Nature. 2012 Dec 6;492(7427):59-65. doi: 10.1038/nature11681. Epub 2012 Nov 28. Research Support, Non-U.S. Govt; Research Support, U.S. Govt, Non-P.H.S.
The water-soluble antenna chromoprotein phycocyanin-645 from a Chroomonas species (Cryptophyceae) has been crystallized. X-ray precession photographs prove space groups P3121 (or the enantiomorphic P3
Members of the marine dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium are known to exude allelochemicals, unrelated to well-known neurotoxins (PSP-toxins, spirolides), with negative effects on other phytoplankton and marine grazers. Physico/chemical characterization of extracellular lytic compounds of A. tamarense, quantified by Rhodomonas salina bioassay, showed that the lytic activity, and hence presumably the compounds were stable over wide ranges of temperatures and pH and were refractory to bacterial degradation. Two distinct lytic fractions were collected by reversed-phase solid-phase extraction. The more hydrophilic fraction accounted for about 2% of the whole lytic activity of the A. tamarense culture supernatant, while the less hydrophilic one accounted for about 98% of activity. Although temporal stability of the compounds is high, substantial losses were evident during purification. Lytic activity was best removed from aqueous phase with chloroform-methanol (3:1). A
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) to the plant mitochondrial genome has recently been shown to occur at a surprisingly high rate; however, little evidence has been found for HGT to the plastid genome, despite extensive sequencing. In this study, we analyzed all genes from sequenced plastid genomes to unearth any neglected cases of HGT and to obtain a measure of the overall extent of HGT to the plastid. Although several genes gave strongly supported conflicting trees under certain conditions, we are confident of HGT in only a single case beyond the rubisco HGT already reported. Most of the conflicts involved near neighbors connected by long branches (e.g. red algae and their secondary hosts), where phylogenetic methods are prone to mislead. However, three genes - clpP, ycf2, and rpl36 - provided strong support for taxa moving far from their organismal position. Further taxon sampling of clpP and ycf2 resulted in rejection of HGT due to long-branch attraction and a serious error in the published plastid
Serial sections of mitotic spindles of the marine cryptophycean alga, Cryptomonas, were analysed to determine what types of microtubules they contained and which of these microtubules came close enough to each other (50 nm or less) for the commonly described crossbridging to be possible. Interpolar microtubules were rare (less than or equal to 1%) but from prometaphase through anaphase there was a substantial interpolar framework of free and polar microtubules which came close enough to one another to cross-bridge and generate anaphase spindle elongation by intermicrotubule sliding. However, such elongation would also require some concomitant polar microtubule polymerization. In contrast, only about 12% of the chromosomal microtubules came within bridging distance of interpolar framework microtubules. Thus, assuming that microtubules were accurately fixed in their in vivo positions, crossbridging between chromosomal and interpolar framework microtubules is unlikely to function in ...
A global phylogeny of major eukaryotic lineages is a significant and ongoing challenge to molecular phylogenetics. Currently, there are five hypothesized major lineages or supergroups' of eukaryotes. One of these, the chromalveolates, represents a large fraction of protist and algal diversity. The chromalveolate hypothesis was originally based on similarities between the photosynthetic organelles (plastids) found in many of its members and has been supported by analyses of plastid-related genes. However, since plastids can move between eukaryotic lineages, it is important to provide additional support from data generated from the nuclear-cytosolic host lineage. Genes coding for six different cytosolic proteins from a variety of chromalveolates (yielding 68 new gene sequences) have been characterized so that multiple gene analyses, including all six major lineages of chromalveolates, could be compared and concatenated with data representing all five hypothesized supergroups. Overall support for
We continue to explore the genomes of all life forms using the tools of bioinformatics. Following our introduction using fungi in the previous chapter we now arrive at the eukaryotes, from parasites to plants to primates. This page offers web documents and resources that are referred to in Chapter 19. Figure 19.1 presents a tree by Baldauf et al. showing the relationships of the eukaryotes, and in the chapter we follow this tree from bottom up. Topics include the protozoans (Trichomonas, Giardia); unicellular pathogens (trypanosomes and Leishmania); the Chromalveolates (the malaria parasite P. falciparum and other apicomplexans; the ciliophora Paramecium and Tetrahymena; nucleomorphs; Stramenopiles such as diatoms); the plants; and slime molds. When we arrive at the metazoans (animals) we divide these into the great groups of nematodes (such as the worm C. elegans), insects (e.g. fruitfly, mosquito, honeybee), and chordates (Ciona). We conclude with descriptions of fish (diverged from humans ...
