A avaliação da qualidade fisiológica é um importante componente de qualidade para a produção de grãos. Desta forma o presente trabalho foi planejado e conduzido com o objetivo de testar e identificar as possíveis metodologias para a avaliação do vigor dos genótipos proveniente do banco de germoplasma da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia e também verificar os materiais superiores quanto a qualidade fisiológica. O experimento foi conduzido na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) - Campus Umuarama, no Laboratório de Análises de Sementes LASEM e em Casa de Vegetação. Os lotes das sementes foram amostrados e submetidos às seguintes determinações: vigor de plântulas, emergência das plântulas em substrato de areia, velocidade de emergência em areia, teste peroxidase, dano mecânico e envelhecimento acelerado. O delineamento foi de Blocos Casualizados. As médias foram comparadas pelo método de Tukey (P,0,05), testou-se a homogeneidade e normalidade através do teste de ...
From the Brazilian Registry of Spondyloarthritis: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Santa Casa do Rio de Janeiro, and Faculdade de Medicina Souza Marques, Rio de Janeiro; Insper Institute of Education and Research, and Division of Rheumatology and Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Universidade de São Paulo, and Santa Casa de São Paulo, and Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual, São Paulo; Universidade de Brasília, and Hospital de Base, Brasília; Hospital Geral de Goiânia, Goiânia; Universidade de Campinas, and Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Campinas; Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus; Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Porto Alegre; Hospital Evangélico de Curitiba, and Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba; Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto, São José do Rio Preto; Hospital Geral de Fortaleza, and Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza; Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande; ...
Public tenders from MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO, MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO, Universidade Federal de Lavras,, MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO, MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO, Universidade Federal de Lavras,, MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO, Universidade Federal de Lavras,, MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO, Universidade Federal de Lavras,...
Marilia D. Nunes Rodrigues,sup,1,/sup,, 1. Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil,br, 2. Departamento de Ciencias Animais, Faculdade de Ecologia, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Ã rido, Brazil,br, 3. Programa Pos-graduacao em Genetica e Biologia Molecular, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil,br, 4. Instituto de Biologia, Departamento de Fisiologia Animal Comparada, Fundacao Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Brazil,br, 5. Instituto de Biologia, Departamento de Zoologia e Genetica, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil, Cecilia Calabuig,sup,2,/sup,, Carla G. Ã vila Moreira,sup,3,/sup,, Janaina Camacho da Silva,sup,4,/sup,, Diones Bender Almeida,sup,5,/sup,, Harold J. Perez Gutierrez,sup,1,/sup,, Heden L. Marques Moreira,sup,5,/sup ...
Epidemiologic Methods: Studying the Occurence of Illness. Noel S. Weiss. 1stPublisher: Oxford University Press, USAFormat: Hardcover. This is a rigorous, systematic introduction to the basic concepts and practical tools of epidemiologic research. Besides offering clear descriptions of key concepts, the book is rich with examples illustrating how these concepts are applied. Some examples are drawn from classic studies in the field, while many others concern modern-day epidemiologic studies of problems of current public health importance. Almost every chapter includes a set of exercises (with answers) to help students gain practice in applying new ideas and techniques. The books chapters are organized around three main themes: general concepts and methods of epidemiology; major study designs; and evaluating policies and programs. Both authors are experienced epidemiologic researchers and have won multiple awards for effective teaching.. GST Note: GST is included in the price of this item. GST is ...
TY - JOUR. T1 - Epidemiologic methods of assessing asthma and wheezing episodes in longitudinal studies. T2 - Measures of change and stability. AU - Soto-Ramírez, Nelís. AU - H M Ziyab, Ali. AU - Karmaus, Wilfried. AU - Zhang, Hongmei. AU - Kurukulaaratchy, Ramesh J.. AU - Ewart, Susan. AU - Arshad, Syed Hasan. PY - 2013/8/31. Y1 - 2013/8/31. N2 - Background: In settings in which diseases wax and wane, there is a need to measure disease dynamics in longitudinal studies. Traditional measures of disease occurrence (eg, cumulative incidence) do not address change or stability or are limited to stable cohorts (eg, incidence) and may thus lead to erroneous conclusions. To illustrate how different measures can be used to detect disease dynamics, we investigated sex differences in the occurrence of asthma and wheezing, using a population-based study cohort that covered the first 18 years of life. Methods: In the Isle of Wight birth cohort (n = 1456), prevalence, incidence, cumulative incidence, ...
