Effect of pseudohalide ligands on lanthanide/actinide group separation. Marian Borkowski. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220. The properties of the thiocyanate ligand and its applicability in actinide/lanthanide group separations has been well known since 1970. The solvent extraction of Y(III), Am(III), and selected lanthanides (La, Eu, Lu) by tri-n-butyl phosphate, TBP, have been tested with other pseudohalide ligands such as OCN-, N3-, NCS- and NCSe-. It was found that extraction of the NCS- and NCSe- complexes of Ln and An into the organic phase is very efficient but extraction of the OCN- and N3- complexes is very low. The partition of HNCS, HOCN, and HN3 acids between the organic (TBP) and the aqueous phase might be expected to serve, to a first approximation, as a model of the partition of the respective complexes. The distribution ratios of the corresponding pseudohalic acids have a reverse pattern compared to the partition coefficients of Ln and An-pseudohalide ...
The advances in computational actinide chemistry made in China are reviewed. Several areas relevant to chemistry of actinides in gas, liquid, and solid phases have been explored. However, we limit the scope to selected contributions in the chemistry of molecular actinide systems in gas and liquid phases. These studies may be classified into two categories: treatment of relativistic effects, which cover the development of two- and four-component Hamiltonians and the optimization of relativistic pseudopotentials, and the applications of theoretical methods in actinide chemistry. The applications include (1) the electronic structures of actinocene, noble gas complexes, An-C multiple bonding compounds, uranyl and its isoelectronic species, fluorides and oxides, molecular systems withmetal-metal bonding in their isolated forms (U-2, Pu-2) and in fullerene (U-2@C-60), and the excited states of actinide complexes; (2) chemical reactions, including oxidation, hydrolysis of UF6, ligand exchange, ...
A discussion of ph se diagrams of highly refractory oxides with oxides of lanthanides and actinides, as found in the literature, is presented. Included are certain generalizations concerning tetravalent actinide oxide systems containing one of the following: beryllium oxide, magn sium oxide, calcium oxide, aluminum o ide, zirconium oxide, silica, oxides of trivalent rare earth ele ents. Generalizations concerning oxides of trivalent rare earth elements are included. Systems with beryllium oxide are eutectic and analogous to systems with actinides. Also discussed are trivalent rare earth systems with aluminum oxides, ZrO2, S IO
Actinides are a series of chemical elements that form the basis of nuclear fission technology, finding applications in strategic areas such as power generation, space exploration, diagnostics and medical treatments, and also in some special glass. Thorium (Th) and Uranium (U) are the most abundant actinides in the Earths crust.. A deeper understanding of the properties of uranium and other actinides is necessary not only for their more efficient use in existing applications but also for proposing new applications. Several open questions remain, progress in this area usually limited in part by the difficulty in handling these materials safely.. The distribution of electrons in the outer orbital of the atoms that make up a given material is what defines whether they are electrical insulators, conductors or semiconductors, as well as whether they are hard or malleable. Other structural, electronic and magnetic properties are also defined by these valence electrons which may undergo electronic ...
The geometries and electronic structures of molecular ions featuring He atoms complexed to actinide cations are explored computationally using density functional and coupled cluster theories. A new record coordination number is established, as AcHe173+, ThHe174+, and PaHe174+ are all found to be true geometric minima, with the He atoms clearly located in the first shell around the actinide. Analysis of AcHen3+ (n=1-17) using the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) confirms these systems
The geometrical and electronic structures of Ln[(H2O)9]3+ and [Ln(BTP)3]3+, where Ln = Ce-Lu, have been evaluated at the density functional level of theory using three related exchange-correlation (xc-)functionals. The BHLYP xc-functional was found to be most accurate, and this, along with the B3LYP functional, was used as the basis for topological studies of the electron density via the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM). This analysis revealed that, for both sets of complexes, bonding was almost identical across the Ln series and was dominated by ionic interactions. Geometrical and electronic structures of actinide (An = Am, Cm) analogues were evaluated, and [An(H2O)9]3+ + [Ln(BTP)3]3+ → [Ln(H2O)9]3+ + [An(BTP)3]3+ exchange reaction energies were evaluated, revealing Eu ↔ Am and Gd ↔ Cm reactions to favor the An species. Detailed QTAIM analysis of Eu, Gd, Am, and Cm complexes revealed increased covalent character in M-O and M-N bonds when M = An, with this increase being more ...
