An island south of Australia and the smallest state of the Commonwealth. Its capital is Hobart. It was discovered and named Van Diemen's Island in 1642 by Abel Tasman, a Dutch navigator, in honor of the Dutch governor-general of the Dutch East Indian colonies. It was renamed for the discoverer in 1853. In 1803 it was taken over by Great Britain and was used as a penal colony. It was granted government in 1856 and federated as a state in 1901. (From Webster's New Geographical Dictionary, 1988, p1190 & Room, Brewer's Dictionary of Names, p535)
A class of amoeboid EUKARYOTES that forms either filiform subpseudopodia or lobopodia. Characteristics include the absence of sorocarps, sporangia, or similar fruiting bodies. Lobosea were formerly members of the phylum Sarcomastigophora, subphylum Sarcodina, under the old five kingdom paradigm.
The smallest continent and an independent country, comprising six states and two territories. Its capital is Canberra.
Individuals enrolled in a school or formal educational program in the health occupations.
Infections with unicellular organisms formerly members of the subkingdom Protozoa. The infections may be experimental or veterinary.
Health services, public or private, in rural areas. The services include the promotion of health and the delivery of health care.
Geographic area in which a professional person practices; includes primarily physicians and dentists.

Tobacco smoke exposure at one month of age and subsequent risk of SIDS--a prospective study. (1/142)

The aim of this investigation was to identify the sources of postnatal exposure to tobacco smoke at 1 month of age and to examine their relation to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The Tasmanian Infant Health Survey was a prospective cohort study undertaken from 1988 to 1995. It involved 9,826 infants (89% of eligible infants) at higher risk of SIDS. Subsequently 53 eligible infants died of SIDS. Hospital interviews were available on 51 and home interviews on 35 SIDS infants. Urinary cotinine assays were conducted using gas-liquid chromatography (n = 100). Within a predictive model that explained 63% of urinary cotinine variance, the strongest predictor of cotinine and also of SIDS was maternal smoking, though the effects of prenatal and postnatal smoking could not be separated. However, for particular smoking-related behaviors, there was a discordance between prediction of cotinine concentration and prediction of risk of SIDS. If smoking mothers did not smoke in the room with the baby, the cotinine level in the infant's urine was reduced by a little more than a half (p = 0.009), but this was not associated with a reduction in SIDS risk (odds ratio = 1.09, 95% confidence interval 0.47-2.55). Similarly, the presence of other adult resident smokers was associated with a 63% increase in urinary cotinine (p = 0.047) but not with increased SIDS risk (odds ratio = 0.69, 95% confidence interval 0.34-1.40). However, the study lacked the power to detect modest effects, that is, those altering risk less than twofold.  (+info)

Relationship between early life respiratory illness, family size over time, and the development of asthma and hay fever: a seven year follow up study. (2/142)

BACKGROUND: The timing and mechanism of the inverse association between increasing sibling number and atopic disease are not yet understood. A study was undertaken to examine how family size at birth predicts early respiratory illness, to report the association between infant respiratory illness and childhood atopic disease, and to determine whether the protective effect of large family size operates during infancy or later childhood. METHODS: A prospective follow up study was carried out on 863 children (78%) of 1111 participants in the Tasmanian Infant Health Survey performed in 1988. In 1988 household size and history of respiratory illness were obtained by parental interview at home (median age 35 days) and later by telephone (median age 85 days). In 1995 asthma, hay fever, and household size were assessed by parental questionnaire in a large cross sectional survey. RESULTS: In 1988 increasing resident number (per resident) (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 1.17 (95% CI 1.05 to 1.31)) and resident density (AOR 1.77 (95% CI 1.07 to 2.94)) were related to parental report of an upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) by one month of age. Children with a reported URTI by home interview were more likely to have subsequent asthma (adjusted relative risk (ARR) 1.27 (95% CI 1.05 to 1.53)). The association between lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) at telephone interview (relative risk (RR) 1.34 (95% CI 1.02 to 1.75) and asthma was reduced after adjustment for family history of asthma (ARR 1.27 (95% CI 0.98 to 1.66)). Antibiotic use by home interview was not associated with subsequent asthma or hay fever. Indicators of family size in 1988 were associated with hay fever but not asthma but, in contrast, resident number in 1995 was inversely associated with asthma (AOR 0.82 (95% CI 0.72 to 0.92) per resident) and hay fever (AOR 0.82 (95% CI 0.71 to 0.96) per resident). Children with no siblings were at risk for current asthma, particularly if symptoms began after the age of four (RR 2.81 (95% CI 1.36 to 5.84)). CONCLUSIONS: The apparent protective effect of large household size and asthma could not be explained by an increase in reported early respiratory illness. The first year of life may not be the most critical time for the protective effect of large household size to be mediated in relation to asthma, but this effect occurred by the seventh year of life.  (+info)

