Syndromes in which there is a deficiency or defect in the mechanisms of immunity, either cellular or humoral.
A characteristic symptom complex.
An acquired defect of cellular immunity associated with infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), a CD4-positive T-lymphocyte count under 200 cells/microliter or less than 14% of total lymphocytes, and increased susceptibility to opportunistic infections and malignant neoplasms. Clinical manifestations also include emaciation (wasting) and dementia. These elements reflect criteria for AIDS as defined by the CDC in 1993.
The sexual attraction or relationship between members of the same SEX.
The vital life force in the body, supposedly able to be regulated by acupuncture. It corresponds roughly to the Greek pneuma, the Latin spiritus, and the ancient Indian prana. The concept of life-breath or vital energy was formulated as an indication of the awareness of man, originally directed externally toward nature or society but later turned inward to the self or life within. (From Comparison between Concepts of Life-Breath in East and West, 15th International Symposium on the Comparative History of Medicine - East and West, August 26-September 3, 1990, Shizuoka, Japan, pp. ix-x)
A genus in the family RETROVIRIDAE consisting of exogenous horizontally-transmitted viruses found in a few groups of mammals. Infections caused by these viruses include human B- or adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (LEUKEMIA-LYMPHOMA, T-CELL, ACUTE, HTLV-I-ASSOCIATED), and bovine leukemia (ENZOOTIC BOVINE LEUKOSIS). The type species is LEUKEMIA VIRUS, BOVINE.
In the YIN-YANG system of philosophy and medicine, an insufficiency of body fluid (called yinxu), manifesting often as irritability, thirst, constipation, etc. (The Pinyin Chinese-English Dictionary, 1979).
A multicentric, malignant neoplastic vascular proliferation characterized by the development of bluish-red cutaneous nodules, usually on the lower extremities, most often on the toes or feet, and slowly increasing in size and number and spreading to more proximal areas. The tumors have endothelium-lined channels and vascular spaces admixed with variably sized aggregates of spindle-shaped cells, and often remain confined to the skin and subcutaneous tissue, but widespread visceral involvement may occur. Kaposi's sarcoma occurs spontaneously in Jewish and Italian males in Europe and the United States. An aggressive variant in young children is endemic in some areas of Africa. A third form occurs in about 0.04% of kidney transplant patients. There is also a high incidence in AIDS patients. (From Dorland, 27th ed & Holland et al., Cancer Medicine, 3d ed, pp2105-7) HHV-8 is the suspected cause.
Rare, autosomal recessive disorder caused by deficiency of the beta 2 integrin receptors (RECEPTORS, LEUKOCYTE-ADHESION) comprising the CD11/CD18 family of glycoproteins. The syndrome is characterized by abnormal adhesion-dependent functions, especially defective tissue emigration of neutrophils, leading to recurrent infection.
A prodromal phase of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Laboratory criteria separating AIDS-related complex (ARC) from AIDS include elevated or hyperactive B-cell humoral immune responses, compared to depressed or normal antibody reactivity in AIDS; follicular or mixed hyperplasia in ARC lymph nodes, leading to lymphocyte degeneration and depletion more typical of AIDS; evolving succession of histopathological lesions such as localization of Kaposi's sarcoma, signaling the transition to the full-blown AIDS.
A condition produced by dietary or metabolic deficiency. The term includes all diseases caused by an insufficient supply of essential nutrients, i.e., protein (or amino acids), vitamins, and minerals. It also includes an inadequacy of calories. (From Dorland, 27th ed; Stedman, 25th ed)
In the YIN-YANG system of philosophy and medicine, a lack of vital energy (called yangxu in Chinese). It manifests itself in various systemic and organic diseases. (The Pinyin Chinese-English Dictionary, 1979)
Inborn errors of carbohydrate metabolism are genetic disorders that result from enzyme deficiencies or transport defects in the metabolic pathways responsible for breaking down and processing carbohydrates, leading to accumulation of toxic intermediates or energy deficits, and typically presenting with multisystem clinical manifestations.
This enzyme catalyzes the last step of CREATINE biosynthesis by catalyzing the METHYLATION of guanidinoacetate to CREATINE.
Enzymes of a subclass of TRANSFERASES that catalyze the transfer of an amidino group from donor to acceptor. EC 2.1.4.
A chromosome disorder associated either with an extra chromosome 21 or an effective trisomy for chromosome 21. Clinical manifestations include hypotonia, short stature, brachycephaly, upslanting palpebral fissures, epicanthus, Brushfield spots on the iris, protruding tongue, small ears, short, broad hands, fifth finger clinodactyly, Simian crease, and moderate to severe INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY. Cardiac and gastrointestinal malformations, a marked increase in the incidence of LEUKEMIA, and the early onset of ALZHEIMER DISEASE are also associated with this condition. Pathologic features include the development of NEUROFIBRILLARY TANGLES in neurons and the deposition of AMYLOID BETA-PROTEIN, similar to the pathology of ALZHEIMER DISEASE. (Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, p213)
A pulmonary disease in humans occurring in immunodeficient or malnourished patients or infants, characterized by DYSPNEA, tachypnea, and HYPOXEMIA. Pneumocystis pneumonia is a frequently seen opportunistic infection in AIDS. It is caused by the fungus PNEUMOCYSTIS JIROVECII. The disease is also found in other MAMMALS where it is caused by related species of Pneumocystis.
A cluster of metabolic risk factors for CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES and TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS. The major components of metabolic syndrome X include excess ABDOMINAL FAT; atherogenic DYSLIPIDEMIA; HYPERTENSION; HYPERGLYCEMIA; INSULIN RESISTANCE; a proinflammatory state; and a prothrombotic (THROMBOSIS) state. (from AHA/NHLBI/ADA Conference Proceedings, Circulation 2004; 109:551-556)
A system of traditional medicine which is based on the beliefs and practices of the Chinese culture.
Human immunodeficiency virus. A non-taxonomic and historical term referring to any of two species, specifically HIV-1 and/or HIV-2. Prior to 1986, this was called human T-lymphotropic virus type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus (HTLV-III/LAV). From 1986-1990, it was an official species called HIV. Since 1991, HIV was no longer considered an official species name; the two species were designated HIV-1 and HIV-2.
Opportunistic infections found in patients who test positive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The most common include PNEUMOCYSTIS PNEUMONIA, Kaposi's sarcoma, cryptosporidiosis, herpes simplex, toxoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, and infections with Mycobacterium avium complex, Microsporidium, and Cytomegalovirus.
Acquired defect of cellular immunity that occurs in mice infected with mouse leukemia viruses (MuLV). The syndrome shows striking similarities with human AIDS and is characterized by lymphadenopathy, profound immunosuppression, enhanced susceptibility to opportunistic infections, and B-cell lymphomas.
In Chinese philosophy and religion, two principles, one negative, dark, and feminine (yin) and one positive, bright, and masculine (yang), from whose interaction all things are produced and all things are dissolved. As a concept the two polar elements referred originally to the shady and sunny sides of a valley or a hill but it developed into the relationship of any contrasting pair: those specified above (female-male, etc.) as well as cold-hot, wet-dry, weak-strong, etc. It is not a distinct system of thought by itself but permeates Chinese life and thought. A balance of yin and yang is essential to health. A deficiency of either principle can manifest as disease. (Encyclopedia Americana)
Any detectable and heritable change in the genetic material that causes a change in the GENOTYPE and which is transmitted to daughter cells and to succeeding generations.
An autosomal recessively inherited disorder caused by mutation of LECITHIN CHOLESTEROL ACYLTRANSFERASE that facilitates the esterification of lipoprotein cholesterol and subsequent removal from peripheral tissues to the liver. This defect results in low HDL-cholesterol level in blood and accumulation of free cholesterol in tissue leading to a triad of CORNEAL OPACITY, hemolytic anemia (ANEMIA, HEMOLYTIC), and PROTEINURIA.
An infection caused by an organism which becomes pathogenic under certain conditions, e.g., during immunosuppression.
A nutritional condition produced by a deficiency of VITAMIN A in the diet, characterized by NIGHT BLINDNESS and other ocular manifestations such as dryness of the conjunctiva and later of the cornea (XEROPHTHALMIA). Vitamin A deficiency is a very common problem worldwide, particularly in developing countries as a consequence of famine or shortages of vitamin A-rich foods. In the United States it is found among the urban poor, the elderly, alcoholics, and patients with malabsorption. (From Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 19th ed, p1179)
Excessive formation of dense trabecular bone leading to pathological fractures; OSTEITIS; SPLENOMEGALY with infarct; ANEMIA; and extramedullary hemopoiesis (HEMATOPOIESIS, EXTRAMEDULLARY).
Includes the spectrum of human immunodeficiency virus infections that range from asymptomatic seropositivity, thru AIDS-related complex (ARC), to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
Virus diseases caused by the RETROVIRIDAE.
Subnormal intellectual functioning which originates during the developmental period. This has multiple potential etiologies, including genetic defects and perinatal insults. Intelligence quotient (IQ) scores are commonly used to determine whether an individual has an intellectual disability. IQ scores between 70 and 79 are in the borderline range. Scores below 67 are in the disabled range. (from Joynt, Clinical Neurology, 1992, Ch55, p28)
Infections of the eye caused by minute intracellular agents. These infections may lead to severe inflammation in various parts of the eye - conjunctiva, iris, eyelids, etc. Several viruses have been identified as the causative agents. Among these are Herpesvirus, Adenovirus, Poxvirus, and Myxovirus.
A class of lymphocytes characterized by the lack of surface markers specific for either T or B lymphocytes.
Infection of the retina by cytomegalovirus characterized by retinal necrosis, hemorrhage, vessel sheathing, and retinal edema. Cytomegalovirus retinitis is a major opportunistic infection in AIDS patients and can cause blindness.
A condition characterized by severe PROTEINURIA, greater than 3.5 g/day in an average adult. The substantial loss of protein in the urine results in complications such as HYPOPROTEINEMIA; generalized EDEMA; HYPERTENSION; and HYPERLIPIDEMIAS. Diseases associated with nephrotic syndrome generally cause chronic kidney dysfunction.
The outward appearance of the individual. It is the product of interactions between genes, and between the GENOTYPE and the environment.
The record of descent or ancestry, particularly of a particular condition or trait, indicating individual family members, their relationships, and their status with respect to the trait or condition.
Chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease in which the salivary and lacrimal glands undergo progressive destruction by lymphocytes and plasma cells resulting in decreased production of saliva and tears. The primary form, often called sicca syndrome, involves both KERATOCONJUNCTIVITIS SICCA and XEROSTOMIA. The secondary form includes, in addition, the presence of a connective tissue disease, usually rheumatoid arthritis.
Deficiency of the protease inhibitor ALPHA 1-ANTITRYPSIN that manifests primarily as PULMONARY EMPHYSEMA and LIVER CIRRHOSIS.
A course of food intake that is high in FATS and low in CARBOHYDRATES. This diet provides sufficient PROTEINS for growth but insufficient amount of carbohydrates for the energy needs of the body. A ketogenic diet generates 80-90% of caloric requirements from fats and the remainder from proteins.
A bacterium causing tuberculosis in domestic fowl and other birds. In pigs, it may cause localized and sometimes disseminated disease. The organism occurs occasionally in sheep and cattle. It should be distinguished from the M. avium complex, which infects primarily humans.
Antigens associated with specific proteins of the human adult T-cell immunodeficiency virus (HIV); also called HTLV-III-associated and lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV) antigens.
Diseases of Old World and New World monkeys. This term includes diseases of baboons but not of chimpanzees or gorillas (= APE DISEASES).
A nutritional condition produced by a deficiency of VITAMIN B 12 in the diet, characterized by megaloblastic anemia. Since vitamin B 12 is not present in plants, humans have obtained their supply from animal products, from multivitamin supplements in the form of pills, and as additives to food preparations. A wide variety of neuropsychiatric abnormalities is also seen in vitamin B 12 deficiency and appears to be due to an undefined defect involving myelin synthesis. (From Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 19th ed, p848)
A cytosolic carbonic anhydrase isoenzyme found widely distributed in cells of almost all tissues. Deficiencies of carbonic anhydrase II produce a syndrome characterized by OSTEOPETROSIS, renal tubular acidosis (ACIDOSIS, RENAL TUBULAR) and cerebral calcification. EC 4.2.1.-
A group of genetic disorders of the KIDNEY TUBULES characterized by the accumulation of metabolically produced acids with elevated plasma chloride, hyperchloremic metabolic ACIDOSIS. Defective renal acidification of URINE (proximal tubules) or low renal acid excretion (distal tubules) can lead to complications such as HYPOKALEMIA, hypercalcinuria with NEPHROLITHIASIS and NEPHROCALCINOSIS, and RICKETS.
Abnormal involuntary movements which primarily affect the extremities, trunk, or jaw that occur as a manifestation of an underlying disease process. Conditions which feature recurrent or persistent episodes of dyskinesia as a primary manifestation of disease may be referred to as dyskinesia syndromes (see MOVEMENT DISORDERS). Dyskinesias are also a relatively common manifestation of BASAL GANGLIA DISEASES.
The type species of LENTIVIRUS and the etiologic agent of AIDS. It is characterized by its cytopathic effect and affinity for the T4-lymphocyte.
A ubiquitously expressed glucose transporter that is important for constitutive, basal GLUCOSE transport. It is predominately expressed in ENDOTHELIAL CELLS and ERYTHROCYTES at the BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER and is responsible for GLUCOSE entry into the BRAIN.
Lymphocytes responsible for cell-mediated immunity. Two types have been identified - cytotoxic (T-LYMPHOCYTES, CYTOTOXIC) and helper T-lymphocytes (T-LYMPHOCYTES, HELPER-INDUCER). They are formed when lymphocytes circulate through the THYMUS GLAND and differentiate to thymocytes. When exposed to an antigen, they divide rapidly and produce large numbers of new T cells sensitized to that antigen.
Heterogeneous group of immunodeficiency syndromes characterized by hypogammaglobulinemia of most isotypes, variable B-cell defects, and the presence of recurrent bacterial infections.
The classic hemophilia resulting from a deficiency of factor VIII. It is an inherited disorder of blood coagulation characterized by a permanent tendency to hemorrhage.
A nutritional condition produced by a deficiency of VITAMIN D in the diet, insufficient production of vitamin D in the skin, inadequate absorption of vitamin D from the diet, or abnormal conversion of vitamin D to its bioactive metabolites. It is manifested clinically as RICKETS in children and OSTEOMALACIA in adults. (From Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 19th ed, p1406)
A complex that includes several strains of M. avium. M. intracellulare is not easily distinguished from M. avium and therefore is included in the complex. These organisms are most frequently found in pulmonary secretions from persons with a tuberculous-like mycobacteriosis. Strains of this complex have also been associated with childhood lymphadenitis and AIDS; M. avium alone causes tuberculosis in a variety of birds and other animals, including pigs.
A syndrome of defective gonadal development in phenotypic females associated with the karyotype 45,X (or 45,XO). Patients generally are of short stature with undifferentiated GONADS (streak gonads), SEXUAL INFANTILISM, HYPOGONADISM, webbing of the neck, cubitus valgus, elevated GONADOTROPINS, decreased ESTRADIOL level in blood, and CONGENITAL HEART DEFECTS. NOONAN SYNDROME (also called Pseudo-Turner Syndrome and Male Turner Syndrome) resembles this disorder; however, it occurs in males and females with a normal karyotype and is inherited as an autosomal dominant.
Immunoglobulins produced in response to VIRAL ANTIGENS.
Antibodies reactive with HIV ANTIGENS.
A nontuberculous infection when occurring in humans. It is characterized by pulmonary disease, lymphadenitis in children, and systemic disease in AIDS patients. Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection of birds and swine results in tuberculosis.
'Abnormalities, Multiple' is a broad term referring to the presence of two or more structural or functional anomalies in an individual, which may be genetic or environmental in origin, and can affect various systems and organs of the body.
A nutritional condition produced by a deficiency of THIAMINE in the diet, characterized by anorexia, irritability, and weight loss. Later, patients experience weakness, peripheral neuropathy, headache, and tachycardia. In addition to being caused by a poor diet, thiamine deficiency in the United States most commonly occurs as a result of alcoholism, since ethanol interferes with thiamine absorption. In countries relying on polished rice as a dietary staple, BERIBERI prevalence is very high. (From Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 19th ed, p1171)
A nutritional condition produced by a deficiency of FOLIC ACID in the diet. Many plant and animal tissues contain folic acid, abundant in green leafy vegetables, yeast, liver, and mushrooms but destroyed by long-term cooking. Alcohol interferes with its intermediate metabolism and absorption. Folic acid deficiency may develop in long-term anticonvulsant therapy or with use of oral contraceptives. This deficiency causes anemia, macrocytic anemia, and megaloblastic anemia. It is indistinguishable from vitamin B 12 deficiency in peripheral blood and bone marrow findings, but the neurologic lesions seen in B 12 deficiency do not occur. (Merck Manual, 16th ed)
A dysgammaglobulinemia characterized by a deficiency of IMMUNOGLOBULIN A.
An immunologic deficiency state characterized by an extremely low level of generally all classes of gamma-globulin in the blood.
A species of the genus MACACA which inhabits Malaya, Sumatra, and Borneo. It is one of the most arboreal species of Macaca. The tail is short and untwisted.
Naturally occurring or experimentally induced animal diseases with pathological processes sufficiently similar to those of human diseases. They are used as study models for human diseases.
Development of neutralizing antibodies in individuals who have been exposed to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV/HTLV-III/LAV).
The number of WHITE BLOOD CELLS per unit volume in venous BLOOD. A differential leukocyte count measures the relative numbers of the different types of white cells.
Biochemical identification of mutational changes in a nucleotide sequence.
Therapeutic use of hormones to alleviate the effects of hormone deficiency.
Descriptions of specific amino acid, carbohydrate, or nucleotide sequences which have appeared in the published literature and/or are deposited in and maintained by databanks such as GENBANK, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), National Biomedical Research Foundation (NBRF), or other sequence repositories.
The part of CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM that is contained within the skull (CRANIUM). Arising from the NEURAL TUBE, the embryonic brain is comprised of three major parts including PROSENCEPHALON (the forebrain); MESENCEPHALON (the midbrain); and RHOMBENCEPHALON (the hindbrain). The developed brain consists of CEREBRUM; CEREBELLUM; and other structures in the BRAIN STEM.
Infections with bacteria of the genus MYCOBACTERIUM.
Clonal hematopoietic stem cell disorders characterized by dysplasia in one or more hematopoietic cell lineages. They predominantly affect patients over 60, are considered preleukemic conditions, and have high probability of transformation into ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA.
Acquired defect of cellular immunity that occurs naturally in macaques infected with SRV serotypes, experimentally in monkeys inoculated with SRV or MASON-PFIZER MONKEY VIRUS; (MPMV), or in monkeys infected with SIMIAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS.
The sequence of PURINES and PYRIMIDINES in nucleic acids and polynucleotides. It is also called nucleotide sequence.
A condition caused by prolonged exposure to excess levels of cortisol (HYDROCORTISONE) or other GLUCOCORTICOIDS from endogenous or exogenous sources. It is characterized by upper body OBESITY; OSTEOPOROSIS; HYPERTENSION; DIABETES MELLITUS; HIRSUTISM; AMENORRHEA; and excess body fluid. Endogenous Cushing syndrome or spontaneous hypercortisolism is divided into two groups, those due to an excess of ADRENOCORTICOTROPIN and those that are ACTH-independent.
Inflammation of the RETINA. It is rarely limited to the retina, but is commonly associated with diseases of the choroid (CHORIORETINITIS) and of the OPTIC DISK (neuroretinitis).
B-cell lymphoid tumors that occur in association with AIDS. Patients often present with an advanced stage of disease and highly malignant subtypes including BURKITT LYMPHOMA; IMMUNOBLASTIC LARGE-CELL LYMPHOMA; PRIMARY EFFUSION LYMPHOMA; and DIFFUSE, LARGE B-CELL, LYMPHOMA. The tumors are often disseminated in unusual extranodal sites and chromosomal abnormalities are frequently present. It is likely that polyclonal B-cell lymphoproliferation in AIDS is a complex result of EBV infection, HIV antigenic stimulation, and T-cell-dependent HIV activation.
Infection with CYTOMEGALOVIRUS, characterized by enlarged cells bearing intranuclear inclusions. Infection may be in almost any organ, but the salivary glands are the most common site in children, as are the lungs in adults.
A genus of the subfamily CERCOPITHECINAE, family CERCOPITHECIDAE, consisting of 16 species inhabiting forests of Africa, Asia, and the islands of Borneo, Philippines, and Celebes.
Strains of mice in which certain GENES of their GENOMES have been disrupted, or "knocked-out". To produce knockouts, using RECOMBINANT DNA technology, the normal DNA sequence of the gene being studied is altered to prevent synthesis of a normal gene product. Cloned cells in which this DNA alteration is successful are then injected into mouse EMBRYOS to produce chimeric mice. The chimeric mice are then bred to yield a strain in which all the cells of the mouse contain the disrupted gene. Knockout mice are used as EXPERIMENTAL ANIMAL MODELS for diseases (DISEASE MODELS, ANIMAL) and to clarify the functions of the genes.
Inbred C57BL mice are a strain of laboratory mice that have been produced by many generations of brother-sister matings, resulting in a high degree of genetic uniformity and homozygosity, making them widely used for biomedical research, including studies on genetics, immunology, cancer, and neuroscience.
Elements of limited time intervals, contributing to particular results or situations.
A disease-producing enzyme deficiency subject to many variants, some of which cause a deficiency of GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE activity in erythrocytes, leading to hemolytic anemia.
Cells propagated in vitro in special media conducive to their growth. Cultured cells are used to study developmental, morphologic, metabolic, physiologic, and genetic processes, among others.
A complex disorder characterized by infertility, HIRSUTISM; OBESITY; and various menstrual disturbances such as OLIGOMENORRHEA; AMENORRHEA; ANOVULATION. Polycystic ovary syndrome is usually associated with bilateral enlarged ovaries studded with atretic follicles, not with cysts. The term, polycystic ovary, is misleading.
Proteins from the family Retroviridae. The most frequently encountered member of this family is the Rous sarcoma virus protein.
An episode of MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA that generally lasts longer than a transient anginal episode that ultimately may lead to MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION.
I'm afraid there seems to be a misunderstanding - "Africa" is not a medical term and does not have a medical definition. Africa is the world's second-largest and second-most populous continent, consisting of 54 countries with diverse cultures, peoples, languages, and landscapes. If you have any questions related to medical topics or definitions, I would be happy to help answer those for you!
A species of the genus MACACA inhabiting India, China, and other parts of Asia. The species is used extensively in biomedical research and adapts very well to living with humans.
In vitro method for producing large amounts of specific DNA or RNA fragments of defined length and sequence from small amounts of short oligonucleotide flanking sequences (primers). The essential steps include thermal denaturation of the double-stranded target molecules, annealing of the primers to their complementary sequences, and extension of the annealed primers by enzymatic synthesis with DNA polymerase. The reaction is efficient, specific, and extremely sensitive. Uses for the reaction include disease diagnosis, detection of difficult-to-isolate pathogens, mutation analysis, genetic testing, DNA sequencing, and analyzing evolutionary relationships.
A disorder caused by hemizygous microdeletion of about 28 genes on chromosome 7q11.23, including the ELASTIN gene. Clinical manifestations include SUPRAVALVULAR AORTIC STENOSIS; MENTAL RETARDATION; elfin facies; impaired visuospatial constructive abilities; and transient HYPERCALCEMIA in infancy. The condition affects both sexes, with onset at birth or in early infancy.
A nutritional condition produced by a deficiency of magnesium in the diet, characterized by anorexia, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, and weakness. Symptoms are paresthesias, muscle cramps, irritability, decreased attention span, and mental confusion, possibly requiring months to appear. Deficiency of body magnesium can exist even when serum values are normal. In addition, magnesium deficiency may be organ-selective, since certain tissues become deficient before others. (Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 12th ed, p1936)
An aspect of personal behavior or lifestyle, environmental exposure, or inborn or inherited characteristic, which, on the basis of epidemiologic evidence, is known to be associated with a health-related condition considered important to prevent.
Chinese herbal or plant extracts which are used as drugs to treat diseases or promote general well-being. The concept does not include synthesized compounds manufactured in China.
Species of the genus LENTIVIRUS, subgenus primate immunodeficiency viruses (IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUSES, PRIMATE), that induces acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in monkeys and apes (SAIDS). The genetic organization of SIV is virtually identical to HIV.
Drug regimens, for patients with HIV INFECTIONS, that aggressively suppress HIV replication. The regimens usually involve administration of three or more different drugs including a protease inhibitor.
Anemia characterized by decreased or absent iron stores, low serum iron concentration, low transferrin saturation, and low hemoglobin concentration or hematocrit value. The erythrocytes are hypochromic and microcytic and the iron binding capacity is increased.
The number of CD4-POSITIVE T-LYMPHOCYTES per unit volume of BLOOD. Determination requires the use of a fluorescence-activated flow cytometer.
A nutritional condition produced by a deficiency of VITAMIN E in the diet, characterized by posterior column and spinocerebellar tract abnormalities, areflexia, ophthalmoplegia, and disturbances of gait, proprioception, and vibration. In premature infants vitamin E deficiency is associated with hemolytic anemia, thrombocytosis, edema, intraventricular hemorrhage, and increasing risk of retrolental fibroplasia and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. An apparent inborn error of vitamin E metabolism, named familial isolated vitamin E deficiency, has recently been identified. (Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 19th ed, p1181)
Congenital syndrome characterized by a wide spectrum of characteristics including the absence of the THYMUS and PARATHYROID GLANDS resulting in T-cell immunodeficiency, HYPOCALCEMIA, defects in the outflow tract of the heart, and craniofacial anomalies.
Blood-coagulation factor VIII. Antihemophilic factor that is part of the factor VIII/von Willebrand factor complex. Factor VIII is produced in the liver and acts in the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation. It serves as a cofactor in factor X activation and this action is markedly enhanced by small amounts of thrombin.
The status during which female mammals carry their developing young (EMBRYOS or FETUSES) in utero before birth, beginning from FERTILIZATION to BIRTH.
An autosomal dominant disorder caused by deletion of the proximal long arm of the paternal chromosome 15 (15q11-q13) or by inheritance of both of the pair of chromosomes 15 from the mother (UNIPARENTAL DISOMY) which are imprinted (GENETIC IMPRINTING) and hence silenced. Clinical manifestations include MENTAL RETARDATION; MUSCULAR HYPOTONIA; HYPERPHAGIA; OBESITY; short stature; HYPOGONADISM; STRABISMUS; and HYPERSOMNOLENCE. (Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, p229)
Morphologic alteration of small B LYMPHOCYTES or T LYMPHOCYTES in culture into large blast-like cells able to synthesize DNA and RNA and to divide mitotically. It is induced by INTERLEUKINS; MITOGENS such as PHYTOHEMAGGLUTININS, and by specific ANTIGENS. It may also occur in vivo as in GRAFT REJECTION.
A condition due to a dietary deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), characterized by malaise, lethargy, and weakness. As the disease progresses, joints, muscles, and subcutaneous tissues may become the sites of hemorrhage. Ascorbic acid deficiency frequently develops into SCURVY in young children fed unsupplemented cow's milk exclusively during their first year. It develops also commonly in chronic alcoholism. (Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 19th ed, p1177)
Mucoproteins isolated from the kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris); some of them are mitogenic to lymphocytes, others agglutinate all or certain types of erythrocytes or lymphocytes. They are used mainly in the study of immune mechanisms and in cell culture.
A soluble substance elaborated by antigen- or mitogen-stimulated T-LYMPHOCYTES which induces DNA synthesis in naive lymphocytes.
A syndrome associated with defective sympathetic innervation to one side of the face, including the eye. Clinical features include MIOSIS; mild BLEPHAROPTOSIS; and hemifacial ANHIDROSIS (decreased sweating)(see HYPOHIDROSIS). Lesions of the BRAIN STEM; cervical SPINAL CORD; first thoracic nerve root; apex of the LUNG; CAROTID ARTERY; CAVERNOUS SINUS; and apex of the ORBIT may cause this condition. (From Miller et al., Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology, 4th ed, pp500-11)
A condition that is characterized by episodes of fainting (SYNCOPE) and varying degree of ventricular arrhythmia as indicated by the prolonged QT interval. The inherited forms are caused by mutation of genes encoding cardiac ion channel proteins. The two major forms are ROMANO-WARD SYNDROME and JERVELL-LANGE NIELSEN SYNDROME.
A syndrome that is associated with microvascular diseases of the KIDNEY, such as RENAL CORTICAL NECROSIS. It is characterized by hemolytic anemia (ANEMIA, HEMOLYTIC); THROMBOCYTOPENIA; and ACUTE RENAL FAILURE.
Studies used to test etiologic hypotheses in which inferences about an exposure to putative causal factors are derived from data relating to characteristics of persons under study or to events or experiences in their past. The essential feature is that some of the persons under study have the disease or outcome of interest and their characteristics are compared with those of unaffected persons.
Endoscopic examination, therapy or surgery of the bronchi.
Family of RNA viruses that infects birds and mammals and encodes the enzyme reverse transcriptase. The family contains seven genera: DELTARETROVIRUS; LENTIVIRUS; RETROVIRUSES TYPE B, MAMMALIAN; ALPHARETROVIRUS; GAMMARETROVIRUS; RETROVIRUSES TYPE D; and SPUMAVIRUS. A key feature of retrovirus biology is the synthesis of a DNA copy of the genome which is integrated into cellular DNA. After integration it is sometimes not expressed but maintained in a latent state (PROVIRUSES).
White blood cells formed in the body's lymphoid tissue. The nucleus is round or ovoid with coarse, irregularly clumped chromatin while the cytoplasm is typically pale blue with azurophilic (if any) granules. Most lymphocytes can be classified as either T or B (with subpopulations of each), or NATURAL KILLER CELLS.
An immunoassay utilizing an antibody labeled with an enzyme marker such as horseradish peroxidase. While either the enzyme or the antibody is bound to an immunosorbent substrate, they both retain their biologic activity; the change in enzyme activity as a result of the enzyme-antibody-antigen reaction is proportional to the concentration of the antigen and can be measured spectrophotometrically or with the naked eye. Many variations of the method have been developed.
Invasion of the host organism by microorganisms that can cause pathological conditions or diseases.
Established cell cultures that have the potential to propagate indefinitely.
An absence or deficiency in PROTEIN C which leads to impaired regulation of blood coagulation. It is associated with an increased risk of severe or premature thrombosis. (Stedman's Med. Dict., 26th ed.)
An acute inflammatory autoimmune neuritis caused by T cell- mediated cellular immune response directed towards peripheral myelin. Demyelination occurs in peripheral nerves and nerve roots. The process is often preceded by a viral or bacterial infection, surgery, immunization, lymphoma, or exposure to toxins. Common clinical manifestations include progressive weakness, loss of sensation, and loss of deep tendon reflexes. Weakness of respiratory muscles and autonomic dysfunction may occur. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp1312-1314)
A dysgammaglobulinemia characterized by a deficiency of IMMUNOGLOBULIN G.
Substances elaborated by viruses that have antigenic activity.
Inflammation of the BRAIN due to infection, autoimmune processes, toxins, and other conditions. Viral infections (see ENCEPHALITIS, VIRAL) are a relatively frequent cause of this condition.
A form of encephalopathy with fatty infiltration of the LIVER, characterized by brain EDEMA and VOMITING that may rapidly progress to SEIZURES; COMA; and DEATH. It is caused by a generalized loss of mitochondrial function leading to disturbances in fatty acid and CARNITINE metabolism.
Conditions in which increased pressure within a limited space compromises the BLOOD CIRCULATION and function of tissue within that space. Some of the causes of increased pressure are TRAUMA, tight dressings, HEMORRHAGE, and exercise. Sequelae include nerve compression (NERVE COMPRESSION SYNDROMES); PARALYSIS; and ISCHEMIC CONTRACTURE.
Observation of a population for a sufficient number of persons over a sufficient number of years to generate incidence or mortality rates subsequent to the selection of the study group.
A nutritional condition produced by a deficiency of VITAMIN B 6 in the diet, characterized by dermatitis, glossitis, cheilosis, and stomatitis. Marked deficiency causes irritability, weakness, depression, dizziness, peripheral neuropathy, and seizures. In infants and children typical manifestations are diarrhea, anemia, and seizures. Deficiency can be caused by certain medications, such as isoniazid.
A neuropsychological disorder related to alterations in DOPAMINE metabolism and neurotransmission involving frontal-subcortical neuronal circuits. Both multiple motor and one or more vocal tics need to be present with TICS occurring many times a day, nearly daily, over a period of more than one year. The onset is before age 18 and the disturbance is not due to direct physiological effects of a substance or a another medical condition. The disturbance causes marked distress or significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. (From DSM-IV, 1994; Neurol Clin 1997 May;15(2):357-79)
The presence of antibodies directed against phospholipids (ANTIBODIES, ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID). The condition is associated with a variety of diseases, notably systemic lupus erythematosus and other connective tissue diseases, thrombopenia, and arterial or venous thromboses. In pregnancy it can cause abortion. Of the phospholipids, the cardiolipins show markedly elevated levels of anticardiolipin antibodies (ANTIBODIES, ANTICARDIOLIPIN). Present also are high levels of lupus anticoagulant (LUPUS COAGULATION INHIBITOR).
Sodium chloride-dependent neurotransmitter symporters located primarily on the PLASMA MEMBRANE of dopaminergic neurons. They remove DOPAMINE from the EXTRACELLULAR SPACE by high affinity reuptake into PRESYNAPTIC TERMINALS and are the target of DOPAMINE UPTAKE INHIBITORS.
The age, developmental stage, or period of life at which a disease or the initial symptoms or manifestations of a disease appear in an individual.
A form of male HYPOGONADISM, characterized by the presence of an extra X CHROMOSOME, small TESTES, seminiferous tubule dysgenesis, elevated levels of GONADOTROPINS, low serum TESTOSTERONE, underdeveloped secondary sex characteristics, and male infertility (INFERTILITY, MALE). Patients tend to have long legs and a slim, tall stature. GYNECOMASTIA is present in many of the patients. The classic form has the karyotype 47,XXY. Several karyotype variants include 48,XXYY; 48,XXXY; 49,XXXXY, and mosaic patterns ( 46,XY/47,XXY; 47,XXY/48,XXXY, etc.).
The order of amino acids as they occur in a polypeptide chain. This is referred to as the primary structure of proteins. It is of fundamental importance in determining PROTEIN CONFORMATION.
A syndrome characterized by outbreaks of late term abortions, high numbers of stillbirths and mummified or weak newborn piglets, and respiratory disease in young unweaned and weaned pigs. It is caused by PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME VIRUS. (Radostits et al., Veterinary Medicine, 8th ed, p1048)
Studies in which individuals or populations are followed to assess the outcome of exposures, procedures, or effects of a characteristic, e.g., occurrence of disease.
An autosomal recessive disorder that causes premature aging in adults, characterized by sclerodermal skin changes, cataracts, subcutaneous calcification, muscular atrophy, a tendency to diabetes mellitus, aged appearance of the face, baldness, and a high incidence of neoplastic disease.
Entrapment of the MEDIAN NERVE in the carpal tunnel, which is formed by the flexor retinaculum and the CARPAL BONES. This syndrome may be associated with repetitive occupational trauma (CUMULATIVE TRAUMA DISORDERS); wrist injuries; AMYLOID NEUROPATHIES; rheumatoid arthritis (see ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID); ACROMEGALY; PREGNANCY; and other conditions. Symptoms include burning pain and paresthesias involving the ventral surface of the hand and fingers which may radiate proximally. Impairment of sensation in the distribution of the median nerve and thenar muscle atrophy may occur. (Joynt, Clinical Neurology, 1995, Ch51, p45)
A metallic element with atomic symbol Fe, atomic number 26, and atomic weight 55.85. It is an essential constituent of HEMOGLOBINS; CYTOCHROMES; and IRON-BINDING PROTEINS. It plays a role in cellular redox reactions and in the transport of OXYGEN.
Agents used to treat AIDS and/or stop the spread of the HIV infection. These do not include drugs used to treat symptoms or opportunistic infections associated with AIDS.
RNA sequences that serve as templates for protein synthesis. Bacterial mRNAs are generally primary transcripts in that they do not require post-transcriptional processing. Eukaryotic mRNA is synthesized in the nucleus and must be exported to the cytoplasm for translation. Most eukaryotic mRNAs have a sequence of polyadenylic acid at the 3' end, referred to as the poly(A) tail. The function of this tail is not known for certain, but it may play a role in the export of mature mRNA from the nucleus as well as in helping stabilize some mRNA molecules by retarding their degradation in the cytoplasm.
A group of disorders caused by defective salt reabsorption in the ascending LOOP OF HENLE. It is characterized by severe salt-wasting, HYPOKALEMIA; HYPERCALCIURIA; metabolic ALKALOSIS, and hyper-reninemic HYPERALDOSTERONISM without HYPERTENSION. There are several subtypes including ones due to mutations in the renal specific SODIUM-POTASSIUM-CHLORIDE SYMPORTERS.
Antibodies produced by a single clone of cells.
An infant during the first month after birth.

