Of the 264 studies identified through the database search, 15 were determined to be eligible, and of these five were included.(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) All included studies were published between 2006 and 2009 and were conducted in Uganda, South Africa, Mozambique, and Botswana. One study analyzed data from 16 countires within sub-Saharan Africa (those already included as well as Burundi, Central African Republic, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Rwanda, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. All studies were cost-effectiveness analyses, and the primary outcomes were cost per case of HIV infection averted and compared adult male circumcision to no circumcision. The studies were epidemiologic, stochiastic, and costing models. Four studies included a 3% discount rate and one study did not report discounting. The time frames ranged from 10 to 20 years. ...
Background: Novel HIV prevention approaches are urgently needed in Botswana and elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa. Although adult male circumcision (MC) has been shown to reduce the heterosexual acquisition of HIV by men by about 60%, MC in infancy is optimal for its relative ease, lower cost and low rate of complications. We have conducted focus groups and semi-structured interviews that suggest neonatal MC (, 28 days of life) would be an acceptable public HIV prevention strategy in Botswana. The government of Botswana is committed to scaling up MC services in the immediate future and they plan to include neonates. Understanding decision-making around infant MC will be essential to maximize the effectiveness of this HIV prevention strategy.. Specific Aims: The investigators propose to: 1) determine the acceptability and actual uptake of neonatal MC in southeastern Botswana and identify barriers to uptake; 2) ascertain the feasibility and safety of neonatal MC in Botswana; 3) Estimate what, if ...
BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, (London) Vol. 312 no 7033 (March 23, 1996): pp. 779-780 NEONATAL CIRCUMCISION DOES NOT PROTECT AGAINST CANCER Editor, - Although Morten Frisch and colleagues have made a valuable contribution to the study of penile cancer, they mistakenly repeat the myth that neonatal circumcision renders the subject immune to penile cancer.[1] The reference given for this statement is not an epidemiological study but an opinion article by the American circumcisionist Abraham L. Wolbarst in 1932.[2] Wolbarst invented this myth and was directly responsible for its proliferation; he based it on unverifiable anecdotes, ethnocentric stereotypes, a faulty understanding of human anatomy and physiology, a misunderstanding of the distinction between association and cause, and a unbridled missionary zeal. It was not based on valid scientific and epidemiological research. All subsequent repetions of this myth are traceable to Wolbarsts article, though Wolbarst himself advocated universal neonatal ...
Models show that to have the highest impact on the HIV epidemic, circumcision of up to 80% of men in high prevalence countries, where MC rates are low, needs to be achieved (UNAIDS 2009; Manicaland HIV/STD Prevention Project, 2008; Bollinger, et al, 2009). Hallett and colleagues in 2008 showed that for Zimbabwe specifically, HIV incidence could be reduced between 25% to 35% if about 50% of men are circumcised. All modelings conducted show that MC programs must be part of a comprehensive HIV prevention package as MC alone will not tip the HIV epidemic into a terminal decline.. The PrePex Device offers hope for rapid scale up of adult male circumcision in resource limited settings.. Once the safety and efficacy have been established, it is important to conduct operations research to determine how best to implement both device and surgical circumcisions in the national program. Thus, the Zimbabwe MOHCW is planning a three phase trial in order to determine the safety of the PrePexTM device, its ...
