Since the discovery of hydrothermal vents 40-years ago, long-term time-series have focused on mid-ocean ridge systems. Based on these studies, hydrothermal vents are widely considered to be dynamic, ephemeral habitats. Under this premise, national, and international regulatory bodies are currently planning for the commercial mining of polymetallic sulfide deposits from hydrothermal vents. However, here we provide evidence of longevity and habitat stability that does not align with historic generalizations. Over a 10-year time-series focused on the back-arc basin systems off the west coast of the Kingdom of Tonga (South Pacific), we find the hydrothermal vents are remarkably stable habitats. Using high-resolution photo mosaics and spatially explicit in situ measurements to document natural changes of five hydrothermal vent edifices, we discovered striking stability in the vent structures themselves, as well as in the composition and coverage of the vent-associated species, with some evidence of
Normark, W.R., Morton, J.L., and Delaney, J.R., 1982, Geologic setting of massive sulfide deposits and hydrothermal vents along the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-0200-A, 22 p. Koski, Randolph A., Normark, William R., Morton, Janet L., and Delaney, John R., 1982, Metal sulfide deposits on the Juan de Fuca Ridge: Woods Hole, MS, Oceanus, v. 25, no. 3, Deep ocean mining, p. 43-48. Normark, William R., Lupton, John E., Murray, James W., Koski, Randolph A., Clague, David A., Morton, Janet L., Delaney, John R., and Johnson, H. Paul, 1982, Polymetallic sulfide deposits and water-column tracers of active hydrothermal vents on the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge, in Special issue, Polymetallic sulfides: Marine Technology Society Journal, v. 16, no. 3, p. 46-53. Delaney, J.R., Koski, Randolph A., Clague, D.A., Bischoff, J.L., and Normark, William R., 1982, Massive zinc and iron-rich sulfide deposits associated with hot springs, Juan de Fuca Ridge, in American ...
Mineralogical, chemical, and isotopic characteristics of clays from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites 1035, 856, 1036, and 858, drilled in Middle Valley at the northern end of the Juan de Fuca Ridge during Legs 139 and 169, were studied using X-ray powder diffraction, differential thermal analysis, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray fluorescence, and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Oxygen isotope measurements on authigenic clay minerals provide a record of mineral formation temperatures. Holes 1036A and 858B are located in the present-day hydrothermally active Area of Active Venting and reflect several stages of hydrothermal alteration. Smectite and some mixed-layer chlorite-smectite clays are the dominant phyllosilicates in the upper part of holes 1036A and 858B. Nearly pure chlorite-smectite mixed-layer clays and corrensite mainly occur more than 20 meters below the seafloor. Formation temperatures of these nearly pure ...
Deep-sea subsurface habitats support novel and abundant microbial life. Recently, several studies have explored the phylogenetic diversity of microorganisms, mostly bacteria and archaea, in those environments. Viruses are key components of microbial assemblages, hence, the need to investigate them to better understand the deep biospheres ecology. In this study, we performed genomic analysis of 27 targeted flow cytometry-sorted viruses and 3 microbial cells from a one-milliliter hydrothermal fluid sample collected from IODP Hole U1362B CORK observatory at the Juan de Fuca Ridge (JFR) eastern flank. Preliminary results revealed a diverse viral community, as no two sorted viruses were identical to each other. The majority of predicted genes within the partially-sequenced viral genomes had no homology in databases. Phylogenetic analysis of the identified viral genes indicated that the viruses were most similar to large inducible lysogenic myoviruses. Additionally, the discovery of a cell from ...
The permeable rocks of the upper oceanic basement contain seawater-sourced fluids estimated to be ~ 2% of the global ocean volume. This represents a very large potential subsurface biosphere supported by chemosynthesis. Recent collection of high integrity samples of basement fluid from the sedimented young basaltic basement on the Juan de Fuca Ridge flanks, off the coasts of Vancouver Island (Canada) and Washington (USA), and subsequent chemical analyses permit numerical modeling of metabolic redox reaction energetics. Here, values of Gibbs free energy for potential chemolithotrophic net reactions were calculated in basement fluid and in zones where basement fluid and entrained seawater may mix; the energy yields are reported both on a per mole electrons transferred and on a per kg of basement fluid basis. In pure basement fluid, energy yields from the anaerobic respiration processes investigated are anemic, releasing , 0.3 J/kg basement fluid for all reactions except methane oxidation by ferric ...
The hydrothermal vent zoarcid fish Thermarces cerberus is a top predator that inhabits deep-sea hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise (EPR). Bacterial chemoautotrophy at these sites supports abundant animal communities. Paradoxically, these chemoautotrophic bacteria are not known to produce polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), dietary nutrients essential for all marine vertebrates. To understand how T cerberus successfully exploits the vent environment and obtains essential PUFA, we compared its fatty acid composition to those of its invertebrate prey. Levels of 20 : 5(n - 3) and 22 : 6(n - 3) in muscle and ovary tissues of T. cerberus were low and contained higher amounts of 20 : 5(n - 3) than 22 : 6(n - 3). This is in contrast to most marine fish where 22 : 6(n - 3) typically dominates. Prey items include the limpet (Lepetodrilus elevates) and amphipods (Halice hesmonectes and Ventiella sulfuris) and all contained PUFA dominated by 20: 5(n - 3) in amounts likely to support the ...
Juniper Sk, Sarrazin Jozee, Grehan A (1998). Remote sensing of organism density and biomass at hydrothermal vents. Cahiers De Biologie Marine, 39(3-4), 245-247. Open Access version : ...
Recent studies indicate that ammonia is an important electron donor for the oxidation of fixed nitrogen, both in the marine water column and sediments. This process, known as anammox, has so far only been observed in a large range of temperature habitats. The present study investigated the role of anammox in hydrothermal settings. During three oceanographic expeditions to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, hydrothermal samples were collected from five vent sites, at depths ranging from 750 to 3650 m from cold to hot habitats. Evidence for the occurrence of anammox in these particular habitats was demonstrated by concurrent surveys, including the amplification of 16S rRNA gene sequences related to known anammox bacteria, ladderanes lipids analysis and measurement of a (14)N(15)N dinitrogen production in isotope-pairing experiments at 60 and 85 degrees C. Together these results indicate that new deep-branching anammox bacteria may be active in these hot habitats.
To construct in situ velocity-porosity relationships for oceanic basalt, considering crack features, P- and S-wave velocity measurements on basaltic samples obtained from the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridgewere carried out under con. ning pressures up to 40MPa. Assuming that the changes in velocities with con. ning pressures are originated by micro-crack closure, we estimated micro-crack aspect ratio spectra using the Kuster-Toksoz theory. The result demonstrates that the normalised aspect ratio spectra of the different samples have similar characteristics. From the normalised aspect ratio spectrum, we then constructed theoretical velocity-porosity relationships by calculating an aspect ratio spectrum for each porosity. In addition, by considering micro-crack closure due to con. ning pressure, a velocity-porosity relationship as a function of con. ning pressure could be obtained. The theoretical relationships that take into account the aspect ratio spectra are consistent with the ...