Immune surveillance against a solid tumor fails because of immunological ignorance. (1/1529)

Many peripheral solid tumors such as sarcomas and carcinomas express tumor-specific antigens that can serve as targets for immune effector T cells. Nevertheless, overall immune surveillance against such tumors seems relatively inefficient. We studied immune surveillance against a s.c. sarcoma expressing a characterized viral tumor antigen. Surprisingly, the tumor cells were capable of inducing a protective cytotoxic T cell response if transferred as a single-cell suspension. However, if they were transplanted as small tumor pieces, tumors readily grew. Tumor growth correlated strictly with (i) failure of tumor cells to reach the draining lymph nodes and (ii) absence of primed cytotoxic T cells. Cytotoxic T cells were not tolerant or deleted because a tumor antigen-specific cytotoxic T cell response was readily induced in lymphoid tissue by immunization with virus or with tumor cells even in the presence of large tumors. Established tumors were rejected by vaccine-induced effector T cells if effector T cells were maintained by prolonged or repetitive vaccination, but not by single-dose vaccination. Thus, in addition to several other tumor-promoting parameters, some antigenic peripheral sarcomas-and probably carcinomas-may grow not because they anergize or tolerize tumor-specific T cells, but because such tumors are immunologically dealt with as if they were in a so-called immunologically privileged site and are ignored for too long.  (+info)

Availability of immune globulin intravenous for treatment of immune deficient patients--United States, 1997-1998. (2/1529)

Immune globulin intravenous (IGIV) is a lifesaving treatment for patients with primary immunodeficiency. Since November 1997, a shortage of IGIV has existed in the United States. In 1998, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) required pharmaceutical companies to increase the frequency of reporting on IGIV distribution from biannually to monthly; in addition, FDA facilitated IGIV distribution and informed clinicians about the ongoing shortage. To assess the impact of the IGIV shortage on patient care, in 1998 the Immune Deficiency Foundation (IDF) surveyed physicians caring for immunodeficient patients about whether they have had difficulty obtaining IGIV, measures they have taken because of the shortage, and the effect of the shortage on their patients. This report summarizes data reported to FDA and data obtained from the IDF survey and provides recommendations for IGIV use during the shortage.  (+info)

Management of primary antibody deficiency by consultant immunologists in the United Kingdom: a paradigm for other rare diseases. (3/1529)

Variation in clinical practice and its effect on outcome is little known for rare diseases such as primary antibody deficiency. As part of a national audit a survey of all 30 consultant immunologists in the United Kingdom dealing with primary antibody deficiency syndromes in adults and children was carried out in 1993 to ascertain their practices in diagnosis and management. Consensus guidelines were published after the survey was completed. Comparison of the survey results of clinical practice at the time the guidelines were published with the standards identified highlighted that the practice of a minority of specialists was at variance with their peers and with the consensus document, particularly in the use of intramuscular immunoglobulin, the dose and frequency of intravenous immunoglobulin, and target trough immunoglobulin G concentration, which has implications for the quality of patient care. However, much closer agreement existed in the key areas of management, such as diagnosis and selection of intravenous immunoglobulin. The approach and the problems identified are relevant to the management of other rare diseases, in which diagnosis and management is complex and there are few specialists with the necessary knowledge to undertake such care. This survey, the first attempted audit of practice, shows that within a motivated group of specialists highly significant differences in practice may exist and the authors emphasise the importance of setting clear guidelines against which care can be assessed.  (+info)

Pesticides and immunosuppression: the risks to public health. (4/1529)

There is substantial experimental, epidemiological and other evidence that many pesticides in widespread use around the world are immunosuppressive. This poses a potentially serious health risk in populations highly exposed to infectious and parasitic diseases, subject to malnutrition, and inadequately serve by curative health programmes. An expanded programme of research is needed to investigate this potential risk and to design precautionary measures.  (+info)

Immunodeficiency syndrome in a 3-year-old llama. (5/1529)

An adult, castrated male llama was presented for evaluation of a chronic respiratory problem. Complete blood analyses indicated a leukopenia and hypoproteinemia. Radial immunodiffusion, bone marrow core, and lymph node biopsies supported a tentative diagnosis of juvenile llama immunodeficiency syndrome. This diagnosis was confirmed by postmortem findings.  (+info)

Accelerated emigration of B lymphocytes in the Xid mouse. (6/1529)

The B cell receptor is required for the emigration of newly generated B lymphocytes and for their maintenance in the periphery. A specific maintenance defect was noted in fraction I (IgDhighIgMlow) B cells in Xid mice (which harbor a mutation in Btk). Although Bcl-2 levels in fractions I and II (IgDhighIgMhigh) are equivalent in normal and Xid B cells, a novel peak of Bcl-2low fraction III (IgDlowIgMhigh) B cells was noted in the Xid mouse. Since this B cell population resembled bone marrow immature B cells, we examined the emigration of newly formed B cells in normal and Xid mice. These studies revealed the accelerated emigration of newly formed Xid B cells. We conclude that distinct Btk-independent and Btk-dependent signals mediate emigration and maintenance events during peripheral B cell maturation.  (+info)

Phosphorylation of CD19 Y484 and Y515, and linked activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, are required for B cell antigen receptor-mediated activation of Bruton's tyrosine kinase. (7/1529)

Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) plays a critical role in B cell Ag receptor (BCR) signaling, as indicated by the X-linked immunodeficiency and X-linked agammaglobulinemia phenotypes of mice and men that express mutant forms of the kinase. Although Btk activity can be regulated by Src-family and Syk tyrosine kinases, and perhaps by phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate, BCR-coupled signaling pathways leading to Btk activation are poorly understood. In view of previous findings that CD19 is involved in BCR-mediated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) activation, we assessed its role in Btk activation. Using a CD19 reconstituted myeloma model and CD19 gene-ablated animals we found that BCR-mediated Btk activation and phosphorylation are dependent on the expression of CD19, while BCR-mediated activation of Lyn and Syk is not. Wortmannin preincubation inhibited the BCR-mediated activation and phosphorylation of Btk. Btk activation was not rescued in the myeloma by expression of a CD19 mutant in which tyrosine residues previously shown to mediate CD19 interaction with PI3-K, Y484 and Y515, were changed to phenylalanine. Taken together, the data presented indicate that BCR aggregation-driven CD19 phosphorylation functions to promote Btk activation via recruitment and activation of PI3-K. Resultant phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate probably functions to localize Btk for subsequent phosphorylation and activation by Src and Syk family kinases.  (+info)

Glutamate augments retrovirus-induced immunodeficiency through chronic stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary- adrenal axis. (8/1529)

The mechanisms for activating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the roles glucocorticoids play in the pathogenesis of chronic infectious disease are largely undefined. Using the LP-BM5 model of retrovirus-induced immunodeficiency, we found alterations in HPA axis function, manifested as an increase in circulating levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone and corticosterone, beginning after only 3 mo of infection. These changes occurred contemporaneously with a shift in the profile of circulating cytokines from a Th1-dominant (IFN-gamma) to Th2-dominant (IL-4, IL-10) phenotype. No significant changes in either circulating IL-1beta, IL-6, or TNF-alpha levels were observed in infected mice. Administering the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist MK-801 to infected mice normalized plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone and corticosterone levels, indicating that glutamate was a major activator of the HPA axis. Moreover, MK-801 treatment of late-stage mice also reversed the type 1 to type 2 cytokine shift to a degree comparable or superior to treatment with the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU-486. These findings indicate that HPA axis activation during LP-BM5 retrovirus infection is mediated by the chronic hyperactivation of glutamatergic pathways in the hypothalamus. Through this mechanism, the degree of peripheral immunodeficiency observed in the late-stage disease is profoundly augmented.  (+info)

Immunologic deficiency syndromes refer to a group of disorders characterized by defective functioning of the immune system, leading to increased susceptibility to infections and malignancies. These deficiencies can be primary (genetic or congenital) or secondary (acquired due to environmental factors, medications, or diseases).

