A subfamily of nuclear receptors that regulate GENETIC TRANSCRIPTION of a diverse group of GENES involved in the synthesis of BLOOD COAGULATION FACTORS; and in GLUCOSE; CHOLESTEROL; and FATTY ACIDS metabolism.
Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1-alpha is a transcription factor found in the LIVER; PANCREAS; and KIDNEY that regulates HOMEOSTASIS of GLUCOSE.
A hepatocyte nuclear factor that is closely related to HEPATOCYTE NUCLEAR FACTOR 1-ALPHA but is only weakly expressed in the LIVER. Mutations in hepatocyte nuclear factor 1-beta are associated with renal CYSTS and MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES MELLITUS type 5.
A transcription factor that regulates the expression of a large set of hepatic proteins including SERUM ALBUMIN; beta-fibrinogen; and ALPHA 1-ANTITRYPSIN. It is composed of hetero- or homo-dimers of HEPATOCYTE NUCLEAR FACTOR 1-ALPHA and HEPATOCYTE NUCLEAR FACTOR 1-BETA.
A forkhead transcription factor that regulates expression of metabolic GENES and is involved in EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT. Mutations in HNF-3beta have been associated with CONGENITAL HYPERINSULINISM.
A winged-helix transcription factor that regulates GENE expression in metabolic tissues. It plays a role in HOMEOSTASIS of GLUCOSE and controls expression of GLUT2 PROTEIN.
A onecut transcription factor that regulates expression of GENES involved in EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT of the PANCREAS and LIVER.
A forkhead transcription factor that is an essential activator of GLUCAGON gene expression.
Hepatocyte nuclear factors are a family of evolutionarily conserved transcription factors that are preferentially expressed in HEPATOCYTES. They play important roles in liver-specific transcription and are critical for CELL DIFFERENTIATION and METABOLISM.
A family of transcription factors that contain regions rich in basic residues, LEUCINE ZIPPER domains, and HELIX-LOOP-HELIX MOTIFS.
Endogenous substances, usually proteins, which are effective in the initiation, stimulation, or termination of the genetic transcription process.
Multifunctional growth factor which regulates both cell growth and cell motility. It exerts a strong mitogenic effect on hepatocytes and primary epithelial cells. Its receptor is PROTO-ONCOGENE PROTEINS C-MET.
Proteins which bind to DNA. The family includes proteins which bind to both double- and single-stranded DNA and also includes specific DNA binding proteins in serum which can be used as markers for malignant diseases.
Proteins found in the nucleus of a cell. Do not confuse with NUCLEOPROTEINS which are proteins conjugated with nucleic acids, that are not necessarily present in the nucleus.
DNA sequences which are recognized (directly or indirectly) and bound by a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase during the initiation of transcription. Highly conserved sequences within the promoter include the Pribnow box in bacteria and the TATA BOX in eukaryotes.
The main structural component of the LIVER. They are specialized EPITHELIAL CELLS that are organized into interconnected plates called lobules.
A large lobed glandular organ in the abdomen of vertebrates that is responsible for detoxification, metabolism, synthesis and storage of various substances.
Phosphoproteins are proteins that have been post-translationally modified with the addition of a phosphate group, usually on serine, threonine or tyrosine residues, which can play a role in their regulation, function, interaction with other molecules, and localization within the cell.
The sequence of PURINES and PYRIMIDINES in nucleic acids and polynucleotides. It is also called nucleotide sequence.
Descriptions of specific amino acid, carbohydrate, or nucleotide sequences which have appeared in the published literature and/or are deposited in and maintained by databanks such as GENBANK, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), National Biomedical Research Foundation (NBRF), or other sequence repositories.
Any of the processes by which nuclear, cytoplasmic, or intercellular factors influence the differential control (induction or repression) of gene action at the level of transcription or translation.
Transcription factors that were originally identified as site-specific DNA-binding proteins essential for DNA REPLICATION by ADENOVIRUSES. They play important roles in MAMMARY GLAND function and development.
Processes that stimulate the GENETIC TRANSCRIPTION of a gene or set of genes.
The biosynthesis of RNA carried out on a template of DNA. The biosynthesis of DNA from an RNA template is called REVERSE TRANSCRIPTION.
The parts of a macromolecule that directly participate in its specific combination with another molecule.
Ubiquitous, inducible, nuclear transcriptional activator that binds to enhancer elements in many different cell types and is activated by pathogenic stimuli. The NF-kappa B complex is a heterodimer composed of two DNA-binding subunits: NF-kappa B1 and relA.
The uptake of naked or purified DNA by CELLS, usually meaning the process as it occurs in eukaryotic cells. It is analogous to bacterial transformation (TRANSFORMATION, BACTERIAL) and both are routinely employed in GENE TRANSFER TECHNIQUES.
Intracellular receptors that can be found in the cytoplasm or in the nucleus. They bind to extracellular signaling molecules that migrate through or are transported across the CELL MEMBRANE. Many members of this class of receptors occur in the cytoplasm and are transported to the CELL NUCLEUS upon ligand-binding where they signal via DNA-binding and transcription regulation. Also included in this category are receptors found on INTRACELLULAR MEMBRANES that act via mechanisms similar to CELL SURFACE RECEPTORS.
A family of transcription factors characterized by the presence of highly conserved calcineurin- and DNA-binding domains. NFAT proteins are activated in the CYTOPLASM by the calcium-dependent phosphatase CALCINEURIN. They transduce calcium signals to the nucleus where they can interact with TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR AP-1 or NF-KAPPA B and initiate GENETIC TRANSCRIPTION of GENES involved in CELL DIFFERENTIATION and development. NFAT proteins stimulate T-CELL activation through the induction of IMMEDIATE-EARLY GENES such as INTERLEUKIN-2.
A COUP transcription factor that negatively regulates GENETIC TRANSCRIPTION and competes with other hormone receptors for the common response element AGGTCA. It can also stimulate transcription of genes involved in the metabolism of GLUCOSE and CHOLESTEROL.
RNA sequences that serve as templates for protein synthesis. Bacterial mRNAs are generally primary transcripts in that they do not require post-transcriptional processing. Eukaryotic mRNA is synthesized in the nucleus and must be exported to the cytoplasm for translation. Most eukaryotic mRNAs have a sequence of polyadenylic acid at the 3' end, referred to as the poly(A) tail. The function of this tail is not known for certain, but it may play a role in the export of mature mRNA from the nucleus as well as in helping stabilize some mRNA molecules by retarding their degradation in the cytoplasm.
Y-box-binding protein 1 was originally identified as a DNA-binding protein that interacts with Y-box PROMOTER REGIONS of MHC CLASS II GENES. It is a highly conserved transcription factor that regulates expression of a wide variety of GENES.
Established cell cultures that have the potential to propagate indefinitely.
Any of the processes by which nuclear, cytoplasmic, or intercellular factors influence the differential control of gene action in enzyme synthesis.
A 9-kDa protein component of VERY-LOW-DENSITY LIPOPROTEINS and CHYLOMICRON REMNANTS. Apo C-III, synthesized in the liver, is an inhibitor of LIPOPROTEIN LIPASE. Apo C-III modulates the binding of chylomicron remnants and VLDL to receptors (RECEPTORS, LDL) thus decreases the uptake of triglyceride-rich particles by the liver cells and subsequent degradation. The normal Apo C-III is glycosylated. There are several polymorphic forms with varying amounts of SIALIC ACID (Apo C-III-0, Apo C-III-1, and Apo C-III-2).
Cells propagated in vitro in special media conducive to their growth. Cultured cells are used to study developmental, morphologic, metabolic, physiologic, and genetic processes, among others.
Cells grown in vitro from neoplastic tissue. If they can be established as a TUMOR CELL LINE, they can be propagated in cell culture indefinitely.
A deoxyribonucleotide polymer that is the primary genetic material of all cells. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms normally contain DNA in a double-stranded state, yet several important biological processes transiently involve single-stranded regions. DNA, which consists of a polysugar-phosphate backbone possessing projections of purines (adenine and guanine) and pyrimidines (thymine and cytosine), forms a double helix that is held together by hydrogen bonds between these purines and pyrimidines (adenine to thymine and guanine to cytosine).
A group of apolipoproteins that can readily exchange among the various classes of lipoproteins (HDL; VLDL; CHYLOMICRONS). After lipolysis of TRIGLYCERIDES on VLDL and chylomicrons, Apo-C proteins are normally transferred to HDL. The subtypes can modulate remnant binding to receptors, LECITHIN CHOLESTEROL ACYLTRANSFERASE, or LIPOPROTEIN LIPASE.
Diffusible gene products that act on homologous or heterologous molecules of viral or cellular DNA to regulate the expression of proteins.
The process in which substances, either endogenous or exogenous, bind to proteins, peptides, enzymes, protein precursors, or allied compounds. Specific protein-binding measures are often used as assays in diagnostic assessments.
A primary malignant neoplasm of epithelial liver cells. It ranges from a well-differentiated tumor with EPITHELIAL CELLS indistinguishable from normal HEPATOCYTES to a poorly differentiated neoplasm. The cells may be uniform or markedly pleomorphic, or form GIANT CELLS. Several classification schemes have been suggested.
A human liver tumor cell line used to study a variety of liver-specific metabolic functions.
Cis-acting DNA sequences which can increase transcription of genes. Enhancers can usually function in either orientation and at various distances from a promoter.
An electrophoretic technique for assaying the binding of one compound to another. Typically one compound is labeled to follow its mobility during electrophoresis. If the labeled compound is bound by the other compound, then the mobility of the labeled compound through the electrophoretic medium will be retarded.
A class of proteins that were originally identified by their ability to bind the DNA sequence CCAAT. The typical CCAAT-enhancer binding protein forms dimers and consists of an activation domain, a DNA-binding basic region, and a leucine-rich dimerization domain (LEUCINE ZIPPERS). CCAAT-BINDING FACTOR is structurally distinct type of CCAAT-enhancer binding protein consisting of a trimer of three different subunits.
Cell surface protein-tyrosine kinase receptors for HEPATOCYTE GROWTH FACTOR. They consist of an extracellular alpha chain which is disulfide-linked to the transmembrane beta chain. The cytoplasmic portion contains the catalytic domain and sites critical for the regulation of kinase activity. Mutations of the gene for PROTO-ONCOGENE PROTEINS C-MET are associated with papillary renal carcinoma and other neoplasia.
An enzyme capable of hydrolyzing highly polymerized DNA by splitting phosphodiester linkages, preferentially adjacent to a pyrimidine nucleotide. This catalyzes endonucleolytic cleavage of DNA yielding 5'-phosphodi- and oligonucleotide end-products. The enzyme has a preference for double-stranded DNA.
Within a eukaryotic cell, a membrane-limited body which contains chromosomes and one or more nucleoli (CELL NUCLEOLUS). The nuclear membrane consists of a double unit-type membrane which is perforated by a number of pores; the outermost membrane is continuous with the ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM. A cell may contain more than one nucleus. (From Singleton & Sainsbury, Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, 2d ed)
A sub-family of steroid receptor-related orphan nuclear receptors that have specificity for a variety of DNA sequences related to AGGTCA. COUP transcription factors can heterodimerize with a variety of factors including RETINOIC ACID RECEPTORS; THYROID HORMONE RECEPTORS; and VITAMIN D RECEPTORS.
A liver microsomal cytochrome P450 enzyme that catalyzes the 12-alpha-hydroxylation of a broad spectrum of sterols in the presence of molecular oxygen and NADPH-FERRIHEMOPROTEIN REDUCTASE. This enzyme, encoded by CYP8B1gene, converts 7-alpha-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one to 7-alpha-12-alpha-dihydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one and is required in the synthesis of BILE ACIDS from cholesterol.
Caustic extract from the roots of Podophyllum peltatum and P. emodi. It contains PODOPHYLLOTOXIN and its congeners and is very irritating to mucous membranes and skin. Podophyllin is a violent purgative that may cause CNS damage and teratogenesis. It is used as a paint for warts, skin neoplasms, and senile keratoses.
A method for determining the sequence specificity of DNA-binding proteins. DNA footprinting utilizes a DNA damaging agent (either a chemical reagent or a nuclease) which cleaves DNA at every base pair. DNA cleavage is inhibited where the ligand binds to DNA. (from Rieger et al., Glossary of Genetics: Classical and Molecular, 5th ed)
Genes whose expression is easily detectable and therefore used to study promoter activity at many positions in a target genome. In recombinant DNA technology, these genes may be attached to a promoter region of interest.
A benign epithelial tumor of the LIVER.
Nucleotide sequences, usually upstream, which are recognized by specific regulatory transcription factors, thereby causing gene response to various regulatory agents. These elements may be found in both promoter and enhancer regions.
A COUP transcription factor that was originally identified as a homodimer that binds to a direct repeat regulatory element in the chicken albumin promoter. It is a transcription factor that plays an important role in EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT of the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM.
A membrane-bound cytochrome P450 enzyme that catalyzes the 7-alpha-hydroxylation of CHOLESTEROL in the presence of molecular oxygen and NADPH-FERRIHEMOPROTEIN REDUCTASE. This enzyme, encoded by CYP7, converts cholesterol to 7-alpha-hydroxycholesterol which is the first and rate-limiting step in the synthesis of BILE ACIDS.
Proteins encoded by homeobox genes (GENES, HOMEOBOX) that exhibit structural similarity to certain prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA-binding proteins. Homeodomain proteins are involved in the control of gene expression during morphogenesis and development (GENE EXPRESSION REGULATION, DEVELOPMENTAL).
The intracellular transfer of information (biological activation/inhibition) through a signal pathway. In each signal transduction system, an activation/inhibition signal from a biologically active molecule (hormone, neurotransmitter) is mediated via the coupling of a receptor/enzyme to a second messenger system or to an ion channel. Signal transduction plays an important role in activating cellular functions, cell differentiation, and cell proliferation. Examples of signal transduction systems are the GAMMA-AMINOBUTYRIC ACID-postsynaptic receptor-calcium ion channel system, the receptor-mediated T-cell activation pathway, and the receptor-mediated activation of phospholipases. Those coupled to membrane depolarization or intracellular release of calcium include the receptor-mediated activation of cytotoxic functions in granulocytes and the synaptic potentiation of protein kinase activation. Some signal transduction pathways may be part of larger signal transduction pathways; for example, protein kinase activation is part of the platelet activation signal pathway.
Proteins found usually in the cytoplasm or nucleus that specifically bind steroid hormones and trigger changes influencing the behavior of cells. The steroid receptor-steroid hormone complex regulates the transcription of specific genes.
