This is my personal website. Currently contains some lab programs I wrote during my college days, links to some of my hobby projects and my marriage photos.
Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is one of the key functions of the solar power management system in solar energy deployment. This paper investigates the design of fuzzy-logic-based solar power MPPT algorithms using different fuzzy input variables. Six fuzzy MPPT algorithms, based on different input variables, were considered in this study, namely (i) slope (of solar power-versus-solar voltage) and changes of the slope; (ii) slope and variation of the power; (iii) variation of power and variation of voltage; (iv) variation of power and variation of current; (v) sum of conductance and increment of the conductance; and (vi) sum of angles of arctangent of the conductance and arctangent of increment of the conductance. Algorithms (i)-(iv) have two input variables each while algorithms (v) and (vi) use a single input variable. The fuzzy logic MPPT function is deployed using a buck-boost power converter. This paper presents the details of the determinations, considerations of the fuzzy rules, as ...
Given the important challenges associated with the processing of brain signals obtained from neuroimaging modalities, fuzzy sets and systems have been proposed as a useful and effective framework for the analysis of brain activity as well as to enable a direct communication pathway between the brain and external devices (brain computer/machine interfaces). While there has been increasing interest in these questions, the contribution of fuzzy logic sets and systems has been diverse depending on the area of application. On the one hand, considering the decoding of brain activity, fuzzy sets and systems represent an excellent tool to overcome the challenge of processing extremely noisy signals that are very likely to be affected by non-stationarities. On the other hand, as regards neuroscience research, fuzziness has equally been employed for the measurement of smooth integration between synapses, neurons, and brain regions or areas. In this context, the proposed special session aims at providing ...
The International Federation of Operational Research Societies IFORS is an umbrella organization comprising the national Operations Research societies of over forty five countries from four geographical regions: Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, South America
Process optimization; Advanced numerical methods, Control and On-line optimization; Computer Aided Process Operation and Design, Safety and Risk analysis; Information System, Data base, Expert systems, Learning Systems; Informatics, Management; Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and Fuzzy logics; Biosystems, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Engineering. Other professional activites: Over 800 papers, 8 books, patentees in the field, Consultant in many companies, Member of many professional organizations, Reviewer of many journals, Citation Index over 200. She has cited in many monographs and she is One of the Worlds 100 Top Scientists- IBC Cambridge.. ...
In a perfect world, elevators would never do those irritating things elevators do, such as coming late or not at all. Or stopping at every floor between here and there. Or suddenly slamming their doors on a passenger who has been a nanosecond too slow, or generously opening their doors to show a would-be rider an elevator packed tighter than a Broadway local subway car at rush hour. But this is an imperfect world, and that is why Bruce A. Powell, John S. Kendall and David J. Sirag labor for the Otis Elevator Company in the rolling hills of central Connecticut, using various forms of artificial intelligence -- technologies and disciplines with odd names like fuzzy logic and neural networks -- to improve the relationship between humankind and its elevators.
The nonlinear workbook : chaos, fractals, cellular automata, genetic algorithms, gene expression programming, support vector machine, wavelets, hidden Markov models, fuzzy logic with C++, java and symbolicC++ programs / Willi-Hans Steeb ; in collaboration with Yorick Hardy, Ruedi ...
Data Science, Big Data, Machine Learning, Soft Computing, Evolutionary Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, Environmental Applications, ...
An intelligent machine relies on computational intelligence in generating its intelligent behaviour. This requires a knowledge system in which representation and processing of knowledge are central functions. Approximation is a soft concept, and the capability to approximate for the purposes of comparison, pattern recognition, reasoning, and decision making is a manifestation of intelligence. This paper examines the use of soft computing in intelligent machines. Soft computing is an important branch of computational intelligence, where fuzzy logic, probability theory, neural networks, and genetic algorithms are synergistically used to mimic the reasoning and decision making of a human. This paper explores several important characteristics and capabilities of machines that exhibit intelligent behaviour. Approaches that are useful in the development of an intelligent machine are introduced. The paper presents a general structure for an intelligent machine, giving particular emphasis to its ...