Three benzene-centred tripodal diglycolamide (Bz-T-DGA) ligands, where the diglycolamide (DGA) moieties are attached to a central benzene ring through ethylene spacers (LI), amide groups (LII) or ether linkages (LIII), were evaluated for their extraction behaviour towards trivalent actinide and lanthanide io
General understanding of intramolecular interactions engaged in molecular actinide species, in other words physical chemical mechanisms that drive the affinity of chelating ligands for actinide cations still needs to be deepened. In this field, X ray Absorption Spectroscopy has been extensively used as a structural and electronic metal cation probe. Combination with more traditional spectroscopic techniques as spectrophotometry is an ideal tool for the understanding of the chelation mechanism. Metallobiomolecules are considered as elaborate inorganic complexes with well-designed metal active sites. Although the various interaction processes between essential cations to biology and proteins are widely studied, focus on the actinide family is more seldom. Actinide impact to biological cycles has been motivated by risk assessments related to the wide use of nuclear fuel sources and industrial or military applications. In particular, the interactions of these cations with the biologically active ...
Can you name the 15 elements that are considered to be actinoids or actinides? Test your knowledge on this science quiz to see how you do and compare your score to others.
A band-pass filter has a ladder-type circuit including first and second terminals whose characteristic impedances are Z0, and series elements and shunt elements disposed between a first terminal and a second terminal, each of the series elements and shunt elements containing a film bulk acoustic resonator. Assuming that characteristic impedance of any one of the series elements is Z1 and that characteristic impedance of any one of the shunt elements is Z2, the characteristic impedances Z0, Z1, and Z2 have a relation of 1|(Z1/Z0)|2, preferably 1.3|(Z1/Z0)|1.7, and 0.5|(Z2/Z0)|1, preferably 0.6|(Z2/Z0)|0.8.
2,6-Bis(5,6-diisopropyl-1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)pyridine: a highly selective N-donor ligand studied by TRLFS, liquid-liquid extraction and molecular ...
INCT 2014: fluidos complexos. Auxílio à Pesquisa Temático. Antonio Martins Figueiredo Neto. Ciências Exatas e da Terra. auxílio à pesquisa fapesp
These are f block elements in addition containing incomplete d-orbital of the penultimate shell also have incomplete f-orbital of the anti penultimate....
Density functional theory calculations of the redox potentials of actinide(VI)/actinide(V) couple in water. Comparative performance characteristics of different thickness cuprophane membranes. No criteria regarding where to buy viagra lens composition, color, or cost could reliably predict the effectiveness of individual lenses. The analyses of a country mortality data reveal interesting features that cannot be found by standard FPCA methods. These results show that gastric mucosal haemostasis is accelerated in response to haemorrhage in the upper gastrointestinal tract, even in patients taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.. These human antibodies are self-binding which is inhibitable by the PC hapten and the murine T15 (50-73)-derived Vh peptide. Receipt of cancer treatment summaries and follow-up instructions among adult cancer survivors: results from a national survey. Although this study was conducted in an generic cialis walmart Australian setting, the challenges facing DTCs in ...
In our study, we report measurements of viscosity and density of vegetable oils (Rapeseed and Lio) depending on the temperature before and a fter heat..
CTC - Centro de Terapia Celular. Auxílio à Pesquisa Centros de Pesquisa, Inovação e Difusão CEPIDs. Dimas Tadeu Covas. Clínica Médica
Title: Epigenetic Regulation of B Cell Response Speaker: Chan-Wang Lio, PhD, La Jolla Institute Host: Chyung-Ru Wang, PhD Topic: The B-cell-mediated antibody response is essential…
Journal de radiologie - Vol. 84 - N° 7-8 - p. 851-854 - Langiomyolipome rénal épithélioïde : tumeur bénigne ou maligne ? - EM|consulte
After a lifetime of physical accomplishments that include teaching himself to walk at age 7, Getúlio wants to show others that anything is possible.. Set in the Dolomites mountain range in northern Italy, the documentary follows the young Brazilian boy Getúlio Felipe, 14, who has cerebral palsy, along with his friend and director Pedro McCardell, and Italian mountain guide Alessio Nardellotto, while the trio takes on the challenge of climbing the highest peak in the Cordillera: the Marmolada mountain.. For the past four years, Getúlio has trained his body and mind to prepare for the challenge.. Director: Pedro McCardell. ...
8th Internat.Conf.on Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Migration 01), Bregenz, A, September 16-21, 2001 Book of ...
Left: A Pu4+@C28 cluster. Right: UV-Visible spectra, with and without SO coupling.. After a first work on An@ Pb12 clusters, the authors modeled energies as well as UV/Vis and IR spectra of several actinide metals encapsulated in C28 cages through the use of DFT and TD-DFT. For modeling such compounds with these heavy elements, the relativistic effects implemented through ZORA are quite important, for instance in the spectroscopy of these compounds. Dr. Dognon has also indicated that the bond energy decomposition in ADF, the utility of the ADF GUI for building structures / analyzing results, as well as the good parallelization of the ADF program were all critical to the studies.. Do you want try for yourself? Request a free 30-day evaluation for the whole Amsterdam Modeling Suite.. ...
For his innovation in the production and application of medical isotopes; for advancing the separation and purification of actinides and heavy elements; and for his leadership in the use of alpha emitters to save the lives of cancer patients ...