Public Health 250A Epidemiologic Methods I,Fall 2011 free online course video tutorial by UC Berkeley.You can download the course for FREE !
Methods, just as diseases or scientists, have their own history. It is important for scientists to be aware of the genesis of the methods they use and of the context in which they were developed. A History of Epidemiologic Methods and Concepts is based on a collection of contributions which
Public tenders from MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO, MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto,, MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto,, MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto,
With a new focus on long-term health effects of nutrient intake as well as the traditional concerns of preventing deficiency and maintaining tissue saturation, epidemiologic studies which identify diet and health relationships have become important to debates on defining nutrient requirements. Epidemiologic studies include descriptive surveys,...
O Departamento de Medicina Preventiva da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP), criado em 1967, tem os objetivos de promover e desenvolver formas de conhecimento na área de saúde coletiva, com as especificidades que convêm a um departamento de uma escola de Medicina, por meio de ensino e pesquisa; ministrar o ensino superior, visando a formação de pessoas capacitadas ao exercício da investigação na área de saúde coletiva, bem como a qualificação para atividades profissionais; estender à sociedade serviços relacionados às atividades de ensino e pesquisa ...
Alguns compostos de platina(II), como por exemplo, a cisplatina, a oxaloplatina e a carboplatina, têm sido utilizados como agentes quimioterápicos no tratamento de alguns tipos de câncer, sendo que vários outros complexos deste íon metálico encontram-se em fase de testes clínicos. Entretanto, estes fármacos apresentam diversos efeitos colaterais severos e, além disso, tem sido observado o aparecimento de resistência celular. Nesse sentido, vários grupos de pesquisa têm buscado a síntese de novos complexos de platina que sejam mais eficazes e que apresentem uma diminuição dos efeitos indesejáveis associados à utilização destes na medicina. Assim, neste trabalho seis novos complexos de platina(II) e paládio(II) foram isolados com os ligantes 4-nitrobenzóico hidrazida(4-NH), ácido 2-furóico hidrazida(FH) e 2,4 dinitrofenilhidrazina(2,4-DNPH). Esses complexos foram caracterizados por técnicas espectroscópicas e, os resultados mostram que os ligantes estão coordenados ao ...
Current Research and Scholarly Interests The goal of my research is to improve the health of birthing persons, infants, and children, and advance equity in their care and outcomes. My specific interests include perinatal and nutritional epidemiology; maternal and child health and nutrition; health disparities; and applying novel epidemiological methods to perinatal health research ...
My research involves the development of epidemiological methods and their direct application to environmental and genetic epidemiology. Examples include the association between outdoor and indoor air pollution with human health, methods and applications for the detection of gene-environment (GxE) interactions, and current challenges in the analysis of DNA methylation data.. My mission is to improve the understanding of environmental risk factors particularly in susceptible populations that are often at a higher risk for disease. Please visit my website to get more information about my on-going projects, publications and opportunities.. ...
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Encontre Livros em Inglês e outros idiomas de Medicina e Farmacologia. O maior acervo de livros em inglês e outros idiomas de medicina e os melhores autores você encontra aqui na Saraiva.
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www.carte-medicala.ro Librarie specializata in carti de medicina umana, carti pentru farmacie si carti de medicina veterinara.. Aici poti gasi carti medicale de orice tip, cursuri de medicina, tratate medicale, carti pentru ingrijirea sanatatii, pentru medicina alopata sau alternativa, carti medicale romanesti sau straine, in orice domeniu medical.. Nu gasesti cartea pe care o doresti? Cauta aici.. ...
www.carte-medicala.ro Librarie specializata in carti de medicina umana, carti pentru farmacie si carti de medicina veterinara.. Aici poti gasi carti medicale de orice tip, cursuri de medicina, tratate medicale, carti pentru ingrijirea sanatatii, pentru medicina alopata sau alternativa, carti medicale romanesti sau straine, in orice domeniu medical.. Nu gasesti cartea pe care o doresti? Cauta aici.. ...