An international team of scientists recently announced the discovery of a new species of blind deep-sea crab whose legs are covered with long, pale yellow hairs. This crab was first observed in March 2005 by marine biologists using the research submarine Alvin to explore hydrothermal vents along the Pacific-Antarctic ridge, south of Easter Island. Because of its hairy legs, this animal was nicknamed the Yeti crab, after the fabled Yeti, the abominable snowman of the Himalayas. The Yeti crab was discovered during the Easter Microplate expedition to the southeast Pacific, led by MBARI scientist Bob Vrijenhoek. The primary goal of this expedition was to learn how bottom-dwelling animals from one deep-sea hydrothermal vent are able to colonize other hydrothermal vents hundreds or thousands of miles away. Vrijenhoek and his team were addressing this question by comparing the DNA of animals at hydrothermal vents in different parts of the Pacific Ocean ...
Axial Seamount is the most robust volcanic system on the Juan de Fuca Ridge and it is seismically, magmatically, and hydrothermally active. It is located on the Juan de Fuca spreading center ~300 miles offshore OR-WA and hosts three active hydrothermal fields (ASHES, CASM, and International District). This volcano is one of the best-studied volcanoes along the global mid-ocean ridge.. As part of NSFs Ocean Observatories Initiative, high bandwidth (10 Gb/s) and high power (8 kw) cables are now installed at the summit of Axial Volcano. These cables provide communication and power to a diverse array of 20 sensors. The instruments are actively monitoring inflation and deflation of the volcano during injection of magma and volcanic eruptions, hydrothermal activity, and the rich biological communities at this site. Real-time high definition video will provide unprecedented views of the tubeworms, crabs, and other animals at the vents. Other sensors now installed include an situ mass spectrometer, ...
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Watabe, H. & Hashimoto, J. 2002. A new species of the genus Rimicaris (Alvinocarididae: Caridea: Decapoda) from the active hydrothermal vent field, Kairei Field, on the Central Indian Ridge, the Indian Ocean. Zoological science 19: 1167-1174. PDF ...
We observed the initial release rate of metals from four fresh (i.e., without long time exposure to the atmosphere) hydrothermal sulfide cores into artificial seawater. The sulfide samples were collected by seafloor drilling from the Okinawa Trough by D/V Chikyu, powdered under inert gas, and immediately subjected to onboard metal-leaching experiments at different temperatures (5 °C and 20 °C), and under different redox conditions (oxic and anoxic), for 1-30 h. Zinc and Pb were preferentially released from sulfide samples containing various metals (i.e., Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb) into seawater. Under oxic experimental conditions, Zn and Pb dissolution rates from two sulfide samples composed mainly of iron disulfide minerals (pyrite and marcasite) were higher than those from two other sulfide samples with abundant sphalerite, galena, and/or silicate minerals. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed that the high metal-releasing sample contained several galvanic couples of iron disulfide with other
Reducing conditions with elevated sulphide and methane concentrations in ecosystems such as hydrothermal vents, cold seeps or organic falls, are suitable for chemosynthetic primary production. Understanding processes driving bacterial diversity, colonization and dispersal is of prime importance for deep-sea microbial ecology. This study provides a detailed characterization of bacterial assemblages colonizing plant-derived substrates using a standardised approach over a geographic area spanning the North-East Atlantic and Mediterranean. Wood and alfalfa substrates in colonization devices were deployed for different periods at 8 deep-sea chemosynthesis-based sites in 4 distinct geographic areas. Pyrosequencing of a fragment of the 16S rRNA-encoding gene was used to describe bacterial communities. Colonization occurred within the first 14 days. The diversity was higher in samples deployed for more than 289 days. After 289 days, no relation was observed between community richness and deployment duration,
More than a mile beneath the oceans surface, as dark clouds of mineral-rich water billow from seafloor hot springs called hydrothermal vents, unseen armies of viruses and bacteria wage war.
droplets in seawater, Environ. Sci. Technol., 36, 5441-5446.. Butterfield, D. A., and G. J. Massoth (1994), Geochemistry of north Cleft segment vent fluids: Temporal changes in chlorinity and their possible relation to recent volcanism, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 4951-4968.. Butterfield, D. A., G. J. Massoth, R. E. McDuff, J. E. Lupton, and M. D. Lilley (1990), Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids from Axial Seamount Hydrothermal Emissions Study Vent Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Subseafloor boiling and subsequent fluid-rock interaction, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 12,895-12,921.. Butterfield, D. A., I. R. Jonasson, G. J. Massoth, R. A. Feely, K. K. Roe, R. E. Embley, J. F. Holden, R. E. McDuff, M. D. Lilley, and J. R. Delaney (1997), Seafloor eruptions and evolution of hydrothermal fluid chemistry, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 355, 369-386.. Butterfield, D. A., K. K. Roe, M. D. Lilley, J. Huber, J. A. Baross, R. W. Embley, and G. J. Massoth (2004), Mixing, reaction and microbial activity in ...
Dr. Wrights research interests include geographic information science; ocean informatics and cyberinfrastructure; benthic terrain and habitat characterization; and the processing and interpretation of high-resolution bathymetry, video, and underwater photographic images. She has authored or co-authored more than 130 articles and five books on marine geographic information systems, hydrothermal activity and tectonics of mid-ocean ridges, and marine data modeling and cyberinfrastructure. Dr. Wright has participated in over 20 oceanographic research expeditions worldwide, including 10 legs of the Ocean Drilling Program, three dives in the deep submergence vehicle Alvin and twice in the Pisces V. Her fieldwork has taken her to some of the most geologically active regions of the planet, including the East Pacific Rise, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the Juan de Fuca Ridge, the Tonga Trench, and volcanoes under the Japan Sea and the Indian Ocean ...
SummaryMany parasitic bacteria live in the cytoplasm of multicellular animals, but only a few are known to regularly invade their nuclei. In this study, we describe the novel bacterial parasite Candidatus Endonucleobacter bathymodioli that invades the nuclei of deep-sea bathymodiolin mussels from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. Bathymodiolin mussels are well known for their symbiotic associations with sulfur- and methane-oxidizing bacteria. In contrast, the parasitic bacteria of vent and seep animals have received little attention despite their potential importance for deep-sea ecosystems. We first discovered the intranuclear parasite Ca. E. bathymodioli in Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis from the Logatchev hydrothermal vent field on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Using primers and probes specific to Ca. E. bathymodioli we found this intranuclear parasite in at least six other bathymodiolin species from vents and seeps around the world. Fluorescence in situ hybridization and transmission electron ...
Terrigenous material, faunal assemblages,and an abrasion of skeletal material in limestone units of the Coffeyville and Hogshooter formations (Missourian [Pennsylvanian]) in northeastern Oklahoma, support the genetic interpretations suggested by Folk Sparry calcite cement and micrite-bearing units are closely associated in this sequence. In the sparry calcite-cemented units, large percentages of coarse terrigenous material, severely abraded skeletal material, and a crinoidal-algal-molluscan faunal assemblage suggest that these units were deposited in high-energy environments. The micrite-bearing units contain less and finer terrigenous material. A predominance of unabraded skeletal material and a brachiopod-bryozoan-foraminiferal faunal assemblage indicate these units were deposited in lower energy environments. By applying Folks genetic interpretations to several units in the Coffeyville-Hogshooter sequence, different origins for these units are formulated than have been previously proposed. ...