The roll-out of medical male circumcision (MC) is progressing in Southern and Eastern Africa. Little is known about the effect of this roll-out on women. The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge and perceptions of women regarding MC in a setting before and after the roll-out. This study was conducted in the South African township of Orange Farm where MC prevalence among men increased from 17% to 53% in the period 2008-2010. Data from three community-based cross sectional surveys conducted in 2007, 2010 and 2012 among 1258, 1197 and 2583 adult women, respectively were studied. In 2012, among 2583 women, 73.7% reported a preference for circumcised partners, and 87.9% knew that circumcised men could become infected with HIV. A total of 95.8% preferred to have their male children circumcised. These three proportions increased significantly during the roll-out. In 2007, the corresponding values were 64.4%, 82.9% and 80.4%, respectively. Among 2581 women having had sexual intercourse with
Circumcision Removes the Most Sensitive Parts of the PenisA sensitivity study of the adult penis in circumcised and uncircumcised men shows that the uncircumcised penis is significantly more sensitive. The most sensitive location on the circumcised penis is the circumcision scar on the ventral surface. Five locations on the uncircumcised penis that are routinely removed at circumcision are significantly more sensitive than the most sensitive location on the circumcised penis.In addition, the glans (head) of the circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the uncircumcised penis. The tip of the foreskin is the most sensitive region of the uncircumcised penis, and it is significantly more sensitive than the most sensitive area of the circumcised penis. Circumcision removes the most sensitive parts of the penis. This study presents the first extensive testing of fine touch pressure thresholds of the adult penis. The monofiliment testing instruments are calibrated and have ...
Looking for online definition of Partial circumcision in the Medical Dictionary? Partial circumcision explanation free. What is Partial circumcision? Meaning of Partial circumcision medical term. What does Partial circumcision mean?
Properly performed newborn circumcision prevents phimosis, paraphimosis, and balanoposthitis and has been shown to decrease the incidence of cancer of the penis among US men. It may result in a decreased incidence of urinary tract infection. However, in the absence of well-designed prospective studies, conclusions regarding the relationship of urinary tract infection to circumcision are tentative. An increased incidence of cancer of the cervix has been found in sexual partners of uncircumcised men infected with human papillomavirus. Evidence concerning the association of sexually transmitted diseases and circumcision is conflicting.. Newborn circumcision is a rapid and generally safe procedure when performed by an experienced operator. It is an elective procedure to be performed only if an infant is stable and healthy. Infants respond to the procedure with transient behavioral and physiologic changes.. Local anesthesia (dorsal penile nerve block) may reduce the observed physiologic response to ...
wow joshua, think whatever u want to, but calling someone else a disgusting human being for not believing the same thing as you is fd up. i am highly opposed to FMG, i think it is unnecessary and not done in a surgically correct manner. however, Joshua, there is a reason for removing the foreskin in males. you have no right to call people who disprove of FMG but not male circumcision an uneducated hypocrite. Im sorry Joshua, but i think your the one who speaks without knowing. before you point fingers, make sure your hands are clean. If you want HIV, go ahead and tell people your mad that doctors removed your foreskin when you were a baby, something you dont even remember.If you believe male circumcision has no purpose, maybe you should do some research on the subject before you start mouthing off to people when u really dont know what your talking about. Also, male circumcision does not mutilate male genitals. it removes an unnecessary part of the body. you dont get all butt hurt when ...
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In the following article, a skeptic lays down the controversy. We begin the fair-use article before the jump ... Circumcision Fight: Profit, Pleasure, or Population Control? If the experiment fails, Africans are likely to feel abused and exploited by scientists who recommended the circumcision policy
IIIMMed (Surg), FCS (SA), FRCS (Edin), is Emeritus Professor of Paediatric Surgery, Red Cross War Memorial Childrens Hospital, Cape Town. Correspondence. Non-therapeutic, non-religious circumcision is the surgical procedure most commonly published about,1 but substantive indications are lacking. Since its introduction to the USA during the Victorian period, when it was thought that it prevented masturbation,2 medical justifications for the procedure progressed to prevention of various infective conditions (sexually transmitted diseases, penile and cervical cancer) and controlling of the sexual drive. Recent Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS/World Health Organization (UNAIDS/WHO) policy proposes male circumcision for the prevention of HIV/AIDS.3,4. HIV/AIDS in Africa is mainly spread by multiple concurrent heterosexual relationships,5 compounded by female subjugation6,7 and poverty.8,9 Condoms, although highly protective, are infrequently used, particularly among circumcised ...