Primary immunodeficiency syndromes (PIDS) are caused by inherited genetic mutations that affect the development and function of immune cells, such as T cells, B cells, and phagocytes. Examples include severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, and X-linked agammaglobulinemia.

Secondary immunodeficiency syndromes can result from various factors, including:

1. HIV/AIDS: Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection leads to the depletion of CD4+ T cells, causing profound immune dysfunction and increased vulnerability to opportunistic infections and malignancies.
2. Medications: Certain medications, such as chemotherapy, immunosuppressive drugs, and long-term corticosteroid use, can impair immune function and increase infection risk.
3. Malnutrition: Deficiencies in essential nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals can weaken the immune system and make individuals more susceptible to infections.
4. Aging: The immune system naturally declines with age, leading to an increased incidence of infections and poorer vaccine responses in older adults.
5. Other medical conditions: Chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and chronic kidney or liver disease can also compromise the immune system and contribute to immunodeficiency syndromes.

Immunologic deficiency syndromes require appropriate diagnosis and management strategies, which may include antimicrobial therapy, immunoglobulin replacement, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, or targeted treatments for the underlying cause.

A syndrome, in medical terms, is a set of symptoms that collectively indicate or characterize a disease, disorder, or underlying pathological process. It's essentially a collection of signs and/or symptoms that frequently occur together and can suggest a particular cause or condition, even though the exact physiological mechanisms might not be fully understood.

For example, Down syndrome is characterized by specific physical features, cognitive delays, and other developmental issues resulting from an extra copy of chromosome 21. Similarly, metabolic syndromes like diabetes mellitus type 2 involve a group of risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels that collectively increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

It's important to note that a syndrome is not a specific diagnosis; rather, it's a pattern of symptoms that can help guide further diagnostic evaluation and management.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic, life-threatening condition caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV infection, characterized by the significant weakening of the immune system, making the person more susceptible to various opportunistic infections and cancers.

The medical definition of AIDS includes specific criteria based on CD4+ T-cell count or the presence of certain opportunistic infections and diseases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a person with HIV is diagnosed with AIDS when:

1. The CD4+ T-cell count falls below 200 cells per cubic millimeter of blood (mm3) - a normal range is typically between 500 and 1,600 cells/mm3.
2. They develop one or more opportunistic infections or cancers that are indicative of advanced HIV disease, regardless of their CD4+ T-cell count.

Some examples of these opportunistic infections and cancers include:

* Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP)
* Candidiasis (thrush) affecting the esophagus, trachea, or lungs
* Cryptococcal meningitis
* Toxoplasmosis of the brain
* Cytomegalovirus disease
* Kaposi's sarcoma
* Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
* Invasive cervical cancer

It is important to note that with appropriate antiretroviral therapy (ART), people living with HIV can maintain their CD4+ T-cell counts, suppress viral replication, and prevent the progression to AIDS. Early diagnosis and consistent treatment are crucial for managing HIV and improving life expectancy and quality of life.

Medical definitions are often avoided in favor of more objective language when discussing personal characteristics or identities, such as sexual orientation. This is because sexual orientation is not considered a medical condition or disorder, but rather a natural part of human diversity. The American Psychological Association defines sexual orientation as "an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual, or affectional attraction to another person." It can be distinguished into different categories, including heterosexuality (attraction to individuals of the other gender), bisexuality (attraction to individuals of either gender), and homosexuality (attraction to individuals of the same gender).

It's important to note that a person's sexual orientation is not considered a choice or something that can be changed through willpower or therapy. It is a deeply ingrained aspect of a person's identity, and it is protected under laws and regulations in many countries as a fundamental human right.

"Qi" is a concept in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and martial arts that refers to a vital energy or life force that is believed to flow through the body. It is considered to be essential for maintaining good health and can be influenced by various factors such as diet, exercise, emotions, and environment. However, it's important to note that "Qi" is not a term recognized in modern Western medicine and its definition and significance are based on cultural and philosophical beliefs rather than scientific evidence.

Deltaretroviruses are a genus of retroviruses that include human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) types 1 and 2, bovine leukemia virus (BLV), and simian T-lymphotropic viruses. These viruses are characterized by their ability to cause persistent infections and can lead to the development of various diseases such as adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) and tropical spastic paraparesis/HTLV-associated myelopathy (TSP/HAM).

The genome of deltaretroviruses contains two copies of single-stranded RNA, which are reverse transcribed into double-stranded DNA during the replication process. The viral DNA is then integrated into the host cell's genome, leading to a lifelong infection.

Deltaretroviruses primarily infect CD4+ T cells and other immune cells, and transmission typically occurs through bodily fluids such as breast milk, blood, and sexual contact. Prevention measures include avoiding high-risk behaviors, screening blood products, and implementing strict infection control practices in healthcare settings.

"Yin Deficiency" is not a term that is recognized in conventional Western medicine. It is a concept from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which posits that the body has two opposing but complementary forces: Yin and Yang. Yin is associated with qualities such as stillness, cold, passivity, and substance, while Yang is associated with qualities such as movement, heat, activity, and function.

In TCM theory, a Yin Deficiency can occur when the Yin aspect of the body becomes depleted or out of balance. This can lead to symptoms such as heat sensations, night sweats, insomnia, dry mouth, constipation, and anxiety. It's important to note that these concepts are not based on scientific evidence and are not recognized by Western medical professionals.

Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a type of cancer that causes abnormal growths in the skin, lymph nodes, or other organs. It is caused by the Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), also known as human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8). There are several forms of KS, including:

1. Classic KS: This form primarily affects older men of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Ashkenazi Jewish descent. It tends to progress slowly and mainly involves the skin.
2. Endemic KS: Found in parts of Africa, this form predominantly affects children and young adults, regardless of their HIV status.
3. Immunosuppression-associated KS: This form is more aggressive and occurs in people with weakened immune systems due to organ transplantation or other causes.
4. Epidemic KS (AIDS-related KS): This is the most common form of KS, seen primarily in people with HIV/AIDS. The widespread use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has significantly reduced its incidence.

KS lesions can appear as red, purple, or brown spots on the skin and may also affect internal organs such as the lungs, lymph nodes, or gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms vary depending on the location of the lesions but often include fever, fatigue, weight loss, and swelling in the legs or abdomen. Treatment options depend on the extent and severity of the disease and may involve local therapies (e.g., radiation, topical treatments), systemic therapies (e.g., chemotherapy, immunotherapy), or a combination of these approaches.

Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency Syndrome (LAD) is a group of rare inherited disorders that affect the ability of white blood cells, specifically neutrophils, to adhere to and migrate into tissues, particularly those involved in immune responses. This results in recurrent bacterial and fungal infections starting in infancy.

There are three types of LAD, each caused by different genetic mutations:

1. LAD I: This is the most common and severe form, caused by a deficiency in the CD18 protein which is crucial for neutrophil adhesion. Symptoms include delayed separation of the umbilical cord, severe periodontal disease, and recurrent skin, lung and gastrointestinal infections.

2. LAD II: Also known as congenital disorder of glycosylation, type Ib, it is caused by a deficiency in the enzyme glucosyltransferase, leading to abnormal sugar chains on cell surfaces. Symptoms are similar to LAD I but less severe, and also include mental retardation and impaired growth.

3. LAD III: This is the least common form, caused by a defect in the integrin-linked kinase (ILK) gene. It results in a more complex phenotype with muscular and cardiac abnormalities, in addition to immune dysfunction.

Treatment typically involves prophylactic antibiotics, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) to increase neutrophil counts, and sometimes bone marrow transplantation.

AIDS-Related Complex (ARC) is a term that was used to describe a group of symptoms and conditions that occurred in people who were infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), but had not yet developed full-blown AIDS. It was characterized by the presence of certain opportunistic infections or malignancies, as well as constitutional symptoms such as fever, night sweats, and weight loss.

The term ARC is no longer commonly used in clinical practice, since it has been largely replaced by the concept of "stages of HIV infection" based on CD4+ T-cell count and viral load. However, historically, the diagnosis of ARC required the presence of certain clinical conditions, such as:

* A CD4+ T-cell count between 200 and 500 cells/mm3
* The presence of constitutional symptoms (such as fever, night sweats, or weight loss)
* The presence of one or more opportunistic infections or malignancies (such as Pneumocystis pneumonia, oral candidiasis, or Kaposi's sarcoma)

It is important to note that the diagnosis and management of HIV infection have evolved significantly over time, and people with HIV can now live long and healthy lives with appropriate medical care. If you have any concerns about HIV or AIDS, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider for accurate information and guidance.

Deficiency diseases are a group of medical conditions that occur when an individual's diet lacks essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. These diseases develop because the body needs these nutrients to function correctly, and without them, various bodily functions can become impaired, leading to disease.

Deficiency diseases can manifest in many different ways, depending on which nutrient is lacking. For example:

* Vitamin A deficiency can lead to night blindness and increased susceptibility to infectious diseases.
* Vitamin C deficiency can result in scurvy, a condition characterized by fatigue, swollen gums, joint pain, and anemia.
* Vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets in children, a disease that leads to weakened bones and skeletal deformities.
* Iron deficiency can result in anemia, a condition in which the blood lacks adequate healthy red blood cells.

Preventing deficiency diseases involves eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods from all the major food groups. In some cases, supplements may be necessary to ensure adequate nutrient intake, especially for individuals who have restricted diets or medical conditions that affect nutrient absorption.

Lymphatic diseases refer to a group of conditions that affect the lymphatic system, which is an important part of the immune and circulatory systems. The lymphatic system consists of a network of vessels, organs, and tissues that help to transport lymph fluid throughout the body, fight infection, and remove waste products.

Lymphatic diseases can be caused by various factors, including genetics, infections, cancer, and autoimmune disorders. Some common types of lymphatic diseases include:

1. Lymphedema: A condition that causes swelling in the arms or legs due to a blockage or damage in the lymphatic vessels.
2. Lymphoma: A type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system, including Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
3. Infections: Certain bacterial and viral infections can affect the lymphatic system, such as tuberculosis, cat-scratch disease, and HIV/AIDS.
4. Autoimmune disorders: Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and scleroderma can cause inflammation and damage to the lymphatic system.
5. Congenital abnormalities: Some people are born with abnormalities in their lymphatic system, such as malformations or missing lymph nodes.

Symptoms of lymphatic diseases may vary depending on the specific condition and its severity. Treatment options may include medication, physical therapy, surgery, or radiation therapy. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience symptoms of a lymphatic disease, as early diagnosis and treatment can improve outcomes.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), "Yang Deficiency" is not a medical diagnosis that is recognized in conventional Western medicine. It is a concept that is unique to TCM and refers to an imbalance in the body's vital energy, or Qi (pronounced "chee").

In TCM theory, Yang represents the active, warm, and excitatory principle that drives all bodily functions. It is responsible for warming the body, activating organs, and promoting the movement of Qi. When Yang is deficient, the body may experience symptoms such as cold intolerance, fatigue, weak pulse, pale complexion, and loose stools.

It's important to note that TCM concepts like "Yang Deficiency" are not based on scientific evidence and are not recognized by Western medical professionals as valid diagnostic categories. Therefore, it is essential to consult with a licensed healthcare provider for proper medical evaluation and treatment.

Inborn errors of carbohydrate metabolism refer to genetic disorders that affect the body's ability to break down and process carbohydrates, which are sugars and starches that provide energy for the body. These disorders are caused by defects in enzymes or transport proteins that play a critical role in the metabolic pathways involved in carbohydrate metabolism.

There are several types of inborn errors of carbohydrate metabolism, including:

1. Galactosemia: This disorder affects the body's ability to metabolize the sugar galactose, which is found in milk and other dairy products. It is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase.
2. Glycogen storage diseases: These disorders affect the body's ability to store and break down glycogen, which is a complex carbohydrate that serves as a source of energy for the body. There are several types of glycogen storage diseases, each caused by a deficiency in a different enzyme involved in glycogen metabolism.
3. Hereditary fructose intolerance: This disorder affects the body's ability to metabolize the sugar fructose, which is found in fruits and sweeteners. It is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme aldolase B.
4. Pentose phosphate pathway disorders: These disorders affect the body's ability to metabolize certain sugars and generate energy through the pentose phosphate pathway. They are caused by defects in enzymes involved in this pathway.

Symptoms of inborn errors of carbohydrate metabolism can vary widely depending on the specific disorder and its severity. Treatment typically involves dietary restrictions, supplementation with necessary enzymes or cofactors, and management of complications. In some cases, enzyme replacement therapy or even organ transplantation may be considered.

Guanidinoacetate N-Methyltransferase (GAMT) is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in the biosynthesis of creatine, a nitrogenous organic acid that occurs naturally in vertebrates and helps to supply energy to all cells in the body, primarily muscle.

The GAMT enzyme catalyzes the reaction of guanidinoacetate and a methyl group donor (S-adenosylmethionine) to produce creatine, as well as S-adenosylhomocysteine. A deficiency in this enzyme leads to a rare genetic disorder called Guanidinoacetate Methyltransferase Deficiency (GAMT deficiency), which is characterized by an accumulation of guanidinoacetate in the body and low levels of creatine, resulting in neurological symptoms such as developmental delay, seizures, and movement disorders.

Amidinotransferases are a group of enzymes that play a role in the metabolism of amino acids and other biologically active compounds. These enzymes catalyze the transfer of an amidino group (-NH-C=NH) from one molecule to another, typically from an amino acid or related compound donor to an acceptor molecule.

The amidinotransferases are classified as a subgroup of the larger family of enzymes known as transferases, which catalyze the transfer of various functional groups between molecules. Within this family, the amidinotransferases are further divided into several subfamilies based on their specific functions and the types of donor and acceptor molecules they act upon.

One example of an amidinotransferase is arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT), which plays a role in the biosynthesis of creatine, a compound that is important for energy metabolism in muscles and other tissues. AGAT transfers an amidino group from arginine to glycine, forming guanidinoacetate and ornithine as products.

Abnormalities in the activity of amidinotransferases have been implicated in various diseases, including neurological disorders and certain genetic conditions. For example, mutations in the gene encoding AGAT have been associated with a rare inherited disorder called cerebral creatine deficiency syndrome type 1 (CCDS1), which is characterized by developmental delay, intellectual disability, and other neurological symptoms.

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. It is characterized by intellectual and developmental disabilities, distinctive facial features, and sometimes physical growth delays and health problems. The condition affects approximately one in every 700 babies born in the United States.

Individuals with Down syndrome have varying degrees of cognitive impairment, ranging from mild to moderate or severe. They may also have delayed development, including late walking and talking, and may require additional support and education services throughout their lives.

People with Down syndrome are at increased risk for certain health conditions, such as congenital heart defects, respiratory infections, hearing loss, vision problems, gastrointestinal issues, and thyroid disorders. However, many individuals with Down syndrome live healthy and fulfilling lives with appropriate medical care and support.

The condition is named after John Langdon Down, an English physician who first described the syndrome in 1866.

"Pneumonia, Pneumocystis" is more commonly referred to as "Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP)." It is a type of pneumonia caused by the microorganism Pneumocystis jirovecii. This organism was previously classified as a protozoan but is now considered a fungus.

PCP is an opportunistic infection, which means that it mainly affects people with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS, cancer, transplant recipients, or people taking immunosuppressive medications. The symptoms of PCP can include cough, shortness of breath, fever, and difficulty exercising. It is a serious infection that requires prompt medical treatment, typically with antibiotics.

It's important to note that PCP is not the same as pneumococcal pneumonia, which is caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae. While both conditions are types of pneumonia, they are caused by different organisms and require different treatments.

Metabolic syndrome, also known as Syndrome X, is a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. It is not a single disease but a group of risk factors that often co-occur. According to the American Heart Association and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, a person has metabolic syndrome if they have any three of the following five conditions:

1. Abdominal obesity (waist circumference of 40 inches or more in men, and 35 inches or more in women)
2. Triglyceride level of 150 milligrams per deciliter of blood (mg/dL) or greater
3. HDL cholesterol level of less than 40 mg/dL in men or less than 50 mg/dL in women
4. Systolic blood pressure of 130 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) or greater, or diastolic blood pressure of 85 mmHg or greater
5. Fasting glucose level of 100 mg/dL or greater

Metabolic syndrome is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and lifestyle factors, such as physical inactivity and a diet high in refined carbohydrates and unhealthy fats. Treatment typically involves making lifestyle changes, such as eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and losing weight if necessary. In some cases, medication may also be needed to manage individual components of the syndrome, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a system of medicine that has been developed in China over thousands of years. It is based on the philosophy that the body's vital energy (Qi) circulates through a network of channels called meridians, and that disease results from an imbalance or blockage in this flow of Qi.

TCM uses a variety of treatments to restore balance and promote health, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, moxibustion (the burning of herbs near the skin), cupping, dietary therapy, and tuina (Chinese massage). The use of Chinese herbal medicines is a major component of TCM, with formulas often consisting of combinations of several different herbs tailored to the individual patient's needs.

In addition to these treatments, TCM practitioners may also use diagnostic techniques such as pulse diagnosis and tongue examination to assess a person's overall health and determine the underlying cause of their symptoms. The goal of TCM is not only to treat specific symptoms or diseases but to address the root causes of illness and promote overall wellness.

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a species of lentivirus (a subgroup of retrovirus) that causes HIV infection and over time, HIV infection can lead to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). This virus attacks the immune system, specifically the CD4 cells, also known as T cells, which are a type of white blood cell that helps coordinate the body's immune response. As HIV destroys these cells, the body becomes more vulnerable to other infections and diseases. It is primarily spread through bodily fluids like blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk.

It's important to note that while there is no cure for HIV, with proper medical care, HIV can be controlled. Treatment for HIV is called antiretroviral therapy (ART). If taken as prescribed, this medicine reduces the amount of HIV in the body to a very low level, which keeps the immune system working and prevents illness. This treatment also greatly reduces the risk of transmission.

AIDS-related opportunistic infections (AROIs) are infections that occur more frequently or are more severe in people with weakened immune systems, such as those with advanced HIV infection or AIDS. These infections take advantage of a weakened immune system and can affect various organs and systems in the body.

Common examples of AROIs include:

1. Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), caused by the fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii
2. Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) infection, caused by a type of bacteria called mycobacteria
3. Candidiasis, a fungal infection that can affect various parts of the body, including the mouth, esophagus, and genitals
4. Toxoplasmosis, caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii
5. Cryptococcosis, a fungal infection that affects the lungs and central nervous system
6. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, caused by a type of herpes virus
7. Tuberculosis (TB), caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis
8. Cryptosporidiosis, a parasitic infection that affects the intestines
9. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a viral infection that affects the brain

Preventing and treating AROIs is an important part of managing HIV/AIDS, as they can cause significant illness and even death in people with weakened immune systems. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is used to treat HIV infection and prevent the progression of HIV to AIDS, which can help reduce the risk of opportunistic infections. In addition, medications to prevent specific opportunistic infections may be prescribed for people with advanced HIV or AIDS.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but there seems to be a misunderstanding. Murine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (MAIDS) is not related to human medicine. It is a disease that affects mice and is caused by a retrovirus similar to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). MAIDS is used as an animal model to study certain aspects of HIV infection and AIDS. The disease is characterized by immune system dysfunction, leading to susceptibility to various opportunistic infections and cancers, much like human AIDS. However, it's essential to clarify that MAIDS is not a human health concern.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but the concept of Yin and Yang does not have a medical definition. It is a philosophical concept from Chinese culture, often used in traditional Chinese medicine, that describes how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be interconnected and interdependent in the natural world. In this context, yin and yang are used to describe the complementary aspects of and interdependence between various phenomena.

Yin is characterized as feminine, passive, receptive, and associated with night, darkness, and cold. Yang, on the other hand, is characterized as masculine, active, creative, and associated with day, light, and warmth. The concept of yin and yang is often used to describe the balance and harmony in health and well-being, and any imbalance between these two forces is believed to cause disease or illness. However, it's important to note that this concept is not a medical diagnosis or treatment approach and should not be considered as such.

A mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence of an organism's genome. Mutations can occur spontaneously or be caused by environmental factors such as exposure to radiation, chemicals, or viruses. They may have various effects on the organism, ranging from benign to harmful, depending on where they occur and whether they alter the function of essential proteins. In some cases, mutations can increase an individual's susceptibility to certain diseases or disorders, while in others, they may confer a survival advantage. Mutations are the driving force behind evolution, as they introduce new genetic variability into populations, which can then be acted upon by natural selection.

Lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) deficiency is a genetic disorder that affects the metabolism of cholesterol in the body. LCAT is an enzyme that helps to convert cholesterol into a form that can be easily transported in the bloodstream.

In LCAT deficiency, the activity of this enzyme is reduced or absent, leading to an accumulation of cholesterol in various tissues and organs of the body. This can result in a range of symptoms, including corneal opacities (clouding of the clear outer layer of the eye), hemolytic anemia (destruction of red blood cells), proteinuria (excess protein in the urine), and kidney failure.

There are two main types of LCAT deficiency: a complete form, known as fish-eye disease, which is characterized by corneal opacities but few other symptoms; and an incomplete form, known as LCAT deficiency with systemic involvement, which can affect multiple organs and systems of the body.

LCAT deficiency is caused by mutations in the LCAT gene, which provides instructions for making the LCAT enzyme. Inheritance is autosomal recessive, meaning that an individual must inherit two copies of the mutated gene (one from each parent) to develop the disorder.

Opportunistic infections (OIs) are infections that occur more frequently or are more severe in individuals with weakened immune systems, often due to a underlying condition such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, or organ transplantation. These infections are caused by microorganisms that do not normally cause disease in people with healthy immune function, but can take advantage of an opportunity to infect and cause damage when the body's defense mechanisms are compromised. Examples of opportunistic infections include Pneumocystis pneumonia, tuberculosis, candidiasis (thrush), and cytomegalovirus infection. Preventive measures, such as antimicrobial medications and vaccinations, play a crucial role in reducing the risk of opportunistic infections in individuals with weakened immune systems.

Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a condition that occurs when there is a lack of vitamin A in the diet. This essential fat-soluble vitamin plays crucial roles in vision, growth, cell division, reproduction, and immune system regulation.