At least three genes account for familial papillary thyroid carcinoma: TCO and MNG1 excluded as susceptibility loci from a large Tasmanian family. (3/142)

Recent studies have mapped two susceptibility loci which appear to account for familial multinodular goitre (MNG1) and a variant of familial papillary thyroid cancer (PTC), with associated multinodular goitre (TCO). A Tasmanian family (Tas1) has been identified with an autosomal dominant form of PTC. This study has examined the MNG1 and TCO loci to determine if they are similarly predisposing the Tas1 family to PTC. Linkage analysis using identical microsatellite markers described in the two previous studies was used to determine the significance of these loci in the Tasmanian family. The resultant LOD scores were sufficiently negative using multipoint parametric analysis to exclude these two loci from involvement in the Tasmanian family. In addition, six candidate genes, RET, TRK, MET, TSHR, APC and PTEN were also excluded as susceptibility genes in Tas1 by using microsatellites that are positioned in or in close proximity to these genes. These results suggest that there are at least three susceptibility genes that predispose families to familial PTC.  (+info)

Within pair association between birth weight and blood pressure at age 8 in twins from a cohort study. (4/142)

OBJECTIVES: To study the association between birth weight and blood pressure in children from multiple pregnancies (multiplets), mostly twins, to determine whether maternal or genetic factors are responsible for the association. DESIGN: Cohort study. SETTING: Southern Tasmania. SUBJECTS: 888 children including 104 multiplets (32 monozygotic, 72 dizygotic). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg). RESULTS: Blood pressure decreased with birth weight and increased with current body mass. After adjustment for age and body mass, systolic blood pressure changed by -1.94 mm Hg (95% confidence interval -2.89 to -0.98) per 1 kg increase in birth weight of singletons. For multiplets, blood pressure changed by -7.0 mm Hg (-10.1 to -3.9) for each 1 kg increase in birth weight. This was little altered in within pair analyses (-5.3, -13.8 to 3.2) and was similar for both monozygotic (-6.5, -22.5 to 9.4) and dizygotic (-4.9, -15.8 to 6.0) pairs. CONCLUSION: Because the association between birth weight and blood pressure was largely unchanged in within pair analyses, exposures originating in the mother (such as nutritional status) cannot be wholly responsible. The association also remained within monozygotic pairs, suggesting that genetic predisposition is not wholly responsible either. The principal causal pathway must concern mechanisms within the fetoplacental unit. The stronger association in multiplets suggests that factors adversely influencing both blood pressure and birth weight are more prevalent in multiple pregnancies.  (+info)

First isolation of an aquatic birnavirus from farmed and wild fish species in Australia. (5/142)

During routine sampling and testing, as part of a systematic surveillance program (the Tasmanian Salmonid Health Surveillance Program), an aquatic birnavirus was isolated from 'pin-head' (fish exhibiting deficient acclimatisation on transfer to saltwater) Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, approximately 18 mo old, farmed in net-pens located in Macquarie Harbour on the west coast of Tasmania, Australia. The isolate grows readily in a range of fish cell lines including CHSE-214, RTG-2 and BF-2 and is neutralised by a pan-specific rabbit antiserum raised against infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) Ab strain and by a commercial pan-specific IPNV-neutralising monoclonal antibody. Presence of the virus was not associated with gross clinical signs. Histopathological examination revealed a range of lesions particularly in pancreatic tissue. The virus was localised in pancreas sections by immunoperoxidase staining using the polyclonal antiserum and by electron microscopy. Examination by electron microscopy demonstrated that the virus isolated in cell culture (1) belongs to the family Birnaviridae, genus Aquabirnaviridae; (2) was ultrastructurally and antigenically similar to virus identified in the index fish; (3) is related to IPNV. Western blot analysis using the polyclonal rabbit antiserum confirmed the cross-reactions between various aquatic birnavirus isolates. In addition, PCR analysis of isolated viral nucleic acid from the index case indicated that the virus is more closely related to IPNV fr21 and N1 isolates than to other birnavirus isolates available for comparison. Sampling of other fish species within Macquarie Harbour has demonstrated that the virus is present in several other species of fish including farmed rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, wild flounder Rhombosolea tapirina, cod Pseudophycis sp., spiked dogfish Squalus megalops and ling Genypterus blacodes.  (+info)

