The proliferative responsiveness of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)-mobilized blood was studied in uni-directional mixed leukocyte cultures. Unfractionated mononuclear cells from mobilized blood obtained by leukapheresis at day 4 after initiation of G-CSF (G-PBMC) were hyporesponsive (31.5% +/- 9.2% response, P = .003) compared to mononuclear cells obtained from the peripheral blood before administration of G-CSF (preG-PBMC). There was great variability among donors when purified preG- and G-CD4 cells were compared. In eight of 10 donors, G-CD4 cells were equally responsive or moderately hyporesponsive; in two of 10 donors, G-CD4 cells were more strikingly hyporesponsive. CD14 cells derived from leukapheresis products (G-CD14 cells) suppressed alloantigen-induced proliferation by 48.6% +/- 7.5% when added to preG-PBMC or preG-CD4 cells at responder-CD14 ratios of 2:1 (P , .001). Suppression was evident (14.4% +/- 5.0%) even at responder-CD14 ratios of 8:1 and was largely ...
Alloimmunity (sometimes called isoimmunity) is an immune response to nonself antigens from members of the same species, which are called alloantigens or isoantigens. Two major types of alloantigens are blood group antigens and histocompatibility antigens. In alloimmunity, the body creates antibodies against the alloantigens, attacking transfused blood, allotransplanted tissue, and even the fetus in some cases. Alloimmune (isoimmune) response results in graft rejection, which is manifested as deterioration or complete loss of graft function. In contrast, autoimmunity is an immune response to the selfs own antigens. (The allo- prefix means other, whereas the auto- prefix means self.) Alloimmunization (isoimmunization) is the process of becoming alloimmune, that is, developing the relevant antibodies for the first time. Alloimmunity is caused by the difference between products of highly polymorphic genes, primarily genes of the major histocompatibility complex, of the donor and graft ...
The interaction of T helper (Th) cells with syngeneic and allogeneic cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors (CTL.P) has been investigated. Unprimed and mixed lymphocyte culture-primed peripheral T cells were used as a source of Th. Thymocytes, which depend upon exogenous Th cells for activation, were used as a source of cytotoxic precursors. Data is presented that demonstrates that at least two pathways of T-T interaction can lead to the activation of cytotoxic lymphocytes. The first is an allogeneic effect, in which Th cells recognize and respond to alloantigens expressed on CTL.P. The second is the interaction of Th cells with syngeneic CTL.P, in which both cell types are thought to respond to alloantigens on stimulator cells. The latter interaction can be shown to be restricted by H-2-linked determinants when primed Th cells are used and allogeneic effects against thymocytes are minimized. Restricted interactions between unprimed Th cells and thymocyte CTL.P have never been observed. Mechanisms ...
Chronic allograft rejection is in part mediated by host T cells that recognize allogeneic antigens on transplanted tissue. One factor that determines the outcome of a T cell response is clonal size, while another is the effector quality. Studies of alloimmune predictors of transplant graft survival have most commonly focused on only one measure of the alloimmune response. Because differing qualities and frequencies of the allospecific T cell response may provide distinctly different information we analyzed the relationship between frequency of soluble antigen and allo-antigen specific memory IFN-g secreting CD4 and CD8 T cells, their ability to secrete IL-2, and their proliferative capacity, while accounting for cognate and bystander proliferation. The results show proliferative responses primarily reflect on IL-2 production by antigen-specific T cells, and that proliferating cells in such assays entail a considerable fraction of bystander cells. On the other hand, proliferation (and IL-2 production)
Personal Profile. Quan Liu, M.D., Ph.D., is an associate professor in the School of Medicine at SUSTech as well as a junior attending surgeon. Dr. Liu achieved his Medical Degree from Harbin Medical University (HMU) in 2002. He received his surgical training at the Second Affiliated Hospital of HMU from late 2002 through 2008 and specialized in cardiothoracic surgery. Dr. Liu moved forward for his Ph.D. degree and spent over 8 years (from 2009 to 2017) at the University of Pittsburgh. He studied transplantation immunobiology, inflammation regulation, and immunobiology of IL-33 and regulatory T cells (Treg) in the Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute at the University of Pittsburgh with Drs. Heth Turnquist and Adrian Morelli.. Research. 1. Alloantigen presentation. 2. Immunobiology of IL-33, Treg and ILC2 in settings of transplantation, inflammation regulation and tumor. 3. Immunotherapy. Teaching. Undergraduate: Biochemistry, Physiology and Pathophysiology. Graduate: Immunology. Academic ...