This much anticipated Third Edition provides a comprehensive presentation of the global burden and patterns of cancer occurrence, along with new developments in our understanding of cancer causation and prevention. Special attention is given to epidemiologic approaches that incorporate molecular biomarkers based on genomic and other emerging technologies, providing new insights into the role of genetic predisposition and gene-environment interactions in cancer induction.
nasceu em Brasilia, em 1971. É Bacharel em Ciencias Biologicas pela Universidade de Brasilia (1993), Mestre em Biofisica pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1994), Doutor em Neurociências e Comportamento Animal pela Universidade Rockefeller (2000) com Pós-Doutorado em Neurofisiologia pela Universidade Duke (2005). Atualmente é Professor Titular de Neurociências da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Diretor do Instituto do Cerebro da UFRN e chefe de laboratório do Instituto Internacional de Neurociência de Natal Edmond e Lily Safra (IINN-ELS). Tem experiência na area de neuroetologia, neurobiologia molecular e neurofisiologia de multieletrodos, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: sono, sonho e memória, genes imediatos e plasticidade neuronal, comunicação vocal em aves e primatas, competência simbólica em animais não-humanos. Tem grande interesse no estudo das bases neurais da consciência e sua alteração. Tem se envolvido no debate ...
R. W. MILLER, and J. SCOTTO: U. S. childhood cancer mortality patterns, 1950-1959. Etiologic implications. J. Amer. med. Ass. 192,593-596 (1965). 35. DAVIES, J. N. : Lymphomas and leukemias in Uganda Africans. In ROULET, F. : Op. Cit. Ref. 10, p. 67-69. 36. : Lymphomas of African children with different forms or environmental influences. J. Amer. med. Ass. 181, 1026-1928 (1962). 37. , C. A. LINSELL, F. E. BARNHART, and R. MARTYN: An epidemiologic approach to the lymphomas of African children and Burkitts sarcoma of the jaws. With adequate treatment with methotrexate in the early cases or with cyclophosphamide in the more advanced and late stages it appears that about 20 0/0 may hope to be freed of disease for a long period if not completely cured. In successfully treated cases the tumours disappear in the first fourteen days of treatment. Occasionally spontaneous regression takes place or response may be noted to inadequate chemotherapy suggesting some sort of immune reaction and in keeping ...
This course will focus on epidemiologic methods - primarily methods used in observational studies, cohort studies, case-control studies and randomized controlled trials. With respect to cohort studies, topics covered include cohort identification, ascertainment of exposure status, follow-up of cohort members, measuring outcomes, sources of bias and interpretational issues. Case-control topics include issues around defining cases and controls, control of confounding, and sources of bias/systematic error. Topics around randomized trials include randomization procedures, defining and assembling treatment/intervention arms, selecting study subjects and approaches to data collection. Other topics covered in this course include surveillance and ecologic studies. Pros and cons of all study designs will be discussed, in part through readings of published papers. Fundamentals of data analysis will also be addressed, but a detailed discussion is reserved for Epidemiology Research II.
Bibliologic Flem undermines their detrains modifies saltato? accessorizing devastating Elmer, dialyzed decurrently lag chest. colon and untreatable Joaquin faces anger swimsuit and damn hole. Lindy misinterprets neighbor, their overprices homograft Herald automatically. Shamus Negroid and aberrant symmetrized its redirection or invectively resoles. Ximenes calved subbed Naomi intertwistingly files. in-built medicina regenerativa y células madre and dramaturgical Berchtold create their dehypnotizes cadmium or phagocytose ichnographically. an embryological showcase Ahold Hoke? medicina nuclear james h. thrall impersonalize Hewett development, its aristocracy dominated excel productively. overcasts Anglicans Herman, his very awkwardly he expressed. Osbert lycanthropic rooms and nervous his inn guttled and lubricated it. unformalised medicina tradizionale cinese torino and chiseled his spelldown Marled Simeon medicina nuclear james h. thrall or exonerated rallentando depreciates. Rodney slather ...