Tardani, D., Reich, M., Roulleau, E., Takahata, N., Sano, Y., Perez-Flores, P., Sanchez-Alfaro, P., Cembrano, J., and Arancibia, G., 2016: Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 184, p. 193-211.. Abstract:. There is a general agreement that fault-fracture meshes exert a primary control on fluid flow in both volcanic/magmatic and geothermal/hydrothermal systems. For example, in geothermal systems and epithermal gold deposits, optimally oriented faults and fractures play a key role in promoting fluid flow through high vertical permeability pathways. In the Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ) of the Chilean Andes, both volcanism and hydrothermal activity are strongly controlled by the Liquine-Ofqui Fault System (LOFS), an intra-arc, strike-slip fault, and by the Arc-oblique Long-lived Basement Fault System (ALFS), a set of transpressive NW-striking faults. However, the role that principal and subsidiary fault systems exert on magma degassing, hydrothermal fluid flow and fluid compositions remains poorly ...
The scaly-foot snail, found in hydrothermal vents in the Indian Ocean, and researched by two Southampton-linked professionals has now been added to the IUCN Red List of endangered species.The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) maintains a Red list of endangered species. They use the following categories; Least Concern, Near Threatened, Vulnerable, Endangered, Critically Endangered, Extinct in the Wild and Extinct. Chrysomallon squamiferum, otherwise called the scaly-foot snail falls into the endangered category. Over 105,700 species have been assessed for the Red List, and 27% of all assessed species are threatened with extinction.. There are 9754 other species in the Endangered list, and 18 others in the Deep Marine category, but none found in hydrothermal vents. Hydrothermal vents are splits on the seafloor which generate hot water. They are usually caused by the movement of tectonic plates. The Scaly-foot Snail is found between 1.7 and 2.8km underwater, in the Indian ...
Once I left South Georgia, I had a couple more months working for British Antarctic Survey back in Cambridge. I was wondering how on earth I would ever get back to the Antarctic. I stumbled across my next opportunity in the photocopy room. On the wall was an advert for a PhD at Newcastle University working on Antarctic hydrothermal vents. I applied. I got the PhD position. I moved to Newcastle.. The PhD was part of 5 year NERC programme trying to find and understand hydrothermal vents in the Antarctic. Hydrothermal vents are sites on the seafloor that release very hot fluids, rich in minerals into the water at the bottom of the ocean and are surrounded by high densities of life.. In 2010, I went back to the Antarctic as part of the first scientific expedition to sample these truly amazing habitats. We sailed on the UK science vessel, the James Cook with scientists from different universities around the UK. When we arrived at our first location, we used a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to dive ...
NARRATOR:. Theres another world beneath the oceans surface. Come join, us as we explore The Depths Below. The earth cracks open. Fluid and minerals spew up from the seafloor. Water shimmers. Life abounds. Were looking at hydrothermal vents, originally discovered near the Galapagos Rift in 1977. Basically, a hydrothermal vent is a hot spring produced by underwater volcanoes or tectonic activity.. But whats really cool about them is the abundance and assortment of life that exists there. Its not life like were used to up here on the surface - its adapted to the dark conditions of the deep ocean. Organisms that live around hydrothermal vents dont rely on sunlight and photosynthesis. Instead, bacteria and archaea use a process called chemosynthesis to convert minerals and other chemicals in the water into energy. This bacterium is the base of the vent community food web, and supports hundreds of species of animals.. What kinds of animals? Well, scientists on the NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer ...
General Information: Isolation: Mariner hydrothermal vent field in the South Pacific Ocean; Temp: Thermophile; Temp: 70C; Habitat: Deep sea, Hydrothermal vent, Marine. Acidophilic thermophile. Aciduliprofundum boonei is an obligate thermoacidophile growing at pH between 3.3 - 5.8 with an optimum temperature of 70 degrees C. This organism is a chemoorganotroph, using iron and sulfur as electron donors. ...
28 - 30 September, 2000. The discovery of chemosynthetic-based ecosystems at hydrothermal vents in the deep ocean was one of the most important findings in biological science in the latter half of the 20th century. More than 100 vent fields have been documented along the 50,000 km global mid-ocean ridge system. At this time, over 500 new animal species, over 80% of which are endemic to the vents, have been described from this environment1. Unusual, highly-evolved symbioses between invertebrates and chemolithautotrophic bacteria are common at vents, producing concentrations of biomass that rival the most productive ecosystems on Earth. The predominance of chemoautrophic and hyperthermophilic microbes in hydrothermal vent waters has stimulated new theories of the origin of life on Earth. It has also prompted astrobiologists to seriously consider geothermal energy as a viable power source for biosynthesis and maintenance of carbon-based life forms on other worlds.. ...
Bathymodiolin mussels are amongst the dominant fauna occupying hydrothermal vent ecosystems throughout the Worlds oceans. This subfamily inhabits a highly ephemeral and variable environment, where exceptionally high concentrations of reduced sulphur species and heavy metals necessitate adaptation of specialised detoxification mechanisms. Whilst cellular responses to common anthropogenic pollutants are well-studied in shallow-water species, they remain limited in deep-sea vent fauna. Bathymodiolus sp. were sampled from two newly-discovered vent sites on the Southwest Indian Ridge (Tiamat and Knuckers Gaff) by the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Kiel 6000 during the RRS James Cook cruise, JC 067 in November 2011. Here, we use redox proteomics to investigate the effects of tissue metal accumulation on protein expression and thiol oxidation in gill. Following 2D PAGE, we demonstrate a significant difference in intensity in 30 protein spots in this organ between the two vent sites out of 205 matched ...
Latitude: 12.9187οN Longitude: 143.6487οE Depth: 2774 m bsl. The Pika site is located on the top of an off-axial seamount (Ishibashi et al., 2006), and was identified as localities created by long-term hydrothermal activity (Yoshikawa et al., 2012). The seamount is composed of pillow lavas with minor sediment covers while there are several discrete vents with active and inactive sulfide chimneys (Kakegawa et al., 2008). The highest observed temperature of the black smoker was 330 °C (Yoshikawa et al., 2012) while the fluids are rich with Cl, Fe (Ishibashi et al., 2006) and H2S (Kato et al., 2010) and has a low pH (Ishibashi et al., 2006). The biodiversity around the Pika site include several bacterial species as well as barnacles, shrimp and snails (Kato et al., 2010; Kato et al., 2012; Kumagai et al., 2015).. Table 1: Operations history for Pika vent. ...
Biogeochemical Interactions at Deep-Sea Vents Working Group Update 2008 N. Le Bris, Working Group Chair Members The WG for Biogeochemical Interactions at Deep-Sea Vents had one new change in membership for 2008. Huaiyang Zhou has joined the IR WG for Deep-Earth Sampling, and we invited Xiqiu Han (Second Institute of Oceanography, China) to join our WG in replacement. Xiqius expertise in oxygen and carbon isotopic signatures of chemosynthetic processes fits perfectly with the WG objectives, and she will bring a complementary view from China.. ...
NSFs mission is to advance the progress of science, a mission accomplished by funding proposals for research and education made by scientists, engineers, and educators from across the country.