For his innovation in the production and application of medical isotopes; for advancing the separation and purification of actinides and heavy elements; and for his leadership in the use of alpha emitters to save the lives of cancer patients ...
The induced-activity investigations in off-line analysis performed in different experiments, concerning pre-actinide and actinide nuclei, are here presented and discussed. Generalized expressions for...
Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) − the European public procurement journal. 541965-2020 - Belgium-Geel: Desktop Scanning Electron Microscope Integrated in a Glovebox for the Characterization of Actinide Targets
Steps are taken to support the affected person while the underlying condition resolves? I decided to contact this man, I contacted him and he guided me on how to purchase for the medicine. I have a pain now but because Im living in Turkey, pilex dojilje the doctors dont know anything! É sabido que a ECA está presente no endotélio e que a atividade aumentada da ECA em pacientes diabéticos, que resulta na formação de angiotensina II e destruição de bradicinina, potencializa os danos ao endotélio causados por hiperglicemia! I have applied cold compresses where it burns because my face is exteremly swollen? Indeed, use of Neurontin for unapproved uses - estimated to account for 90% of the drugs $27 billion in sales last year - continues to rise despite stepped-up prosecutorial efforts aimed at curbing the practice. The inhaler may cease to deliver levalbuterol tartrate if not properly cleaned and dried thoroughly! Combine that with the change in peak concentrations and youve altered the ...
The usage of software has grown as computers become popular. There have emerged, both in academia and in the market, technological solutions for several area...
Madwort aka Tom Ward is a London-based saxophone player, composer, knitter, cyclist and computer programmer. Here you can find out about my various activities and projects and see what Im up to at the moment. ...
La Se-rie A y la Bun-des-li-ga son las úni-cas que es-tán prác-ti-ca-men-te re-suel-tas. En el res-to de los tor-neos aún hay sus-pen-so.
Introdu o: A presen a de limita es funcionais entre os idosos determina a necessidade de cuidado. Essa necessidade aponta demandas desafiadoras para a fam lia e para os servi os de sa de por ser um grupo complexo. Objetivo: Analisar a necessidade de cuidado, a utiliza o dos servi os de sa de de idosos residentes no munic pio de S o Paulo e as mudan as associadas a essa necessidade ao longo do tempo. M todo: Trata-se de um estudo longitudinal e anal tico, de base domiciliar, e utilizou a base de dados do Estudo SABE (Sa de, Bem estar e Envelhecimento) nos anos de 2006 e 2010. A amostra foi constitu da por 1413 idosos ( 60 anos). Considerou-se como necessidade de cuidado, a dificuldade do idoso no desempenho das atividades b sicas e instrumentais de vida di ria de acordo com demandas de aux lio nessas atividades. Para identificar os n veis de necessidade de cuidado, utilizou-se o Escalonamento de Guttman. Para avaliar os fatores associados necessidade de cuidados e os determinantes da mudan a ...
Holanda-Filho, Jé.Araújo.; Souza, A.Impieri.; Souza, A.Sandro.Rolland.; Figueroa, Jé.Natal.; Ferreira, A.Laura.Carneiro.G.; Cabral-Filho, Jé.Eulálio., 2011: Fetal transverse cerebellar diameter measured by ultrasound does not differ between genders
O arquiteto Duarte Caldeira tem um vasto portefólio de obras realizadas que inclui edifícios públicos hotéis, empreendimentos residenciais e comerciais, interiores e design de mobiliário.
Kur auga. Kalija gerai auga ir žydi, esant 10-15 temperatūrai, šviesioje, tačiau sau-lės nekepinamoje vietoje, gausiai laistoma. Mažai laistomos (keletą kartų perdžiovintos) kalijos žiedai neišsivysto ir dažniausiai žydi po lapais.. Auginimas. Ją galima auginti vazone arba medinėje dėžėje. Žemių mišinys paruošia-mas velėninės, lapinės, supuvusio gryno galvijų mėšlo ir smėlio (santykiu 2:1:0,8:0,5). Be to, į vieną kibirą žemių mišinio naudinga įmaišyti 20 g kaulų miltų, 15 g kalio druskos ir 25 g superfosfato. Žemių mišinys paruošiamas iš anks-to, 4 savaites prieš persodinimą. Peržydėjusi kalija persodinama, pradėjus la-pams gelsti. Vasarą ją galima laikyti darže, tiesiog pasodintą į dirvą be vazono. Rugpiūčio-rugsėjo mėnesiais kalija iš dirvos iškasama, sodinama į atitinkamo dydžio vazoną arba dėžę ir nešama į vėsų, gerai vėdinamą kambarį. Po 3- 4 savaičių kalija statoma į šiltesnę (10-12°) šviesią vietą. Sausio ...