In its severe form, VAD leads to xerophthalmia, which includes night blindness (nyctalopia) and keratomalacia - a sight-threatening condition characterized by dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea, with eventual ulceration and perforation. Other symptoms of VAD may include Bitot's spots (foamy, triangular, white spots on the conjunctiva), follicular hyperkeratosis (goose bump-like bumps on the skin), and increased susceptibility to infections due to impaired immune function.

Vitamin A deficiency is most prevalent in developing countries where diets are often low in animal source foods and high in plant-based foods with low bioavailability of vitamin A. It primarily affects children aged 6 months to 5 years, pregnant women, and lactating mothers. Prevention strategies include dietary diversification, food fortification, and supplementation programs.

Osteopetrosis, also known as Albers-Schönberg disease or marble bone disease, is a group of rare genetic disorders characterized by increased bone density due to impaired bone resorption by osteoclasts. This results in brittle bones that are more susceptible to fractures and can also lead to various complications such as anemia, hearing loss, and vision problems. There are several types of osteopetrosis, which vary in severity and age of onset.

The medical definition of osteopetrosis is:

A genetic disorder characterized by defective bone resorption due to impaired osteoclast function, resulting in increased bone density, susceptibility to fractures, and potential complications such as anemia, hearing loss, and vision problems.

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection is a viral illness that progressively attacks and weakens the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to other infections and diseases. The virus primarily infects CD4+ T cells, a type of white blood cell essential for fighting off infections. Over time, as the number of these immune cells declines, the body becomes increasingly vulnerable to opportunistic infections and cancers.

HIV infection has three stages:

1. Acute HIV infection: This is the initial stage that occurs within 2-4 weeks after exposure to the virus. During this period, individuals may experience flu-like symptoms such as fever, fatigue, rash, swollen glands, and muscle aches. The virus replicates rapidly, and the viral load in the body is very high.
2. Chronic HIV infection (Clinical latency): This stage follows the acute infection and can last several years if left untreated. Although individuals may not show any symptoms during this phase, the virus continues to replicate at low levels, and the immune system gradually weakens. The viral load remains relatively stable, but the number of CD4+ T cells declines over time.
3. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome): This is the most advanced stage of HIV infection, characterized by a severely damaged immune system and numerous opportunistic infections or cancers. At this stage, the CD4+ T cell count drops below 200 cells/mm3 of blood.

It's important to note that with proper antiretroviral therapy (ART), individuals with HIV infection can effectively manage the virus, maintain a healthy immune system, and significantly reduce the risk of transmission to others. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for improving long-term health outcomes and reducing the spread of HIV.

Retroviridae infections refer to diseases caused by retroviruses, which are a type of virus that integrates its genetic material into the DNA of the host cell. This allows the virus to co-opt the cell's own machinery to produce new viral particles and infect other cells.

Some well-known retroviruses include human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS, and human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV), which can cause certain types of cancer and neurological disorders.

Retroviral infections can have a range of clinical manifestations depending on the specific virus and the host's immune response. HIV infection, for example, is characterized by progressive immunodeficiency that makes the infected individual susceptible to a wide range of opportunistic infections and cancers. HTLV infection, on the other hand, can cause adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma or tropical spastic paraparesis, a neurological disorder.

Prevention and treatment strategies for retroviral infections depend on the specific virus but may include antiretroviral therapy (ART), vaccination, and behavioral modifications to reduce transmission risk.

Intellectual disability (ID) is a term used when there are significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior, which covers many everyday social and practical skills. This disability originates before the age of 18.

Intellectual functioning, also known as intelligence, refers to general mental capacity, such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive skills. Adaptive behavior includes skills needed for day-to-day life, such as communication, self-care, social skills, safety judgement, and basic academic skills.

Intellectual disability is characterized by below-average intelligence or mental ability and a lack of skills necessary for day-to-day living. It can be mild, moderate, severe, or profound, depending on the degree of limitation in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior.

It's important to note that people with intellectual disabilities have unique strengths and limitations, just like everyone else. With appropriate support and education, they can lead fulfilling lives and contribute to their communities in many ways.

Viral eye infections are caused by viruses that invade different parts of the eye, leading to inflammation and irritation. Some common types of viral eye infections include conjunctivitis (pink eye), keratitis, and dendritic ulcers. These infections can cause symptoms such as redness, watering, soreness, sensitivity to light, and discharge. In some cases, viral eye infections can also lead to complications like corneal scarring and vision loss if left untreated. They are often highly contagious and can spread through contact with contaminated surfaces or respiratory droplets. Antiviral medications may be used to treat certain types of viral eye infections, but in many cases, the infection will resolve on its own over time. Preventive measures such as good hygiene and avoiding touching the eyes can help reduce the risk of viral eye infections.

Null lymphocytes are a type of immune cells that do not express typical surface markers found on mature T lymphocytes or B lymphocytes. They lack both CD4 and CD8 proteins, which are commonly used to identify T cells, as well as CD19 and CD20 proteins, which are used to identify B cells.

Null lymphocytes can be further divided into two subsets: double negative (DN) and double positive (DP) null cells. DN null cells lack both CD4 and CD8 proteins, while DP null cells express both of these proteins simultaneously. The function of null lymphocytes is not well understood, but they are thought to play a role in the immune response, particularly in the early stages of an infection or inflammation.

It's worth noting that null lymphocytes can also be found in some pathological conditions, such as certain types of leukemia and lymphoma, where they can accumulate in large numbers and contribute to the disease process.

Cytomegalovirus retinitis is a sight-threatening eye infection that affects the retina, which is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. It is caused by cytomegalovirus (CMV), a type of herpesvirus that can remain inactive in the body for years after initial infection.

In people with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS or those who have undergone organ transplantation, CMV can reactivate and cause serious complications. When it infects the retina, it can cause inflammation, hemorrhage, and necrosis (cell death), leading to vision loss.

Symptoms of CMV retinitis may include floaters, blurred vision, blind spots, or loss of peripheral vision. If left untreated, the infection can spread to other parts of the eye and cause further damage. Treatment typically involves antiviral medications that are given intravenously or in the form of eye drops. In some cases, laser surgery may be necessary to prevent the spread of the infection.

Nephrotic syndrome is a group of symptoms that indicate kidney damage, specifically damage to the glomeruli—the tiny blood vessel clusters in the kidneys that filter waste and excess fluids from the blood. The main features of nephrotic syndrome are:

1. Proteinuria (excess protein in urine): Large amounts of a protein called albumin leak into the urine due to damaged glomeruli, which can't properly filter proteins. This leads to low levels of albumin in the blood, causing fluid buildup and swelling.
2. Hypoalbuminemia (low blood albumin levels): As albumin leaks into the urine, the concentration of albumin in the blood decreases, leading to hypoalbuminemia. This can cause edema (swelling), particularly in the legs, ankles, and feet.
3. Edema (fluid retention and swelling): With low levels of albumin in the blood, fluids move into the surrounding tissues, causing swelling or puffiness. The swelling is most noticeable around the eyes, face, hands, feet, and abdomen.
4. Hyperlipidemia (high lipid/cholesterol levels): The kidneys play a role in regulating lipid metabolism. Damage to the glomeruli can lead to increased lipid production and high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Nephrotic syndrome can result from various underlying kidney diseases, such as minimal change disease, membranous nephropathy, or focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Treatment depends on the underlying cause and may include medications to control inflammation, manage high blood pressure, and reduce proteinuria. In some cases, dietary modifications and lifestyle changes are also recommended.

A phenotype is the physical or biochemical expression of an organism's genes, or the observable traits and characteristics resulting from the interaction of its genetic constitution (genotype) with environmental factors. These characteristics can include appearance, development, behavior, and resistance to disease, among others. Phenotypes can vary widely, even among individuals with identical genotypes, due to differences in environmental influences, gene expression, and genetic interactions.

I must clarify that the term "pedigree" is not typically used in medical definitions. Instead, it is often employed in genetics and breeding, where it refers to the recorded ancestry of an individual or a family, tracing the inheritance of specific traits or diseases. In human genetics, a pedigree can help illustrate the pattern of genetic inheritance in families over multiple generations. However, it is not a medical term with a specific clinical definition.

Sjögren's syndrome is a chronic autoimmune disorder in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its own moisture-producing glands, particularly the tear and salivary glands. This can lead to symptoms such as dry eyes, dry mouth, and dryness in other areas of the body. In some cases, it may also affect other organs, leading to a variety of complications.

There are two types of Sjögren's syndrome: primary and secondary. Primary Sjögren's syndrome occurs when the condition develops on its own, while secondary Sjögren's syndrome occurs when it develops in conjunction with another autoimmune disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.

The exact cause of Sjögren's syndrome is not fully understood, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Treatment typically focuses on relieving symptoms and may include artificial tears, saliva substitutes, medications to stimulate saliva production, and immunosuppressive drugs in more severe cases.

Alpha 1-Antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency is a genetic disorder that results from insufficient levels of the protective protein AAT in the blood and lungs. This protein is produced by the liver and helps to protect the lungs from damage caused by inflammation and the action of enzymes, such as neutrophil elastase, that are released during the immune response.

In people with AAT deficiency, the lack of adequate AAT levels leads to an uncontrolled increase in neutrophil elastase activity, which can cause damage to lung tissue and result in emphysema, a condition characterized by shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing. Additionally, some individuals with AAT deficiency may develop liver disease due to the accumulation of abnormal AAT proteins in liver cells.

There are different variants or genotypes associated with AAT deficiency, with the most common and severe form being the PiZZ genotype. This variant is caused by mutations in the SERPINA1 gene, which encodes for the AAT protein. Individuals who inherit two copies of this mutated gene (one from each parent) will have very low levels of AAT in their blood and are at increased risk of developing emphysema and liver disease.

Diagnosis of AAT deficiency typically involves measuring AAT levels in the blood and performing genetic testing to identify specific variants of the SERPINA1 gene. Treatment may include lifestyle modifications, such as smoking cessation, bronchodilators, and corticosteroids to manage lung symptoms, as well as augmentation therapy with intravenous infusions of AAT protein to help slow disease progression in individuals with severe deficiency. Liver transplantation may be considered for those with advanced liver disease.

A ketogenic diet is a type of diet that is characterized by a significant reduction in carbohydrate intake and an increase in fat intake, with the goal of inducing a metabolic state called ketosis. In ketosis, the body shifts from using glucose (carbohydrates) as its primary source of energy to using ketones, which are produced by the liver from fatty acids.

The typical ketogenic diet consists of a daily intake of less than 50 grams of carbohydrates, with protein intake moderated and fat intake increased to make up the majority of calories. This can result in a rapid decrease in blood sugar and insulin levels, which can have various health benefits for some individuals, such as weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and reduced risk factors for heart disease.

However, it is important to note that a ketogenic diet may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those with certain medical conditions or who are taking certain medications. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new diet plan.

"Mycobacterium avium is a species of gram-positive, aerobic bacteria that belongs to the family Mycobacteriaceae. It is a slow-growing mycobacterium that is widely distributed in the environment, particularly in soil and water. M. avium is an opportunistic pathogen that can cause pulmonary disease, lymphadenitis, and disseminated infection in individuals with compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS. It is also known to cause pulmonary disease in elderly people with structural lung damage. The bacteria are resistant to many common disinfectants and can survive in hostile environments for extended periods."

HIV antigens refer to the proteins present on the surface or within the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which can stimulate an immune response in the infected individual. These antigens are recognized by the host's immune system, specifically by CD4+ T cells and antibodies, leading to their activation and production. Two significant HIV antigens are the HIV-1 p24 antigen and the gp120/gp41 envelope proteins. The p24 antigen is a capsid protein found within the viral particle, while the gp120/gp41 complex forms the viral envelope and facilitates viral entry into host cells. Detection of HIV antigens in clinical settings, such as in the ELISA or Western blot tests, helps diagnose HIV infection and monitor disease progression.

There is no single medical definition for "Monkey Diseases." However, monkeys can carry and be infected with various diseases that are zoonotic, meaning they can be transmitted from animals to humans. Some examples include:

1. Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV): A virus similar to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that causes AIDS in monkeys. It is not typically harmful to monkeys but can cause AIDS in humans if transmitted, which is rare.
2. Herpes B Virus: Also known as Macacine herpesvirus 1 or Cercopithecine herpesvirus 1, it is a virus that commonly infects macaque monkeys. It can be transmitted to humans through direct contact with an infected monkey's saliva, eye fluid, or cerebrospinal fluid, causing a severe and potentially fatal illness called B encephalitis.
3. Tuberculosis (TB): Monkeys can contract and transmit tuberculosis to humans, although it is not common.
4. Simian Retrovirus (SRV): A virus that can infect both monkeys and great apes, causing immunodeficiency similar to HIV/AIDS in humans. It is not known to infect or cause disease in humans.
5. Various parasitic diseases: Monkeys can carry and transmit several parasites, including malaria-causing Plasmodium species, intestinal worms, and other parasites that can affect human health.

It's important to note that while monkeys can carry and transmit these diseases, the risk of transmission is generally low, and most cases occur in individuals who have close contact with monkeys, such as primatologists, zookeepers, or laboratory workers. Always follow safety guidelines when interacting with animals, including monkeys, to minimize the risk of disease transmission.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is a condition characterized by insufficient levels of vitamin B12 in the body, leading to impaired production of red blood cells, nerve function damage, and potential neurological complications. Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in DNA synthesis, fatty acid metabolism, and maintaining the health of the nervous system.

The medical definition of vitamin B12 deficiency includes:

1. Reduced serum or whole blood vitamin B12 concentrations (typically below 200 pg/mL or 145 pmol/L)
2. Presence of clinical symptoms and signs, such as:
* Fatigue, weakness, and lethargy
* Pale skin, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations due to anemia (megaloblastic or macrocytic anemia)
* Neurological symptoms like numbness, tingling, or burning sensations in the hands and feet (peripheral neuropathy), balance problems, confusion, memory loss, and depression
3. Laboratory findings consistent with deficiency, such as:
* Increased mean corpuscular volume (MCV) of red blood cells
* Reduced numbers of red and white blood cells and platelets in severe cases
* Elevated homocysteine and methylmalonic acid levels in the blood due to impaired metabolism

The most common causes of vitamin B12 deficiency include dietary insufficiency (common in vegetarians and vegans), pernicious anemia (an autoimmune condition affecting intrinsic factor production), gastrointestinal disorders (such as celiac disease, Crohn's disease, or gastric bypass surgery), and certain medications that interfere with vitamin B12 absorption.

Untreated vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to severe complications, including irreversible nerve damage, cognitive impairment, and increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential for preventing long-term health consequences.

Carbonic anhydrase II (CA-II) is a specific isoform of the carbonic anhydrase enzyme, which catalyzes the reversible reaction between carbon dioxide and water to form carbonic acid. This enzyme plays a crucial role in various physiological processes, including pH regulation, electrolyte balance, and biosynthetic reactions.

CA-II is widely distributed in the body, with high concentrations found in erythrocytes (red blood cells), the gastric mucosa, and renal tubules. In erythrocytes, CA-II facilitates the rapid conversion of carbon dioxide generated during cellular respiration to bicarbonate and protons, which can then be transported across the cell membrane for excretion or used in other metabolic processes.

In the gastric mucosa, CA-II helps regulate acid secretion by catalyzing the formation of carbonic acid from water and carbon dioxide, which subsequently dissociates into bicarbonate and a proton. The generated proton can then participate in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

In renal tubules, CA-II is involved in the reabsorption of bicarbonate ions from the filtrate back into the bloodstream, helping maintain electrolyte balance and pH homeostasis. Additionally, CA-II has been implicated in several pathological conditions, such as neurological disorders, cancer, and osteoporosis, making it a potential therapeutic target for drug development.

Renal tubular acidosis (RTA) is a medical condition that occurs when the kidneys are unable to properly excrete acid into the urine, leading to an accumulation of acid in the bloodstream. This results in a state of metabolic acidosis.

There are several types of RTA, but renal tubular acidosis type 1 (also known as distal RTA) is characterized by a defect in the ability of the distal tubules to acidify the urine, leading to an inability to lower the pH of the urine below 5.5, even in the face of metabolic acidosis. This results in a persistently alkaline urine, which can lead to calcium phosphate stones and bone demineralization.

Type 1 RTA is often caused by inherited genetic defects, but it can also be acquired due to various kidney diseases, drugs, or autoimmune disorders. Symptoms of type 1 RTA may include fatigue, weakness, muscle cramps, decreased appetite, and vomiting. Treatment typically involves alkali therapy to correct the acidosis and prevent complications.

Dyskinesias are a type of movement disorder characterized by involuntary, erratic, and often repetitive muscle movements. These movements can affect any part of the body and can include twisting, writhing, or jerking motions, as well as slow, writhing contortions. Dyskinesias can be caused by a variety of factors, including certain medications (such as those used to treat Parkinson's disease), brain injury, stroke, infection, or exposure to toxins. They can also be a side effect of some medical treatments, such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

Dyskinesias can have a significant impact on a person's daily life, making it difficult for them to perform routine tasks and affecting their overall quality of life. Treatment for dyskinesias depends on the underlying cause and may include medication adjustments, surgery, or physical therapy. In some cases, dyskinesias may be managed with the use of assistive devices or by modifying the person's environment to make it easier for them to move around.

HIV-1 (Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1) is a species of the retrovirus genus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It is primarily transmitted through sexual contact, exposure to infected blood or blood products, and from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. HIV-1 infects vital cells in the human immune system, such as CD4+ T cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells, leading to a decline in their numbers and weakening of the immune response over time. This results in the individual becoming susceptible to various opportunistic infections and cancers that ultimately cause death if left untreated. HIV-1 is the most prevalent form of HIV worldwide and has been identified as the causative agent of the global AIDS pandemic.

Glucose Transporter Type 1 (GLUT1) is a specific type of protein called a glucose transporter, which is responsible for facilitating the transport of glucose across the blood-brain barrier and into the brain cells. It is encoded by the SLC2A1 gene and is primarily found in the endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier, as well as in other tissues such as the erythrocytes (red blood cells), placenta, and kidney.

GLUT1 plays a critical role in maintaining normal glucose levels in the brain, as it is the main mechanism for glucose uptake into the brain. Disorders of GLUT1 can lead to impaired glucose transport, which can result in neurological symptoms such as seizures, developmental delay, and movement disorders. These disorders are known as GLUT1 deficiency syndromes.

T-lymphocytes, also known as T-cells, are a type of white blood cell that plays a key role in the adaptive immune system's response to infection. They are produced in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus gland. There are several different types of T-cells, including CD4+ helper T-cells, CD8+ cytotoxic T-cells, and regulatory T-cells (Tregs).

CD4+ helper T-cells assist in activating other immune cells, such as B-lymphocytes and macrophages. They also produce cytokines, which are signaling molecules that help coordinate the immune response. CD8+ cytotoxic T-cells directly kill infected cells by releasing toxic substances. Regulatory T-cells help maintain immune tolerance and prevent autoimmune diseases by suppressing the activity of other immune cells.

T-lymphocytes are important in the immune response to viral infections, cancer, and other diseases. Dysfunction or depletion of T-cells can lead to immunodeficiency and increased susceptibility to infections. On the other hand, an overactive T-cell response can contribute to autoimmune diseases and chronic inflammation.

Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) is a type of primary immunodeficiency disorder characterized by reduced levels of immunoglobulins (also known as antibodies) in the blood, which makes an individual more susceptible to infections. The term "common" refers to its prevalence compared to other types of immunodeficiencies, and "variable" indicates the variability in the severity and types of symptoms among affected individuals.

Immunoglobulins are proteins produced by the immune system to help fight off infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. In CVID, there is a deficiency in the production or function of these immunoglobulins, particularly IgG, IgA, and/or IgM. This results in recurrent infections, chronic inflammation, and an increased risk of developing autoimmune disorders and cancer.

Symptoms of CVID can include:

1. Recurrent sinus, ear, and lung infections
2. Gastrointestinal issues, such as diarrhea, bloating, and malabsorption
3. Autoimmune disorders, like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or inflammatory bowel disease
4. Increased risk of certain cancers, particularly lymphomas
5. Fatigue and poor growth in children
6. Delayed puberty in adolescents
7. Lung damage due to recurrent infections
8. Poor response to vaccinations

The exact cause of CVID is not fully understood, but it is believed to be related to genetic factors. In some cases, a family history of immunodeficiency disorders may be present. Diagnosis typically involves blood tests to measure immunoglobulin levels and other immune system components, as well as genetic testing to identify any known genetic mutations associated with CVID. Treatment usually consists of regular infusions of immunoglobulins to replace the missing antibodies and help prevent infections.

Hemophilia A is a genetic bleeding disorder caused by a deficiency in clotting factor VIII. This results in impaired blood clotting and prolonged bleeding, particularly after injuries or surgeries. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, with the most severe form resulting in spontaneous bleeding into joints and muscles, leading to pain, swelling, and potential joint damage over time. Hemophilia A primarily affects males, as it is an X-linked recessive disorder, and is usually inherited from a carrier mother. However, about one third of cases result from a spontaneous mutation in the gene for factor VIII. Treatment typically involves replacement therapy with infusions of factor VIII concentrates to prevent or control bleeding episodes.

Vitamin D deficiency is a condition characterized by insufficient levels of vitamin D in the body, typically defined as a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level below 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) or 50 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L). Vitamin D is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy bones and teeth by regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It also has various other functions in the body, including modulation of cell growth, immune function, and neuromuscular activity.

Vitamin D can be obtained through dietary sources such as fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and supplements, but the majority of vitamin D is produced in the skin upon exposure to sunlight. Deficiency can occur due to inadequate dietary intake, insufficient sun exposure, or impaired absorption or metabolism of vitamin D.

Risk factors for vitamin D deficiency include older age, darker skin tone, obesity, malabsorption syndromes, liver or kidney disease, and certain medications. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can be subtle and nonspecific, such as fatigue, bone pain, muscle weakness, and mood changes. However, prolonged deficiency can lead to more severe health consequences, including osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and increased risk of fractures.

Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC) is a group of slow-growing mycobacteria that includes Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare. These bacteria are commonly found in water, soil, and dust, and can cause pulmonary disease, lymphadenitis, and disseminated infection, particularly in individuals with compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS. The infection caused by MAC is often chronic and difficult to eradicate, requiring long-term antibiotic therapy.