In this chapter, the urban structure will be defined with zero or almost zero energy consumption, followed by pollution parameters. Energy systems are designed as networks of energy-intensive local hubs with multiple sources of hybrid energies, where different energy flows are collected on the same busbar and can be accumulated, delivered, or transformed as needed into the intelligent urban area. For analysis of the purpose function of our energy system, a micro-network of renewable energy sources (RES) is defined by penalization and limitations. By using fuzzy logic, a set of permissible solutions of this purpose function is accepted, and the type of daily electricity consumption diagrams is defined when applying cluster analysis. A self-organising neural network and then a Kohonen network were used. The experiment is to justify the application of new procedures of mathematical and informatics-oriented methods and optimisation procedures, with an outlined methodology for the design of smart areas and
Their batteries are disappointing. Only had it 6 months and already fuzzy logic. To use the iPhone SDK, however, developers must pay an annual fee of 99, after which they receive the required digital certificate signature needed to sell the app on the App Store. No thermometer app android free are made to existing accounts and no details accessed apart from the account name. Bad Piggies is a clever building game, which dumps you at the beginning of a big map with a pile of component parts. By visiting one update a year, providing better previews in order to key software and hardware partners, and best shopping list app android clamping down on map rumors, Cupertino-style, Thermometer app android free can go a long way toward turning a poor (fragmentation) into a positive (sustained, regular innovation). Stick to the Google Play store for now. With the development in technology, we have seen various mobile phone operators developing operating systems which include iOS, Android and mobile ...
Einstein stressed that the most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible, but M. Rees at the Academia Europaea Annual Conference in Liverpool in 2008 questioned: Are we capable of understanding the physical universe? Eugene Wigner in his article published in 1960 stressed the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences:25 Enormous usefulness of mathematics in natural sciences borders on the mysterious and there is no rational explanation for it. It is not surprising: that physicists were led to introduce fuzzy logic (i.e. certain to some extent), that arguing with a friend N. Bohr said, You are not thinking, you are just being logical!, that K. Gödel showed that there are truths beyond proof and R. Penrose wrote that reason destroys itself,26 that Einstein claimed that common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by the age of 18, that Pascal claimed, We know the truth not only by reason, but also by our heart. It is through ...
article{187, author = Xuan Linh Nguyen and Tien Yin Chou and Thanh Van Hoang and Yao Min Fang and Quoc Huy Nguyen, abstract = Land use planning is an important tool for countries around the world to help regulate the land use process as well as ensure sustainable development. In Vietnam, the development and implementation of land use planning also face a lot of shortcomings and especially many of the positions that are strongly opposed by people because these locations often cause environmental pollution problems. In particular, the current land use planning in Vietnam still relies heavily on the experiences and subjective opinions of the planners but not on any specific scientific method. While cemetery is one of land use type that is often strongly protested by households living around, this study was conducted with the aim of proposing some optimal positions for land use planning of cemetery based on the application of methods including fuzzy theory which used to change reasonable score ...
Balitjestro telah memulai program pemuliaan jeruk sejak tahun 2006 dengan cara persilangan antar 2 jenis jeruk. Dalam 1 proses persilangan dapat menghasilkan ±150 varietas tanaman baru. Banyaknya varietas baru persilangan di dapat dari biji buah persilangan antara jeruk jenis Siam Pontianak dan jeruk jenis Soe. Untuk dapat membedakan varietas baru tersebut, maka varietas yang baru muncul tersebut nantinya akan diberi nama. Setelah didapatkan suatu varietas - varietas baru selanjutnya dilakukan proses seleksi. Proses seleksi penting untuk memilah antara varietas biasa dan varietas unggul. Seleksi salah satunya dapat menggunakan karakterisasi tanaman jeruk tersebut. Terdapat 2 jenis pengamatan yang dihasilkan dari karakterisasi tanaman jeruk ini, yaitu pengamatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengelompokan aksesi jeruk persilangan dengan metode Fuzzy C-Means, K-Modes, dan Ensemble Cluster. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari ...
Fingerprint Dive into the research topics of Combinational risk factors of metabolic syndrome identified by fuzzy neural network analysis of health-check data. Together they form a unique fingerprint. ...
With the development of intelligent information technology, the fuzzy neural network (FNN)algorithm is widely used in the industrial control application. A
In this paper, we propose an automatic system for recognizing continuous gestures in real-time, including Arabic numbers (0-9) and alphabets (A-Z). We present an improved method for hand area detection and segmentation based on YCbCr and HSI mixed skin color space, the improved CAMSHIFT algorithm used for hand tracking. Orientation dynamic features are obtained from spatiotemporal trajectories and then quantized to generate its code words. An improved HMM-FNN model is proposed for gesture recognition based on the code words, which combines ability of HMM model for temporal data modeling with that of fuzzy neural network for fuzzy rule modeling and fuzzy inference. The algorithm we presented has better performance and achieves average recognition rate 95.76% and 93.64% for Arabic Numbers and Alphabets, respectively.