Localization of a susceptibility gene for familial nonmedullary thyroid carcinoma to chromosome 2q21. (6/142)

The familial form of nonmedullary thyroid carcinoma (NMTC) is a complex genetic disorder characterized by multifocal neoplasia and a higher degree of aggressiveness than its sporadic counterpart. In a large Tasmanian pedigree (Tas1) with recurrence of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), the most common form of NMTC, an extensive genomewide scan revealed a common haplotype on chromosome 2q21 in seven of the eight patients with PTC. To verify the significance of the 2q21 locus, we performed linkage analysis in an independent sample set of 80 pedigrees, yielding a multipoint heterogeneity LOD score (HLOD) of 3.07 (alpha=0.42), nonparametric linkage (NPL) 3.19, (P=.001) at marker D2S2271. Stratification based on the presence of at least one case of the follicular variant of PTC, the phenotype observed in the Tas1 family, identified 17 such pedigrees, yielding a maximal HLOD score of 4.17 (alpha=0.80) and NPL=4.99 (P=.00002) at markers AFMa272zg9 and D2S2271, respectively. These results indicate the existence of a susceptibility locus for familial NMTC on chromosome 2q21.  (+info)

Genetic dissection of the human leukocyte antigen region by use of haplotypes of Tasmanians with multiple sclerosis. (7/142)

Association of multiple sclerosis (MS) with the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II haplotype DRB1*1501-DQB1*0602 is the most consistently replicated finding of genetic studies of the disease. However, the high level of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the HLA region has hindered the identification of other loci that single-marker tests for association are unlikely to resolve. In order to address this issue, we generated haplotypes spanning 14.754 Mb (5 cM) across the entire HLA region. The haplotypes, which were inferred by genotyping relatives of 152 patients with MS and 105 unaffected control subjects of Tasmanian ancestry, define a genomic segment from D6S276 to D6S291, including 13 microsatellite markers integrated with allele-typing data for DRB1 and DQB1. Association to the DRB1*1501-DQB1*0602 haplotype was replicated. In addition, we found that the class I/extended class I region, defined by a genomic segment of approximately 400 kb between MOGCA and D6S265, harbors genes that independently increase risk of, or provide protection from, MS. Log-linear modeling analysis of constituent haplotypes that represent genomic regions containing class I (MOGCA-D6S265), class III (TNFa-TNFd-D6S273), and class II (DRB1-DQB1) genes indicated that having class I and class II susceptibility variants on the same haplotype provides an additive effect on risk. Moreover, we found no evidence for a disease locus in the class III region defined by a 150-kb genomic segment containing the TNF locus and 14 other genes. A global overview of LD performed using GOLD identified two discrete blocks of LD in the HLA region that correspond well with previous findings. We propose that the analysis of haplotypes, by use of the types of approaches outlined in the present article, should make it possible to more accurately define the contribution of the HLA to MS.  (+info)

Genetic consequences of sequential founder events by an island-colonizing bird. (8/142)

The importance of founder events in promoting evolutionary changes on islands has been a subject of long-running controversy. Resolution of this debate has been hindered by a lack of empirical evidence from naturally founded island populations. Here we undertake a genetic analysis of a series of historically documented, natural colonization events by the silvereye species-complex (Zosterops lateralis), a group used to illustrate the process of island colonization in the original founder effect model. Our results indicate that single founder events do not affect levels of heterozygosity or allelic diversity, nor do they result in immediate genetic differentiation between populations. Instead, four to five successive founder events are required before indices of diversity and divergence approach that seen in evolutionarily old forms. A Bayesian analysis based on computer simulation allows inferences to be made on the number of effective founders and indicates that founder effects are weak because island populations are established from relatively large flocks. Indeed, statistical support for a founder event model was not significantly higher than for a gradual-drift model for all recently colonized islands. Taken together, these results suggest that single colonization events in this species complex are rarely accompanied by severe founder effects, and multiple founder events and/or long-term genetic drift have been of greater consequence for neutral genetic diversity.  (+info)

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Tasmania" is not a medical term. It's actually the name of an island state of Australia. It's located south of the mainland Australian continent, separated by the Bass Strait. It's known for its unique wildlife, including the Tasmanian devil, and diverse landscapes ranging from mountains and forests to beaches and coastline. If you have any medical terms you would like defined, I'd be happy to help!