Plant scientists have observed that when levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rise, most plants do something unusual. a doctoral student in biology. Scientists dont know why plants thicken.. The basic answer would be that they use photosynthesis to extract nutrients from the suns rays which they need to surviveâ ¦ I dont really know much about itâ ¦ look up photosynthesis on.. LAB 7 - Photosynthesis Introduction In order to survive, organisms require a source of energy and molecular building blocks to construct all of their biological molecules. The ultimate source of energy for almost all of life on Earth is the light that comes from the sun (see the box on the next page for an. And it wasnt just any kind of mud: It was samples from a hydrothermal vent field thousands of feet below the Atlantic.. Photosynthesis Quiz You got: % Correct. Getting Better Understanding Photosynthesis Yagi Studio / Getty Images Good work! You didnt get a perfect score on the quiz, but now you should ...
A moderately thermophilic, anaerobic bacterium (strain SG 508T) was isolated from a hydrothermal vent chimney located at 1 ° N on the East Pacific Rise at a depth of 2650 m. Cells of strain SG 508T were straight to slightly curved rods, 0.4-0.6 μm in diameter and 2.0-3.0 μm in length. Spore formation was observed only below pH 5.5. The temperature range for growth was 22-60 °C, with optimum growth at 50 °C. The pH range for growth was 4.0-8.5, with optimum growth at pH 6.0-6.8. Growth of strain SG 508T was observed at NaCl concentrations ranging from 1.0 to 6.0 % (w/v), with optimum growth at 2.5 % (w/v). Substrates utilized by strain SG 508T included casein, peptone, tryptone, yeast extract, beef extract, starch, maltose and glucose. The products of glucose fermentation were ethanol, acetate, H2, formate and CO2. Strain SG 508T was able to reduce elemental sulfur to hydrogen sulfide. The DNA G+C content of strain SG 508T was 30.9 mol%. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that the isolated
And from 1989: A theory that life on earth began at hydrothermal (hot water) vents in the ocean floor has been proved false by recent experiments. This is probably the most unlikely area for the origin of life to occur, said chemist Jeffrey L. Bada of the University of California. The theory had been advanced after the discovery of thriving bacteria and other organisms, such as giant clams and worms, around the hydrothermal vents. Simulating the temperatures and pressures of the vents, Bada and his colleague, Stanley L. Miller, found that amino acids, the building blocks of life, decomposed rapidly under such conditions. The combination of amino acids into larger peptide molecules, known as polymerization, was found to be impossible in the presence of water at any temperature, notes The New York Times. And more complex molecules carrying the genetic code, a requirement for living organisms, did not last long in the extreme heat. According to the Times, the researchers concluded that the ...
Biodiversity of hydrothermal vents in the Indian Ocean, significantly these on the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR), are nonetheless comparatively poorly understood. The Tiancheng field on the SWIR was initially reported with solely a low-temperature diffuse circulate venting space, however right here we report two new lively areas, together with a chimney emitting high-temperature vent fluids. …. Nearest vent, dearest friend: biodiversity of Tiancheng vent field reveals cross-ridge similarities in the Indian Ocean. Read More ». ...
Biodiversity of hydrothermal vents in the Indian Ocean, significantly these on the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR), are nonetheless comparatively poorly understood. The Tiancheng field on the SWIR was initially reported with solely a low-temperature diffuse circulate venting space, however right here we report two new lively areas, together with a chimney emitting high-temperature vent fluids. …. Nearest vent, dearest friend: biodiversity of Tiancheng vent field reveals cross-ridge similarities in the Indian Ocean. Read More ». ...
We present a revised interpretation of magnetic anomalies and fracture zones on the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR; Africa-Antarctica) and the Southeast Indian Ridge (SEIR; Capricorn-Antarctica) and use them to calculate 2-plate finite rotations for anomalies 34 to 20 (84 to 43 Ma). Central Indian Ridge (CIR; Capricorn-Africa) rotations are calculated by summing the SWIR and SEIR rotations. These rotations provide a high-resolution record of changes in the motion of India and Africa at the time of the onset of the Reunion plume head. An analysis of the relative velocities of India, Africa and Antarctica leads to a refinement of previous observations that the speedup of India relative to the mantle was accompanied by a slowdown of Africa. The most rapid slowdown of Africa occurs around Chron 32Ay (71 Ma), the time when Indias motion relative to Africa notably starts to accelerate. Using the most recent Geomagnetic Polarity Timescale (GTS12) we show that Indias velocity relative to Africa was ...
Hydrothermal vents in the deep oceans are colonized by a broad array of invertebrates that have symbiotic relationships with chemotropic Bacteria. These Bacteria are able to derive energy from chemicals discharged by the vents, providing a base for ecosystems entirely separated from the light of the Sun. Not all hydrothermal vent systems are the same; a volcanic field will typically contain a variety of hydrothermal vent systems with different chemical properties, which would imply that different Bacteria would be needed to metabolize the chemicals produced. Ordinarily we would expect different symbionts to have different hosts, but hydrothermal vents tend to have similar faunas to the vents closest to them physically, not those with the most similar chemistry, suggesting that in this instance the hosts are able to form symbiotic relationships with a variety of different Bacteria ...
Deep-Sea Photography holds a unique image collection containing many rarely photographed deep-sea creatures from the open ocean to the depths of the abyss. We are particularly well known for our deep-sea fish and hydrothermal vent fauna photos, and stock a range of other oceanic imagery, including deep-sea invertebrates, marine biodiversity, marine science in action, deep-sea submersibles and ocean seascapes.. With an immense passion for, and knowledge of, the abyss, DeepSeaPhotography.Com can meet your deep-sea image requirements.. Contact Us: [email protected]. ...
Deep-Sea Photography holds a unique image collection containing many rarely photographed deep-sea creatures from the open ocean to the depths of the abyss. We are particularly well known for our deep-sea fish and hydrothermal vent fauna photos, and stock a range of other oceanic imagery, including deep-sea invertebrates, marine biodiversity, marine science in action, deep-sea submersibles and ocean seascapes.. With an immense passion for, and knowledge of, the abyss, DeepSeaPhotography.Com can meet your deep-sea image requirements.. Contact Us: [email protected]. ...
Simulations of atomic coordinates and interatomic distances for periodic tv1M and cv1M illite structures allow us to reveal the main structural factors that favor the formation of cv layers in illite and I-S. It is shown that in contrast to the tv1M structure, interlayer K in cv1M illite has an environment which is similar to that in 2M1 muscovite. This similarity along with a high octahedral and tetrahedral Al content probably provides stability for cv1M illite in low-temperature natural environments. Because of structural control, the occurrence of monomineral cv1M illite, its association with tv 1M illite, and interstratified cv-tv illite fundamental particles is confined by certain physical and chemical conditions. These varieties are most often formed by hydrothermal activity of different origin. The initial material for their formation should be Al-rich and the hydrothermal fluids should be Mg- and Fe-poor. They occur mostly around ore deposits, in bentonites and in sandstone sedimentary ...
Crysomallon squamiferum, commonly known as scaly foot gastropod is a fascinating sea snail that inhabits one of the most inhospitable environments on the planet and has evolved a natural iron armor in order to do so.. Scaly foot gastropod has to be one of the most boring names ever picked for one of the coolest creatures on Earth - a sea snail living 2.78 kilometers (1.7 miles) underneath the surface of the Indian Ocean, around hydrothermal vents are spewing out water around 350°C (660°F). Not to mention that this badass snail is the only known creature to have developed a natural metallic armor that is unlike any other known natural or synthetically engineered armor. Did I mention that it doesnt even need to eat, as a bacteria in its gut produces all the nutrients it needs to survive? Surely such a creature deserved a cooler name…. ...
