p>The checksum is a form of redundancy check that is calculated from the sequence. It is useful for tracking sequence updates.,/p> ,p>It should be noted that while, in theory, two different sequences could have the same checksum value, the likelihood that this would happen is extremely low.,/p> ,p>However UniProtKB may contain entries with identical sequences in case of multiple genes (paralogs).,/p> ,p>The checksum is computed as the sequence 64-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check value (CRC64) using the generator polynomial: x,sup>64,/sup> + x,sup>4,/sup> + x,sup>3,/sup> + x + 1. The algorithm is described in the ISO 3309 standard. ,/p> ,p class=publication>Press W.H., Flannery B.P., Teukolsky S.A. and Vetterling W.T.,br /> ,strong>Cyclic redundancy and other checksums,/strong>,br /> ,a href=http://www.nrbook.com/b/bookcpdf.php>Numerical recipes in C 2nd ed., pp896-902, Cambridge University Press (1993),/a>),/p> Checksum:i ...
In molecular biology, the ars operon is an operon found in several bacterial taxon. It is required for the detoxification of arsenate, arsenite, and antimonite. This system transports arsenite and antimonite out of the cell. The pump is composed of two polypeptides, the products of the arsA and arsB genes. This two-subunit enzyme produces resistance to arsenite and antimonite. Arsenate, however, must first be reduced to arsenite before it is extruded. A third gene, arsC, expands the substrate specificity to allow for arsenate pumping and resistance. ArsC is an approximately 150-residue arsenate reductase that uses reduced glutathione (GSH) to convert arsenate to arsenite with a redox active cysteine residue in the active site. ArsC forms an active quaternary complex with GSH, arsenate, and glutaredoxin 1 (Grx1). The three ligands must be present simultaneously for reduction to occur. ArsA and ArsB form an anion-translocating ATPase. The ArsB protein is distinguished by its overall hydrophobic ...
ASNA1 (arsA arsenite transporter, ATP-binding, homolog 1 (bacterial)), Authors: Dessen P. Published in: Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol.
This study shows a critical role for Asna1 in ensuring β-cell function. Loss of Asna1 in β-cells of mice results in pancreatic hypoinsulinemia, impaired insulin secretion, and early onset diabetes. Additionally, β-cells of Asna1β−/− mice showed impaired PM-to-TGN as well as Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport, ER stress, and mislocalization of Stx5 and Stx6. Of note, we also show that inhibition of retrograde transport at the level of EE-to-TGN in isolated islet and insulinoma cells results in impaired Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport, decreased insulin content, and ER stress. Thus, the findings provide evidence that Asna1 is required in β-cells to ensure retrograde transport, which in turn appears to be essential for ER homeostasis and proinsulin biogenesis. Additionally, the perturbed Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport in Retro-2-treated primary islets suggests that the impairment of this step in Asna1β−/− β-cells likely is secondary to the inhibition of retrograde transport at the ...
Anti-human ASNA1 mAb, clone PAT2A1AT, is derived from hybridization of mouse F0 myeloma cells with spleen cells from BALB/c immunized mice.
Sočasna okužba, sookužba ali koinfekcija je hkratna okužba celice ali organizma z dvema mikroorganizmoma (na primer pljučnica, ki jo povzročata ortomiksovirus in streptokok).[1] Kadar pa se nova okužba pridruži že obstoječi kasneje in ne istočasno, govorimo o nadokužbi (naknadni okužbi).[2] V svetovnem merilu je pogosta sookužba z jetiko (tuberkulozo) in HIV-om. V nekaterih državah je do 80 % bolnikov s tuberkulozo okuženih tudi z virusom HIV.[3] Nadalje je okoli 10 % bolnikov, okuženih s HIV-om, sočasno okuženih tudi z virusom hepatitisa B.[4] Pri okužbi s HIV-om pa je možna tudi sookužba z več sevi istega virusa; kadar pa se bolnik najprej okuži z enim sevom virusa, kasneje v življenju pa še z drugim, gre za nadokužbo.[5] ...