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Lobosea" is not a recognized term in medical terminology. It is possible that you may be referring to a term used in biology or zoology. In fact, "Lobosea" is an informal grouping of certain aquatic arthropods, including some species of copepods and tanaids.

If you have any questions related to medical terminology or healthcare, please don't hesitate to ask!

I apologize for any confusion, but "Australia" is not a medical term or concept. It is the world's largest island and smallest continent, located in the Southern Hemisphere, surrounded by the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It is composed of many diverse ecosystems, including deserts, rainforests, and coastal areas, and is home to a wide variety of unique plant and animal species.

If you have any questions related to medical terminology or health-related topics, I would be happy to try and help answer them for you!

I'm happy to help! However, I believe there might be a slight confusion in your question. "Students, Health Occupations" is not a medical term or definition per se, but rather a general description of individuals who are studying to become healthcare professionals.

Healthcare occupations encompass a wide range of professions, including (but not limited to) physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, mental health professionals, allied health professionals (such as physical therapists, respiratory therapists, and diagnostic medical sonographers), and public health professionals.

Students in health occupations are individuals who are pursuing education and training to enter these professions. They may be enrolled in various types of educational programs, such as undergraduate or graduate degree programs, vocational schools, certificate programs, or on-the-job training. The specific requirements for becoming a healthcare professional vary depending on the profession and the location, but typically involve a combination of education, clinical training, licensure, and certification.

Protozoan infections in animals refer to diseases caused by the invasion and colonization of one or more protozoan species in an animal host's body. Protozoa are single-celled eukaryotic organisms that can exist as parasites and can be transmitted through various modes, such as direct contact with infected animals, contaminated food or water, vectors like insects, and fecal-oral route.

Examples of protozoan infections in animals include:

1. Coccidiosis: It is a common intestinal disease caused by several species of the genus Eimeria that affects various animals, including poultry, cattle, sheep, goats, and pets like cats and dogs. The parasites infect the epithelial cells lining the intestines, causing diarrhea, weight loss, dehydration, and sometimes death in severe cases.
2. Toxoplasmosis: It is a zoonotic disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii that can infect various warm-blooded animals, including humans, livestock, and pets like cats. The parasite forms cysts in various tissues, such as muscles, brain, and eyes, causing mild to severe symptoms depending on the host's immune status.
3. Babesiosis: It is a tick-borne disease caused by several species of Babesia protozoa that affect various animals, including cattle, horses, dogs, and humans. The parasites infect red blood cells, causing anemia, fever, weakness, and sometimes death in severe cases.
4. Leishmaniasis: It is a vector-borne disease caused by several species of Leishmania protozoa that affect various animals, including dogs, cats, and humans. The parasites are transmitted through the bite of infected sandflies and can cause skin lesions, anemia, fever, weight loss, and sometimes death in severe cases.
5. Cryptosporidiosis: It is a waterborne disease caused by the protozoan Cryptosporidium parvum that affects various animals, including humans, livestock, and pets like dogs and cats. The parasites infect the epithelial cells lining the intestines, causing diarrhea, abdominal pain, and dehydration.

Prevention and control of these diseases rely on various measures, such as vaccination, chemoprophylaxis, vector control, and environmental management. Public awareness and education are also essential to prevent the transmission and spread of these diseases.

Rural health services refer to the healthcare delivery systems and facilities that are located in rural areas and are designed to meet the unique health needs of rural populations. These services can include hospitals, clinics, community health centers, mental health centers, and home health agencies, as well as various programs and initiatives aimed at improving access to care, addressing health disparities, and promoting health and wellness in rural communities.

Rural health services are often characterized by longer travel distances to healthcare facilities, a greater reliance on primary care and preventive services, and a higher prevalence of certain health conditions such as chronic diseases, injuries, and mental health disorders. As a result, rural health services must be tailored to address these challenges and provide high-quality, affordable, and accessible care to rural residents.

In many countries, rural health services are supported by government policies and programs aimed at improving healthcare infrastructure, workforce development, and telehealth technologies in rural areas. These efforts are critical for ensuring that all individuals, regardless of where they live, have access to the healthcare services they need to maintain their health and well-being.