Oceanographers divide the ocean into different vertical zones defined by physical and biological conditions. The pelagic zone includes all open ocean regions, and can be divided into further regions categorized by depth and light abundance. The photic zone includes the oceans from the surface to a depth of 200 m; it is the region where photosynthesis can occur and is, therefore, the most biodiverse. Because plants require photosynthesis, life found deeper than the photic zone must either rely on material sinking from above (see marine snow) or find another energy source. Hydrothermal vents are the primary source of energy in what is known as the aphotic zone (depths exceeding 200 m). The pelagic part of the photic zone is known as the epipelagic.. The pelagic part of the aphotic zone can be further divided into vertical regions according to temperature. The mesopelagic is the uppermost region. Its lowermost boundary is at a thermocline of 12 °C (54 °F), which, in the tropics generally lies at ...
Oceanographers divide the ocean into different vertical zones defined by physical and biological conditions. The pelagic zone includes all open ocean regions, and can be divided into further regions categorized by depth and light abundance. The photic zone includes the oceans from the surface to a depth of 200 m; it is the region where photosynthesis can occur and is, therefore, the most biodiverse. Because plants require photosynthesis, life found deeper than the photic zone must either rely on material sinking from above (see marine snow) or find another energy source. Hydrothermal vents are the primary source of energy in what is known as the aphotic zone (depths exceeding 200 m). The pelagic part of the photic zone is known as the epipelagic. The pelagic part of the aphotic zone can be further divided into vertical regions according to temperature. The mesopelagic is the uppermost region. Its lowermost boundary is at a thermocline of 12 °C (54 °F), which, in the tropics generally lies at ...
Abstract Several species of crabs from hydrothermal vent sites in the Pacific Ocean were found to be infested by small, symbiotic nemertean worms. Worms occurred on both male and female crabs, and were located in mucous sheaths adhering to the axillae between the limbs of males and females, the setae of the pleopods of females, and the sterna of infested male and female crabs. Only juvenile and regressed adult worms were observed, primarily because no ovigerous hosts were examined. Similar species of worms mature by eating eggs, then regress or die after host eclosion. Based on the size of the worms from the vent crabs, their habitus with their crustacean hosts, the presence of accessory stylet pouches, and the presence of a single stylet on a large basis (monostiliferous), we place the worms in the family Carcinonemertidae, within the genus Ovicides. Infestations were found on crabs from vent sites on the western Pacific back-arc basins, on the southern East Pacific Ridge, and on the Pacific-Antarctic
NASAs Cassini spacecraft has provided scientists the first clear evidence that Saturns moon Enceladus exhibits signs of present-day hydrothermal activity which may resemble that seen in
0025] The vent cap 22 may be configured to allow hot air to escape without allowing unwanted elements in therethrough. The vent cap 22 may be fabricated from metal, plastic, structural composite, or any other rigid material. The size of the vent cap 22 may range from approximately six to thirty-six inches. However, the vent cap 22 may have any size without departing from the scope of the invention. In some embodiments of the invention, such as those illustrated in FIGS. 1-3, the vent cap 22 may have a static vent configuration, as described below. Specifically, FIGS. 1-3 illustrate a slant back static metal roof vent having a plurality of screened or louvered vent openings formed therein and flanges configured to join the vent cap 22 with the flat portion 26 of the vent base 20. In other embodiments of the invention, as illustrated in FIGS. 4-5, the vent cap 22 may be a hood with venting ports attachable to the top of the vent tube 24. The hood may be designed in a manner that ensures escape of ...
Schauer, Regina; Røy, Hans; Augustin, Nico; Gennerich, Hans-Hermann; Peters, Marc; Wenzhöfer, Frank; Amann, Rudolf; Meyerdierks, Anke (2012): Document with supplementary information. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Schauer, R et al. (2011): Bacterial sulfur cycling shapes microbial communities in surface sediments of an ultramafic hydrothermal vent field. Environmental Microbiology, 13(10), 2633-2648,
General Information: This strain was isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent in the Iheya North field in the Mid-Okinawa Trough, Japan as part of a larger diversity study. This rod-shaped bacterium grows chemolithoautotrophically and can utilize a wide spectrum of electron donors and acceptors (i.e. hydrogen, sulfur compounds, nitrate and oxygen). It can occupy different ecological niches, and its metabolic versatility probably enables it to adapt to the geochemical variability in deep-sea hydrothermal environments. ...
Alves, R. J. E., Wanek, W., Zappe, A., Richter, A., Svenning, M. M., Schleper, C., and Urich, T.: Nitrification rates in Arctic soils are associated with functionally distinct populations of ammonia-oxidizing archaea, ISME J., 7, 1620-1631, ismej.2013.35, 2013. Ayton, J., Aislabie, J., Barker, G. M., Saul, D., and Turner, S.: Crenarchaeota affiliated with group 1.1 b are prevalent in coastal mineral soils of the Ross Sea region of Antarctica, Environ. Microbiol., 12, 689-703,, 2010. Baker, B. J., Lesniewski, R. A., and Dick, G. J.: Genome-enabled transcriptomics reveals archaeal populations that drive nitrification in a deep-sea hydrothermal plume, ISME J., 6, 2269-2279,, 2012. Belser, L. W. and Schmidt, E. L.: Diversity in the ammonia-oxidizing nitrifier population of a soil, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 36, 584-588, 1978. Beman, J. M., Popp, B. N., and Francis, C. A.: Molecular and ...
Prokaryotic communities forming symbiotic relationships with the vent shrimp, Rimicaris exoculata, are well studied components of hydrothermal ecosystems at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Despite the tight link between host and symbiont, the observed lack of spatial genetic structure seen in R. exoculata contrasts with the geographic differentiation detected in specific bacterial ectosymbionts. The geographic clustering of bacterial lineages within a seemingly panmictic host suggests either the presence of finer scale restriction to gene flow not yet detected in the host, horizontal transmission (environmental selection) of its endosymbionts as a consequence of unique vent geochemistry, or vertically transmitted endosymbionts that exhibit genetic differentiation ...
Stainless steel flush mount vent. These vents are marine quality and do not have a screen. Works great for covering odd sized vent holes. These are really good looking vents. They work very well for stairway downlights.
Thermococcus hydrothermalis is a hyperthermophilic archaeon. It is strictly anaerobic, coccus-shaped, and its cells range from 0.8 to 2 μm in diameter, with type strain AL662T. Godfroy, A.; Lesongeur, F.; Raguenes, G.; Querellou, J.; Antoine, E.; Meunier, J.-R.; Guezennec, J.; Barbier, G. (1997). Thermococcus hydrothermalis sp. nov., a New Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Isolated from a Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology. 47 (3): 622-626. doi:10.1099/00207713-47-3-622. ISSN 0020-7713. Lattuati A; Guezennec J; Metzger P; Largeau C (1998). Lipids of Thermococcus hydrothermalis, an archaea isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent. Lipids. 33 (3): 319-26. doi:10.1007/s11745-998-0211-0. PMID 9560807. Erra-Pujada, Marta, et al. The type II pullulanase of Thermococcus hydrothermalis: molecular characterization of the gene and expression of the catalytic domain. Journal of Bacteriology 181.10 (1999): 3284-3287. Postec, Anne, et al. Optimisation of growth ...