Tail-anchored (TA) proteins are a unique class of functionally diverse membrane proteins defined by their single C-terminal membrane-spanning domain and their ability to insert post-translationally into specific organelles with an Ncytoplasm-Corganelle interior orientation. The molecular mechanisms …
Słowa kluczowe: leczenie przewlekłych zapaleń tkanek okołowierzchołkowych, preparaty wodorotlenkowapniowe. W leczeniu przewlekłych zapaleń tkanek okołowierzchołkowych istotne jest działanie bakteriobójcze oraz stworzenie warunków do reparacji uszkodzonej kości. Najbardziej skuteczną metodą terapeutyczną okazało się biomechaniczne opracowanie kanału oraz zastosowanie wkładki leczniczej z wodorotlenku wapnia. Celem pracy była własna ocena wpływu nie twardniejących preparatów wodorotlenkowapniowych (Calxyl, Biopulp) na procesy gojenia i odnowy kości w przewlekłych zapaleniach przyzębia przyszczytowego. Leczeniem objęto 96 zębów jedno- i wielokorzeniowych. Na podstawie diagnostycznych zdjęć rtg ustalono średnicę zmian zapalnych. Wyodrębniono ogniska o średnicy do 3 mm, od 3 do 6 mm i powyżej 6 mm. Wkładki lecznicze z preparatów wodorotlenkowapniowych zmieniano co 3 miesiące. Obserwacje radiologiczne przeprowadzono po 3, 6, 9 i 12 miesiącach. Ogółem na 96 ...
Pogosti stranski učinki so povezani z antiholinergičnim delovanjem na parasimpatične postsinaptične receptorje: suha usta, grlo, nos, ob prekomernih odmerkih oslabljen govor, ki se lahko stopnjuje do mrmranja, podobnega glasovom rakuna; žeja, zamegljen vid in občutljivost na svetlobo, zaprtje, težave pri uriniranju in tahikardija. Ostali stranski učinki: pordelost, povišana temperatura, razburjenje, nemirnost, halucinacije, delirij, sploh pri višjih odmerkih. Našteti stranski učinki nastopijo ob peroralni ali parenteralni aplikaciji učinkovine, ne pa ob topični ali okularni uporabi. Ekstremni zaplet ob zaužitju zelo visokih odmerkov skopolamina in sorodnih drog je začasna slepota, ki lahko traja do 72 ur.. Vročina in izsušitev zaradi skopolamina lahko prisilita uporabnike tega mamila, da se poskušajo ohladiti v različnih vodnih zajetjih in se tam utopijo.. Stranski učinki skopolamina se lahko zamenjajo za simptome raka zaradi prisotne slabosti in različno velikih zenic ...
Plasmid pIS1 mINSIG2 from Dr. David Bartels lab contains the insert INSIG2 3UTR and mutated miR-155 binding site and is published in Mol Cell. 2014 Mar 20;53(6):1031-43. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2014.02.013. Epub 2014 Mar 13. This plasmid is available through Addgene.
Define antimonite. antimonite synonyms, antimonite pronunciation, antimonite translation, English dictionary definition of antimonite. n an oxyanion of antimony or a salt containing an oxyanion of antimonya mineral from which antimony is obtained
The ArsA ATPase is the catalytic subunit of the pump protein, coupling the hydrolysis of ATP to the movement of arsenicals and antimonials through the membrane-spanning ArsB protein. Previously, we have shown the binding and hydrolysis of MgATP to ArsA to be a multi-step process in which the rate-limiting step is an isomerization between different conformational forms of ArsA. This isomerization occurs after product release, at the end of the ATPase reaction, and involves the return of the ArsA to its original conformation, which can then bind MgATP. ArsA possesses an allosteric site for antimonite [Sb(III)], the binding of which elevates the steady-state ATPase activity. We have used a transient kinetics approach to investigate the kinetics of ternary complex formation that lead to an enhancement in the ATPase activity. These studies revealed that ArsA exists in at least two conformational forms that differ in their ligand binding affinities, and that ATP favours one form and Sb(III) the other. ...
