Small double-stranded, non-protein coding RNAs, 21-25 nucleotides in length generated from single-stranded microRNA gene transcripts by the same RIBONUCLEASE III, Dicer, that produces small interfering RNAs (RNA, SMALL INTERFERING). They become part of the RNA-INDUCED SILENCING COMPLEX and repress the translation (TRANSLATION, GENETIC) of target RNA by binding to homologous 3'UTR region as an imperfect match. The small temporal RNAs (stRNAs), let-7 and lin-4, from C. elegans, are the first 2 miRNAs discovered, and are from a class of miRNAs involved in developmental timing.
An endoribonuclease that is specific for double-stranded RNA. It plays a role in POST-TRANSCRIPTIONAL RNA PROCESSING of pre-RIBOSOMAL RNA and a variety of other RNA structures that contain double-stranded regions.
The sequence at the 3' end of messenger RNA that does not code for product. This region contains transcription and translation regulating sequences.
The determination of the pattern of genes expressed at the level of GENETIC TRANSCRIPTION, under specific circumstances or in a specific cell.
A multistage process that includes cloning, physical mapping, subcloning, sequencing, and information analysis of an RNA SEQUENCE.
Ribonucleic acid in plants having regulatory and catalytic roles as well as involvement in protein synthesis.
A family of RNA-binding proteins that has specificity for MICRORNAS and SMALL INTERFERING RNA molecules. The proteins take part in RNA processing events as core components of RNA-induced silencing complex.
Any of the processes by which nuclear, cytoplasmic, or intercellular factors influence the differential control (induction or repression) of gene action at the level of transcription or translation.
The sequence of PURINES and PYRIMIDINES in nucleic acids and polynucleotides. It is also called nucleotide sequence.
Any of the processes by which nuclear, cytoplasmic, or intercellular factors influence the differential control of gene action in neoplastic tissue.
Hybridization of a nucleic acid sample to a very large set of OLIGONUCLEOTIDE PROBES, which have been attached individually in columns and rows to a solid support, to determine a BASE SEQUENCE, or to detect variations in a gene sequence, GENE EXPRESSION, or for GENE MAPPING.
Techniques of nucleotide sequence analysis that increase the range, complexity, sensitivity, and accuracy of results by greatly increasing the scale of operations and thus the number of nucleotides, and the number of copies of each nucleotide sequenced. The sequencing may be done by analysis of the synthesis or ligation products, hybridization to preexisting sequences, etc.
A multicomponent, ribonucleoprotein complex comprised of one of the family of ARGONAUTE PROTEINS and the "guide strand" of the one of the 20- to 30-nucleotide small RNAs. RISC cleaves specific RNAs, which are targeted for degradation by homology to these small RNAs. Functions in regulating gene expression are determined by the specific argonaute protein and small RNA including siRNA (RNA, SMALL INTERFERING), miRNA (MICRORNA), or piRNA (PIWI-INTERACTING RNA).
Post-transcriptional biological modification of messenger, transfer, or ribosomal RNAs or their precursors. It includes cleavage, methylation, thiolation, isopentenylation, pseudouridine formation, conformational changes, and association with ribosomal protein.
A large family of RNA helicases that share a common protein motif with the single letter amino acid sequence D-E-A-D (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp). In addition to RNA helicase activity, members of the DEAD-box family participate in other aspects of RNA metabolism and regulation of RNA function.
Methods used for detecting the amplified DNA products from the polymerase chain reaction as they accumulate instead of at the end of the reaction.
RNA sequences that serve as templates for protein synthesis. Bacterial mRNAs are generally primary transcripts in that they do not require post-transcriptional processing. Eukaryotic mRNA is synthesized in the nucleus and must be exported to the cytoplasm for translation. Most eukaryotic mRNAs have a sequence of polyadenylic acid at the 3' end, referred to as the poly(A) tail. The function of this tail is not known for certain, but it may play a role in the export of mature mRNA from the nucleus as well as in helping stabilize some mRNA molecules by retarding their degradation in the cytoplasm.
A field of biology concerned with the development of techniques for the collection and manipulation of biological data, and the use of such data to make biological discoveries or predictions. This field encompasses all computational methods and theories for solving biological problems including manipulation of models and datasets.
A gene silencing phenomenon whereby specific dsRNAs (RNA, DOUBLE-STRANDED) trigger the degradation of homologous mRNA (RNA, MESSENGER). The specific dsRNAs are processed into SMALL INTERFERING RNA (siRNA) which serves as a guide for cleavage of the homologous mRNA in the RNA-INDUCED SILENCING COMPLEX. DNA METHYLATION may also be triggered during this process.
A cell line derived from cultured tumor cells.
A variation of the PCR technique in which cDNA is made from RNA via reverse transcription. The resultant cDNA is then amplified using standard PCR protocols.
A negative regulatory effect on physiological processes at the molecular, cellular, or systemic level. At the molecular level, the major regulatory sites include membrane receptors, genes (GENE EXPRESSION REGULATION), mRNAs (RNA, MESSENGER), and proteins.
A type of extracellular vesicle, containing RNA and proteins, that is secreted into the extracellular space by EXOCYTOSIS when MULTIVESICULAR BODIES fuse with the PLASMA MEMBRANE.
The pattern of GENE EXPRESSION at the level of genetic transcription in a specific organism or under specific circumstances in specific cells.
Interacting DNA-encoded regulatory subsystems in the GENOME that coordinate input from activator and repressor TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS during development, cell differentiation, or in response to environmental cues. The networks function to ultimately specify expression of particular sets of GENES for specific conditions, times, or locations.
Descriptions of specific amino acid, carbohydrate, or nucleotide sequences which have appeared in the published literature and/or are deposited in and maintained by databanks such as GENBANK, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), National Biomedical Research Foundation (NBRF), or other sequence repositories.
The simultaneous analysis, on a microchip, of multiple samples or targets arranged in an array format.
A sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide or of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that is similar across multiple species. A known set of conserved sequences is represented by a CONSENSUS SEQUENCE. AMINO ACID MOTIFS are often composed of conserved sequences.
Any of the processes by which nuclear, cytoplasmic, or intercellular factors influence the differential control of gene action during the developmental stages of an organism.
All of the processes involved in increasing CELL NUMBER including CELL DIVISION.
The extent to which an RNA molecule retains its structural integrity and resists degradation by RNASE, and base-catalyzed HYDROLYSIS, under changing in vivo or in vitro conditions.
Any of the processes by which nuclear, cytoplasmic, or intercellular factors influence the differential control of gene action in plants.
Progressive restriction of the developmental potential and increasing specialization of function that leads to the formation of specialized cells, tissues, and organs.
Interruption or suppression of the expression of a gene at transcriptional or translational levels.
Small double-stranded, non-protein coding RNAs (21-31 nucleotides) involved in GENE SILENCING functions, especially RNA INTERFERENCE (RNAi). Endogenously, siRNAs are generated from dsRNAs (RNA, DOUBLE-STRANDED) by the same ribonuclease, Dicer, that generates miRNAs (MICRORNAS). The perfect match of the siRNAs' antisense strand to their target RNAs mediates RNAi by siRNA-guided RNA cleavage. siRNAs fall into different classes including trans-acting siRNA (tasiRNA), repeat-associated RNA (rasiRNA), small-scan RNA (scnRNA), and Piwi protein-interacting RNA (piRNA) and have different specific gene silencing functions.
RNA which does not code for protein but has some enzymatic, structural or regulatory function. Although ribosomal RNA (RNA, RIBOSOMAL) and transfer RNA (RNA, TRANSFER) are also untranslated RNAs they are not included in this scope.
Ribonucleic acid in helminths having regulatory and catalytic roles as well as involvement in protein synthesis.
A set of statistical methods used to group variables or observations into strongly inter-related subgroups. In epidemiology, it may be used to analyze a closely grouped series of events or cases of disease or other health-related phenomenon with well-defined distribution patterns in relation to time or place or both.
New abnormal growth of tissue. Malignant neoplasms show a greater degree of anaplasia and have the properties of invasion and metastasis, compared to benign neoplasms.
Short RNA, about 200 base pairs in length or shorter, that does not code for protein.
RNA transcripts of the DNA that are in some unfinished stage of post-transcriptional processing (RNA PROCESSING, POST-TRANSCRIPTIONAL) required for function. RNA precursors may undergo several steps of RNA SPLICING during which the phosphodiester bonds at exon-intron boundaries are cleaved and the introns are excised. Consequently a new bond is formed between the ends of the exons. Resulting mature RNAs can then be used; for example, mature mRNA (RNA, MESSENGER) is used as a template for protein production.
The spatial arrangement of the atoms of a nucleic acid or polynucleotide that results in its characteristic 3-dimensional shape.
Databases containing information about NUCLEIC ACIDS such as BASE SEQUENCE; SNPS; NUCLEIC ACID CONFORMATION; and other properties. Information about the DNA fragments kept in a GENE LIBRARY or GENOMIC LIBRARY is often maintained in DNA databases.
The intracellular transfer of information (biological activation/inhibition) through a signal pathway. In each signal transduction system, an activation/inhibition signal from a biologically active molecule (hormone, neurotransmitter) is mediated via the coupling of a receptor/enzyme to a second messenger system or to an ion channel. Signal transduction plays an important role in activating cellular functions, cell differentiation, and cell proliferation. Examples of signal transduction systems are the GAMMA-AMINOBUTYRIC ACID-postsynaptic receptor-calcium ion channel system, the receptor-mediated T-cell activation pathway, and the receptor-mediated activation of phospholipases. Those coupled to membrane depolarization or intracellular release of calcium include the receptor-mediated activation of cytotoxic functions in granulocytes and the synaptic potentiation of protein kinase activation. Some signal transduction pathways may be part of larger signal transduction pathways; for example, protein kinase activation is part of the platelet activation signal pathway.
A positive regulatory effect on physiological processes at the molecular, cellular, or systemic level. At the molecular level, the major regulatory sites include membrane receptors, genes (GENE EXPRESSION REGULATION), mRNAs (RNA, MESSENGER), and proteins.
Established cell cultures that have the potential to propagate indefinitely.
Molecular products metabolized and secreted by neoplastic tissue and characterized biochemically in cells or body fluids. They are indicators of tumor stage and grade as well as useful for monitoring responses to treatment and predicting recurrence. Many chemical groups are represented including hormones, antigens, amino and nucleic acids, enzymes, polyamines, and specific cell membrane proteins and lipids.
RNA present in neoplastic tissue.
Cells derived from the BLASTOCYST INNER CELL MASS which forms before implantation in the uterine wall. They retain the ability to divide, proliferate and provide progenitor cells that can differentiate into specialized cells.
A cell line generated from human embryonic kidney cells that were transformed with human adenovirus type 5.
The addition of descriptive information about the function or structure of a molecular sequence to its MOLECULAR SEQUENCE DATA record.