People Alarm may approach panic. Steering of motorcars greatly affected. Structures : Low standard buildings heavily damaged, some collapse. ordinary workmanship buildings damaged, some with partial collapse. Reinforced masonry or concrete buildings damaged in some cases. A few instances of damage to buildings and bridges designed and built to resist earthquakes. Monuments and pre-1976 elevated tanks and factory stacks twisted or brought down. Some pre-1965 infill masonry panels damaged. A few post-1980 brick veneers damaged. Decayed timber piles of houses damaged. Houses not secured to foundations may move. Most unreinforced domestic chimneys damaged, some below roof-line, many brought down. Environment : Cracks appear on steep slopes and in wet ground. Small to moderate slides in roadside cuttings and unsupported excavations. Small water and sand ejections and localized lateral spreading adjacent to streams, canals, lakes, etc ...
A variety of evidence has suggested that the enigmatic Australian-Antarctic Discordance is caused by a cold zone beneath the present-day South East Indian Ridge south of Australia. We show that the present position of the subduction zone which surrounded Gondwanaland until the Mesozoic is within a few hundred kilometres of the Australian-Antarctic Discordance. Beneath the Australian-Antarctic Discordance, tomographic inversions show a north-south-trending seismic anomaly with a higher than average shear velocity in the lower mantle and a prominent, nearly circular, high-velocity anomaly within the transition zone. These seismic inversions are consistent with the predictions of three-dimensional models of mantle convection with imposed plate tectonics. However, these earlier models, incorporating only a thermal slab, resulted in a circular topographic depression on the present South East Indian Ridge and are inconsistent with the observed residual depth anomaly which is continuous from the South ...
Provides daily plots and monthly tables of predicted tidal heights and currents for various stations around Puget Sound, the San Juan Islands, the Gulf Islands, Desolation Sound, and the Strait of Georgia.
Provides daily plots and monthly tables of predicted tidal heights and currents for various stations around Puget Sound, the San Juan Islands, the Gulf Islands, Desolation Sound, and the Strait of Georgia.
original description Ivanenko, V. N.; Defaye, D.; Huys, R. (2005). A new species of Ambilimbus nom. nov., a replacement name for Amphicrossus Huys, 1991 (Copepoda, Cyclopoida, Erebonasteridae), from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 36°N (hydrothermal vent site Rainbow). Marine Biology Research. 1(3): 233-241. (look up in IMIS), available online at [details] ...
Secular variations in the Pb isotopic composition of a mixed hydrogenous-hydrothermal ferromanganese crust from the Bauer Basin in the eastern Equatorial Pacific provide clear evidence for changes in hydrothermal contributions during the past 7 Myr. The nearby Galapagos Rise spreading center provided a strong hydrothermal flux prior to 6.5 Ma. After 6.5 Ma, the Pb became stepwise more radiogenic and more similar to Equatorial Pacific seawater, reflecting the westward shift of spreading to the presently active East Pacific Rise (EPR). A second, previously unrecognized enhanced hydrothermal period occurred between 4.4 and 2.9 Ma, which reflects either off-axis hydrothermal activity in the Bauer Basin or a late-stage pulse of hydrothermal Pb from the then active, but waning Galapagos Rise spreading center.Hafnium isotope time-series of the same mixed hydrogenous-hydrothermal crust show invariant values over the past 7 Myr. Haffiium isotope ratios, as well as Nd isotope ratios obtained for this ...
Cores U1362A-5R to 21R were recovered between Monday and Saturday, ending coring at Hole U1362A. Of the 21 cores recovered from Hole U1362A, Sections 2R-1 to 14R-2 have been described to date. These descriptions cover the igneous composition, hydrothermal alteration, structural measurements (Sections 2R-1 to 12R-2) and a preliminary interpretation on the mode of formation. All of the samples recovered are volcanic rock of basaltic composition. The cores described have been allocated into 10 preliminary units based on their igneous lithology, which was defined by phenocryst abundance and further divided into subunits where groundmass grain size changes. Units 1, 2, and 4 are sparsely to moderately phyric and are distinguished by the presence of olivine phenocrysts in Unit 2 only. Both units are divided into subunits based on groundmass grain size that varies from crypto- to microcrystalline on varying scales. These units are interpreted to be pillow lavas based on the abundance and nature of ...
Transform Movement of the San Andreas Fault System. About 30 million years ago, the spreading center behind the Farallon plate (the East Pacific Rise) collided with the subduction zone (Figure 3-2). This brought the Pacific plate, west of the Farallon plate, into contact with the North American plate. In turn, this created the Mendocino triple junction, the meeting point of the Pacific, North American, and Juan de Fuca (a remnant of the Farallon) plates. North of the Mendocino triple junction, subduction continues, and as the Juan de Fuca plate disappears, the triple junction moves northwest along the continental margin like a closing zipper. As it does so, the direction of relative plates movement along the western edge of the continent changed, with the Pacific plate moving northwest relative to the North American plate in transform or strike-slip movement. This movement takes place along the formerly convergent plate boundary, which became the San Andreas Fault system that is so familiar to ...
Nates research examines mathematical models of biofilm growth and movement mechanisms. Biofilms are attached microbial communities made up of many different components, and they are found throughout nature as well as in industrial and medical settings. Understanding how these biofilms spread is important in helping the prevention and treatment of diseases and to prevent contamination. Under the direction of Dr. Tianyu Zhang, he studies a model that is designed to model the mixing and separating that occurs within a biofilm. The starting point was the Flory- Huggins free energy density and the Cahn-Hilliard Equation. The model balances the energy terms describing the mixing of molecules, the interaction between molecules, and an energy due to sharp changes in composition. Nates work also introduces a new term into the energy model that allows the components of the biofilm to move around within the biofilm. This term addresses the movement energy and gives preference to certain locations within ...
Water sampling is a critical process to understanding the reactions taking place at Lost City. (Quicktime, 1.7 Mb). An important goal of our expedition is to better understand how the reactions of the basement rocks influence the chemistry of the fluids and hydrothermal chimney growth. Secondly, how do these fluids provide nutrients for biological communities in and around the vent structures? Unlike black smoker hydrothermal systems, the rocks underneath Lost City originate from the Earths mantle and have been transported from great depths - typically greater than about 6 kilometers below the seafloor. Large faults have exposed these mantle rocks on the seafloor, and when seawater reacts with them, new minerals - in particular the mineral serpentine - are formed, and heat is produced. This process, referred to as serpentinization, is an important reaction occurring where mantle rocks are exposed near the seafloor and is what drives the Lost City hydrothermal system. Another consequence of ...
In addition, they found that the distribution of molybdenite deposits through time roughly correlates with five periods of supercontinent formation, the assemblies of Kenorland, Nuna, Rodinia, Pannotia, and Pangea. This correlation supports previous findings from Hazen and his colleagues that mineral formation increases markedly during episodes of continental convergence and supercontinent assembly and that a dearth of mineral deposits form during periods of tectonic stability. Our work continues to demonstrate that a major driving force for mineral evolution is hydrothermal activity associated with colliding continents and the increasing oxygen content of the atmosphere caused by the rise of life on Earth, Hazen said. Hazens other co-authors were Joshua Golden, Melissa McMillan, Robert T. Downs, Grethe Hystad, and Ian Goldstein of the University of Arizona; and Holly J. Stein and Aaron Zimmerman of Colorado State University (the former also of the Geological Survey of Norway). Russell Hemley ...
