The yellow or brown waxy secretions produced by vestigial apocrine sweat glands in the external ear canal.
Pathological processes of the ear, the hearing, and the equilibrium system of the body.
The narrow passage way that conducts the sound collected by the EAR AURICLE to the TYMPANIC MEMBRANE.
Inflammation of the OUTER EAR including the external EAR CANAL, cartilages of the auricle (EAR CARTILAGE), and the TYMPANIC MEMBRANE.

Cerumen is the medical term for earwax. It is a natural substance produced by the body to protect and clean the ears. Cerumen helps to keep the ear canal moist, which prevents dry, itchy ears, and also traps dirt, dust, and other particles that could harm the eardrum. The earwax then gradually moves out of the ear canal and falls out or is removed during activities like showering or washing the face. While some people may need to have their earwax removed if it builds up and causes hearing problems or discomfort, in most cases, cerumen does not need to be cleaned or removed.

Ear diseases are medical conditions that affect the ear and its various components, including the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. These diseases can cause a range of symptoms, such as hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), vertigo (dizziness), ear pain, and discharge. Some common ear diseases include:

1. Otitis externa (swimmer's ear) - an infection or inflammation of the outer ear and ear canal.
2. Otitis media - an infection or inflammation of the middle ear, often caused by a cold or flu.
3. Cholesteatoma - a skin growth that develops in the middle ear behind the eardrum.
4. Meniere's disease - a disorder of the inner ear that can cause vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus.
5. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders - problems with the joint that connects the jawbone to the skull, which can cause ear pain and other symptoms.
6. Acoustic neuroma - a noncancerous tumor that grows on the nerve that connects the inner ear to the brain.
7. Presbycusis - age-related hearing loss.

Treatment for ear diseases varies depending on the specific condition and its severity. It may include medication, surgery, or other therapies. If you are experiencing symptoms of an ear disease, it is important to seek medical attention from a healthcare professional, such as an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat specialist).

The ear canal, also known as the external auditory canal, is the tubular passage that extends from the outer ear (pinna) to the eardrum (tympanic membrane). It is lined with skin and tiny hairs, and is responsible for conducting sound waves from the outside environment to the middle and inner ear. The ear canal is typically about 2.5 cm long in adults and has a self-cleaning mechanism that helps to keep it free of debris and wax.

Otitis externa, also known as swimmer's ear, is a medical condition characterized by inflammation or infection of the external auditory canal (the outermost part of the ear canal leading to the eardrum). It often occurs when water stays in the ear after swimming, creating a moist environment that promotes bacterial growth.

The symptoms of otitis externa may include:
- Redness and swelling of the ear canal
- Pain or discomfort in the ear, especially when moving the jaw or chewing
- Itching in the ear
- Discharge from the ear (pus or clear fluid)
- Hearing loss or difficulty hearing

Otitis externa is typically treated with antibiotic eardrops and sometimes oral antibiotics. Keeping the ear dry during treatment is important to prevent further irritation and promote healing. In severe cases, a healthcare provider may need to clean the ear canal before administering medication.

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