Enzymes that oxidize certain LUMINESCENT AGENTS to emit light (PHYSICAL LUMINESCENCE). The luciferases from different organisms have evolved differently so have different structures and substrates.
Tumors or cancer of the LIVER.
Any detectable and heritable change in the genetic material that causes a change in the GENOTYPE and which is transmitted to daughter cells and to succeeding generations.
Human colonic ADENOCARCINOMA cells that are able to express differentiation features characteristic of mature intestinal cells, such as ENTEROCYTES. These cells are valuable in vitro tools for studies related to intestinal cell function and differentiation.
A variation of the PCR technique in which cDNA is made from RNA via reverse transcription. The resultant cDNA is then amplified using standard PCR protocols.
Strains of mice in which certain GENES of their GENOMES have been disrupted, or "knocked-out". To produce knockouts, using RECOMBINANT DNA technology, the normal DNA sequence of the gene being studied is altered to prevent synthesis of a normal gene product. Cloned cells in which this DNA alteration is successful are then injected into mouse EMBRYOS to produce chimeric mice. The chimeric mice are then bred to yield a strain in which all the cells of the mouse contain the disrupted gene. Knockout mice are used as EXPERIMENTAL ANIMAL MODELS for diseases (DISEASE MODELS, ANIMAL) and to clarify the functions of the genes.
Short sequences (generally about 10 base pairs) of DNA that are complementary to sequences of messenger RNA and allow reverse transcriptases to start copying the adjacent sequences of mRNA. Primers are used extensively in genetic and molecular biology techniques.
The first alpha-globulins to appear in mammalian sera during FETAL DEVELOPMENT and the dominant serum proteins in early embryonic life.
A cell line derived from cultured tumor cells.
Characteristic restricted to a particular organ of the body, such as a cell type, metabolic response or expression of a particular protein or antigen.
A tetrameric protein, molecular weight between 50,000 and 70,000, consisting of 4 equal chains, and migrating on electrophoresis in 3 fractions more mobile than serum albumin. Its concentration ranges from 7 to 33 per cent in the serum, but levels decrease in liver disease.
A transcription factor that partners with ligand bound GLUCOCORTICOID RECEPTORS and ESTROGEN RECEPTORS to stimulate GENETIC TRANSCRIPTION. It plays an important role in FERTILITY as well as in METABOLISM of LIPIDS.
The first continuously cultured human malignant CELL LINE, derived from the cervical carcinoma of Henrietta Lacks. These cells are used for VIRUS CULTIVATION and antitumor drug screening assays.
A protein subunit that takes part in forming nuclear factor 90 protein complexes.
Progressive restriction of the developmental potential and increasing specialization of function that leads to the formation of specialized cells, tissues, and organs.
A glucose transport facilitator that is expressed primarily in PANCREATIC BETA CELLS; LIVER; and KIDNEYS. It may function as a GLUCOSE sensor to regulate INSULIN release and glucose HOMEOSTASIS.
The phenotypic manifestation of a gene or genes by the processes of GENETIC TRANSCRIPTION and GENETIC TRANSLATION.
Repair or renewal of hepatic tissue.
An enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of D-glucose 6-phosphate and water to D-glucose and orthophosphate. EC
Water-soluble proteins found in egg whites, blood, lymph, and other tissues and fluids. They coagulate upon heating.
Nucleic acid sequences involved in regulating the expression of genes.
Identification of proteins or peptides that have been electrophoretically separated by blot transferring from the electrophoresis gel to strips of nitrocellulose paper, followed by labeling with antibody probes.
A family of double-stranded RNA-binding proteins that are related to NFATC TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS. In addition to binding to RNA, nuclear factor 90 proteins form heterodimeric complexes that regulate GENETIC TRANSCRIPTION and may play a role in T-CELL activation.
The order of amino acids as they occur in a polypeptide chain. This is referred to as the primary structure of proteins. It is of fundamental importance in determining PROTEIN CONFORMATION.
Inbred C57BL mice are a strain of laboratory mice that have been produced by many generations of brother-sister matings, resulting in a high degree of genetic uniformity and homozygosity, making them widely used for biomedical research, including studies on genetics, immunology, cancer, and neuroscience.
A subclass of DIABETES MELLITUS that is not INSULIN-responsive or dependent (NIDDM). It is characterized initially by INSULIN RESISTANCE and HYPERINSULINEMIA; and eventually by GLUCOSE INTOLERANCE; HYPERGLYCEMIA; and overt diabetes. Type II diabetes mellitus is no longer considered a disease exclusively found in adults. Patients seldom develop KETOSIS but often exhibit OBESITY.
An enzyme that catalyzes the acetylation of chloramphenicol to yield chloramphenicol 3-acetate. Since chloramphenicol 3-acetate does not bind to bacterial ribosomes and is not an inhibitor of peptidyltransferase, the enzyme is responsible for the naturally occurring chloramphenicol resistance in bacteria. The enzyme, for which variants are known, is found in both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. EC
Steroid acids and salts. The primary bile acids are derived from cholesterol in the liver and usually conjugated with glycine or taurine. The secondary bile acids are further modified by bacteria in the intestine. They play an important role in the digestion and absorption of fat. They have also been used pharmacologically, especially in the treatment of gallstones.
Experimentally induced tumors of the LIVER.
The type species of the genus ORTHOHEPADNAVIRUS which causes human HEPATITIS B and is also apparently a causal agent in human HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA. The Dane particle is an intact hepatitis virion, named after its discoverer. Non-infectious spherical and tubular particles are also seen in the serum.
CELL LINES derived from the CV-1 cell line by transformation with a replication origin defective mutant of SV40 VIRUS, which codes for wild type large T antigen (ANTIGENS, POLYOMAVIRUS TRANSFORMING). They are used for transfection and cloning. (The CV-1 cell line was derived from the kidney of an adult male African green monkey (CERCOPITHECUS AETHIOPS).)
An enzyme of the lyase class that catalyzes the conversion of ATP and oxaloacetate to ADP, phosphoenolpyruvate, and carbon dioxide. The enzyme is found in some bacteria, yeast, and Trypanosoma, and is important for the photosynthetic assimilation of carbon dioxide in some plants. EC
Laboratory mice that have been produced from a genetically manipulated EGG or EMBRYO, MAMMALIAN.
A group of deoxyribonucleotides (up to 12) in which the phosphate residues of each deoxyribonucleotide act as bridges in forming diester linkages between the deoxyribose moieties.
A negative regulatory effect on physiological processes at the molecular, cellular, or systemic level. At the molecular level, the major regulatory sites include membrane receptors, genes (GENE EXPRESSION REGULATION), mRNAs (RNA, MESSENGER), and proteins.
Deletion of sequences of nucleic acids from the genetic material of an individual.
A theoretical representative nucleotide or amino acid sequence in which each nucleotide or amino acid is the one which occurs most frequently at that site in the different sequences which occur in nature. The phrase also refers to an actual sequence which approximates the theoretical consensus. A known CONSERVED SEQUENCE set is represented by a consensus sequence. Commonly observed supersecondary protein structures (AMINO ACID MOTIFS) are often formed by conserved sequences.
Genetically engineered MUTAGENESIS at a specific site in the DNA molecule that introduces a base substitution, or an insertion or deletion.
A superfamily of hundreds of closely related HEMEPROTEINS found throughout the phylogenetic spectrum, from animals, plants, fungi, to bacteria. They include numerous complex monooxygenases (MIXED FUNCTION OXYGENASES). In animals, these P-450 enzymes serve two major functions: (1) biosynthesis of steroids, fatty acids, and bile acids; (2) metabolism of endogenous and a wide variety of exogenous substrates, such as toxins and drugs (BIOTRANSFORMATION). They are classified, according to their sequence similarities rather than functions, into CYP gene families (>40% homology) and subfamilies (>59% homology). For example, enzymes from the CYP1, CYP2, and CYP3 gene families are responsible for most drug metabolism.
Small double-stranded, non-protein coding RNAs (21-31 nucleotides) involved in GENE SILENCING functions, especially RNA INTERFERENCE (RNAi). Endogenously, siRNAs are generated from dsRNAs (RNA, DOUBLE-STRANDED) by the same ribonuclease, Dicer, that generates miRNAs (MICRORNAS). The perfect match of the siRNAs' antisense strand to their target RNAs mediates RNAi by siRNA-guided RNA cleavage. siRNAs fall into different classes including trans-acting siRNA (tasiRNA), repeat-associated RNA (rasiRNA), small-scan RNA (scnRNA), and Piwi protein-interacting RNA (piRNA) and have different specific gene silencing functions.
The sequential correspondence of nucleotides in one nucleic acid molecule with those of another nucleic acid molecule. Sequence homology is an indication of the genetic relatedness of different organisms and gene function.
Extrachromosomal, usually CIRCULAR DNA molecules that are self-replicating and transferable from one organism to another. They are found in a variety of bacterial, archaeal, fungal, algal, and plant species. They are used in GENETIC ENGINEERING as CLONING VECTORS.
A family of inhibitory proteins which bind to the REL PROTO-ONCOGENE PROTEINS and modulate their activity. In the CYTOPLASM, I-kappa B proteins bind to the transcription factor NF-KAPPA B. Cell stimulation causes its dissociation and translocation of active NF-kappa B to the nucleus.
A GATA transcription factor that is expressed in the MYOCARDIUM of developing heart and has been implicated in the differentiation of CARDIAC MYOCYTES. GATA4 is activated by PHOSPHORYLATION and regulates transcription of cardiac-specific genes.
A large group of cytochrome P-450 (heme-thiolate) monooxygenases that complex with NAD(P)H-FLAVIN OXIDOREDUCTASE in numerous mixed-function oxidations of aromatic compounds. They catalyze hydroxylation of a broad spectrum of substrates and are important in the metabolism of steroids, drugs, and toxins such as PHENOBARBITAL, carcinogens, and insecticides.
Irregular microscopic structures consisting of cords of endocrine cells that are scattered throughout the PANCREAS among the exocrine acini. Each islet is surrounded by connective tissue fibers and penetrated by a network of capillaries. There are four major cell types. The most abundant beta cells (50-80%) secrete INSULIN. Alpha cells (5-20%) secrete GLUCAGON. PP cells (10-35%) secrete PANCREATIC POLYPEPTIDE. Delta cells (~5%) secrete SOMATOSTATIN.
A technique for identifying specific DNA sequences that are bound, in vivo, to proteins of interest. It involves formaldehyde fixation of CHROMATIN to crosslink the DNA-BINDING PROTEINS to the DNA. After shearing the DNA into small fragments, specific DNA-protein complexes are isolated by immunoprecipitation with protein-specific ANTIBODIES. Then, the DNA isolated from the complex can be identified by PCR amplification and sequencing.
A family of enzymes accepting a wide range of substrates, including phenols, alcohols, amines, and fatty acids. They function as drug-metabolizing enzymes that catalyze the conjugation of UDPglucuronic acid to a variety of endogenous and exogenous compounds. EC
Recombinant proteins produced by the GENETIC TRANSLATION of fused genes formed by the combination of NUCLEIC ACID REGULATORY SEQUENCES of one or more genes with the protein coding sequences of one or more genes.
A family of non-enveloped viruses infecting mammals (MASTADENOVIRUS) and birds (AVIADENOVIRUS) or both (ATADENOVIRUS). Infections may be asymptomatic or result in a variety of diseases.
A subclass of ORGANIC ANION TRANSPORTERS whose transport of organic anions is driven either directly or indirectly by a gradient of sodium ions.
Proteins prepared by recombinant DNA technology.
Plasma glycoprotein member of the serpin superfamily which inhibits TRYPSIN; NEUTROPHIL ELASTASE; and other PROTEOLYTIC ENZYMES.
The insertion of recombinant DNA molecules from prokaryotic and/or eukaryotic sources into a replicating vehicle, such as a plasmid or virus vector, and the introduction of the resultant hybrid molecules into recipient cells without altering the viability of those cells.
Enzymes that catalyze the breakage of a carbon-oxygen bond leading to unsaturated products via the removal of water. EC 4.2.1.
A subunit of NF-kappa B that is primarily responsible for its transactivation function. It contains a C-terminal transactivation domain and an N-terminal domain with homology to PROTO-ONCOGENE PROTEINS C-REL.
A primary source of energy for living organisms. It is naturally occurring and is found in fruits and other parts of plants in its free state. It is used therapeutically in fluid and nutrient replacement.
Cytoplasmic proteins that specifically bind glucocorticoids and mediate their cellular effects. The glucocorticoid receptor-glucocorticoid complex acts in the nucleus to induce transcription of DNA. Glucocorticoids were named for their actions on blood glucose concentration, but they have equally important effects on protein and fat metabolism. Cortisol is the most important example.
A strain of albino rat used widely for experimental purposes because of its calmness and ease of handling. It was developed by the Sprague-Dawley Animal Company.
Cells that line the inner and outer surfaces of the body by forming cellular layers (EPITHELIUM) or masses. Epithelial cells lining the SKIN; the MOUTH; the NOSE; and the ANAL CANAL derive from ectoderm; those lining the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM and the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM derive from endoderm; others (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM and LYMPHATIC SYSTEM) derive from mesoderm. Epithelial cells can be classified mainly by cell shape and function into squamous, glandular and transitional epithelial cells.
The level of protein structure in which combinations of secondary protein structures (alpha helices, beta sheets, loop regions, and motifs) pack together to form folded shapes called domains. Disulfide bridges between cysteines in two different parts of the polypeptide chain along with other interactions between the chains play a role in the formation and stabilization of tertiary structure. Small proteins usually consist of only one domain but larger proteins may contain a number of domains connected by segments of polypeptide chain which lack regular secondary structure.
A 51-amino acid pancreatic hormone that plays a major role in the regulation of glucose metabolism, directly by suppressing endogenous glucose production (GLYCOGENOLYSIS; GLUCONEOGENESIS) and indirectly by suppressing GLUCAGON secretion and LIPOLYSIS. Native insulin is a globular protein comprised of a zinc-coordinated hexamer. Each insulin monomer containing two chains, A (21 residues) and B (30 residues), linked by two disulfide bonds. Insulin is used as a drug to control insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (DIABETES MELLITUS, TYPE 1).
ATP:pyruvate 2-O-phosphotransferase. A phosphotransferase that catalyzes reversibly the phosphorylation of pyruvate to phosphoenolpyruvate in the presence of ATP. It has four isozymes (L, R, M1, and M2). Deficiency of the enzyme results in hemolytic anemia. EC
Cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases (MIXED FUNCTION OXYGENASES) that are important in steroid biosynthesis and metabolism.
Histochemical localization of immunoreactive substances using labeled antibodies as reagents.
A basic-leucine zipper transcription factor that was originally described as a transcriptional regulator controlling expression of the BETA-GLOBIN gene. It may regulate the expression of a wide variety of genes that play a role in protecting cells from oxidative damage.