microRNAs: tiny regulators with great potential. (1/12806)

Animal genomes contain an abundance of small genes that produce regulatory RNAs of about 22 nucleotides in length. These microRNAs are diverse in sequence and expression patterns, and are evolutionarily widespread, suggesting that they may participate in a wide range of genetic regulatory pathways.  (+info)

MicroRNAs: hidden in the genome. (2/12806)

Genes for tiny RNAs have been found to be plentiful in the genomes of worms, flies, humans and probably all animals. Some of these microRNAs have been conserved through evolution, and many are expressed only at specific times or places. How they act is just beginning to be understood, but their importance to biology is likely to be great.  (+info)

Two genetic circuits repress the Caenorhabditis elegans heterochronic gene lin-28 after translation initiation. (3/12806)

The heterochronic gene lin-28 of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans controls the relative timing of diverse developmental events during the animal's larval stages. lin-28 is stage-specifically regulated by two genetic circuits: negatively by the 22-nt RNA lin-4 and positively by the heterochronic gene lin-14. Here, we show that lin-28 is repressed during normal development by a mechanism that acts on its mRNA after translation initiation. We provide evidence that lin-14 inhibits a negative regulation that is independent of the lin-4 RNA and involves the gene daf-12, which encodes a nuclear hormone receptor. The lin-4-independent repression does not affect the initiation of translation on the lin-28 mRNA, and like the lin-4-mediated repression, acts through the gene's 3'-untranslated region. In addition, we find that lin-4 is not sufficient to cause repression of lin-28 if the lin-4-independent circuit is inhibited. Therefore, the lin-4-independent circuit likely contributes substantially to the down-regulation of lin-28 that occurs during normal development. The role of lin-4 may be to initiate or potentiate the lin-4-independent circuit. We speculate that a parallel lin-4-independent regulatory mechanism regulates the expression of lin-14.  (+info)

miRNPs: a novel class of ribonucleoproteins containing numerous microRNAs. (4/12806)

Gemin3 is a DEAD-box RNA helicase that binds to the Survival of Motor Neurons (SMN) protein and is a component of the SMN complex, which also comprises SMN, Gemin2, Gemin4, Gemin5, and Gemin6. Reduction in SMN protein results in Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a common neurodegenerative disease. The SMN complex has critical functions in the assembly/restructuring of diverse ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes. Here we report that Gemin3 and Gemin4 are also in a separate complex that contains eIF2C2, a member of the Argonaute protein family. This novel complex is a large approximately 15S RNP that contains numerous microRNAs (miRNAs). We describe 40 miRNAs, a few of which are identical to recently described human miRNAs, a class of small endogenous RNAs. The genomic sequences predict that miRNAs are likely to be derived from larger precursors that have the capacity to form stem-loop structures.  (+info)

Identification of tissue-specific microRNAs from mouse. (5/12806)

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a new class of noncoding RNAs, which are encoded as short inverted repeats in the genomes of invertebrates and vertebrates. It is believed that miRNAs are modulators of target mRNA translation and stability, although most target mRNAs remain to be identified. Here we describe the identification of 34 novel miRNAs by tissue-specific cloning of approximately 21-nucleotide RNAs from mouse. Almost all identified miRNAs are conserved in the human genome and are also frequently found in nonmammalian vertebrate genomes, such as pufferfish. In heart, liver, or brain, it is found that a single, tissue-specifically expressed miRNA dominates the population of expressed miRNAs and suggests a role for these miRNAs in tissue specification or cell lineage decisions. Finally, a miRNA was identified that appears to be the fruitfly and mammalian ortholog of C. elegans lin-4 stRNA.  (+info)

Both natural and designed micro RNAs can inhibit the expression of cognate mRNAs when expressed in human cells. (6/12806)

Animal cells have recently been shown to express a range of approximately 22 nucleotide noncoding RNAs termed micro RNAs (miRNAs). Here, we show that the human mir-30 miRNA can be excised from irrelevant, endogenously transcribed mRNAs encompassing the predicted 71 nucleotide mir-30 precursor. Expression of the mir-30 miRNA specifically blocked the translation in human cells of an mRNA containing artificial mir-30 target sites. Similarly, designed miRNAs were also excised from transcripts encompassing artificial miRNA precursors and could inhibit the expression of mRNAs containing a complementary target site. These data indicate that novel miRNAs can be readily produced in vivo and can be designed to specifically inactivate the expression of selected target genes in human cells.  (+info)

MicroRNAs in plants. (7/12806)

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are an extensive class of ~22-nucleotide noncoding RNAs thought to regulate gene expression in metazoans. We find that miRNAs are also present in plants, indicating that this class of noncoding RNA arose early in eukaryotic evolution. In this paper 16 Arabidopsis miRNAs are described, many of which have differential expression patterns in development. Eight are absolutely conserved in the rice genome. The plant miRNA loci potentially encode stem-loop precursors similar to those processed by Dicer (a ribonuclease III) in animals. Mutation of an Arabidopsis Dicer homolog, CARPEL FACTORY, prevents the accumulation of miRNAs, showing that similar mechanisms direct miRNA processing in plants and animals. The previously described roles of CARPEL FACTORY in the development of Arabidopsis embryos, leaves, and floral meristems suggest that the miRNAs could play regulatory roles in the development of plants as well as animals.  (+info)

A microRNA in a multiple-turnover RNAi enzyme complex. (8/12806)

In animals, the double-stranded RNA-specific endonuclease Dicer produces two classes of functionally distinct, tiny RNAs: microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). miRNAs regulate mRNA translation, whereas siRNAs direct RNA destruction via the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway. Here we show that, in human cell extracts, the miRNA let-7 naturally enters the RNAi pathway, which suggests that only the degree of complementarity between a miRNA and its RNA target determines its function. Human let-7 is a component of a previously identified, miRNA-containing ribonucleoprotein particle, which we show is an RNAi enzyme complex. Each let-7-containing complex directs multiple rounds of RNA cleavage, which explains the remarkable efficiency of the RNAi pathway in human cells.  (+info)

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small non-coding RNAs, typically consisting of around 20-24 nucleotides, that play crucial roles in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. They primarily bind to the 3' untranslated region (3' UTR) of target messenger RNAs (mRNAs), leading to mRNA degradation or translational repression. MicroRNAs are involved in various biological processes, including development, differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis, and have been implicated in numerous diseases, such as cancers and neurological disorders. They can be found in various organisms, from plants to animals, and are often conserved across species. MicroRNAs are usually transcribed from DNA sequences located in introns or exons of protein-coding genes or in intergenic regions. After transcription, they undergo a series of processing steps, including cleavage by ribonucleases Drosha and Dicer, to generate mature miRNA molecules capable of binding to their target mRNAs.

Ribonuclease III, also known as RNase III or double-stranded RNA specific endonuclease, is an enzyme that belongs to the endoribonuclease family. This enzyme is responsible for cleaving double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules into smaller fragments of approximately 20-25 base pairs in length. The resulting fragments are called small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), which play a crucial role in the regulation of gene expression through a process known as RNA interference (RNAi).

Ribonuclease III functions by recognizing and binding to specific stem-loop structures within dsRNA molecules, followed by cleaving both strands at precise locations. This enzyme is highly conserved across various species, including bacteria, yeast, plants, and animals, indicating its fundamental role in cellular processes. In addition to its involvement in RNAi, ribonuclease III has been implicated in the maturation of other non-coding RNAs, such as microRNAs (miRNAs) and transfer RNAs (tRNAs).

3' Untranslated Regions (3' UTRs) are segments of messenger RNA (mRNA) that do not code for proteins. They are located after the last exon, which contains the coding sequence for a protein, and before the poly-A tail in eukaryotic mRNAs.

The 3' UTR plays several important roles in regulating gene expression, including:

1. Stability of mRNA: The 3' UTR contains sequences that can bind to proteins that either stabilize or destabilize the mRNA, thereby controlling its half-life and abundance.
2. Localization of mRNA: Some 3' UTRs contain sequences that direct the localization of the mRNA to specific cellular compartments, such as the synapse in neurons.
3. Translation efficiency: The 3' UTR can also contain regulatory elements that affect the translation efficiency of the mRNA into protein. For example, microRNAs (miRNAs) can bind to complementary sequences in the 3' UTR and inhibit translation or promote degradation of the mRNA.
4. Alternative polyadenylation: The 3' UTR can also contain multiple alternative polyadenylation sites, which can lead to different lengths of the 3' UTR and affect gene expression.

Overall, the 3' UTR plays a critical role in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression, and mutations or variations in the 3' UTR can contribute to human diseases.

Gene expression profiling is a laboratory technique used to measure the activity (expression) of thousands of genes at once. This technique allows researchers and clinicians to identify which genes are turned on or off in a particular cell, tissue, or organism under specific conditions, such as during health, disease, development, or in response to various treatments.

The process typically involves isolating RNA from the cells or tissues of interest, converting it into complementary DNA (cDNA), and then using microarray or high-throughput sequencing technologies to determine which genes are expressed and at what levels. The resulting data can be used to identify patterns of gene expression that are associated with specific biological states or processes, providing valuable insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms of diseases and potential targets for therapeutic intervention.

In recent years, gene expression profiling has become an essential tool in various fields, including cancer research, drug discovery, and personalized medicine, where it is used to identify biomarkers of disease, predict patient outcomes, and guide treatment decisions.

RNA Sequence Analysis is a branch of bioinformatics that involves the determination and analysis of the nucleotide sequence of Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) molecules. This process includes identifying and characterizing the individual RNA molecules, determining their functions, and studying their evolutionary relationships.

RNA Sequence Analysis typically involves the use of high-throughput sequencing technologies to generate large datasets of RNA sequences, which are then analyzed using computational methods. The analysis may include comparing the sequences to reference databases to identify known RNA molecules or discovering new ones, identifying patterns and features in the sequences, such as motifs or domains, and predicting the secondary and tertiary structures of the RNA molecules.

