Lack of correspondence between the way a stimulus is commonly perceived and the way an individual perceives it under given conditions.
Cognitive disorders characterized by an impaired ability to perceive the nature of objects or concepts through use of the sense organs. These include spatial neglect syndromes, where an individual does not attend to visual, auditory, or sensory stimuli presented from one side of the body.
Investigative technique commonly used during ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY in which a series of bright light flashes or visual patterns are used to elicit brain activity.

Selective horizontal dysmetropsia following prestriate lesion. (1/255)

We describe a patient (P.S.) who, following a right prestriate lesion, reported that objects in the left visual field appeared distorted and smaller than those on the right. Other aspects of visual processing were remarkably unaffected. We carried out a series of size comparison tests using simple or complex stimuli and requiring different types of behavioural responses. We found that P.S. significantly underestimated the size of stimuli presented in her left visual field. When comparison tasks involved stimuli placed along the vertical axis or in the right visual field, P.S. performed well. The vertical and horizontal components of size distortion were found to be differentially affected. We conclude that size processing may be dissociated from other aspects of visual processing, such as form or colour processing, and depends critically on part of the occipital, prestriate areas (Brodmann areas 18-19).  (+info)

Structured Interview for Assessing Perceptual Anomalies (SIAPA). (2/255)

Clinical descriptions of perceptual and attentional anomalies in schizophrenia emphasize phenomena such as flooding, or inundation, by sensory stimuli. A failure of sensory "gating" mechanisms in the brain is hypothesized to account for these symptoms, and this hypothesis has led to a marked interest in their putative psychophysiological substrates. However, there are no systematic analyses of the phenomenology of these perceptual experiences, nor has the hypothesized connection between the clinical phenomena and their reported psychophysiological substrates been tested. In this investigation, a structured interview instrument was developed to measure perceptual anomalies as distinct from hallucinations and to determine their prevalence across sensory modalities in schizophrenia in 67 schizophrenia subjects and 98 normal controls. The instrument includes Likert ratings of hypersensitivity, inundation, and selective attention to external sensory stimuli. Good interrater agreement, determined from interviews, was obtained. Schizophrenia subjects had significantly higher auditory, visual, and combined scores (i.e., across all modalities) than normal controls did, indicating significantly more perceptual anomalies. For the schizophrenia group, the prevalence of auditory and visual anomalies was significantly greater than the other sensory modalities. The data indicate that the putative phenomenological correlates of sensory gating may be reliably measured and tested with the Structured Interview for Assessing Perceptual Anomalies.  (+info)

Optimal spatial frequencies for discrimination of motion direction in optic flow patterns. (3/255)

Spatial frequency tuning functions were measured for direction discrimination of optic flow patterns. Three subjects discriminated the direction of a curved motion path using computer generated optic flow patterns composed of randomly positioned dots. Performance was measured with unfiltered patterns and with patterns that were spatially filtered across a range of spatial frequencies (center spatial frequencies of 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4, and 9.6 c/deg). The same subjects discriminated the direction of uniform, translational motion on the fronto-parallel plane. The uniform motion patterns were also composed of randomly positioned dots, that were either unfiltered or filtered with the same spatial filters used for the optic flow patterns. The peak spatial frequency was the same for both the optic flow and uniform motion patterns. For both types of motion, a narrow band (1.5 octaves) of optimal spatial frequencies was sufficient to support the same level of performance as found with unfiltered, broadband patterns. Additional experiments demonstrated that the peak spatial frequency for the optic flow patterns varies with mean image speed in the same manner as has been reported for moving sinusoidal gratings. These findings confirm the hypothesis that the outputs of the local motion mechanisms thought to underlie the perception of uniform motion provide the inputs to, and constrain the operation of, the mechanism that processes self motion from optic flow patterns.  (+info)

Revisiting motion repulsion: evidence for a general phenomenon? (4/255)