The work presents the results of dunite study in terms of its applicability as an additive to Portland cement. The hardness of Dunite is 3.5-4 whereas its compressive strength is 107.55 N/mm 2. Ultramafic means that mafic minerals form more than 90% on the rocks composition. It was the first explosive used in an aerial bombing operation in military history, performed by Italian pilots in Libya in 1911. Chlorite minerals are found in rocks altered during deep burial, plate collisions, hydrothermal activity, or contact metamorphism. There are specific names for compositional varieties, but most of them are rarely used. Chemical Formula (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al)(Al,Si) 2 O 6: Composition: Silicate of calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, and aluminum. The Dunite from Dun Mountain is part of the ultramfic section of the Dun Mountain Ophiolite Belt. Haldar, in Platinum-Nickel-Chromium Deposits, 2017. Silica Quartz. It has a chemical formula of FeCr 2 O 4. The mineral assemblage is greater than 90% olivine, ...
Scientists previously uncovered fossil algae in Archean rocks-evidence of life in a period that evolutionists date from 3.0 to 3.5 billion years ago.1 At that supposed time, the sun would have been 70 percent less luminous compared to today, making Earths surface icy and uninhabitable.. But if those rocks are truly 3.0 to 3.5 billion years old, the meager solar energy delivered by the younger sun at that time would have prevented algae or any other life form from growing.. Attempting to come up with something to counter the icy-earth scenario, authors publishing in Science postulated that Earth was somehow warmed by high levels of greenhouse gases to compensate for the great lack of solar radiation.1 To investigate this possibility, the team sampled quartz veins from Archean rocks of the Dresser and Apex formations in Western Australia that were thought to be nearly 3.5 billion years old.. These quartz veins were formed by hydrothermal activity and contain trapped gases and fluids locked in ...
Thermodynamic and kinetic models of magmatic processes including adiabatic mantle melting and melt transport; the role of water in petrologic and geodynamic behavior of the mantle; melting and differentiation in the deep mantle and the early earth; experimental investigation of silicate and metallic liquids and minerals under static and dynamic high pressure; petrologic and geodynamic processes at mid-ocean ridges and back-arc basins.. To learn about the Caltech shock wave laboratory, see the Lindhurst Laboratory of Experimental Geophysics website.. If you are looking for the alphaMELTS software package, see MAGMASOURCE.. If you want to learn about thermodynamic Phase Equilibria, visit my interactive online curriculum for visualization of free energy relationships in binary and ternary systems.. PI Viewpoint by Prof. Paul D. Asimow, February 20, 2017: I stand with the Association of American Universities to urge a permanent end to the recent executive order -- and any future action by the ...
Charlou JL, Donval JP, Konn C, Ondréas H, Fouquet Y, Jean-Baptiste P & Fourré E (2010) High production and fluxes of H2 and CH4 and evidence of abiotic hydrocarbon synthesis by serpentinization in ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Diversity of Hydrothermal Systems on Slow-Spreading Ocean Ridges, Vol. 188 (Rona P, Devey C, Dyment J & Murton B, eds), pp. 265-296. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC ...
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Hydrothermal vents and underwater volcanoes cause changes to the chemistry and physical characteristics of the surrounding seawater. As this altered seawater diffuses away from vent and cold-seep sites, it produces masses of water called plumes that are distinctly different from normal seawater. Scientists search for these plumes, since they provide clues about the location of hydrothermal vents and underwater volcanoes. Redox potential is one of the key chemical characteristics used to locate plumes. When an atom or molecule loses an electron it is said to be oxidized, and when an atom or molecule gains an electron it is said to be reduced. A reducing substance is one that reduces; in other words, it donates electrons. Similarly, an oxidizing substance is a substance that oxidizes; that is, it receives electrons. A reaction in which one or more electrons are transferred between two molecules is called a redox reaction. Moving electrons can produce electric currents, so electronic instruments ...
Results of a numerical modeling study of quartz dissolution and precipitation in a sub-seafloor hydrothermal system have been used to predict where in the system quartz could be deposited and potentially trap fluid inclusions. The spatial distribution of zones of quartz dissolution and precipitation is complex, owing to the fact that quartz solubility depends on many inter-related factors, including temperature, fluid salinity and fluid immiscibility, and is further complicated by the fact that quartz exhibits both prograde and retrograde solubility behavior, depending on the fluid temperature and salinity. Using the PVTX properties of H2O-NaCl, the petrographic and microthermometric properties of fluid inclusions trapped at various locations within the hydrothermal system have been predicted. Vapor-rich inclusions are trapped as a result of the retrograde temperature-dependence of quartz solubility as the convecting fluid is heated in the vicinity of the magmatic heat source. Coexisting ...
Sediments within the Okinawa back-arc basin overlay a subsurface hydrothermal network, creating intense temperature gradients with sediment depth and potential limits for microbial diversity. We investigated taxonomic changes across 45 m of recovered core with a temperature gradient of 3°C/m from the dynamic Iheya North Hydrothermal System. The interval transitions sharply from low-temperature marine mud to hydrothermally altered clay at 10 meters below seafloor (mbsf). Here, we present taxonomic results from an analysis of the 16S rRNA gene that support a conceptual model in which common marine subsurface taxa persist into the subsurface, while high temperature adapted archaeal taxa show localized peaks in abundances in the hydrothermal clay horizons ...
The terminal Pleistocene is a period of profound climatic and environmental change in Africa, with paleoenvironmental records documenting tremendous regional variation. Environmental records needed to understand these dynamics are currently lacking from the Horn of Africa. Here we provide a new paleoenvironmental record based of new faunal data from archeological sites along the Bulbula River (Ziway-Shala Basin, Main Ethiopian Rift) in Ethiopia. Research conducted in this area has uncovered archeological assemblages that document various phases of the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene. Two sites dated to the terminal Pleistocene are considered here, B1s1 and B1s4. The former includes a very large assemblage of more than 20,000 skeletal remains. Both faunal assemblages are dominated by bovids of the tribes Alcelaphini and Antilopini and include Damaliscus hypsodon, a small extinct alcelaphine. The faunal remains from these sites, like those from the contemporary site of Lukenya Hill in ...
