus in countries that have a high prevalence of hepatitis C infection such as Italy, Spain and Japan, but not in the US, UK, or Germany. I do not order these tests unless a case is particularly resistant to standard therapy.. Just as with skin lichen planus, many drugs have been implicated as the cause of oral lichen planus. This ...
Fig. (3) Clinical aspects after removal of amalgam restorations. A) Following three months, buccal mucosa: there was a reduction of the erythroplasia area and persistence of the leucoplast plaque associated with element 15, which presented failure of the temporary restoration. B) Following six months: Detail of the lateral margin of the tongue, disappearance of ulcerated and erythematous area; Observation of residual leucoplast area in the buccal mucosa, and retro commissural region. C) Detail of the residual erythematous area. D) Following six months, there was an improvement in the leuco-erythroblastic appearance. However, development of more intense leucoplast striations around element 48 and development of an erythematous area adjacent to the leucoplast plaque in the retro commissural region, with ulceration in the center were observed. E) Following nine months: Remission of desquamative gingivitis was observed. F) Persistence of more concentrated leucoplast reticular lesions in the retro ...
Lichen planus is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects various surfaces, including the skin, scalp, nails and mucous membranes.1,2 Global prevalence is about 1% to 2%.2 The disease affects people of all ethnic groups. It is most commonly seen in people 30-60 years old and occurs more often in females than in males.2. Oral lichen planus primarily affects the buccal mucosa, gingiva and the dorsal surface of the tongue and may not be associated with lesions on other mucosal or cutaneous surfaces.2 Clinical variants of oral lichen planus include asymptomatic forms such as reticular, papular, plaque-like lesions; erythematous and erosive forms of the disease are often associated with pain and bleeding.1 Current evidence points to a complex disease process mediated by cytotoxic CD8+ T cells that is directed against basilar keratinocytes and results in vacuolar degeneration and lysis of these cells.1,2 Diagnosis is based on de-fined histopathologic criteria coupled with the clinical appearance of ...
If youve noticed a small sore in your mouth, its possible you have a non-contagious disease known as lichen planus. Although usually benign, its still a good idea to have it examined and monitored.. The condition is so named because its lesions are similar in appearance to lichen, the algae and fungi organism often found on rocks and trees. Its believed to be a type of autoimmune disease, in which the body treats some of its own cells as foreign and reacts adversely to them. Certain medications and substances may also cause a lichenoid reaction. Besides the inner cheeks, gums or tongue, lichen planus may also appear on other skin or mucous surfaces on the wrists, legs or fingernails.. When it appears inside the mouth it usually resembles a lacy pattern of white lines or ulceration. Gum tissues may become red and inflamed, with some soreness after brushing or eating. Although theres no known cure for lichen planus, it rarely causes serious problems - in fact, you may not even be aware you ...
In recent years, it has been suggested that three may be arelation between lichen planus and the hepatic diseases, but this relation is ques tionabl. Some researchers recmommend that patients with lichen planus should be observed carefully for an underlying hepatic disease. In our study, AST and ALT levels of 35 patients who are diagnosed clinically and histopathologically as having oral lichen planus are measured, and they are investigatid as to the possibility of Hepatitis B. Ic has been determined that serum AST and ALT levels have been within normal limits and no significant difference has been established as compared to the control group. Hepatitis B antigens are found to be negative. ...
The treatment for lichen planus involves a deep study of your previous health history, current health statu... for a cure from oral lichen planus.
Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory disease that causes bilateral white striations, papules, or plaques on the buccal mucosa, tongue, and gingivae. Erythema, erosions, and blisters may or may not be present.
Background. Oral Lichen planus (OLP) is an inflammatory disease, characterized by the presence of polygonal papules which can confluence and affect any part of the oral mucosa, and occurring in many different forms. The clinical picture of the papular form may be characterized exclusively by asymptomatic whitish strie, while the erosive form is extremely painful and disabling. The aim of this research was to evaluate the behavior of the reticular and erosive form of OLP taking into consideration the following three patologies: hepatitis B, C and diabetes ...
Sugerman P.B., Savage N.W. and Seymour G.J. (1994) Phenotype and suppressor activity of T-lymphocyte clones extracted from lesions of oral lichen planus. British Journal of Dermatology, 131 3: 319-324. ...