Serum glycoprotein produced by activated MACROPHAGES and other mammalian MONONUCLEAR LEUKOCYTES. It has necrotizing activity against tumor cell lines and increases ability to reject tumor transplants. Also known as TNF-alpha, it is only 30% homologous to TNF-beta (LYMPHOTOXIN), but they share TNF RECEPTORS.
A subtype of RETINOIC ACID RECEPTORS that are specific for 9-cis-retinoic acid which function as nuclear TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS that regulate multiple signaling pathways.
The processes whereby the internal environment of an organism tends to remain balanced and stable.
The outward appearance of the individual. It is the product of interactions between genes, and between the GENOTYPE and the environment.
Biosynthesis of GLUCOSE from nonhexose or non-carbohydrate precursors, such as LACTATE; PYRUVATE; ALANINE; and GLYCEROL.
Body organ that filters blood for the secretion of URINE and that regulates ion concentrations.
Any of the processes by which nuclear, cytoplasmic, or intercellular factors influence the differential control of gene action in neoplastic tissue.
A protein serine-threonine kinase that catalyzes the PHOSPHORYLATION of I KAPPA B PROTEINS. This enzyme also activates the transcription factor NF-KAPPA B and is composed of alpha and beta catalytic subunits, which are protein kinases and gamma, a regulatory subunit.
A subclass of winged helix DNA-binding proteins that share homology with their founding member fork head protein, Drosophila.
Elements of limited time intervals, contributing to particular results or situations.
In vitro method for producing large amounts of specific DNA or RNA fragments of defined length and sequence from small amounts of short oligonucleotide flanking sequences (primers). The essential steps include thermal denaturation of the double-stranded target molecules, annealing of the primers to their complementary sequences, and extension of the annealed primers by enzymatic synthesis with DNA polymerase. The reaction is efficient, specific, and extremely sensitive. Uses for the reaction include disease diagnosis, detection of difficult-to-isolate pathogens, mutation analysis, genetic testing, DNA sequencing, and analyzing evolutionary relationships.
One of the mechanisms by which CELL DEATH occurs (compare with NECROSIS and AUTOPHAGOCYTOSIS). Apoptosis is the mechanism responsible for the physiological deletion of cells and appears to be intrinsically programmed. It is characterized by distinctive morphologic changes in the nucleus and cytoplasm, chromatin cleavage at regularly spaced sites, and the endonucleolytic cleavage of genomic DNA; (DNA FRAGMENTATION); at internucleosomal sites. This mode of cell death serves as a balance to mitosis in regulating the size of animal tissues and in mediating pathologic processes associated with tumor growth.
The section of the alimentary canal from the STOMACH to the ANAL CANAL. It includes the LARGE INTESTINE and SMALL INTESTINE.
Any of the processes by which cytoplasmic factors influence the differential control of gene action in viruses.
A CALCIUM and CALMODULIN-dependent serine/threonine protein phosphatase that is composed of the calcineurin A catalytic subunit and the calcineurin B regulatory subunit. Calcineurin has been shown to dephosphorylate a number of phosphoproteins including HISTONES; MYOSIN LIGHT CHAIN; and the regulatory subunits of CAMP-DEPENDENT PROTEIN KINASES. It is involved in the regulation of signal transduction and is the target of an important class of immunophilin-immunosuppressive drug complexes.
An orphan nuclear receptor expressed mainly in the GERM CELLS of GONADS. It functions as a transcription factor that binds to a direct repeat of the sequence AGGTCA and may play a role in the regulation of EMBRYOGENESIS and germ cell differentiation.
Polymers made up of a few (2-20) nucleotides. In molecular genetics, they refer to a short sequence synthesized to match a region where a mutation is known to occur, and then used as a probe (OLIGONUCLEOTIDE PROBES). (Dorland, 28th ed)
A gene silencing phenomenon whereby specific dsRNAs (RNA, DOUBLE-STRANDED) trigger the degradation of homologous mRNA (RNA, MESSENGER). The specific dsRNAs are processed into SMALL INTERFERING RNA (siRNA) which serves as a guide for cleavage of the homologous mRNA in the RNA-INDUCED SILENCING COMPLEX. DNA METHYLATION may also be triggered during this process.
Detection of RNA that has been electrophoretically separated and immobilized by blotting on nitrocellulose or other type of paper or nylon membrane followed by hybridization with labeled NUCLEIC ACID PROBES.
The determination of the pattern of genes expressed at the level of GENETIC TRANSCRIPTION, under specific circumstances or in a specific cell.
A group of enzymes that catalyzes the conversion of ATP and D-glucose to ADP and D-glucose 6-phosphate. They are found in invertebrates and microorganisms, and are highly specific for glucose. (Enzyme Nomenclature, 1992) EC
A CCAAT-enhancer-binding protein found in LIVER; ADIPOSE TISSUE; INTESTINES; LUNG; ADRENAL GLANDS; PLACENTA; OVARY and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (LEUKOCYTES, MONONUCLEAR). Experiments with knock-out mice have demonstrated that CCAAT-enhancer binding protein-alpha is essential for the functioning and differentiation of HEPATOCYTES and ADIPOCYTES.
The aggregation of soluble ANTIGENS with ANTIBODIES, alone or with antibody binding factors such as ANTI-ANTIBODIES or STAPHYLOCOCCAL PROTEIN A, into complexes large enough to fall out of solution.
An anti-inflammatory 9-fluoro-glucocorticoid.
Any of the processes by which nuclear, cytoplasmic, or intercellular factors influence the differential control of gene action during the developmental stages of an organism.
Proteins involved in the transport of organic anions. They play an important role in the elimination of a variety of endogenous substances, xenobiotics and their metabolites from the body.
Biochemical identification of mutational changes in a nucleotide sequence.
Theoretical representations that simulate the behavior or activity of biological processes or diseases. For disease models in living animals, DISEASE MODELS, ANIMAL is available. Biological models include the use of mathematical equations, computers, and other electronic equipment.
A nodular organ in the ABDOMEN that contains a mixture of ENDOCRINE GLANDS and EXOCRINE GLANDS. The small endocrine portion consists of the ISLETS OF LANGERHANS secreting a number of hormones into the blood stream. The large exocrine portion (EXOCRINE PANCREAS) is a compound acinar gland that secretes several digestive enzymes into the pancreatic ductal system that empties into the DUODENUM.
A transmembrane protein belonging to the tumor necrosis factor superfamily that specifically binds RECEPTOR ACTIVATOR OF NUCLEAR FACTOR-KAPPA B and OSTEOPROTEGERIN. It plays an important role in regulating OSTEOCLAST differentiation and activation.
Transport proteins that carry specific substances in the blood or across cell membranes.
Proteins which maintain the transcriptional quiescence of specific GENES or OPERONS. Classical repressor proteins are DNA-binding proteins that are normally bound to the OPERATOR REGION of an operon, or the ENHANCER SEQUENCES of a gene until a signal occurs that causes their release.
Methods used for detecting the amplified DNA products from the polymerase chain reaction as they accumulate instead of at the end of the reaction.
Different forms of a protein that may be produced from different GENES, or from the same gene by ALTERNATIVE SPLICING.
The interaction of two or more substrates or ligands with the same binding site. The displacement of one by the other is used in quantitative and selective affinity measurements.
A transferase that catalyzes the addition of aliphatic, aromatic, or heterocyclic FREE RADICALS as well as EPOXIDES and arene oxides to GLUTATHIONE. Addition takes place at the SULFUR. It also catalyzes the reduction of polyol nitrate by glutathione to polyol and nitrite.
Single-stranded complementary DNA synthesized from an RNA template by the action of RNA-dependent DNA polymerase. cDNA (i.e., complementary DNA, not circular DNA, not C-DNA) is used in a variety of molecular cloning experiments as well as serving as a specific hybridization probe.
A conserved A-T rich sequence which is contained in promoters for RNA polymerase II. The segment is seven base pairs long and the nucleotides most commonly found are TATAAAA.
The process by which two molecules of the same chemical composition form a condensation product or polymer.
Cell lines whose original growing procedure consisted being transferred (T) every 3 days and plated at 300,000 cells per plate (J Cell Biol 17:299-313, 1963). Lines have been developed using several different strains of mice. Tissues are usually fibroblasts derived from mouse embryos but other types and sources have been developed as well. The 3T3 lines are valuable in vitro host systems for oncogenic virus transformation studies, since 3T3 cells possess a high sensitivity to CONTACT INHIBITION.
The introduction of a phosphoryl group into a compound through the formation of an ester bond between the compound and a phosphorus moiety.
The age, developmental stage, or period of life at which a disease or the initial symptoms or manifestations of a disease appear in an individual.
Hybridization of a nucleic acid sample to a very large set of OLIGONUCLEOTIDE PROBES, which have been attached individually in columns and rows to a solid support, to determine a BASE SEQUENCE, or to detect variations in a gene sequence, GENE EXPRESSION, or for GENE MAPPING.
Proteins in the nucleus or cytoplasm that specifically bind RETINOIC ACID or RETINOL and trigger changes in the behavior of cells. Retinoic acid receptors, like steroid receptors, are ligand-activated transcription regulators. Several types have been recognized.
The parts of a transcript of a split GENE remaining after the INTRONS are removed. They are spliced together to become a MESSENGER RNA or other functional RNA.
Theoretical representations that simulate the behavior or activity of genetic processes or phenomena. They include the use of mathematical equations, computers, and other electronic equipment.
Use of restriction endonucleases to analyze and generate a physical map of genomes, genes, or other segments of DNA.
A component of NF-kappa B transcription factor. It is proteolytically processed from NF-kappa B p105 precursor protein and is capable of forming dimeric complexes with itself or with TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR RELA. It regulates expression of GENES involved in immune and inflammatory responses.
A species of CERCOPITHECUS containing three subspecies: C. tantalus, C. pygerythrus, and C. sabeus. They are found in the forests and savannah of Africa. The African green monkey (C. pygerythrus) is the natural host of SIMIAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS and is used in AIDS research.
Physiological processes in biosynthesis (anabolism) and degradation (catabolism) of LIPIDS.
Sequences of DNA in the genes that are located between the EXONS. They are transcribed along with the exons but are removed from the primary gene transcript by RNA SPLICING to leave mature RNA. Some introns code for separate genes.
A multiprotein complex composed of the products of c-jun and c-fos proto-oncogenes. These proteins must dimerize in order to bind to the AP-1 recognition site, also known as the TPA-responsive element (TRE). AP-1 controls both basal and inducible transcription of several genes.
The degree of similarity between sequences of amino acids. This information is useful for the analyzing genetic relatedness of proteins and species.
Accumulation of a drug or chemical substance in various organs (including those not relevant to its pharmacologic or therapeutic action). This distribution depends on the blood flow or perfusion rate of the organ, the ability of the drug to penetrate organ membranes, tissue specificity, protein binding. The distribution is usually expressed as tissue to plasma ratios.
A polynucleotide consisting essentially of chains with a repeating backbone of phosphate and ribose units to which nitrogenous bases are attached. RNA is unique among biological macromolecules in that it can encode genetic information, serve as an abundant structural component of cells, and also possesses catalytic activity. (Rieger et al., Glossary of Genetics: Classical and Molecular, 5th ed)
DNA molecules capable of autonomous replication within a host cell and into which other DNA sequences can be inserted and thus amplified. Many are derived from PLASMIDS; BACTERIOPHAGES; or VIRUSES. They are used for transporting foreign genes into recipient cells. Genetic vectors possess a functional replicator site and contain GENETIC MARKERS to facilitate their selective recognition.
The most abundant protein component of HIGH DENSITY LIPOPROTEINS or HDL. This protein serves as an acceptor for CHOLESTEROL released from cells thus promoting efflux of cholesterol to HDL then to the LIVER for excretion from the body (reverse cholesterol transport). It also acts as a cofactor for LECITHIN CHOLESTEROL ACYLTRANSFERASE that forms CHOLESTEROL ESTERS on the HDL particles. Mutations of this gene APOA1 cause HDL deficiency, such as in FAMILIAL ALPHA LIPOPROTEIN DEFICIENCY DISEASE and in some patients with TANGIER DISEASE.
Electrophoresis in which a polyacrylamide gel is used as the diffusion medium.
A positive regulatory effect on physiological processes at the molecular, cellular, or systemic level. At the molecular level, the major regulatory sites include membrane receptors, genes (GENE EXPRESSION REGULATION), mRNAs (RNA, MESSENGER), and proteins.
A subfamily in the family MURIDAE, comprising the hamsters. Four of the more common genera are Cricetus, CRICETULUS; MESOCRICETUS; and PHODOPUS.
All of the processes involved in increasing CELL NUMBER including CELL DIVISION.
The material of CHROMOSOMES. It is a complex of DNA; HISTONES; and nonhistone proteins (CHROMOSOMAL PROTEINS, NON-HISTONE) found within the nucleus of a cell.
Lipid-containing polysaccharides which are endotoxins and important group-specific antigens. They are often derived from the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria and induce immunoglobulin secretion. The lipopolysaccharide molecule consists of three parts: LIPID A, core polysaccharide, and O-specific chains (O ANTIGENS). When derived from Escherichia coli, lipopolysaccharides serve as polyclonal B-cell mitogens commonly used in laboratory immunology. (From Dorland, 28th ed)
Membrane transporters that co-transport two or more dissimilar molecules in the same direction across a membrane. Usually the transport of one ion or molecule is against its electrochemical gradient and is "powered" by the movement of another ion or molecule with its electrochemical gradient.
Excision of all or part of the liver. (Dorland, 28th ed)
A cytokine that stimulates the growth and differentiation of B-LYMPHOCYTES and is also a growth factor for HYBRIDOMAS and plasmacytomas. It is produced by many different cells including T-LYMPHOCYTES; MONOCYTES; and FIBROBLASTS.
Deoxyribonucleic acid that makes up the genetic material of viruses.
Carbamates in which the -CO- group has been replaced by a -CS- group.
Either of the pair of organs occupying the cavity of the thorax that effect the aeration of the blood.
The fission of a CELL. It includes CYTOKINESIS, when the CYTOPLASM of a cell is divided, and CELL NUCLEUS DIVISION.
A type of pancreatic cell representing about 50-80% of the islet cells. Beta cells secrete INSULIN.
The process of intracellular viral multiplication, consisting of the synthesis of PROTEINS; NUCLEIC ACIDS; and sometimes LIPIDS, and their assembly into a new infectious particle.
The arrangement of two or more amino acid or base sequences from an organism or organisms in such a way as to align areas of the sequences sharing common properties. The degree of relatedness or homology between the sequences is predicted computationally or statistically based on weights assigned to the elements aligned between the sequences. This in turn can serve as a potential indicator of the genetic relatedness between the organisms.

