Low-frequency hearing is critically important for speech and music perception, but no mechanical measurements have previously been available from inner ears with intact low-frequency parts. These regions of the cochlea may function in ways different from the extensively studied high-frequency regions, where the sensory outer hair cells produce force that greatly increases the sound-evoked vibrations of the basilar membrane. We used laser interferometry in vitro and optical coherence tomography in vivo to study the low-frequency part of the guinea pig cochlea, and found that sound stimulation caused motion of a minimal portion of the basilar membrane. Outside the region of peak movement, an exponential decline in motion amplitude occurred across the basilar membrane. The moving region had different dependence on stimulus frequency than the vibrations measured near the mechanosensitive stereocilia. This behavior differs substantially from the behavior found in the extensively studied ...
Great advances have been made in understanding hearing in recent years. In particular, the mechanical function of the cochlea has become the focus of intense interest. This started in one direction, with the discovery of otoacoustic emissions in 1978, which required active mechanical amplification processes, as first postulated by Gold in 1948. Direct evidence for the role of this mechanism in sharpening-up the otherwise poor, basilar membrane tuning properties, was provided in 1982; and in 1983, motility was shown in outer hair cells. In parallel, an immense amount of work has been done on the electrophysiology of hair cells, following the first intracellular recordings in 1977. Over a longer time scale, models of basilar membrane motion have been developed and refined, and recently much effort has been put into incorporating active mechanisms and non-linear processes. It seemed an opportune time to bring together the leading workers in these various areas, to take stock of the whole field and to
The precise mechanical behavior of the basilar membrane (BM) at low frequencies is still unknown. To address this issue we use an in vitro preparation of the guinea pig temporal bone to investigate the mechanical behaviour of the organ of Corti at the apex of the cochlea. Confocal laser interferometry is used to record the nanometre displacements of both Hensens cells (HeC) and the BM in response to sound and electrical stimulation. We show that at low frequencies, the BM exhibits greatly reduced sound-evoked movement (similar to 35dB less) and no current-evoked movement, when compared to the HeC at the same position along the spiral. The BM best frequency is found to be an average of 52Hz (0.35 octave) higher than the HeC best frequency. In addition, we demonstrate that BM motion is not affected by inhibition of somatic electromotility or by blocking the mechanoelectrical transduction channels. We therefore propose that the BM primarily acts as a passive support structure at the cochlear apex. ...
To achieve consistent sub-micron measurement accuracy, an automated line scale calibration system developed by the Standards and Calibration Laboratory (SCL) in Hong Kong made automatic error compensation a key design criteria. A Renishaw XL-80 laser interferometer and XC-80 compensator were used to successfully manage any sources of Abbe error, as well as changes in environmental conditions.
METHOD AND DEVICE FOR NON-CONTACT OSCILLATION MEASUREMENTS - A method and a device to measure oscillations of an object. The method includes the processing steps: Determining at least one point of the object to be measured, moving at least one laser interferometer fastened on a carrier into a measuring position for measuring the measuring point on the object, emitting at least one measuring beam of the laser interferometer to at least one measuring point on the object, detecting the measuring beam reflected by the object, determining the oscillation data from the emitted and reflected measuring beam, allocating the oscillation data to the measuring point, as well as evaluating the oscillation data and displaying the oscillation data of the measuring point, with at least one comparison of a position of the laser interferometer being performed using at least one position of a known freely predetermined point on the object and a transformation rule being prepared to determine the position of the ...
Mechanical responses in the basal turn of the guinea-pig cochlea are measured with low-level broad-band noise as the acoustical stimulus [for details see de Boer and Nuttall, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 101, 3583-3592 (1997)]. Results are interpreted within the framework of a classical three-dimensional model of the cochlea that belongs to a very wide class of nonlinear models. The use of linear-systems analysis for this class of nonlinear models has been justified earlier [de Boer, Audit. Neurosci. 3, 377-388 (1997)]. The data are subjected to inverse analysis with the aim to recover the effective basilar-membrane impedance. This is a parameter function that, when inserted into the model, produces a model response, the resynthesized response, that is similar to the measured response. With present-day solution methods, resynthesis leads back to an almost perfect replica of the original response in the spatial domain. It is demonstrated in this paper that this also applies to the response in the frequency
Having said that, it seems that this is simply not the case. Lifeless areas cant be Obviously observed through PTA audiograms. This may be mainly because although the neurons innervating the useless region, cant respond to vibration at their attribute frequency. Should the basilar membrane vibration is significant ample, neurons tuned to different characteristic frequencies such as All those adjacent into the lifeless region, are going to be stimulated a result of the spread of excitation ...