OBJECTIVES: To explore the role of male circumcision in the spread of HIV infection in four urban populations in sub-Saharan Africa. DESIGN AND METHODS: A cross-sectional population based study was conducted in four cities in sub-Saharan Africa with different levels of HIV infection. HIV prevalence among adults was relatively low in Cotonou (Benin) and in Yaoundé (Cameroon), and exceeded 25% in Kisumu (Kenya) and in Ndola (Zambia). In each city, a random sample was taken of men and women aged 15-49 years from the general population. Consenting study participants were interviewed about their sociodemographic characteristics and their sexual behaviour, and were tested for HIV, herpes simplex virus type 2, syphilis, gonorrhoea and chlamydial infection. Men underwent a genital examination. RESULTS: In Cotonou and in Yaoundé, the two low HIV prevalence cities, 99% of men were circumcised. In Kisumu 27.5% of men were circumcised, and in Ndola this proportion was 9%. In Kisumu, the prevalence of HIV ...
Circumcision performed for health reasons in phimosis has obvious benefits - it significantly improves the quality of sexual life and prevents the occurrence of dangerous paraphimosis. In addition, it improves local hygiene and lower incidence of penile cancer is reported in circumcised men. It is also assumed that circumcised men have increased sexual stamina, but this it is rather individual.. The question of circumcision without any medical reason is controversial. It is certainly advantageous for better hygiene, but on the other hand, every surgery has its complications, including the circumcision. Personally, I would consider any circumcision without medical indications as rather unnecessary surgery.. ...
Because Tikkun has always sought to create a community in which issues that are taboo elsewhere can be explored with intellectual honesty and tolerance, particularly when those positions differ from our own or from the accepted worldviews of our readers, we are printing in this issue an article that fiercely critiques the Jewish practice of circumcision. I have invited others to write a response to it, which I hope to print in addition to your letters to the editor on this topic.. Circumcision does not have a higher status in Torah law than other commandments that have been ignored or transformed in the course of the evolution of Judaism. The entire system of animal sacrifice has been abandoned. The author of the article on circumcision in this Summer 2011 issue of Tikkun contends that it has been a key element in patriarchal practice. Perhaps. But even the most cursory look at other societies that did not practice circumcision, e.g., feudal Europe, Chinese dynasties, Nazi Germany, or Soviet ...
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Dr Mulindi Mwanahamuntu says long term protection from cervical cancer for women whose husbands are circumcised exceeds 30%, reports Zambian Eyes Limbikani Msamba. Dr. Mwanahamuntu revealed that there was a move within the HIV strategic plan to offer circumcision services to new born babies.. Speaking when he featured on Zambian Eyes interactive live interview dubbed Hot Seat, Dr. Mwanahamuntu, who has worked in the UTH Obstetrics and Gynaecology department for 23 years, also outlined the various reasons for conducting the procedure and addressed the controversies regarding the quality of life after.. Circumcision is simply the removal of excess foreskin, all of it or part of it. This is done for a variety of reasons. It could be done to treat conditions that create problems with the penis, such as failure of the foreskin to retract or failure of the retracted foreskin to return, respectively called phimosis and para phimosis, He said. Other reasons include ...
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Dr Mulindi Mwanahamuntu says long term protection from cervical cancer for women whose husbands are circumcised exceeds 30%, reports Zambian Eyes Limbikani Msamba. Dr. Mwanahamuntu revealed that there was a move within the HIV strategic plan to offer circumcision services to new born babies.. Speaking when he featured on Zambian Eyes interactive live interview dubbed Hot Seat, Dr. Mwanahamuntu, who has worked in the UTH Obstetrics and Gynaecology department for 23 years, also outlined the various reasons for conducting the procedure and addressed the controversies regarding the quality of life after.. Circumcision is simply the removal of excess foreskin, all of it or part of it. This is done for a variety of reasons. It could be done to treat conditions that create problems with the penis, such as failure of the foreskin to retract or failure of the retracted foreskin to return, respectively called phimosis and para phimosis, He said. Other reasons include ...