Antiglucocorticoid activity of hepatocyte nuclear factor-6. (1/80)

Glucocorticoids exert their effects on gene transcription through ubiquitous receptors that bind to regulatory sequences present in many genes. These glucocorticoid receptors are present in all cell types, yet glucocorticoid action is controlled in a tissue-specific way. One mechanism for this control relies on tissue-specific transcriptional activators that bind in the vicinity of the glucocorticoid receptor and are required for receptor action. We now describe a gene-specific and tissue-specific inhibitory mechanism through which glucocorticoid action is repressed by a tissue-restricted transcription factor, hepatocyte nuclear factor-6 (HNF-6). HNF-6 inhibits the glucocorticoid-induced stimulation of two genes coding for enzymes of liver glucose metabolism, namely 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. Binding of HNF-6 to DNA is required for inhibition of glucocorticoid receptor activity. In vitro and in vivo experiments suggest that this inhibition is mediated by a direct HNF-6/glucocorticoid receptor interaction involving the amino-terminal domain of HNF-6 and the DNA-binding domain of the receptor. Thus, in addition to its known property of stimulating transcription of liver-expressed genes, HNF-6 can antagonize glucocorticoid-stimulated gene transcription.  (+info)

Cooperative regulation of CYP2C12 gene expression by STAT5 and liver-specific factors in female rats. (2/80)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the mechanism(s) responsible for the growth hormone (GH)-induced expression of the CYP2C12 gene. To identify a functional GH-responsive element (GHRE) in vivo, we performed the direct injection of promoter-luciferase chimeric genes into female rat livers. The results showed that the luciferase activity was decreased to approximately 20% by the deletion of the sequence between nucleotides -4213 and -4161. Within this region, two copies of a possible GHRE were present. The sequence of the GHRE was overlapped with that of an interferon-gamma-activated sequence, known to be recognized by the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) proteins. In fact, a supershift assay showed that STAT5 was capable of binding to the core sequence of the GHRE. Furthermore, a luciferase assay with reporter plasmids, Delta-4161/-3781, mutated hepatocyte nuclear factor-4 (HNF-4), and mutated HNF-6, revealed that the GH-stimulated expression of the CYP2C12 gene was regulated cooperatively by STAT5, HNF-4, HNF-6, and the factor(s) that binds to the elements, 2C12-I (-4095 to -4074) and 2C12-II (-4072 to -4045). The cooperative regulation by STAT5 and the liver-enriched transcription factors account for the GH-dependent and the liver-specific expression of the CYP2C12 gene in female rats.  (+info)