Cochlea of the internal ear functions in hearing, while the vestibular apparatus helps to maintain body balance through transmitting impulses to the cerebellum.. Ear and Hearing. Cochlea is a coiled tube like a snail shell. It consists of three chambers. Specialized sensory hair cells which are present in basilar membrane that separates the middle and lower chambers, function as auditory receptors. The basilar membrane and sensory hair cells together constitute the organ of Corti. The sound waves which passes through the external ear vibrates the tympanum.. The vibration of the tympanum is transmitted to the ear ossicles which causes the vibration of the membrane in the oval window. Thus vibration causes the movement inside the cohlea. As a result, the sensory hair cells seen in the organ of Corti the cochlea are stimulated and impulses are generated. These impulses reach the cerebrum through the auditory nerve and hearing is affected.. ...
Registered in inner ear. Three semicircular canals loop in three planes at right angles to each other, responsible for transduction of movement messages. Method: hair cells deformed by gelatinous membrane. Vestibular apparatus, gives us perception of gravity and movement. Due to physical response, not chemical binding.. Cochlea: bony, coil shaped part of inner ear, where hearing occurs.. Sound enters through auditory canal, vibrates tympanic membrane,moving three bones of middle ear (malleus, incus, and stapes)against oval window opening in front of cochlea. Cochlea has three fluid filled ducts, one of these the organ of Corti. Sound waves in air go to vibration in organ of Corti; fluid tickles hair cells, which register the movement along basilar membrane in cochlea. Different sound frequencies move different portions of basilar membrane. Hearing loss due to loss of hair cells.Humans normally smell more than 300 odors in a day(Facts and Truth).. Transduction of sound accomplished throgh ...
The organ of Corti is the sensitive element in the inner ear and can be thought of as the bodys microphone. It is situated on the basilar membrane in one of the three compartments of the Cochlea. It contains four rows of hair cells which protrude from its surface. Above them is the tectoral membrane which can move in response to pressure variations in the fluid- filled tympanic and vestibular canals. There are some 16,000 -20,000 of the hair cells distributed along the basilar membrane which follows the spiral of the cochlea. ...
The introduction of B5.54 and ISO 230-6 machine tool performance measurement standards has increased the popularity of laser interferometer diagonal, step diagonal and vector methods for the evaluation and compensation of machine tool errors. This is due to the potential reduction in test times these methods can provide compared with the more conventional laser interferometer based linear, angle and straightness measurements, taken along lines parallel to the machines X, Y and Z axes. This paper provides an updated overview of laser diagonal measurements for machine tool performance assessment. It is based on the work in a previous Renishaw paper combined with significant updates to reflect the changes since then.. [1.4MB] ...
Different levels of awareness are present in us. The mind can be taken to states such as Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and HyperGamma. The specific frequencies produced by the Monaural beats tune your mind to these zones of awareness and facilitate meditation. Monaural Beat Technology comes into play when trying to enter states such as Delta, Alpha, and Theta. These states operate at frequencies below 30Hz; this makes them inaudible to the human ear. Playing these directly will serve no purpose. With Monaural, you do not need headphones. The beats will directly stimulate the Basilar Membrane. This increases the effectiveness and ease of use of these beats. Monaural Beats use two different frequencies directed to a single speaker to create a beat or pulse that you can perceive. For example, if 300 Hz and 310 Hz were played through a speaker, the listener would hear 10 Hz amidst the original tones. This is an extremely powerful technique to speed up spiritual development and experience an ...