Previous studies have found large misperceptions when subjects are reporting the perceived angle between two directions of motion moving transparently at an acute angle, the so called motion repulsion. While these errors have been assumed to be caused by interactions between the two directions present, we reassessed these earlier measurements taking into account recent findings about directional misperceptions affecting the perception of single motion (reference repulsion). While our measurements confirm that errors in directional judgments of transparent motions can indeed be as big as 22 degrees we find that motion repulsion, i.e. the interaction between two directions, contributes at most about 7 degrees to these errors. This value is comparable to similar repulsion effects in orientation perception and stereoscopic depth perception, suggesting that they share a common neural basis. Our data further suggest that fast time scale adaptation and/or more general interactions between neurons contribute to motion repulsion while tracking eye movements play little or no role. These findings should serve as important constraints for models of motion perception.  (+info)

Stereoscopic (cyclopean) motion sensing. (5/255)

This paper reviews literature on the motion processing of dynamic change in binocular disparity, called stereoscopic (cyclopean) motion. Studies investigating the visual processing of stereoscopic motion in the Z-axis, stereoscopic motion in the X/Y plane, and cyclopean motion are discussed. It is concluded that stereoscopic motion is processed by a motion-sensing system composed of special-purpose mechanisms that function like low-level motion sensors. For animals with binocular vision, low-level motion processing may involve, at least in part, stereoscopic processing.  (+info)

Illusory spatial offset of a flash relative to a moving stimulus is caused by differential latencies for moving and flashed stimuli. (6/255)

A flash that is presented adjacent to a continuously moving bar is perceived to lag behind the bar. One explanation for this phenomenon is that there is a difference in the persistence of the flash and the bar. Another explanation is that the visual system compensates for the neural delays of processing visual motion information, such as the moving bar, by spatially extrapolating the bar's perceived location forward in space along its expected trajectory. Two experiments demonstrate that neither of these models is tenable. The first experiment masked the flash one video frame after its presentation. The flash was still perceived to lag behind the bar, suggesting that a difference in the persistence of the flash and bar, does not cause the apparent offset. The second experiment employed unpredictable changes in the velocity of the bar including an abrupt reversal, disappearance, acceleration, and deceleration. If the extrapolation model held, the bar would continue to be extrapolated in accordance with its initial velocity until the moment of an abrupt velocity change. The results were inconsistent with this prediction, suggesting that there is little or no spatial compensation for the neural delays of processing moving objects. The results support a new model of temporal facilitation for moving objects whereby the apparent flash lag is due to a latency advantage for moving over flashed stimuli.  (+info)

A systematic study of visual extinction. Between- and within-field deficits of attention in hemispatial neglect. (7/255)

Mechanisms of visual extinction were investigated in four patients with right hemisphere damage using a partial report paradigm. Different shapes (star or triangle) were displayed in one, two or four possible locations so that double simultaneous stimuli occurred either across the two hemifields or within the same hemifield. Patients attended either to the location (right, left or both), number (one, two or four) or shape (no, one or two stars among the shapes presented) of stimuli in three separate experiments using the same displays and exposure duration. Reporting the location (Experiment 1) produced marked contralesional extinction, although reaction time was delayed compared with unilateral right trials, indicating unconscious processing. Reaction time was also delayed on correct bilateral and unilateral left trials. In contrast, enumerating stimuli (Experiment 2) caused no significant contralesional extinction on bilateral displays and reaction time was similar on bilateral and unilateral right trials, suggesting that information from both fields was grouped in a single numerable percept in this task. However, patients often detected only one of two stimuli within the left field. Whereas similarity of shapes improved localization and did not affect enumeration, identifying stars among shapes (Experiment 3) revealed a severe inability to detect two similar targets between hemifields as well as within each of the hemifields. Distracting triangles were generally less detrimental to the perception of a concurrent target on either side, but slowed the reaction time regardless of whether they were in the same or the opposite field. Relative difficulty in ignoring distractors correlated with neglect severity on a cancellation task, and was most prominent in one patient with a large amount of frontal damage. These findings suggest that (i) allocation of attention to identical stimuli can be modulated by task demand; (ii) enumerating a small set of items across fields may not require attending to individual stimuli but relies on preattentive subitizing ability, as found in normal subjects; (iii) location information may be critical for attentional mechanisms subserved by the parietal cortex and pathological competition for awareness in extinction; (iv) extinction entails a bilateral deficit in attending to two concurrent similar targets when their features must be identified; and (v) the relevance of the stimuli can modulate the distribution of attention, possibly through frontal top-down control. These findings are consistent with recent neurophysiological evidence of parietal and frontal attentional influences on ventral visual pathways.  (+info)