Turner Syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects females, caused by complete or partial absence of one X chromosome. The typical karyotype is 45,X0 instead of the normal 46,XX in women. This condition leads to distinctive physical features and medical issues in growth, development, and fertility. Characteristic features include short stature, webbed neck, low-set ears, and swelling of the hands and feet. Other potential symptoms can include heart defects, hearing and vision problems, skeletal abnormalities, kidney issues, and learning disabilities. Not all individuals with Turner Syndrome will have every symptom, but most will require medical interventions and monitoring throughout their lives to address various health concerns associated with the condition.

Antibodies, viral are proteins produced by the immune system in response to an infection with a virus. These antibodies are capable of recognizing and binding to specific antigens on the surface of the virus, which helps to neutralize or destroy the virus and prevent its replication. Once produced, these antibodies can provide immunity against future infections with the same virus.

Viral antibodies are typically composed of four polypeptide chains - two heavy chains and two light chains - that are held together by disulfide bonds. The binding site for the antigen is located at the tip of the Y-shaped structure, formed by the variable regions of the heavy and light chains.

There are five classes of antibodies in humans: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM. Each class has a different function and is distributed differently throughout the body. For example, IgG is the most common type of antibody found in the bloodstream and provides long-term immunity against viruses, while IgA is found primarily in mucous membranes and helps to protect against respiratory and gastrointestinal infections.

In addition to their role in the immune response, viral antibodies can also be used as diagnostic tools to detect the presence of a specific virus in a patient's blood or other bodily fluids.

HIV antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system in response to the presence of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) in the body. These antibodies are designed to recognize and bind to specific parts of the virus, known as antigens, in order to neutralize or eliminate it.

There are several types of HIV antibodies that can be produced, including:

1. Anti-HIV-1 and anti-HIV-2 antibodies: These are antibodies that specifically target the HIV-1 and HIV-2 viruses, respectively.
2. Antibodies to HIV envelope proteins: These antibodies recognize and bind to the outer envelope of the virus, which is covered in glycoprotein spikes that allow the virus to attach to and enter host cells.
3. Antibodies to HIV core proteins: These antibodies recognize and bind to the interior of the viral particle, where the genetic material of the virus is housed.

The presence of HIV antibodies in the blood can be detected through a variety of tests, including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blot. A positive test result for HIV antibodies indicates that an individual has been infected with the virus, although it may take several weeks or months after infection for the antibodies to become detectable.

Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (M. avium-intracellulare) infection is a type of nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) lung disease caused by the environmental pathogens Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare, which are commonly found in water, soil, and dust. These bacteria can cause pulmonary infection, especially in individuals with underlying lung conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchiectasis, or prior tuberculosis infection.

M. avium-intracellulare infection typically presents with symptoms like cough, fatigue, weight loss, fever, night sweats, and sputum production. Diagnosis is established through a combination of clinical presentation, radiographic findings, and microbiological culture of respiratory samples. Treatment usually involves a multidrug regimen consisting of macrolides (such as clarithromycin or azithromycin), ethambutol, and rifamycins (such as rifampin or rifabutin) for an extended period, often 12-24 months. Eradication of the infection can be challenging due to the bacteria's inherent resistance to many antibiotics and its ability to survive within host cells.

'Abnormalities, Multiple' is a broad term that refers to the presence of two or more structural or functional anomalies in an individual. These abnormalities can be present at birth (congenital) or can develop later in life (acquired). They can affect various organs and systems of the body and can vary greatly in severity and impact on a person's health and well-being.

Multiple abnormalities can occur due to genetic factors, environmental influences, or a combination of both. Chromosomal abnormalities, gene mutations, exposure to teratogens (substances that cause birth defects), and maternal infections during pregnancy are some of the common causes of multiple congenital abnormalities.

Examples of multiple congenital abnormalities include Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, and VATER/VACTERL association. Acquired multiple abnormalities can result from conditions such as trauma, infection, degenerative diseases, or cancer.

The medical evaluation and management of individuals with multiple abnormalities depend on the specific abnormalities present and their impact on the individual's health and functioning. A multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals is often involved in the care of these individuals to address their complex needs.

Thiamine deficiency, also known as beriberi, is a condition that results from inadequate intake or impaired absorption of thiamine (vitamin B1), which is essential for energy metabolism and nerve function. This deficiency can lead to various symptoms such as peripheral neuropathy, muscle weakness, heart failure, and in severe cases, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, a neurological disorder associated with alcoholism. Thiamine deficiency is commonly found in populations with poor nutrition, alcohol dependence, and gastrointestinal disorders affecting nutrient absorption.

Folic Acid Deficiency is a condition characterized by insufficient levels of folic acid (Vitamin B9) in the body. Folic acid plays an essential role in the synthesis of DNA and RNA, the production of red blood cells, and the prevention of neural tube defects during fetal development.

A deficiency in folic acid can lead to a variety of health issues, including:
- Megaloblastic anemia: A type of anemia characterized by large, structurally abnormal, immature red blood cells (megaloblasts) that are unable to function properly. This results in fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, and a pale appearance.
- Neural tube defects: In pregnant women, folic acid deficiency can increase the risk of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida and anencephaly, in the developing fetus.
- Developmental delays and neurological disorders: In infants and children, folic acid deficiency during pregnancy can lead to developmental delays, learning difficulties, and neurological disorders.
- Increased risk of cardiovascular disease: Folate plays a role in maintaining healthy homocysteine levels. Deficiency can result in elevated homocysteine levels, which is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Folic acid deficiency can be caused by various factors, including poor dietary intake, malabsorption syndromes (such as celiac disease or Crohn's disease), pregnancy, alcoholism, certain medications (like methotrexate and phenytoin), and genetic disorders affecting folate metabolism. To prevent or treat folic acid deficiency, dietary supplementation with folic acid is often recommended, especially for pregnant women and individuals at risk of deficiency.

IgA deficiency is a condition characterized by significantly reduced levels or absence of secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA), an important antibody that plays a crucial role in the immune function of mucous membranes lining the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. IgA helps to prevent the attachment and multiplication of pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses, on these surfaces.

In individuals with IgA deficiency, the lack of adequate IgA levels makes them more susceptible to recurrent infections, allergies, and autoimmune disorders. The condition can be asymptomatic or may present with various symptoms, such as respiratory tract infections, gastrointestinal issues, and chronic sinusitis. IgA deficiency is typically diagnosed through blood tests that measure the immunoglobulin levels. While there is no cure for IgA deficiency, treatment focuses on managing symptoms and preventing infections through medications, immunizations, and lifestyle modifications.

Agammaglobulinemia is a medical condition characterized by a severe deficiency or complete absence of gamma globulins (a type of antibodies) in the blood. This deficiency results from a lack of functional B cells, which are a type of white blood cell that produces antibodies to help fight off infections.

There are two main types of agammaglobulinemia: X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) and autosomal recessive agammaglobulinemia (ARA). XLA is caused by mutations in the BTK gene and primarily affects males, while ARA is caused by mutations in other genes and can affect both males and females.

People with agammaglobulinemia are at increased risk for recurrent bacterial infections, particularly respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia and sinusitis. They may also be more susceptible to certain viral and parasitic infections. Treatment typically involves replacement therapy with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) to provide the patient with functional antibodies.

"Macaca nemestrina," also known as the pig-tailed macaque, is not a medical term but a species name in biology. It refers to a specific species of monkey that is native to Southeast Asia. The pig-tailed macaque is a medium-sized monkey with a reddish-brown fur and a distinctive tail that resembles a pig's tail. They are omnivorous and live in social groups that can range from a few individuals to several hundred.

While "Macaca nemestrina" may not have a direct medical definition, these monkeys have been used as models in biomedical research due to their close genetic relationship with humans. Some studies involving pig-tailed macaques have contributed to our understanding of various human diseases and conditions, such as infectious diseases, neurological disorders, and reproductive health. However, it is important to note that the use of animals in research remains a controversial topic, and ethical considerations must be taken into account when conducting such studies.

Animal disease models are specialized animals, typically rodents such as mice or rats, that have been genetically engineered or exposed to certain conditions to develop symptoms and physiological changes similar to those seen in human diseases. These models are used in medical research to study the pathophysiology of diseases, identify potential therapeutic targets, test drug efficacy and safety, and understand disease mechanisms.

The genetic modifications can include knockout or knock-in mutations, transgenic expression of specific genes, or RNA interference techniques. The animals may also be exposed to environmental factors such as chemicals, radiation, or infectious agents to induce the disease state.

Examples of animal disease models include:

1. Mouse models of cancer: Genetically engineered mice that develop various types of tumors, allowing researchers to study cancer initiation, progression, and metastasis.
2. Alzheimer's disease models: Transgenic mice expressing mutant human genes associated with Alzheimer's disease, which exhibit amyloid plaque formation and cognitive decline.
3. Diabetes models: Obese and diabetic mouse strains like the NOD (non-obese diabetic) or db/db mice, used to study the development of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, respectively.
4. Cardiovascular disease models: Atherosclerosis-prone mice, such as ApoE-deficient or LDLR-deficient mice, that develop plaque buildup in their arteries when fed a high-fat diet.
5. Inflammatory bowel disease models: Mice with genetic mutations affecting intestinal barrier function and immune response, such as IL-10 knockout or SAMP1/YitFc mice, which develop colitis.

Animal disease models are essential tools in preclinical research, but it is important to recognize their limitations. Differences between species can affect the translatability of results from animal studies to human patients. Therefore, researchers must carefully consider the choice of model and interpret findings cautiously when applying them to human diseases.

HIV seropositivity is a term used to describe a positive result on an HIV antibody test. This means that the individual has developed antibodies against the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), indicating that they have been infected with the virus. However, it's important to note that this does not necessarily mean that the person has AIDS, as there can be a long period between HIV infection and the development of AIDS.

A leukocyte count, also known as a white blood cell (WBC) count, is a laboratory test that measures the number of leukocytes in a sample of blood. Leukocytes are a vital part of the body's immune system and help fight infection and inflammation. A high or low leukocyte count may indicate an underlying medical condition, such as an infection, inflammation, or a bone marrow disorder. The normal range for a leukocyte count in adults is typically between 4,500 and 11,000 cells per microliter (mcL) of blood. However, the normal range can vary slightly depending on the laboratory and the individual's age and sex.

DNA Mutational Analysis is a laboratory test used to identify genetic variations or changes (mutations) in the DNA sequence of a gene. This type of analysis can be used to diagnose genetic disorders, predict the risk of developing certain diseases, determine the most effective treatment for cancer, or assess the likelihood of passing on an inherited condition to offspring.

The test involves extracting DNA from a patient's sample (such as blood, saliva, or tissue), amplifying specific regions of interest using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and then sequencing those regions to determine the precise order of nucleotide bases in the DNA molecule. The resulting sequence is then compared to reference sequences to identify any variations or mutations that may be present.

DNA Mutational Analysis can detect a wide range of genetic changes, including single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions, deletions, duplications, and rearrangements. The test is often used in conjunction with other diagnostic tests and clinical evaluations to provide a comprehensive assessment of a patient's genetic profile.

It is important to note that not all mutations are pathogenic or associated with disease, and the interpretation of DNA Mutational Analysis results requires careful consideration of the patient's medical history, family history, and other relevant factors.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a medical treatment that involves the use of hormones to replace or supplement those that the body is no longer producing or no longer producing in sufficient quantities. It is most commonly used to help manage symptoms associated with menopause and conditions related to hormonal imbalances.

In women, HRT typically involves the use of estrogen and/or progesterone to alleviate hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood changes that can occur during menopause. In some cases, testosterone may also be prescribed to help improve energy levels, sex drive, and overall sense of well-being.

In men, HRT is often used to treat low testosterone levels (hypogonadism) and related symptoms such as fatigue, decreased muscle mass, and reduced sex drive.

It's important to note that while HRT can be effective in managing certain symptoms, it also carries potential risks, including an increased risk of blood clots, stroke, breast cancer (in women), and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the decision to undergo HRT should be made carefully and discussed thoroughly with a healthcare provider.

Molecular sequence data refers to the specific arrangement of molecules, most commonly nucleotides in DNA or RNA, or amino acids in proteins, that make up a biological macromolecule. This data is generated through laboratory techniques such as sequencing, and provides information about the exact order of the constituent molecules. This data is crucial in various fields of biology, including genetics, evolution, and molecular biology, allowing for comparisons between different organisms, identification of genetic variations, and studies of gene function and regulation.

The brain is the central organ of the nervous system, responsible for receiving and processing sensory information, regulating vital functions, and controlling behavior, movement, and cognition. It is divided into several distinct regions, each with specific functions:

1. Cerebrum: The largest part of the brain, responsible for higher cognitive functions such as thinking, learning, memory, language, and perception. It is divided into two hemispheres, each controlling the opposite side of the body.
2. Cerebellum: Located at the back of the brain, it is responsible for coordinating muscle movements, maintaining balance, and fine-tuning motor skills.
3. Brainstem: Connects the cerebrum and cerebellum to the spinal cord, controlling vital functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. It also serves as a relay center for sensory information and motor commands between the brain and the rest of the body.
4. Diencephalon: A region that includes the thalamus (a major sensory relay station) and hypothalamus (regulates hormones, temperature, hunger, thirst, and sleep).
5. Limbic system: A group of structures involved in emotional processing, memory formation, and motivation, including the hippocampus, amygdala, and cingulate gyrus.

The brain is composed of billions of interconnected neurons that communicate through electrical and chemical signals. It is protected by the skull and surrounded by three layers of membranes called meninges, as well as cerebrospinal fluid that provides cushioning and nutrients.

Mycobacterium infections are a group of infectious diseases caused by various species of the Mycobacterium genus, including but not limited to M. tuberculosis (which causes tuberculosis), M. avium complex (which causes pulmonary and disseminated disease, particularly in immunocompromised individuals), M. leprae (which causes leprosy), and M. ulcerans (which causes Buruli ulcer). These bacteria are known for their ability to resist destruction by normal immune responses and many disinfectants due to the presence of a waxy mycolic acid layer in their cell walls.

Infection typically occurs through inhalation, ingestion, or direct contact with contaminated materials. The severity and manifestations of the disease can vary widely depending on the specific Mycobacterium species involved, the route of infection, and the host's immune status. Symptoms may include cough, fever, night sweats, weight loss, fatigue, skin lesions, or lymphadenitis. Diagnosis often requires specialized laboratory tests, such as culture or PCR-based methods, to identify the specific Mycobacterium species involved. Treatment typically involves a combination of antibiotics and may require long-term therapy.

Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a group of diverse bone marrow disorders characterized by dysplasia (abnormal development or maturation) of one or more types of blood cells or by ineffective hematopoiesis, resulting in cytopenias (lower than normal levels of one or more types of blood cells). MDS can be classified into various subtypes based on the number and type of cytopenias, the degree of dysplasia, the presence of ring sideroblasts, and cytogenetic abnormalities.

The condition primarily affects older adults, with a median age at diagnosis of around 70 years. MDS can evolve into acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in approximately 30-40% of cases. The pathophysiology of MDS involves genetic mutations and chromosomal abnormalities that lead to impaired differentiation and increased apoptosis of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, ultimately resulting in cytopenias and an increased risk of developing AML.

The diagnosis of MDS typically requires a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, along with cytogenetic and molecular analyses to identify specific genetic mutations and chromosomal abnormalities. Treatment options for MDS depend on the subtype, severity of cytopenias, and individual patient factors. These may include supportive care measures, such as transfusions and growth factor therapy, or more aggressive treatments, such as chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation.

Simian Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (SAIDS) is not recognized as a medical condition in humans. However, it is a disease that affects non-human primates like African green monkeys and sooty mangabeys. SAIDS is caused by the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV), which is similar to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that leads to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in humans.

In non-human primates, SIV infection can lead to a severe immunodeficiency state, characterized by the destruction of CD4+ T cells and impaired immune function, making the host susceptible to various opportunistic infections and cancers. However, it is important to note that most non-human primates infected with SIV do not develop SAIDS spontaneously, unlike humans who acquire HIV infection.

In summary, Simian Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (SAIDS) is a disease affecting non-human primates due to Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) infection, characterized by immunodeficiency and susceptibility to opportunistic infections and cancers. It should not be confused with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) in humans.

A base sequence in the context of molecular biology refers to the specific order of nucleotides in a DNA or RNA molecule. In DNA, these nucleotides are adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). In RNA, uracil (U) takes the place of thymine. The base sequence contains genetic information that is transcribed into RNA and ultimately translated into proteins. It is the exact order of these bases that determines the genetic code and thus the function of the DNA or RNA molecule.

Cushing syndrome is a hormonal disorder that occurs when your body is exposed to high levels of the hormone cortisol for a long time. This can happen due to various reasons such as taking high doses of corticosteroid medications or tumors that produce cortisol or adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

The symptoms of Cushing syndrome may include:

* Obesity, particularly around the trunk and upper body
* Thinning of the skin, easy bruising, and purple or red stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs, breasts, and arms
* Weakened bones, leading to fractures
* High blood pressure
* High blood sugar
* Mental changes such as depression, anxiety, and irritability
* Increased fatigue and weakness
* Menstrual irregularities in women
* Decreased fertility in men

Cushing syndrome can be diagnosed through various tests, including urine and blood tests to measure cortisol levels, saliva tests, and imaging tests to locate any tumors. Treatment depends on the cause of the condition but may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or adjusting medication dosages.

Retinitis is a medical term that refers to the inflammation of the retina, which is the light-sensitive tissue located at the back of the eye. The retina is responsible for converting light into electrical signals that are then sent to the brain and interpreted as visual images. Retinitis can be caused by various factors, including infections, autoimmune diseases, or genetic conditions.

The inflammation associated with retinitis can affect any part of the retina, but it typically involves the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and the photoreceptor cells (rods and cones). Depending on the severity and location of the inflammation, retinitis can cause a range of visual symptoms, such as blurry vision, floaters, loss of peripheral vision, or night blindness.

Retinitis is often distinguished from another condition called retinopathy, which refers to damage to the retina caused by diabetes or other systemic diseases. While both conditions can affect the retina and cause visual symptoms, retinitis is characterized by inflammation, while retinopathy is characterized by damage due to circulatory problems.

It's important to note that retinitis is a serious condition that requires prompt medical attention. If left untreated, it can lead to permanent vision loss or blindness. Treatment options for retinitis depend on the underlying cause and may include antibiotics, corticosteroids, or other immunosuppressive medications.

AIDS-related lymphoma (ARL) is a type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system and is associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It is caused by the infection of the lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which weakens the immune system and makes individuals more susceptible to developing lymphoma.

There are two main types of AIDS-related lymphomas: diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and Burkitt lymphoma (BL). DLBCL is the most common type and tends to grow rapidly, while BL is a more aggressive form that can also spread quickly.

Symptoms of AIDS-related lymphoma may include swollen lymph nodes, fever, night sweats, fatigue, weight loss, and decreased appetite. Diagnosis typically involves a biopsy of the affected lymph node or other tissue, followed by various imaging tests to determine the extent of the disease.

Treatment for AIDS-related lymphoma usually involves a combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and/or immunotherapy, along with antiretroviral therapy (ART) to manage HIV infection. The prognosis for ARL varies depending on several factors, including the type and stage of the disease, the patient's overall health, and their response to treatment.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections are caused by the human herpesvirus 5 (HHV-5), a type of herpesvirus. The infection can affect people of all ages, but it is more common in individuals with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS or who have undergone organ transplantation.

CMV can be spread through close contact with an infected person's saliva, urine, blood, tears, semen, or breast milk. It can also be spread through sexual contact or by sharing contaminated objects, such as toys, eating utensils, or drinking glasses. Once a person is infected with CMV, the virus remains in their body for life and can reactivate later, causing symptoms to recur.

Most people who are infected with CMV do not experience any symptoms, but some may develop a mononucleosis-like illness, characterized by fever, fatigue, swollen glands, and sore throat. In people with weakened immune systems, CMV infections can cause more severe symptoms, including pneumonia, gastrointestinal disease, retinitis, and encephalitis.

Congenital CMV infection occurs when a pregnant woman passes the virus to her fetus through the placenta. This can lead to serious complications, such as hearing loss, vision loss, developmental delays, and mental disability.

Diagnosis of CMV infections is typically made through blood tests or by detecting the virus in bodily fluids, such as urine or saliva. Treatment depends on the severity of the infection and the patient's overall health. Antiviral medications may be prescribed to help manage symptoms and prevent complications.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Macaca" is not a medical term. It is the name of a genus that includes several species of monkeys, commonly known as macaques. These primates are often used in biomedical research due to their similarities with humans in terms of genetics and physiology. If you have any questions related to medicine or health, I would be happy to try to help answer them.

A "knockout" mouse is a genetically engineered mouse in which one or more genes have been deleted or "knocked out" using molecular biology techniques. This allows researchers to study the function of specific genes and their role in various biological processes, as well as potential associations with human diseases. The mice are generated by introducing targeted DNA modifications into embryonic stem cells, which are then used to create a live animal. Knockout mice have been widely used in biomedical research to investigate gene function, disease mechanisms, and potential therapeutic targets.

C57BL/6 (C57 Black 6) is an inbred strain of laboratory mouse that is widely used in biomedical research. The term "inbred" refers to a strain of animals where matings have been carried out between siblings or other closely related individuals for many generations, resulting in a population that is highly homozygous at most genetic loci.

The C57BL/6 strain was established in 1920 by crossing a female mouse from the dilute brown (DBA) strain with a male mouse from the black strain. The resulting offspring were then interbred for many generations to create the inbred C57BL/6 strain.

C57BL/6 mice are known for their robust health, longevity, and ease of handling, making them a popular choice for researchers. They have been used in a wide range of biomedical research areas, including studies of cancer, immunology, neuroscience, cardiovascular disease, and metabolism.

One of the most notable features of the C57BL/6 strain is its sensitivity to certain genetic modifications, such as the introduction of mutations that lead to obesity or impaired glucose tolerance. This has made it a valuable tool for studying the genetic basis of complex diseases and traits.

Overall, the C57BL/6 inbred mouse strain is an important model organism in biomedical research, providing a valuable resource for understanding the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying human health and disease.

In the field of medicine, "time factors" refer to the duration of symptoms or time elapsed since the onset of a medical condition, which can have significant implications for diagnosis and treatment. Understanding time factors is crucial in determining the progression of a disease, evaluating the effectiveness of treatments, and making critical decisions regarding patient care.