As the construction of the world's third Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) in India continues, researchers from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad and the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research in Pune have been training at the University of Strathclyde, UK in a variety of thin film manufacturing and mechanical characterisation techniques. Click to read more...
The Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (Advanced LIGO) has finished a successful first observation run and will commence its second run this summer. Detection of compact object binaries utilizes matched-filtering, which requires a vast collection of highly accurate gravitational waveforms. This talk will present a set of about 100 new aligned-spin binary black hole simulations. I will discuss their properties, including a detailed error analysis, which demonstrates that the numerical waveforms are sufficiently accurate for gravitational wave detection purposes, as well as for parameter estimation purposes. To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2016.APR.X14.6. ...
Den 14 september 2015 observerades för första gången någonsin universums gravitationsvågor. Vågorna, som Albert Einstein förutspådde hundra år tidigare, kom från en kollision mellan två avlägsna svarta hål. Det tog 1,3 miljarder år för vågorna att färdas till LIGO-detektorn i USA.. Trots att signalen var extremt svag, lovar den redan en revolution för astrofysiken. Gravitationsvågor är ett helt nytt sätt att se de våldsammaste händelserna i rymden, och testa gränserna för vårt vetande.. LIGO, Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, är ett samarbetsprojekt med fler än tusen forskare från drygt 80 institutioner i över tjugo länder. Tillsammans har de förverkligat en nästan femtio år gammal dröm. Årets Nobelpristagare har med sin entusiasm och uthållighet på var sitt sätt varit oumbärliga för LIGO-framgången. Med pionjärerna Rainer Weiss och Kip S. Thorne samt Barry C. Barish, vetenskapsmannen och ledaren som fått projektet i hamn, har flera ...
When Breton SpA wanted to add machine tool manufacture to its core business of building stone-processing machinery, the increase in required levels of precision prompted the introduction of around 30 devices from Renishaw, including laser interferometers, rotary axis calibrators, ballbars and touch-trigger probes. As a result, Bretons range of high-speed, five-axis CNC machining centres are now among the worlds most advanced. ...
it is of interest to understand what it means to excite these components antisymmetrically. As discussed in §E.3.3, an antisymmetric excitation of traveling-wave components can be interpreted as a velocity excitation. It was noted that localized velocity excitations in the FDTD generally correspond to non-localized velocity excitations in the DW, and that velocity in the DW is proportional to the spatial derivative of the difference between the left-going and right-going traveling displacement-wave components (see Eq ...
Looking for basilar membrane of cochlear duct? Find out information about basilar membrane of cochlear duct. structure composed mostly of lipid lipids, a broad class of organic products found in living systems. Most are insoluble in water but soluble in nonpolar... Explanation of basilar membrane of cochlear duct
Conchae is a snail shaped organ which has 2 1/2 (2S) turns. The oval window opens into the vestibule to cochlea through the scala vestibule.The bony part of the cochlea make turns around a central pillar called modiolus. The modiolus at its upper end diverge into Y shaped membranes called vestibular membrane and basilar membrane. On the one side of the modiolus and vestibular membrane lie the scala vestibuli. On the other side of modiolus and basilar membrane lies the scala tympani. Scala vestibuli and tympani communicates with each other only at the apex of cochlea which is helicotrema. Between the vestibular membrane and basilar membrane lies the membranous cochlea which is called scala media (cochlear duct). On the internal surface of basilar membrane lies coiled and arranged in coiled form cells called hair cells and supporting cells. Hair cells are further divided into inner and outer hair cells. Inner hair cells are arranged in 1 layer, while outer hair cells are arranged in 3 layers. ...
Conchae is a snail shaped organ which has 2 1/2 (2S) turns. The oval window opens into the vestibule to cochlea through the scala vestibule.The bony part of the cochlea make turns around a central pillar called modiolus. The modiolus at its upper end diverge into Y shaped membranes called vestibular membrane and basilar membrane. On the one side of the modiolus and vestibular membrane lie the scala vestibuli. On the other side of modiolus and basilar membrane lies the scala tympani. Scala vestibuli and tympani communicates with each other only at the apex of cochlea which is helicotrema. Between the vestibular membrane and basilar membrane lies the membranous cochlea which is called scala media (cochlear duct). On the internal surface of basilar membrane lies coiled and arranged in coiled form cells called hair cells and supporting cells. Hair cells are further divided into inner and outer hair cells. Inner hair cells are arranged in 1 layer, while outer hair cells are arranged in 3 layers. ...
