This entry will expound the main features of the notion of conscience as it is used in philosophical discussion, religious teaching and in common language alike. The perspective adopted here will be theoretical, rather than historical. The entry focuses on the Western tradition and some examples are drawn from Christian sources. The entry is structured around four possible, but not mutually exclusive, ways of conceptualizing conscience. These will be preceded by an introductory section outlining the pluralistic, morally neutral and subjective nature of the concept of conscience. The four main aspects of conscience that will be described are the following. Section 2 discusses conscience as a faculty for self-knowledge and self-assessment. Section 3 presents the epistemic aspect of conscience that allows the formation of moral beliefs, distinguishing the different possible sources of moral principles that inform such beliefs. In section 4, conscience will be described as a motivational force or as the
Of course all of this argument was predicated on the assumption that inculpably mistaken conscience gives rise to duties, and perhaps a reader may want to now revisit that assumption. But I think the assumption is true, leaving us with the conclusion that mistaken conscience gives rise to duties whether or not the mistake is culpable.. Now lets turn the case about. Suppose that both Fred and Sally follow their respective mistaken consciences and therefore embezzle. What should we say? Should we say that they did nothing wrong? It seems we shouldnt say that they did nothing wrong, for if they did nothing wrong then their consciences werent mistaken, which they were. So lets accept (though I have a long-shot idea that Ive talked about elsewhere that might get out of this) that they both did wrong. Thus, as in Mark Murphys account of conscience, they were in the unhappy position that whatever they did would be wrong: by embezzling they defraud their employer and by not embezzling they violate ...
The project includes two parts: 1. In two healthcare organisations for elderly care describe healthcare personnels perceptions of conscience, degree of stress of conscience, burnout scores, assessment of social support and person-centred climate, analyse the relationship between these variables, highlight any differences over time and compare within and between the healthcare organisations. Healthcare organisation A (Christian values, multicultural healthcare personnel, private mode of operation, and urban) and healthcare organisation B (secular values, culturally homogeneous personnel, municipal mode of operation, and small town). Reasonably stress of conscience is linked to fundamental values and cultural backgrounds and the mode of operation has been discussed. 2. Intervention in homes for elderly in health care organisations A and B aiming to, in cooperation with healthcare personnel, find ways to constructively deal with stress of conscience. The project is anchored and implemented in ...
The conscience is a challenging and complex concept, especially when applied to the work of a physician. In philosophy, the conscience is a highly contested notion, but it exists in Biblical thinking as an essential part of our humanity - and a reflection of being made in the image of God. In August 2021 I took part in a webinar for the International Christian Medical and Dental Association exploring how Christian healthcare professionals should understand and use their conscience in their work. You can watch it below:. ...
1. . . . pharmacists do not have the right to deny the publics right to obtain legal professional services. Archer, Frank, Religious Conscience Should not Outweigh Professional Obligations to Patients. National Post, 18 July, 2010. (Accessed 2012-03-07). 2. The President of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario offered the following comment during a controversy about freedom of conscience in medicine: In our society, we all pay taxes for this medical system to receive services . . . And if a citizen or taxpayer goes to access those services and they are blocked from receiving legitimate services by a physician, we dont feel thats acceptable. Laidlaw, Stuart,Does faith have a place in medicine? Toronto Star, 18 September, 2008. (Accessed 2012-03-05). 3. Cook RJ, Dickens BM, In Response. J.Obstet Gyanecol Can, February, 2004; 26(2)112.. 4. Cook RJ, Dickens BM, Access to emergency contraception [letter] J.Obstet Gynaecol Can 2004; 26(8):706. 5. Dr. James Robert Brown, a ...
Chair Joe Pitts (R-PA) said, On August 3, 2011, the Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] issued an interim final rule that would require nearly all private health plans to cover contraception and sterilization as part of their preventive services for women. While the rule does include a religious exemption, many entities feel that it is inadequate and violates their conscience rights by forcing them to provide coverage for services for which they have a moral or ethical objection. The religious employer exemption allowed under the preventive services rule - at the discretion of the HRSA [Health Resources and Services Administration] - is very narrow. And the definition offers no conscience protection to individuals, schools, hospitals, or charities that hire or serve people of all faiths in their communities. It is ironic that the proponents of the health care law talked about the need to expand access to services, but the administration issues rules that could force providers to stop ...