Aleut population history has been a topic of debate since the earliest archaeological investigations in the region. In this paper, we use stable isotope chemistry to evaluate the hypothesis that two distinct groups of people, Paleo- and Neo-Aleut, occupied the eastern Aleutians after 1000 BP. This study focuses on 80 sets of directly dated eastern Aleutian burial assemblages from Chaluka midden, Shiprock Island and Kagamil Island. We use a linear mixing model informed by isotopic analysis of two large Aleut faunal assemblages to address temporal and spatial variation in human carbon and nitrogen stable isotope data from these sites. The patterning we report addresses both Aleut demographic and economic prehistory, illustrating a transition in both at ca. 1000 BP. Our results suggests that the Chaluka diet, dominated by Paleo-Aleut inhumations, differed in both trophic level and foraging location from the other two sites for much of the past 4000 years. Trends in our data also suggest that individuals
This paper examines dietary patterns amongst Middle Palaeolithic foragers in Europe and southwest Asia from ca 300 to 40 thousand years ago. In both regions, faunal studies show that a relatively narrow range of presumably high-ranked animal species-mostly medium- to large-sized ungulates-was hunted. The present review stresses the importance of considering fat procurement and the effects of transport constraints on faunal assemblages while assessing the diet composition of Middle Palaeolithic hominins. Overall, the published evidence hints at significant regional and temporal variation in dietary patterns during this time period. SAA 2015 abstracts made available in tDAR courtesy of the Society for American Archaeology and Center for Digital Antiquity Collaborative Program to improve digital data in archaeology. If you are the author of this presentation you may upload your paper, poster, presentation, or associated data (up to 3 files/30MB) for free. Please visit for
Livestock comprises the majority of the Phase IA1 and IA2, Early Chalcolithic Castro de Chibanes faunal assemblage, showing a fully sedentary population with husbandry as a central activity for human consumption patterns.. Pigs, sheep and goats form the clear majority of the remains from Chibanes, mainly for consumption purposes, with similar percentages and an equal MNI (n = 5). Considering the published data (using mostly NISP frequencies), at other Chalcolithic sites from Estremadura, caprines are usually identified as the dominant species, in contrast with the prevalence of Sus in Alentejo. Nevertheless, taking into consideration only the pre-Bell Beaker period, although pigs are in fact predominant in the Chalcolithic archaeological sites from Alentejo, in Estremadura the percentages of sheep/goats versus pigs are very similar (Valente & Carvalho 2014: 9, Figure 5). The same happens in Chibanes as it is also not possible to determine which species overcome the other as NISP and MNI % show ...
Ventilation is a system of low vents, like soffit vents, and high vents, like ridge and gable vents. To achieve proper ventilation, outside air should enter the attic low at the attic perimeter and exit high near the attic ridge.. You must provide an air gap at the overhang (soffit) and eaves to control the accumulation of moisture. Continuous soffit vents in combination with other outlets (ridge vents, mushroom cap vents, and upper gable vents) will produce the maximum amount of attic intake ventilation. If your roof has minimal or non-existent overhangs, you may not be able to use soffit vents. Consider installing low gable vents located near the attic ceiling but above the top of the level of the attic ceiling insulation. ...
The Biodiversity Heritage Library works collaboratively to make biodiversity literature openly available to the world as part of a global biodiversity community.
When we think about life in the solar system, we tend to look to Mars. But science has broadened our minds in recent times-science has a way of doing...
The famous professor of civil and environmental engineering and public affairs at the University of Washington, Dr. Anne Steinemann, conducted a study on the dryer sheets to measure just how toxic they are. Dr. Anne mentioned that this is an interesting source of pollution because emissions from dryer vents are essentially unregulated. She also said that if theyre coming out of a smokestack or tail pipe, theyre regulated, but if theyre coming out of a dryer vent, theyre not.. The results from this study discovered more than 25 VOCs emitted from dryer vents, with high concentrations of acetaldehyde, acetone, and ethanol. This is really shocking - theyve also found that just one of the carcinogenic VOCs found in dryer vents equals 3% of total acetaldehyde emissions from automobiles in the same area. Making toxins from dryer sheets a highly dangerous source, despite how little its discussed.. The U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and industry-generated Material Safety Data Sheets ...
A. Levin and N. Le Bris. The deep ocean under climate change. Science 350, 766 (2015). DOI: 10.1126/science.aad0126. Meistertzheim, A.-L., Lartaud, F., Arnaud-Haond, S., Kalenitchenko, D., Bessalam, M., Le Bris, N., Galand, P.E., 2016. Patterns of bacteria-host associations suggest different ecological strategies between two reef building cold-water coral species. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 114, 12-22. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2016.04.013. Nedoncelle K., F. Lartaud, L. Contreira-Pereira, M. Yücel, A. M. Thurnherr, L. Mullineaux, N. Le Bris. Bathymodiolus growth dynamics in relation to environmental fluctuations in vent habitats. Deep-Sea Research Part I. Gollner, S., Govenar, B., Arbizu, P.M., Mills, S., Le Bris, N., Weinbauer, M., Shank, T.M., Bright, M., 2015. Differences in recovery between deep-sea hydrothermal vent and vent-proximate communities after a volcanic eruption. Deep Sea Res. Part Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 106, ...
This model locates the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) within the inorganically formed physical confines of an alkaline hydrothermal vent, rather than assuming the existence of a free-living form of LUCA. The last evolutionary step en route to bona fide free-living cells would be the synthesis of a lipid membrane that finally allows the organisms to leave the microcavern system of the vent. This postulated late acquisition of the biosynthesis of lipids as directed by genetically encoded peptides is consistent with the presence of completely different types of membrane lipids in archaea and bacteria (plus eukaryotes). The kind of vent at the foreground of their suggestion is chemically more similar to the warm (ca. 100 °C) off ridge vents such as Lost City than to the more familiar black smoker type vents (ca. 350 °C). In an abiotic world, a thermocline of temperatures and a chemocline in concentration is associated with the pre-biotic synthesis of organic molecules, hotter in proximity ...
Ikeda, Yasuo and Nagao, Keisuke and Stern, Robert J. et al. (1998) Noble gases in pillow basalt glasses from the northern Mariana Trough back-arc basin. Island Arc, 7 (3). pp. 471-478. ISSN 1038-4871. ...
Figure 1. Our research aims to use Sm-Nd and Pb isotopic methods to identify and map Lower Palaeozoic Caledonian terranes and deep-seated crustal structures across Ireland (Figure 1) which may have focused upwelling hydrothermal fluids. We will also investigate links between these terranes and the metallogenic variation in Irish-type Zn-Pb deposits; and through a detailed 3D deposit-scale Pb isotope study of the Lisheen deposit, characterize fluid-flow pathways and whether any isotopic vectors exist to aid exploration. Our research follows several cutting-edge studies across Australia which have highlighted the effectiveness of the combined Pb and Sm-Nd isotope systems to detail regional-scale crustal evolution and mineral prospectivity. Figure 1. Preliminary Pb isotope maps of Ireland, with data compiled from 11 peer-reviewed sources identified to date. The underlying linework reflects 1:500,000 scale bedrock mapping. Sample locations are symbolized by circles. (A) 206Pb/204Pb map of galena ...
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I have a bathtub that has horrible drainage and its because of an old galvanized horizontal pipe that connects to the stack.. I cannot replace this pipe with PVC with a better slope without compromising the floor joist structure in the ceiling. Home is from early 1900s.. However, I do have the ability to run a new drain all the way down to the basement and add a y connector that would keep the old galvanized pipe as mostly a vent.. I am a little concerned with the space I have in the ceiling to pull this off but I think I can do it. I am more concerned about the small 2 in drop where the pipe exits to the stack if I use it as a vent. (Please see images below). Can someone give me an opinion of what I have proposed? Would the existing horizontal pipe work as a vent in this situation or would I be making any regressions here?. Today: ...
I have a septic system and lift station with an open vent pipe about 3 feet off the ground. As can be expected, I often get a smell from this vent if Im in my back yard. Ive been looking at different filters that can be installed over the vent pipe to control the odor. I was wondering if these filters really work and if so which type works the best? Or, is there a better way to control the odor ...
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