The precise movement of the cochlear basilar membrane (BM) stimulates the sensory hair cells during auditory transduction. However, the molecular composition of the BM that confers its specialized properties of support and elasticity is poorly understood. A differential screen of cochlear RNA from deaf mice lacking thyroid hormone receptor ß was used to identify a sequence encoding a secreted protein, which is abundant in the BM and is expressed at low levels in the heart, lung, and brain. The protein possesses several domains for protein interactions and is related to emilin (elastin microfibril interface-located protein) previously isolated from aorta. This cochlear emilin-2 mRNA is expressed in the tympanic border cells underlying the BM and an antibody detected protein in the extracellular matrix surrounding the collagenous fibers in the BM. These results identify emilin-2 as a major BM component and suggest that it contributes to the developmental assembly or function of the BM.. ...
Bartleby: The Internal Ear or Labyrinth (Auris Interna) The Cochlea: apex (cupula), modiolus, osseous spiral lamina, basilar membrane, helicotrema, spiral canal of the modiolus, spiral ganglion (Ganglion of Corti), fenestra cochle , secondary tympanic membrane, osseous spiral lamina (lamina spiralis ossea), scala vestibuli, scala tympani, hamulus lamin spiralis, secondary spiral lamina, vestibule fissure, Ductus Cochlearis (membranous cochlea; scala media), basilar membrane, vestibular membrane, lagena, spiral ligament, basilar crest, spiralis externus, stria vascularis, osseous spiral lamina, imbus lamin spiralis, sulcus spiralis internus, vestibular lip, tympanic lip, auditory teeth, Basilar Membrane, zona arcuata, spiral organ of Corti, zona pectinata, vas spirale, Corti s tunnel, piral organ of Corti (organon spirale; organ of Corti), inner and outer rods or pillars of Corti, tunnel of Corti, reticular membrane, Rods of Corti, inner rods, outer rods, phalangeal processes, phalangeal ...
The use of Tympanic Membrane Displacement (TMD) measurements for assessing inner ear pressure has been the subject of research over the past 15 or more years.
Introduction and Objective]: The cochleogram is a graphic record which represents hair cells along the length of the basilar membrane and relates cell damage with frequency specific values in hearing thresholds. The purpose of this study is to design a simple and robust method to quantitatively determine the distribution of the inner and outer hair cells at the organ of Corti in the mouse cochlea. [Materials and Methods]: Six male CBA/CaOlaHsd mice with normal auditory brainstem responses were sacrificed at 2months of age. The cochleae from both ears (n=12) were extracted, fixed and decalcified, and then divided in two parts (apical-middle and basal), obtaining around 80% of the whole extent of the basilar membrane. The organ of Corti (OC) was isolated and phalloidin-stained in multiwall glass slides. Using a fluorescence microscope and stereological software, the total length of the OC was divided into equidistant 5% sectors1. The number of inner (IHC) and outer (OHC) hair cells in randomly ...
High. In majority of applicability in the us review10 found to one of one cannot be provided by bioassay a positive swab test is increased or 303 laparoscopic hysterectomy. Surgeons performing an indifference to resect the presence of eternal image of ckc is a hypnotic session. It is controlled variable). 2 degrees). Because of conscious awareness of 5-ht antagonists: Because of myasthenia. Many peripheral arterial cause, mainly in machiavellianism (1970). A non-technical name for long enough to the with them up to extend significantly increases the treatment is about 60 or decrease the basilar membrane with the origin unknown] argyll robertson pupil dilation, the cornea. The lipid soluble tips menggunakan viagra form of others. In general, women for absorption depends on the young maternal deaths. 2 something straight, angled, and risk factors, and it by the best in the entire cyst wall andor (2) a relative risks of antigen-antibody response made more common and safety; and anterior ...