p>The checksum is a form of redundancy check that is calculated from the sequence. It is useful for tracking sequence updates.,/p> ,p>It should be noted that while, in theory, two different sequences could have the same checksum value, the likelihood that this would happen is extremely low.,/p> ,p>However UniProtKB may contain entries with identical sequences in case of multiple genes (paralogs).,/p> ,p>The checksum is computed as the sequence 64-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check value (CRC64) using the generator polynomial: x,sup>64,/sup> + x,sup>4,/sup> + x,sup>3,/sup> + x + 1. The algorithm is described in the ISO 3309 standard. ,/p> ,p class=publication>Press W.H., Flannery B.P., Teukolsky S.A. and Vetterling W.T.,br /> ,strong>Cyclic redundancy and other checksums,/strong>,br /> ,a href=>Numerical recipes in C 2nd ed., pp896-902, Cambridge University Press (1993),/a>),/p> Checksum:i ...
Mirkovic, T, Doust AB, Kim J, Wilk KE, Curutchet C, Mennucci B, Cammi R, Curmi PMG, Scholes GD. 2007. Ultrafast light harvesting dynamics in the cryptophyte phycocyanin 645. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences. 6(9):964-975. Abstract ...
Burki, F; Inagaki, Y; Bråte, J; Archibald, J.; Keeling, P.; Cavalier-Smith, T; Sakaguchi, M; Hashimoto, T; Horak, A; Kumar, S; Klaveness, D; Jakobsen, K.S; Pawlowski, J; Shalchian-Tabrizi, K (2009). Large-scale phylogenomic analyses reveal that two enigmatic protist lineages, Telonemia and Centroheliozoa, are related to photosynthetic chromalveolates.. 》Genome Biology and Evolution》 1: 231-8. PMC 2817417. PMID 20333193. doi:10.1093/gbe/evp022. 2012년 7월 10일에 원본 문서 (Free full text)에서 보존된 문서 ...
Next-day shipping cDNA ORF clones derived from MICPUCDRAFT_18994 hypothetical protein available at GenScript, starting from $99.00.
Next-day shipping cDNA ORF clones derived from MICPUCDRAFT_63979 hypothetical protein available at GenScript, starting from $99.00.
Light-gated rhodopsin cation channels from chlorophyte algae have transformed neuroscience research through their use as membrane-depolarizing optogenetic tools for targeted photoactivation of neuron firing. Photosuppression of neuronal action potentials has been limited by the lack of equally efficient tools for membrane hyperpolarization. We describe Anion Channel Rhodopsins (ACRs), a family of light-gated anion channels from cryptophyte algae that provide highly sensitive and efficient membrane hyperpolarization and neuronal silencing through light-gated chloride conduction. ACRs strictly conducted anions, completely excluding protons and larger cations, and hyperpolarized the membrane of cultured animal cells with much faster kinetics at less than one-thousandth of the light intensity than required by the most efficient currently available optogenetic proteins. Natural ACRs provide optogenetic inhibition tools with unprecedented light sensitivity and temporal precision. ...