Transcriptional stimulation by hepatocyte nuclear factor-6. Target-specific recruitment of either CREB-binding protein (CBP) or p300/CBP-associated factor (p/CAF). (3/80)

Transcription factors of the ONECUT class, whose prototype is HNF-6, contain a single cut domain and a divergent homeodomain characterized by a phenylalanine at position 48 and a methionine at position 50. The cut domain is required for DNA binding. The homeodomain is required either for DNA binding or for transcriptional stimulation, depending on the target gene. Transcriptional stimulation by the homeodomain involves the F48M50 dyad. We investigate here how HNF-6 stimulates transcription. We identify transcriptionally active domains of HNF-6 that are conserved among members of the ONECUT class and show that the cut domain of HNF-6 participates to DNA binding and, via a LXXLL motif, to transcriptional stimulation. We also demonstrate that, on a target gene to which HNF-6 binds without requirement for the homeodomain, transcriptional stimulation involves an interaction of HNF-6 with the coactivator CREB-binding protein (CBP). This interaction depends both on the LXXLL motif of the cut domain and on the F48M50 dyad of the homeodomain. On a target gene for which the homeodomain is required for DNA binding, but not for transcriptional stimulation, HNF-6 interacts with the coactivator p300/CBP-associated factor but not with CBP. These data show that a transcription factor can act via different, sequence-specific, mechanisms that combine distinct modes of DNA binding with the use of different coactivators.  (+info)

Transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 regulates pancreatic endocrine cell differentiation and controls expression of the proendocrine gene ngn3. (4/80)

Hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 (HNF-6) is the prototype of a new class of cut homeodomain transcription factors. During mouse development, HNF-6 is expressed in the epithelial cells that are precursors of the exocrine and endocrine pancreatic cells. We have investigated the role of HNF-6 in pancreas differentiation by inactivating its gene in the mouse. In hnf6(-/-) embryos, the exocrine pancreas appeared to be normal but endocrine cell differentiation was impaired. The expression of neurogenin 3 (Ngn-3), a transcription factor that is essential for determination of endocrine cell precursors, was almost abolished. Consistent with this, we demonstrated that HNF-6 binds to and stimulates the ngn3 gene promoter. At birth, only a few endocrine cells were found and the islets of Langerhans were missing. Later, the number of endocrine cells increased and islets appeared. However, the architecture of the islets was perturbed, and their beta cells were deficient in glucose transporter 2 expression. Adult hnf6(-/-) mice were diabetic. Taken together, our data demonstrate that HNF-6 controls pancreatic endocrine differentiation at the precursor stage and identify HNF-6 as the first positive regulator of the proendocrine gene ngn3 in the pancreas. They also suggest that HNF-6 is a candidate gene for diabetes mellitus in humans.  (+info)

Persistent expression of HNF6 in islet endocrine cells causes disrupted islet architecture and loss of beta cell function. (5/80)

We used transgenesis to explore the requirement for downregulation of hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 (HNF6) expression in the assembly, differentiation, and function of pancreatic islets. In vivo, HNF6 expression becomes downregulated in pancreatic endocrine cells at 18. 5 days post coitum (d.p.c.), when definitive islets first begin to organize. We used an islet-specific regulatory element (pdx1(PB)) from pancreatic/duodenal homeobox (pdx1) gene to maintain HNF6 expression in endocrine cells beyond 18.5 d.p.c. Transgenic animals were diabetic. HNF6-overexpressing islets were hyperplastic and remained very close to the pancreatic ducts. Strikingly, alpha, delta, and PP cells were increased in number and abnormally intermingled with islet beta cells. Although several mature beta cell markers were expressed in beta cells of transgenic islets, the glucose transporter GLUT2 was absent or severely reduced. As glucose uptake/metabolism is essential for insulin secretion, decreased GLUT2 may contribute to the etiology of diabetes in pdx1(PB)-HNF6 transgenics. Concordantly, blood insulin was not raised by glucose challenge, suggesting profound beta cell dysfunction. Thus, we have shown that HNF6 downregulation during islet ontogeny is critical to normal pancreas formation and function: continued expression impairs the clustering of endocrine cells and their separation from the ductal epithelium, disrupts the spatial organization of endocrine cell types within the islet, and severely compromises beta cell physiology, leading to overt diabetes.  (+info)

Synergistic action of hepatocyte nuclear factors 3 and 6 on CYP2C12 gene expression and suppression by growth hormone-activated STAT5b. Proposed model for female specific expression of CYP2C12 in adult rat liver. (6/80)

Growth hormone (GH) exerts sexually dimorphic effects on liver gene transcription through its sex-dependent temporal pattern of pituitary hormone secretion. CYP2C12 encodes a female-specific rat liver P450 steroid hydroxylase whose expression is activated by continuous GH stimulation of hepatocytes. Presently, we investigated the role of liver-enriched and GH-regulated transcription factors in the activation of CYP2C12 gene expression in GH-stimulated liver cells. Transcription of a CYP2C12 promoter-luciferase reporter gene in transfected HepG2 cells was activated 15-40-fold by the liver-enriched hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF) 3 alpha, HNF3 beta, and HNF6. Synergistic interactions leading to an approximately 300-fold activation of the promoter by HNF3 beta in combination with HNF6 were observed. 5'-Deletion analysis localized the HNF6 response to a single 5'-proximal 96-nucleotide segment. By contrast, the stimulatory effects of HNF3 alpha and HNF3 beta were attributable to five distinct regions within the 1.6-kilobase CYP2C12 proximal promoter. GH activation of the signal transducer and transcriptional activator STAT5b, which proceeds efficiently in male but not female rat liver, inhibited CYP2C12 promoter activation by HNF3 beta and HNF6, despite the absence of a classical STAT5-binding site. The female-specific pattern of CYP2C12 expression is thus proposed to reflect the positive synergistic action in female liver of liver-enriched and GH-regulated transcription factors, such as HNF3 beta and HNF6, coupled with a dominant inhibitory effect of GH-activated STAT5b that is manifest in males.  (+info)

Elevated levels of hepatocyte nuclear factor 3beta in mouse hepatocytes influence expression of genes involved in bile acid and glucose homeostasis. (7/80)

The winged helix transcription factor, hepatocyte nuclear factor-3beta (HNF-3beta), mediates the hepatocyte-specific transcription of numerous genes important for liver function. However, the in vivo role of HNF-3beta in regulating these genes remains unknown because homozygous null HNF3beta mouse embryos die in utero prior to liver formation. In order to examine the regulatory function of HNF-3beta, we created transgenic mice in which the -3-kb transthyretin promoter functions to increase hepatocyte expression of the rat HNF-3beta protein. Postnatal transgenic mice exhibit growth retardation, depletion of hepatocyte glycogen storage, and elevated levels of bile acids in serum. The retarded growth phenotype is likely due to a 20-fold increase in hepatic expression of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 (IGFBP-1), which results in elevated levels in serum of IGFBP-1 and limits the biological availability of IGFs required for postnatal growth. The defects in glycogen storage and serum bile acids coincide with diminished postnatal expression of hepatocyte genes involved in gluconeogenesis (phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and glycogen synthase) and sinusoidal bile acid uptake (Ntcp), respectively. These changes in gene transcription may result from the disruptive effect of HNF-3beta on the hepatic expression of the endogenous mouse HNF-3alpha,-3beta, -3gamma, and -6 transcription factors. Furthermore, adult transgenic livers lack expression of the canalicular phospholipid transporter, mdr2, which is consistent with ultrastructure evidence of damage to transgenic hepatocytes and bile canaliculi. These transgenic studies represent the first in vivo demonstration that the HNF-3beta transcriptional network regulates expression of hepatocyte-specific genes required for bile acid and glucose homeostasis, as well as postnatal growth.  (+info)

Protein kinase A phosphorylates hepatocyte nuclear factor-6 and stimulates glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit gene transcription. (8/80)

Glucose-6-phosphatase is a multicomponent system that catalyzes the terminal step in gluconeogenesis. To examine the effect of the cAMP signal transduction pathway on expression of the gene encoding the mouse glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit (G6Pase), the liver-derived HepG2 cell line was transiently co-transfected with a series of G6Pase-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase fusion genes and an expression vector encoding the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA). PKA markedly stimulated G6Pase-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase fusion gene expression, and mutational analysis of the G6Pase promoter revealed that multiple cis-acting elements were required for this response. One of these elements was mapped to the G6Pase promoter region between -114 and -99, and this sequence was shown to bind hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-6. This HNF-6 binding site was able to confer a stimulatory effect of PKA on the expression of a heterologous fusion gene; a mutation that abolished HNF-6 binding also abolished the stimulatory effect of PKA. Further investigation revealed that PKA phosphorylated HNF-6 in vitro. Site-directed mutation of three consensus PKA phosphorylation sites in the HNF-6 carboxyl terminus markedly reduced this phosphorylation. These results suggest that the stimulatory effect of PKA on G6Pase fusion gene transcription in HepG2 cells may be mediated in part by the phosphorylation of HNF-6.  (+info)

Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4 (HNF4) is a type of transcription factor that plays a crucial role in the development and function of the liver. It belongs to the nuclear receptor superfamily and is specifically involved in the regulation of genes that are essential for glucose, lipid, and drug metabolism, as well as bile acid synthesis and transport.