RNA Sequence Analysis has many applications in basic research, including understanding gene regulation, identifying novel non-coding RNAs, and studying evolutionary relationships between organisms. It also has practical applications in clinical settings, such as diagnosing and monitoring diseases, developing new therapies, and personalized medicine.

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) in plants refers to the long, single-stranded molecules that are essential for the translation of genetic information from deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) into proteins. RNA is a nucleic acid, like DNA, and it is composed of a ribose sugar backbone with attached nitrogenous bases (adenine, uracil, guanine, and cytosine).

In plants, there are several types of RNA that play specific roles in the gene expression process:

1. Messenger RNA (mRNA): This type of RNA carries genetic information copied from DNA in the form of a sequence of three-base code units called codons. These codons specify the order of amino acids in a protein.
2. Transfer RNA (tRNA): tRNAs are small RNA molecules that serve as adaptors between the mRNA and the amino acids during protein synthesis. Each tRNA has a specific anticodon sequence that base-pairs with a complementary codon on the mRNA, and it carries a specific amino acid that corresponds to that codon.
3. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): rRNAs are structural components of ribosomes, which are large macromolecular complexes where protein synthesis occurs. In plants, there are several types of rRNAs, including the 18S, 5.8S, and 25S/28S rRNAs, that form the core of the ribosome and help catalyze peptide bond formation during protein synthesis.
4. Small nuclear RNA (snRNA): These are small RNA molecules that play a role in RNA processing, such as splicing, where introns (non-coding sequences) are removed from pre-mRNA and exons (coding sequences) are joined together to form mature mRNAs.
5. MicroRNA (miRNA): These are small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression by binding to complementary sequences in target mRNAs, leading to their degradation or translation inhibition.

Overall, these different types of RNAs play crucial roles in various aspects of RNA metabolism, gene regulation, and protein synthesis in plants.

Argonaute proteins are a family of conserved proteins that play a crucial role in the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway, which is a cellular process that regulates gene expression by post-transcriptional silencing of specific mRNAs. In this pathway, Argonaute proteins function as key components of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), where they bind to small non-coding RNAs such as microRNAs (miRNAs) or small interfering RNAs (siRNAs).

The argonaute protein then uses this small RNA guide to recognize and cleave complementary mRNA targets, leading to their degradation or translational repression. Argonaute proteins contain several domains, including the PIWI domain, which possesses endonuclease activity responsible for the cleavage of target mRNAs.

In addition to their role in RNAi, argonaute proteins have also been implicated in other cellular processes, such as DNA damage repair and transposable element silencing. There are eight argonaute proteins in humans (AGO1-4 and AGO6-8), each with distinct functions and expression patterns. Dysregulation of argonaute proteins has been associated with various diseases, including cancer and neurological disorders.

'Gene expression regulation' refers to the processes that control whether, when, and where a particular gene is expressed, meaning the production of a specific protein or functional RNA encoded by that gene. This complex mechanism can be influenced by various factors such as transcription factors, chromatin remodeling, DNA methylation, non-coding RNAs, and post-transcriptional modifications, among others. Proper regulation of gene expression is crucial for normal cellular function, development, and maintaining homeostasis in living organisms. Dysregulation of gene expression can lead to various diseases, including cancer and genetic disorders.

A base sequence in the context of molecular biology refers to the specific order of nucleotides in a DNA or RNA molecule. In DNA, these nucleotides are adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). In RNA, uracil (U) takes the place of thymine. The base sequence contains genetic information that is transcribed into RNA and ultimately translated into proteins. It is the exact order of these bases that determines the genetic code and thus the function of the DNA or RNA molecule.

Neoplastic gene expression regulation refers to the processes that control the production of proteins and other molecules from genes in neoplastic cells, or cells that are part of a tumor or cancer. In a normal cell, gene expression is tightly regulated to ensure that the right genes are turned on or off at the right time. However, in cancer cells, this regulation can be disrupted, leading to the overexpression or underexpression of certain genes.

Neoplastic gene expression regulation can be affected by a variety of factors, including genetic mutations, epigenetic changes, and signals from the tumor microenvironment. These changes can lead to the activation of oncogenes (genes that promote cancer growth and development) or the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes (genes that prevent cancer).

Understanding neoplastic gene expression regulation is important for developing new therapies for cancer, as targeting specific genes or pathways involved in this process can help to inhibit cancer growth and progression.

Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis is a type of microarray analysis that allows for the simultaneous measurement of the expression levels of thousands of genes in a single sample. In this technique, oligonucleotides (short DNA sequences) are attached to a solid support, such as a glass slide, in a specific pattern. These oligonucleotides are designed to be complementary to specific target mRNA sequences from the sample being analyzed.

During the analysis, labeled RNA or cDNA from the sample is hybridized to the oligonucleotide array. The level of hybridization is then measured and used to determine the relative abundance of each target sequence in the sample. This information can be used to identify differences in gene expression between samples, which can help researchers understand the underlying biological processes involved in various diseases or developmental stages.

It's important to note that this technique requires specialized equipment and bioinformatics tools for data analysis, as well as careful experimental design and validation to ensure accurate and reproducible results.

High-throughput nucleotide sequencing, also known as next-generation sequencing (NGS), refers to a group of technologies that allow for the rapid and parallel determination of nucleotide sequences of DNA or RNA molecules. These techniques enable the sequencing of large numbers of DNA or RNA fragments simultaneously, resulting in the generation of vast amounts of sequence data in a single run.

High-throughput sequencing has revolutionized genomics research by allowing for the rapid and cost-effective sequencing of entire genomes, transcriptomes, and epigenomes. It has numerous applications in basic research, including genome assembly, gene expression analysis, variant detection, and methylation profiling, as well as in clinical settings, such as diagnosis of genetic diseases, identification of pathogens, and monitoring of cancer progression and treatment response.

Some common high-throughput sequencing platforms include Illumina (sequencing by synthesis), Ion Torrent (semiconductor sequencing), Pacific Biosciences (single molecule real-time sequencing), and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (nanopore sequencing). Each platform has its strengths and limitations, and the choice of technology depends on the specific research question and experimental design.

The RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) is a multiprotein complex that plays a central role in the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway, which is a post-transcriptional gene regulatory mechanism. The RISC complex mediates sequence-specific mRNA degradation or translational repression through the interaction with small non-coding RNAs called small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or microRNAs (miRNAs).

The siRNAs are double-stranded RNAs that are generated from long, perfectly complementary dsRNA precursors by the enzyme Dicer. Once incorporated into the RISC complex, one strand of the siRNA duplex is removed, and the remaining single-stranded RNA guides the RISC to target mRNAs with complementary sequences. The binding of the RISC-siRNA complex to the target mRNA results in its cleavage or translational repression, leading to gene silencing.

The miRNAs, on the other hand, are single-stranded RNAs that are generated from hairpin precursors by Dicer. Unlike siRNAs, miRNAs typically have imperfect complementarity to their target mRNAs. The RISC-miRNA complex binds to the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of the target mRNA and represses its translation or induces its degradation, depending on the degree of complementarity between the miRNA and the target mRNA.

Overall, the RISC complex is a critical component of the RNAi pathway that plays a crucial role in regulating gene expression at the post-transcriptional level.

Post-transcriptional RNA processing refers to the modifications and regulations that occur on RNA molecules after the transcription of DNA into RNA. This process includes several steps:

1. 5' capping: The addition of a cap structure, usually a methylated guanosine triphosphate (GTP), to the 5' end of the RNA molecule. This helps protect the RNA from degradation and plays a role in its transport, stability, and translation.
2. 3' polyadenylation: The addition of a string of adenosine residues (poly(A) tail) to the 3' end of the RNA molecule. This process is important for mRNA stability, export from the nucleus, and translation initiation.
3. Intron removal and exon ligation: Eukaryotic pre-messenger RNAs (pre-mRNAs) contain intronic sequences that do not code for proteins. These introns are removed by a process called splicing, where the flanking exons are joined together to form a continuous mRNA sequence. Alternative splicing can lead to different mature mRNAs from a single pre-mRNA, increasing transcriptomic and proteomic diversity.
4. RNA editing: Specific nucleotide changes in RNA molecules that alter the coding potential or regulatory functions of RNA. This process is catalyzed by enzymes like ADAR (Adenosine Deaminases Acting on RNA) and APOBEC (Apolipoprotein B mRNA Editing Catalytic Polypeptide-like).
5. Chemical modifications: Various chemical modifications can occur on RNA nucleotides, such as methylation, pseudouridination, and isomerization. These modifications can influence RNA stability, localization, and interaction with proteins or other RNAs.
6. Transport and localization: Mature mRNAs are transported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm for translation. In some cases, specific mRNAs are localized to particular cellular compartments to ensure local protein synthesis.
7. Degradation: RNA molecules have finite lifetimes and undergo degradation by various ribonucleases (RNases). The rate of degradation can be influenced by factors such as RNA structure, modifications, or interactions with proteins.

DEAD-box RNA helicases are a family of proteins that are involved in unwinding RNA secondary structures and displacing proteins bound to RNA molecules. They get their name from the conserved amino acid sequence motif "DEAD" (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) found within their catalytic core, which is responsible for ATP-dependent helicase activity. These enzymes play crucial roles in various aspects of RNA metabolism, including pre-mRNA splicing, ribosome biogenesis, translation initiation, and RNA decay. DEAD-box helicases are also implicated in a number of human diseases, such as cancer and neurological disorders.

Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) is a laboratory technique used in molecular biology to amplify and detect specific DNA sequences in real-time. It is a sensitive and specific method that allows for the quantification of target nucleic acids, such as DNA or RNA, through the use of fluorescent reporter molecules.

The RT-PCR process involves several steps: first, the template DNA is denatured to separate the double-stranded DNA into single strands. Then, primers (short sequences of DNA) specific to the target sequence are added and allowed to anneal to the template DNA. Next, a heat-stable enzyme called Taq polymerase adds nucleotides to the annealed primers, extending them along the template DNA until a new double-stranded DNA molecule is formed.

During each amplification cycle, fluorescent reporter molecules are added that bind specifically to the newly synthesized DNA. As more and more copies of the target sequence are generated, the amount of fluorescence increases in proportion to the number of copies present. This allows for real-time monitoring of the PCR reaction and quantification of the target nucleic acid.