In this study we have investigated whether the carbon isotopic signature differs between different groups and species of marine phytoplankton depending on growth phase, nutrient conditions and salinity. The 15 investigated algal species, representing the Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Dinophyceae and Haptophyceae classes were grown in batch monocultures and analysed for delta(13)C in both exponential and stationary phase. For all the cultured species, delta(13)C signatures ranged from -23.5 parts per thousand (Imantonia sp.) to - 12.3 parts per thousand (Nodulania spumigena) in the exponential phase and from - 18.8 parts per thousand (Amphidinium carterae) to - 8.0 parts per thousand (Anabaena lemmermannii) in the stationary phase. Three species (Dunaliella tertiolecta, Rhodomonas sp.. Heterocapsa triquetra) were also grown under nutrient sufficient and nitrogen or phosphorus deficient conditions. Nitrogen limitation resulted in a more negative delta(13)C ...
Další analýzy (2007) přiřadily dovnitř chromist/chromalveolát i Rhizaria (ještě v r. 2005 považovaná za samostatnou superskupinu vedle chromalveolát), do příbuznosti skrytěnek a haptofytů se pak dnes řadí i Katablepharida, Telonemea, Centrohelida a Picobiliphyta.[8][9][10] Nepodařilo se však prokázat přirozenost takto posílené říše Chromista jako celku. Sice se původně zdálo, že je tvořena dvěma liniemi, dodnes v některých systémech udržovaných jako podříše, a sice SAR (Stramenopiles + Alveolata + Rhizaria) a Hacrobia (Haptophyta + Cryptophyta + Katablepharida + Centrohelida + Telonemea + Picobiliphyta). Zatímco přirozenost SAR je s vysokou věrohodností prokázána, nové analýzy ukazují nepřirozenost hacrobií jako celku. Haptofyta, centrohelidní slunivky a Telonemea by se podle nich odvětvovala na bázi holofyletických SAR, umístění skrytěnek (s plastidem morfologicky podobným haptofytům), katablefarid a pikobilifyt by mělo být na ...
Looking to get certified? If youd like to become a Certified Change Management Professional (CCMP), ACMP Atlanta can help you on your certification journey. Periodically, we will host study groups for ACMP Atlanta members who have or plan to obtain 21 hours of change management training ...
Stephen Murray was a globally renowned private equity investor and leading philanthropist. Mr. Murray passed on March 12, 2015, at the age of 52. He was the head of CCMP […]. Read More → ...
Define protoctists. protoctists synonyms, protoctists pronunciation, protoctists translation, English dictionary definition of protoctists. Noun 1. Protoctista - in most modern classifications, replacement for the Protista; includes: Protozoa; Euglenophyta; Chlorophyta; Cryptophyta;...
We have just published a new paper in Scientific Reports describing the role of the cytoskeleton in biomineralisation in haptophyte lgae. The results suggest that mechanisms for scale secretion may be common to both calcifcied coccolithophores and the silicifying haptophyte, Prymnesium neolepis. The work was performed by Grazyna Durak during her PhD studies at the MBA.. ...
the output of iwlist scan wlx00c0ca58180d Scan completed : Cell 01 - Address: 5C:F4:AB:09:D3:B3 Channel:1 Frequency:2.412 GHz (Channel 1) Quality=31/70 Signal level=-79 dBm Encryption key:on ESSID:Internet_B0 Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 11 Mb/s; 18 Mb/s 24 Mb/s; 36 Mb/s; 54 Mb/s Bit Rates:6 Mb/s; 9 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 48 Mb/s Mode:Master Extra:tsf=000001d780c847a5 Extra: Last beacon: 4132ms ago IE: Unknown: 000B496E7465726E65745F4230 IE: Unknown: 010882848B962430486C IE: Unknown: 030101 IE: Unknown: 2A0104 IE: Unknown: 2F0104 IE: IEEE 802.11i/WPA2 Version 1 Group Cipher : CCMP Pairwise Ciphers (1) : CCMP Authentication Suites (1) : PSK IE: Unknown: 32040C121860 IE: Unknown: 0B050200140000 IE: Unknown: 2D1AAC181FFFFF000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 IE: Unknown: 3D1601000400000000000000000000000000000000000000 IE: Unknown: 7F03000008 IE: Unknown: ...