HNF4 exists in two major isoforms, HNF4α and HNF4γ, which are encoded by separate genes but share a high degree of sequence similarity. Both isoforms are expressed in the liver, as well as in other tissues such as the kidney, pancreas, and intestine.

HNF4α is considered to be the predominant isoform in the liver, where it helps regulate the expression of genes involved in hepatocyte differentiation, function, and survival. Mutations in the HNF4α gene have been associated with various forms of diabetes and liver disease, highlighting its importance in maintaining normal metabolic homeostasis.

In summary, Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4 is a key transcriptional regulator involved in the development, function, and maintenance of the liver and other tissues, with specific roles in glucose and lipid metabolism, bile acid synthesis, and drug detoxification.

Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1-alpha (HNF1A) is a transcription factor that plays a crucial role in the development and function of the liver. It belongs to the family of winged helix transcription factors and is primarily expressed in the hepatocytes, which are the major cell type in the liver.

HNF1A regulates the expression of various genes involved in glucose and lipid metabolism, bile acid synthesis, and drug metabolism. Mutations in the HNF1A gene have been associated with maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY), a form of diabetes that is typically inherited in an autosomal dominant manner and often diagnosed in early adulthood. These mutations can lead to impaired insulin secretion and decreased glucose tolerance, resulting in the development of diabetes.

In addition to its role in diabetes, HNF1A has also been implicated in liver diseases such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and alcoholic liver disease (ALD). Dysregulation of HNF1A has been shown to contribute to the development and progression of these conditions by altering the expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism, inflammation, and fibrosis.

Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1-beta (HNF-1β) is a transcription factor that plays crucial roles in the development and function of various organs, including the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and genitourinary system. It belongs to the PPAR/RXR heterodimer family of transcription factors and regulates the expression of several genes involved in cell growth, differentiation, metabolism, and transport processes.

In the liver, HNF-1β is essential for maintaining the structural organization and function of hepatocytes, which are the primary functional cells of the liver. It helps regulate the expression of genes involved in glucose and lipid metabolism, bile acid synthesis, and detoxification processes.

Mutations in the HNF-1β gene have been associated with several genetic disorders, such as maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY5), renal cysts and diabetes syndrome (RCAD), and congenital abnormalities of the kidneys and urinary tract (CAKUT). These conditions often present with a combination of liver, pancreas, and kidney dysfunctions.

Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 (HNF-1) is a transcription factor that plays a crucial role in the development and function of the liver. It is composed of two subunits, HNF-1α and HNF-1β, which heterodimerize to form the functional transcription factor.

HNF-1 is involved in the regulation of genes that are essential for glucose and lipid metabolism, bile acid synthesis, and transport processes in the liver. Mutations in the genes encoding HNF-1α or HNF-1β can lead to various monogenic forms of diabetes, such as MODY (Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young), and other liver diseases.

HNF-1α is primarily expressed in the liver, kidney, and pancreas, while HNF-1β is expressed in a wider range of tissues, including the liver, kidney, pancreas, intestine, and genitourinary tract. Both subunits recognize and bind to specific DNA sequences, known as HNF-1 binding sites, to regulate the transcription of their target genes.

Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 3-beta (HNF-3β, also known as FOXA3) is a transcription factor that plays crucial roles in the development and function of various organs, including the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. It belongs to the forkhead box (FOX) family of proteins, which are characterized by a conserved DNA-binding domain known as the forkhead box or winged helix domain.

In the liver, HNF-3β is essential for the differentiation and maintenance of hepatocytes, the primary functional cells of the liver. It regulates the expression of several genes involved in liver-specific functions such as glucose metabolism, bile acid synthesis, and detoxification.

HNF-3β also has important roles in the pancreas, where it helps regulate the development and function of insulin-producing beta cells. In the kidneys, HNF-3β is involved in the differentiation and maintenance of the nephron, the functional unit responsible for filtering blood and maintaining water and electrolyte balance.

Mutations in the gene encoding HNF-3β have been associated with several genetic disorders, including maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) and renal cysts and diabetes syndrome (RCAD).

Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 3-gamma (HNF-3γ, also known as FOXA3) is a member of the forkhead box (FOX) family of transcription factors. It plays crucial roles in the development and function of the liver, pancreas, and other organs. In the liver, HNF-3γ helps regulate the expression of genes involved in glucose and lipid metabolism, bile acid synthesis, and detoxification processes. Mutations in the HNF-3γ gene have been associated with various liver diseases, including monogenic forms of diabetes.

Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 6 (HNF-6) is a transcription factor that belongs to the forkhead box (FOX) protein family and is primarily expressed in the liver, pancreas, and intestine. It plays crucial roles in regulating gene expression during embryonic development and maintaining tissue-specific functions in adults.

In the liver, HNF-6 helps control the differentiation and maturation of hepatocytes (the primary functional cells of the liver) by regulating genes involved in various metabolic processes such as glucose, lipid, and drug metabolism. Additionally, HNF-6 has been implicated in the development and function of bile ducts and pancreatic exocrine cells.

Mutations in the gene encoding HNF-6 (FOXA2) have been associated with several human diseases, including monogenic diabetes and congenital diarrhea disorders.

Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 3-alpha (HNF-3α), also known as FoxA1, is a transcription factor that plays a crucial role in the development and function of the liver. It belongs to the forkhead box (Fox) family of proteins, which are characterized by a conserved DNA-binding domain called the forkhead box or winged helix domain.

HNF-3α is primarily expressed in the liver, pancreas, and intestine, where it regulates the expression of various genes involved in glucose and lipid metabolism, bile acid synthesis, and other liver-specific functions. It acts by binding to specific DNA sequences called FOX or HNF-3 response elements, thereby modulating the transcriptional activity of target genes.

Mutations in the gene encoding HNF-3α have been associated with several human diseases, including maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) and liver dysfunction. In MODY, mutations in HNF-3α impair its ability to regulate glucose metabolism, leading to impaired insulin secretion and hyperglycemia. In the liver, HNF-3α plays a critical role in maintaining the differentiated state of hepatocytes and regulating their response to various hormonal and metabolic signals.

Hepatocyte Nuclear Factors (HNFs) are a group of transcription factors that play crucial roles in the development, differentiation, and function of hepatocytes, which are the primary cell type in the liver. These factors are involved in regulating the expression of genes that are essential for various liver-specific functions, such as glucose and lipid metabolism, detoxification, and drug metabolism.

There are several HNFs identified so far, including HNF-1α, HNF-1β, HNF-3 (also known as FoxA), HNF-4, and HNF-6. Each of these factors has distinct functions and regulates the expression of specific sets of genes. Mutations in genes encoding HNFs can lead to various liver diseases, including maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) and liver cancer.

HNFs also play important roles in other tissues beyond the liver, such as the pancreas, intestine, and kidney, where they contribute to the regulation of tissue-specific gene expression programs.

Basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) Leucine Zipper Transcription Factors are a type of transcription factors that share a common structural feature consisting of two amphipathic α-helices connected by a loop. The bHLH domain is involved in DNA binding and dimerization, while the leucine zipper motif mediates further stabilization of the dimer. These transcription factors play crucial roles in various biological processes such as cell fate determination, proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. They bind to specific DNA sequences called E-box motifs, which are CANNTG nucleotide sequences, often found in the promoter or enhancer regions of their target genes.

Transcription factors are proteins that play a crucial role in regulating gene expression by controlling the transcription of DNA to messenger RNA (mRNA). They function by binding to specific DNA sequences, known as response elements, located in the promoter region or enhancer regions of target genes. This binding can either activate or repress the initiation of transcription, depending on the properties and interactions of the particular transcription factor. Transcription factors often act as part of a complex network of regulatory proteins that determine the precise spatiotemporal patterns of gene expression during development, differentiation, and homeostasis in an organism.

Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) is a paracrine growth factor that plays a crucial role in various biological processes, including embryonic development, tissue repair, and organ regeneration. It is primarily produced by mesenchymal cells and exerts its effects on epithelial cells, endothelial cells, and hepatocytes (liver parenchymal cells).

HGF has mitogenic, motogenic, and morphogenic properties, promoting cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation. It is particularly important in liver biology, where it stimulates the growth and regeneration of hepatocytes following injury or disease. HGF also exhibits anti-apoptotic effects, protecting cells from programmed cell death.

The receptor for HGF is a transmembrane tyrosine kinase called c-Met, which is expressed on the surface of various cell types, including hepatocytes and epithelial cells. Upon binding to its receptor, HGF activates several intracellular signaling pathways, such as the Ras/MAPK, PI3K/Akt, and JAK/STAT pathways, which ultimately regulate gene expression, cell survival, and cell cycle progression.

Dysregulation of HGF and c-Met signaling has been implicated in various pathological conditions, including cancer, fibrosis, and inflammatory diseases. Therefore, targeting this signaling axis represents a potential therapeutic strategy for these disorders.

DNA-binding proteins are a type of protein that have the ability to bind to DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), the genetic material of organisms. These proteins play crucial roles in various biological processes, such as regulation of gene expression, DNA replication, repair and recombination.

The binding of DNA-binding proteins to specific DNA sequences is mediated by non-covalent interactions, including electrostatic, hydrogen bonding, and van der Waals forces. The specificity of binding is determined by the recognition of particular nucleotide sequences or structural features of the DNA molecule.

DNA-binding proteins can be classified into several categories based on their structure and function, such as transcription factors, histones, and restriction enzymes. Transcription factors are a major class of DNA-binding proteins that regulate gene expression by binding to specific DNA sequences in the promoter region of genes and recruiting other proteins to modulate transcription. Histones are DNA-binding proteins that package DNA into nucleosomes, the basic unit of chromatin structure. Restriction enzymes are DNA-binding proteins that recognize and cleave specific DNA sequences, and are widely used in molecular biology research and biotechnology applications.