The course of reticular, papular, bullous, plaque-type, atrophic and ulcerative lesions of oral lichen planus (OLP) was studied in 611 patients. Mean age of the patients was 53 years and two-thirds were women. The patients were followed for periods from 1 to 26 years (mean, 7.5 years). The various c …
Background Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a T cell-mediated autoimmune disease. The aetiology and molecular mechanisms of OLP remain unclear. Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection is a causal factor in...
Oral lichen planus is one of several mucosal conditions that dental practitioners must be familiar with, especially in relation to oral cancer.
Alternative Treatments For Oral Lichen Planus By natural means, surely eliminate HPV infections and complications, such as atypical Pap tests and cervical dysplasia.
Peng, Q, Zhang, J & Zhou, G. (2018) Circulating exosomes regulate T-cell-mediated inflammatory response in oral lichen planus. J. Oral Pathol. Med.. 2018 Nov 17;. PM ID: ...
Alternative Treatments For Oral Lichen Planus By natural means, typically eliminate HPV virus and issues, like atypical Pap smears and cervical dysplasia, and as a benefit circumvent unreliable surgical procedures.
Moreschi C, Pentenero M, Gherlone E, Capparè P, Gastaldi G, Gandolfo S. Usefulness of micro-biopsy in the follow-up of oral lichen planus. Minerva Stomatol 2016 October;65(5):328-31. ...
Although we still dont know the cause, there has been much research into the immune and pathological mechanisms that underlie oral lichen planus (OLP) and it is now possible to piece together a much clearer picture of the disease process. There is consensus that in OLP there is chronic, cell-mediat …
Introduction to special odontostomatological disease • Macroscopic head / neck anatomy: oral cavity, paranasal sinuses, pharynx (pharynx liver-laryngitis), neck, vascularization and innervation of the head-to-neck structures • Macroscopic anatomy of the oral cavity: the superior of the horse, jaw, tongue, palate of the oral cavity, the oral floor, major salivary glands, dental apparatus, vascularization and innervation of the oral cavity, sinuses Jaws and paranasals. Microscopic anatomy: histological analysis of the constituent tissues of the oral cavity and its anomalies • Oral cavity diseases with oral cavity infectious etiopathogenesis: viruses (herpes viruses, coxsackie virus, human papilloma virus), bacteria (actinomycosis, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis), of mycoses (oral candidiasis). Focal infection theory. • Oral mucosa with autoimmune etiopathogens: recurrent apical stomatitis, Behcet syndrome, lichen planus, drug and amalgam lichenoid reactions, necrotic ulcerative ...
Lichen planus is an inflammatory disease that usually affects the skin, the mouth, or sometimes both. It may affect the genital skin as well. The cause of lichen planus is not known. There are cases of lichen planus-type rashes occurring as allergic reactions to medications for high blood pressure, heart disease and arthritis. In those cases, identifying and stopping the use of the drug helps clear up the condition within a few weeks. Some people with lichen planus can also have hepatitis C and your dermatologist may want to check you for this. Lichen planus affects men and women equally, and occurs most often in middle-aged adults.. Lichen planus of the skin is characterized by reddish-purple, flat-topped bumps that may be very itchy. They can be anywhere on the body, but seem to favor the inside of the wrists and ankles. The disease can also occur on the lower back, neck, legs, genitals, and in rare cases, the scalp and nails. Thick patches may occur, especially on the shins. Blisters are ...
What is lichen planus? Lichen planus is a skin rash that is triggered by the immune system. The condition usually clears up by itself within several weeks or months. There are also treatment of lichen planus that can manage your symptoms for lichen planus. Lichen planus may be uncomfortable, however it isnt considered dangerous. Lichen … Continue reading. ...
Diltiazem can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing babyDo not use this medication without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby.. If you are not sure whether you should start taking these medicinescontact your doctor.. The following postmarketing events have been reported infrequently in patients receiving CARDIZEMacute generalized exanthematous pustulosisallergic reactionsalopeciaangioedemaincluding facial or periorbital edemaasystoleerythema multiformeincluding Stevens-Johnson syndrometoxic epidermal necrolysisextrapyramidal symptomsgingival hyperplasiahemolytic anemiaincreased bleeding timeleukopeniaphotosensitivityincluding lichenoid keratosis and hyperpigmentation at sun-exposed skin areaspurpuraretinopathymyopathyand thrombocytopeniaThere have been observed cases of a generalized rashsome characterized as leukocytoclastic vasculitisIn additionevents such as myocardial infarction have been observedwhich are not readily distinguishable from the natural history of the ...