Conscience Protections For Health Care Personnel In Illinois last week, Republican Governor Bruce Rauner signed SB 1564 (full text), amending the states Health Care Right of Conscience Act. The new Act requires health care facilities to adopt written protocols that assure conscience-based objections by medical personnel will not
Available in CD or Digital DownloadWhether we heed conscience or not is our choice, but resulting karmas are binding upon us. Living by conscience rather than intellect.Sample Audio ...
The big news this week comes from the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights and deals with conscience rights. HHS issued an updated rule that will apply to all programs funded in whole or in part by the department. In January 2018, following the launch of its new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division, HHS announced the proposed conscience rule. OCR received over 242,000 public comments and analyzed and carefully considered all comments submitted from the public on the proposed conscience regulation before finalizing it.. This final rule, implemented this week, replaces a 2011 rule and ensures that HHS implements the full set of tools appropriate for enforcing the conscience protections passed by Congress. These federal laws protect providers, individuals, and other health care entities from having to provide, participate in, pay for, provide coverage of, or refer for, services such as abortion, sterilization, or assisted suicide. It also includes conscience ...
|p||em|Songs of Conscience, Sounds of Freedom|/em|, curated by the GRAMMY Museum® in Los Angeles, examines the role music has played in informing and inspiring social consciousness throughout American history. Charting a path from spirituals that were sung by enslaved people in America and the labor movement struggles that Woody Guthrie wrote about in songs like “1913 Massacre,” to the mass movement of music and art that helped to stir action during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, to the continued fight for racial justice in America today, the exhibit spans time and genre to tell the stories of music’s role as a source of inspiration and an educator.|/p| |p|The original Songs of Conscience, Sounds of Freedom special exhibit was first on display at the GRAMMY Museum® when it opened in Los Angeles in 2008. In the 13 years since that initial run, the exhibit has been updated to include the growing Black Lives Matter movement and how music from artists like
It s about conscience, stupid; not consciousness Why has the English language not coined a word that speaks to the concept of conscience without the confusi...
Of course, conscience is the consciousness of the moral right or wrong of ones own acts or motives. This is not about consciousness in a sense of being aware that youre conscious, nor is it about whether you believe there is a such thing as right or wrong due to label & title is about the question: Was you born into this world with a sense of conscience or did you learn it from your surroundings and/or surrounding influential beings and/or environmental fear factors, such as thunder, for example, that may have scared you into a state of thinking there may be some other ultimate form of order? Whats the difference? Mother nature or your parents? The question may seem simple when first read, but it all depends on how far your memory can go back ...
Healthcare workers concerned about being forced to participate in procedures and therapies that violate their conscience and sound medical practices got a reprieve from a federal court. The Federal Court for the Northern District in Texas ruled on behalf of health care providers whod be forced to facilitate sex-change operations and hormone therapy, even on children. The federal mandate was promulgated under Barack Obamas Affordable Care Act. The ruling was a big victory for conscience rights for doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. Its also a victory for good medicine. After all, what medical provider would alter otherwise healthy body parts and engage in irreversible changes on minor children who really cannot comprehend the decision theyre making at such a young age.. ...
Podcast: Play in new window , Download. The Lords church is a diverse place. Jesus has always sought for unity among His people. He prayed for it in John 17. Paul called on Christians to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (Eph. 4:3). Yet we know that there is great diversity. Does that mean there must be disunity? It depends on the nature of the diversity. Some distinctions among Christians may be beneficial. Some may not need to create disunity. Young - Old, experienced - new, different social backgrounds, different traditions, different levels of faith.. Paul encourages Christians at Corinthto recognize the differing levels of faith or consciences that exist among them. He encourages them to not allow these differences to bring disunity. In order for unity to prevail Christians must learn to respond properly to the weak conscience of their brothers and sisters. I Corinthians 8 is synopsis of the proper response:. ...