Direction biasing by brief apparent motion stimuli. (8/255)

The perceived direction of a motion step (probe stimulus) can be influenced by an earlier motion step or a brief motion sweep containing a series of steps (biasing stimulus). Depending upon experimental conditions, the biasing of the direction of the probe step (a phase shift of 180 degrees +/-Phi) by a biasing stimulus which precedes it by approximately 250 ms can either increase (positive filter biasing) or decrease (negative filter biasing) the tendency to see the probe move in the biasing direction as computed with a motion filter with a biphasic temporal impulse response. In a series of experiments it was found that biasing motions traversing 90 degrees of phase angle in fewer than six steps in less than 100 ms produced positive filter biasing. Also, biasing of the probe direction could be dissociated from the consciously reported direction of the biasing stimulus, and it did not occur when the probe preceded rather than followed the biasing stimulus. A biasing sweep containing more than six steps traversing 90 degrees or a sweep traversing 270 degrees produced negative filter biasing. Perceptual fusion of the steps of the sweep was not a necessary condition for obtaining negative filter biasing. In general, the negative filter biasing effects were found to be the most pervasive for the conditions investigated, and they are suggestive of a direction-specific, adaptation-like (gain-control) process in first-order motion filters. The exception to the negative biasing rule was found only with biasing stimuli which were short in duration or distance spanned.  (+info)

Perceptual distortion is not explicitly defined within the realm of medicine, but it does fall under the broader category of cognitive impairments and abnormalities. It generally refers to the incorrect interpretation or misrepresentation of sensory information by the brain. This can result in various experiences such as hallucinations, illusions, or distorted perceptions of reality. Perceptual distortions are often associated with certain medical conditions like mental disorders (e.g., schizophrenia, bipolar disorder), neurological disorders (e.g., migraines, epilepsy), and substance use disorders.

Perceptual disorders are conditions that affect the way a person perceives or interprets sensory information from their environment. These disorders can involve any of the senses, including sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. They can cause a person to have difficulty recognizing, interpreting, or responding appropriately to sensory stimuli.

Perceptual disorders can result from damage to the brain or nervous system, such as from a head injury, stroke, or degenerative neurological condition. They can also be caused by certain mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia or severe depression.

Symptoms of perceptual disorders may include:

* Misinterpretations of sensory information, such as seeing things that are not there or hearing voices that are not present
* Difficulty recognizing familiar objects or people
* Problems with depth perception or spatial awareness
* Difficulty judging the size, shape, or distance of objects
* Trouble distinguishing between similar sounds or colors
* Impaired sense of smell or taste

Perceptual disorders can have a significant impact on a person's daily life and functioning. Treatment may involve medication, therapy, or rehabilitation to help the person better cope with their symptoms and improve their ability to interact with their environment.

Photic stimulation is a medical term that refers to the exposure of the eyes to light, specifically repetitive pulses of light, which is used as a method in various research and clinical settings. In neuroscience, it's often used in studies related to vision, circadian rhythms, and brain function.

In a clinical context, photic stimulation is sometimes used in the diagnosis of certain medical conditions such as seizure disorders (like epilepsy). By observing the response of the brain to this light stimulus, doctors can gain valuable insights into the functioning of the brain and the presence of any neurological disorders.

However, it's important to note that photic stimulation should be conducted under the supervision of a trained healthcare professional, as improper use can potentially trigger seizures in individuals who are susceptible to them.