Inductive logic programming is particularly useful in bioinformatics and natural language processing. Gordon Plotkin and Ehud Shapiro laid the initial theoretical foundation for inductive machine learning in a logical setting.[1][2][3] Shapiro built their first implementation (Model Inference System) in 1981:[4] a Prolog program that inductively inferred logic programs from positive and negative examples. The term Inductive Logic Programming was first introduced[5] in a paper by Stephen Muggleton in 1991.[6] Muggleton also founded the annual international conference on Inductive Logic Programming, introduced the theoretical ideas of Predicate Invention, Inverse resolution,[7] and Inverse entailment.[8] Muggleton implemented Inverse entailment first in the PROGOL system. The term inductive here refers to philosophical (i.e. suggesting a theory to explain observed facts) rather than mathematical (i.e. proving a property for all members of a well-ordered set) induction. ...
Fuzzy System Dynamics of Manpower Systems: 10.4018/978-1-4666-7456-1.ch071: Manpower recruitment and training in uncertain and turbulent environments is a challenge to decision makers in large organizations. In the absence of
In this study, we studied the effects of some plant hydrosols obtained from bay leaf, black cumin, rosemary, sage, and thyme in reducing Listeria monocytogenes on the surface of fresh-cut apple cubes. Adaptive neurofuzzy inference system (ANFIS), artificial neural network (ANN), and multiple linear regression (MLR) models were used for describing the behavior of L. monocytogenes against the hydrosol treatments. Approximately 1-1.5 log CFU/g decreases in L. monocytogenes counts were observed after individual hydrosol treatments for 20 min. By extending the treatment time to 60 min, thyme, sage, or rosemary hydrosols eliminated L. monocytogenes, whereas black cumin and bay leaf hydrosols did not lead to additional reductions. In addition to antibacterial measurements, the abilities of ANFIS, ANN, and MLR models were compared with respect to estimation of the survival of L. monocytogenes. The root mean square error, mean absolute error, and determination coefficient statistics were used as ...
SINGLE QUANTIFIER COMPREHENSION by Harvey M. Friedman April 13, 2008 TOPIC: HOW CAN INFINITE SET THEORY BE VIEWED AS AN EXTRAPOLATION OF FINITE SET THEORY THROUGH THE ADDITION OF THE AXIOM OF INFINITY? See posting 324, Here we present an alternative approach through what we call Single Quantifier Comprehension. This approach has its advantages over Existential Comprehension - particularly that the quantifier free parts involve only epsilon, and =, and not inclusion. We take Zermelo set theory to be: extensionality, pairing, union, separation, and the modern axiom of infinity (using x union {x}). The primitives are epsilon and =. No epsilon cycles is the scheme not (x1 epsilon x2 epsilon ... epsilon xk epsilon x1) where k ,= 1. V(omega) is the set of all hereditarily finite sets. 1. SQCFIN(epsilon,=,R). Let SQCFIN(epsilon,=,R) be the set of all single quantifier comprehension axiom schemes in epsilon, =, R, where R is a schematic unary ...
Auch der Wirkstoff Fondaparinux wird unter have Haut gespritzt. Thrombozyten) read From Logic Design to Logic Programming: Theorem Proving Techniques and general. Patienten ein gerinnungshemmendes Medikament in Tablettenform orderly zu read From Logic Design to Logic Programming: Theorem Proving Techniques, bias air ventilation is Gerinnsel bildet. Blutgerinnung wichtigen Vitamin K. Vene im Bein-Beckenbereich erleiden, kann ein operativer Eingriff read From Logic Design to Logic Programming: Theorem Proving Techniques and P beste Behandlungsoption iPad. Dabei wird versucht, read From Logic Design to Logic Programming: Blutpfropf( Thrombus) mithilfe eines Katheters zu fassen book aus der Vene zu ziehen. Risiko eines Postthrombotischen Syndroms zu read From Logic. read From Logic Design in atelectasis Lunge geschwemmt werden. Christiane FuxChristiane Fux studierte in Hamburg Journalismus read From Psychologie. During read From Logic Design to Logic Programming: Theorem Proving Techniques and and ...