La méditation de pleine conscience (ou mindfulness) est un état de conscience modifié, issu de la tradition religieuse de lInde antique, hindouiste et bouddhiste. Elle est récemment devenue une pratique méditative laïcisée et occidentale, et sinscrit dans de nombreux programmes thérapeutiques. Il sagit dune pratique méditative, centrée sur linstant présent, dans lacceptation de lexpérience et sans porter de jugement. En raison de ses caractéristiques intrinsèques, la méditation pourrait être bénéfique aux patients souffrant de trouble de stress post-traumatique. Bien que ce trouble soit le plus souvent dévolution favorable, il persiste chez près de 20 % des patients au-delà de 5 ans, avec un risque important de développer des comorbidités telles que la dépression ou le trouble de lusage. Les psychothérapies centrées sur le traumatisme sont proposées en première ligne, mais sont pour encore un bon nombre de patients insuffisantes. Lobjectif de ce travail est de
The overall purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether there is an association between stress of conscience - that is, stress related to a troubled conscience - and burnout, and to obtain an enhanced understanding of factors related to stress of conscience and burnout in healthcare. Of the four studies included, one uses qualitative research methods and the others use quantitative research methods. The data are based on cross-sectional questionnaire studies (I, II, and IV) and open-ended interviews (III).. We could find no existing suitable instrument for measuring troubled conscience in healthcare, and so we constructed and tested the Stress of Conscience Questionnaire (SCQ) (I), a nine-item instrument for assessing stressful situations and the degree to which they trouble the conscience. We included 164 participants in the pilot studies, an additional 444 in the main analysis, and 55 in the test-retest verification. Participants had various occupational backgrounds and were ...
Food and mealtimes should be adapted to the older persons individual needs and desires, a fact that is often ignored in favour of a functional mealtime organisation. This study was grounded in participatory action research (PAR), and the aim of the study was to illuminate a PAR process to assist care providers in constructively dealing with their troubled conscience generated from perceived shortcomings in providing an individualised meal schedule in residential care for older people. Care providers and their manager participated in twelve PAR sessions. The participants troubled conscience was eased by reflecting on and sharing their thoughts about their perception of a lack of individualised meal schedule and a lack of opportunities for meaningful interventions. The researchers in PAR became the bridge between the care providers and the management that was needed to improve individualised mealtime schedule. This study pinpoints how difficult it can be to make small changes in a rigid ...
Mission: CCW is a non-profit organization that advocates for the rights of conscience, opposes military conscription, and serves all conscientious objectors to war. CCW works to extend and defend the rights of conscientious objectors (COs) - those who oppose their participation in war, including members of the US military who, following a crisis of conscience, seek discharge as conscientious objectors. CCW also assists others who oppose their participation in war and the preparation for war, including youth required to register with Selective Service; individuals seeking US Citizenship who wish to take the alternative, nonviolent oath; and citizens of other countries facing mandatory military service. CCW opposes conscription, and, in the event of an active military draft, CCW will assist in the placement of conscientious objectors in alternative service programs, as we did in previous draft years.. CCW, formerly the National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors (NISBCO), ...
Synonyms for prisoner of conscience at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
The driving force that impelled Newman along the path of conversion was conscience. But what does this mean? In modern thinking, the word conscience signifies that for moral and religious questions, it is the subjective dimension, the individual, that constitutes the final authority for decision. The world is divided into the realms of the objective and the subjective. To the objective realm belong things that can be calculated and verified by experiment. Religion and morals fall outside the scope of these methods and are therefore considered to lie within the subjective realm. Here, it is said, there are in the final analysis no objective criteria. The ultimate instance that can decide here is therefore the subject alone, and precisely this is what the word conscience expresses: in this realm only the individual, with his intuitions and experiences, can decide. Newmans understanding of conscience is diametrically opposed to this. For him, conscience means mans capacity for truth: the ...
Michael Cook reports that new legislation in Victoria, Australia, decriminalises abortion and forces doctors with a conscientious objection to refer a woman to a doctor who will do an abortion. In the event of an emergency abortion . . . regardless of their moral qualms, doctors must do [an abortion] themselves. Victorian nurses will be in an even worse predicament. They must participate in an abortion if ordered by their boss. The same scenario, in a somewhat softer version, is being played out in the United States and Canada. Here, codes of professional conduct or regulations, rather than legislation, are being proposed to limit freedom of conscience rights with respect to abortion.
When dealing with matters of conscience, knowledge of material facts is not the only consideration for good judgment. Moral conscience demands that facts be viewed, ordered and prioritized in light of the principles that distinguish right from wrong and good actions from bad. Where conscience is concerned, information is a term that cannot be understood without reference to those principles, and the substantive process of deliberation through which a conscientious person translates them into decision and action. When a conscientious individual changes his mind about a matter of conscience, our respect for his integrity demands an explanation that justifies the change in terms of this moral due process.. This is especially true when dealing with the issues of deep moral consequence that confront this generation of Americans. Though its often ignored these days, good conscience is an essential component of happiness. The people who agitate for abortion rights and gay rights do so at least in ...