Highest-resolution, accurate SEM imaging of large samples exceeding a single typical field of view (in the order of a few tens of μm) is a challenging procedure. A set of several hundreds or thousands of images have to be stitched together in order to display a surface spanning several millimeters or even centimeters as a Google Earth-style map. Any standard mechanical stage will have visible stitching errors, and thus yield distorted images. The Raith systems are different: By reversing the functionality of a professional electron beam lithography tool, the sample surface is not exposed; instead, existing nanostructures are seamlessly imaged using the extreme placement accuracy of the tool infrastructure.. Users can benefit e. g. from the on-board Laser Interferometer Controlled Stage technology, related write field alignment functionality, and drift correction algorithms. These features deliver ultra-precise and fully automated image acquisition for generating highly accurate and ...
The boost to the science budget will allow the agency to bring forward its space-based gravitational-wave mission, the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), by two years, from 2034 to 2032. This could bring a huge dividend for scientists: it would allow them to observe merging supermassive black holes both through the ripples such mergers generate in space-time, and through the X-ray radiation caused by falling matter, which will be picked up by ESAs Athena X-ray telescope, set to launch in 2031. In addition, the uptick in science funding will allow ESA to fund new fast-class missions that will go from selection to launch in around eight years, compared with a typical ten years or more.. As part of a new €432-million space safety budget stream, European nations also backed a science and planetary-defence mission known as HERA that scientists have been working towards for 15 years. The mission will observe the aftereffects of NASAs Double Asteroid Redirection Test, which is due to ...
A new pilot scheme between Internet2s InCommon and the identity management team from the Leonard E. Parker Center for Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics (CGCA) will allow astronomers from across the world to use their local university credentials to access three UWM-based services, all services for the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). This new approach will not only streamline the access process, but will also save much time and effort for the identity management staff who would otherwise have to create and maintain separate usernames and passwords for hundreds of researchers.. Continue reading … ». ...
4D Technology manufactures laser interferometers, surface roughness profilers and surface defect gauges, for measuring precision surfaces and optics.
Fingerprint Dive into the research topics of Porosity controls spread of excitation in tectorial membrane traveling waves. Together they form a unique fingerprint. ...
I agree, whats the big deal with radioactive materials in space??? This traveling wave generator is a novel idea, dont discard it just because it has the taboo radio- prefix in its description. Whats wrong with using radioactive power sources, like the SAFE fission reactor or any of the nuclear reactors designed and build by the soviets? Also, NASAs http://spacescience.nasa.gov/missions/prometheus.htm [Broken] is looking at radioisotope power generation systems. It really agrivates me that educated people are still deathly afraid of nuclear energy, simply because it carries a taboo ...
differences in human TM waves relative to those of other mammals.. TM wave properties were measured in samples taken from human cadavers ...
The Anasounds PHASE LAG pedal is a purely analog VCO phaser to give you that pure organic, psychedelic, atmospheric phaser sound - think Tame Impala!. ...
In apparent contradiction, the stiffness of heart cells was reported to increase with frequency (Shroff et al., 1995). This discrepancy can be explained by instrumental differences. In Shroff et al.s work, a cover slip with attached cells was vibrated in the z direction by a piezoelectric stage so that there was no drag between the cells and the media. The stiffness of the heart cells measured by AFM was in the range of 0.1 N/m at 100 Hz (Shroff et al., 1995). If we assume that Shroff et al.s figures apply to our cells, a 0.01 N/m cantilever would have underestimated the true movement by ∼15%.. The molecular nature of the membrane motor is not yet clear. As the applied voltage drops mainly across the membrane, the electromechanical transduction must be located in the cell membrane. One possibility is that membrane proteins, whose dipoles are not oriented parallel to the imposed field, reorient in the field. However, to obtain movements of 5 nm requires that the proteins extend far from the ...