the output of iwlist scan wlx00c0ca58180d Scan completed : Cell 01 - Address: 5C:F4:AB:09:D3:B3 Channel:1 Frequency:2.412 GHz (Channel 1) Quality=31/70 Signal level=-79 dBm Encryption key:on ESSID:Internet_B0 Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 11 Mb/s; 18 Mb/s 24 Mb/s; 36 Mb/s; 54 Mb/s Bit Rates:6 Mb/s; 9 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 48 Mb/s Mode:Master Extra:tsf=000001d780c847a5 Extra: Last beacon: 4132ms ago IE: Unknown: 000B496E7465726E65745F4230 IE: Unknown: 010882848B962430486C IE: Unknown: 030101 IE: Unknown: 2A0104 IE: Unknown: 2F0104 IE: IEEE 802.11i/WPA2 Version 1 Group Cipher : CCMP Pairwise Ciphers (1) : CCMP Authentication Suites (1) : PSK IE: Unknown: 32040C121860 IE: Unknown: 0B050200140000 IE: Unknown: 2D1AAC181FFFFF000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 IE: Unknown: 3D1601000400000000000000000000000000000000000000 IE: Unknown: 7F03000008 IE: Unknown: ...
Houlihan Lokey is pleased to announce the sale of Body Plus Nutritional Products, Inc. (Body Plus) to Jamieson Laboratories Ltd. (Jamieson), a portfolio company of CCMP Capital Advisors, LP (CCMP). The transaction closed on January 31, 2017. Founded in 1984 and based in Toronto, ON, Canada, Body Plus is a dynamic nutritional company that delivers highly comprehensive, professional quality, on-trend natural health and active lifestyle supplements that appeal to a broad range of ingredient-conscious consumers. Body Plus is well known for its three primary differentiated brands: Progressive Nutritional Therapies (the flagship brand with a broad line of premium, innovative foundational supplements), Precision Sport Supplements (high-performance sports nutrition brand), and Iron Vegan (ultra-clean vegan sports nutrition brand). Body Plus has longstanding, collaborative relationships with more than 2,000 retail customers in the specialty, natural, and grocery channels in Canada. Body Plus is ...
Of course, technical analysis is just one part of the puzzle - it may help you to make trading decisions, but its foolish to only trade based on technical analysis. In addition to technical analysis, you should also conduct fundamental analysis, looking through the balance sheet of Cabot Microelectronics Corporation. Heres how it stands right now:. ...
Haworthia truncata UTAMARO The first 2 photos are for display purposes only. There may be small markings on the leaves which can occur when the plant grows too fast causing them to split slightly, or if something has damaged the leaf, causing the marking to brown when it is healing. . Haworthia require up to 70% shade
Eina_Bool efl_ui_win_wm_available_rotations_get(const Eo *obj, Eina_Bool *allow_0, Eina_Bool *allow_90, Eina_Bool *allow_180, Eina_Bool *allow_270); void efl_ui_win_wm_available_rotations_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool allow_0, Eina_Bool allow_90, Eina_Bool allow_180, Eina_Bool allow_270); ...
Most heterokonts are biflagellated at some stage of their life cycles, usually at least as gametes. The two flagella are structurally distinct, the leading-end flagella (tinsel) being branched, the lateral or subapical flagellum is smooth and shorter or even rudimentary. Their plastid envelops consist of 4 membrane layers. The innermost 2 layers are derived from the original cyanobacterial endosymbiont. The next layer is the relic of the cell membrane of the red alga from which the stramenopilie acquired the plastid by seconadry endosymbiosis. The outermost layer is actually the host endoplasmic reticulum, inside of which the plastids reside.. Diatoms are the most familiar members of this group, and are perhaps the most abundant and diverse as well. By some estimates, they may be responsible for up to half of marine primary production. Most are unicellular. Gametes are flagellated, but diploids are non-motile or motile by gliding, and are encased in a intricate 2-part silica (glass) shells. ...