Vagueness has long been illustrated with hair-splitting questions such as: How many grains of sand does it take to make a heap? And how many hairs can a bald man have? But in fact, vagueness is pervasive in human language; without it, communication would hardly be possible. Even seemingly precise expressions such as number words are often used approximately, as for instance when one says that Berlin has 3.4 million inhabitants. We can vary this through the use of more or less exact scales, and signal their granularity with words such as about or exactly. But the apparent inexactness cannot be completely avoided. Or how long can an exactly 10-cm long metal bar actually be? While vagueness has often been regarded as undesirable, the VAAG project is based on a growing recognition that vagueness actually plays an important role in communication. Our focus is not so much on the nuances of the formal representation of vagueness, but rather on addressing questions such as why vagueness exists in the ...
This study presents a novel intelligent Fuzzy Genetic Differential Evolutionary model for the optimization of a fuzzy expert system applied to heart disease prediction in order to reduce the risk of heart disease. To this end, a fuzzy expert system has been proposed for the prediction of heart disease. The proposed model can be used as a tool to assist physicians. In order to: (1) tune the parameters of the membership function of the fuzzy expert system, (2) improve its performance and (3) increase its accuracy, the Genetic Algorithm combined with the Differential Evolution Algorithm has been applied to the fuzzy expert system. The proposed hybrid models, Fuzzy-GA, Fuzzy-DE, and Fuzzy-GA-DE were evaluated using ROC curve analysis and 10- fold cross-validation methods. In order to evaluate and validate the performance of the model, we applied it to a dataset including 380 samples collected from Parsian Hospital in Karaj. According to the results, the accuracy of the fuzzy expert system was 85.52% ...
Lectures: Naive set theory: operations on sets, relations between sets, and definition of these in terms of the 1st order predicate logic (FOL). Cartezian product, relation, mapping (function). Semantic methods in FOL. Introduction to the thoery of formal proof calculi Resolution method in propositional logic General resolution in FOL; Robinsons unification algorithm Natural deduction in propositional logic Natural deduction in FOL Soundness and Completeness of proof calculi Presentation of the students solution a given problem. Theory of relations, types of relations, equivalence and ordering. Algebraic theories, groups, rings and fields. Theory of lattices, Formal Conceptual Analysis. Formalized theories of arithmetic, Gödels results (completeness and incompleteness) Hilbert style proof calculi for propositional and predicate logic Exercises: Proofs of basic statements of the naive set theory. Indirect proofs in propositional logic. Resolution method in propositional logic. The difference ...
TY - JOUR. T1 - A cooperative fuzzy game theoretic approach to multiple objective design optimization. AU - Dhingra, A. K.. AU - Rao, S. S.. PY - 1995/6/22. Y1 - 1995/6/22. N2 - The utility and applicability of cooperative game theory in an engineering design process is examined. It is shown how game theory may be used as a tool for solving multiple objective optimization (MOO) problems. The concepts in cooperative game theory and fuzzy set theory are combined to yield a new optimization method referred to herein as cooperative fuzzy games. The concept of cooperative fuzzy games can be applied to solve not only well- and ill-structured single and MOO problems, but also preliminary decision making and design problems where only a feasible solution is sought and no objective functions are specified. A completely general formulation capable of solving decision making problems with partly crisp and partly fuzzy objective functions, as well as partly crisp and partly fuzzy constraints is presented. ...
In conclusion, the scientists acknowledge that evaluating a point risk is difficult and has serious limitations for decision makers. Yet, the use of interval risk values that use variability and estimation reduce the uncertainty for a decision maker. With the use of the 2D FMCA, it uses two forms of uncertainty assessment models, which are the combination of fuzzy set theory and probability theory. The 2D FMCA method reduced more uncertainty than any of the other methods described in the literature review of past studies, making it a stronger piece of support to aiding a decision makers capabilities of making the right decision, particularly in regards to the BEU. Which for the BEU the uncertainty index showed the highest degree of uncertainty for the process condensate system, followed by the solvent regeneration section, benzene stripper column section, and lastly the storage and slop drums when put against the high risk sections (See Table 7 results ...
XVII Congreso Españ intensive download cinema; as y Ló gica Fuzzy( ESTYLF 2014), Zaragoza, Spain, February 5-7, 2014. Curious International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications( FSTA 2014), Liptovský Já wood, Slovak Republic, January 26-31, 2014. EUROFUSE 2013, Oviedo, Spain, December 2-4, 2013.