RT-PCR is commonly used in medical diagnostics, research, and forensics to detect and quantify specific DNA or RNA sequences. It has been widely used in the diagnosis of infectious diseases, genetic disorders, and cancer, as well as in the identification of microbial pathogens and the detection of gene expression.

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a type of RNA (ribonucleic acid) that carries genetic information copied from DNA in the form of a series of three-base code "words," each of which specifies a particular amino acid. This information is used by the cell's machinery to construct proteins, a process known as translation. After being transcribed from DNA, mRNA travels out of the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm where protein synthesis occurs. Once the protein has been synthesized, the mRNA may be degraded and recycled. Post-transcriptional modifications can also occur to mRNA, such as alternative splicing and addition of a 5' cap and a poly(A) tail, which can affect its stability, localization, and translation efficiency.

Computational biology is a branch of biology that uses mathematical and computational methods to study biological data, models, and processes. It involves the development and application of algorithms, statistical models, and computational approaches to analyze and interpret large-scale molecular and phenotypic data from genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and other high-throughput technologies. The goal is to gain insights into biological systems and processes, develop predictive models, and inform experimental design and hypothesis testing in the life sciences. Computational biology encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including bioinformatics, systems biology, computational genomics, network biology, and mathematical modeling of biological systems.

RNA interference (RNAi) is a biological process in which RNA molecules inhibit the expression of specific genes. This process is mediated by small RNA molecules, including microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), that bind to complementary sequences on messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules, leading to their degradation or translation inhibition.

RNAi plays a crucial role in regulating gene expression and defending against foreign genetic elements, such as viruses and transposons. It has also emerged as an important tool for studying gene function and developing therapeutic strategies for various diseases, including cancer and viral infections.

A cell line that is derived from tumor cells and has been adapted to grow in culture. These cell lines are often used in research to study the characteristics of cancer cells, including their growth patterns, genetic changes, and responses to various treatments. They can be established from many different types of tumors, such as carcinomas, sarcomas, and leukemias. Once established, these cell lines can be grown and maintained indefinitely in the laboratory, allowing researchers to conduct experiments and studies that would not be feasible using primary tumor cells. It is important to note that tumor cell lines may not always accurately represent the behavior of the original tumor, as they can undergo genetic changes during their time in culture.

Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) is a laboratory technique used in molecular biology to amplify and detect specific DNA sequences. This technique is particularly useful for the detection and quantification of RNA viruses, as well as for the analysis of gene expression.

The process involves two main steps: reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In the first step, reverse transcriptase enzyme is used to convert RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) by reading the template provided by the RNA molecule. This cDNA then serves as a template for the PCR amplification step.

In the second step, the PCR reaction uses two primers that flank the target DNA sequence and a thermostable polymerase enzyme to repeatedly copy the targeted cDNA sequence. The reaction mixture is heated and cooled in cycles, allowing the primers to anneal to the template, and the polymerase to extend the new strand. This results in exponential amplification of the target DNA sequence, making it possible to detect even small amounts of RNA or cDNA.

RT-PCR is a sensitive and specific technique that has many applications in medical research and diagnostics, including the detection of viruses such as HIV, hepatitis C virus, and SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). It can also be used to study gene expression, identify genetic mutations, and diagnose genetic disorders.

Down-regulation is a process that occurs in response to various stimuli, where the number or sensitivity of cell surface receptors or the expression of specific genes is decreased. This process helps maintain homeostasis within cells and tissues by reducing the ability of cells to respond to certain signals or molecules.

In the context of cell surface receptors, down-regulation can occur through several mechanisms:

1. Receptor internalization: After binding to their ligands, receptors can be internalized into the cell through endocytosis. Once inside the cell, these receptors may be degraded or recycled back to the cell surface in smaller numbers.
2. Reduced receptor synthesis: Down-regulation can also occur at the transcriptional level, where the expression of genes encoding for specific receptors is decreased, leading to fewer receptors being produced.
3. Receptor desensitization: Prolonged exposure to a ligand can lead to a decrease in receptor sensitivity or affinity, making it more difficult for the cell to respond to the signal.

In the context of gene expression, down-regulation refers to the decreased transcription and/or stability of specific mRNAs, leading to reduced protein levels. This process can be induced by various factors, including microRNA (miRNA)-mediated regulation, histone modification, or DNA methylation.

Down-regulation is an essential mechanism in many physiological processes and can also contribute to the development of several diseases, such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders.

Exosomes are small membrane-bound vesicles that are released by many types of cells into the extracellular space. They are typically 30 to 150 nanometers in diameter and contain a variety of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, including mRNA, miRNA, and DNA. Exosomes are formed within multivesicular bodies (MVBs), which are membrane-bound compartments inside the cell. When MVBs fuse with the plasma membrane, the exosomes are released into the extracellular space.

Exosomes were originally thought to be a mechanism for cells to dispose of waste products, but it is now clear that they play important roles in intercellular communication and the regulation of various biological processes. They have been implicated in a variety of physiological and pathological processes, including immune function, development, tissue repair, and disease progression.

In medicine, exosomes have attracted interest as potential biomarkers for disease and as therapeutic agents. For example, exosomes derived from stem cells have been shown to promote tissue repair and regeneration in animal models of injury and disease. Additionally, exosomes can be engineered to deliver therapeutic cargo, such as drugs or genetic material, to specific target cells. However, more research is needed to fully understand the biology of exosomes and their potential clinical applications.

The transcriptome refers to the complete set of RNA molecules, including messenger RNA (mRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), and other non-coding RNAs, that are present in a cell or a population of cells at a given point in time. It reflects the genetic activity and provides information about which genes are being actively transcribed and to what extent. The transcriptome can vary under different conditions, such as during development, in response to environmental stimuli, or in various diseases, making it an important area of study in molecular biology and personalized medicine.

Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs) are complex systems of molecular interactions that regulate the expression of genes within an organism. These networks consist of various types of regulatory elements, including transcription factors, enhancers, promoters, and silencers, which work together to control when, where, and to what extent a gene is expressed.

In GRNs, transcription factors bind to specific DNA sequences in the regulatory regions of target genes, either activating or repressing their transcription into messenger RNA (mRNA). This process is influenced by various intracellular and extracellular signals that modulate the activity of transcription factors, allowing for precise regulation of gene expression in response to changing environmental conditions.

The structure and behavior of GRNs can be represented as a network of nodes (genes) and edges (regulatory interactions), with the strength and directionality of these interactions determined by the specific molecular mechanisms involved. Understanding the organization and dynamics of GRNs is crucial for elucidating the underlying causes of various biological processes, including development, differentiation, homeostasis, and disease.

Molecular sequence data refers to the specific arrangement of molecules, most commonly nucleotides in DNA or RNA, or amino acids in proteins, that make up a biological macromolecule. This data is generated through laboratory techniques such as sequencing, and provides information about the exact order of the constituent molecules. This data is crucial in various fields of biology, including genetics, evolution, and molecular biology, allowing for comparisons between different organisms, identification of genetic variations, and studies of gene function and regulation.

Microarray analysis is a laboratory technique used to measure the expression levels of large numbers of genes (or other types of DNA sequences) simultaneously. This technology allows researchers to monitor the expression of thousands of genes in a single experiment, providing valuable information about which genes are turned on or off in response to various stimuli or diseases.

In microarray analysis, samples of RNA from cells or tissues are labeled with fluorescent dyes and then hybridized to a solid surface (such as a glass slide) onto which thousands of known DNA sequences have been spotted in an organized array. The intensity of the fluorescence at each spot on the array is proportional to the amount of RNA that has bound to it, indicating the level of expression of the corresponding gene.

Microarray analysis can be used for a variety of applications, including identifying genes that are differentially expressed between healthy and diseased tissues, studying genetic variations in populations, and monitoring gene expression changes over time or in response to environmental factors. However, it is important to note that microarray data must be analyzed carefully using appropriate statistical methods to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results.

A conserved sequence in the context of molecular biology refers to a pattern of nucleotides (in DNA or RNA) or amino acids (in proteins) that has remained relatively unchanged over evolutionary time. These sequences are often functionally important and are highly conserved across different species, indicating strong selection pressure against changes in these regions.

In the case of protein-coding genes, the corresponding amino acid sequence is deduced from the DNA sequence through the genetic code. Conserved sequences in proteins may indicate structurally or functionally important regions, such as active sites or binding sites, that are critical for the protein's activity. Similarly, conserved non-coding sequences in DNA may represent regulatory elements that control gene expression.

Identifying conserved sequences can be useful for inferring evolutionary relationships between species and for predicting the function of unknown genes or proteins.

Developmental gene expression regulation refers to the processes that control the activation or repression of specific genes during embryonic and fetal development. These regulatory mechanisms ensure that genes are expressed at the right time, in the right cells, and at appropriate levels to guide proper growth, differentiation, and morphogenesis of an organism.

Developmental gene expression regulation is a complex and dynamic process involving various molecular players, such as transcription factors, chromatin modifiers, non-coding RNAs, and signaling molecules. These regulators can interact with cis-regulatory elements, like enhancers and promoters, to fine-tune the spatiotemporal patterns of gene expression during development.

Dysregulation of developmental gene expression can lead to various congenital disorders and developmental abnormalities. Therefore, understanding the principles and mechanisms governing developmental gene expression regulation is crucial for uncovering the etiology of developmental diseases and devising potential therapeutic strategies.

Cell proliferation is the process by which cells increase in number, typically through the process of cell division. In the context of biology and medicine, it refers to the reproduction of cells that makes up living tissue, allowing growth, maintenance, and repair. It involves several stages including the transition from a phase of quiescence (G0 phase) to an active phase (G1 phase), DNA replication in the S phase, and mitosis or M phase, where the cell divides into two daughter cells.

Abnormal or uncontrolled cell proliferation is a characteristic feature of many diseases, including cancer, where deregulated cell cycle control leads to excessive and unregulated growth of cells, forming tumors that can invade surrounding tissues and metastasize to distant sites in the body.