Nuclear proteins are a category of proteins that are primarily found in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell. They play crucial roles in various nuclear functions, such as DNA replication, transcription, repair, and RNA processing. This group includes structural proteins like lamins, which form the nuclear lamina, and regulatory proteins, such as histones and transcription factors, that are involved in gene expression. Nuclear localization signals (NLS) often help target these proteins to the nucleus by interacting with importin proteins during active transport across the nuclear membrane.

Promoter regions in genetics refer to specific DNA sequences located near the transcription start site of a gene. They serve as binding sites for RNA polymerase and various transcription factors that regulate the initiation of gene transcription. These regulatory elements help control the rate of transcription and, therefore, the level of gene expression. Promoter regions can be composed of different types of sequences, such as the TATA box and CAAT box, and their organization and composition can vary between different genes and species.

Hepatocytes are the predominant type of cells in the liver, accounting for about 80% of its cytoplasmic mass. They play a key role in protein synthesis, protein storage, transformation of carbohydrates, synthesis of cholesterol, bile salts and phospholipids, detoxification, modification, and excretion of exogenous and endogenous substances, initiation of formation and secretion of bile, and enzyme production. Hepatocytes are essential for the maintenance of homeostasis in the body.

The liver is a large, solid organ located in the upper right portion of the abdomen, beneath the diaphragm and above the stomach. It plays a vital role in several bodily functions, including:

1. Metabolism: The liver helps to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins from the food we eat into energy and nutrients that our bodies can use.
2. Detoxification: The liver detoxifies harmful substances in the body by breaking them down into less toxic forms or excreting them through bile.
3. Synthesis: The liver synthesizes important proteins, such as albumin and clotting factors, that are necessary for proper bodily function.
4. Storage: The liver stores glucose, vitamins, and minerals that can be released when the body needs them.
5. Bile production: The liver produces bile, a digestive juice that helps to break down fats in the small intestine.
6. Immune function: The liver plays a role in the immune system by filtering out bacteria and other harmful substances from the blood.

Overall, the liver is an essential organ that plays a critical role in maintaining overall health and well-being.

Phosphoproteins are proteins that have been post-translationally modified by the addition of a phosphate group (-PO3H2) onto specific amino acid residues, most commonly serine, threonine, or tyrosine. This process is known as phosphorylation and is mediated by enzymes called kinases. Phosphoproteins play crucial roles in various cellular processes such as signal transduction, cell cycle regulation, metabolism, and gene expression. The addition or removal of a phosphate group can activate or inhibit the function of a protein, thereby serving as a switch to control its activity. Phosphoproteins can be detected and quantified using techniques such as Western blotting, mass spectrometry, and immunofluorescence.

A base sequence in the context of molecular biology refers to the specific order of nucleotides in a DNA or RNA molecule. In DNA, these nucleotides are adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). In RNA, uracil (U) takes the place of thymine. The base sequence contains genetic information that is transcribed into RNA and ultimately translated into proteins. It is the exact order of these bases that determines the genetic code and thus the function of the DNA or RNA molecule.

Molecular sequence data refers to the specific arrangement of molecules, most commonly nucleotides in DNA or RNA, or amino acids in proteins, that make up a biological macromolecule. This data is generated through laboratory techniques such as sequencing, and provides information about the exact order of the constituent molecules. This data is crucial in various fields of biology, including genetics, evolution, and molecular biology, allowing for comparisons between different organisms, identification of genetic variations, and studies of gene function and regulation.

'Gene expression regulation' refers to the processes that control whether, when, and where a particular gene is expressed, meaning the production of a specific protein or functional RNA encoded by that gene. This complex mechanism can be influenced by various factors such as transcription factors, chromatin remodeling, DNA methylation, non-coding RNAs, and post-transcriptional modifications, among others. Proper regulation of gene expression is crucial for normal cellular function, development, and maintaining homeostasis in living organisms. Dysregulation of gene expression can lead to various diseases, including cancer and genetic disorders.

Nuclear Factor I (NFI) transcription factors are a family of transcriptional regulatory proteins that bind to specific DNA sequences and play crucial roles in the regulation of gene expression. They are involved in various biological processes, including cell growth, differentiation, and development. NFI transcription factors recognize and bind to the consensus sequence TTGGC(N)5GCCAA, where N represents any nucleotide. In humans, there are four known members of the NFI family (NFIA, NFIB, NFIC, and NFIX), each with distinct expression patterns and functions. These factors can act as both activators and repressors of transcription, depending on the context and interacting proteins.

Transcriptional activation is the process by which a cell increases the rate of transcription of specific genes from DNA to RNA. This process is tightly regulated and plays a crucial role in various biological processes, including development, differentiation, and response to environmental stimuli.

Transcriptional activation occurs when transcription factors (proteins that bind to specific DNA sequences) interact with the promoter region of a gene and recruit co-activator proteins. These co-activators help to remodel the chromatin structure around the gene, making it more accessible for the transcription machinery to bind and initiate transcription.

Transcriptional activation can be regulated at multiple levels, including the availability and activity of transcription factors, the modification of histone proteins, and the recruitment of co-activators or co-repressors. Dysregulation of transcriptional activation has been implicated in various diseases, including cancer and genetic disorders.

Genetic transcription is the process by which the information in a strand of DNA is used to create a complementary RNA molecule. This process is the first step in gene expression, where the genetic code in DNA is converted into a form that can be used to produce proteins or functional RNAs.

During transcription, an enzyme called RNA polymerase binds to the DNA template strand and reads the sequence of nucleotide bases. As it moves along the template, it adds complementary RNA nucleotides to the growing RNA chain, creating a single-stranded RNA molecule that is complementary to the DNA template strand. Once transcription is complete, the RNA molecule may undergo further processing before it can be translated into protein or perform its functional role in the cell.

Transcription can be either "constitutive" or "regulated." Constitutive transcription occurs at a relatively constant rate and produces essential proteins that are required for basic cellular functions. Regulated transcription, on the other hand, is subject to control by various intracellular and extracellular signals, allowing cells to respond to changing environmental conditions or developmental cues.

In the context of medical and biological sciences, a "binding site" refers to a specific location on a protein, molecule, or cell where another molecule can attach or bind. This binding interaction can lead to various functional changes in the original protein or molecule. The other molecule that binds to the binding site is often referred to as a ligand, which can be a small molecule, ion, or even another protein.

The binding between a ligand and its target binding site can be specific and selective, meaning that only certain ligands can bind to particular binding sites with high affinity. This specificity plays a crucial role in various biological processes, such as signal transduction, enzyme catalysis, or drug action.

In the case of drug development, understanding the location and properties of binding sites on target proteins is essential for designing drugs that can selectively bind to these sites and modulate protein function. This knowledge can help create more effective and safer therapeutic options for various diseases.

NF-κB (Nuclear Factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells) is a protein complex that plays a crucial role in regulating the immune response to infection and inflammation, as well as in cell survival, differentiation, and proliferation. It is composed of several subunits, including p50, p52, p65 (RelA), c-Rel, and RelB, which can form homodimers or heterodimers that bind to specific DNA sequences called κB sites in the promoter regions of target genes.

Under normal conditions, NF-κB is sequestered in the cytoplasm by inhibitory proteins known as IκBs (inhibitors of κB). However, upon stimulation by various signals such as cytokines, bacterial or viral products, and stress, IκBs are phosphorylated, ubiquitinated, and degraded, leading to the release and activation of NF-κB. Activated NF-κB then translocates to the nucleus, where it binds to κB sites and regulates the expression of target genes involved in inflammation, immunity, cell survival, and proliferation.

Dysregulation of NF-κB signaling has been implicated in various pathological conditions such as cancer, chronic inflammation, autoimmune diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders. Therefore, targeting NF-κB signaling has emerged as a potential therapeutic strategy for the treatment of these diseases.

Transfection is a term used in molecular biology that refers to the process of deliberately introducing foreign genetic material (DNA, RNA or artificial gene constructs) into cells. This is typically done using chemical or physical methods, such as lipofection or electroporation. Transfection is widely used in research and medical settings for various purposes, including studying gene function, producing proteins, developing gene therapies, and creating genetically modified organisms. It's important to note that transfection is different from transduction, which is the process of introducing genetic material into cells using viruses as vectors.

Cytoplasmic receptors and nuclear receptors are two types of intracellular receptors that play crucial roles in signal transduction pathways and regulation of gene expression. They are classified based on their location within the cell. Here are the medical definitions for each:

1. Cytoplasmic Receptors: These are a group of intracellular receptors primarily found in the cytoplasm of cells, which bind to specific hormones, growth factors, or other signaling molecules. Upon binding, these receptors undergo conformational changes that allow them to interact with various partners, such as adapter proteins and enzymes, leading to activation of downstream signaling cascades. These pathways ultimately result in modulation of cellular processes like proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Examples of cytoplasmic receptors include receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), serine/threonine kinase receptors, and cytokine receptors.
2. Nuclear Receptors: These are a distinct class of intracellular receptors that reside primarily in the nucleus of cells. They bind to specific ligands, such as steroid hormones, thyroid hormones, vitamin D, retinoic acid, and various other lipophilic molecules. Upon binding, nuclear receptors undergo conformational changes that facilitate their interaction with co-regulatory proteins and the DNA. This interaction results in the modulation of gene transcription, ultimately leading to alterations in protein expression and cellular responses. Examples of nuclear receptors include estrogen receptor (ER), androgen receptor (AR), glucocorticoid receptor (GR), thyroid hormone receptor (TR), vitamin D receptor (VDR), and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs).

Both cytoplasmic and nuclear receptors are essential components of cellular communication networks, allowing cells to respond appropriately to extracellular signals and maintain homeostasis. Dysregulation of these receptors has been implicated in various diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders.

Nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) transcription factors are a group of proteins that play a crucial role in the regulation of gene transcription in various cells, including immune cells. They are involved in the activation of genes responsible for immune responses, cell survival, differentiation, and development.

NFAT transcription factors can be divided into five main members: NFATC1 (also known as NFAT2 or NFATp), NFATC2 (or NFAT1), NFATC3 (or NFATc), NFATC4 (or NFAT3), and NFAT5 (or TonEBP). These proteins share a highly conserved DNA-binding domain, known as the Rel homology region, which allows them to bind to specific sequences in the promoter or enhancer regions of target genes.

NFATC transcription factors are primarily located in the cytoplasm in their inactive form, bound to inhibitory proteins. Upon stimulation of the cell, typically through calcium-dependent signaling pathways, NFAT proteins get dephosphorylated by calcineurin phosphatase, leading to their nuclear translocation and activation. Once in the nucleus, NFATC transcription factors can form homodimers or heterodimers with other transcription factors, such as AP-1, to regulate gene expression.

In summary, NFATC transcription factors are a family of proteins involved in the regulation of gene transcription, primarily in immune cells, and play critical roles in various cellular processes, including immune responses, differentiation, and development.