Billington, W D.; Jenkinson, E J.; Searle, R F.; and Sellens, M H., Alloantigen expression during early embryogenesis and placental ontogeny in the mouse. Immunoperoxidase and mixed hemadsorption studies. (1977). Subject Strain Bibliography 1977. 3444 ...
Fingerprint Dive into the research topics of Maternal reactivity to fetal alloantigens is related to newborn immune responses and subsequent allergic disease. Together they form a unique fingerprint. ...
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The molecular basis of the HNA-3a/b (5b/a) leukocyte antigen system has not yet been defined despite evidence that HNA-3a… Expand ...
A soluble allogeneic effect factor (AEF) was produced by using H-2 congenic mouse strains and a cell culture medium. An AEF derived from untreated activated responder cells and irradiated stimulator cells provided helper cell function in a primary and secondary antibody response for both T-cell-depleted responder B cells and stimulator B cells. This interaction may be determined by genes situated in the I-A and I-B regions: additional K-region control was not excluded. Ia antigens, but neither H-2 nor Ig determinants are molecular constituents of AEF. The active components of this AEF consist, in part, of Ia antigens derived from both the activated responder cell population and irradiated stimulator cell population. An AEF derived from Ia negative responder cells and irradiated T-cell- depleted stimulator cells helps a secondary antibody response of T-cell- depleted stimulator B cells but not responder B cells. This genetically restricted AEF contains Ia antigens determined by the ...
The purpose of this investigation was to determine the quantitative relationship between corneal alloantigens and host immunity. In addition, the effect of the site of introduction of the corneal antigens on the host response was determined. Two alloantigenic strains of rats were reciprocally grafted at three different locations in the body with carefully quantitated amounts of corneal tissue: (1) orthotopically in the cornea of the eye; (2) subcutaneously; and (3) intraperitoneally. Corneal tissue placed orthotopically into vascularized graft beds did not elicit a systemic immune response. Subcutaneous grafts elicited a weak systemic alloantigenic response, whereas corneal tissue placed in the peritoneal cavity consistently induced a vigorous cellular and humoral alloantigenic response. Eight or more full thickness corneal allografts grafted subcutaneously were required to elicit a systemic response. On the other hand, as few as four corneal allografts placed intraperitoneally invariably ...
某天早上也有患者問到4「可是我很愛吃補3我能吃什麼?「這句話就在我心中種下一枚種子3回來跟太太討論能不能設計一個相對不會這麼燥熱的食補3可以提供給 Sjögrens syndrome 修格蘭氏症/乾燥症 Systemic lupus erythematosus 紅斑性狼瘡 Rheumatoid Arthritis 類風濕性關節炎或 Systemic Sclerosis 硬皮症......等自體免疫性疾病患者嚐看看3所以設計了這道「涼補醬燒雞「藥膳料理3偏屬適合「陰虛津虧「患者食用3藥材使用了菊花 紅棗 枸杞子 百合 黃耆 當歸 麥門冬 生地黃 炙甘草等藥物3全方可以安神 滋陰 補氣 生津 平肝 明目》但「藥食同源「 「是藥三分毒「3還是要諮詢一下專業醫師3才能知道適不適合食用3更不致於因「食錯補「產生副作用》 ...
McKenzie, I F.; Snell, G D.; and Cherry, M, Ly-4:2-alloantigenic specificity of murine B lymphocytes. (1975). Faculty Research 1970 - 1979. 620 ...
Abstract. The term allorecognition refers to the series of mechanisms used by an individuals immune system to distinguish its own cells and tissues from those of another individual belonging to the same species. During evolution, different cells and molecules of both innate and adaptive immune systems have been selected to recognize and respond to antigens expressed by allogeneic cells, but not autologous cells (alloantigens). This research topic focuses on allorecognition by lymphocytes of the adaptive immune system and its involvement in rejection or tolerance of allogeneic transplants. T and B cells recognizing alloantigens via specific receptors become activated and undergo proliferation and differentiation into different types of effector and memory cells. Allorecognition by lymphocytes occurs regularly during pregnancy upon trafficking of both maternal and fetal cells. In this setting, allorecognition triggers an alloresponse that is protective towards the fetus thus preventing abortion. ...
