The error you encountered has nothing to do with the presence of an ion accumulation mechanism. Impdedance.compute can be used in models that have ion accumulation mechanisms. The point of the Warning is to bring a potential source of error to the readers attention. Whether this particular error is significant or not in any particular model depends on the details of the model and is an empirical question--one that could be resolved by a computational experiment, similar to what you proposed: calculating impedance by injecting current and recording the resulting voltage. Keep in mind the fact that every model that does not include ion accumulation for each and every ionic species that crosses the cell membrane is itself full of potential sources of error. And for those few ionic species whose concentrations are state variables, in most cases it seems likely that the amplitude of ionic concentration changes is either small and characterized by a very slow time course compared to the amplitude ...
Dave Morris wrote: ,In response to Tom Barrs list of good nutrient ranges, Neil Frank ,mentioned that high levels of Potasium can block Ca uptake . As ,someone who doses K liberally, and has seen the odd contorted leaf ,even after dosing Ca I would be interested in knowing more . I have seen poor growth when I had 50ppm K with much lower Ca. I speculate this may be due to poor Ca uptake.... but in my case, I did not see the symptoms you describe. I am basing my speculation in part on a plants ability to use K in lieu of Ca, when the Ca is very low. A little more on this in my response to T.Barr (next message on NPK). Neil ...
During early reperfusion (in the first minutes), occurs a rapid correction of acidosis (low intracellular pH) through the Na+/H+ exchanger, and through the entry of the ion HCO3 by the Na/HCO3 symporter (Figure 2). Additionally, the lactate, previously accumulated, is washed out with the restored blood flow diminishing the acidosis. However, all these events cause accumulation of Na+. This additional augment in intracellular sodium induces a secondary activation of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger in the reverse mode to move out Na+ ions; however, this aggravates cytosolic Ca2+ accumulation. On the other hand, the abrupt re exposure of the ischemia inhibited mitochondrial respiratory chain to oxygen generates a membrane potential to drive ATP synthesis, which leads to a rapid overload of Ca2+ in the matrix and massive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which by themselves are capable of damaging cellular membranes and to induce oxidative stress. These two factors (cytosolic Ca accumulation and ...
/PRNewswire/ -- Today, Northstar Commercial Partners is thrilled to announce the hiring of Jonathan Smith, who will be focused on strategically sourcing...
In previous efforts to characterize sarcoplasmic reticulum function in human muscles, it has not been possible to distinguish the relative contributions of fast-twitch and slow-twitch fibers. In this study, we have used light scattering and 45Ca to monitor Ca accumulation by the sarcoplasmic reticulum of isolated, chemically skinned human muscle fibers in the presence and absence of oxalate. Oxalate (5 mM) increased the capacity for Ca accumulation by a factor of 35 and made it possible to assess both rate of Ca uptake and relative sarcoplasmic reticulum volume in individual fibers. At a fixed ionized Ca concentration, the rate and maximal capacity (an index of sarcoplasmic reticulum volume) both varied over a wide range, but fibers fell into two distinct groups (fast and slow). Between the two groups, there was a 2- to 2.5-fold difference in oxalate-supported Ca uptake rates, but no difference in average sarcoplasmic reticulum volumes. Intrinsic differences in sarcoplasmic reticulum function ...
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Ca2+ release in saponin-permeabilized calreticulin-deficient cells. Wild-type (K41) and calreticulin-deficient (K42) cells were loaded with a fluorescent Ca2+ i
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Areas of active investigation include: use of laser-scanning confocal microscopy to measure calcium sparks, which are brief localized increases in fluorescence from a Ca-indicator such as fluo-3 that are thought to be reflective of the transient opening of one or a few RyRs (=ryanodine receptors), the Ca release channels of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR); the possibility that the mechanism of activation of RyRs involves both voltage-gating and Ca-gating; the nature of the mechanism whereby SR Ca release is inactivated by a rise in myoplasmic free [Ca]; the possibility that either activation or inactivation of SR Ca release may vary with the RyR isoform composition (RyR1, RyR3, etc.); estimation of local Ca movements within the sarcomere by means of computer modeling, including estimation of the kinetics of binding of Ca to the intracellular Ca buffers troponin, parvalbumin, ATP, and the SR Ca pump ...
Ošiņa K.; Rostoka E.; Sokolovska J.; Paramonova N.; Bisenieks E.; Duburs G.; Sjakste N.; Sjakste T. 1,4-Dihydropyridine derivatives without Ca2+-antagonist activity up-regulate Psma6 mRNA expression in kidneys of intact and diabetic rats. Cell Biochem. Funct. 2016, 34(1), 3-6 ...
Calcium content and RDA percentage, per serving and per 100g, in 7 types of figs. The amount of Calcium is 162 mg to 26 mg per 100g, in figs.