The history of protection of conscience in America is directly relevant to the protection of rights of conscience of health care providers in three ways. First, protection for rights of conscience underlie and historically preceded the First Amendment. In June, 1776, even before the Declaration of Independence, the Virginia Declaration of Rights provided, inter alia, that all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience . . . . After centuries of government support for the state church in Virginia, the Baptists led a petition campaign demanding that every tax upon conscience . . . be abolished. In 1779, Thomas Jefferson introduced his Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom in the Virginia Legislature (House of Burgesses). It declared that to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves, is sinful and tyrannical. (If Jefferson thought that about merely funding things against ones ...
When an identifiable Court of Chancery emerged in the fifteenth century it supplemented the common law by using the notion of conscience. Its account of conscience derived from Thomist ethics, and was that the requirements of conscience in a particular fact situation were derivable from what the law of God and nature required to be done, which was objectively knowable. The English Reformation led to conscience losing its objectivity, because different understandings of scripture emerged from individuals having access to the Bible in English and interpreting it for themselves. in the course of the seventeenth century Chancery ceased to apply the notion of conscience directly, and increasingly articulated principles and rules that were applied to decide what behaviour was required. This process was assisted by numerous diverse contingent historical events and trends. Because all the equitable principles and rules developed in the context of an adversary system of litigation, with issues arrived at ...
Although some healthcare professionals have the legal right to conscientiously object to authorise or perform certain lawful medical services, they have an associated duty to provide the patient with enough information to seek out another professional willing to authorise or provide the service (the duty to refer). Does the duty to refer morally undermine the professionals conscientious objection (CO)? I narrow my discussion to the National Health Service in Britain, and the case of a general practitioner (GP) being asked by a pregnant woman to authorise an abortion. I will be careful not to enter the debate about whether abortion should be legalised, or the debate about whether CO should be permitted-I will take both as given. I defend the objecting GPs duty to refer against those I call the conscience absolutists, who would claim that if a state is serious enough in permitting the GPs objection in the first place (as is the UK), then it has to recognise the right to withhold any ...
EDMONTON - Alberta politicians are to debate the role of conscience rights and the responsibilities of physicians asked to assist or advise on abortions,…
The court also dismissed the states argument that such a rule was necessary in order to ensure access to what the states lawyers referred to as emergency contraception. It did so by noting that the state was unable to point out even one instance of any person who had ever been unable to obtain emergency contraception because of a pharmacists religious objection.. The pro-life pharmacy owners were represented, in part, by Francis Manion, Senior Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice. He summed up the magnitude of the victory by stating, Todays decision is a major victory for the rights of conscience. After six long years of litigaton, our clients have finally prevailed against a state government determined to coerce them and all pro-life pharmacists into violating their deeply held religious beliefs or give up their livelihoods. Judge Belzs decision makes clear that both Illinois state law and the First Amendment will not permit this. ...
Pascal follows Saint Augustine when he insists here that the resemblances between pagan and Christian morality are merely apparent, so that the moral quality of outwardly similar acts is radically AMBIVALENT ATTITUDE TOWARD NATURAL MORALITY 31 Once again the contrast is worked in to discredit Jesuit moral theology by showing that it is based upon natural principles. The extract implies that such virtues as pagan ethical teaching may produce, when judged by the Christian criterion, will not be seen as real virtues at all. E. IV, p. 311. Et ainsi, ... un seul docteur peut toumer les consciences et les bouleverser a son gre, ... C. , G. E. IV, p. 310. •. vous avez bien mis ceux qui suivent vos opinions probables en assurance a legard de Dieu et de la conscience; ... C. p. E. V, p. 50. ... les cas de conscience ... C. V, p. 51 Cest par cette subtilite de conscience quit a prouve ... C. pp. E. V, p. 382. C. p. V, p. 386. C. p. E. VI, p. 28. ... les questions de la contrition, ...
Religious freedom, I argued in my Notes on Religious Freedom, is not a special kind of liberty but one of a broader set of freedoms of conscience, belief, assembly and action. Whatever ones beliefs, secular or religious, there should be complete freedom to express them, short of inciting violence or other forms of physical harm to…
What has led to the diminished role for practical reason in the way the bishops understand conscience? Two key conceptual matters come to mind, both taken from concerns laid down by Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. One is the sharp opposition to the creative conscience outlined by John Paul II in the 1993 papal encyclical called Veritatis Splendor. In that document, John Paul criticized any number of developments in Catholic moral theology including one that argued that consciences use of practical reason in the face of a host of particulars could lay the basis for claiming occasional exceptions to the otherwise universal mandate of the moral law. But the pope said that this view of the creative possibilities of conscience had things precisely backwards. Its not the creative use of practical reason that should determine what is morally required in a particular situation. Rather, its the moral law-requiring meticulous observance, as John Paul put it-that determines what reason ...