Selma Alves Valente do Amaral Lopes, Hélio Queiroz-Filho, Paulo Marcelo Pires Bastos, Ariane Sampaio Souza, Mariana Luz, Bruna Brandão Barreto, Dimitri Gusmao-Flores ...
Recycling of actinides by their separation from spent nuclear fuel, followed by transmutation in fast neutron reactors of Generation IV, is considered the most promising strategy for nuclear waste management. Closing the fuel cycle and burning long-lived actinides allows optimizing the use of natural resources and minimizing the long-term hazard of high-level nuclear waste. Moreover, improving the safety and sustainability of nuclear power worldwide. This paper presents the activities striving to meet these challenges, carried out under the Euratom FP7 collaborative project SACSESS (Safety of Actinide Separation Processes). Emphasis is put on the safety issues of fuel reprocessing and waste storage. Two types of actinide separation processes, hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical, are considered, as well as related aspects of material studies, process modeling and the radiolytic stability of solvent extraction systems. Education and training of young researchers in nuclear chemistry is of ...
Today, I am excited to announce the uniting of IBA Molecular and Mallinckrodt Nuclear Medicine LLC to create Curium - a world-class provider in nuclear imaging, says Renaud Dehareng, CEO of Curium.. Renaud Dehareng continued by saying, Our new company has over 100 years of combined experience in the nuclear industry, Curium has a singular focus - to develop, manufacture and supply SPECT, PET, and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals to our customers around the globe. We have the largest, vertically integrated radiopharmaceutical manufacturing network in the industry. We will use our scale, global reach, manufacturing footprint and an unrivaled logistics and distribution network to deliver superior service that our customers can rely upon every day.. This new entity delivers diagnostic and therapeutic solutions to over 14 million people from a global network of 21 manufacturing centers comprised of 1 Molybdenum facility, 3 large SPECT facilities, and close to 40 PET and SPECT radiopharmacies. Our ...
actinides - the actinide series encompasses the 15 metallic chemical elements with atomic numbers from 89 to 103, actinium through lawrencium. All actinides are radioactive and release energy upon radioactive decay; naturally occurring uranium and thorium, and synthetically produced plutonium are the most abundant actinides on Earth. These are used in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. Uranium and thorium also have diverse current or historical uses, and americium is used in the ionization chambers of most modern smoke detectors ...
Download as PDF: English. ---. (Graz and Paris - June 1st, 2021) - Curium has successfully completed the acquisition of the Austrian radiopharmaceuticals Company IASON, further expanding its footprint in Europe for its broad portfolio of life saving diagnostic solutions. This is the second acquisition of a positronemission-tomography (PET) radiopharmaceutical business by Curium this year after the acquisition of M2i, a leading Irish PET player, earlier this year. As part of the transaction, some non-core businesses, including a portfolio of real estate properties, were divested to a group of entrepreneurs.. IASON operates two GMP manufacturing sites across Austria, one in Linz and one in Klagenfurt, and has been supplying critical radiopharmaceutical products to customers in Austria and Central Europe since 1994. The Company employs c.65 people and offers a wide range of diagnostic PET tracers.. We are looking forward to integrating IASON into our network of 27 PET sites across Europe says ...
ACSEPT is an R&D project founded by the seventh Framework Program (FP7) of the European Commission (Euratom - Fission). It is dedicated to the recycling of actinides by chemical separation and transmutation. It was officially launched on March the 1st, 2008 and will finish on February the 29th, 2012
In this work the applicability of calix[6]arene columns for actinides analysis in urine samples and drinking water was investigated. A radiochemical procedure has been developed for U, Pu, Am analysis in urine. A simple and effective method has also been proposed on a specific column named AQUALIX, for the separation and preconcentration of U from drinking water. These procedures are suitable for routine analysis and require a considerably reduced number of steps of sample treatment as compared to current procedures ...
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ian Farnan.. Phosphates are known to exhibit superior resistance to radiation damage, as evidenced by natural phosphate minerals that are minimally damaged despite containing alpha-emitting actinides for hundreds of millions of years. This study looks to investigate radiation damage in xenotime (YPO4) and zircon (ZrSiO4). Radiation damage occurs by two processes: the recoil of the heavy nucleus (70-100 keV) and the alpha particle itself (4.5-5.5 MeV), which loses energy primarily by ionizations but causes several hundred atomic displacements near the end of its path. Here we present results of Pu doping into xenotime, with insight into solid solubility and response to radiation damage compared to previous results for zircon. We also separate damage due to alpha particles from damage due to the heavy nucleus recoil and compare to Pu-doped studies.. For solid solubility and accelerated ageing studies, 239 and 238Pu-doped xenotime samples were ...