For example, in stroke management, "time is brain," meaning that rapid intervention within a specific time frame (usually within 4.5 hours) is essential to administering tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), a clot-busting drug that can minimize brain damage and improve patient outcomes. Similarly, in trauma care, the "golden hour" concept emphasizes the importance of providing definitive care within the first 60 minutes after injury to increase survival rates and reduce morbidity.

Time factors also play a role in monitoring the progression of chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease, where regular follow-ups and assessments help determine appropriate treatment adjustments and prevent complications. In infectious diseases, time factors are crucial for initiating antibiotic therapy and identifying potential outbreaks to control their spread.

Overall, "time factors" encompass the significance of recognizing and acting promptly in various medical scenarios to optimize patient outcomes and provide effective care.

Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is a genetic disorder that affects the normal functioning of an enzyme called G6PD. This enzyme is found in red blood cells and plays a crucial role in protecting them from damage.

In people with G6PD deficiency, the enzyme's activity is reduced or absent, making their red blood cells more susceptible to damage and destruction, particularly when they are exposed to certain triggers such as certain medications, infections, or foods. This can lead to a condition called hemolysis, where the red blood cells break down prematurely, leading to anemia, jaundice, and in severe cases, kidney failure.

G6PD deficiency is typically inherited from one's parents in an X-linked recessive pattern, meaning that males are more likely to be affected than females. While there is no cure for G6PD deficiency, avoiding triggers and managing symptoms can help prevent complications.

"Cells, cultured" is a medical term that refers to cells that have been removed from an organism and grown in controlled laboratory conditions outside of the body. This process is called cell culture and it allows scientists to study cells in a more controlled and accessible environment than they would have inside the body. Cultured cells can be derived from a variety of sources, including tissues, organs, or fluids from humans, animals, or cell lines that have been previously established in the laboratory.

Cell culture involves several steps, including isolation of the cells from the tissue, purification and characterization of the cells, and maintenance of the cells in appropriate growth conditions. The cells are typically grown in specialized media that contain nutrients, growth factors, and other components necessary for their survival and proliferation. Cultured cells can be used for a variety of purposes, including basic research, drug development and testing, and production of biological products such as vaccines and gene therapies.

It is important to note that cultured cells may behave differently than they do in the body, and results obtained from cell culture studies may not always translate directly to human physiology or disease. Therefore, it is essential to validate findings from cell culture experiments using additional models and ultimately in clinical trials involving human subjects.

Polycyctic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex endocrine-metabolic disorder characterized by the presence of hyperandrogenism (excess male hormones), ovulatory dysfunction, and polycystic ovaries. The Rotterdam criteria are commonly used for diagnosis, which require at least two of the following three features:

1. Oligo- or anovulation (irregular menstrual cycles)
2. Clinical and/or biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism (e.g., hirsutism, acne, or high levels of androgens in the blood)
3. Polycystic ovaries on ultrasound examination (presence of 12 or more follicles measuring 2-9 mm in diameter, or increased ovarian volume >10 mL)

The exact cause of PCOS remains unclear, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Insulin resistance and obesity are common findings in women with PCOS, which can contribute to the development of metabolic complications such as type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, and cardiovascular disease.

Management of PCOS typically involves a multidisciplinary approach that includes lifestyle modifications (diet, exercise, weight loss), medications to regulate menstrual cycles and reduce hyperandrogenism (e.g., oral contraceptives, metformin, anti-androgens), and fertility treatments if desired. Regular monitoring of metabolic parameters and long-term follow-up are essential for optimal management and prevention of complications.

Retroviridae is a family of viruses that includes HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Retroviridae proteins refer to the various structural and functional proteins that are encoded by the retroviral genome. These proteins can be categorized into three main groups:

1. Group-specific antigen (Gag) proteins: These proteins make up the viral matrix, capsid, and nucleocapsid. They are involved in the assembly of new virus particles.

2. Polymerase (Pol) proteins: These proteins include the reverse transcriptase, integrase, and protease enzymes. Reverse transcriptase is responsible for converting the viral RNA genome into DNA, which can then be integrated into the host cell's genome by the integrase enzyme. The protease enzyme is involved in processing the polyprotein precursors of Gag and Pol into their mature forms.

3. Envelope (Env) proteins: These proteins are responsible for the attachment and fusion of the virus to the host cell membrane. They are synthesized as a precursor protein, which is then cleaved by a host cell protease to form two distinct proteins - the surface unit (SU) and the transmembrane unit (TM). The SU protein contains the receptor-binding domain, while the TM protein forms the transmembrane anchor.

Retroviral proteins play crucial roles in various stages of the viral life cycle, including entry, reverse transcription, integration, transcription, translation, assembly, and release. Understanding the functions of these proteins is essential for developing effective antiretroviral therapies and vaccines against retroviral infections.

Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is a term used to describe a range of conditions associated with sudden, reduced blood flow to the heart muscle. This reduction in blood flow, commonly caused by blood clots forming in coronary arteries, can lead to damage or death of the heart muscle and is often characterized by symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue.

There are three main types of ACS:

1. Unstable Angina: This occurs when there is reduced blood flow to the heart muscle, causing chest pain or discomfort, but the heart muscle is not damaged. It can be a warning sign for a possible future heart attack.
2. Non-ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI): This type of heart attack occurs when there is reduced blood flow to the heart muscle, causing damage or death of some of the muscle cells. However, the electrical activity of the heart remains relatively normal.
3. ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI): This is a serious and life-threatening type of heart attack that occurs when there is a complete blockage in one or more of the coronary arteries, causing extensive damage to the heart muscle. The electrical activity of the heart is significantly altered, which can lead to dangerous heart rhythms and even cardiac arrest.

Immediate medical attention is required for anyone experiencing symptoms of ACS, as prompt treatment can help prevent further damage to the heart muscle and reduce the risk of complications or death. Treatment options may include medications, lifestyle changes, and procedures such as angioplasty or bypass surgery.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but the term "Africa" actually refers to a continent, not a medical condition or concept. Africa is the second-largest continent in the world, consisting of 54 countries and a wide range of diverse ethnic groups, cultures, languages, and landscapes. It is home to a vast array of wildlife, including many species that are not found anywhere else in the world. If you have any questions about Africa's geography, history, or culture, I would be happy to try to help answer them!

"Macaca mulatta" is the scientific name for the Rhesus macaque, a species of monkey that is native to South, Central, and Southeast Asia. They are often used in biomedical research due to their genetic similarity to humans.

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a laboratory technique used to amplify specific regions of DNA. It enables the production of thousands to millions of copies of a particular DNA sequence in a rapid and efficient manner, making it an essential tool in various fields such as molecular biology, medical diagnostics, forensic science, and research.

The PCR process involves repeated cycles of heating and cooling to separate the DNA strands, allow primers (short sequences of single-stranded DNA) to attach to the target regions, and extend these primers using an enzyme called Taq polymerase, resulting in the exponential amplification of the desired DNA segment.

In a medical context, PCR is often used for detecting and quantifying specific pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites) in clinical samples, identifying genetic mutations or polymorphisms associated with diseases, monitoring disease progression, and evaluating treatment effectiveness.

Williams Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder caused by the deletion of a small portion of chromosome 7. This results in various developmental and medical problems, which can include:

1. Distinctive facial features such as a broad forehead, wide-set eyes, short nose, and full lips.
2. Cardiovascular disease, particularly narrowed or missing blood vessels near the heart.
3. Developmental delays and learning disabilities, although most people with Williams Syndrome have an IQ in the mild to moderate range of intellectual disability.
4. A unique pattern of strengths and weaknesses in cognitive skills, such as strong language skills but significant difficulty with visual-spatial tasks.
5. Overly friendly or sociable personality, often displaying a lack of fear or wariness around strangers.
6. Increased risk of anxiety and depression.
7. Sensitive hearing and poor depth perception.
8. Short stature in adulthood.

Williams Syndrome affects about 1 in every 10,000 people worldwide, regardless of race or ethnic background. It is not an inherited disorder, but rather a spontaneous genetic mutation.

Magnesium deficiency, also known as hypomagnesemia, is a condition characterized by low levels of magnesium in the blood. Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in many bodily functions, including muscle and nerve function, heart rhythm, bone strength, and immune system regulation.

Hypomagnesemia can occur due to various factors, such as poor dietary intake, malabsorption syndromes, chronic alcoholism, diabetes, certain medications (such as diuretics), and excessive sweating or urination. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency may include muscle cramps, tremors, weakness, heart rhythm abnormalities, seizures, and mental status changes.

It is important to note that mild magnesium deficiency may not cause any symptoms, and the diagnosis typically requires blood tests to measure magnesium levels. Treatment for hypomagnesemia usually involves oral or intravenous magnesium supplementation, along with addressing the underlying causes of the deficiency.

Medical Definition:

"Risk factors" are any attribute, characteristic or exposure of an individual that increases the likelihood of developing a disease or injury. They can be divided into modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors. Modifiable risk factors are those that can be changed through lifestyle choices or medical treatment, while non-modifiable risk factors are inherent traits such as age, gender, or genetic predisposition. Examples of modifiable risk factors include smoking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, and unhealthy diet, while non-modifiable risk factors include age, sex, and family history. It is important to note that having a risk factor does not guarantee that a person will develop the disease, but rather indicates an increased susceptibility.

Chinese herbal drugs, also known as traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), refer to a system of medicine that has been practiced in China for thousands of years. It is based on the belief that the body's vital energy, called Qi, must be balanced and flowing freely for good health. TCM uses various techniques such as herbal therapy, acupuncture, dietary therapy, and exercise to restore balance and promote healing.

Chinese herbal drugs are usually prescribed in the form of teas, powders, pills, or tinctures and may contain one or a combination of herbs. The herbs used in Chinese medicine are typically derived from plants, minerals, or animal products. Some commonly used Chinese herbs include ginseng, astragalus, licorice root, and cinnamon bark.

It is important to note that the use of Chinese herbal drugs should be under the guidance of a qualified practitioner, as some herbs can interact with prescription medications or have side effects. Additionally, the quality and safety of Chinese herbal products can vary widely depending on the source and manufacturing process.

Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) is a retrovirus that primarily infects African non-human primates and is the direct ancestor of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 2 (HIV-2). It is similar to HIV in its structure, replication strategy, and ability to cause an immunodeficiency disease in its host. SIV infection in its natural hosts is typically asymptomatic and non-lethal, but it can cause AIDS-like symptoms in other primate species. Research on SIV in its natural hosts has provided valuable insights into the mechanisms of HIV pathogenesis and potential strategies for prevention and treatment of AIDS.

Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active (HAART) is a medical treatment regimen used to manage HIV infection. It involves the combination of three or more antiretroviral drugs from at least two different classes, aiming to maximally suppress viral replication and prevent the development of drug resistance. The goal of HAART is to reduce the amount of HIV in the body to undetectable levels, preserve immune function, and improve quality of life for people living with HIV. Commonly used antiretroviral classes include nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), protease inhibitors (PIs), integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs), and fusion inhibitors.

Iron-deficiency anemia is a condition characterized by a decrease in the total amount of hemoglobin or red blood cells in the blood, caused by insufficient iron levels in the body. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. When iron levels are low, the body cannot produce enough hemoglobin, leading to the production of smaller and fewer red blood cells, known as microcytic hypochromic anemia.

Iron is essential for the production of hemoglobin, and a deficiency in iron can result from inadequate dietary intake, chronic blood loss, or impaired absorption. In addition to fatigue and weakness, symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia may include shortness of breath, headaches, dizziness, pale skin, and brittle nails. Treatment typically involves iron supplementation and addressing the underlying cause of the iron deficiency.

A CD4 lymphocyte count is a laboratory test that measures the number of CD4 T-cells (also known as CD4+ T-cells or helper T-cells) in a sample of blood. CD4 cells are a type of white blood cell that plays a crucial role in the body's immune response, particularly in fighting off infections caused by viruses and other pathogens.

CD4 cells express a protein on their surface called the CD4 receptor, which is used by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to infect and destroy these cells. As a result, people with HIV infection or AIDS often have low CD4 lymphocyte counts, which can make them more susceptible to opportunistic infections and other complications.

A normal CD4 lymphocyte count ranges from 500 to 1,200 cells per cubic millimeter of blood (cells/mm3) in healthy adults. A lower than normal CD4 count is often used as a marker for the progression of HIV infection and the development of AIDS. CD4 counts are typically monitored over time to assess the effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and to guide clinical decision-making regarding the need for additional interventions, such as prophylaxis against opportunistic infections.

Vitamin E deficiency is a condition that occurs when there is a lack of sufficient vitamin E in the body. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that plays an essential role in maintaining the health of cell membranes, protecting them from damage caused by free radicals. It also helps to support the immune system and promotes healthy blood vessels and nerves.

Vitamin E deficiency can occur due to several reasons, including malnutrition, malabsorption disorders such as cystic fibrosis or celiac disease, premature birth, or genetic defects affecting the alpha-tocopherol transfer protein (alpha-TTP), which is responsible for transporting vitamin E from the liver to other tissues.

Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency may include:

* Neurological problems such as peripheral neuropathy, ataxia (loss of coordination), and muscle weakness
* Retinopathy (damage to the retina) leading to vision loss
* Increased susceptibility to oxidative stress and inflammation
* Impaired immune function

Vitamin E deficiency is rare in healthy individuals who consume a balanced diet, but it can occur in people with certain medical conditions or those who have undergone bariatric surgery. In these cases, supplementation may be necessary to prevent or treat vitamin E deficiency.

DiGeorge syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the deletion of a small piece of chromosome 22. It is also known as 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. The symptoms and severity can vary widely among affected individuals, but often include birth defects such as congenital heart disease, poor immune system function, and palatal abnormalities. Characteristic facial features, learning disabilities, and behavioral problems are also common. Some people with DiGeorge syndrome may have mild symptoms while others may be more severely affected. The condition is typically diagnosed through genetic testing. Treatment is focused on managing the specific symptoms and may include surgery, medications, and therapy.

Factor VIII is a protein in the blood that is essential for normal blood clotting. It is also known as antihemophilic factor (AHF). Deficiency or dysfunction of this protein results in hemophilia A, a genetic disorder characterized by prolonged bleeding and easy bruising. Factor VIII works together with other proteins to help form a clot and stop bleeding at the site of an injury. It acts as a cofactor for another clotting factor, IX, in the so-called intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation. Intravenous infusions of Factor VIII concentrate are used to treat and prevent bleeding episodes in people with hemophilia A.

Pregnancy is a physiological state or condition where a fertilized egg (zygote) successfully implants and grows in the uterus of a woman, leading to the development of an embryo and finally a fetus. This process typically spans approximately 40 weeks, divided into three trimesters, and culminates in childbirth. Throughout this period, numerous hormonal and physical changes occur to support the growing offspring, including uterine enlargement, breast development, and various maternal adaptations to ensure the fetus's optimal growth and well-being.

Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a genetic disorder that affects several parts of the body and is characterized by a range of symptoms including:

1. Developmental delays and intellectual disability.
2. Hypotonia (low muscle tone) at birth, which can lead to feeding difficulties in infancy.
3. Excessive appetite and obesity, typically beginning around age 2, due to a persistent hunger drive and decreased satiety.
4. Behavioral problems such as temper tantrums, stubbornness, and compulsive behaviors.
5. Hormonal imbalances leading to short stature, small hands and feet, incomplete sexual development, and decreased bone density.
6. Distinctive facial features including a thin upper lip, almond-shaped eyes, and a narrowed forehead.
7. Sleep disturbances such as sleep apnea or excessive daytime sleepiness.

PWS is caused by the absence of certain genetic material on chromosome 15, which results in abnormal gene function. It affects both males and females equally and has an estimated incidence of 1 in 10,000 to 30,000 live births. Early diagnosis and management can help improve outcomes for individuals with PWS.

Lymphocyte activation is the process by which B-cells and T-cells (types of lymphocytes) become activated to perform effector functions in an immune response. This process involves the recognition of specific antigens presented on the surface of antigen-presenting cells, such as dendritic cells or macrophages.

The activation of B-cells leads to their differentiation into plasma cells that produce antibodies, while the activation of T-cells results in the production of cytotoxic T-cells (CD8+ T-cells) that can directly kill infected cells or helper T-cells (CD4+ T-cells) that assist other immune cells.

Lymphocyte activation involves a series of intracellular signaling events, including the binding of co-stimulatory molecules and the release of cytokines, which ultimately result in the expression of genes involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, and effector functions. The activation process is tightly regulated to prevent excessive or inappropriate immune responses that can lead to autoimmunity or chronic inflammation.

Ascorbic acid deficiency is a condition that occurs when a person does not consume or absorb adequate amounts of ascorbic acid, also known as Vitamin C. This essential nutrient plays a crucial role in the production of collagen, a protein that helps to support blood vessel, tendon, ligament, and bone health. It is also involved in the absorption of iron and the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters.

Ascorbic acid deficiency can lead to a number of symptoms and complications. In its early stages, it may cause fatigue, weakness, and joint pain. As the deficiency progresses, it can lead to more serious conditions such as scurvy, a potentially life-threatening disease characterized by anemia, gum disease, skin hemorrhages, and poor wound healing.

Scurvy is now rare in developed countries where access to fresh fruits and vegetables, which are rich sources of vitamin C, is readily available. However, it can still occur in individuals who follow restrictive diets or have malabsorption disorders that prevent them from properly absorbing the nutrient. In these cases, supplementation with ascorbic acid may be necessary to prevent deficiency and its associated complications.

Phytohemagglutinins (PHA) are a type of lectin, specifically a mitogen, found in certain plants such as red kidney beans, white kidney beans, and butter beans. They have the ability to agglutinate erythrocytes (red blood cells) and stimulate the proliferation of lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell). PHA is often used in medical research and diagnostics as a means to study immune system function, particularly the activation and proliferation of T-cells. It's also used in some immunological assays. However, it should be noted that ingesting large amounts of raw or undercooked beans containing high levels of PHA can cause adverse gastrointestinal symptoms due to their ability to interact with the cells lining the digestive tract.

Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is a type of cytokine, which are signaling molecules that mediate and regulate immunity, inflammation, and hematopoiesis. Specifically, IL-2 is a growth factor for T cells, a type of white blood cell that plays a central role in the immune response. It is primarily produced by CD4+ T cells (also known as T helper cells) and stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of activated T cells, including effector T cells and regulatory T cells. IL-2 also has roles in the activation and function of other immune cells, such as B cells, natural killer cells, and dendritic cells. Dysregulation of IL-2 production or signaling can contribute to various pathological conditions, including autoimmune diseases, chronic infections, and cancer.

Horner syndrome, also known as Horner's syndrome or oculosympathetic palsy, is a neurological disorder characterized by the interruption of sympathetic nerve pathways that innervate the head and neck, leading to a constellation of signs affecting the eye and face on one side of the body.

The classic triad of symptoms includes:

1. Ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelid: This is due to the weakness or paralysis of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle, which is responsible for elevating the eyelid.
2. Miosis (pupillary constriction): The affected pupil becomes smaller in size compared to the other side, and it may not react as robustly to light.
3. Anhydrosis (decreased sweating): There is reduced or absent sweating on the ipsilateral (same side) of the face, particularly around the forehead and upper eyelid.

Horner syndrome can be caused by various underlying conditions, such as brainstem stroke, tumors, trauma, or certain medical disorders affecting the sympathetic nervous system. The diagnosis typically involves a thorough clinical examination, pharmacological testing, and sometimes imaging studies to identify the underlying cause. Treatment is directed towards managing the underlying condition responsible for Horner syndrome.

Long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a cardiac electrical disorder characterized by a prolonged QT interval on the electrocardiogram (ECG), which can potentially trigger rapid, chaotic heartbeats known as ventricular tachyarrhythmias, such as torsades de pointes. These arrhythmias can be life-threatening and lead to syncope (fainting) or sudden cardiac death. LQTS is often congenital but may also be acquired due to certain medications, medical conditions, or electrolyte imbalances. It's essential to identify and manage LQTS promptly to reduce the risk of severe complications.

Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome (HUS) is a serious condition that affects the blood and kidneys. It is characterized by three major features: the breakdown of red blood cells (hemolysis), the abnormal clotting of small blood vessels (microthrombosis), and acute kidney failure.

The breakdown of red blood cells leads to the release of hemoglobin into the bloodstream, which can cause anemia. The microthrombi can obstruct the flow of blood in the kidneys' filtering system (glomeruli), leading to damaged kidney function and potentially acute kidney failure.

HUS is often caused by a bacterial infection, most commonly Escherichia coli (E. coli) that produces Shiga toxins. This form of HUS is known as STEC-HUS or Stx-HUS. Other causes include infections with other bacteria, viruses, medications, pregnancy complications, and certain medical conditions such as autoimmune diseases.

Symptoms of HUS may include fever, fatigue, decreased urine output, blood in the stool, swelling in the face, hands, or feet, and irritability or confusion. Treatment typically involves supportive care, including dialysis for kidney failure, transfusions to replace lost red blood cells, and managing high blood pressure. In severe cases, a kidney transplant may be necessary.

Retrospective studies, also known as retrospective research or looking back studies, are a type of observational study that examines data from the past to draw conclusions about possible causal relationships between risk factors and outcomes. In these studies, researchers analyze existing records, medical charts, or previously collected data to test a hypothesis or answer a specific research question.

Retrospective studies can be useful for generating hypotheses and identifying trends, but they have limitations compared to prospective studies, which follow participants forward in time from exposure to outcome. Retrospective studies are subject to biases such as recall bias, selection bias, and information bias, which can affect the validity of the results. Therefore, retrospective studies should be interpreted with caution and used primarily to generate hypotheses for further testing in prospective studies.

Bronchoscopy is a medical procedure that involves the examination of the inside of the airways and lungs with a flexible or rigid tube called a bronchoscope. This procedure allows healthcare professionals to directly visualize the airways, take tissue samples for biopsy, and remove foreign objects or secretions. Bronchoscopy can be used to diagnose and manage various respiratory conditions such as lung infections, inflammation, cancer, and bleeding. It is usually performed under local or general anesthesia to minimize discomfort and risks associated with the procedure.

Retroviridae is a family of viruses that includes human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other viruses that primarily use RNA as their genetic material. The name "retrovirus" comes from the fact that these viruses reverse transcribe their RNA genome into DNA, which then becomes integrated into the host cell's genome. This is a unique characteristic of retroviruses, as most other viruses use DNA as their genetic material.