"Professional Practice Location" is a term commonly used in the medical field to refer to the specific geographic location where a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or nurse, practices their profession. This can include a hospital, clinic, private practice, or other healthcare facility. The professional practice location is often considered when evaluating a healthcare provider's qualifications and experience, as well as when determining issues such as licensing and reimbursement for medical services. It may also be relevant in the context of malpractice claims, as the standard of care that a provider is expected to meet can vary based on their professional practice location.

Discover Tasmania. "Climate and weather". Writer for Discover Tasmania. Tasmania, Australia: Discover Tasmania. Archived from ... The MS Princess of Tasmania began her maiden voyage in 1959, the first car ferry to Tasmania. As part of the boom, Tasmania ... Tasmania has five broadcast television stations which produce local content including ABC Tasmania, Seven Tasmania - an ... Wikivoyage has a travel guide for Tasmania. Wikiquote has quotations related to Tasmania. Tasmania Online-the main State ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Tewkesbury". Placenames Tasmania. Search, enter 1277D, Search, select row, show Details. Retrieved 16 ... Tewkesbury is a locality and small rural community in the local government area of Burnie in the North West region of Tasmania ... Google (16 April 2020). "Tewkesbury, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 16 April 2020. "Tasmanian Road Route Codes ...
"Tasmania Central". Archived from the original on 19 July 2008. Retrieved 10 June 2008. "Placenames Tasmania - Ellendale". ... Towns in Tasmania, Localities of Central Highlands Council, All stub articles, Tasmania geography stubs). ... It is a village in Tasmania 75 kilometres from Hobart in the Derwent Valley. Ellendale was gazetted as a locality in 1959. The ... Ellendale is a rural locality in the local government area (LGA) of Central Highlands in the Central LGA region of Tasmania. ...
Towns in Tasmania, Localities of Brighton Council (Tasmania), Localities of Southern Midlands Council). ... Brighton is a suburb 27 km north of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. It is between Pontville and the outer Hobart suburb of ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Selbourne". Placenames Tasmania. Select "Search", enter "1630F", click "Search", select row, map is ... Google (31 May 2020). "Selbourne, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 31 May 2020. "Tasmanian Road Route Codes" ( ... Towns in Tasmania, Localities of Meander Valley Council, Localities of West Tamar Council, All stub articles, Launceston area ... is a rural locality in the local government areas of Meander Valley and West Tamar in the Launceston region of Tasmania. It is ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Waverley". Placenames Tasmania. Select "Search", enter "2532T", click "Search", select row, map is ... Google (2 April 2021). "Waverley, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 2 April 2021. "Tasmanian Road Route Codes" ( ... of Launceston in the Launceston LGA region of Tasmania. The locality is about 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) east of the town of ... Tasmania, Localities of City of Launceston, All stub articles, Launceston area council geography stubs). ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Barretta". Placenames Tasmania. Select "Search", enter "2910S", click "Search", select row, map is ... Towns in Tasmania, Localities of Kingborough Council, All stub articles, Tasmania geography stubs). ... Barretta is a rural locality in the local government area (LGA) of Kingborough in the Hobart LGA region of Tasmania. The ... Google (16 January 2021). "Barretta, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 16 January 2021. "Tasmanian Road Route ...
... could refer to: SC Tasmania 1900 Berlin, a football team from Berlin which played from 1900 until 1973; or SV ... This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Tasmania Berlin. If an internal link led you here, you may ... Tasmania Berlin, the successor club, which also plays in Berlin, formed from the above. ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Lisle". Placenames Tasmania. Select "Search", enter "1613D", click "Search", select row, map is displayed ... Towns in Tasmania, Localities of Dorset Council (Australia), All stub articles, Tasmania geography stubs). ... "Where in Tasmania? L-Z Page 8" (PDF). Dennison Publications. July 2003. Archived (PDF) from the original on 29 March 2020. ... Lisle is a rural locality in the local government area (LGA) of Dorset in the North-east LGA region of Tasmania. The locality ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Lulworth". Placenames Tasmania. Select "Search", enter "5201G", click "Search", select row, map is ... Lulworth is a rural residential locality in the local government area of George Town in the Launceston region of Tasmania. It ... Google (5 June 2020). "Lulworth, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 5 June 2020. "Tasmanian Road Route Codes" (PDF ... Towns in Tasmania, Articles with VIAF identifiers, Articles with J9U identifiers, Articles with LCCN identifiers, Localities of ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Weetah". Placenames Tasmania. Search, enter 599C, Search, select row, show Details. Retrieved 3 December ... Google (2 December 2018). "Weetah, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 2 December 2018. " ... Towns in Tasmania, Localities of Meander Valley Council, All stub articles, Launceston area council geography stubs). ... in the Launceston region of Tasmania. It is located about 11 kilometres (6.8 mi) north of the town of Deloraine. The 2016 ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Blessington". Placenames Tasmania. Search, enter 914P, Search, select row, show Details. Retrieved 18 May ... Towns in Tasmania, Launceston, Tasmania, Localities of Northern Midlands Council, Localities of City of Launceston, All stub ... She was the sister of Robert Power, who was the Surveyor General of Van Diemen's Land (now Tasmania) from 1841 to 1857. It was ... Google (13 May 2020). "Blessington, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 13 May 2020. "Tasmanian Road Route Codes" ( ...
Towns in Tasmania, Localities of Central Coast Council (Tasmania), All stub articles, Tasmania geography stubs). ... "Placenames Tasmania - Spalford". Placenames Tasmania. Select "Search", enter "1248Q", click "Search", select row, map is ... "Where in Tasmania? L-Z Page 68" (PDF). Dennison Publications. July 2003. Retrieved 14 December 2020. Google (13 September 2020 ... of Central Coast in the North-west and west LGA region of Tasmania. The locality is about 13 kilometres (8.1 mi) south of the ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Crabtree". Placenames Tasmania. Select "Search", enter "9226E", click "Search", select row, map is ... Crabtree is a rural residential locality in the local government area of Huon Valley in the South-east region of Tasmania. It ... Google (28 June 2020). "Crabtree, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 28 June 2020. "Tasmanian Road Route Codes" ( ... Towns in Tasmania, Localities of Huon Valley Council). ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Norwood". Placenames Tasmania. Select "Search", enter "4801T", click "Search", select row, map is ... Tasmania, Localities of City of Launceston, All stub articles, Tasmania geography stubs). ... Norwood is a residential locality in the local government area (LGA) of Launceston in the Launceston LGA region of Tasmania. ... Google (2 April 2021). "Norwood, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 2 April 2021. "Tasmanian Road Route Codes" ( ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Molesworth". Placenames Tasmania. Select "Search", enter "9236J", click "Search", select row, map is ... Molesworth is a rural residential locality in the local government area of Derwent Valley in the South-east region of Tasmania ... Google (28 June 2020). "Molesworth, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 28 June 2020. "Tasmanian Road Route Codes ... Towns in Tasmania, Localities of Derwent Valley Council, All stub articles, South-east area council geography stubs). ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Erriba". Placenames Tasmania. Select "Search", enter "313F", click "Search", select row, map is displayed ... Erriba is a rural locality in the local government area (LGA) of Kentish in the North-west and west LGA region of Tasmania. The ... "Where in Tasmania? A-K Page 49" (PDF). Dennison Publications. July 2003. Retrieved 14 December 2020. Google (13 September 2020 ... "Erriba, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 13 September 2020. "Tasmanian Road Route Codes" (PDF). Department of ...
Bridgewater is a suburb of Hobart, Tasmania. Located approximately 19 km from the Hobart CBD, it is part of the northern ... The State Government of Tasmania, through the Big Picture School initiative, has connected the public schools of the area ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Banca". Placenames Tasmania. Select "Search", enter "8315M", click "Search", select row, map is displayed ... Towns in Tasmania, Localities of Dorset Council (Australia), All stub articles, Tasmania geography stubs). ... Banca is a rural locality in the local government area (LGA) of Dorset in the North-east LGA region of Tasmania. The locality ... Google (13 September 2020). "Banca, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 13 September 2020. "Tasmanian Road Route ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Tunnack". Placenames Tasmania. Select "Search", enter "1288K", click "Search", select row, map is ... Tunnack is a rural locality in the local government area of Southern Midlands in the Central region of Tasmania. It is located ... Google (5 June 2020). "Tunnack, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 5 June 2020. "Tasmanian Road Route Codes" (PDF ... Towns in Tasmania, Localities of Southern Midlands Council, All stub articles, Central area council geography stubs). ...