An understanding of the effect of cumulative radiation damage on the integrity of ceramic wasteforms for plutonium and minor actinide disposition is key to the scientific case for safe disposal. Alpha recoil due to the decay of actinide species leads to the amorphisation of the initially crystalline host matrix, with potentially deleterious consequences such as macroscopic volume swelling and reduced resistance to aqueous dissolution. For the purpose of laboratory studies the effect of radiation damage can be simulated by various accelerated methodologies. The incorporation of short-lived actinide isotopes accurately reproduces damage arising from both alpha-particle and the heavy recoil nucleus, but requires access to specialist facilities. In contrast, fast ion implantation of inactive model ceramics effectively simulates the heavy recoil nucleus, leading to amorphisation of the host crystal lattice over very short time-scales. Although the resulting materials are easily handled, quantitative ...
Research and development at INE are largely aimed at long term safety assessment of proposed deep geological repositories for high-level, heat producing nuclear waste (HAW) disposal. To ensure sound safety assessment, a molecular understanding of processes determinant in the fate of radionuclides, notably the actinides, and thermodynamic quantification is essential. Of central importance in such investigations is determination of actinide speciation (i.e., their chemical and physical form). X-ray spectroscopic methods have proved to be valuable tools for actinide speciation research. Investigations on non-fissile radioisotopes up to 106 times the legal exemption limit and fissile radioisotopes (Pu-239, U-235) up to 200mg, contained within two layers of protection, are possible.. The synchrotron-based activities at the INE-Beamline are embedded in INEs in-house research, thereby allowing a combination of analytical and instrumental methods, notably laser techniques and microscopic ...
To see a rotating video of (almost) any of the samples of Curium from The Elements, click it below. Links will open in a new window ...
It was found that slow desorption kinetics determine the cyclic working capacity for CO2 and H2O. Furthermore, four different adsorption sites are required to describe the observed complex adsorption behaviour of CO2 and H2O and their cyclic working capacity was determined based on many different carefully designed TGA and PBR breakthrough experiments. The sorption model includes two independent adsorption sites for H2O and CO2 (sites A and B resp.) and another site which can be occupied by both CO2 and H2O, where one component replaces the other (site C). A fourth site (site D) describes the general higher adsorption capacity of the sorbent if H2O and CO2 are fed together to the sorbent ...
LiCr(SO4)2 crystallizes in the triclinic P1 space group. The structure is three-dimensional. there are three inequivalent Li1+ sites. In the first Li1+ site, Li1+ is bonded to six O2- atoms to form LiO6 octahedra that share corners with six SO4 tetrahedra and edges with two LiO4 trigonal pyramids. There are a spread of Li-O bond distances ranging from 1.93-2.26 Å. In the second Li1+ site, Li1+ is bonded to four O2- atoms to form distorted LiO4 trigonal pyramids that share corners with two CrO6 octahedra, corners with four SO4 tetrahedra, and an edgeedge with one LiO6 octahedra. The corner-sharing octahedral tilt angles are 65°. There are a spread of Li-O bond distances ranging from 1.98-2.05 Å. In the third Li1+ site, Li1+ is bonded to four O2- atoms to form distorted LiO4 trigonal pyramids that share corners with two CrO6 octahedra, corners with four SO4 tetrahedra, and an edgeedge with one LiO6 octahedra. The corner-sharing octahedra tilt angles range from 64-66°. There are a spread of
A citoqueratina 8/18 é expressa especificamente em epitélio simples não estratificado, células basais e superficiais do epitélio de transição, epitélio secretor e mesotélio [1,2].. A CK8/18 não é encontrada em epitélio pavimentoso estratificado. É negativa para o carcinoma pavimento celular. O CAM5.2 (CK7 e CK8) é encontrado em epitélio pavimentoso estratificado. Apesar de o anticorpo CK8/18 e o CAM5.2 terem em comum a CK8 isso não os torna marcadores idênticos uma vez que a CK7 e a CK18 vão diferenciá-los em termos de marcação neoplásica [3,4]. Útil para diferenciar tumores de origem epitelial de tumores de origem desconhecida ou carcinomas pouco diferenciados [1,2,4].. ...
NWChem used by thousands of researchers worldwide to investigate questions about chemical processes by applying theoretical techniques to predict the structure, properties, and reactivity of chemical and biological species ranging in size from tens to millions of atoms. With NWChem, researchers can tackle molecular systems including biomolecules, nanostructures, [[media:nwchem_actinides.pdf , actinide complexes]], and materials. NWChem offers an extensive array of highly scalable, parallel computational chemistry methods needed to address scientific questions that are relevant to reactive chemical processes occurring in our everyday environment-photosynthesis, protein functions, and combustion, to name a few. They include a multitude of highly correlated methods, density functional theory (DFT) with an extensive set of exchange-correlation functionals, time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT), plane-wave DFT with exact exchange and Car-Parrinello, molecular dynamics with AMBER and CHARMM ...