These early perceptual distortions included a heightened awareness of sound or color, uncertainty about the boundaries of ones ... Citation: Perceptual distortions in late-teens predict psychotic symptoms in mid-life (2021, July 27) retrieved 30 November ... Perceptual distortions in late-teens predict psychotic symptoms in mid-life. by Binghamton University ... ...
深入研究「Adaptive rate-distortion optimization using perceptual hints」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。 ...
Woodford M (2012). "Prospect theory as efficient perceptual distortion". American Economic Review. 102 (1): 41-46. doi:10.1257/ ...
Organizational Behavior: A Skill-Building Approach helps students answer this question by providing insight into OB concepts and processes through an interactive skill-building approach. Translating the latest research into practical applications, authors Christopher P. Neck, Jeffery D. Houghton, and Emma L. Murray unpack how managers can develop essential skills to unleash the potential of their employees. The text examines how individual characteristics, group dynamics, and organizational factors affect performance, motivation, and job satisfaction, providing students with a holistic understanding of OB. Packed with critical thinking opportunities, experiential exercises, and self-assessments, the new Second Edition provides students with a fun, hands-on introduction to the fascinating world of OB ...
... Leave a ... The content will experiences distortion courtesy additions, deletions, and you will improvement. This type of obstacles try ...
Prospect Theory as Efficient Perceptual Distortion Woodford, Michael 2012 Articles StatisticsEconomicsSociology 23. Principled ... Risk Aversion as a Perceptual Bias Khaw, Mel Win; Li, Ziang; Woodford, Michael 2017 Reports Economics--Decision makingRisk 19. ...
2) The Perceptual Horizon. Every photo has a perceptual horizon - an angle at which your photo looks level. ... including potential distortion correction). ... Other deceptive perceptual cues. What can you do in cases like ... The perceptual horizon doesnt always agree with the actual horizon in a scene. In other words, perhaps youre using a bubble ... To do this, be aware of any perceptual cues occurring in the photo. Is there a tree in your composition that appears to be ...
Perceptual-disorders; Mental-disorders; Mental-processes; Brain-disorders; Psychomotor-function; Perceptual-distortion; Sensory ...
52 Studies have suggested that these symptoms include: hypersensitivity to stimuli; perceptual distortions and hallucinations; ...
perceptual distortions. *panic attacks. *concentration difficulty. *seizure. Benzodiazepine detox typically occurs over a ...
Perceptual distortion. Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment. Once the body has been stabilized, individuals should continue with ...
Unpleasant perceptual distortions. Effects associated with chronic use. *Anxiety. *Confusion. *Dilated pupils ...
... perceptual distortions and hallucinations; 11 (3) increased anxiety and nervousness; 12 (4) revenge fantasies, rage, and ...
The Perceptual Eigenmode Distortion (PEMD), an extension to the Eigenmode Distortion (EMD), is a method for objectively ... Perceptual Eigenmode Distortion Analysis for Motion Cueing Evaluation in Fixed-Wing Aircraft Simulators ... Eigenmode distortion is a novel quantitative methodology developed to objectively evaluate motion cueing fidelity in flight ... Modal analysis subsequently performed on this coupled system reveals the degree of distortion imposed by the Motion Cuei... ...
Perceptual Distortion Preferred Term Term UI T030933. Date01/01/1999. LexicalTag NON. ThesaurusID NLM (1967). ... Perceptual Distortion Preferred Concept UI. M0016257. Scope Note. Lack of correspondence between the way a stimulus is commonly ... Perceptual Distortion. Tree Number(s). F02.463.593.603. Unique ID. D010469. RDF Unique Identifier. ... Perceptual Disorders. Public MeSH Note. 69. History Note. 69(67). Date Established. 1969/01/01. Date of Entry. 1999/01/01. ...
She was visibly frightened, in a severe state of hyperreflexia, and was experiencing perceptual distortion. The resident on ...