Complete information for ARSA gene (Protein Coding), Arylsulfatase A, including: function, proteins, disorders, pathways, orthologs, and expression. GeneCards - The Human Gene Compendium
Complete information for ARSA gene (Protein Coding), Arylsulfatase A, including: function, proteins, disorders, pathways, orthologs, and expression. GeneCards - The Human Gene Compendium
Gentaur molecular products has all kinds of products like :search , Zyagen \ ASNA1 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody \ APO-000439-M03 for more molecular products just contact us
Company Name: American Security Resources Corp., Stock Symbol: ARSC, Industry: Alternative Energy, Total Posts: 51817, Last Post: 1/13/2018 1:39:05 PM
Najem samochodów dostawczych w Warszawie jakkolwiek usługa idealnie skrojona na ilość potrzeb współczesnego Konsumenta! Stolica jest stroną, w jakiej idzie relatywnie sporo wypożyczalni wypożyczalnia aut dostawczych warszawa (click https://hellogoodbyethankyou.tumblr.com/), natomiast ich mężczyznami są nie tylko przybywający tu w handlach biznesmeni, jakkolwiek dodatkowo zwykli obywatele Najważniejszym mieście, jacy wymagają samochodu naprawdę rzadko, iż nie finansuje im się umieć go na cecha - po prostu w razie sprawy go wynajmują. Jesteśmy skupieni na nowoczesnym, aby dać Państwu kompletne szczęście - niezależnie od aktualnego, lub potrzebują Państwo zdecydować się na wynajem krótkoterminowy, średnioterminowy albo i długoterminowy, własna oferta zawsze stanowi efektywna a będzie ekskluzywnym wsparciem niezależnie z robionej poprzez Państwa działalności. Interes prowadzi także możliwość rezerwacji telefonicznej, i swej w lokalnej wypożyczalni ...
Plasmid pIS0 - HOXB8 3UTR from Dr. David Bartels lab contains the insert HOXB8 3UTR and is published in Science. 2004 Apr 23. 304(5670):594-6. This plasmid is available through Addgene.
대구광역시 동구 동내로 64 (동내동 1119) KERIS빌딩 우)41061 고객센터 (평일 09:00~18:00) 1599-3122 [ARS 번호 안내] ...
대구광역시 동구 동내로 64 (동내동 1119) KERIS빌딩 우)41061 고객센터 (평일 09:00~18:00) 1599-3122 [ARS 번호 안내] ...
Mono- and Stereopictres of 5.0 Angstrom coordination sphere of Arsenic atom in PDB 1j9b: Arsenate Reductase+0.4M Arsenite From E. Coli
Directory. Start here to access encyclopedic information about the worm genome and its genes, proteins, and other encoded features… Find out more. ...
PubMed comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Goat polyclonal antibody raised against synthetic peptide of ARSB. A synthetic peptide corresponding to human ARSB. (PAB7369) - Products - Abnova
Arsa - mouse gene knockout kit via CRISPR, 1 kit. |dl||dt|Kit Component:|/dt||dd|- |strong|KN301623G1|/strong|, Arsa gRNA vector 1 in |a href=http://www.origene.com/CRISPR-CAS9/Detail.
Vogl, C.; Panou, I.; Yamanbaeva, G.; Wichmann, C.; Mangosing, S. J.; Vilardi, F.; Indzhykulian, A. A.; Pangršič, T.; Santarelli, R.; Rodriguez-Ballesteros, M. et al.; Weber, T.; Jung, S.; Cardenas, E.; Wu, X.; Wojcik, S. M.; Kwan, K. Y.; Del Castillo, I.; Schwappach, B.; Strenzke, N.; Corey, D. P.; Lin, S. Y.; Moser, T.: Tryptophan-rich basic protein (WRB) mediates insertion of the tail-anchored protein otoferlin and is required for hair cell exocytosis and hearing. The EMBO Journal 35 (23), pp. 2536 - 2552 (2016 ...
ARSB Antibody 13227-1-AP has been identified with ELISA, WB, IHC. 13227-1-AP detected 44kd band in HepG2 cells with 1:500-1:1000 dilution...
Human ARSA partial ORF ( AAH14210, 398 a.a. - 507 a.a.) recombinant protein with GST-tag at N-terminal. (H00000410-Q01) - Products - Abnova
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Vina iz vinske regije Šampanja so bila znana pred srednjim vekom. Rimljani so bili prvi, ki so na tem območju severovzhodne Francije zasadili vinograde, pri čemer se je območje začasno obdelovalo v 5. stoletju. Pravzaprav je bila pridelava sprva počasna zaradi nepopularnega ukaza cesarja Domicijana, da mora biti vsa kolonialna trta izkoreninjena. Ko je cesar Prob, sin vrtnarja, razveljavil edikt, je bil postavljen tempelj Bakhu in regija je začela proizvajati rdeče, svetlo in sadno vino, ki je bilo v nasprotju s težjimi italijanskimi mešanicami, ki so bile pogosto obogatene s smolo in zelišči. [4] Kasneje so cerkve posedovale vinograde in menihi so proizvajali vino za uporabo v zakramentu evharistije. Francoski kralji so bili tradicionalno maziljeni v Reimsu in šampanjec je služil kot del kronanja. Šampanjčani so zavidali slovesu vin, ki so jih na jugu izdelovali burgundski sosedje, in so poskušali proizvajati vina enakega kakovosti. Severno podnebje v regiji pa je dalo ...