AbstractAlloreactive T lymphocytes are the primary mediators of allograft rejection. The size and diversity of the HLA-alloreactive T cell repertoire has thus far precluded the ability to follow these T cells and thereby to understand their fate in human transplant recipients. This review summarizes
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Allogeneic bone marrow (BM) engraftment for chimerism and transplantation tolerance may be promoted by combinations of costimulation blocking biologics and small molecular weight inhibitors. We showed previously in a mouse model that anti-CD40Ligand (anti-CD40L, CD154) combined with anti-LFA-1 or everolimus (40-O-(2-hydroxyethyl)-rapamycin) resulted in stable chimerism in almost all BM recipients, whereas anti-LFA-1 plus everolimus conferred approximately 50% chimerism stability. Here, we investigated whether this lower incidence could be increased with deoxyspergualin (DSG) in place of or in addition to everolimus. However, DSG and everolimus were similarly synergistic with costimulation blockade for stable hematopoietic chimerism. This correlated with allospecific T cell depletion and inhibition of acute but not chronic skin allograft rejection. Different treatments were also compared for their inhibition of alloreactive T cell proliferation in vivo. While anti-CD40L did not impair T cell ...
Allograft rejection is the consequence of the recipients alloimmune response to nonself antigens expressed by donor tissues. After transplantation of organ allografts, there are two pathways of antigen presentation. In the direct pathway, recipient T cells react to intact allogeneic MHC molecules expressed on the surface of donor cells. This pathway would activate host CD4 or CD8 T cells. In contrast, donor MHC molecules (and all other proteins) shed from the graft can be taken up by host APCs and presented to recipient T cells in the context of self-MHC molecules - the indirect pathway. Such presentation activates predominantly CD4 T cells. A direct cytotoxic T-cell attack on graft cells can be made only by T cells that recognize the graft MHC molecules directly. Nontheless, T cells with indirect allospecificity can contribute to graft rejection by activating macrophages, which cause tissue injury and fibrosis, and are also likely to be important in the development of an alloantibody response ...
Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) remains the major cause of morbidity and mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). It involves complex interactions of immune cells, induction of host-reactive donor effector T cells, and donor T cell-mediated injury to normal tissues. Epigenetic changes have been implicated in T cell-mediated GVHD.. Ezh2 is a histone methyltransferase specifically catalyzing the trimethylation of histone 3 at lysine 27. Genetic ablation of Ezh2 in T cells has been shown to reduce alloreactive T cell responses and the subsequent development of GVHD.. Researchers from Dr. ZHANG Yanyuns lab at Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences of Chinese Academy of Sciences revealed for the first time that Ezh2 promotes the alloreactive T cell-mediated GVHD in a H3K27me3-independent mechanism.. Inhibiting Hsp90 by its specific inhibitor AUY922 destabilized Ezh2 protein and reduced alloreactive T cell-mediated GVHD, but preserved T cell ability ...
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) suppress alloantigen-induced T-cell functions in vitro and infusion of third-party MSCs seems to be a promising therapy for graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).
NB1, a new neutrophil-specific antigen involved in the pathogenesis of neonatal neutropenia: A new human antigen is reported which is present only on blood neut
TY - JOUR. T1 - Association of the B-Cell Alloantigen DRw4 with Rheumatoid Arthritis. AU - Stastny, P.. PY - 1978/4/20. Y1 - 1978/4/20. N2 - Previous testing of patients with rheumatoid arthritis showed that one HLA-D type, Dw4, occurred more frequently than in normal controls. B-cell alloantigens closely related to HLA-D can now be identified by a simple serologic procedure. Using this test, I studied 80 white patients with erosive, rheumatoid-factor-positive rheumatoid arthritis. The B-cell alloantigen HLA-DRw4 occurred in 70 per cent of 54 patients, as compared to 28 per cent of the 68 normal controls (P,10-5). Both groups were also tested for the HLA-A, B and C antigens and for HLA-D. HLA-Dw4 occurred in 54 per cent of the patients and 16 per cent of the controls (P,10-5). Small differences observed in several of the HLA-A and B antigens were not statistically significant. The results indicate that rheumatoid arthritis in whites is associated with genes of the HLA-D region and that ...
Alloreactive T cells are core mediators of graft rejection and are a potent barrier to transplantation tolerance. It was previously unclear how T cells educated in the recipient thymus could recognize
Thank you for your interest in spreading the word about Biochemical Society Transactions.. NOTE: We only request your email address so that the person you are recommending the page to knows that you wanted them to see it, and that it is not junk mail. We do not capture any email address.. ...