RNA stability refers to the duration that a ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecule remains intact and functional within a cell before it is degraded or broken down into its component nucleotides. Various factors can influence RNA stability, including:

1. Primary sequence: Certain sequences in the RNA molecule may be more susceptible to degradation by ribonucleases (RNases), enzymes that break down RNA.
2. Secondary structure: The formation of stable secondary structures, such as hairpins or stem-loop structures, can protect RNA from degradation.
3. Presence of RNA-binding proteins: Proteins that bind to RNA can either stabilize or destabilize the RNA molecule, depending on the type and location of the protein-RNA interaction.
4. Chemical modifications: Modifications to the RNA nucleotides, such as methylation, can increase RNA stability by preventing degradation.
5. Subcellular localization: The subcellular location of an RNA molecule can affect its stability, with some locations providing more protection from ribonucleases than others.
6. Cellular conditions: Changes in cellular conditions, such as pH or temperature, can also impact RNA stability.

Understanding RNA stability is important for understanding gene regulation and the function of non-coding RNAs, as well as for developing RNA-based therapeutic strategies.

Gene expression regulation in plants refers to the processes that control the production of proteins and RNA from the genes present in the plant's DNA. This regulation is crucial for normal growth, development, and response to environmental stimuli in plants. It can occur at various levels, including transcription (the first step in gene expression, where the DNA sequence is copied into RNA), RNA processing (such as alternative splicing, which generates different mRNA molecules from a single gene), translation (where the information in the mRNA is used to produce a protein), and post-translational modification (where proteins are chemically modified after they have been synthesized).

In plants, gene expression regulation can be influenced by various factors such as hormones, light, temperature, and stress. Plants use complex networks of transcription factors, chromatin remodeling complexes, and small RNAs to regulate gene expression in response to these signals. Understanding the mechanisms of gene expression regulation in plants is important for basic research, as well as for developing crops with improved traits such as increased yield, stress tolerance, and disease resistance.

Cell differentiation is the process by which a less specialized cell, or stem cell, becomes a more specialized cell type with specific functions and structures. This process involves changes in gene expression, which are regulated by various intracellular signaling pathways and transcription factors. Differentiation results in the development of distinct cell types that make up tissues and organs in multicellular organisms. It is a crucial aspect of embryonic development, tissue repair, and maintenance of homeostasis in the body.

Gene silencing is a process by which the expression of a gene is blocked or inhibited, preventing the production of its corresponding protein. This can occur naturally through various mechanisms such as RNA interference (RNAi), where small RNAs bind to and degrade specific mRNAs, or DNA methylation, where methyl groups are added to the DNA molecule, preventing transcription. Gene silencing can also be induced artificially using techniques such as RNAi-based therapies, antisense oligonucleotides, or CRISPR-Cas9 systems, which allow for targeted suppression of gene expression in research and therapeutic applications.

Small interfering RNA (siRNA) is a type of short, double-stranded RNA molecule that plays a role in the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway. The RNAi pathway is a natural cellular process that regulates gene expression by targeting and destroying specific messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules, thereby preventing the translation of those mRNAs into proteins.

SiRNAs are typically 20-25 base pairs in length and are generated from longer double-stranded RNA precursors called hairpin RNAs or dsRNAs by an enzyme called Dicer. Once generated, siRNAs associate with a protein complex called the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), which uses one strand of the siRNA (the guide strand) to recognize and bind to complementary sequences in the target mRNA. The RISC then cleaves the target mRNA, leading to its degradation and the inhibition of protein synthesis.

SiRNAs have emerged as a powerful tool for studying gene function and have shown promise as therapeutic agents for a variety of diseases, including viral infections, cancer, and genetic disorders. However, their use as therapeutics is still in the early stages of development, and there are challenges associated with delivering siRNAs to specific cells and tissues in the body.

Untranslated regions (UTRs) of RNA are the non-coding sequences that are present in mRNA (messenger RNA) molecules, which are located at both the 5' end (5' UTR) and the 3' end (3' UTR) of the mRNA, outside of the coding sequence (CDS). These regions do not get translated into proteins. They contain regulatory elements that play a role in the regulation of gene expression by affecting the stability, localization, and translation efficiency of the mRNA molecule. The 5' UTR typically contains the Shine-Dalgarno sequence in prokaryotes or the Kozak consensus sequence in eukaryotes, which are important for the initiation of translation. The 3' UTR often contains regulatory elements such as AU-rich elements (AREs) and microRNA (miRNA) binding sites that can affect mRNA stability and translation.

RNA (Ribonucleic acid) is a single-stranded molecule that plays a crucial role in the process of gene expression. It acts as a messenger carrying genetic information copied from DNA to the ribosomes, where proteins are synthesized. RNA is also involved in catalyzing chemical reactions and regulating gene expression.

Helminths, on the other hand, refer to parasitic worms that infect humans and animals. They belong to various phyla, including Nematoda (roundworms), Platyhelminthes (flatworms), and Acanthocephala (spiny-headed worms). Helminth infections can cause a range of diseases and conditions, such as intestinal inflammation, anemia, stunted growth, and cognitive impairment.

There is no medical definition for "RNA, Helminth" since RNA is a type of molecule found in all living organisms, including helminths. However, researchers have studied the genetic material of various helminth species to better understand their biology, evolution, and pathogenesis. This includes sequencing and analyzing the RNA transcriptome of these parasites, which can provide insights into their gene expression patterns and help identify potential drug targets for developing new treatments.

Cluster analysis is a statistical method used to group similar objects or data points together based on their characteristics or features. In medical and healthcare research, cluster analysis can be used to identify patterns or relationships within complex datasets, such as patient records or genetic information. This technique can help researchers to classify patients into distinct subgroups based on their symptoms, diagnoses, or other variables, which can inform more personalized treatment plans or public health interventions.

Cluster analysis involves several steps, including:

1. Data preparation: The researcher must first collect and clean the data, ensuring that it is complete and free from errors. This may involve removing outlier values or missing data points.
2. Distance measurement: Next, the researcher must determine how to measure the distance between each pair of data points. Common methods include Euclidean distance (the straight-line distance between two points) or Manhattan distance (the distance between two points along a grid).
3. Clustering algorithm: The researcher then applies a clustering algorithm, which groups similar data points together based on their distances from one another. Common algorithms include hierarchical clustering (which creates a tree-like structure of clusters) or k-means clustering (which assigns each data point to the nearest centroid).
4. Validation: Finally, the researcher must validate the results of the cluster analysis by evaluating the stability and robustness of the clusters. This may involve re-running the analysis with different distance measures or clustering algorithms, or comparing the results to external criteria.

Cluster analysis is a powerful tool for identifying patterns and relationships within complex datasets, but it requires careful consideration of the data preparation, distance measurement, and validation steps to ensure accurate and meaningful results.

Neoplasms are abnormal growths of cells or tissues in the body that serve no physiological function. They can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Benign neoplasms are typically slow growing and do not spread to other parts of the body, while malignant neoplasms are aggressive, invasive, and can metastasize to distant sites.

Neoplasms occur when there is a dysregulation in the normal process of cell division and differentiation, leading to uncontrolled growth and accumulation of cells. This can result from genetic mutations or other factors such as viral infections, environmental exposures, or hormonal imbalances.

Neoplasms can develop in any organ or tissue of the body and can cause various symptoms depending on their size, location, and type. Treatment options for neoplasms include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy, among others.

Small untranslated region (UTR) of RNA refers to the non-coding sequences located at the 5' end (5' UTR) or 3' end (3' UTR) of an mRNA molecule that do not contain information for protein synthesis. These regions play a role in the regulation of translation, stability, and localization of the mRNA. The small untranslated regions are so named because they are typically shorter in length compared to other regulatory elements found within the mRNA.

RNA precursors, also known as primary transcripts or pre-messenger RNAs (pre-mRNAs), refer to the initial RNA molecules that are synthesized during the transcription process in which DNA is copied into RNA. These precursor molecules still contain non-coding sequences and introns, which need to be removed through a process called splicing, before they can become mature and functional RNAs such as messenger RNAs (mRNAs), ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), or transfer RNAs (tRNAs).

Pre-mRNAs undergo several processing steps, including 5' capping, 3' polyadenylation, and splicing, to generate mature mRNA molecules that can be translated into proteins. The accurate and efficient production of RNA precursors and their subsequent processing are crucial for gene expression and regulation in cells.

Nucleic acid conformation refers to the three-dimensional structure that nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) adopt as a result of the bonding patterns between the atoms within the molecule. The primary structure of nucleic acids is determined by the sequence of nucleotides, while the conformation is influenced by factors such as the sugar-phosphate backbone, base stacking, and hydrogen bonding.

Two common conformations of DNA are the B-form and the A-form. The B-form is a right-handed helix with a diameter of about 20 Å and a pitch of 34 Å, while the A-form has a smaller diameter (about 18 Å) and a shorter pitch (about 25 Å). RNA typically adopts an A-form conformation.

The conformation of nucleic acids can have significant implications for their function, as it can affect their ability to interact with other molecules such as proteins or drugs. Understanding the conformational properties of nucleic acids is therefore an important area of research in molecular biology and medicine.

A nucleic acid database is a type of biological database that contains sequence, structure, and functional information about nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA. These databases are used in various fields of biology, including genomics, molecular biology, and bioinformatics, to store, search, and analyze nucleic acid data.

Some common types of nucleic acid databases include:

1. Nucleotide sequence databases: These databases contain the primary nucleotide sequences of DNA and RNA molecules from various organisms. Examples include GenBank, EMBL-Bank, and DDBJ.
2. Structure databases: These databases contain three-dimensional structures of nucleic acids determined by experimental methods such as X-ray crystallography or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Examples include the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and the Nucleic Acid Database (NDB).
3. Functional databases: These databases contain information about the functions of nucleic acids, such as their roles in gene regulation, transcription, and translation. Examples include the Gene Ontology (GO) database and the RegulonDB.
4. Genome databases: These databases contain genomic data for various organisms, including whole-genome sequences, gene annotations, and genetic variations. Examples include the Human Genome Database (HGD) and the Ensembl Genome Browser.
5. Comparative databases: These databases allow for the comparison of nucleic acid sequences or structures across different species or conditions. Examples include the Comparative RNA Web (CRW) Site and the Sequence Alignment and Modeling (SAM) system.

Nucleic acid databases are essential resources for researchers to study the structure, function, and evolution of nucleic acids, as well as to develop new tools and methods for analyzing and interpreting nucleic acid data.