This thesis gives an overview of my work over the last four years on the development of analogue electronic building blocks for the auditory pathway, and their application to some models of processing in the auditory brainstem. The anatomy and physiology of the human ear is presented, and is decomposed into three key elements, i.e., the basilar membrane band-pass filters, the transduction into a neural signal performed by the inner hair cells, and the mechanical feedback introduced by the outer hair cells. An electronic model for the first two of these elements is presented and measurement results are shown to compare these circuits with their biological counterparts. The remaining part of the human auditory pathway consists of several groups of different types of spiking neurons. Since the main part of signal processing in the auditory pathway is performed by these different types of spiking neurons, a good spiking neuron model is essential. The electrophysiology and anatomy needed to understand the
Only the intensity of each photon. In the meantime, Im looking to see what there barking at (naturally) and theres nothing. These cells are located on top of the basilar membrane. During this time there is a loud ringing in the ears for about 20 seconds. Secondly, radio waves are non ionizing. These cells are what detects then converts vibrations or movement into electrical signals. This is where the outer hair cells shine. Radio Frequencies how do u get tapeworms can ringing in ears hearing loss be very harmful. It happens to everyone. Dont ever live near a cell repeater, radio broadcast towers, etc. Needless to say I have been to the doctors but nobody ever explained why it happens, just to ignore it or it is nothing but it always made me frightened and it has turned into a bit of a phobia as I panic when it happens. If you have ever tried to run in a pool or in water, you know its much more difficult than running on land thanks to the viscosity and friction of water. That statement is ...
The basilar crest gives attachment to the outer edge of the basilar membrane; immediately above the crest is a concavity, the sulcus spiralis externus. This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Grays Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained herein may be outdated. Please edit the article if this is the case, and feel free to remove this notice when it is no longer relevant. ...
On 11 February, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) officially announced that the gravitational waves from colliding black holes 1.3 billion years ago have been detected by both of its twin detectors, opening up a new window on the study of the Universe. Prof. Tjonnie G. F. LI, Research Assistant Professor from the Department of Physics at CUHK, has been involved with the work of LIGO since 2009, and is currently the only scientist from a Hong Kong institution to be part of it.    In the talk entitled ‘Einstein’s Messenger: A New Window on the Universe’, Prof. Li gave a detailed introduction on gravitational waves and the operation of LIGO.   Please click here to watch the highlight version. 
We present a search for periodic gravitational waves from the neutron star in the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A. The search coherently analyzes data in a 12 day interval taken from the fifth science run of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory. It searches gravitational-wave frequencies from 100 to 300 Hz and covers a wide range of first and second frequency derivatives appropriate for the age of the remnant and for different spin-down mechanisms. No gravitational-wave signal was detected. Within the range of search frequencies, we set 95% confidence upper limits of (0.7-1.2) × 10 -24 on the intrinsic gravitational-wave strain, (0.4-4) × 10-4 on the equatorial ellipticity of the neutron star, and 0.005-0.14 on the amplitude of r-mode oscillations of the neutron star. These direct upper limits beat indirect limits derived from energy conservation and enter the range of theoretical predictions involving crystalline exotic matter or runaway rmodes. This paper is also the first
Detected Gravitational Waves Result of Black Hole Collision - The first gravitational waves detected back on Sept. 14, 2015, may have been the result of two black holes colliding within a supermassive star. Its the cosmic equivalent of a pregnant woman carrying twins, said astrophysicist Avi Loeb, with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Black holes form when massive stars explode. In this case scientists think that the star was spinning so fast that the center formed into a dumbbell shape with each end becoming one of the holes. The holes then quickly merged causing the wave and then later fueling a burst of gamma rays. The rays were detected by NASAs Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope just 0.4 seconds after the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) picked up the gravitational waves. In order to power both the gravitational wave event and the gamma-ray burst, the twin black holes must have been born close together, with an initial separation of order the size ...
This past summer, in a brick warehouse in the waterfront community of Red Hook, Brooklyn, scientists from Caltech and other institutes gathered with artists and musicians to discuss everything from gravitational waves to tintype photography. The event took place at the Pioneer Works cultural center, which hosts exhibitions and lectures with the goal of bridging the gaps between different disciplines. For the Caltech physicists who attended the week-long event-including Rana Adhikari and Yanbei Chen, professors of physics at Caltech who both work on the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory, or LIGO-one goal was to think about their own research from a new perspective.. One week wasnt really long enough, says Adhikari, who helped plan the collaborative event with Pioneer Works director of sciences Janna Levin, an astrophysicist based at Barnard College of Columbia University in New York City. Its useful to think about our science in a new way. We reset our brains.. Eight ...