C859 Terminology Relating to Nuclear Materials. C998 Practice for Sampling Surface Soil for Radionuclides. C999 Practice for Soil Sample Preparation for the Determination of Radionuclides. C1163 Practice for Mounting Actinides for Alpha Spectrometry Using Neodymium Fluoride. C1284 Practice for Electrodeposition of the Actinides for Alpha Spectrometry. D1193 Specification for Reagent Water. D3084 Practice for Alpha-Particle Spectrometry of Water. D3648 Practices for the Measurement of Radioactivity. D7282 Practice for Set-up, Calibration, and Quality Control of Instruments Used for Radioactivity Measurements. ...
Journal Name: Nature Communications; Journal Volume: 6; Related Information: MSA partners with University of Notre Dame (lead); University of California, Davis; Florida State University; George Washington University; University of Michigan; University of Minnesota; Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Oregon state University; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Savannah River National ...
۲٫۰ ۲٫۱ ۲٫۲ Kirby, Harold W.; Morss, Lester R. (2006). [اصطلاحي تېروتنه: د ناپېژندلې ليکنښې لوښه ۱. Actinium]. The Chemistry of the Actinide and Transactinide Elements. pp. 18. doi:10.1007/1-4020-3598-5_2. ISBN 978-1-4020-3555-5. ...
Haire, Richard G. (2006). Californium. In Morss, Lester R.; Edelstein, Norman M.; Fuger, Jean (eds.). The Chemistry of the Actinide and Transactinide Elements (3rd ed.). Springer Science+Business Media. ISBN ...
A radioactive actinide with atomic symbol Cm, and atomic number 96. Thirteen curium isotopes have been produced with mass numbers ranging from 238-250. Its valence can be +3 or +4. It is intensely radioactive and decays by alpha-emission. . ...
19 August 2021 The Perez Art Museum Miami has announced its acquisition of thirteen new artworks, among them Hélio Oiticicas 1978 installation Penetrável Macaléia. This seminal work is both a culmination of many of Oiticicas early achievements and a tragic representation one of the last works conceived before his untimely death in 1980 at the age of 42.. Oiticica created his first Penetrável (Penetrable) in 1960, titled PN1, which consisted of a brightly painted, wooden structure with sliding doors that encouraged the viewer to enter and explore the space. This early work was grounded in the tenets of the Brazilian Neo-Concrete Art movement, and the series would ultimately become a major facet within Oiticicas oeuvre, one that he would return to time and again, shifting and morphing as his ideas developed and matured. The title of Penetrável Macaléia pays homage to musician and friend of Oiticica, Jards Macalé. As with many of his works, Oiticica created a fictional word for the title ...
On September 7, 2006, the car in which 4-year-old Lio Spinelli was riding with his mom, Sasha, was struck from behind by a lorry on the M2 motorway in Kent, England. The tragic accident took Sashas life and left Lio with critical brain and leg injuries. Lio had a severe growth plate fracture with extension of the fracture into the joint surface, explains Roger F. Widmann, MD, Chief of Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery. Because of his more pressing brain injuries, the orthopedic issues were not immediately addressed. He healed with closure of the growth plate in his knee, causing a progressive leg deformity. In addition, he had severe scarring inside his knee and the bone had healed in a position that wasnt optimal, limiting range of motion and making it difficult for him to walk or participate in any activities.. Surgeons overseas had recommended shortening Lios good leg and stopping the growth on the injured leg so that they would remain the same length. Lio and his father met with Dr. ...
LIO (Linux-IO) is the standard open-source SCSI target for shared data storage in Linux. It supports all prevalent storage fabrics, including Fibre Channel (QLogic), FCoE, iEEE 1394, iSCSI, iSER (Mellanox InfiniBand), SRP (Mellanox InfiniBand), USB, vHost, etc. The advanced feature set of the LinuxIO has made it the SCSI target of choice for many storage array vendors, for instance allowing them to achieve VMware® Ready certifications. Native support for LIO in QEMU/KVM, libvirt, and OpenStack™ (setup, code) makes it an attractive storage option for cloud deployments. LIO includes targetcli, a management shell and API with a single namespace for all storage objects. LIO and targetcli are developed by Datera, Inc., a data storage systems and software company located in Mountain View in the Silicon Valley. ...