Faster healing after circumcision (circumcision) through the phimosis surgery. The pants protection against external influences such as pushing, bedspread, textiles. The adhesion of the wound at the dressing is omitted. The Protector basket is perforated with small holes, so that a natural air circulation is ensured. This phimosis pants is suitable for adults with size 7
Anyone else notice how the younger a man is, or the more recent his circumcision was done, the more skin is being removed past the penis head and cut off way down his penis shaft ? I notice circumcisions in the USA seem to be cutting off the penis skin way beyond just exposing the glans head of the penis. Now more circumcisions are cutting off skin far below the rim of the penis head and up to half way down the penis shaft toward the scrotum. That s a lot more skin now being taken off
You have the choice to accept or decline surgery to remove the foreskin from your sons penis (known as circumcision).. Male infants are born with foreskin fused to the head of their penis. By the time intact (uncircumcised) males reach an early adolescent age, the foreskin will naturally detach itself from the head of the penis, and the foreskin can then be retracted to expose the head of the penis (parents and caretakers of intact babies/children should be advised that retraction of the foreskin should not be done before this natural separation happens on an intact penis because it can be very painful and can cause bleeding, infection, scarring, and other complications). In circumcised infants, the foreskin is pulled away from the head of the penis and surgically removed.. Below are links and information on the various reasons for keeping infants intact or circumcising, statements of position on circumcision from various agencies, and ethical considerations. There also links for information on ...
Praise be to Allah.. It is better for circumcision to be done when the child is small, because that is kinder to the child, and so that the child may grow up in a perfect form. Al-Nawawi said: It is mustahabb for the childs guardian to have him circumcised when he is small, because that is kinder to him. Al-Majmoo, 1/351. Al-Bayhaqi (8/324) narrated that Jaabir said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did aqeeqah for al-Hasan and al-Husayn, and he circumcised them when they were seven days old. The isnaad of this hadeeth is daeef (weak). See Irwa al-Ghaleel, 4/383 Hence Imam Ahmad was asked about the time of circumcision, and he said, We have not heard anything about that. Ibn al-Mundhir said: There is no report that may be referred to concerning the time of circumcision, and no Sunnah to be followed. With regard to the time when it becomes obligatory: Some of the scholars were of the view that it is not obligatory until after puberty, because the duties of ...
9.^ Fetus and Newborn Committee (March 1996). Neonatal circumcision revisited. Canadian Medical Association Journal 154 (6): 769-780. PMID 8634956. PMC 1487803. http://www.cps.ca/english/statements/FN/fn96-01.htm. Retrieved 2006-07-02. We undertook this literature review to consider whether the CPS should change its position on routine neonatal circumcision from that stated in 1982. The review led us to conclude the following. There is evidence that circumcision results in an approximately 12-fold reduction in the incidence of UTI during infancy. The overall incidence of UTI in male infants appears to be 1% to 2%. The incidence rate of the complications of circumcision reported in published articles varies, but it is generally in the order of 0.2% to 2%. Most complications are minor, but occasionally serious complications occur. There is a need for good epidemiological data on the incidence of the surgical complications of circumcision, of the later complications of circumcision and of ...
An article in The Conversation (UK) claims that there may be a correlation between neonatal circumcision (i.e. within the first month) and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. SIDS or cot death is a poorly understood problem in which an apparently healthy baby suddenly stops breathing and dies in his sleep; it has been the subject of several awareness campaigns in Australia, notably the famous Red Noses. Surveying statistics in 15 countries, the author found that SIDS was more common in boys than girls, and less common among Hispanics (with a lower circumcision incidence) in the United States than in the general population. In previous research author suggested that the cause could be chronic stress, leading to increased blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. The author, Eran Elhaik, a lecturer in medical genomics at the University of Sheffield (UK), emphasises that at this stage the evidence is inconclusive and that no firm link has been shown; nonetheless, he suggests that there is sufficient ...