Retroviruses can cause a variety of diseases in animals and humans, including cancer, neurological disorders, and immunodeficiency syndromes like AIDS. They have a lipid membrane envelope that contains glycoprotein spikes, which allow them to attach to and enter host cells. Once inside the host cell, the viral RNA is reverse transcribed into DNA by the enzyme reverse transcriptase, which is then integrated into the host genome by the enzyme integrase.

Retroviruses can remain dormant in the host genome for extended periods of time, and may be reactivated under certain conditions to produce new viral particles. This ability to integrate into the host genome has also made retroviruses useful tools in molecular biology, where they are used as vectors for gene therapy and other genetic manipulations.

Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that is an essential part of the immune system. They are responsible for recognizing and responding to potentially harmful substances such as viruses, bacteria, and other foreign invaders. There are two main types of lymphocytes: B-lymphocytes (B-cells) and T-lymphocytes (T-cells).

B-lymphocytes produce antibodies, which are proteins that help to neutralize or destroy foreign substances. When a B-cell encounters a foreign substance, it becomes activated and begins to divide and differentiate into plasma cells, which produce and secrete large amounts of antibodies. These antibodies bind to the foreign substance, marking it for destruction by other immune cells.

T-lymphocytes, on the other hand, are involved in cell-mediated immunity. They directly attack and destroy infected cells or cancerous cells. T-cells can also help to regulate the immune response by producing chemical signals that activate or inhibit other immune cells.

Lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow and mature in either the bone marrow (B-cells) or the thymus gland (T-cells). They circulate throughout the body in the blood and lymphatic system, where they can be found in high concentrations in lymph nodes, the spleen, and other lymphoid organs.

Abnormalities in the number or function of lymphocytes can lead to a variety of immune-related disorders, including immunodeficiency diseases, autoimmune disorders, and cancer.

An Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) is a type of analytical biochemistry assay used to detect and quantify the presence of a substance, typically a protein or peptide, in a liquid sample. It takes its name from the enzyme-linked antibodies used in the assay.

In an ELISA, the sample is added to a well containing a surface that has been treated to capture the target substance. If the target substance is present in the sample, it will bind to the surface. Next, an enzyme-linked antibody specific to the target substance is added. This antibody will bind to the captured target substance if it is present. After washing away any unbound material, a substrate for the enzyme is added. If the enzyme is present due to its linkage to the antibody, it will catalyze a reaction that produces a detectable signal, such as a color change or fluorescence. The intensity of this signal is proportional to the amount of target substance present in the sample, allowing for quantification.

ELISAs are widely used in research and clinical settings to detect and measure various substances, including hormones, viruses, and bacteria. They offer high sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility, making them a reliable choice for many applications.

Infection is defined medically as the invasion and multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites within the body, which can lead to tissue damage, illness, and disease. This process often triggers an immune response from the host's body in an attempt to eliminate the infectious agents and restore homeostasis. Infections can be transmitted through various routes, including airborne particles, direct contact with contaminated surfaces or bodily fluids, sexual contact, or vector-borne transmission. The severity of an infection may range from mild and self-limiting to severe and life-threatening, depending on factors such as the type and quantity of pathogen, the host's immune status, and any underlying health conditions.

A cell line is a culture of cells that are grown in a laboratory for use in research. These cells are usually taken from a single cell or group of cells, and they are able to divide and grow continuously in the lab. Cell lines can come from many different sources, including animals, plants, and humans. They are often used in scientific research to study cellular processes, disease mechanisms, and to test new drugs or treatments. Some common types of human cell lines include HeLa cells (which come from a cancer patient named Henrietta Lacks), HEK293 cells (which come from embryonic kidney cells), and HUVEC cells (which come from umbilical vein endothelial cells). It is important to note that cell lines are not the same as primary cells, which are cells that are taken directly from a living organism and have not been grown in the lab.

Protein C deficiency is a genetic disorder that affects the body's ability to control blood clotting. Protein C is a protein in the blood that helps regulate the formation of blood clots. When blood clots form too easily or do not dissolve properly, they can block blood vessels and lead to serious medical conditions such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE).

People with protein C deficiency have lower than normal levels of this protein in their blood, which can increase their risk of developing abnormal blood clots. The condition is usually inherited and present from birth, but it may not cause any symptoms until later in life, such as during pregnancy, after surgery, or due to other factors that increase the risk of blood clots.

Protein C deficiency can be classified into two types: type I and type II. Type I deficiency is characterized by lower than normal levels of both functional and immunoreactive protein C in the blood. Type II deficiency is characterized by normal or near-normal levels of immunoreactive protein C, but reduced functional activity.

Protein C deficiency can be diagnosed through blood tests that measure the level and function of protein C in the blood. Treatment may include anticoagulant medications to prevent blood clots from forming or dissolve existing ones. Regular monitoring of protein C levels and careful management of risk factors for blood clots are also important parts of managing this condition.

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare autoimmune disorder in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the peripheral nervous system, leading to muscle weakness, tingling sensations, and sometimes paralysis. The peripheral nervous system includes the nerves that control our movements and transmit signals from our skin, muscles, and joints to our brain.

The onset of GBS usually occurs after a viral or bacterial infection, such as respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, or following surgery, vaccinations, or other immune system triggers. The exact cause of the immune response that leads to GBS is not fully understood.

GBS typically progresses rapidly over days or weeks, with symptoms reaching their peak within 2-4 weeks after onset. Most people with GBS experience muscle weakness that starts in the lower limbs and spreads upward to the upper body, arms, and face. In severe cases, the diaphragm and chest muscles may become weakened, leading to difficulty breathing and requiring mechanical ventilation.

The diagnosis of GBS is based on clinical symptoms, nerve conduction studies, and sometimes cerebrospinal fluid analysis. Treatment typically involves supportive care, such as pain management, physical therapy, and respiratory support if necessary. In addition, plasma exchange (plasmapheresis) or intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) may be used to reduce the severity of symptoms and speed up recovery.

While most people with GBS recover completely or with minimal residual symptoms, some may experience long-term disability or require ongoing medical care. The prognosis for GBS varies depending on the severity of the illness and the individual's age and overall health.

IgG deficiency is a type of immunodeficiency disorder characterized by reduced levels of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies in the blood. IgG is the most common type of antibody in our body and plays a crucial role in fighting against infections.

There are four subclasses of IgG (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4), and a deficiency in one or more of these subclasses can lead to recurrent infections, particularly of the respiratory tract, such as sinusitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia. People with IgG deficiency may also be more susceptible to autoimmune diseases and allergies.

IgG deficiency can be inherited or acquired, and it is usually diagnosed through blood tests that measure the levels of IgG and other immunoglobulins in the blood. Treatment typically involves preventing infections through vaccinations, antibiotics to treat infections, and in some cases, replacement therapy with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) to boost the immune system.

An antigen is any substance that can stimulate an immune response, particularly the production of antibodies. Viral antigens are antigens that are found on or produced by viruses. They can be proteins, glycoproteins, or carbohydrates present on the surface or inside the viral particle.

Viral antigens play a crucial role in the immune system's recognition and response to viral infections. When a virus infects a host cell, it may display its antigens on the surface of the infected cell. This allows the immune system to recognize and target the infected cells for destruction, thereby limiting the spread of the virus.

Viral antigens are also important targets for vaccines. Vaccines typically work by introducing a harmless form of a viral antigen to the body, which then stimulates the production of antibodies and memory T-cells that can recognize and respond quickly and effectively to future infections with the actual virus.

It's worth noting that different types of viruses have different antigens, and these antigens can vary between strains of the same virus. This is why there are often different vaccines available for different viral diseases, and why flu vaccines need to be updated every year to account for changes in the circulating influenza virus strains.

Anti-retroviral agents are a class of drugs used to treat and prevent infections caused by retroviruses, most commonly the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). These medications work by interfering with the replication process of the retrovirus, thereby preventing it from infecting and destroying immune cells.

There are several different classes of anti-retroviral agents, including:

1. Nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) - These drugs block the action of the reverse transcriptase enzyme, which is necessary for the retrovirus to convert its RNA into DNA.
2. Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) - These drugs bind directly to the reverse transcriptase enzyme and alter its shape, preventing it from functioning properly.
3. Protease inhibitors (PIs) - These drugs block the action of the protease enzyme, which is necessary for the retrovirus to assemble new viral particles.
4. Integrase inhibitors (INIs) - These drugs block the action of the integrase enzyme, which is necessary for the retrovirus to integrate its DNA into the host cell's genome.
5. Fusion inhibitors - These drugs prevent the retrovirus from entering host cells by blocking the fusion of the viral and host cell membranes.
6. Entry inhibitors - These drugs prevent the retrovirus from attaching to and entering host cells.

Anti-retroviral therapy (ART) typically involves a combination of at least three different anti-retroviral agents from two or more classes, in order to effectively suppress viral replication and prevent drug resistance. Regular monitoring of viral load and CD4+ T cell counts is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of ART and make any necessary adjustments to the treatment regimen.

Encephalitis is defined as inflammation of the brain parenchyma, which is often caused by viral infections but can also be due to bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections, autoimmune disorders, or exposure to toxins. The infection or inflammation can cause various symptoms such as headache, fever, confusion, seizures, and altered consciousness, ranging from mild symptoms to severe cases that can lead to brain damage, long-term disabilities, or even death.

The diagnosis of encephalitis typically involves a combination of clinical evaluation, imaging studies (such as MRI or CT scans), and laboratory tests (such as cerebrospinal fluid analysis). Treatment may include antiviral medications, corticosteroids, immunoglobulins, and supportive care to manage symptoms and prevent complications.

Reye Syndrome is a rare but serious condition that primarily affects children and teenagers, particularly those who have recently recovered from viral infections such as chickenpox or flu. It is characterized by rapidly progressive encephalopathy (brain dysfunction) and fatty degeneration of the liver.

The exact cause of Reye Syndrome remains unknown, but it has been linked to the use of aspirin and other salicylate-containing medications during viral illnesses. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding the use of aspirin in children and teenagers with chickenpox or flu-like symptoms due to this association.

Early symptoms of Reye Syndrome include persistent vomiting, diarrhea, and listlessness. As the condition progresses, symptoms can worsen and may include disorientation, seizures, coma, and even death in severe cases. Diagnosis is typically based on clinical presentation, laboratory tests, and sometimes a liver biopsy.

Treatment for Reye Syndrome involves supportive care, such as fluid and electrolyte management, addressing metabolic abnormalities, controlling intracranial pressure, and providing ventilatory support if necessary. Early recognition and intervention are crucial to improving outcomes in affected individuals.

Compartment syndromes refer to a group of conditions characterized by increased pressure within a confined anatomical space (compartment), leading to impaired circulation and nerve function. These compartments are composed of bones, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, and nerves, surrounded by a tough fibrous fascial covering that does not expand easily.

There are two main types of compartment syndromes: acute and chronic.

1. Acute Compartment Syndrome (ACS): This is a medical emergency that typically occurs after trauma, fractures, or prolonged compression of the affected limb. The increased pressure within the compartment reduces blood flow to the muscles and nerves, causing ischemia, pain, and potential muscle and nerve damage if not promptly treated with fasciotomy (surgical release of the fascial covering). Symptoms include severe pain disproportionate to the injury, pallor, paresthesia (abnormal sensation), pulselessness, and paralysis.
2. Chronic Compartment Syndrome (CCS) or Exertional Compartment Syndrome: This condition is caused by repetitive physical activities that lead to increased compartment pressure over time. The symptoms are usually reversible with rest and may include aching, cramping, tightness, or swelling in the affected limb during exercise. CCS rarely leads to permanent muscle or nerve damage if managed appropriately with activity modification, physical therapy, and occasionally surgical intervention (fasciotomy or fasciectomy).

Early recognition and appropriate management of compartment syndromes are crucial for preventing long-term complications such as muscle necrosis, contractures, and nerve damage.

Prospective studies, also known as longitudinal studies, are a type of cohort study in which data is collected forward in time, following a group of individuals who share a common characteristic or exposure over a period of time. The researchers clearly define the study population and exposure of interest at the beginning of the study and follow up with the participants to determine the outcomes that develop over time. This type of study design allows for the investigation of causal relationships between exposures and outcomes, as well as the identification of risk factors and the estimation of disease incidence rates. Prospective studies are particularly useful in epidemiology and medical research when studying diseases with long latency periods or rare outcomes.

Vitamin B6 deficiency refers to the condition in which there is an insufficient amount of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) in the body. Vitamin B6 is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including protein metabolism, neurotransmitter synthesis, hemoglobin production, and immune function.

A deficiency in vitamin B6 can lead to several health issues, such as:

1. Anemia: Vitamin B6 is essential for the production of hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. A deficiency in this nutrient can lead to anemia, characterized by fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath.
2. Peripheral neuropathy: Vitamin B6 deficiency can cause nerve damage, leading to symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and pain in the hands and feet.
3. Depression and cognitive impairment: Pyridoxine is necessary for the synthesis of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which are involved in mood regulation. A deficiency in vitamin B6 can lead to depression, irritability, and cognitive decline.
4. Seizures: In severe cases, vitamin B6 deficiency can cause seizures due to the impaired synthesis of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter that helps regulate brain activity.
5. Skin changes: A deficiency in this nutrient can also lead to skin changes, such as dryness, scaling, and cracks around the mouth.

Vitamin B6 deficiency is relatively uncommon in developed countries but can occur in individuals with certain medical conditions, such as malabsorption syndromes, alcoholism, kidney disease, or those taking medications that interfere with vitamin B6 metabolism. Additionally, older adults, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers may have an increased need for this nutrient, making them more susceptible to deficiency.

Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterized by the presence of multiple motor tics and at least one vocal (phonic) tic. These tics are sudden, repetitive, rapid, involuntary movements or sounds that occur for more than a year and are not due to substance use or other medical conditions. The symptoms typically start before the age of 18, with the average onset around 6-7 years old.

The severity, frequency, and types of tics can vary greatly among individuals with TS and may change over time. Common motor tics include eye blinking, facial grimacing, shoulder shrugging, and head or limb jerking. Vocal tics can range from simple sounds like throat clearing, coughing, or barking to more complex phrases or words.

In some cases, TS may be accompanied by co-occurring conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety, and depression. These associated symptoms can sometimes have a greater impact on daily functioning than the tics themselves.

The exact cause of Tourette Syndrome remains unclear, but it is believed to involve genetic factors and abnormalities in certain brain regions involved in movement control and inhibition. There is currently no cure for TS, but various treatments, including behavioral therapy and medications, can help manage the symptoms and improve quality of life.

Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies in the blood. These antibodies are directed against phospholipids, a type of fat molecule found in cell membranes and plasma lipoproteins. The presence of these antibodies can lead to abnormal blood clotting, which can cause serious complications such as stroke, heart attack, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism.

APS can occur either on its own (primary APS) or in conjunction with other autoimmune disorders, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (secondary APS). The exact cause of APS is not fully understood, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Symptoms of APS can vary widely depending on the location and severity of the blood clots. They may include:

* Recurrent miscarriages or stillbirths
* Blood clots in the legs, lungs, or other parts of the body
* Skin ulcers or lesions
* Headaches, seizures, or stroke-like symptoms
* Kidney problems
* Heart valve abnormalities

Diagnosis of APS typically involves blood tests to detect the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies. Treatment may include medications to prevent blood clots, such as anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents, as well as management of any underlying autoimmune disorders.

Dopamine plasma membrane transport proteins, also known as dopamine transporters (DAT), are a type of protein found in the cell membrane that play a crucial role in the regulation of dopamine neurotransmission. They are responsible for the reuptake of dopamine from the synaptic cleft back into the presynaptic neuron, thereby terminating the signal transduction of dopamine and regulating the amount of dopamine available for further release.

Dopamine transporters belong to the family of sodium-dependent neurotransmitter transporters and are encoded by the SLC6A3 gene in humans. Abnormalities in dopamine transporter function have been implicated in several neurological and psychiatric disorders, including Parkinson's disease, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and substance use disorders.

In summary, dopamine plasma membrane transport proteins are essential for the regulation of dopamine neurotransmission by mediating the reuptake of dopamine from the synaptic cleft back into the presynaptic neuron.

The "age of onset" is a medical term that refers to the age at which an individual first develops or displays symptoms of a particular disease, disorder, or condition. It can be used to describe various medical conditions, including both physical and mental health disorders. The age of onset can have implications for prognosis, treatment approaches, and potential causes of the condition. In some cases, early onset may indicate a more severe or progressive course of the disease, while late-onset symptoms might be associated with different underlying factors or etiologies. It is essential to provide accurate and precise information regarding the age of onset when discussing a patient's medical history and treatment plan.

Klinefelter Syndrome: A genetic disorder in males, caused by the presence of one or more extra X chromosomes, typically resulting in XXY karyotype. It is characterized by small testes, infertility, gynecomastia (breast enlargement), tall stature, and often mild to moderate intellectual disability. The symptoms can vary greatly among individuals with Klinefelter Syndrome. Some men may not experience any significant health problems and may never be diagnosed, while others may have serious medical or developmental issues that require treatment. It is one of the most common chromosomal disorders, affecting about 1 in every 500-1,000 newborn males.

An amino acid sequence is the specific order of amino acids in a protein or peptide molecule, formed by the linking of the amino group (-NH2) of one amino acid to the carboxyl group (-COOH) of another amino acid through a peptide bond. The sequence is determined by the genetic code and is unique to each type of protein or peptide. It plays a crucial role in determining the three-dimensional structure and function of proteins.

Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) is a viral disease that affects pigs, causing reproductive failure in breeding herds and respiratory illness in young pigs. The disease is caused by the PRRS virus, which belongs to the family Arteriviridae.

In pregnant sows, PRRS can cause abortions, stillbirths, mummified fetuses, and weak or infertile offspring. In growing pigs, it can lead to pneumonia, reduced growth rates, and increased susceptibility to other infections. The virus is highly contagious and can spread rapidly within a herd through direct contact with infected pigs, aerosols, or contaminated fomites.

PRRS is a significant disease of global importance, causing substantial economic losses to the swine industry. Control measures include biosecurity practices, vaccination, and testing to detect and eliminate the virus from affected herds. However, there is no specific treatment for PRRS, and eradication of the virus from the pig population is unlikely due to its widespread distribution and ability to persist in infected animals and the environment.

Follow-up studies are a type of longitudinal research that involve repeated observations or measurements of the same variables over a period of time, in order to understand their long-term effects or outcomes. In medical context, follow-up studies are often used to evaluate the safety and efficacy of medical treatments, interventions, or procedures.

In a typical follow-up study, a group of individuals (called a cohort) who have received a particular treatment or intervention are identified and then followed over time through periodic assessments or data collection. The data collected may include information on clinical outcomes, adverse events, changes in symptoms or functional status, and other relevant measures.

The results of follow-up studies can provide important insights into the long-term benefits and risks of medical interventions, as well as help to identify factors that may influence treatment effectiveness or patient outcomes. However, it is important to note that follow-up studies can be subject to various biases and limitations, such as loss to follow-up, recall bias, and changes in clinical practice over time, which must be carefully considered when interpreting the results.

Werner Syndrome is a rare, autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterized by the appearance of premature aging. It's often referred to as "progeria of the adult" or "adult progeria." The syndrome is caused by mutations in the WRN gene, which provides instructions for making a protein involved in repairing damaged DNA and maintaining the stability of the genetic information.

The symptoms typically begin in a person's late teens or early twenties and may include:
- Short stature
- Premature graying and loss of hair
- Skin changes, such as scleroderma (a thickening and hardening of the skin) and ulcers
- Voice changes
- Type 2 diabetes
- Cataracts
- Atherosclerosis (the buildup of fats, cholesterol, and other substances in and on the artery walls)
- Increased risk of cancer

The life expectancy of individuals with Werner Syndrome is typically around 45 to 50 years. It's important to note that while there are similarities between Werner Syndrome and other forms of progeria, such as Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome, they are distinct conditions with different genetic causes and clinical features.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a common peripheral nerve disorder that affects the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the hand through a narrow tunnel-like structure in the wrist called the carpal tunnel. The condition is caused by compression or pinching of the median nerve as it passes through this tunnel, leading to various symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and fingers.

The median nerve provides sensation to the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and half of the ring finger. It also controls some small muscles in the hand that allow for fine motor movements. When the median nerve is compressed or damaged due to CTS, it can result in a range of symptoms including:

1. Numbness, tingling, or burning sensations in the fingers (especially the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and half of the ring finger)
2. Pain or discomfort in the hand, wrist, or forearm
3. Weakness in the hand, leading to difficulty gripping objects or making a fist
4. A sensation of swelling or inflammation in the fingers, even if there is no visible swelling present
5. Nighttime symptoms that may disrupt sleep patterns

The exact cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can vary from person to person, but some common risk factors include:

1. Repetitive hand and wrist motions (such as typing, writing, or using tools)
2. Prolonged exposure to vibrations (from machinery or power tools)
3. Wrist trauma or fractures
4. Pregnancy and hormonal changes
5. Certain medical conditions like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid disorders
6. Obesity
7. Smoking

Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome typically involves a physical examination, medical history review, and sometimes specialized tests like nerve conduction studies or electromyography to confirm the diagnosis and assess the severity of the condition. Treatment options may include splinting, medication, corticosteroid injections, and in severe cases, surgery to relieve pressure on the median nerve.

In the context of medicine, iron is an essential micromineral and key component of various proteins and enzymes. It plays a crucial role in oxygen transport, DNA synthesis, and energy production within the body. Iron exists in two main forms: heme and non-heme. Heme iron is derived from hemoglobin and myoglobin in animal products, while non-heme iron comes from plant sources and supplements.

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for iron varies depending on age, sex, and life stage:

* For men aged 19-50 years, the RDA is 8 mg/day
* For women aged 19-50 years, the RDA is 18 mg/day
* During pregnancy, the RDA increases to 27 mg/day
* During lactation, the RDA for breastfeeding mothers is 9 mg/day

Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, characterized by fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath. Excessive iron intake may result in iron overload, causing damage to organs such as the liver and heart. Balanced iron levels are essential for maintaining optimal health.

Anti-HIV agents are a class of medications specifically designed to treat HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection. These drugs work by interfering with various stages of the HIV replication cycle, preventing the virus from infecting and killing CD4+ T cells, which are crucial for maintaining a healthy immune system.