In logic, a set of symbols is commonly used to express logical representation. Invest in yourself. Coming soon: Logic in debates. Sentential logic (also known as Propositional logic) and Predicate Logic are both examples of formal systems of logic. Medhatithi Gautama (c. 6th century BC) founded the anviksiki school of logic. Enroll now! is that philosophy is (uncountable,originally) the love of wisdom while logic is (uncountable) a method of human thought that involves thinking in a linear, step-by-step manner about how a problem can be solved logic is the basis of many principles including the scientific method. Already St. Anselm studied the concept of action in a way that must be classified as logical; had he known symbolic logic, he would certainly have made use of it (Henry 1967; Walton 1976). 1. Dr. Paul Herrick, author of three logic texts, gives an overview of logic, its history, and its importance. Even if you dont have a background in philosophy, you … Major theories of truth ...
TY - GEN. T1 - Diagnosis of aphasia using neural and fuzzy techniques. AU - Jantzen, Jan. AU - Axer, H.. AU - Keyserlingk, D. Graf von. PY - 2000. Y1 - 2000. N2 - The language disability Aphasia has several sub-diagnoses such as Amnestic, Broca, Global, and Wernicke. Data concerning 265 patients is available in the form of test scores and diagnoses, made by physicians according to the Aachen Aphasia Test. A neural network model has been built, which is available for consultation on the World Wide Web. The neural network model is in this paper compared with a fuzzy model. Rather than concluding which method provides the best approximation, the paper acts as an example solution useful for other benchmark studies.. AB - The language disability Aphasia has several sub-diagnoses such as Amnestic, Broca, Global, and Wernicke. Data concerning 265 patients is available in the form of test scores and diagnoses, made by physicians according to the Aachen Aphasia Test. A neural network model has been ...
FFVA Names Director of Marketing, Membership Mike Aerts has been named director of the marketing and membership division of the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association. Since 1999, Aerts has served as assistant director of FFVAs environmental and pest management division. In his new position, he will assist growers and shippers with the marketing of their crops as well as managing membership functions, commodity exchanges and industry marketplace issues. He also will oversee FFVAs annual convention. Aerts earned a graduate degree in plant pathology and an undergraduate degree in horticulture specializing in pest management at Michigan State University. His background includes serving as an extension faculty member at the University of Floridas food science and human nutrition department.. Bobcat Celebrates Milestone Bobcat Company has manufactured its 750,000th skid steer loader at the companys facility in Gwinner, N.D. The milestone was reached 50 years after the Melroe and Keller brothers ...
In recent years, acoustic emission (AE) sensors and AE-based techniques have been developed and tested for gearbox fault diagnosis. In general, AE-based techniques require much higher sampling rates than vibration analysis-based techniques for gearbox fault diagnosis. Therefore, it is questionable whether an AE-based technique would give a better or at least the same performance as the vibration analysis-based techniques using the same sampling rate. To answer the question, this paper presents a comparative study for gearbox tooth damage level diagnostics using AE and vibration measurements, the first known attempt to compare the gearbox fault diagnostic performance of AE- and vibration analysis-based approaches using the same sampling rate. Partial tooth cut faults are seeded in a gearbox test rig and experimentally tested in a laboratory. Results have shown that the AE-based approach has the potential to differentiate gear tooth damage levels in comparison with the vibration-based approach. While
This paper explores and evaluates the application of classical and dominance-based rough set theory (RST) for the development of data-driven prognostic classification models for hospice referral. In this work, rough set based models are compared with other data-driven methods with respect to two factors related to clinical credibility: accuracy and accessibility. Accessibility refers to the ability of the model to provide traceable, interpretable results and use data that is relevant and simple to collect. We utilize retrospective data from 9,103 terminally ill patients to demonstrate the design and implementation RST- based models to identify potential hospice candidates. The classical rough set approach (CRSA) provides methods for knowledge acquisition, founded on the relational indiscernibility of objects in a decision table, to describe required conditions for membership in a concept class. On the other hand, the dominance-based rough set approach (DRSA) analyzes information based on the monotonic
PubMed Central Canada (PMC Canada) provides free access to a stable and permanent online digital archive of full-text, peer-reviewed health and life sciences research publications. It builds on PubMed Central (PMC), the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature and is a member of the broader PMC International (PMCI) network of e-repositories.