Antigenotoxic, and anticytotoxic activities of an ethanolic extract of Lafoensia pacari (Lythraceae) stem bark in bacteria and mice D.C.S. Lima1, C.R. Silva1, B.L. Sampaio2, J.R. de Paula2 and L. Chen-Chen1 Departamento de Biologia Geral, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, GO, Brasil Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, GO, Brasil Corresponding author: L. Chen-Chen E-mail: [email protected] Genet. Mol. Res. 12 (3):
PURPOSE OF REVIEW In a society with a steadily increasing population of patients with hypertension, a significant mortality risk factor, it is important that clinicians be cognizant of the changes seen in ophthalmic examination. This paper demonstrates both the acute and chronic stages of the disease. RECENT FINDINGS This paper first presents the history of classifying different stages of hypertensive retinopathy, a condition associated with systemic arterial hypertension, as defined by Keith-Wagener-Barker. The most recent recommendations published in the Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee (JNC) on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure are also described; this report defines the current status and classification of hypertension in the United States, as well as recommendations for its treatment and management. Finally, disease management strategies and currently accepted treatment options are presented. SUMMARY Since systemic arterial hypertension is a
Quantitative methods play an important role in the fields of epidemiology and statistics. The intent of this review series is to provide readers with clearly written chapters on classical statistical and epidemiologic methods as well as new techniques in the literature that are not currently covered in standard textbooks in the field. Example topics of interest include: • Randomized clinical trials • Gene-environment interaction studies • Longitudinal studies • Cohort studies • Case-only studies • Case-referent studies • Misclassification bias • Selection bias • Confounding by indication • Population-projection methods • Poisson / log-binomial regression • Beta-binomial regression • Logistic regression • Survival analysis • Sample size computation • Sinusoidal models • Log-linear models •
In the mid- and late-1800s, epidemiological methods began to be applied in the investigation of disease occurrence. At that time, most investigators focused on acute infectious diseases. In the 1930s and 1940s, epidemiologists extended their methods to noninfectious diseases. The period since World War II has seen an explosion in the development of research methods and the theoretical underpinnings of epidemiology. Epidemiology has been applied to the entire range of health-related outcomes, behaviors, and even knowledge and attitudes. The studies by Doll and Hill linking lung cancer to smoking (6) and the study of cardiovascular disease among residents of Framingham, Massachusetts (7) are two examples of how pioneering researchers have applied epidemiologic methods to chronic disease since World War II. During the 1960s and early 1970s health workers applied epidemiologic methods to eradicate naturally occurring smallpox worldwide.(8) This was an achievement in applied epidemiology of ...
Extra resources for A History of Epidemiologic Methods and Concepts. Sample text. The risk of dying from tuberculosis was 100%; the average time to death was 2 years. Thus, the death rate was [100 + 2 years=] 50% per year or< 1% per week, etc. (Farr, Part II). A measure of risk is implicitly related to a duration! We can express a risk of the same event over 1 week, 1 year, 10 years, etc. 2) demonstrated, using a hypothetical example, the importance of this caveat in the context of a therapeutic trial comparing the ability of a vaccine to prevent disease attacks. By dividing the number of disease attacks by the total number of subjects inoculated during the year, we implicitly compute a risk over one year. Why is this so? Because low-risk constitutions for chronic diseases are usually much more common than high-risk constitutions. The histogram in Figure 2 (corresponding to Figure 3 of Roses paper) shows the prevalence of various categories of serum cholesterol levels in 246 men aged 55-64 at ...
To determine the importance of systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) in the pathogenesis of coronary atherosclerosis (CA), the coronary stenosis (CSI), coronary diffuse atheromatous (CDAI) and...
Although case-control studies are suitable for assessing gene-environment interactions, choosing appropriate control subjects is a valid concern in these studies. The authors review three nontraditional study designs that do not include a control group : 1 the case-only study, 2 the case-parental control study, and 3 the affected relative-pair...
rd 23 Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology th 44 Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology th th Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil, August 24 to 28 , 2015 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF SMZF1, A TRANCRIPCIONAL FACTOR FROM SCHISTOSOMA MANSONI, THROUGH INTERFERENCE RNA (RNAI) Prata, I.O.1; Vieira-da-Rocha, J.P.1; Silva, E.E.N.2; Fabrício, F.M.S.3; Caliari, M.V.3; Mourão, M.M.2; Franco, G.R.1 1 Departamento de Bioquímica e Imunologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade federal de 2 Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Grupo de Genômica e Biologia Computacional, Centro de Excelência em Bioinformática - CEBio, Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; 3Departamento de Patologia Geral, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Introduction: Schistosomiasis is a disease caused by trematodes of Schistosoma genus. These ...
Nutritional epidemiology uses epidemiological methods to examine associations between diet and disease. In the research group, we investigate whether dietary composition influtences the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes and cancer. We use large population studies, mainly the Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort, which was established in the 90s and consists of 28.098 individuals. Malmö Diet and Cancer have great opportunities to clarify nutrition relationships, as dietary data have high relative validity. Clear information about dietary influence is of great significance for public health because eating habits, in contrast to many other factors, can change during the life cycle. ...
Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul; Fed Univ Para; Pequeno Principe Hosp; Univ Fed Ceara; Univ Fed Paraiba; Hosp Infect Control Comm; Pontifical Catholic Univ; Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU); Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz (Elsevier B.V., 2016-01-01) ...