To those of us in the sex-education field, there is not a whole lot of mystery about the relationship between circumcision and sexual pleasure. The foreskin has thousands of nerve endings and is an important part of the male sexual system. Removal of the foreskin also leaves the head of the penis - the most sensitive part of the male genitals - constantly exposed. Constant rubbing on clothing and exposure to temperature changes reduces the sensitivity and responsiveness of the nerve endings, creating the demand for more stimulation to trigger a pleasure response.. The head of the penis is the anatomical homologue (match) to the head of the clitoris. So for all the ladies reading this, imagine the very tip of your clitoris constantly exposed and rubbing against your clothes, and you can begin to imagine the desensitization that would occur over time. The clitoris is protected not only by the clitoral hood (the match to the foreskin), but also the fleshy labia. The foreskin is natures protective ...
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Plank, Rebeca M; Wirth, Kathleen E; Ndubuka, Nnamdi O et al. (2014) Single-arm evaluation of the AccuCirc device for early infant male circumcision in Botswana. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 66:1-6 ...
This makes sense to me, but what I had heard before also made sense, so Im not sure which is correct, or if it even matters.. Anyways, when I was in elementary school, we had sex-ed classes that said that basically circumcision = more sensitivity because the most sensitive area are the glands on the underside of the head, and removing the extra tissue covering this area directly exposes it to stimulus.. Like I said, not sure if it matters, but we were actually taught that in school when we were young. Then again, with all the other garbage weve been taught, who really knows... ...
CHALLENGE. Producing technical parts in ultra restrictive environments. Plastibell, which was created in 1986, is a plastic parts injection molding specialist that belongs to the Healthcare & Industry business unit of PSB Industries Group.. Every year, Plastibell produces 160 to 600 million parts for products such as medical devices, diagnostic devices and dialysis bag connectors.. These parts are manufactured by injection molding using granules of polypropylene, polycarbonate and polystyrene.. Plastibell operates in stringently regulated and quality-controlled environments for its customers in the healthcare sector, a key strategic growth market for the company.. SOLUTION. Guaranteeing hygiene, traceability and safety throughout the production process. Plastibell turned to robots for its industrial process. When material arrives at the molding machine, it is heated and injected into molds to form the parts. And thats where the robots come in. They extract the parts from the mold and transfer ...
MODEL RELEASED. Penis circumcision to treat phimosis. Close-up of the foreskin being surgically removed (circumcised) to treat phimosis. The patient has diabetes, a condition that can lead to inflammation and swelling of the foreskin if blood sugar levels are too high. This can lead to, or worsen, phimosis, an overly tight foreskin that is difficult to retract. In chronic cases, the foreskin can be removed to avoid a recurrence of these symptoms. - Stock Image C004/4299
Fewer boys are being circumcised these days, and that could add to health costs down the road. Over the past two decades, circumcision rates in the U.S.
The arguments on both sides go something like this. If female circumcision is worse than male circumcision, then male circumcision must be OK. If baby girls are
I went to see my pediatricglans is sticking out, only a very small circle around the urethra. And I am unable to pull it back over. The doc said it is phimosis and should resolve around when he hits ...
Dr. Reed, Have serious phimosis. Unable to retract my foreskin over my head. I am 24 and worried. What is the best ways to manage this and any alternatives? I am very nervous. Kent. Dear Kent,. Phimosis is a normal situation for newborns and by the time a man reaches 18 years of age, only 3% still have phimosis. The others can retract fully without difficulty. The best treatment for phimosis is adult circumcision. Others will mention steroid creams which may work temporarily but the phimotic tendency will return again and again. With each stretching event the elastic fibers of your foreskin are replaced with scar fibers, which only when stretched and broken reform with more scar.. If you wish to maintain semblance of a foreskin, you need at least to have the scarred portion removed. Another procedure called a preputioplastycould be considered, but if you look at the medical illustrations, I cant imagine youll be happy with that.. Please see before and after phimosis pictures on our web-site ...