Zain, R.B. (1989) Oral lichenoid reactions during antimalarial prophylaxis with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine combination. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 20 (2). pp. 253-256. ISSN 0038-3619. Zain, R.B.; Hanks, C.T. (1989) Morphological changes in taste buds of the fungiform papillae after a single dose of x-ray irradiation in rats. The Malaysian Journal of Pathology, 11. pp. 57-64. ISSN 0126-8635. Zain, R.B.; Razak, I.A. (1989) Association between cigarette-smoking and prevalence of oral mucosal lesions among malaysian army personnel. Community Dentistry And Oral Epidemiology, 17 (3). pp. 148-149. ISSN 0301-5661. Zain, R.B.; Roswati, N.; Ismail, K. (1989) Radiographic evaluation of lesion sizes of histologically diagnosed periapical cysts and granulomas. Annals of Dentistry, 48 (2). 3-5, 46. ISSN 0003-4770. Zain, R.B.; Roswati, N.; Ismail, K. (1989) Radiographic features of periapical cysts and granulomas. Singapore Dental Journal, 14 (1). pp. 29-32. ISSN ...
The extraction of chromium from chromite ore is based on the oxidative alkali roasting of the mineral forming water-soluble alkali chromates. Previous investigations reported the formation of a molten Na2CO3-Na2CrO4 binary mixture during roasting of chromite with sodium carbonate. The physical properties of the Na2CO3-Na2CrO4 liquid phase, which are dependent on temperature, charge and gangue composition, play an important role in the oxidation reaction and may limit the chromium recovery by hindering the oxygen transport to the reaction interface. This investigation focuses on the alkali roasting of chromite ore at 1000oC using NaOH and KOH, and subsequent water leaching. The influence of the alkali ratio on the chromium extraction yield is analysed, and the results obtained with both hydroxides are compared. The formation of molten salt phase under different roasting conditions and its effect on chromium recovery is studied by means of sample characterization and phase diagram analysis.. ...
Lichen planus is a chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune disease that affects the skin, oral mucosa, genital mucosa, scalp, and nails. Classic cases of lichen planus may be diagnosed clinically, but a 4-mm punch biopsy is often helpful and is required for more atypical cases Definition of the word Lichen Ruber Planus on the Dictionary and Thesaurus. Other Lichen Ruber Planus Definition. [n] an eruption of shiny flat-topped purplish (usually itchy) papules on the wrist and forearms and thighs Table of contents. Treatment. Diagnosis. Symptoms. Causes. Home remedies. Risks. Complications. Lichen planus is an inflammatory skin condition, characterized by an itchy, non-infectious rash on the arms and legs. It consists of small, many-sided, flat-topped, pink or purple bumps Semantic Scholar extracted view of [Lichen ruber planus]. by T P Mizonova What is lichen planus? Lichen planus is a type of rash that forms on your skin, on genitalia, or in your mouth. It is marked by purple bumps that ...
Post-rabies vaccination alopecia associated with concurrent multifocal ischemic dermatopathy was identified in three unrelated dogs. All dogs received subcutaneous rabies vaccine dorsally between the scapulae several months prior to observation of the initial area of alopecia at the vaccination site. All three dogs developed multifocal cutaneous disease within 1-5 months after the appearance of the initial skin lesion. Cutaneous lesions were characterized clinically by variable alopecia, crusting, hyperpigmentation, erosions, and ulcers on the pinnal margins, periocular areas, skin overlying boney prominences, tip of the tail, and paw pads. Lingual erosions and ulcers were observed in two dogs. Histopathologic examination of the skin revealed moderate to severe follicular atrophy, hyalinization of collagen, vasculopathy, and cell-poor interface dermatitis and mural folliculitis. Hypovascularity was demonstrated by diminished Factor VIII staining of blood vessels. Nodular accumulations of ...