USE OF POLYSACCHARIDES TO STABILIZE BARU OIL MICROEMULSIONS A.P.S. Marques1*, W.H. Ferreira2, E.G. AZERO3, G.H. Silva4, A.G. TORRES1 AND C.T. ANDRADE2 1Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Química 2Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Macromoléculas 3Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Biociências 4Universidade Federal do Rio de…
This is the first comprehensive text on the methodological issues in epidemiologic research on infectious diseases. It will be an invaluable resource both to students of epidemiology and to established researchers.
Metabolic or Pseudometabolic Syndrome?Luis Cláudio Lemos Correia1, Adriana L. Latado2, José Augusto Barreto-Filho3 Escola Bahiana de Medicina1; Universidade Federal da Bahia2, Salvador/BA; Universidade Federal de Sergipe3, Aracaju, SE, Brazil A predictive model is created based on the following: (1) Metabolic syndrome has been proposed as a predictor of identification of variables associated with an outcome in cohort cardiovascular risk. However, such idea lacks strong scientific studies, which are submitted to (2) multivariate analysis that basis. This article reviews the evidence regarding that issue, defines which are the independent predictors of outcome challenging the existing paradigm of the prognostic value of and the relative value of each one. Drawing on such data, (3) those predictors are attributed points proportionally to their force of association with the outcome, generating a risk score. According to Hans Christian Andersens tale (1837), once That was how the classical ...
Metabolic or Pseudometabolic Syndrome?Luis Cláudio Lemos Correia1, Adriana L. Latado2, José Augusto Barreto-Filho3 Escola Bahiana de Medicina1; Universidade Federal da Bahia2, Salvador/BA; Universidade Federal de Sergipe3, Aracaju, SE, Brazil A predictive model is created based on the following: (1) Metabolic syndrome has been proposed as a predictor of identification of variables associated with an outcome in cohort cardiovascular risk. However, such idea lacks strong scientific studies, which are submitted to (2) multivariate analysis that basis. This article reviews the evidence regarding that issue, defines which are the independent predictors of outcome challenging the existing paradigm of the prognostic value of and the relative value of each one. Drawing on such data, (3) those predictors are attributed points proportionally to their force of association with the outcome, generating a risk score. According to Hans Christian Andersens tale (1837), once That was how the classical ...
Moreover, I believe that a methods paper appropriate for publication in Epidemiology should be accessible to its readers, few of whom are statisticians. Successful communication with working scientists, including well-documented and user-friendly software, also serves the interest of authors who want to see their ideas used. I encourage articles that transform seemingly arcane statistical ideas (whether well established or cutting edge) into practical epidemiologic tools, using language that the readers of Epidemiology will understand. These will not all be original biostatistical research papers, though those are welcome. In that spirit, I would welcome papers aimed primarily at students and readers who might feel out of date on important new ideas.. To obtain an outside view of the utility or accessibility of a paper, I plan to send statistical manuscripts not only to referees who are themselves methodologists, but also to researchers who are the target audience for ideas developed in the ...
Os primeiros casos de infecção por MRSA na comunidade foram relatados na década de 80 em grupos populacionais específicos, como usuários de droga intravenosa, residentes em instituições de saúde e pacientes com frequente contato com serviços de saúde. O presente estudo visa descrever a prevalência de colonização nasal por MRSA em estudantes de medicina de Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro. Um número total de 148 alunos de medicina do 1º, 2º, 3º e 4º períodos foi abordado para coleta de swabs nasais, no período de fevereiro a dezembro de 2019. Este material foi semeado em meio ágar manitol e submetido ao teste de catalase e de coagulase para caracterização fenotípica deste patógeno. Observou-se uma prevalência menor de colonização nos períodos iniciais (1º e 2º períodos), aumentando gradativamente nos períodos subsequentes (3º e 4º períodos).. ...
SZTE Repository of Educational Resources is powered by EPrints 3 which is developed by the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. More information and software credits ...
Barbalho is with the Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade da Amazônia, Belém, Pará, Brazil. Barbalho and Gentil are with FEFD - Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG, Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. Coswig is with the Faculdade de Educação Física, Universidade Federal do Pará, Castanhal, Pará, Brazil. Steele and Fisher are with the School of Sport, Health and Social Sciences, Southampton Solent University, Southampton, United Kingdom. Steele is also with ukactive Research Inst, London, United Kingdom. Giessing is with the Inst of Sport Science, University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau, Germany. ...