Doctors give trusted, helpful answers on causes, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, and more: Dr. Fowler on what are the benefits of circumcision: In the middle east and africa where it is actively practiced it is seen by many as important. It increases social status, makes a female marriageable, ensures virginity & fidelity & removes what is often viewed as filthy & ugly - female genitalia. It is also practices in a number of other countries. There are absolutely no medical benefits to female circumcision - it can lead to death, recurrent.
This circumcision of Christ is not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God (1 Peter 3:21). This public declaration (not a private ceremony for Jewish families) demonstrates that there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28). The sign of the new relationship is for all who believe in the completed work of the Messiah. This circumcision dramatizes the creation of the new man (Romans 6:4) and tells the story of salvation in a way that anyone can both participate in and remember. HMM III ...
Professor of Immunology & Chair and Head, Division of Immunology, Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine and Department of Pathology, University of Cape Town; Director, Laboratory of Tissue Immunology, National Health Laboratory Services and Groote Schuur Hospital; Adjunct Professor, Department of Immunology, Duke University, North Carolina, USA; Secretary-General, Federation of African Immunology Societies; Vice-Chair, Education Committee of the IUIS.. Clive Gray currently has six active grants from the NIH; one from the National Institute of Health Research, UK; one from the EDCTP, and a competitive rated NRF grant. His research interests revolve around investigating immune regulation and dysregulation and biological risk for HIV infection in two scenarios: a) HIV exposed uninfected pre-term and term newborn children (born to HIV infected mothers) and b) epithelial immune regulation in foreskin tissue of adolescent and young males who elect to undergo medical male circumcision ...
Thanks for writing a great blog. I look forward to reading your reply.. Sincerely,. J.F.. Dear J.F.. Thanks for writing! Before I launched into my personal opinion, I decided to do some quick research on the internet about circumcision.. Circumcision removes a substantial part of the penis, which is not just a piece of skin. The foreskin is a specialized, retractable sleeve of erogenous tissue that protects the head of the penis, can be manipulated during sex and masturbation, and amounts to about 50 square centimeters in the adult male.. To read the entire Huffington Post article by a Danish doctor in favor of leaving penises intact, click here.. …circumcision rate in newborns has declined from 83 percent in the 1960s to 77 percent in 2010. (The overall rate among U.S. males age 14 to 59 is 81 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.). Additionally, the data suggests there is a racial disparity driven primarily by access to procedure and cultural and ...
Nothing I have said has been with the intention to hurt you or make you feel bad. I didnt even know about Braydens tragic last days until he had already passed. Even so, when a baby boy is circumcised, I assure you that I never hope for his death. I sit on the sideline and wait and hope for good news. Generally, no news is good news. I feel relieved and move on. The reason you may think of us as vultures is because the deaths go viral, but this happens because people, like myself, are furious when babies die from this. Had it been an organ transplant or something else required to live a long, healthy life, people would understand fully that it was a necessity. Coming from two intact countries, I know that routine infant circumcision is not medically necessary. I believe it is as popular as it is in America because parents arent being told that it can (and does sometimes) result in death. The medical establishment needs to be held accountable for ignoring the deaths. These arent just ...
A steep drop in the local incidence of new HIV infections accompanied the rollout of a U.S.-funded anti-HIV program in a large East African population, according to a study led by researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.. The study, published Nov. 29 in the New England Journal of Medicine, is the first to track a large group of people before, during and after the start of an HIV prevention program and show that the program is likely working on a large scale. The researchers found that as the program began and matured from the early 2000s until 2016, there was a 42 percent decline in the rate of new HIV infections.. The ongoing HIV prevention program - in Ugandas rural Rakai District on the shore of Lake Victoria - has been funded by the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), set up in 2004 by the George W. Bush administration. The program provides multiple free services, including anti-HIV drugs for infected people, ...