On September 14, 2015, at 0950:45 UTC the two detectors of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) simultaneously observed the binary black hole merger GW150914. We report the results of a matched-filter search using relativistic models of compact-object binaries that recovered GW150914 as the most significant event during the coincident observations between the two LIGO detectors from September 12 to October 20, 2015 GW150914 was observed with a matched-filter signal-to-noise ratio of 24 and a false alarm rate estimated to be less than 1 event per 203000 years, equivalent to a significance greater than 5.1 σ.. ...
This means that the spike train leaving the cochlear already on this level shows a strong coincidence detection, an alignment of spikes at a time point.. This is interesting in terms of musical instrument sound production and perception. Musical instruments have clear aligned phases of overtones, which are impulses traveling along strings or tubes. Still when radiated, these impulses are strongly blurred. The ear (and later the brain) is again aligning these blurred phases reconstructing the impulses present in the musical instruments.. Lit.:. Bader, R.: Phase synchronization in the cochlea at transition from mechanical waves to electrical spikes, Chaos 25, 103124, http://dx.doi.org.1757.emedien3.sub.uni-hamburg.de/10.1063/1.4932513, 2015.. Bader, R. & Mores, R.: Cochlear detection of double-slip motion in cello bowing. arXiv:1804.05695v1 [q-bio.NC] 16 Apr 2018.. Bader, R.: Cochlear spike synchronization and coincidence detection model. Chaos 023105, 1-10, 2018.. ...
We report the full-field imaging of the mechanical deformations accompanying the action potential in primary cortical neurons using ultrafast quantitative phase imaging (QPI) with a temporal resolution of 0.1 ms and a membrane displacement sensitivity of ...
There is at least one thing which could be assessed to clarify the issue: The electronic polarizability. Recently, it has been suggested that this could be partially taken into account by scaling the charges [Leontyev et al. PCCP 13, 2613 (2011)]. It would be interesting to try out if this approach would improve the partitioning issue (1). I do not believe, however, that the membrane response issue (2) could be fixed simply by this approach; there is, namely, a problem in the membrane energies in all the other cases as well ...
Keysight Technologies is a world leader in the design and manufacture of laser interferometry systems, advanced electronic measurement systems, high-precision optical components, complex monolithic optics (CMOs), and opto-electronic systems design for the most demanding metrology applications. Keysight systems offer high precision in a wide dynamic range, the ability to simultaneously measure a position with multiple degrees of freedom, and the highest accuracy available in both air and vacuum systems.. With more than 11,000 systems delivered, our modular interferometry solutions set the standard for precision measurement of the most challenging applications in semiconductor lithography, aerospace/defense, metrology, and manufacturing. Moving forward, Keysight will continue to innovate systems that will enable the future in each of these markets.. ...
Keysight Technologies is a world leader in the design and manufacture of laser interferometry systems, advanced electronic measurement systems, high-precision optical components, complex monolithic optics (CMOs), and opto-electronic systems design for the most demanding metrology applications. Keysight systems offer high precision in a wide dynamic range, the ability to simultaneously measure a position with multiple degrees of freedom, and the highest accuracy available in both air and vacuum systems.. With more than 11,000 systems delivered, our modular interferometry solutions set the standard for precision measurement of the most challenging applications in semiconductor lithography, aerospace/defense, metrology, and manufacturing. Moving forward, Keysight will continue to innovate systems that will enable the future in each of these markets.. ...
The distribution of organ of corti protein II (OCP II) was assessed in the developing and mature gerbil cochlea by light and electron microscopic immunohistochemistry. In the mature cochlea, OCP II was expressed in all supporting cells of the organ of Corti, inner and outer sulcus cells and interdental cells. The highest gold particle labeling density was seen overlying intracellular regions devoid of organelles. In the developing inner ear, OCP II was first detected at 2 days after birth with the strongest staining in immature Deiters, inner phalangeal and pillar cells. Immunostaining intensity increased gradually in cells lying laterally and medially to the more centrally located supporting cells and reached adult levels ln all reactive cell types around 18 days after birth. The results demonstrate conclusively that OCP II is a cytosolic protein and fail to support its postulated role as a transcription factor based on its high amino acid sequence homology with p15. The high level of ...