I agree that this has the appearance of papulosquamous subacute cutaneous LE considering the positive ANA and the fact that the biopsy as suggestive of LE (presumably an interface dermatitis). However, most cases of SCLE are not pruritic. While SCLE is typically photosensitive in many patients, some patients have a preponderance of lesions in sun-protected areas such as the trunk. I agree that Ro/La antibody should be checked for confirmation although a small percentage of otherwise typical SCLE patients have been documented to be negative for Ro and La antibody. C3, C4 and double-stranded DNA antibody would be expected typically to be negative in the majority of SCLE patients. I would question her carefully about the possibility of drug/chemical-induced SCLE. There are now a large number of drug classes and chemicals (pesticides) that have been implicated as triggers for SCLE in immunogenetically predisposed individuals. In addition to prescription drugs (especially thiazides, calcium channel ...
Herbal Remedies For Lichen Planus by lichenplanus. What is Lichen Planus? Lichen Planus is a disease of rashes on the skin or in some cases inside the mouth. It is a kind of syndrome in which skin eruption stake place in the form of polygonal shapes accompanied by fine scales and rough textures. It is normally found on the mucous membranes or genetalia. It causes strong inflammation in the mouth or on the areas affected by Lichen Planus. This is a...
Lichen Planus is a disease characterized by development of itchy rashes on the skin or mucous membranes. Itching in Lichen Planus is generally so severe that it could badly spoil the patients sleep and could drive away his/her attention from the work. Mostly these rashes are found over arms or legs but in some cases they even affect mouth, hair, genitals and nails. On skin, these rashes appear like flat-topped polygonal bumps which are extremely itchy. On mucous membranes like the vagina or mouth, they appear like white sores or lacy patches which could be painful. Lichen Planus is not a contagious infection. This disease is mostly found in adults and is very rare among the children. It may take around two years for the patient to get completely rid of this disease.. SYMPTOMS. The symptoms of Lichen Planus include development of white rashes and flat-topped bumps of red, purple or pinkish shade on the skin which could be very itchy. Itchiness depends upon the severity of the disease. These ...
I know your pain. I ve had this for 2 years, along with Hep C and got to the eating liquids stage too and lost 30 pounds. Had been to 17 docs till I found one that knew what it was. He put me on- Kenalog (the dental paste) Generic Name: triamcinolone topical (trye am SIH no lone) Brand Names: Cinolar, Kenalog, Triderm Found another doctor who put me on dexamethasone solution. Works better than the above as this is a gargle instead of an oral dental paste. Check out Cecelia at the HerbCorner in Florida. She makes up a Hep C herb pack and will ship to you for 20 bucks. Recommend ...
ABSTRACT. Introduction. Lichen planus (LP) is a chronic poly-etiologic dermatosis by the mechanism of its development, manifested by papular rash on the skin and mucous membranes, severe itching.. The objective of the study was to determine and analyze the levels of endogenous intoxication markers in blood plasma of the patients with lichen planus depending on severity and duration of the disease.. Materials and methods. 48 patients, 20 men and 28 women, participated in the study. 31 patients had suffered from dermatosis for about 2 years, and 17 patients for over 2 years. Mild LP was diagnosed in 17 patients and moderate LP in 31 patients. The blood levels of homocysteine (HC), carbonyl groups of oxidative modified proteins (CG-OMP) and medium molecular weight peptides (MMWP) were determined in all the patients.. Results. Significantly increased blood plasma levels of HC, MMWP and CG were found in patients with lichen planus as compared to the control group. The patients with severe and ...
Spongiosis is mainly intercellular[1] edema (abnormal accumulation of fluid) in the epidermis,[2] and is characteristic of eczematous dermatitis, manifested clinically by intraepidermal vesicles (fluid-containing spaces), juicy papules, and/or lichenification.[3] It is a severe case of eczema that affects the epidermis, dermis and/or subcutaneous skin tissues.[4][5] The three types of spongiotic are acute, subacute and chronic.[5] A Dermatologist can diagnose acute spongiotic by examining your skin during an office visit but a biopsy is needed for an accurate diagnosis of the type.[6] It can be caused by several internal or external factors such as food, an insect bite, stress, medication or cosmetics. The treatment varies depending on the type and severity; it is normally treated with topical corticosteroid cream.[6] ...