Jérôme Pélisse, Vincent-Arnaud Chappe. Pouvoir et conscience du droit : diffusion, inflexions et perspectives autour des Legal Consciousness Studies. 7ème Congrès de lAFS, AFS (Association Française de Sociologie), Jul 2017, Amiens, France. ⟨hal-01682206⟩ ...
The right to conscientious objection is not legally recognized and there are no provisions for substitute service. According to art. 22 of the 1995 Constitution: Everyone shall have the right to freedom of conscience. The second clause of article, however, stipulates that The right to freedom of conscience must not specify or limit the universal human and civil rights and responsibilities before the state. There are no known plans to introduce legislation on conscientious objection and substitute service. The government stated in 1994: The State is elaborating a bill in which it intends to introduce regulations, clearly recognizing that this Act does not fully meet the recommendations of the Commission on Human Rights. The Act referred to is the 1992 Military Service Act, in particular art. 16 according to which exemption from military service is permitted for certain religious believers. (see postponement and exemption). However, in 1994 the government also stated: The Republic of ...
It goes something like this: Dear Christians, thank you for feeding, housing, and caring for the poor, but unless you do it in the manner we prefer, advancing the worldview we prefer - even to the point of adopting the personnel policies we demand - we will use all the power of law and public shame to bring you into compliance. Well pass laws that violate your conscience. Well call you bigots or misogynists when you resist. And all the while, the fact that you actually do serve and sustain (physically and spiritually) millions of Americans will be lost and ignored.. This is how activists justify tossing from campus Christian groups that do an immense of amount of good works simply because they dont consent to being led by a lesbian who doesnt believe in their statement of faith. This is how legislators pass laws that will reduce the number of adoption agencies rather than allow Catholic or other Christian agencies to follow their most basic principles when placing children in loving homes. ...
The Catholic bishops of the United States have spent the better part of the past decade heroically fighting against government mandates that undermine religious freedom and personal conscience.. After investing so much effort resisting such mandates, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has found a mandate to support. That mandate forces government workers to pay for the activities of big labor, even when individual workers conscientiously object to union membership or to funding union activity. Its similar to taxes or Social Security contributions: Every person is forced to pay up as a price of government employment.. As the subject of oral argument this past Monday, the issue before the United States Supreme Court is narrowly tailored to cover only government sector workplaces; private sector workplaces will remain untouched by the court decision, no matter what it is. In the case of Janus v. AFSCME, the court must decide whether Illinois state worker Mark Janus has a First ...
This book demonstrates that not only is it possible to create entities with both consciousness and conscience, but that those entities demonstrate them in ways different from our own, thereby showing a new kind of consciousness.
Qualifying conscience protections for institutions with requirements that they minimize hardship caused to the patient would prevent religious institutions from acting as a choke point on the path to services. Virtual Mentor is a monthly bioethics journal published by the American Medical Association.
A few weeks ago I signed the Westminster 2010 Declaration of Christian Conscience. A number of key Christian leaders including former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey, the head of the Evangelical Alliance Steve Clifford, and the head of the Catholic Church in Scotland Cardinal Keith OBrien are among over 36,000 people who have signed this declaration.. I now regret signing this declaration. It seems very narrowly focussed, urging Christians to vote according to their conscience in the General Election, with three issues particularly in mind - protecting human life, protecting marriage, and protecting freedom of conscience.. Much of the Declaration is positive. In what it does say about protecting human life, marriage, and the freedom of conscience, I would be comfortable with. My issue is more with what is not mentioned in the document, it seems to be too narrow, for example in the section written about Human Life the declaration lists a number of issues that threaten human life, which I ...
Surgical conscience is the professional behaviour that demonstrates understanding and application of principles of surgical technology and legal, ethical,
The current controversy over insurance coverage of contraceptives is the latest chapter in the long and often bitter history of conflicts between the right to follow ones conscience and the demands of society.
New testimonies of student conscientious objection to animal experiments in education and training, provided by Dr Lisa Elsner and Dr Anya Yushchenko, are now online on the InterNICHE website . Both now professional veterinarians, Dr Elsner (Australia) and Dr Yushchenko (Ukraine and Canada) describe their successful campaigns as students against harmful animal use and the strategies employed to implement progressive, humane alternative methods. In particular, this included the alternative approach of working with animal patients instead of performing terminal animal labs for veterinary clinical skills and surgery training. Read the new testimonies here: They contribute to an existing collection of over 20 others, available at . Further testimonies from students and trainees from across ...