CEPIV - Centro de Ensino, Pesquisa e Inovação em Vidros. Auxílio à Pesquisa Centros de Pesquisa, Inovação e Difusão CEPIDs. Edgar Dutra Zanotto. Materiais Não-metálicos
Thawngdang; Kawlram Nichuah-Thlanglei Ah Ralzaam Sing 1.7 Leng An Um Kawlram kong he pehtlaih in United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affiars (UNOCHA) nih a thanhnak ah ralhrangbu cawlcanghnak ruangah Kawlram nichuah-thlanglei (south eastern) ah ralzaam 170,200 an um rih tiah a ti.. Mah ahhin May 21 hnu kahdohnak a chuah pah lengmangnak Kareni le Shan ramkulh thlanglei ah a um mi mipi 121,400 an i tel ve tiah UNOCHA cathanh nih a langhter.. UNOCHA nih Chin ramkulh, Mindat peng le a pawngkam ah mipi ralkap le ralhrangbu kar kahdohnak ruangah Chin ramkulh, Magwe ramthen le Sagaing ramthen chung ralzaam chikhat i dornak hmun ah 100 lengah a um lio mi ralzaam 18,100 an um lio a si tiah a ti.. 2021 kum hramthawk in Shan ram thlanglei le chaklei ah ralzaam 22,000 an um i, ralzaam chikhat i dornak hmun 33 ah a dor lio mi 7000 hrawng an um. Rakhine ramkulh peng tampi ah ruahpi sur le ti lianh ruangah a thi mi hna an um bantukin hmunhimnak ah a zaam lio mi a thong in an um tiah ...
கியூரியம் (Curium) என்பது Cm என்ற மூலக்கூற்று வாய்ப்பாட்டுடன், அணு எடை 96 எனக் கொண்டுள்ள யுரேனியப் பின் தனிமங்கள் வரிசையில் உள்ள ஒரு கதிரியக்கத் தனிமமாகும். ரேடியம் என்னும் கதிர்வீச்சுத் தனிமத்தைக் கண்டுபிடித்துப் புகழ் பெற்ற அறிவியலாளரான மேரி கியூரியின் நினைவாகக் ஆக்டினைடு வரிசைச் சேர்மமான இதற்கு கியூரியம் என்று பெயரிடப்பட்டது. மேரி மற்றும் பியரி கியூரி இருவரும் கதிரியக்க ...
Plutonium Chemistry. From: Chemistry of actinides Nuclear properties and isotope production Pu in nature Separation and Purification Atomic properties Metallic state Compounds Solution chemistry. Pu nuclear properties. Isotopes from 228≤A≤247 Important isotopes 238 Pu Slideshow 1421013 by gerd
Le bloc f est un bloc du tableau périodique constitué des éléments chimiques dont la configuration électronique est caractérisée à létat fondamental par une sous-couche de plus haute énergie de type f (fundamental), correspondant au nombre quantique azimutal ℓ = 3. Ce bloc contient 14 des 15 lanthanides et 14 des 15 actinides. Si le lutécium et le lawrencium appartiennent au groupe 3 alors ils appartiennent également au bloc d, de sorte que les 28 éléments sont : ...
The level density and γ-ray strength function (γSF) of 243Pu have been measured in the quasicontinuum using the Oslo method. Excited states in 243Pu were populated using the 242Pu(d,p) reaction. The level density closely follows the constant-temperature level density formula for excitation energies above the pairing gap. The γSF displays a double-humped resonance at low energy as also seen in previous investigations of actinide isotopes. The structure is interpreted as the scissors resonance and has a centroid of ω SR = 2.42(5) MeV and a total strength of B SR = 10.1(15) μ 2 N, which is in excellent agreement with sum-rule estimates. Lastly, the measured level density and γSF were used to calculate the 242Pu(n,γ) cross section in a neutron energy range for which there were previously no measured data. ...
A completely man-made radioactive actinide with atomic symbol Am, and atomic number 95. Its valence can range from +3 to +6. Because of its nonmagnetic ground state, it is an excellent superconductor. It is also used in bone mineral analysis and as a radiation source for radiotherapy. . ...
Baba, M, Takahashi, W, Oishi, T, Nakhostin, M, Ohtsuki, T, Yuki, H, Hori, J and Nakajima, K (2006) Measurement of neutron-induced fission cross section of actinide elements using lead-slowing down spectrometer (III) ...
Transuranic actinides dominate the long-term radiotoxity in spent LWR fuel. In an open fuel cycle, they impose a long-term burden on geologic repositories. Transmuting these materials in reactor systems is one way to ease ...
Villarreal, R., A.C. Morzinski, J.M. Bergquist, and S.L. Leonard. 2001. The Actinide Source-Term Waste Test Program (STTP) Final Report, Volume III. LA-UR-01-6913. Los Alamos: Los Alamos National Laboratory ...
A man-made radioactive actinide with atomic symbol Es, and atomic number 99. Its known isotopes range in mass number from 240-258. Its valence can be +2 or +3. Einsteinium was originally discovered in the debris from a thermonuclear explosion in 1952 ...