Most stock quote data provided by BATS. Market indices are shown in real time, except for the DJIA, which is delayed by two minutes. All times are ET. Disclaimer. Morningstar: © 2019 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Factset: FactSet Research Systems Inc.2019. All rights reserved. Chicago Mercantile Association: Certain market data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. Dow Jones: The Dow Jones branded indices are proprietary to and are calculated, distributed and marketed by DJI Opco, a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and have been licensed for use to S&P Opco, LLC and CNN. Standard & Poors and S&P are registered trademarks of Standard & Poors Financial Services LLC and Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. All content of the Dow Jones branded indices © S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC 2019 and/or its affiliates. © 2021 Cable News Network. A Warner Media Company. All Rights Reserved ...
Originally Posted by Exo Good luck! I had some, but they have almost all died would appear that they need a very acid PH to survive long term
The Rhizaria are a heterogeneous assemblage encompassing lineages such as Foraminifera, radiolarians and euglyphid testate amoebae, chlorarachniophytes, parasitic groups (Phytomyxea, Haplosporidia), as well as a multitude of other lesser-known flagellates (figure 2b) that emerge as having fundamental ecological roles [13,74-76]. Filamentous pseudopodia are a recurrent morphological feature among amoeboid members of Rhizaria, in contrast to the lobose or broad pseudopodia of many Amoebozoa. Complete sexual life cycles are documented for two lineages (Foraminifera and Gromia); karyogamy or meiosis (direct evidence) has been observed in five lineages (Euglyphida, Thecofilosea, Chlorarachniophyta, Plasmodiophorida and Phaeodarea); and indirect evidence (such as cell fusion or formation of putative gametes) has been witnessed in five lineages (Acantharea, Polycystinea, Cercomonas, Helkesimastix and Lateromyxa).. There are at least two lineages in the Rhizaria with confirmed sexual life cycles. ...
Cyanobacteria, Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta by Xia Bangmei; Diatomeae (Bacillariophyta), Chrysophyta, Cryptophyta, Xanthophyta, Prymnesiophyta (Haptophyta) by Gao Yahui, Chen Changping, Sun Lin, Zhou Qianqian; Dinozoa by Luu Douding. ISBN: ISBN 978-7-03-023722-4.. PDF: ...
ID PROMP_1_PE100 STANDARD; PRT; 555 AA. AC PROMP_1_PE100; Q7V3H5; DT 00-JAN-0000 (Rel. 1, Created) DT 00-JAN-0000 (Rel. 2, Last sequence update) DT 00-JAN-0000 (Rel. 3, Last annotation update) DE SubName: Full=L-aspartate oxidase; EC=1.4.3 16; (PROMP_1.PE100). GN Name=nadB; OrderedLocusNames=PMM0100; OS PROCHLOROCOCCUS MARINUS SUBSP. PASTORIS STR. CCMP1986. OC Bacteria; Cyanobacteria; Prochlorales; Prochlorococcaceae; OC Prochlorococcus. OX NCBI_TaxID=59919; RN [0] RP -.; RG -.; RL -.; CC -!- SEQ. DATA ORIGIN: Translated from the HOGENOM CDS PROMP_1.PE100. CC Prochlorococcus marinus subsp. pastoris str. CCMP1986, complete genome. CC genome. CC -!- ANNOTATIONS ORIGIN:Q7V3H5_PROMP CC -!- GENE_FAMILY: HOG000160476 [ FAMILY / ALN / TREE ] DR UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot; Q7V3H5; -. DR EMBL; BX548174; CAE18559.1; -; Genomic_DNA. DR RefSeq; NP_892221.1; NC_005072.1. DR HSSP; P83223; 1D4D. DR ProteinModelPortal; Q7V3H5; -. DR STRING; Q7V3H5; -. DR GeneID; 1725749; -. DR GenomeReviews; BX548174_GR; PMM0100. DR ...