nekje Aktivni član. Prozoren gelski serum z lahko teksturo v steklenički s pipeto-dozirnikom. Hitro se vpije, ne pušča lepljivega občutka. Ima lahkotno prijetno aromo.. Učinkovine v kombinaciji z vitaminom C odpravljajo škodo, ki jo povzročajo prosti radikali in okoljski dejavniki, ter kožo ščitijo pred oksidativnim stresom. Peptidni kompleks Renovage, ki je del pripravka, obnavlja celovitost zaščitne kožne pregrade in preprečuje transdermalno izgubo vlage, zmanjšuje svetlost starostnih peg zaradi izpostavljenosti UV sevanju. Serum izboljša teksturo kože, izboljša čvrstost, pomaga zmanjšati gube in zgladi mikrorelief, napolni z notranjim sijajem in izenači polt.. Za starostno skupino 30 +. Za vse tipe kože z znaki staranja. Zmanjšan ton kože. Neenakomerna, dolgočasna polt. Preprečevanje prezgodnjega staranja. Lahek dvižni učinek takoj po nanosu. Visoka koncentracija aktivnih sestavin. Ukrep pri vseh znakih staranja kože. Visoka vsebnost peptida Renovage ...
When relubricating bearings from the side in housings with V-ring seals, mount an additional V-ring inside the housing on the side where grease is applied (fig. 5). This forces the grease to travel through the bearing and exit the housing on the opposite side.. SKF can supply an appropriate V-ring together with a splash plate that fits in the seal groove to cover a bit more than the top half of the housing. The sets are identified by the series designation ASNA followed by the housing size identification and the suffix V, e.g. ASNA 3024 V, and are available from size 3024 to 3032.. ...
When relubricating bearings from the side in housings with V-ring seals, mount an additional V-ring inside the housing on the side where grease is applied (fig. 5). This forces the grease to travel through the bearing and exit the housing on the opposite side.. SKF can supply an appropriate V-ring together with a splash plate that fits in the seal groove to cover a bit more than the top half of the housing. The sets are identified by the series designation ASNA followed by the housing size identification and the suffix V, e.g. ASNA 3024 V, and are available from size 3024 to 3032.. ...
Resumen Introducci n: Reportes en la literatura muestran que los Hijos de Padres con Trastorno Bipolar tipo I (HPTB) manifiestan un amplio rango de trastornos psiqui tricos. La comparaci n entre los HPTB y los Hijos de Padres Control (HPC) permite establecer cu les hallazgos psicopatol gicos son espec ficos de este grupo de alto riesgo. Objetivo: Comparar las caracter sticas psicopatol gicas entre un grupo de HPTB tipo I y un grupo de HPC, mediante la identificaci n de la presencia de trastornos psiqui tricos seg n el DSM-IV-TR. Metodolog a: Se realiz un estudio descriptivo-correlacional, comparativo de corte transversal con 127 Hijos de Padres con TAB tipo I (HPTB-I) dentro de un programa de intervenci n multimodal (PRISMA) y 150 HPC, con edades entre los seis y 30 a os. Los sujetos fueron evaluados con entrevistas diagn sticas validados (K-SADS-PL y DIGS). Resultados: El grupo de HPTB mostr mayor frecuencias de trastorno bipolar (Raz n de Prevalencia [RP] = 17,70; Intervalo de Confianza [IC] ...
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This is your chance to make annotations OR challenge other teams annotations. You may also DEFEND or suggest improvements to your own annotations IF they have been challenged. Please note, although we ENCOURAGE challenges, an excess of identical challenges that do not appear to be applicable to the annotation or well thought out will be considered spam and ignored. ...
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Glucoprivation activates neurons in the perifornical hypothalamus (PeH) and in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM), which results in release of adrenaline. The current study aimed to establish (i) whether neuroglucoprivation in the PeH or in the RVLM elicits adrenaline release in vivo; and (ii) whether direct activation by glucoprivation or orexin release in the RVLM modulates the adrenaline release. Neuroglucoprivation in the PeH or RVLM was elicited by microinjections of 2-deoxy-D-glucose or 5-thio-D-glucose in anesthetized, euglycemic, rats. We found that inhibition of neurons in the PeH abolished the increase in adrenal sympathetic nerve activity (ASNA) to systemic glucoprivation. Secondly, glucoprivation of neurons in the PeH increased ASNA. Thirdly, in vivo or in vitro glucoprivation did not affect the activity of RVLM adrenal premotor neurons. Finally, blockade of orexin receptors in the RVLM abolished the increase in ASNA to neuroglucoprivation in the PeH. The evoked changes in ASNA ...