Signal transduction is the process by which a cell converts an extracellular signal, such as a hormone or neurotransmitter, into an intracellular response. This involves a series of molecular events that transmit the signal from the cell surface to the interior of the cell, ultimately resulting in changes in gene expression, protein activity, or metabolism.

The process typically begins with the binding of the extracellular signal to a receptor located on the cell membrane. This binding event activates the receptor, which then triggers a cascade of intracellular signaling molecules, such as second messengers, protein kinases, and ion channels. These molecules amplify and propagate the signal, ultimately leading to the activation or inhibition of specific cellular responses.

Signal transduction pathways are highly regulated and can be modulated by various factors, including other signaling molecules, post-translational modifications, and feedback mechanisms. Dysregulation of these pathways has been implicated in a variety of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and neurological disorders.

Up-regulation is a term used in molecular biology and medicine to describe an increase in the expression or activity of a gene, protein, or receptor in response to a stimulus. This can occur through various mechanisms such as increased transcription, translation, or reduced degradation of the molecule. Up-regulation can have important functional consequences, for example, enhancing the sensitivity or response of a cell to a hormone, neurotransmitter, or drug. It is a normal physiological process that can also be induced by disease or pharmacological interventions.

A cell line is a culture of cells that are grown in a laboratory for use in research. These cells are usually taken from a single cell or group of cells, and they are able to divide and grow continuously in the lab. Cell lines can come from many different sources, including animals, plants, and humans. They are often used in scientific research to study cellular processes, disease mechanisms, and to test new drugs or treatments. Some common types of human cell lines include HeLa cells (which come from a cancer patient named Henrietta Lacks), HEK293 cells (which come from embryonic kidney cells), and HUVEC cells (which come from umbilical vein endothelial cells). It is important to note that cell lines are not the same as primary cells, which are cells that are taken directly from a living organism and have not been grown in the lab.

Tumor markers are substances that can be found in the body and their presence can indicate the presence of certain types of cancer or other conditions. Biological tumor markers refer to those substances that are produced by cancer cells or by other cells in response to cancer or certain benign (non-cancerous) conditions. These markers can be found in various bodily fluids such as blood, urine, or tissue samples.

Examples of biological tumor markers include:

1. Proteins: Some tumor markers are proteins that are produced by cancer cells or by other cells in response to the presence of cancer. For example, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by normal prostate cells and in higher amounts by prostate cancer cells.
2. Genetic material: Tumor markers can also include genetic material such as DNA, RNA, or microRNA that are shed by cancer cells into bodily fluids. For example, circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is genetic material from cancer cells that can be found in the bloodstream.
3. Metabolites: Tumor markers can also include metabolic products produced by cancer cells or by other cells in response to cancer. For example, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is an enzyme that is released into the bloodstream when cancer cells break down glucose for energy.

It's important to note that tumor markers are not specific to cancer and can be elevated in non-cancerous conditions as well. Therefore, they should not be used alone to diagnose cancer but rather as a tool in conjunction with other diagnostic tests and clinical evaluations.

RNA (Ribonucleic acid) is a single-stranded molecule similar in structure to DNA, involved in the process of protein synthesis in the cell. It acts as a messenger carrying genetic information from DNA to the ribosomes, where proteins are produced.

A neoplasm, on the other hand, is an abnormal growth of cells, which can be benign or malignant. Benign neoplasms are not cancerous and do not invade nearby tissues or spread to other parts of the body. Malignant neoplasms, however, are cancerous and have the potential to invade surrounding tissues and spread to distant sites in the body through a process called metastasis.

Therefore, an 'RNA neoplasm' is not a recognized medical term as RNA is not a type of growth or tumor. However, there are certain types of cancer-causing viruses known as oncoviruses that contain RNA as their genetic material and can cause neoplasms. For example, human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV-1) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are RNA viruses that can cause certain types of cancer in humans.

Embryonic stem cells are a type of pluripotent stem cell that are derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, which is a very early-stage embryo. These cells have the ability to differentiate into any cell type in the body, making them a promising area of research for regenerative medicine and the study of human development and disease. Embryonic stem cells are typically obtained from surplus embryos created during in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures, with the consent of the donors. The use of embryonic stem cells is a controversial issue due to ethical concerns surrounding the destruction of human embryos.

HEK293 cells, also known as human embryonic kidney 293 cells, are a line of cells used in scientific research. They were originally derived from human embryonic kidney cells and have been adapted to grow in a lab setting. HEK293 cells are widely used in molecular biology and biochemistry because they can be easily transfected (a process by which DNA is introduced into cells) and highly express foreign genes. As a result, they are often used to produce proteins for structural and functional studies. It's important to note that while HEK293 cells are derived from human tissue, they have been grown in the lab for many generations and do not retain the characteristics of the original embryonic kidney cells.

Molecular sequence annotation is the process of identifying and describing the characteristics, functional elements, and relevant information of a DNA, RNA, or protein sequence at the molecular level. This process involves marking the location and function of various features such as genes, regulatory regions, coding and non-coding sequences, intron-exon boundaries, promoters, introns, untranslated regions (UTRs), binding sites for proteins or other molecules, and post-translational modifications in a given molecular sequence.

The annotation can be manual, where experts curate and analyze the data to predict features based on biological knowledge and experimental evidence. Alternatively, computational methods using various bioinformatics tools and algorithms can be employed for automated annotation. These tools often rely on comparative analysis, pattern recognition, and machine learning techniques to identify conserved sequence patterns, motifs, or domains that are associated with specific functions.

The annotated molecular sequences serve as valuable resources in genomic and proteomic studies, contributing to the understanding of gene function, evolutionary relationships, disease associations, and biotechnological applications.