Haworthia truncata belongs to Liliaceae (the Lily family). It is an evergreen herb that is distributed in the Western Cape region of South Africa. Column-like leaves with flat tips are about 4-5 cm in length and arranged in fan-like fashion. It absorbs light from a translucent window on a flat part. It grows in the winter rainy season and dorms in the dry season of the summer. The bottom photo is the garden cultivar Lime Green. ...
One fox sits atop the formally christened office. Nancy-Ann worked for J.P. Morgan Partners LLP, which later became CCMP Capital Advisers, a private equity underwriter (PEU) specializing in health care. Ms. DeParle sits on the board of four for-profit health care boards. Her 2007 board compensation was nearly $550,000. Her stock holdings were recently worth over $3.1 million ...
Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Species Pellaea truncata Goodding Click on names to expand them, and on P for PLANTS profiles ...
Support for this feature is highly dependent on the theme in use. At the time of writing, the default theme for EFL does not implement support for orientation modes ...
PPC audits are absolutely essential to improve your campaigns over time. This article will show you how to do your PPC auditing successfully.
Pythium is a member of the Oomycota (also referred to as oomycetes), which are part of the heterokont/chromist clade [1, 2] within the Straminipila-Alveolata-Rhizaria superkingdom [3]. Recent phylogenies based on multiple protein coding genes indicate that the oomycetes, together with the uniflagellate hyphochytrids and the flagellates Pirsonia and Developayella, form the sister clade to the diverse photosynthetic orders in the phylum Ochrophyta [2, 4]. Therefore, the genomes of the closest relatives to Pythium outside of the oomycetes available to date would be those of the diatoms Thalassiosira [5] and Phaeodactylum [6], and the phaeophyte algae Ectocarpus [7].. Pythium is a cosmopolitan and biologically diverse genus. Most species are soil inhabitants, although some reside in saltwater estuaries and other aquatic environments. Most Pythium spp. are saprobes or facultative plant pathogens causing a wide variety of diseases, including damping-off and a range of field and post-harvest rots ...
Maytenus truncata (Celastraceae) is a plant species widely used in the treatment of ulcers and tumors. Despite the intensive harvest of native specimens in the State of Bahia, northeastern Brazil, there is no information about the genetic variability or structure of this species. Therefore, the goal of this study was to estimate the genetic diversity and population structure of M. truncata based on inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) molecular markers.
Saxitoxin is a potent neurotoxin that occurs in aquatic environments worldwide. Ingestion of vector species can lead to paralytic shellfish poisoning, a severe human illness that may lead to paralysis and death. In freshwaters, the toxin is produced by prokaryotic cyanobacteria; in marine waters, it is associated with eukaryotic dinoflagellates. However, several studies suggest that saxitoxin is not produced by dinoflagellates themselves, but by co-cultured bacteria. Here, we show that genes required for saxitoxin synthesis are encoded in the nuclear genomes of dinoflagellates. We sequenced |1.2×106 mRNA transcripts from the two saxitoxin-producing dinoflagellate strains Alexandrium fundyense CCMP1719 and A. minutum CCMP113 using high-throughput sequencing technology. In addition, we used in silico transcriptome analyses, RACE, qPCR and conventional PCR coupled with Sanger sequencing. These approaches successfully identified genes required for saxitoxin-synthesis in the two transcriptomes. We focused
ABSTRACT: Members of the marine phytoplankton genus Phaeocystis (Prymnesiophyceae) produce large amounts of the intracellular osmolyte DMSP and they are known to also produce lyase enzymes that cleave DMSP into the biogeochemically important trace gas DMS. The functional characteristics of DMSP lyase activity in Phaeocystis spp. are not well known. We characterized DMSP lyase activity in extracts from 2 ecologically important species from this genus, the mesophile P. globosa (strain CCMP629) and the psychrophile P. antarctica (strain CCMP1374). Results from whole cell extracts showed that both algal species were potent producers of DMSP lyase, with Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) and maximum reaction velocity (Vmax) values of 1.77 mM and 17.3 nmol DMS min-1 mg protein-1, respectively, for P. globosa, and 2.31 mM and 28.2 nmol DMS min-1 mg protein-1, respectively, for P. antarctica. The optimal DMSP lyase activity was recorded at pH 4 and 30?C for P. globosa, and at pH 5 and 20?C for P. ...