Efficiently separate smaller proteins, peptides, anionic species and polar molecules with Thermo Scientific Hypersil GOLD AX LC Columns. The weak anion-exchange phase, created by a polymeric amine ligand bonded to highly pure base-deactivated silica, separates multiple charged analytes. The bonded p
The NiII complex of 5-hydroxy-10,15,20-tris(pentafluorophenyl)-porphyrin was synthesized as the precursor of a negatively charged π-electronic system. Deprotonation, which was examined through UV/vis and 1H NMR spectra, provided an anionic species as the building unit of an ion-pairing assembly in combinatio
Li2Te2O5 crystallizes in the orthorhombic Pccn space group. The structure is three-dimensional. there are two inequivalent Li1+ sites. In the first Li1+ site, Li1+ is bonded to four O2- atoms to form a mixture of corner and edge-sharing LiO4 trigonal pyramids. There are a spread of Li-O bond distances ranging from 1.98-2.15 Å. In the second Li1+ site, Li1+ is bonded to four O2- atoms to form a mixture of corner and edge-sharing LiO4 tetrahedra. There is one shorter (1.97 Å) and three longer (1.99 Å) Li-O bond length. There are two inequivalent Te4+ sites. In the first Te4+ site, Te4+ is bonded in a distorted see-saw-like geometry to four O2- atoms. There are a spread of Te-O bond distances ranging from 1.88-2.31 Å. In the second Te4+ site, Te4+ is bonded in a distorted rectangular see-saw-like geometry to four O2- atoms. There are a spread of Te-O bond distances ranging from 1.88-2.44 Å. There are five inequivalent O2- sites. In the first O2- site, O2- is bonded in a rectangular see-saw
Mindat ah rallokap hna nih facang phorh lo ding in ri an khiah piak hna caah facang a dih. Chin ramkulh Mindat peng ah facang phorhnak nawl cu rallokap hna nih ri an khiah caah a dang khua in facang nan rak phorh a si ahcun minung pakhat caah facang pyi 10 cio lawng nan phorh lai tiah ri an khiah piak hna.. Chuahluhnak gate ah an checktuk caah phone hna an check i an tlaih mi hna hi nifatin pehzulh in an um.Tu lio Mindat khua chung ah facang le Datsi, Diesel hna a dih.. A hlan ahcun khua chungah facang zuarnak nawl minthut he facang tun 10 tiang luhpi a ngah than.Atu cu khuachung ah facang zuar a ngah ti lo. Kyout Htu in facang va cawk ah minung pakhat ah pyi 10 lawng phorh nak nawl a um tiah Mindat khua mi pakhat nih a chim.. Tu lio cu rallokap hna nih khuami hna cu an tlaoh hna i an thil /pawta an phorh ter hna i chungkhar cazin an check tiah theih a si.#Mizzima. ...
Cazarim, Maur lio de Souza, Nunes, Altac lio Aparecido and Pereira, Leonardo R gis Leira Cost-consequence analysis of Pharmaceutical Care program for systemic arterial hypertension in the public health system in Brazil. Braz. J. Pharm. Sci., 2017, vol.53, no.3. ISSN 1984- ...
Foi avaliado o fornecimento do colostro bovino liofilizado como alternativa de fonte inicial de imunoglobulinas para caprinos recém-nascidos bem como as características histológicas, considerando avaliações...
Occasional dispatches from the front line of spiritual battle. A Catholic blog. Postings often conceived in the garden, at the playground or at the kitchen sink and hastily typed out far too late at night after putting the children to bed.
It is written that Hippocrates, father of modern medicine, once said: Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. There is deep wisdom in this sentiment and many have suggested that diet is the key to atopic dermatitis. The truth, unfortunately, seems a little bit more complicated.. Despite heroic leaps in scientific understanding of the disease, the fundamental cause of atopic dermatitis (AD) remains obscure. That said, we certainly have some new ideas about what causes it, and have probably learned more in the past 10 years than in the past 10,000. Beyond a better understanding of the type of inflammation and immune system issues, we have discovered a great deal about the role of the skin barrier. In particular, a protein called filaggrin explains a lot about why patients might develop AD in the first place, but also-possibly-why they develop other types of allergies, including food allergies. [Dennin M] This protein, or more precisely the lack of it, leads to a condition that I ...
Zinc oxide-based sorbents, and processes for preparing and using them are provided, wherein the sorbents are preferably used to remove one or more reduced sulfur species from gas streams. The sorbents contain an active zinc component, optionally in combination with one or more promoter components and/or one or more substantially inert components. The active zinc component is a two phase material, consisting essentially of a zinc oxide (ZnO) phase and a zinc aluminate (ZnAl.sub.2 O.sub.4) phase. Each of the two phases is characterized by a relatively small crystallite size of
Yu-Lin Li, Eugeny V. Alexandrov, Qi Yin, Lan Li, Zhi-Bin Fang, Wenbing Yuan, Davide M. Proserpio, Tian-Fu Liu Record Complexity in the Polycatenation of Three Porous Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Frameworks with Stepwise Adsorption Behaviors. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142 (15), 7218-7224. doi: 10.1021/jacs.0c02406 IF 14.695 ...
Skibo, C., Schlittler, R. & Gimzewski, J. K. Adsorption behavior of HtBDC on Cu (100). ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 233, (AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, 2007). ...