University of Tasmania. Retrieved 12 April 2020. "Placenames Tasmania - Thirlstane". Placenames Tasmania. Search, enter 1278F, ... Thirlstane is a locality and small rural community in the local government area of Latrobe in the North West region of Tasmania ... Google (12 April 2020). "Thirlstane, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 12 April 2020. "Tasmanian Road Route Codes ... CJ Dennison (1994). "Where in Tasmania? L-Z Page 78" (PDF). ... Towns in Tasmania, Localities of Latrobe Council). ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Tulendeena". Placenames Tasmania. Select "Search", enter "1286F", click "Search", select row, map is ... Towns in Tasmania, Localities of Dorset Council (Australia), All stub articles, Tasmania geography stubs). ... Tulendeena is a rural locality in the local government area (LGA) of Dorset in the North-east LGA region of Tasmania. The ... Google (13 September 2020). "Tulendeena, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 13 September 2020. "Tasmanian Road ...
Cascades is a suburb of Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. It is immediately west of the city centre, in the foothills of Mount ...
Campania is a township in Tasmania's Coal River Valley, in the Southern Midlands Council. It is one of the most important wine- ... "History". Wine Tasmania. Archived from the original on 3 July 2012. Retrieved 8 March 2011. "Touring Brochure: Colebrook, ... "Historic villages". Heritage Highway Tasmania. Archived from the original on 7 March 2011. Retrieved 8 March 2011. Phoenix ... producing regions of Tasmania, and has had commercial vineyards since the mid-19th century. Campania developed around a railway ...
University of Tasmania. Retrieved 14 April 2020. "Placenames Tasmania - Highclere". Placenames Tasmania. Search, enter 1039T, ... Towns in Tasmania, Burnie, Tasmania, All stub articles, North-west and west area council geography stubs). ... Highclere is a locality and small rural community in the local government area of Burnie in the North West region of Tasmania. ... Google (12 April 2020). "Highclere, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 12 April 2020. "Tasmanian Road Route Codes ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Copping". Placenames Tasmania. Select "Search", enter "960E", click "Search", select row, map is ... Copping is a rural locality in the local government area of Sorell in the South-east region of Tasmania. The locality is about ... Google (4 August 2020). "Copping, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 4 August 2020. "Tasmanian Road Route Codes" ( ... Tasmania: Navarine Publishing. v t e (Use Australian English from August 2019, All Wikipedia articles written in Australian ...
Towns in Tasmania, Ghost towns in Tasmania, Mining towns in Tasmania, Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company, West Coast Range ... Linda is the site of an old ghost town in the Linda Valley in the West Coast Range of Tasmania, Australia. It has also been ... West Coast Tasmania Mines photograph adjacent to page 206 of 1967 third edition Blainey, Geoffrey (1967), The peaks of Lyell ( ... Tasmania, Australia. 5 February 1906. p. 4. Retrieved 4 June 2016 - via National Library of Australia. "NORTH LYELL". The ...
"Freemason Homes of Southern Tasmania". Masonic Care Tasmania. Retrieved 16 May 2017. Australian National Place Names page 10 ... The Motor Yacht Club of Tasmania Est. 1924 in Lindisfarne Bay (pictured), The Lindisfarne Sailing Club Est. 1955 and the ... "Motor Yacht Club of Tasmania". Retrieved 1 June 2009. "LINDISFARNE SAILING CLUB - A RICH HISTORY OF DINGHY ... Including the Queen Victoria Home and the Freemasons Home Southern Tasmania. Some Christian Church institutions in Lindisfarne ...
"Placenames Tasmania - Pawleena". Placenames Tasmania. Search, enter 3260T, Search, select row, show Details. Retrieved 4 ... Towns in Tasmania, East Coast Tasmania, Localities of Sorell Council, All stub articles, South-east area council geography ... Google (4 January 2019). "Pawleena, Tasmania" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved 4 January 2019. " ... in the Sorell and surrounds region of Tasmania. It is located about 30 kilometres (19 mi) north-east of the town of Hobart. The ...
... , Tourism Tasmania Premier Postal History. "Post Office List". Premier Postal Auctions. Retrieved 16 June ... Hydro Tasmania International Mural Fest Media related to Sheffield, Tasmania at Wikimedia Commons (Australian Statistical ... Sheffield is a town 23 kilometres inland from Devonport on the north-west coast of Tasmania. Sheffield has long been the rural ... Most of the South West and West Coast Hydro Tasmania power stations are controlled from the Hydro control centre in Sheffield. ...

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