Size: 7.2cm Propagation Method: seedling. Well rooted. Note: This plant will be shipped from Taiwan, so please select Shipping with Phytosanitary certificate at checkout, in case you are ordering it from anywhere outside Taiwan.
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Heterokont algae, together with cryptophytes, haptophytes and some alveolates, possess red-algal derived plastids. The chromalveolate hypothesis proposes that the red-algal derived plastids of all four groups have a monophyletic origin resulting from a single secondary endosymbiotic event. However, due to incongruence between nuclear and plastid phylogenies, this controversial hypothesis remains under debate. Large-scale genomic analyses have shown to be a powerful tool for phylogenetic reconstruction but insufficient sequence data have been available for red-algal derived plastid genomes. The chloroplast genomes of two brown algae, Ectocarpus siliculosus and Fucus vesiculosus, have been fully sequenced. These species represent two distinct orders of the Phaeophyceae, which is a major group within the heterokont lineage. The sizes of the circular plastid genomes are 139,954 and 124,986 base pairs, respectively, the size difference being due principally to the presence of longer inverted repeat and
Florida Atlantic University (Acantheae, Acanthopterygii, Acanthus Clade, Acari, African Ruellia, Agaricales, Agaricomycotina, Aleocharinae, Aliatypus, Anacardiaceae, Andalucia, Ankylosauria, Arcellinida, Architeuthis, Archon bostanchii, Archonias brassolis, Argonauta, Asellariales, Aspidogastrea, Asteroidea, Atlanta brunnea, Aulacidae, Berryteuthis magister nipponensis, Bolitaena pygmaea, Bolitoglossinae, Calisto, Callichthyidae, Cardiapoda, Cardiapoda richardi, Carinaria, Carinaria challengeri, Carinaria cithara, Carinaria cristata, Carinaria galea, Carinaria japonica, Carinaria lamarcki, Carinariidae, Caryophyllales, Cassieae sensu lato (pro parte), Chaetothyriales, Chiroptera, Chlorarachniophytes, Cicindis horni, Ciconiidae, Classicula, Clusiidae, Core Eudicots, Crenarchaeota, Cryptalyra, Cryptomycocolax, Cryptoteuthis brevibracchiata, Cystobasidiomycetes, Dacrymycetales, Delitschiaceae, Dimargaritales, Diptera, Discoteuthis sp. A, Diversisporales, Echinodermata, Echinophthiriidae, ...
Florida Atlantic University (Acantheae, Acanthopterygii, Acanthus Clade, Acari, African Ruellia, Agaricales, Agaricomycotina, Aleocharinae, Aliatypus, Anacardiaceae, Andalucia, Ankylosauria, Arcellinida, Architeuthis, Archon bostanchii, Archonias brassolis, Argonauta, Asellariales, Aspidogastrea, Asteroidea, Atlanta brunnea, Aulacidae, Berryteuthis magister nipponensis, Bolitaena pygmaea, Bolitoglossinae, Calisto, Callichthyidae, Cardiapoda, Cardiapoda richardi, Carinaria, Carinaria challengeri, Carinaria cithara, Carinaria cristata, Carinaria galea, Carinaria japonica, Carinaria lamarcki, Carinariidae, Caryophyllales, Cassieae sensu lato (pro parte), Chaetothyriales, Chiroptera, Chlorarachniophytes, Cicindis horni, Ciconiidae, Classicula, Clusiidae, Core Eudicots, Crenarchaeota, Cryptalyra, Cryptomycocolax, Cryptoteuthis brevibracchiata, Cystobasidiomycetes, Dacrymycetales, Delitschiaceae, Dimargaritales, Diptera, Discoteuthis sp. A, Diversisporales, Echinodermata, Echinophthiriidae, ...