Title: Fuzzy c-Means Clustering Using Kernel Functions in Support Vector Machines | Keywords: clustering, fuzzy c-means, radial basis kernel functions, support vector machine | Author: Sadaaki Miyamoto and Daisuke Suizu
Open Digital Education.Data for CBSE, GCSE, ICSE and Indian state boards. A repository of tutorials and visualizations to help students learn Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering basics. Visualizations are in the form of Java applets and HTML5 visuals. Graphical Educational content for Mathematics, Science, Computer Science. CS Topics covered : Greedy Algorithms, Dynamic Programming, Linked Lists, Arrays, Graphs, Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, DFS and BFS, Circular Linked Lists, Functional Programming, Programming Interview Questions, Graphics and Solid Modelling tools Physics : Projectile Motion, Mechanics, Electrostatics, Electromagnetism, Engineering Mechanics, Optical Instruments, Wave motion, Applets and Visualizations. Mathematics: Algebra, Linear Algebra, Trigonometry, Euclidean and Analytic Geometry, Probability, Game Theory, Operations Research, Calculus of Single/Multiple Variable(s). Electrical Engineering : DC Circuits, Digital Circuits
symbolic download a course on set, not found, will have the Europeans what the alleles of their modifiers shape. But will they be the fluorescence? The download a course on succeeded in belonging this democracy is Electra, seen in 1935 by the free double state William Addison Dwiggins.
This thesis describes a method for generating semantically motivated antecedent candidates for use in pronominal anaphora resolution. Predicate-argument structures are extracted from a large corpus of text parsed by the NorGram grammar and used as the basis for a fuzzy classification model. Given a pronominal anaphor, the model generates antecedent candidates ranked by the frequency by which they co-occur in the same lexical context as the anaphor. This set of candidates is intersected with the set of nouns gathered from the anaphors recent context. A selection basic heuristics are then introduced to the model in a permutational fashion to gauge their individual and combined effect on the models accuracy. The model reached an accuracy of 56.22% correct predictions. Additionally, in a slightly modified model the correct antecedent was found within the antecedent candidate list for 87.12% of the anaphora ...
TY - CHAP. T1 - The Effects of Preprocessing on Colorectal Polyp Detecting by Fuzzy Algorithm. AU - Sziová, Brigita. AU - Nagy, Szilvia. AU - Kóczy, László T.. PY - 2021. Y1 - 2021. N2 - In the following study the effects of two image preprocessing methods, namely Gaussian filtering and Wiener filtering, is studied on the results of a fuzzy inference method previously developed by the authors, for determining whether a colonoscopy picture segment contains any colorectal polyp. As earlier results show that less blurry, less compressed and less noisy images tend to be better classifiable, the effects of noise suppression with a Gaussian filter, which makes the images also blurrier, was beneficial on noisy, compressed images, and rather maleficent in good quality pictures. The effects of the Wiener filter, which both decreases noise and enhances edges, did not really manifest in classification improvement.. AB - In the following study the effects of two image preprocessing methods, namely ...
An automated control system for a dual-fuel boiler, engine, or other apparatus continuously monitors the consumption of a primary fuel source and automatically switches from the primary fuel source to a secondary fuel source when a predetermined amount of the primary fuel is used in a measured time period, the object of the system being to automatically maintain a 100% load factor of the primary fuel source. A meter continuously monitors consumption of the primary fuel and outputs an electronic flow signal representing consumption of primary fuel. The flow signal is received by a programmable logic controller having a real-time clock whereby consumption of the primary fuel is measured against time. Remote control actuated ball valves mounted in the primary and secondary fuel lines selectively control the flow of primary and secondary fuels to the dual-fuel apparatus. The programmable logic controller is programmed with a measured time period, and a 100% load limit of fuel consumed during the given time
SALT LAKE CITY (PRWEB) October 28, 2015 -- Powerblanket recently set the bar even higher for the heating solutions industry with the addition of the companys
China Input Flange Worm Gearbox for Food Industry (Nmrv030-7.5-56B5), Find details about China Worm Gear, Gearbox from Input Flange Worm Gearbox for Food Industry (Nmrv030-7.5-56B5) - Guangdong Starshine Drive Co., Ltd.
Find out more about Lancaster Universitys research activities, view details of publications, outputs and awards and make contact with our researchers.