"Adipocyte differentiation of human bone marrow-derived stromal cells is modulated by microRNA-155, microRNA-221, and microRNA- ... MicroRNAs have the potential to be used as tools or targets for treatment of different cancers. The specific microRNA, miR-506 ... New microRNAs are created in multiple ways. Novel microRNAs can originate from the random formation of hairpins in "non-coding ... Unlike plant microRNAs, the animal microRNAs target diverse genes. However, genes involved in functions common to all cells, ...
... is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MIR210 gene. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non-coding RNAs ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 210". Retrieved 2018-06-08. Greither T, Grochola LF, Udelnow A, Lautenschläger C, Würl P, Taubert H ( ... Chan SY, Zhang YY, Hemann C, Mahoney CE, Zweier JL, Loscalzo J (October 2009). "MicroRNA-210 controls mitochondrial metabolism ... The RefSeq represents the predicted microRNA stem-loop. [provided by RefSeq, Sep 2009]. GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ...
... is a miRNA that in humans is encoded by the MIR148A gene. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non-coding RNAs ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 148a". Retrieved 2017-09-08. Fujita Y, Kojima K, Ohhashi R, Hamada N, Nozawa Y, Kitamoto A, Sato A, Kondo ... Giraud-Triboult K, Rochon-Beaucourt C, Nissan X, Champon B, Aubert S, Piétu G (2011). "Combined mRNA and microRNA profiling ... Pavicic W, Perkiö E, Kaur S, Peltomäki P (2011). "Altered methylation at microRNA-associated CpG islands in hereditary and ...
... is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MIR5680 gene. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non-coding ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 5680". Retrieved 2016-05-09. This article incorporates text from the United States National Library of ... The RefSeq represents the predicted microRNA stem-loop. GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000266756 - Ensembl, May 2017 "Human ...
... is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MIR196B gene. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non-coding ... "The role of microRNA-196a and microRNA-196b as ERG regulators in acute myeloid leukemia and acute T-lymphoblastic leukemia". ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 196b". Retrieved 2017-12-20. Tay Y, Peter S, Rigoutsos I, Barahona P, Ahmed S, Dröge P (2009). "Insights ... The RefSeq represents the predicted microRNA stem-loop. [provided by RefSeq, Sep 2009]. GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ...
... is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MIR4727 gene. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non-coding ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 4727". Retrieved 2017-10-30. This article incorporates text from the United States National Library of ... The RefSeq represents the predicted microRNA stem-loop. [provided by RefSeq, Sep 2009]. GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ...
... is a microRNA that in humans is encoded by the MIR425 gene. "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 425". Retrieved 2018-10-11. ... Liang D, Meyer L, Chang DW, Lin J, Pu X, Ye Y, Gu J, Wu X, Lu K (December 2010). "Genetic variants in MicroRNA biosynthesis ... Ma J, Liu J, Wang Z, Gu X, Fan Y, Zhang W, Xu L, Zhang J, Cai D (February 2014). "NF-kappaB-dependent microRNA-425 upregulation ... Zhang Y, Hu X, Miao X, Zhu K, Cui S, Meng Q, Sun J, Wang T (February 2016). "MicroRNA-425-5p regulates chemoresistance in ...
... is a micro RNA that in humans is encoded by the MIR4521 gene. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non-coding ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 4521". Retrieved 2016-03-08. Xing S, Tian Z, Zheng W, Yang W, Du N, Gu Y, et al. (January 2021). "Hypoxia ... The RefSeq represents the predicted microRNA stem-loop. miR-4521 has been shown to have decreased expression in various cancers ...
... is a small RNA that in humans is encoded by the preMIR203A gene. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non- ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 203a". Retrieved 2017-07-03. Sonkoly E, Wei T, Janson PC, Sääf A, Lundeberg L, Tengvall-Linder M, ... Wei T, Orfanidis K, Xu N, Janson P, Ståhle M, Pivarcsi A, Sonkoly E (2010). "The expression of microRNA-203 during human skin ... Ikenaga N, Ohuchida K, Mizumoto K, Yu J, Kayashima T, Sakai H, Fujita H, Nakata K, Tanaka M (2010). "MicroRNA-203 expression as ...
... is a non-coding RNA that in humans is encoded by the MIR499A gene. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non- ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 499a". Retrieved 2017-06-02. Xu J, Hu Z, Xu Z, Gu H, Yi L, Cao H, Chen J, Tian T, Liang J, Lin Y, Qiu W, ... Wang M, Ye Y, Qian H, Song Z, Jia X, Zhang Z, Zhou J, Ni C (2010). "Common genetic variants in pre-microRNAs are associated ... Liu Z, Li G, Wei S, Niu J, El-Naggar AK, Sturgis EM, Wei Q (2010). "Genetic variants in selected pre-microRNA genes and the ...
... is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MIR6850 gene. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non-coding ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 6850". Retrieved 2017-07-03. This article incorporates text from the United States National Library of ... The RefSeq represents the predicted microRNA stem-loop. GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000283764 - Ensembl, May 2017 "Human ...
... is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MIR5008 gene. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non-coding ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 5008". Retrieved 2016-02-25. This article incorporates text from the United States National Library of ... The RefSeq represents the predicted microRNA stem-loop. GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000264483 - Ensembl, May 2017 "Human ...
"Relation between microRNA expression and progression and prognosis of gastric cancer: a microRNA expression analysis". The ... MicroRNA sequencing (miRNA-seq), a type of RNA-Seq, is the use of next-generation sequencing or massively parallel high- ... MicroRNA sequencing (miRNA-seq) was developed to take advantage of next-generation sequencing or massively parallel high- ... Next-Generation MicroRNA Expression Profiling Technology. pp. 19-31. doi:10.1007/978-1-61779-427-8_2. ISBN 978-1-61779-426-1. ...
MicroRNA Parrish JZ, Xu P, Kim CC, Jan LY, Jan YN (2009). "The microRNA bantam functions in epithelial cells to regulate ... MicroRNAs function to regulate the expression levels of other genes by several mechanisms. In Drosophila, bantam microRNA works ... Page for bantam microRNA precursor family at Rfam (MicroRNA). ... In molecular biology bantam microRNA is a short RNA molecule. ... Yang Y, Xu S, Xia L, Wang J, Wen S, Jin P, Chen D (2009). Orr H (ed.). "The bantam microRNA is associated with drosophila ...
... is a non coding RNA that in humans is encoded by the MIR375 gene. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non- ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 375". Retrieved 2018-04-16. Liu AM, Poon RT, Luk JM (April 2010). "MicroRNA-375 targets Hippo-signaling ... Mazar J, DeBlasio D, Govindarajan SS, Zhang S, Perera RJ (August 2011). "Epigenetic regulation of microRNA-375 and its role in ... Li X, Lin R, Li J (October 2011). "Epigenetic silencing of microRNA-375 regulates PDK1 expression in esophageal cancer". Dig. ...
... is a functional RNA and a microRNA that in humans is encoded by the MIR93 gene. The primary transcript is cleaved ... Fang L, Deng Z, Shatseva T, Yang J, Peng C, Du WW, Yee AJ, Ang LC, He C, Shan SW, Yang BB (February 2011). "MicroRNA miR-93 ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 93". Retrieved 2018-10-24. RefSeq, Sep 2009 Petrocca F, Visone R, Onelli MR, Shah MH, Nicoloso MS, de ... Li Y, Tan W, Neo TW, Aung MO, Wasser S, Lim SG, Tan TM (July 2009). "Role of the miR-106b-25 microRNA cluster in hepatocellular ...
... is a microRNA that in humans is encoded by the MIR517C gene. GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000207838 - ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 517c". Retrieved 2018-09-26. Li M, Lee KF, Lu Y, Clarke I, Shih D, Eberhart C, Collins VP, Van Meter T, ... "Frequent amplification of a chr19q13.41 microRNA polycistron in aggressive primitive neuroectodermal brain tumors". Cancer Cell ...
... is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MIR495 gene. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non-coding RNAs ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 495". Retrieved 2018-01-07. Hwang-Verslues WW, Chang PH, Wei PC, Yang CY, Huang CK, Kuo WH, Shew JY, ... Chen SM, Chen HC, Chen SJ, Huang CY, Chen PY, Wu TW, Feng LY, Tsai HC, Lui TN, Hsueh C, Wei KC (2013). "MicroRNA-495 inhibits ... Lee S, Yoon DS, Paik S, Lee KM, Jang Y, Lee JW (2014). "microRNA-495 inhibits chondrogenic differentiation in human mesenchymal ...
... is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MIR548V gene. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non-coding ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 548v". Retrieved 2017-10-05. This article incorporates text from the United States National Library of ... The RefSeq represents the predicted microRNA stem-loop. GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000265520 - Ensembl, May 2017 "Human ...
... is a functional RNA that in humans is encoded by the MIR486-1 gene. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non- ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 486-1". Retrieved 2016-05-30. This article incorporates text from the United States National Library of ... The RefSeq represents the predicted microRNA stem-loop. GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000274705 - Ensembl, May 2017 "Human ...
MicroRNAs function to regulate the expression levels of other genes by several mechanisms. mir-221 is an oncogenic microRNA. It ... MicroRNA Pang, Y; Young, CY; Yuan, H (15 June 2010). "MicroRNAs and prostate cancer". Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica. 42 ... Sun T, Wang Q, Balk S, Brown M, Lee GS, Kantoff P (2009). "The role of microRNA-221 and microRNA-222 in androgen-independent ... Cardinali B, Castellani L, Fasanaro P, Basso A, Alemà S, Martelli F, Falcone G (2009). Ng IO (ed.). "Microrna-221 and microrna- ...
... is a MicroRNA that in humans is encoded by the MIR196A2 gene, and is part of the Mir-196 microRNA precursor ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 196a-2". Park YS, Jeon YJ, Lee BE, Kim TG, Choi JU, Kim DS, Kim NK (July 2012). "Association of the miR- ... microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non-coding RNAs that are involved in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression ... Ye Y, Wang KK, Gu J, Yang H, Lin J, Ajani JA, Wu X (November 2008). "Genetic variations in microRNA-related genes are novel ...
In molecular biology mir-451 microRNA is a short RNA molecule. MicroRNAs function to regulate the expression levels of other ... Page for mir-451 microRNA precursor family at Rfam "MicroRNA MIR451 family (MIR451) Gene group". HUGO Gene Nomenclature ... "MicroRNA-338-3p and microRNA-451 contribute to the formation of basolateral polarity in epithelial cells". Nucleic Acids Res. ... Zhu H, Wu H, Liu X, Evans BR, Medina DJ, Liu CG, Yang JM (2008). "Role of MicroRNA miR-27a and miR-451 in the regulation of ...
... is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MIR320B2 gene. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non-coding ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 320b-2". Retrieved 2017-02-22. v t e This article incorporates text from the United States National ... The RefSeq represents the predicted microRNA stem-loop. "Human PubMed Reference:". National Center for Biotechnology ...
... is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MIR548F4 gene. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non-coding ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 548f-4". Retrieved 2017-11-13. This article incorporates text from the United States National Library of ... The RefSeq represents the predicted microRNA stem-loop. [provided by RefSeq, Sep 2009]. GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ...
... is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MIR138-1 gene. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non-coding ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 138-1". Retrieved 2016-11-17. Liu X, Jiang L, Wang A, Yu J, Shi F, Zhou X (2009). "MicroRNA-138 ... Wang Y, Huang JW, Li M, Cavenee WK, Mitchell PS, Zhou X, Tewari M, Furnari FB, Taniguchi T (2011). "MicroRNA-138 modulates DNA ... Eskildsen T, Taipaleenmäki H, Stenvang J, Abdallah BM, Ditzel N, Nossent AY, Bak M, Kauppinen S, Kassem M (2011). "MicroRNA-138 ...
In molecular biology mir-210 microRNA is a short RNA molecule. MicroRNAs function to regulate the expression levels of other ... Page for mir-210 microRNA precursor family at Rfam (MicroRNA, Non-coding RNA). ... "Suppression of hepatitis B virus replication by microRNA-199a-3p and microRNA-210". Antiviral Research. 88 (2): 169-175. doi: ... MicroRNA Huang X, Le QT, Giaccia AJ (May 2010). "MiR-210-micromanager of the hypoxia pathway". Trends in Molecular Medicine. 16 ...