The Granulocyte Antigen Working Party of the ISBT has formulated rules for well-defined human neutrophil antigens (HNAs), as presented in the following tabulation, although at this writing they have not met with universal acceptance., See also , Immunology, Immunoglobulins, for Fc receptor terminology and , Immunology, Lymphocytes, for CD terminology. |
The Granulocyte Antigen Working Party of the ISBT has formulated rules for well-defined human neutrophil antigens (HNAs), as presented in the following tabulation, although at this writing they have not met with universal acceptance., See also , Immunology, Immunoglobulins, for Fc receptor terminology and , Immunology, Lymphocytes, for CD terminology. |
The 5th edition of Standards for Molecular Testing for Red Cell, Platelet and Neutrophil Antigens is available until September 30, 2020 for a two week trial. The 3rd edition of Standards for a Patient Blood Management Program and 9th edition of Standards for Perioperative Autologous Blood Collection and Administration are available until December 31, 2020 for a two week free trial. Two week free trials are available from the date a set of Standards is available in the Standards Portal until their respective effective date ...
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It may be time to reconsider an AIDS vaccine which is more human than viral, triggering the immune system in a way that no other vaccine does.. 12 Comments. ...
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H-2Kk, 0.5 mg. The 36-7-5 antibody reacts with the H-2Kk MHC class I alloantigen expressed on nucleated cells from mice of the H-2Kk haplotype.
talk , contribs)‎ . . (269 bytes) (+269)‎ . . (Created page with = Third party vendor tools = This page contains the list of third party tools that are related to Ironic. {, border=1 cellpadding=2 , Name of the tool , Vendor...) ...
Distributed solar capacity in the United States, which includes all solar power capacity other than utility-scale installations 1 MW or la
Chime Master acknowledges third-parties whose software has been used in permissible forms with Chime Master products. Chime Master provides links to this third-party code AS IS without warranty of any kind and without any support. Use of the third-party code identified below is at your sole risk. All development, system administration and update deployments are performed in-house by Chime Master experts. ...
TY - JOUR. T1 - Alloreactive T cells from individual soft agar colonies specific for guinea pig Ia antigens. I. Production and initial characterization. AU - Malek, T. R.. AU - Clark, R. B.. AU - Shevach, E. M.. PY - 1981/1/1. Y1 - 1981/1/1. N2 - Allo-reactive T cells reactive with Ia antigens from strain 2 and 13 guinea pigs were cloned by plating T cells from primary mixed leukocyte cultures in soft agar and expanding the resulting colonies in liquid culture. Optimal expansion of the cultures from an individual colony was achieved by repeated stimulation with allogeneic cells in conditioned media. Mapping studies using stimulator cells from inbred and outbred guinea pigs and blocking studies with alloantisera and xenogeneic monoclonal antibodies to guinea pig Ia antigens indicated that these T cell colonies were specifically stimulated to proliferate by Ia molecules. In addition, these xenogeneic monoclonal anti-Ia antibodies had selective and differential inhibitory effects on the ...
Allograft rejection is the consequence of the recipients alloimmune response to nonself antigens expressed by donor tissues. After transplantation of organ allografts, there are two pathways of antigen presentation. In the direct pathway, recipient T cells react to intact allogeneic MHC molecules expressed on the surface of donor cells. This pathway would activate host CD4 or CD8 T cells. In contrast, donor MHC molecules (and all other proteins) shed from the graft can be taken up by host APCs and presented to recipient T cells in the context of self-MHC molecules - the indirect pathway. Such presentation activates predominantly CD4 T cells. A direct cytotoxic T-cell attack on graft cells can be made only by T cells that recognize the graft MHC molecules directly. Nontheless, T cells with indirect allospecificity can contribute to graft rejection by activating macrophages, which cause tissue injury and fibrosis, and are also likely to be important in the development of an alloantibody response ...
Definition of polycythemia rubra vera. Provided by Stedmans medical dictionary and Includes medical terms and definitions.
TY - JOUR. T1 - Analysis of antibody production induced by allogeneic tumor cells inoculated into the anterior chamber of the eye. AU - Niederkorn, J. Y.. AU - Streilein, J. W.. N1 - Copyright: Copyright 2017 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.. PY - 1982/6. Y1 - 1982/6. N2 - Humoral immune responses to alloantigens on P815 mastocytoma cells placed into the anterior chamber of murine eyes were studied. The results show that: (1) the amount of specific serum antibody produced by recipients of intracamerally injected P815 cells is directly proportional to the degree of immunogenetic disparity between the recipient and the injected cells; (2) destruction of allogeneic intraocular tumors is mediated, at least in part, by specific antibodies; and (3) retention of allogeneic tissue within the anterior chamber for 3 to 4 days after inoculation is essential to the elicitation of specific antibody formation. We conclude that alloantigens introduced into the anterior chamber are presented to the systemic ...