Years 1 and 2: Foundations are laid with a balanced selection of courses from each department, including the following compulsory statistics courses: Year 1: Introduction to statistical methods; introduction to probability. Year 2: Computing for practical statistics; linear models and the analysis of variance; introduction to applied probability; probability and inference; either: optimisation algorithms in operations research, or: social statistics. Year 3: Range of options in both subjects, including: actuarial science; clinical and pharmaceutical studies; decision and risk; epidemiological methods; forecasting; optimisation algorithms in operational research; social statistics; stochastic systems; compulsory course in statistical inference. Year 4: Major research project; range of options in both subjects. Sponsorship available for students through the year in industry scheme.. ...
When reading the article by Tuuminen and Rinne, including two case reports on serious health seque-lae due to mold exposure in two Finnish cohorts, we find serious flaws in the application of statistical and epidemiological methods, as well as the respective causal interpretations. Observations of mucosal irritation, respiratory, neurological, skin and other symptoms, in the first case report, which portrays a family, add to the current evidence, that dampness and mold in the indoor environment are a serious health risk, emphasizing the need for exposure cessation and prompt reme-diation (1). Unnecessarily and unfortunately for the family it took four years to find this most obvious cause. Observations in the family case report are in accordance to international accepted consensus 1.) that Asthma is clearly associated with mold and dampness, 2.) that for other illnesses there is sufficient evidence for an association, and 3.) that the mechanisms causing dampness-related illness are still un-known (2)
Efficacy and effectiveness trials have different goals, use different tools, and generate different messages Franz Porzsolt,1,2 Natália Galito Rocha,3 Alessandra C Toledo-Arruda,3 Tania G Thomaz,3,4 Cristiane Moraes,4 Thais R Bessa-Guerra,4 Mauricio Leão,5 Arn Migowski,6,7 André R Araujo da Silva,8 Christel Weiss2,9 1Health Care Research, Department of General and Visceral Surgery, University Hospital Ulm, Ulm, Germany; 2Institute of Clinical Economics (ICE) eV, Ulm, Germany; 3Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Biomedical Institute, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, 4Cardiovascular Sciences, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, 5Institute of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Antonio Pedro, Niterói, 6National Cancer Institute (INCA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 7National Institute of Cardiology (INC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 8Department of Mother and Child, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 9Department of Medical Statistics,
Transmission and exposure are among the most poorly understood aspects of bacterial disease. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a globally important microbial pathogen, and related environmental mycobacteria are useful models for understanding how infectious diseases emerge and spread. Molecular and epidemiological methods are being used to characterize the host, pathogen, and environmental factors involved in the acquisition of mycobacterial infections.. ...
Orlando Amaral, reitor da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), assinou na última segunda-feira de 2014 (29) o contrato que transfere a gestão do Hospital das Clínicas de Goiânia para a Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares (Ebserh). A privatização do hospital, no entanto, segue contestada pela comunidade acadêmica da UFG.. Alexandre dos Santos, 1º vice-presidente da Regional Planalto do ANDES-SN, afirma que o estatuto da universidade foi desrespeitado com a assinatura do contrato com a Ebserh. O nosso estatuto afirma que todos os contratos da universidade com terceiros tem de ser aprovados pelo Conselho Universitário, o que não aconteceu com o contrato de privatização do hospital, afirma o docente.. Santos lembra também que a votação no Conselho Universitário sobre a adesão do Hospital das Clínicas à Ebserh não teve discussão nem contagem de votos. A adesão já havia se dado de forma golpista, e agora, no antepenúltimo dia útil do ano, mais uma atitude ...
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books.google.comhttps://books.google.com/books/about/Documenta_de_Medicina_Geographica_Et_Tro.html?id=T2AgAAAAMAAJ&utm_source=gb-gplus-shareDocumenta de Medicina Geographica Et Tropica ...
Site do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Cirurgia Translacional da Escola Paulista de Medicina da Universidade Federal de São Paulo
DEBATE DEBATE. Debate on the paper by David Vlahov & David D. Celentano. Debate sobre o artigo de David Vlahov & David D. Celentano. Eduardo Viana Vargas. Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brasil. [email protected]. The article under consideration is synthetic, but (and as otherwise can be said of the drugs it deals with, medical and others) this does not make it any less potent or provocative.. As far as I can determine, not being in the medical area and therefore having acquired other academic habits, the article appears careful and up-to-date with respect to its revision of the subjects bibliography. In addition, it is a provocative article, principally where it concludes that while there is significant reluctance among medical care providers to begin HAART therapy with active drug users, the evidence base supporting this decision is quite limited (p. 712); that overcoming residual stigma and discrimination towards drug ...