There are several classes of anti-HIV agents, including:

1. Nucleoside/Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs): These drugs act as faulty building blocks that the virus incorporates into its genetic material, causing the replication process to halt. Examples include zidovudine (AZT), lamivudine (3TC), and tenofovir.
2. Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs): These medications bind directly to the reverse transcriptase enzyme, altering its shape and preventing it from functioning properly. Examples include efavirenz, nevirapine, and rilpivirine.
3. Protease Inhibitors (PIs): These drugs target the protease enzyme, which is responsible for cleaving viral polyproteins into functional components. By inhibiting this enzyme, PIs prevent the formation of mature, infectious virus particles. Examples include atazanavir, darunavir, and lopinavir.
4. Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors (INSTIs): These medications block the integrase enzyme, which is responsible for inserting the viral genetic material into the host cell's DNA. By inhibiting this step, INSTIs prevent the virus from establishing a permanent infection within the host cell. Examples include raltegravir, dolutegravir, and bictegravir.
5. Fusion/Entry Inhibitors: These drugs target different steps of the viral entry process, preventing HIV from infecting CD4+ T cells. Examples include enfuvirtide (T-20), maraviroc, and ibalizumab.
6. Post-Attachment Inhibitors: This class of medications prevents the virus from attaching to the host cell's receptors, thereby inhibiting infection. Currently, there is only one approved post-attachment inhibitor, fostemsavir.

Combination therapy using multiple classes of antiretroviral drugs has been shown to effectively suppress viral replication and improve clinical outcomes in people living with HIV. Regular adherence to the prescribed treatment regimen is crucial for maintaining an undetectable viral load and reducing the risk of transmission.

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a type of RNA (ribonucleic acid) that carries genetic information copied from DNA in the form of a series of three-base code "words," each of which specifies a particular amino acid. This information is used by the cell's machinery to construct proteins, a process known as translation. After being transcribed from DNA, mRNA travels out of the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm where protein synthesis occurs. Once the protein has been synthesized, the mRNA may be degraded and recycled. Post-transcriptional modifications can also occur to mRNA, such as alternative splicing and addition of a 5' cap and a poly(A) tail, which can affect its stability, localization, and translation efficiency.

Bartter syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects the kidneys' ability to reabsorb sodium and chloride, leading to an imbalance of electrolytes in the body. This condition is characterized by hypokalemia (low potassium levels), metabolic alkalosis (high pH levels in the blood), and normal or low blood pressure. It can also result in increased urine production, excessive thirst, and growth retardation in children. There are two major types of Bartter syndrome, based on the genes affected: type I caused by mutations in the SLC12A1 gene, and type II caused by mutations in the KCNJ1 gene. Type III is caused by mutations in the CLCNKB gene, while type IV is caused by mutations in the BSND or CLCNKB genes. Treatment typically involves supplementation of electrolytes, such as potassium and magnesium, as well as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to help reduce sodium loss in the urine.

Monoclonal antibodies are a type of antibody that are identical because they are produced by a single clone of cells. They are laboratory-produced molecules that act like human antibodies in the immune system. They can be designed to attach to specific proteins found on the surface of cancer cells, making them useful for targeting and treating cancer. Monoclonal antibodies can also be used as a therapy for other diseases, such as autoimmune disorders and inflammatory conditions.

Monoclonal antibodies are produced by fusing a single type of immune cell, called a B cell, with a tumor cell to create a hybrid cell, or hybridoma. This hybrid cell is then able to replicate indefinitely, producing a large number of identical copies of the original antibody. These antibodies can be further modified and engineered to enhance their ability to bind to specific targets, increase their stability, and improve their effectiveness as therapeutic agents.

Monoclonal antibodies have several mechanisms of action in cancer therapy. They can directly kill cancer cells by binding to them and triggering an immune response. They can also block the signals that promote cancer growth and survival. Additionally, monoclonal antibodies can be used to deliver drugs or radiation directly to cancer cells, increasing the effectiveness of these treatments while minimizing their side effects on healthy tissues.

Monoclonal antibodies have become an important tool in modern medicine, with several approved for use in cancer therapy and other diseases. They are continuing to be studied and developed as a promising approach to treating a wide range of medical conditions.

A newborn infant is a baby who is within the first 28 days of life. This period is also referred to as the neonatal period. Newborns require specialized care and attention due to their immature bodily systems and increased vulnerability to various health issues. They are closely monitored for signs of well-being, growth, and development during this critical time.

"Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes" by people in this website by year, and whether "Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes" was a major ... "Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes" is a descriptor in the National Library of Medicines controlled vocabulary thesaurus, MeSH ( ... Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes*Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes. *Deficiency Syndromes, Immunologic. *Immunological ... Below are the most recent publications written about "Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes" by people in Profiles. ...
Antibody Deficiency Syndrome. On-line free medical diagnosis assistant. Ranked list of possible diseases from either several ... Griscelli syndrome: rare neonatal syndrome of recurrent hemophagocytosis. Griscelli syndrome (GS) is a rare inherited disease ... XL hyper-IgM syndrome with low IgG and IgA, and XL lymphoproliferative syndrome), and properdine deficiency. Although there are ... Dermatologic and immunologic findings in the immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked syndrome. ...
Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes - HIV Seropositivity PubMed MeSh Term *Overview. Overview. subject area of * Cardiometabolic ... Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes - HIV Infections PubMed MeSh Term ©2023 Regents of the University of Colorado , Terms of Use ...
Results of search for su:{Immunologic deficiency syndromes} Refine your search. *. Availability. * Limit to currently ...
... and Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome. The incidence of primary deficiency syndromes is 1/10000 and is greater in boys than girls. The ... Albinism (Chediak Higashi Syndrome). Initial Screening Tests for Immunodeficiency (make sure that you are using pediatric ... B-cell or humoral immunity - deficiencies result in recurrent infections usually with encapsulated organisims or failure to ... Primary immunodeficiency disorders: antibody deficiency. Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 109.4 (2002): 581-591. ...
Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome (APS) is a disorder which is associated with multiple endocrine gland insufficiency and also ... Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes / immunology * Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes / pathology* * Polyendocrinopathies, ... Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 3c with ectodermal dysplasia, immune deficiency and hemolytic-uremic syndrome J Clin Res ... The hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) is a serious and life-threatening disease which develops due to many etiological factors ...
Categories: Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes Image Types: Photo, Illustrations, Video, Color, Black&White, PublicDomain, ...
Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes 26. Clinical syndrome of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) Publication: [Bethesda, Md.] : ...
Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes, Infective Disorder, Tuberculosis. The study of Aids-related Opportunistic Infections has been ... Research of Aids-related Opportunistic Infections has been linked to Hiv Infections, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, ...
The potential role of vitamin E in the Treatment of immunologic abnormalities during Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Prog ... Cerebellar syndrome in adult celiac disease with vitamin E deficiency. Acta Neurol Scand 84; 2:167-70, 1990.. 69. Menkes MS, ... Vitamin E deficiency in variant angina. Circulation 94;1:14-18, 1996.. 74. Miyamoto H, Araya Y, Ito M et al. Serum selenium and ... Deficiency of vitamin E in the alveolar fluid of cigarette smokers. J Clin Invest 77: 789-798, 1986.. 82. Paolisso G et al. ...
Relationship to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)" (PDF). The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 71 (5): 1500-4. doi: ... Landay, A.; Poon, M. C.; Abo, T.; Stagno, S.; Lurie, A.; Cooper, M. D. (1983). "Immunologic studies in asymptomatic hemophilia ... Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) was first reported in Saudi Arabia during June 2012 when a local man was initially ... Chinese scientists first discovered the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus in February 2003, but due to ...
Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes/immunology, Immunotherapy, Adoptive, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells/immunology, Lymphoid ...
Deficiency Syndrome, Immunologic Deficiency Syndrome, Immunological Deficiency Syndromes, Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes, ... Immunologic Deficiency Syndrome Immunological Deficiency Syndrome Immunological Deficiency Syndromes Syndrome, Immunologic ... Antibody Deficiency Syndrome. Antibody Deficiency Syndromes. Deficiency Syndrome, Antibody. Deficiency Syndrome, Immunologic. ... Deficiency Syndrome, Immunological. Deficiency Syndromes, Antibody. Deficiency Syndromes, Immunologic. Deficiency Syndromes, ...
Antibodies deficiency -- See Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes Syndromes in which there is a deficiency or defect in the ... Antibodies, Antiphospholipid -- See Also Antiphospholipid Syndrome The presence of antibodies directed against phospholipids ( ... Antinuclear antibodies are found in systemic autoimmune diseases including systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjogrens syndrome, ...
... infection or congenital immune deficiency syndrome), chronic diseases (e.g., diabetes, cancer, emphysema, or cardiac failure), ... Immunocompromised patients are those patients whose immune mechanisms are deficient because of immunologic disorders (e.g., ... Sick building syndrome: fact, fiction, or facility? In: Hansen W., ed. A guide to managing indoor air quality in health care ... Immunologic monitoring and aspergillosis in renal transplant patients. Am J Surg 1976;131:246--52. ...
keywords = "stomach cancer, mannose-binding lectin, immunologic deficiency syndromes, haplotypes, helicobacter-pylori infection ... N2 - Deficiency of the mannose-binding lectin (MBL) protein, an antigen-recognition molecule involved in systemic and mucosal ... AB - Deficiency of the mannose-binding lectin (MBL) protein, an antigen-recognition molecule involved in systemic and mucosal ... Deficiency of the mannose-binding lectin (MBL) protein, an antigen-recognition molecule involved in systemic and mucosal innate ...
Antibody Deficiency Syndrome -- See Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes Syndromes in which there is a deficiency or defect in the ... Antibody Deficiency Syndromes -- See Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes Syndromes in which there is a deficiency or defect in the ... Immunologic techniques based on the use of: (1) enzyme-antibody conjugates; (2) enzyme-antigen conjugates; (3) antienzyme ... Immunologic techniques based on the use of: (1) enzyme-antibody conjugates; (2) enzyme-antigen conjugates; (3) antienzyme ...
... is a rare nonfamilial syndrome characterized by marked epithelial disturbances in the GI tract and epidermis. The GI changes ... These disturbances result in anasarca, congestive heart failure, and immunologic deficiencies.. * Anemia: Acute and chronic GI ... Cronkhite-Canada syndrome associated with sigmoid cancer case report and review of 54 cases with the syndrome. Acta Pathol Jpn ... Cronkhite-Canada syndrome (CCS) is a rare nonfamilial syndrome characterized by marked epithelial disturbances in the GI tract ...
Humans, Immunization, Passive, Immunoglobulin G, Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes. © 2023 Experimental Medicine Division, ... The ratio of mean daily IgG increment/mean daily dose in immunoglobulin replacement therapy in primary antibody deficiencies. ... The ratio of mean daily IgG increment/mean daily dose in immunoglobulin replacement therapy in primary antibody deficiencies. ...
Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes 1 0 Infant, Newborn, Diseases 1 0 Hypertriglyceridemia 1 0 ...
Hypersensitivity ; Immune System physiology ; Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes. Type of Medium: Book Pages: v, 345 pages : , ... It explores viruses such as white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), honeybee viruses, Nipah virus, EBV, SVCV, HSV-1, HIV-1, A H1N1, ... Current approaches in vertical bone augmentation and large bone deficiencies in the oro-facial region -- Chapter 15. In-vitro ... Inhibition of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) in Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Using Polyamine-Modified Carbon ...
Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes; In Vitro Techniques; Inflammation; Lymphopenia; Macrophages; Male; Mycobacterium bovis; Proto ... Activated PI3-kinase delta syndrome (APDS) was recently reported as a novel primary immunodeficiency caused by heterozygous ... Activated PI3-kinase delta syndrome (APDS) was recently reported as a novel primary immunodeficiency caused by heterozygous ...
Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes; Infant; Inpatients; Klebsiella Infections; Klebsiella pneumoniae; Male; Neoplasms; Premature ... immune deficiency; infant; infantile spasm; intensive care unit; Klebsiella pneumoniae; male; malignant neoplastic disease; ...
Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes 973 0 256 0.16. 0 0. ...
Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes [C20.673]. *Lymphopenia [C20.673.627]. Below are MeSH descriptors whose meaning is related to ...
Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes [C20.673]. *Phagocyte Bactericidal Dysfunction [C20.673.774]. Below are MeSH descriptors whose ...
Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes [C20.673]. *HIV Infections [C20.673.480]. Below are MeSH descriptors whose meaning is related ...
  • The ICF syndrome (immunodeficiency, (para)centromeric instability and facial abnormalities) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder with characteristic cytogenetic aberrations of chromosomes 1, 9 and 16 in lymphocytes. (
  • 4beta-hydroxycholesterol is associated with abnormalities such as Kidney Failure, Kidney Failure, Chronic, Respiratory Tract Infections, Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes and Infection. (
  • Several subtle immunologic abnormalities have been described in some patients with CFS, although various studies have generated conflicting results. (
  • Relative CD4 lymphopenia and a skewed memory phenotype are the main immunologic abnormalities in a child with Omenn syndrome due to homozygous RAG1-C2633T hypomorphic mutation. (
  • Baseline immunologic abnormalities were identified in 16 hospitalized intravenous drug abusers (IDAs) without acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). (
  • Phagocytic system - include neutro;hils and macrophages, Deficiencies typically present with pyogenic infections. (
  • Coplement deficiencies may present with autoimmunity and recurrent neiserrial infections. (
  • B-cell or humoral immunity - deficiencies result in recurrent infections usually with encapsulated organisims or failure to respond to antibiotics. (
  • Research of Aids-related Opportunistic Infections has been linked to Hiv Infections, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes, Infective Disorder, Tuberculosis. (
  • Includes the spectrum of human immunodeficiency virus infections that range from asymptomatic seropositivity, thru AIDS-related complex (ARC), to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). (
  • 4beta-Hydroxycholesterol is suspected in Kidney Failure, Chronic, Kidney Failure, Respiratory Tract Infections, Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes, Infection, Epilepsy and other diseases in descending order of the highest number of associated sentences. (
  • In some persons, the symptoms of CFS develop following an otherwise self-limited illness, such as influenza, infectious mononucleosis, acute cytomegalovirus (cy-to-meg-lo-virus) infections, or a nonspecific acute viral syndrome. (
  • Patients with Bloom syndrome demonstrate recurrent respiratory and gastrointestinal tract infections. (
  • Patients with Bloom syndrome are predisposed to respiratory and gastrointestinal infections as a result of a deficiency of immunoglobulin A. (
  • Individuals with X-linked hyper IgM syndrome begin to develop frequent infections in infancy and early childhood. (
  • People with X-linked hyper IgM syndrome are prone to infections because they do not have a properly functioning immune system. (
  • Classify general works on deficiency diseases in QU 246 . (
  • Extensive research efforts have shown that vitamin D deficiency may be related to the development of autoimmune diseases. (
  • OBJECTIVES: Vitamin D deficiency has been observed in autoimmune rheumatic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. (
  • The ratio of mean daily IgG increment/mean daily dose in immunoglobulin replacement therapy in primary antibody deficiencies. (
  • People with X-linked hyper IgM syndrome have low levels of three other classes of antibodies: immunoglobulin G (IgG), immunoglobulin A (IgA), and immunoglobulin E (IgE). (
  • Many primary immunodeficiencies follow simple mendelian inheritnce and are due to single gene defects, e.g. chronic granulomatous disease, and Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome. (
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or CFS, comprises a complex of symptoms characterized by chronic, debilitating fatigue and other nonspecific symptoms. (
  • Chronic lung disease is the second leading cause of death in Bloom syndrome patients. (
  • Clinical and genetic heterogeneity in Omenn syndrome and severe combined immune deficiency. (
  • Growth delay is the most impressive clinical feature of Bloom syndrome (congenital telangiectatic erythema) and is usually the first manifestation that causes the parents to seek medical attention. (
  • Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a clinical diagnosis made via the exclusion of all other causes. (
  • The aim is to measure serum vitamin D levels in consecutive patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome and investigate the relationship between vitamin D levels and the presence of immunologic markers, clinical, serological, and histopathological characteristics. (
  • Chediak-Higashi Syndrome" is a descriptor in the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) . (
  • This graph shows the total number of publications written about "Chediak-Higashi Syndrome" by people in this website by year, and whether "Chediak-Higashi Syndrome" was a major or minor topic of these publications. (
  • Below are the most recent publications written about "Chediak-Higashi Syndrome" by people in Profiles. (
  • Physical examination findings in Bloom syndrome (congenital telangiectatic erythema) vary and involve stunted growth, cutaneous manifestations, ocular manifestations, musculoskeletal manifestations, fertility concerns, immunologic manifestations, and a predisposition to malignancies, among others. (
  • Skin findings in Bloom syndrome include telangiectatic erythema, which is usually not congenital, appearing on average at age 8 years. (
  • Bloom syndrome (congenital telangiectatic erythema) is genetic with an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. (
  • Classify works on vitamin A deficiency in QU 167 . (
  • Classify works on vitamin B deficiency in QU 187-194 . (
  • Classify works on thiamine deficiency in QU 189 . (
  • Classify works on riboflavin deficiency in QU 191 . (
  • Classify works on ascorbic acid deficiency in QU 210 . (
  • Classify works on malabsorption syndromes in WI 470 . (
  • Classify works on immunologic deficiency syndromes in QW 740 . (
  • Various attempts to classify burning mouth syndrome (BMS) based on etiology and symptoms have been made. (
  • Deficiency of the mannose-binding lectin (MBL) protein, an antigen-recognition molecule involved in systemic and mucosal innate immunity, is determined by variant alleles in MBL2 gene promoter and exon-1 regions. (
  • Vitamin D deficiency has also been observed in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). (
  • Vitamin D deficiency has also been observed in systemic sclerosis. (
  • Vitamin D deficiency has also been found in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and it was shown to be related to disease activity and renal involvement. (
  • Sjögren's syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease affecting the exocrine glands, known as an autoimmune epithelitis. (
  • Oligoclonal expansion of T lymphocytes with multiple second-site mutations leads to Omenn syndrome in a patient with RAG1-deficient severe combined immunodeficiency. (
  • Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a contagious lethal disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) whose action is to destroy the lymphocytes, the cells responsible for the body's defense. (
  • Homozygous R396H mutation of the RAG1 gene in a Saudi infant with Omenn's syndrome: a case report. (
  • A few case reports have described an infantile form of this syndrome associated with a poor prognosis. (
  • The ambiguous definition of burning mouth syndrome (BMS) makes evaluation of prognosis and treatment difficult. (
  • CFS is not associated with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), although AIDS may cause symptoms resembling CFS. (
  • Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes" is a descriptor in the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) . (
  • Lack of nonfunctional B-cell receptor rearrangements in a patient with normal B cell numbers despite partial RAG1 deficiency and atypical SCID/Omenn syndrome. (
  • Activated PI3-kinase delta syndrome (APDS) was recently reported as a novel primary immunodeficiency caused by heterozygous gain-of-function mutations in PIK3CD gene. (
  • X-linked hyper IgM syndrome is a condition that affects the immune system and occurs almost exclusively in males. (
  • We later found out that it's actually the virus itself that causes immune deficiency by gumming up the works of binding to CD4 cells and not letting the immune system talk to itself. (
  • The growth deficiency has a prenatal onset, apparent from term birth measurements, and persists throughout life. (
  • Consequently, the disease's signs and symptoms onset is postponed and the reduction rate of the immunologic system's protection cells is diminished 1 . (
  • Early prenatal diagnosis of the ICF syndrome. (
  • We report the first early prenatal exclusion of the ICF syndrome by chorionic villous sampling (CVS) and linkage analysis in a family with a previous affected child . (
  • Type 1 burning mouth syndrome (BMS): Patients have no symptoms upon waking, with progression throughout the day. (
  • Type 2 burning mouth syndrome (BMS): Patients have continuous symptoms throughout the day and are frequently asymptomatic at night. (
  • Type 3 burning mouth syndrome (BMS): Patients have intermittent symptoms throughout the day and symptom-free days. (
  • N-terminal RAG1 frameshift mutations in Omenn's syndrome: internal methionine usage leads to partial V(D)J recombination activity and reveals a fundamental role in vivo for the N-terminal domains. (
  • Vitamin D levels have been studied in patients with Sjogren's syndrome, and vitamin D deficiency may be related to neuropathy and the development of lymphoma in the context of Sjogren's syndrome. (
  • Syndromes in which there is a deficiency or defect in the mechanisms of immunity, either cellular or humoral. (
  • Cytogenetic findings in a Bloom syndrome patient with acute myeloid leukemia of the French-American-British subtype M1 showed preferential occurrence of total or partial loss of chromosome 7. (
  • I think the one place where we jump into treatment as fast as we can is in somebody with acute seroconversion syndrome . (
  • Nutritional deficiency and diabetes may produce a similar pattern. (
  • Clarridge K, Leitenberg D, Loechelt B, Picard C, Keller M. Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Deficiency due to a Novel Mutation in RFXANK in a Child of Mexican Descent. (
  • Omenn syndrome with mutation in RAG1 gene. (
  • CONCLUSION: The silvery-greyish hair associated with fever , pancytopenia and hypertriglyceridaemia is the clue to early diagnosis of Griscelli syndrome and important to prevent death before stem cell transplantation. (
  • However, a Japanese survey that included 200 patients provided the most comprehensive characterization of this unique syndrome. (
  • Bloom syndrome patients develop a characteristic facies, resulting from small mandibles, hypoplasia of the malar area, dolichocephaly (long head), and prominent nose. (
  • Vitamin D deficiency has been observed in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and has been shown to be inversely related to disease activity. (
  • Vitamin D levels have been measured in patients with Sjögren's syndrome and an association was observed between low vitamin D levels, peripheral neuropathy and the presence of lymphoma. (
  • In other cohorts, such as a Turkish cohort, vitamin D deficiency was observed in patients with Sjögren's syndrome. (
  • The incidence of primary deficiency syndromes is 1/10000 and is greater in boys than girls. (
  • In a classification by etiology or cause, idiopathic burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is considered "primary BMS" (or "true BMS"), whereas "secondary BMS" has an identifiable cause. (
  • Cronkhite-Canada syndrome (CCS) is a rare nonfamilial syndrome characterized by marked epithelial disturbances in the GI tract and epidermis that was first described in 1955. (
  • Classically, burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is accompanied by gustatory disturbances (dysgeusia, parageusia) and subjective xerostomia. (
  • Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is likely more than one disease process, and the etiology may be multifactorial. (
  • This graph shows the total number of publications written about "Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes" by people in this website by year, and whether "Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes" was a major or minor topic of these publications. (
  • Below are the most recent publications written about "Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes" by people in Profiles. (
  • X-linked hyper IgM syndrome is estimated to occur in 2 per million newborn boys. (

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