Posttransplantation cyclophosphamide (PTCy) recently has had a marked impact on human allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). Yet our understanding of how PTCy prevents graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) largely has been extrapolated from MHC-matched murine skin-allografting models that were highly contextual in their efficacy. Herein, we developed a T cell-replete, MHC-haploidentical, murine HCT model (B6C3F1→B6D2F1) to test the putative underlying mechanisms: alloreactive T cell elimination, alloreactive T cell intrathymic clonal deletion, and suppressor T cell induction. In this model and as confirmed in four others, PTCy did not eliminate alloreactive T cells identified using either specific Vβs or the 2C or 4C T cell receptors. Furthermore, the thymus was not necessary for PTCys efficacy. Rather, PTCy induced alloreactive T cell functional impairment, which was supported by highly active suppressive mechanisms established within one day after PTCy that were sufficient to ...
The ability of various B10 congenic resistant strains to respond to the alloantigen H-2.2 was tested. High and low antibody-producing strains were distinguished by their anti-H-2.2 hemagglutinating respones. However, these strains do not differ in their ability to respond to these antigenic differences in the mixed lymphocyte culture. The humoral response to the H-2.2 alloantigen was shown to be controlled by two interacting genes localized within the H-2 complex. Thus, F1 hybrids prepared between parental low responder strains could yield high level immune responses. In addition, strains bearing recombinant H-2 haplotypes were used to map the two distinct genes controlling the immune response. The alleles at each locus were shown to be highly polymorphic as evidenced by the asymmetric complementation patterns observed. The restricted interactions of specific alleles was termed coupled complementation. The significance of the results in the terms of mechanisms of Ir gene control are discussed. ...
The identification and characterization of regulatory T (T(Reg)) cells that can control immune responsiveness to alloantigens have opened up exciting opportunities for new therapies in transplantation. After exposure to alloantigens in vivo, alloantigen-specific immunoregulatory activity is enriched in a population of CD4+ T cells that express high levels of CD25. In vivo, common mechanisms seem to underpin the activity of CD4+CD25+ T(Reg) cells in both naive and manipulated hosts. However, the origin, allorecognition properties and molecular basis for the suppressive activity of CD4+CD25+ T(Reg) cells, as well as their relationship to other populations of regulatory cells that exist after transplantation, remain a matter of debate..
Serum cytokine and chemokine levels were examined in mice following 36 h of sleep deprivation, or after exposure to a known physical stressor (rotational stress). Significant changes in inflammatory cytokines/chemokines (IL-1beta, TNFalpha, IL-1ra, IL-6, and MIP-1beta, MCP-1) were observed following each manipulation, but qualitative and quantitative differences were seen. Interestingly, only physical stress was associated with measured increases in serum corticosterone levels, and with independent evidence (using in vitro immune allostimulation) for a generalized immunosuppression secondary to the experimental manipulation. Our data suggest that altered cytokine production following sleep perturbation occurs by a different mechanism from that (HPA axis) commonly attributed to stress per se.
The monoclonal antibody 1D3 was shown to be non-reactive with NK cells or monocytes but to be specific to polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs). It recognizes an epitope specific to the FcγRIIIB molecule and was characterized as the sole antibody belonging to the CD16b cluster of differentiation. This antibody reacts with PMNs, irrespective of the neutrophil antigen (NA) phenotype, although it shows lower reactivity with NA2-homozygote PMNs as compared to NA1-homozygotes or NA1/NA2 heterozygotes ...
This week: Jellagen (Cardiff, Wales) has announced successful closure of £1.9 million in seed funding to pursue the development of advanced collagen products for therapeutic applications and StemBioSys (TX, USA) has announced the introduction of a new chondrocyte culturing kit that improves cell attachment and proliferation in vitro. The news highlights: Generating ultra-pure allogeneic cells for CAR-T therapies: a new, straightforward protocol £1.9 million in seed funding secured for the development of advanced collagen therapeutics New chondrocyte culture method improves cell attachment and proliferation in vitro Generating ultra-pure allogeneic cells for CAR-T therapies: a new, straightforward protocol In a new.... ...
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Full text for this publication is not currently held within this repository. Alternative links are provided below where available. ...
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reference: Structural basis for T cell alloreactivity among three HLA-B14 and HLA-B27 antigens., Kumar P, Vahedi-Faridi A, Saenger W, Merino E, Lopez de Castro JA, Uchanska-Ziegler B, Ziegler A, J Biol Chem. 2009 Jul 18. PMID: 19617632 ...
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