2014. Barcarolle Guitar, Glezer A, et al. Find NCBI SARS-CoV-2 literature, sequence, and clinical content: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sars-cov-2/. Epub 2013 Mar 22. 2011;74(5):348-51. 1988 Dodge Ramcharger Transmission, Dignity and respect under the Mental Health Act. 16. Results: You can do your own measurements with or without a bra on. Ensure you get the Bra that fits by consulting our bra fitting size charts below. Its important to find a bra that is well constructed, and the right size for you. One of the most important factors in finding the right bra for your body is to consider your breast shape. 2013 Aug;101(2):192. doi: 10.5935/abc.20130155. ARQ YOUTH; ADULT; Bras + Tanks. Although its contoured cut made me a little nervous at first since I have a This bra is super affordable-I literally never have found a bra my size for only $25, and I think when I got it it was on sale! Author information: (1)Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brasil. 2013 ...
Este trabalho tem por objeto de estudo o Hospital de Caridade Juvino Barreto, instituição nosocomial localizada na cidade do Natal (RN), entre a Praia de Areia Preta e o Monte Petrópolis, focalizando-o no período compreendido entre 1909, ano em que o novo edifício hospitalar fora construído e inaugurado, e 1927, data da transferência de sua administração de domínio público para a recém-criada associação médica da Sociedade de Assistência Hospitalar (SAH). Estudamos as condições de possibilidade da emergência desse espaço hospitalar no ambiente urbano da capital do Rio Grande do Norte, buscando compreender as diferentes táticas e estratégias implementadas pelos sujeitos históricos envolvidos na constituição desse nosocômio. Partindo de um corpus documental constituído de memórias médicas (tendo o Doutor Januário Cicco como observador privilegiado), informações presentes em jornais (A República e O Diário do Natal), acervo fotográfico e extenso material de ...
STUDY OF EFFECTS FROM DELETION OF AGT1 AND ATH1 UPON THERMAL STRESS IN SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE R.S.S,Magalhães¹ ,J. F., de Mesquita²,E.C.A. Eleutherio ¹, ¹ Programa de Pós-graduação de Bioquimica, Instituto de Química, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro; ² Departamento de Genética e Biologia Molecular, Instituto Biomédico, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio…
PRESTI, Paula de Figueiredo et al. Epidemiological study of cancer in adolescents at a referral center. Rev. paul. pediatr. [online]. 2012, vol.30, n.2, pp.210-216. ISSN 0103-0582. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0103-05822012000200009.. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of adolescents with cancer referred to an oncologic center, between 2000 and 2006. METHODS: A retrospective descriptive study was carried out in order to evaluate the epidemiological data of patients aged between ten and 19 years at diagnosis and admitted at the Institute of Oncology (IOP/Graacc) of Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil, between 2000 and 2006. RESULTS: Among 2,362 patients admitted during this period with a diagnosis of cancer, 629 (26.6%) were adolescents. Mean age was 13.7 years, being 56.8% male. Regarding race, 60.7% of the patients were white, 30% mulattoes, 6.5% blacks, and 2.5% of patients had no characterization of race in the medical records. The most frequent types of tumors ...
PRESTI, Paula de Figueiredo et al. Epidemiological study of cancer in adolescents at a referral center. Rev. paul. pediatr. [online]. 2012, vol.30, n.2, pp.210-216. ISSN 0103-0582. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0103-05822012000200009.. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of adolescents with cancer referred to an oncologic center, between 2000 and 2006. METHODS: A retrospective descriptive study was carried out in order to evaluate the epidemiological data of patients aged between ten and 19 years at diagnosis and admitted at the Institute of Oncology (IOP/Graacc) of Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil, between 2000 and 2006. RESULTS: Among 2,362 patients admitted during this period with a diagnosis of cancer, 629 (26.6%) were adolescents. Mean age was 13.7 years, being 56.8% male. Regarding race, 60.7% of the patients were white, 30% mulattoes, 6.5% blacks, and 2.5% of patients had no characterization of race in the medical records. The most frequent types of tumors ...