The arsR-type HTH domain is a DNA-binding, winged helix-turn-helix (wHTH) domain present in transcription regulators of the arsR/smtB family, involved in stress-response to heavy metal ions. This family of prokaryotic metal-sensing transcription repressors is named after Escherichia coli arsR, an arsenic-responsive repressor of the ars operon for arsenate reductase and metal ion extrusion, and after Synechococcus PCC 7942 smtB, a Zn(II)-responsive repressor of the smtA gene for a Zn sequestering metallothionein [ (PUBMED:12829264) ]. ArsR/smtB-like repressors of metal resistance operons specifically bind to the operator/promoter and seem to dissociate from the DNA in the presence of metal ions, permitting transcription of proteins involved in metal-ions efflux and/or detoxification. The crystal structure of the cyanobacterial smtB shows a fold of five alpha-helices (H) and a pair of antiparallel beta-strands (B) in the topology H1-H2-H3-H4-B1-B2-H5. Helices 3 and 4 comprise the helix-turn-helix ...
As part of a cytosolic protein quality control complex, the BAG6/BAT3 complex, maintains misfolded and hydrophobic patches-containing proteins in a soluble state and participates to their proper delivery to the endoplasmic reticulum or alternatively can promote their sorting to the proteasome where they undergo degradation (PubMed:20676083, PubMed:21636303, PubMed:21743475, PubMed:28104892). The BAG6/BAT3 complex is involved in the post-translational delivery of tail-anchored/type II transmembrane proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Recruited to ribosomes, it interacts with the transmembrane region of newly synthesized tail-anchored proteins and together with SGTA and ASNA1 mediates their delivery to the endoplasmic reticulum (PubMed:20676083, PubMed:28104892). Client proteins that cannot be properly delivered to the endoplasmic reticulum are ubiquitinated and sorted to the proteasome (PubMed:28104892). Similarly, the BAG6/BAT3 complex also functions as a sorting platform for proteins of the
Wiki-Pi: a web resource for human protein-protein interactions. It shows genes and PPIs with information about pathways, protein-protein interactions (PPIs), Gene Ontology (GO) annotations including cellular localization, molecular function and biological process, drugs, diseases, genome-wide association studies (GWAS), GO enrichments, PDB ID, Uniprot ID, HPRD ID, and word cloud from pubmed abstracts.
Villadangos, A. F., K. Van Belle, K. Wahni, V. Tamu Dufe, S. Freitas, H. Nur, S. De Galan, J. A. Gil, J-F. Collet, L. M. Mateos, et al., Corynebacterium glutamicum survives arsenic stress with arsenate reductases coupled to two distinct redox mechanisms., Mol Microbiol, vol. 82, issue 4, pp. 998-1014, 2011 Nov. ...
Villadangos, A. F., K. Van Belle, K. Wahni, V. Tamu Dufe, S. Freitas, H. Nur, S. De Galan, J. A. Gil, J-F. Collet, L. M. Mateos, et al., Corynebacterium glutamicum survives arsenic stress with arsenate reductases coupled to two distinct redox mechanisms., Mol Microbiol, vol. 82, issue 4, pp. 998-1014, 2011 Nov. ...
Gihring, Thomas M.; Bond, Philip L.; Peters, Stephen C.; Banfield, Jillian F. «Arsenic resistance in the archaeon Ferroplasma acidarmanus: new insights into the structure and evolution of the ars genes». Extremophiles. Springer-Verlag, 7, 2, 01-04-2003, pàg. 123-130. DOI: 10.1007/s00792-002-0303-6. ISSN: 1433-4909. ...
Undoped and Nickel chloride doped sodium fluoro antimonite (SFA) crystals were grown by slow evaporation technique at room temperature. The solu...
Friemel, Thomas N. (2008): Hierarchical Structures in Digraphs - Measurement and Interpretation. In: Serdült, Uwe/Täube, Volker G. (Eds.): Applications of Social Network Analysis ASNA 2005. Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, p. 341-356. ISBN 978-3-86573-374-0 ...
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出版者に「東レリサーチセンター調査研究部門」・「東レリサーチセンター調査研究部」との表示のものもあ ...