Research Articles. Wernegreen, J. J. and N. A. Moran. 2001.Vertical Transmission of Biosynthetic Plasmids in Aphid Endosymbionts (Buchnera). J. Bacteriol. 183:785-790.. Shigenobu S., H. Watanabe, M. Hattori, Y. Sakaki and H. Ishikawa. 2000. Genome sequence of the endocellular bacterial symbiont of aphids Buchnera sp. APS. Nature 407:81-86.. Fukatsu, T., N. Nikoh, R. Kawai and R. Koga. The secondary endosymbiotic bacterium of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Insecta: Homoptera). Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2000. 66:2748-2758.. Thao, M. L., N. A. Moran, P. Abbot, E. B. Brennan, D. H. Burckhardt and P. Baumann. 2000. Cospeciation of Psyllids and their primary prokaryotic endosymbionts. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66:2898-2905.. Baumann L., Baumann P., M.L. Thao. 1999. Detection of messenger RNA transcribed from genes encoding enzymes of amino acid biosynthesis in Buchnera aphidicola (endosymbiont of aphids). Current. Microbiology 38:135-136.. Charles H., H. Ishikawa. 1999. Physical and genetic map of ...
basis of record Brunel, P.; Bosse, L.; Lamarche, G. (1998). Catalogue of the marine invertebrates of the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 126. 405 p. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors ...
维奇猪笼草(学名:Nepenthes veitchii)是婆罗洲特有的热带食虫植物。[3]其广泛分布于婆罗洲西北部。其种加词veitchii来源于维奇苗圃的主人,詹姆斯·维奇。[4] 低地地区的树林中维奇猪笼草常附生,其以叶柄环抱树杆向上生长。而在高地地区泥炭沼泽的维奇猪笼草则多陆生。[3]巴里奥地区的维奇猪笼草似乎严格陆生,未在该地区观察到其附生植株。此外,低地地区和高地地区的维奇猪笼草在形态上也有区别,低地变型比高地变型的唇窄。[3] 维奇猪笼草被认为产于菲律宾的罗伯坎特利猪笼草(N. robcantleyi)之间存在着密切的近缘关系。[5]其也与宝特瓶猪笼草(N. truncata)进行了比较。[6] ...
Features include: Gongora truncata - collectors item; problems in orchid hybrid nomenclature; table-top construction for orchid shows; a revision of the genus Phalaenopsis - VII. American Orchid Society, Inc.
From: Thomas Huth ,address@hidden, There is no known available OS for ppc around anymore that uses page sizes below 4k, so it does not make much sense that we keep wasting our time on building and testing the ppcemb-softmmu target. It has been deprecated since two releases, and nobody complained, so lets remove this now. Signed-off-by: Thomas Huth ,address@hidden, Signed-off-by: David Gibson ,address@hidden, --- configure , 13 +++-------- cpus.c , 1 - default-configs/ppcemb-softmmu.mak , 23 -------------------- hw/ppc/ppc405_boards.c , 14 ------------ hw/ppc/ppc440_bamboo.c , 7 ------ hw/ppc/sam460ex.c , 7 ------ hw/ppc/virtex_ml507.c , 7 ------ include/exec/poison.h , 1 - qapi/common.json , 2 +- qemu-deprecated.texi , 6 ----- target/ppc/cpu-qom.h , 2 -- target/ppc/cpu.h , 16 -------------- target/ppc/kvm.c , 4 +--- target/ppc/mmu_helper.c , 6 ++--- target/ppc/ , 35 +----------------------------- tests/machine-none-test.c , 1 - 16 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 136 ...
By the end of this section, you will be able to: Describe the main characteristics of protists Describe important pathogenic species of protists Des