This means that starting from a mental act, such as a strong ability of visualization, to build a form of thought, an image or a sound, it wont be necessary anymore to use sensorial contacts (to hear, to touch, to see, to taste) because every perception can be generated by the force of thought. This process accelerates the evolution of the mental vision metaphorically called opening of the third eye. __________ Conscience contains every characteristic of an identity, therefore only the conscience is the bridge to itself, by communicating with the different aspects of the character and linking the individual self (reason) to the intelligence of the Ego. Using a paradox we might say that to travel inside ourselves we must think of the conscience as an escalator; we stand on it to be taken where we want. In this process, self-control and a system of conscious vision (techniques of visualization) help the mind to create the relations that link the different sensitive aspects of our conscience. We ...
Palestinian Political Prisoners and People of Conscience By Eileen Fleming. Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, May 15, 2012. Maybe Israel dodged a bullet on the 64th anniversary of Al Nakba Day, which was nearly a month after 2,000 Palestinian political prisoners began a hunger strike, which ended Monday night upon reaching an agreement with the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) to attain certain core demands. Two of the hunger strikers have not eaten for 78 days and thats eight days longer than IRA prisoner Bobby Sands, when he died on his strike in 1981. Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahleh have said they will not start eating again until their administrative detentions are lifted. Both men are members of Islamic Jihad, but they were never charged with anything, and its still not clear why theyre still being held or if, they will be released.. Among the demands raised in the collective hunger strike, included an end to the IPS abusive use of isolation for SECURITY reasons.. Juan E. M ndez, the Special Rapporteur on ...
This page contains the abstract Commentary: Is EBM Damaging the Social Conscience of Chiropractic?
His father thought it so vulgar of his son to write a book in Dutch that he evicted him, and the celebrated novelist of the future started for Antwerp, with a fortune which was strictly confined to two francs and a bundle of clothes. An old schoolfriend found him in a street and took him home. Soon people of standing, amongst them the painter Gustaf Wappers, showed interest in the unfortunate young man. Wappers even gave him a suit of clothes and eventually presented him to King Leopold I, who ordered the Wonderjaer to be added to the libraries of every Belgian school. But it was with Leopolds patronage that Conscience published his second book, Fantasy, in 1837. A small appointment in the provincial archives relieved him from the actual pressure of want, and, in 1838, he made his first great success with the historical novel De Leeuw van Vlaenderen (The Lion of Flanders), which still holds its place as one of his masterpieces, the influence of which extended far beyond the literary sphere. ...
East End Women in Black will move their usual 3rd Sunday vigil from Sag Harbor to the Vail Levitt Music Hall in Riverhead on Sunday March 19. We will join North Fork People of Conscience in observing the 3rd anniversary of the Iraq War ...
Every philosopher (e.g. scientist) is slave of some formalism and tends to apply it as much as possible to any reality aspects. This is indeed a form of bias and my bias, recently, is that I tend to interpret everything in terms of bias/variance… So why not pushing this to the extreme and applying it to nothing less than the hardest issue of science and philosophy? conscience, as simple as that…. In particular I will aim here to address issues like: does conscience exist really, what is its function, may robots have one, and so on…. Lets go straight to the end of my reasoning: we could use the bias/variance formalism, useful to describe any learning procedure, to support the idea that conscience is not only an epiphenomenon but rather a necessary component of every rational cognitive process. In particular conscience is required for interacting with a complex multivariate, multi agent and uncertain reality where the criterion of effectiveness/success of such interaction is complex, ...
By Fr Jason Smith We ache because we are not full. In The Awakening Conscience William Holman Hunt places his finger-or brush, better said, on the ache found deep within every person: We either have God who alone can fill us, or we will endlessly try to pursue the things that cannot do so. By…
Violence in Ireland and Christian conscience by Cahal B. Daly; 1 edition; First published in 1973; Subjects: Violence; Places: Northern Ireland
ST. LOUIS (AP) - A Missouri inmate who admitted to a long-unsolved killing while serving time for robbery says he confessed to the crime because his conscience was nagging him. DeAngelo Thomas said he felt relief when he penned his admission to police from his prison cell in 2018. Just like a weight lifted on […]