2014) Audiovisual robustness: exploring perceptual tolerance to asynchrony and quality distortion. Multimedia Tools and ... 2014) Audiovisual robustness: exploring perceptual tolerance to asynchrony and quality distortion. Multimedia Tools and ... Behne, Dawn Marie; Czigler, Peter; Sullivan, Kirk P. H.. (2002) Tracing perceptual development with Swedish vowel quantity. ... 1999) Vowel duration and spectra as perceptual cues to vowel quantity: a comparison of Japanese and Swedish. The XIVth ...
It is the control, distortion and violence that are important here. Similarly, the white gaze distorts the Black body to fit ... within its violent, hegemonic perceptual framework. In Killing the Black Body, you explore the power of myths. Like the white ... I have used the term Procrustean to capture that distortion. The term derives from "the bed of Procrustes." The mythological ...
Sensory and perceptual distortions may cause the user to "see" things that affect driving. ...
b. Perceptual Distortions, Illusions and Hallucinations. Almost a third of the prisoners described hearing voices, often in ... These symptoms included perceptual distortions and illusions in multiple spheres, derealization experiences, and ... These perceptual changes at times become more personalized : "They come by me with four trays; the first has big pancakes. I ...
Unpleasant perceptual distortions. Effects associated with chronic use. *Anxiety. *Confusion. *Dilated pupils ...
For example, the prevalence of body image regarding body weight distortion in female college students aged 18-35 years in Iran ... Furthermore, different factors were associated with body image regarding body weight distortion in men compared to women. It is ... Nikniaz Z, Mahdavi R, Amiri S, Ostadrahimi A, Nikniaz L. Factors associated with body image dissatisfaction and distortion ... Is there a difference between middle-aged men and women in body image regarding body weight distortion? If so, do middle-aged ...
8. 1. Perbedaan Status (status effect) 2. Bahasa (semantic problems) 3. Perbedaan cara pandang (perceptual distortion) 4. ...
Westgard, S. (1993). Color me literate: The effect of Irlen colored lenses on visual perceptual distortion. Unpublished M.Ed. ... Perceptual & Motor Skills, 89(1), 83-113.. Robinson, G.L., & Foreman, P.J. (2004). The family incidence of a visual-perceptual ... Colorimeter for the intuitive manipulation of hue and saturation and its role in the study of perceptual distortion. Opthalmic ... Perceptual and motor skills, 127(2), 490-509.. Guimaraes MR, Reis Guimaraes J R, Guimaraes R. (2010). Selective spectral ...
The Perceptual Eigenmode Distortion (PEMD), an extension to the Eigenmode Distortion (EMD), is a method for objectively ... Perceptual Eigenmode Distortion Analysis for Motion Cueing Evaluation in Fixed-Wing Aircraft Simulators ... It expresses the distortions of the perceived motion cues in terms of the dynamic modes of a linear model of the vehicle and ... Eigenmode distortion (EMD) is a novel methodology developed to study the degradation of perceived vehicle dynamics as a result ...
It helps us by removing perceptual distortion about what matters most. But it cant help as much with some kinds of perceptual ... distortion.. Scope Creep and Confirmation Bias. As weve seen, some cognitive biases can contribute to the incidence of scope ...
Sure, a lot of modern lenses have little to no distortion. But perceptual distortion is undoubtedly still an issue. And thats ... build quality canon distortion fujifilm Laowa 20mm f4 Laowa 20mm f4 Zero-D Shift leica pensony shiftlenses tilt weather ... This continues with Venus Optics Laowa series of zero distortion and shift lenses. ...
Understanding how perceptual distortion and mental proliferation obscures the truth and takes us away from the present. ...
Removing distortions is another. Understanding Beliefs and How We Know What Isnt So both address distortions of our thinking ... Perceptual Fragments. James Pennebakers work Opening Up explains that PTSD may be an inability to process a traumatic event. ... some able to manifest in the moment and others rewriting memory to accomplish the distortion. (See Mistakes Were Made (But Not ... theyll often continue the distortions and attacks on others. Lerner explains that once we become defensive, its hard to get ...

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