... precursor is a small non-coding RNA that regulates gene expression. microRNAs are transcribed as ~80 nucleotide ... Page for the mir-96 microRNA precursor family at Rfam miRBase page for the mir-96 microRNA precursor family HGNC page for the ... mir-96 microRNA precursor family OMIM page for the mir-96 microRNA precursor family ENTREZ page for the mir-96 microRNA ... 2010). "VAMP8/endobrevin is overexpressed in hyperreactive human platelets: suggested role for platelet microRNA". J. Thromb. ...
miRBase family page for lsy-6 Page for lsy-6 microRNA family at Rfam (Rfam pages needing a picture, MicroRNA, Non-coding RNA). ... MicroRNA Johnston RJ, Hobert O (December 2003). "A microRNA controlling left/right neuronal asymmetry in Caenorhabditis elegans ... lsy-6 microRNA belongs to the class of miRNAs; these function to regulate the expression levels of other genes by several ... Chang S, Johnston RJ, Frøkjaer-Jensen C, Lockery S, Hobert O (August 2004). "MicroRNAs act sequentially and asymmetrically to ...
... is a non-protein-coding gene product that in humans is encoded by the MIR7-2 gene. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short ( ... "Entrez Gene: MicroRNA 7-2". Retrieved 2016-09-18. Correa-Medina M, Bravo-Egana V, Rosero S, Ricordi C, Edlund H, Diez J, ... The RefSeq represents the predicted microRNA stem-loop. GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000207703 - Ensembl, May 2017 "Human ... Pastori RL (2009). "MicroRNA miR-7 is preferentially expressed in endocrine cells of the developing and adult human pancreas". ...
"Adipocyte differentiation of human bone marrow-derived stromal cells is modulated by microRNA-155, microRNA-221, and microRNA- ... MicroRNAs have the potential to be used as tools or targets for treatment of different cancers. The specific microRNA, miR-506 ... New microRNAs are created in multiple ways. Novel microRNAs can originate from the random formation of hairpins in "non-coding ... Unlike plant microRNAs, the animal microRNAs target diverse genes. However, genes involved in functions common to all cells, ...
Milton, J. MicroRNAs mediate an early birth. Nature (2010). ...
MicroRNAs are tiny ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules (~22 nucleotides long) that recently have been found to play important ... The Plant Cell shows that fundamental developmental processes controlled by the plant hormone auxin are regulated by microRNAs ... The mRNA levels in a cell are fine tuned by different mechanisms, one of which is driven by microRNA molecules. MicroRNAs are ~ ... These reports provide significant new information on microRNA-mediated regulation of plant development and show that microRNAs ...
MicroRNAs are noncoding RNAs that have been proposed to regulate gene expression and degradation at the posttranscriptional ... This review covers some of the most striking microRNA functions involved in morphine tolerance and presents limitations on our ... Dicer, also known as endoribonuclease Dicer, can cleave pre-microRNA into microRNA. Serpin peptidase inhibitor clade-1 ( ... The Emerging Perspective of Morphine Tolerance: MicroRNAs. Teng J. Zhang. ,1Yong Qiu. ,1and Zhen Hua. 1 ...
... Eur Heart J. 2014 Aug 14;35(31):2106-14. doi: 10.1093/ ... The aim of this study was to assess levels of circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) as possible novel biomarkers in patients with UAP ... Keywords: Acute myocardial infarction; Circulating microRNA; Diagnosis; Myocardial infarction; Unstable angina pectoris. ...
MicroRNA-mediated regulation of KRAS in cancer While microRNAs (miRNAs) and the KRAS oncogene are known to be dysregulated in ... MicroRNA-binding site polymorphisms in hematological malignancies Dysregulation of microRNA networks has been implicated in ... Roles of microRNAs and other noncoding RNAs in cancer. * piRNA involvement in genome stability and human cancer PIWI- ... Role of microRNA in chronic lymphocytic leukemia onset and progression B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most ...
MIR18B microRNA 18b [Homo sapiens] MIR18B microRNA 18b [Homo sapiens]. Gene ID:574033 ... microRNA 18bprovided by HGNC. Primary source. HGNC:HGNC:32025 See related. Ensembl:ENSG00000283931 miRBase:MI0001518; ... The RefSeq represents the predicted microRNA stem-loop. [provided by RefSeq, Sep 2009]. NEW Try the new Gene table Try the new ... microRNAs (miRNAs) are short (20-24 nt) non-coding RNAs that are involved in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression ...
Researchers have identified hundreds of new and known microRNAs in the domestic dog genome, a finding that could contribute to ... "We are now looking at additional data for dog and a variety of farm animals," Penso-Dolfin said, "combining microRNA discovery ... NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) - A team from the UK, the US, and Sweden has expanded the collection of microRNAs previously documented in ... and the contribution of microRNAs to pathological conditions," first author Luca Penso-Dolfin, a vertebrate and health genomics ...
... and Chlamydomonas microRNAs:. Figure 1 from Iwakawa & Tomari 2017. a, In land plants, microRNA targets are silenced by ... which is extensively complementary to the cognate microRNA. b, In metazoans, microRNAs promote translational repression as well ... a paper about microRNAs, and I said I hadnt read it. She responded, "Yes you have; you blogged about it!" The other day we ... MicroRNAs in Chlamydomonas. One of the biggest changes in evolutionary theory in the late 20th century was the growing ...
Post-transcriptional regulation in multicellular organisms is mediated by microRNAs. However, the principles that determine if ... Post-transcriptional regulation in multicellular organisms is mediated by microRNAs. However, the principles that determine if ... Inferring microRNA regulation: A proteome perspective. Dan Ofer† Michal Linial*†. *Department of Biological Chemistry, ... MicroRNAs (miRNAs) post-transcriptionally regulate genes across all animals and plants. miRNAs are a class of short (∼22 ...
Proctor2017- Role of microRNAs in osteoarthritis (Positive Feedforward Incoherent By MicroRNA). This model is described in the ... SEDML L1V2 Role of microRNAs in osteoarthritis (Positive Feedforward Incoherent By MicroRNA). 1.01 KB. Preview , Download. ... COPASI version 4.24 (Build 197) Role of microRNAs in osteoarthritis (Positive Feedforward Incoherent By MicroRNA). 52.33 KB. ... Proctor2017- Role of microRNAs in osteoarthritis (Positive Feedforward Incoherent By MicroRNA)_1. ...
CHICAGO: MicroRNA (miRNA) can be used as a biomarker to predict which patients are likely to face breast cancer recurrence and ... MicroRNAs (miRNAs) can be used as a biomarker to predict which patients are likely to face breast cancer recurrence and ... When used as a biomarker, microRNA can help predict which breast cancer patients are more likely to see their cancer come back ... When used as a biomarker, microRNA can help predict which breast cancer patients are more likely to see their cancer come back ...
Over the past several years it has become clear that alterations in the expression of microRNA (miRNA) genes contribute to the ... Causes and consequences of microRNA dysregulation in cancer Nat Rev Genet. 2009 Oct;10(10):704-14. doi: 10.1038/nrg2634. ... Over the past several years it has become clear that alterations in the expression of microRNA (miRNA) genes contribute to the ...
SNPedia microRNA project a snp which influences esophageal ... Retrieved from "" ...
Exiqon this week launched Stem Cell Focus microRNA PCR panels for embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cell research. ... The assays can detect as few as five copies of microRNAs, and can detect microRNAs with high A-T sequence content due to the ... Exiqon this week launched Stem Cell Focus microRNA PCR panels for embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cell research. ... Product Watch: Exiqons microRNA qPCR Panels for Stem Cells Apr 20, 2012 ...
This journal publishes research on drug clinical trial studies and thematic issues on all aspects of microRNA (miRNA) research. ...
Strategies for profiling microRNA expression.J Cell Physiol 2009. *29. Hutvágner. G. Mclachlan. J. Pasquinelli. A. E. Bálint. E ... MicroRNA-200a suppresses the Wnt/ß-catenin signaling pathway by interacting with ß-catenin.Int J Oncol 2012. 40. 4. 1162. 70. ... 8. MicroRNAs in invasion and metastasis in lung cancer Lung cancer is the leading cause of death among the malignant tumors ... Effect of microRNA-206 on cytoskeleton remodelling by downregulating Cdc42 in MDA-MB-231 cells.Tumori 2010. 96. 5. 751. 5. ...
MicroRNA-34 (miR-34) has been reported to be dysregulated in various human cancers and regarded as a tumor suppressive microRNA ... The micro RNA (miR)-34 family is composed of 5p and 3p strands of miR-34a, miR-34b, and miR-34c. The 5p strands expression and ... Micro RNA-34a-5p (miR-34a-5p) is an important molecule that can act as a modulator of tumor growth. It controls expression of a ... MicroRNA-34a (miR-34a), a tumor suppressor, has been reported to be dysregulated in various human cancers. MiR-34a is involves ...
Roles for Developmentally Regulated microRNAs in Neonatal Immunity. Principal Investigator: Brian Rudd. Department of ... Since microRNAs (miRNAs) are developmentally regulated and required for CD8+ T cell function, we hypothesized that defective ...
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are potent effectors in gene regulatory networks where aberrant miRNA expression can contribute to human ... Although microRNAs (miRNAs) are physically small, they have been shown to play an important role in gene regulation [1]. ... J. Wang, M. Lu, C. Qiu, and Q. Cui, "TransmiR: a transcription factor microRNA regulation database," Nucleic Acids Research, ... A Systems Biology Approach to Study MicroRNA-Mediated Gene Regulatory Networks. Xin Lai. ,1,2Animesh Bhattacharya. ,3Ulf ...
Identification and characterization of neuroprotective and neurorestorative microRNAs and compounds stimulating microRNA ... For example, we have shown that microRNA biogenesis pathways play a crucial role in dopamine neuron maintenance and its ...
Recent advances in surface plasmon resonance biosensors for microRNAs detection. Download Prime PubMed App to iPhone, iPad, or ... Recent advances in surface plasmon resonance biosensors for microRNAs detection.. Biosens Bioelectron. 2020 Dec 01; 169:112599. ... Recent Advances in Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensors for microRNAs Detection. Biosens Bioelectron. 2020 Dec 1;169:112599. ... A novel surface plasmon resonance biosensor for enzyme-free and highly sensitive detection of microRNA based on multi component ...
View mouse Mir20a Chr14:115281589-115281695 with: sequences, polymorphisms, references, function, expression
MicroRNA-mediated conversion of human fibroblasts to neurons. Nature. 2011 Aug 11;476(7359):228-31. PubMed. ... In this article, Yoo and colleagues present the interesting finding that microRNAs (-9* and -124) have some neurogenic effects ... Yoo and colleagues study highlights microRNAs as potentially important factors that might help in deriving specific neuronal ... Together with NeuroD2, Ascl1, and Myt1l, microRNAs (-9* and -124) convert human fibroblasts into functional neurons. In ...
J:105741 Griffiths-Jones S, et al., miRBase: microRNA sequences, targets and gene nomenclature. Nucleic Acids Res. 2006 Jan 1; ...
MicroRNA signatures were shown to differ between patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and may be able to aid in ... Early PsA Diagnosis: Can Circulating MicroRNA Patterns Help?. -MicroRNA signatures were shown to differ between patients with ... MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that have a role in regulating gene expression; they have been found to be ... Identification of circulating microRNA patterns in patients in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2023; ...
MicroRNA sponges: competitive inhibitors of small RNAs in mammalian cells. Nat Methods. 2007;4(9):721-726.. View this article ... Reprogramming of the microRNA transcriptome mediates resistance to rapamycin. J Biol Chem. 2013;288(9):6034-6044.. View this ... The endothelial-specific microRNA miR-126 governs vascular integrity and angiogenesis. Dev Cell. 2008;15(2):261-271.. View this ... Engineering microRNA responsiveness to decrease virus pathogenicity. Nat Med. 2008;14(11):1278-1283.. View this article via: ...
Recently, microRNAs (miRNAs) have been linked to neurodegeneration; however, it is not clear whether miRNA dysregulation ... Dysregulation of microRNA-219 promotes neurodegeneration through post-transcriptional regulation of tau. ... Dysregulation of microRNA-219 promotes neurodegeneration through post-transcriptional regulation of tau. ...
Corrections for false discovery and microRNA abundance had minimal impact on this discrepancy. Further investigation is ... Dysregulated microRNA (miRNA) expression is a well-established feature of human cancer. However, the role of specific miRNAs in ... MicroRNAs Is the Subject Area "MicroRNAs" applicable to this article? Yes. No. ...
Os microRNAs (miRNAs), presentes no tecido adiposo e nas VEs circulantes, são capazes de regular a expressão gênica. Esse ... MicroRNAs (miRNAs), present in adipose tissue and circulating EVs, are able to regulate gene expression. This study aimed to ... Canine obesity and inflammation: a study of microRNAs involved in the expression of macrophages in adipose tissue ... Obesidade canina e inflamação: estudo dos microRNAs envolvidos com a expressão de macrófagos no tecido adiposo ...

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