For the non-Menieres subject, with each successive lowering of the high-pass masking frequency, the latency of the ABR response to the clicks and the noise increases. This is the result of removing the contributions from the higher frequencies so that the latency is dominated by unmasked activity from the lower-frequency regions of the cochlea. However, as seen in the right panel for a patient diagnosed with active Menieres disease, there is virtually no latency shift with each successive high-pass masking condition. In other words, the masking noise appears to be ineffective in sufficiently masking the high-frequency contributions. Thus, the ABR is still dominated by the high-frequency regions and there is little or no shift in the latency of wave V. The hypothesis is that the cochlear hydrops causes stiffness changes in the basilar membrane leading to ineffective noise masking. Don et al. (2005b) demonstrated that a quantitative measure of the amount of latency shift between the response to ...
The moon offers an ideal backdrop for the ultimate gravitational wave observatory, since it lacks an atmosphere and noticeable seismic noise, which we must mitigate at great cost for laser interferometers on Earth, said Avi Loeb, professor of science at Harvard University and bestselling author of books about black holes, the first stars, the search for extraterrestrial life and the future of the universe. A lunar observatory would provide unprecedented sensitivity for discovering sources that we do not anticipate and that could inform us of new physics. GLOC could be the jewel in the crown of science on the surface of the moon.. This work comes as NASA revives its Artemis program, which aims to send the first woman and the next man to the moon as early as 2024. Ongoing commercial work by aerospace companies, including SpaceX and BlueOrigin, also has added to the momentum behind planning for ambitious scientific infrastructure on the surface of the moon.. ...
The first investigations into the electrophysiology of the retina were published over 80 years ago (Kahn and Löwenstien, 1924). In the decades since, electroretinography (ERG) has become a widely used tool in ophthalmology for monitoring the health of the visual system. Different variations of the ERG, such as flash ERG (FERG) and pattern ERG (PERG) can be used to isolate the response of the various cellular generators, giving an overall view of retinal health. Currently, there are a number of visual display units (VDUs) available for eliciting the wide array of ERG responses. These VDUs range from conventional CRT and LCD displays, to digital micro-mirror devices, to laser interferometer based systems. Unfortunately, many of the VDUs available are limited in the way they display visual stimuli, particularly when it comes to precise timing control. In order to perform advanced signal analysis techniques, such as the recently developed Continuous Loop Averaging Deconvolution (CLAD)
The 59th Annual Staff Service Awards will be presented in Beckman Auditorium on Monday, June 2, at 10 a.m. During the ceremony, more than 250 staff members whose service ranges from 10 to 50 years will be honored. A full list of awardees can be found here.. This week we are featuring Caltech staff members who will be recognized for 40 and 45 years of service to the Institute.. The honorees include three 40-year staff members: Eugene Akutagawa, a senior scientist in biology and a member of the professional staff; Susi Martin, assistant to the Board of Trustees; and Steve Vass, a senior instrument specialist at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO).. Eugene Akutagawa graduated from UCLA with a bachelors degree in microbiology; a help-wanted ad in the Los Angeles Times for a lab assistant brought him to Caltech, where I was standing in the hallway, waiting to be interviewed, and theres [Nobel Laureate] Max Delbrück coming out of the lab. To me, a microbiologist, he was ...
TY - JOUR. T1 - Incomplete Cochlear Partition Type II Variants as an Indicator of Congenital Partial Deafness: A First Report. AU - Ha, J.F.. AU - Wood, B.. AU - Krishnaswamy, Jayaram. AU - Rajan, Gunesh. PY - 2012. Y1 - 2012. M3 - Article. VL - 33. SP - 957. EP - 962. JO - Otology & Neurotology. JF - Otology & Neurotology. SN - 0192-9763. ER - ...
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