Lichen planus is an itchy rash which appears inside the mouth or on different parts of the skin. The exact reason for its occurrence still remains unknown. This chronic disease not only appears on the skin but also can affect the nails, scalp and genitals. Lichen planus commonly occurs among middle age people and is found to be less common in children. It is not contagious and can be treated on consultation with a dermatologist. It is better to cover up the rashes with a bandage or use a coolant to avoid it from getting worse. Medications vary from pills, ointment to light treatment depending on the intensity of Lichen planus. ...
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They are white lesions inside the cheeks, but also affect the lips, gums and tongue. It can affect other parts of body like skin and genital area. The word lichen refers to the lichen plant which grows on rocks or trees, while the word planus in Latin means flat.
2 Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh DOI : 10.4194/1303-2712-v13_3_11 Viewed : 1286 - Downloaded : 1394 This study was carried out to determine the lipids isolated from Channa striatus and Channa marulius and to analyze the nutrient contents of both fish. The specific gravity, refractive index and viscosity co-efficients were (0.93 ± 0.03 and 0.91± 0.03 at 30C), (1.76 ± 0.21 and 1.34 ± 0.22 at 30C) and (438.43 ± 2.5 and 411.34 ± 1.2) for C. striatus and C. marulius, respectively. Besides, the lipids of both fish showed significant results in case of chemical characterization. On the contrary, C. striatus and C. marulius contained expected amount of carbohydrate, protein, lipid and cholesterol. The percentages of moisture, dry matter and ash were found in fair amounts. Furthermore, the minerals of C. striatus such as calcium and magnesium contents were higher but iron and zinc contents were lower than C. marulius. But, the ...
Structured plaque-control programmes could improve quality of life for patients with gingival oral lichen planus (OLP), according to research published in JCP Digest 04 (2015:42), which is now available for viewing and download in PDF format from the EFP website. This latest edition of the...
Lichen Planus is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation and skin lesions. We have found that a diet can help control the symptoms of Lichen Planus. Click to read more.
Lichen planus, abbreviated as LP, is the development of a pruritic rash on the skin and inside the mouth. It is thought to be an autoimmune disorder which has primarily no cure.… Lichen Planus (Rare LP): Read more about Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Complications, Causes and Prognosis.
Lichen planus is a common disease that causes inflammation (swelling and irritation) on your skin or inside your mouth. On your skin, lichen planus causes a rash that is usually itchy. Inside your mouth, it may cause burning or soreness.
Lichen planus is a common disease that causes inflammation (swelling and irritation) on your skin or inside your mouth. On your skin, lichen planus causes a rash that is usually itchy. Inside your mouth, it may cause burning or soreness.
Lichen Planus is an obstinate skin disorder has baffled not only the patients but also the practitioners equally. The cases of Lichen Planus have been observed…
How to Cure Lichen Planus. Lichen planus is a somewhat uncommon autoimmune disease that causes red, flat, and itchy bumps on the skin, nails, or irritated areas in the mouth. It can also cause hair loss. It is not a contagious disease but...
INTRODUCTION Lichen planus pigmentosus-inversus (LPP-inversus) is an extremely rare variant of lichen planus (LP), and only a few cases have been reported.
21 yrs old Male asked about Lichen Planus, 2 doctors answered this and 593 people found it useful. Get your query answered 24*7 only on | Practo Consult
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and keratoacanthoma (KA) are skin neoplasms of epithelial origin. In contrast to clearly malignant skin neoplasm SCC, KA is an unusual cutaneous neoplasm with a tendency to regression. The distinction...
TY - JOUR. T1 - Solitary keratoacanthoma following cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen [1]. AU - Betti, R.. AU - Accaria, F.. AU - Inselvini, E.. AU - Crosti, C.. PY - 1996. Y1 - 1996. UR - UR - M3 - Article. AN - SCOPUS:0029861226. VL - 7. SP - 199. EP - 200. JO - Journal of Dermatological Treatment. JF - Journal of Dermatological Treatment. SN - 0954-6634. IS - 3. ER - ...
Mrs A.T. (Reference - L-6212) was brought to Life Force by her husband who was a practicing allopath for the treatment of her lichen planus. She was 50 yrs old fair, obese lady, suffering from lichen
WKP Definition: Lichen planus is a papulosquamous disease. In its classical presentation, it is characterized by pruritic violaceous papules (...)
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