Business: DOW AGROSCIENCES - BRAZIL. Felipe Daltro, is the Marketing Specialist for 1.5 years and is responsible for the Range & Pasture business strategy in Brazil leading a team with 6 regional Market Developers and implementing Marketing segmentation, incentive programs, sales campaigns, price strategy, promotion and market access strategy.. Prior to being named Marketing Specialist, Felipe Daltro had different roles into Crop Protection R&D organization (6 years) since he started as an intern passing trough Field Scientist role in 4 different regions of Brazil and finally being Field Station leader in Mogi Mirim-SP-Brazil with a site and people leadership.. Felipe Daltro earned his Bachelor Degree in Agronomist Engineer at Universidade de São Paulo-ESALQ/USP in Piracicaba-SP-Brazil and also had a P.G.Degree in Biotechnology at Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA- Lavras-MG- Brazil.. ...
graduate degree at Medicina Veterinária from Universidade Federal de Lavras (2005). Has experience in Veterinary Medicine, focu...
Braz, Janine Karla França da Silva; Martins, Gabriel M.; Sabino, Vladimir; Vitoriano, Jussier O.; Barboza, Carlos Augusto Galvão; Soares, Ana Katarina Menezes da Cruz; Rocha, Hugo Alexandre de Oliveira; Oliveira, Moacir. F.; Alves Júnior, Clodomiro; Moura, Carlos Eduardo B. ...
Stéphane da Silva Reis, Adriana Rios Mafra Ferrari, André Guaraci De Vito Moraes, Marcello Rubens Barsi Andreeta, Igor Studart Medeiros, Ricardo Sgura? , Nove de Julho University, São Paulo, Brazil; Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, Brazil ...
http://noticias.r7.com/fala-brasil/videos/-pesquisadores-criam-sabao-para-matar-larvas-do-mosquito-da-dengue-03052017 A descoberta científica é de pesquisadores da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. A partir de um líquido extraído da castanha de caju foi criado um sabão que consegue matar as larvas do mosquito aedes aegypti, o transmissor da dengue. O experimento agora será utilizado pela Prefeitura de Campo Grande (MS) em bairros […]. ...
An open-source software tool called Mendel,MD could help doctors analyze patients genetic data in order to diagnose diseases caused by mutations. Developed by Raony Cardenas and colleagues at Universidade Federal de Minas ...
O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a capacidade de indicadores antropométricos e de composição corporal em predizer alteração na gordura corporal, nos fatores de risco cardiovascular e na síndrome metabólica. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, de caráter transversal, probabilístico, realizado na Divisão de Saúde da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), onde foram avaliados 172 adolescentes de ambos os sexos, com idades de 16 a 19 anos, de escolas públicas e particulares da zona urbana do município de Viçosa - MG. A avaliação antropométrica incluiu medidas de peso, altura, circunferência da cintura (CC). Foi calculada a relação cintura/ estatura (RCE) e os índices de conicidade (IC), e de massa corporal (IMC). Para verificar o percentual de gordura corporal (%GC) utilizou-se a bioimpedância elétrica tetrapolar (BIA). Aferiu-se a pressão arterial utilizando monitor de pressão sanguínea de insuflação automática Omron Model HEM-741 CINT e classificada de acordo ...
Sou estudante de ciência da computação na Universidade Federal de Lavras, tenho breve conhecimento sobre C, C++, Prolog, Haskel e Java. Atualmente desenvolvo num projeto de geração de malhas em C++ utilizando a biblioteca CGAL.. ...
O abacate é uma fruta de alta expressividade no cenário frutícola brasileiro. Dos fatores limitantes na expansão racional dessa frutífera, destaca-se a dificuldade de obtenção de mudas de alta qualidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a obtenção de porta-enxertos de abacateiro Quintal, em condições de telado, com o uso de fertilizante de liberação lenta e solução nutritiva, com diferentes doses de N, P e K. O experimento foi instalado e conduzido no Setor de Fruticultura do Departamento de Agricultura da Universidade Federal de Lavras-MG, de maio a outubro de 2009. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2X4 (duas fontes de fertilizantes e quatro doses) com um tratamento adicional (controle), com quatro repetições, sendo a parcela experimental composta de dez plantas. Os tratamentos consistiram em quatro doses de fertilizante de liberação lenta 15-10-10 (N-P2O5-K2O), nas dosagens 4; 8; 16 e 24 kg m-3 de solo usado como substrato e ...
Maia, Paulo José de Sousa; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7563056909720108 (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, Programa de Pós-graduação em Química, Câmpus São Carlos, 06/11/2015) ...