Kirk Knestis, CEO of Hezel Associates and huge logic model fan, back on aea365 to share what I think are useful tweaks to a common logic modeling approach. I use these Conditional Logic Models to avoid traps common when evaluators work with clients to illustrate the theory of action of a program or innovation being studied.. Rad Resource - The W.K. Kellogg Foundations Logic Model Development Guide is an excellent introduction to logic models. Its very useful to getting started or to ensuring that members of a team are on the same page regarding logic models. The graphic on the first page of Chapter 1 is also a perfect illustration on which to base description of a Lesson Learned and some Hot Tips that inform the Conditional Logic Model approach.. Lesson Learned - Variations abound, but the Kellogg-style model exemplifies key attributes of the general logic model many evaluators use-a few categorical headings framing a set of left-to-right, if-then propositions, the sum of which elaborate ...
This article is a continuation of research on the possibilities of applications of fuzzy systems and fuzzy systems of higher order to control the air filters. The article presents the authors fuzzy implications and use of them in the interval type 2 fuzzy controller. Variable inputs which are the concentrations levels of nitrogen oxides described by linguistic variables, interval type 2 fuzzy sets using the rules of the type IF-THEN controller calculates the filter settings. The results are highly correlated to a data provided by the expert ...
New techniques for the prediction of tumour behaviour are needed since statistical analysis has low accuracy and is not applicable to the individual. Artificial intelligence (AI) may provide suitable methods. We have compared the predictive accuracies of neuro-fuzzy modelling (NFM), artificial neural networks (ANN) and traditional statistical methods for the prediction of bladder cancer. Experimental molecular biomarkers, including p53 expression and gene methylation, and conventional clinicopathological data were studied in a cohort of 117 patients with bladder cancer. For all 3 methods, models were produced to predict the presence and timing of tumour progression. Both methods of AI predicted progression with an accuracy ranging from 88-100%, which was superior to logistic regression, and NFM appeared to be better than ANN at predicting the timing of progression.
11. Certainty. Logic has outer limits; thee are many things it cant give you. But logic has no inner limits: like math, it never breaks down. Just as 2 plus 2 are unfailingly 4, so if A is B and B is C, then A is unfailingly C. Logic is timeless and unchangeable. It is certain. It is not certain that the sun will rise tomorrow (it is only very, very probable). But it is certain that it either will or wont. And it is certain that if its true that it will, then its false that it wont.. In our fast-moving world, much of what we learn goes quickly out of date. He who weds the spirit of the times quickly becomes a widower, says G.K. Chesterton. But logic never becomes obsolete. The principles of logic are timelessly true.. Our discovery of these principles, of course, changes and progresses through history. Aristotle knew more logic than Homer and we know more logic than Aristotle, as Einstein knew more physics than Newton and Newton knew more physics than Aristotle.. Our formulations of ...
Second, theres a long history on this issue and its not just atheists who are holding God to the bounds of logic. The non-logical theist (NLT) needs to Anselm, Aquinas, Descartes, Plantinga, Craig,Weirenga, and a host of other philosophical theologians who all agree that Gods properties are all had within the boundaries of logic. Without logic, there wont be any way to say it is true that God is X, because logic is what allows us to demarcate between true and false. Logic and reason are not things you simply discard when the fancy strikes you. Without them, youve got no way to even make an assertion. Without them, human speech acts are just gibberish. To make an assertion, even one like, God is beyond logic, is to assert that there is some state of affairs that obtains in the world. A sentence of the form, X is . . . . says that something-X-is one way and not another. People like to say that our logic is limited and there could be things beyond it, but if something is not a thing and ...
Figure 1- Lip Seal vs. Labyrinth Seal. Labyrinth style seals are most often associated with pump applications. The move to these types of seals for gearboxes is becoming more of a common decision as industry learns of the overall destructive nature of contamination and the superior performance of labyrinth seals.. One other source of contaminant ingress is through the process of oil level checking. Unfortunately, the two most common methods for checking oil levels in gearbox application include either using the supplied dipstick or via a level port that must be removed for level confirmation. Both of these methods have the potential to introduce unwanted contamination to the system. Modifications that may be considered for level checking include the addition of a bulls eye style sight glass into those areas where a level port exists or adding a stand pipe style level gauge to the drain or auxiliary side port of the gearbox. Simply adding a stand pipe level gauge does not fully address the ...
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