[Ask InSite is a feature of the University of California San Franciscos HIV InSite. The site touts itself as providing Comprehensive, up-to-date information on HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention, and policy from the University of California San Francisco. And in nearly every sense, it does just that. I have a lot of respect for HIV InSites tireless work…
Treatment of phimosis in children with circumcision (costs for program #38811) ✔ University Hospital Giessen UKGM ✔ Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology ✔ BookingHealth.com
With intravaginal containment of the normal penis, the males mobile sheath is placed within the womans vaginal sheath. It is impossible to imagine a better mechanical arrangement for non-abrasive stimulation of the male and female genitalia than this slick sheath within a sheath. Circumcision destroys this one sheath within a sheath . . . I would hazard a guess, that dyspareunia [painful intercourse] is more common in the women whose husband is circumcised . . . one would be foolish to discount the circumcised males immobile penile skin sheath as an ancillary item contributing to vaginal, abrasive discomfort . . . The male with a penis already moderately obtunded by circumcision may be less apt to use a condom, which he feels may further decrease his genital sensitivity . . . because most American males lack a facile prepuce, the period of foreplay and dalliance may be abbreviated in the rush to the intra-vaginal method of penile stimulation. Both these factors conceivably could be of ...
Health department issues alert after ultra-Orthodox parents did not sign required city consent form for oral suction practice. City says 13 cases have been reported, including two deaths, since 2000.
National Aids Council (Nac) public health officer, Dr. Blessing Mutede, said authorities were concerned about the high rate of infection among the circumcised. He said it was largely a result of risk compensation behaviors. Most men, after circumcision, harbour the false impression that they have been equipped with an invisible condom, he added. It is a worrying development that at a time when we are promoting male circumcision as a preventive measure to combat HIV, we are recording a high prevalence rate amongst the group that has been circumcised largely due to uninformed risky compensation behaviors. He continued, Most people forget that being circumcised will only safeguard a person from contracting HIV up to a certain percentage and they are still at a 40 percent risk of contracting the virus. What we encourage everyone, circumcised or [intact], is to practise safe sex all the time ...
Circumcision is the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis. Circumcision is a religious or cultural ritual for many Jewish and Islamic families. Circumcision can also be a matter of family tradition, personal hygiene and preventive health care. Review Date: Thursday, October 30, 2014 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research ...
This will be my first biological son and I am considering circumcision for him (due August). My step son is not circumcised and neither is my partner. However, my partner is suffering from adult phimosis, which is part of where my decision
Is male foreskin circumcision required to enter heaven or the fullness of the kingdom of God Christians Jews uncircumcised gentiles Paul Moses new covenant
Jennifer Medina reports in the New York Times: When a group of activists proposed banning circumcision in San Francisco last fall, many people simply brushed them aside. Even in that liberal seaside city, it seemed implausible that thousands of people would support an effort to outlaw an ancient ritual that Jews and Muslims believe fulfills a commandment issued by God.. But last month, the group collected the more than 7,100 signatures needed to get a measure on the fall ballot that would make it illegal to snip the foreskin of a minor within city limits. Now a similar effort is under way in Santa Monica to get such a measure on the ballot for November 2012.. If the anticircumcision activists (they prefer the term intactivists) have their way, cities across the country may be voting on whether to criminalize a practice that is common in many American hospitals. Activists say the measures would protect children from an unnecessary medical procedure, calling it male genital mutilation.. This ...
The most common surgical procedure in America, circumcision, is unnecessary, yet millions of newborn boys are still circumcised each year.
http://i.imgur.com/HwGFC.jpg?1http://i.imgur.com/AFXmB.jpg?1http://i.imgur.com/RB71l.jpg?1 Pictured: Despite religious opposition, courts in various countries around the world have found circumcision to be an infringement upon an individuals right to self determination. A key issue relating to mens rights currently being discussed is the genital mutilation young boys undergo without their consent. Before a child is able to give consent, their foreskin is removed. Many mens rights