COUP-TFII, also known as Nuclear Receptor Related 1 Protein (NURR1), is a transcription factor that belongs to the steroid hormone receptor superfamily. It plays crucial roles in the development and function of the nervous system, particularly in the differentiation and survival of dopaminergic neurons, which are important for movement control and motivation. COUP-TFII regulates gene expression by binding to specific DNA sequences called response elements in the promoter regions of target genes. It has also been implicated in various physiological and pathological processes, including energy metabolism, inflammation, and cancer.

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a type of RNA (ribonucleic acid) that carries genetic information copied from DNA in the form of a series of three-base code "words," each of which specifies a particular amino acid. This information is used by the cell's machinery to construct proteins, a process known as translation. After being transcribed from DNA, mRNA travels out of the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm where protein synthesis occurs. Once the protein has been synthesized, the mRNA may be degraded and recycled. Post-transcriptional modifications can also occur to mRNA, such as alternative splicing and addition of a 5' cap and a poly(A) tail, which can affect its stability, localization, and translation efficiency.

Y-box-binding protein 1 (YB-1) is a multifunctional protein that belongs to the family of cold shock proteins. It binds to the Y-box DNA sequence, which is a cis-acting element found in the promoter regions of various genes. YB-1 plays a crucial role in several cellular processes such as transcription, translation, DNA repair, and nucleocytoplasmic shuttling.

YB-1 has been implicated in the regulation of gene expression in response to different stimuli, including stress, growth factors, and differentiation signals. It can function both as a transcriptional activator and repressor, depending on the cellular context and interacting partners. YB-1 is also involved in the regulation of mRNA stability, translation, and localization.

In addition to its role in normal cellular processes, YB-1 has been implicated in various pathological conditions, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and viral infections. For instance, elevated levels of YB-1 have been found in several types of cancer, where it can promote tumor growth, invasion, and drug resistance.

Overall, YB-1 is a versatile protein that plays a critical role in the regulation of gene expression at multiple levels, and its dysregulation has been associated with various diseases.

A cell line is a culture of cells that are grown in a laboratory for use in research. These cells are usually taken from a single cell or group of cells, and they are able to divide and grow continuously in the lab. Cell lines can come from many different sources, including animals, plants, and humans. They are often used in scientific research to study cellular processes, disease mechanisms, and to test new drugs or treatments. Some common types of human cell lines include HeLa cells (which come from a cancer patient named Henrietta Lacks), HEK293 cells (which come from embryonic kidney cells), and HUVEC cells (which come from umbilical vein endothelial cells). It is important to note that cell lines are not the same as primary cells, which are cells that are taken directly from a living organism and have not been grown in the lab.

Gene expression regulation, enzymologic refers to the biochemical processes and mechanisms that control the transcription and translation of specific genes into functional proteins or enzymes. This regulation is achieved through various enzymatic activities that can either activate or repress gene expression at different levels, such as chromatin remodeling, transcription factor activation, mRNA processing, and protein degradation.

Enzymologic regulation of gene expression involves the action of specific enzymes that catalyze chemical reactions involved in these processes. For example, histone-modifying enzymes can alter the structure of chromatin to make genes more or less accessible for transcription, while RNA polymerase and its associated factors are responsible for transcribing DNA into mRNA. Additionally, various enzymes are involved in post-transcriptional modifications of mRNA, such as splicing, capping, and tailing, which can affect the stability and translation of the transcript.

Overall, the enzymologic regulation of gene expression is a complex and dynamic process that allows cells to respond to changes in their environment and maintain proper physiological function.

Apolipoprotein C-III (APOC3) is a protein that is produced in the liver and circulates in the bloodstream. It is a component of certain lipoproteins, including very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) and chylomicrons, which are responsible for transporting fat molecules, such as triglycerides and cholesterol, throughout the body.

APOC3 plays a role in regulating the metabolism of these lipoproteins. Specifically, it inhibits the activity of an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase, which breaks down triglycerides in VLDL and chylomicrons. As a result, high levels of APOC3 can lead to an increase in triglyceride levels in the blood, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Genetic variations in the APOC3 gene have been associated with differences in triglyceride levels and risk of cardiovascular disease. Some studies have suggested that reducing APOC3 levels through genetic editing or other means may be a promising strategy for lowering triglycerides and reducing the risk of heart disease.

"Cells, cultured" is a medical term that refers to cells that have been removed from an organism and grown in controlled laboratory conditions outside of the body. This process is called cell culture and it allows scientists to study cells in a more controlled and accessible environment than they would have inside the body. Cultured cells can be derived from a variety of sources, including tissues, organs, or fluids from humans, animals, or cell lines that have been previously established in the laboratory.

Cell culture involves several steps, including isolation of the cells from the tissue, purification and characterization of the cells, and maintenance of the cells in appropriate growth conditions. The cells are typically grown in specialized media that contain nutrients, growth factors, and other components necessary for their survival and proliferation. Cultured cells can be used for a variety of purposes, including basic research, drug development and testing, and production of biological products such as vaccines and gene therapies.

It is important to note that cultured cells may behave differently than they do in the body, and results obtained from cell culture studies may not always translate directly to human physiology or disease. Therefore, it is essential to validate findings from cell culture experiments using additional models and ultimately in clinical trials involving human subjects.

'Tumor cells, cultured' refers to the process of removing cancerous cells from a tumor and growing them in controlled laboratory conditions. This is typically done by isolating the tumor cells from a patient's tissue sample, then placing them in a nutrient-rich environment that promotes their growth and multiplication.

The resulting cultured tumor cells can be used for various research purposes, including the study of cancer biology, drug development, and toxicity testing. They provide a valuable tool for researchers to better understand the behavior and characteristics of cancer cells outside of the human body, which can lead to the development of more effective cancer treatments.

It is important to note that cultured tumor cells may not always behave exactly the same way as they do in the human body, so findings from cell culture studies must be validated through further research, such as animal models or clinical trials.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the genetic material present in the cells of organisms where it is responsible for the storage and transmission of hereditary information. DNA is a long molecule that consists of two strands coiled together to form a double helix. Each strand is made up of a series of four nucleotide bases - adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T) - that are linked together by phosphate and sugar groups. The sequence of these bases along the length of the molecule encodes genetic information, with A always pairing with T and C always pairing with G. This base-pairing allows for the replication and transcription of DNA, which are essential processes in the functioning and reproduction of all living organisms.

Apolipoprotein C (apoC) is a group of proteins that are associated with lipoproteins, which are complex particles composed of lipids and proteins that play a crucial role in the transport and metabolism of lipids in the body. There are three main types of apoC proteins: apoC-I, apoC-II, and apoC-III.

ApoC-I is involved in the regulation of lipoprotein metabolism and has been shown to inhibit the activity of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP), which is an enzyme that facilitates the transfer of cholesteryl esters from high-density lipoproteins (HDL) to low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL).

ApoC-II is a cofactor for lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme that hydrolyzes triglycerides in chylomicrons and VLDL, leading to the formation of smaller, denser lipoproteins. A deficiency in apoC-II can lead to hypertriglyceridemia, a condition characterized by elevated levels of triglycerides in the blood.

ApoC-III is also involved in the regulation of lipoprotein metabolism and has been shown to inhibit the activity of lipoprotein lipase and CETP. Elevated levels of apoC-III have been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, possibly due to its effects on lipoprotein metabolism.

In summary, apolipoprotein C is a group of proteins that are involved in the regulation of lipoprotein metabolism and have important roles in the transport and metabolism of lipids in the body.

Trans-activators are proteins that increase the transcriptional activity of a gene or a set of genes. They do this by binding to specific DNA sequences and interacting with the transcription machinery, thereby enhancing the recruitment and assembly of the complexes needed for transcription. In some cases, trans-activators can also modulate the chromatin structure to make the template more accessible to the transcription machinery.

In the context of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection, the term "trans-activator" is often used specifically to refer to the Tat protein. The Tat protein is a viral regulatory protein that plays a critical role in the replication of HIV by activating the transcription of the viral genome. It does this by binding to a specific RNA structure called the Trans-Activation Response Element (TAR) located at the 5' end of all nascent HIV transcripts, and recruiting cellular cofactors that enhance the processivity and efficiency of RNA polymerase II, leading to increased viral gene expression.

Protein binding, in the context of medical and biological sciences, refers to the interaction between a protein and another molecule (known as the ligand) that results in a stable complex. This process is often reversible and can be influenced by various factors such as pH, temperature, and concentration of the involved molecules.

In clinical chemistry, protein binding is particularly important when it comes to drugs, as many of them bind to proteins (especially albumin) in the bloodstream. The degree of protein binding can affect a drug's distribution, metabolism, and excretion, which in turn influence its therapeutic effectiveness and potential side effects.

Protein-bound drugs may be less available for interaction with their target tissues, as only the unbound or "free" fraction of the drug is active. Therefore, understanding protein binding can help optimize dosing regimens and minimize adverse reactions.

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type of primary liver cancer in adults. It originates from the hepatocytes, which are the main functional cells of the liver. This type of cancer is often associated with chronic liver diseases such as cirrhosis caused by hepatitis B or C virus infection, alcohol abuse, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and aflatoxin exposure.

The symptoms of HCC can vary but may include unexplained weight loss, lack of appetite, abdominal pain or swelling, jaundice, and fatigue. The diagnosis of HCC typically involves imaging tests such as ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI, as well as blood tests to measure alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels. Treatment options for Hepatocellular carcinoma depend on the stage and extent of the cancer, as well as the patient's overall health and liver function. Treatment options may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or liver transplantation.

Hep G2 cells are a type of human liver cancer cell line that were isolated from a well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in a patient with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. These cells have the ability to grow and divide indefinitely in culture, making them useful for research purposes. Hep G2 cells express many of the same markers and functions as normal human hepatocytes, including the ability to take up and process lipids and produce bile. They are often used in studies related to hepatitis viruses, liver metabolism, drug toxicity, and cancer biology. It is important to note that Hep G2 cells are tumorigenic and should be handled with care in a laboratory setting.

Genetic enhancer elements are DNA sequences that increase the transcription of specific genes. They work by binding to regulatory proteins called transcription factors, which in turn recruit RNA polymerase II, the enzyme responsible for transcribing DNA into messenger RNA (mRNA). This results in the activation of gene transcription and increased production of the protein encoded by that gene.

Enhancer elements can be located upstream, downstream, or even within introns of the genes they regulate, and they can act over long distances along the DNA molecule. They are an important mechanism for controlling gene expression in a tissue-specific and developmental stage-specific manner, allowing for the precise regulation of gene activity during embryonic development and throughout adult life.

It's worth noting that genetic enhancer elements are often referred to simply as "enhancers," and they are distinct from other types of regulatory DNA sequences such as promoters, silencers, and insulators.

An Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) is a laboratory technique used to detect and analyze protein-DNA interactions. In this assay, a mixture of proteins and fluorescently or radioactively labeled DNA probes are loaded onto a native polyacrylamide gel matrix and subjected to an electric field. The negatively charged DNA probe migrates towards the positive electrode, and the rate of migration (mobility) is dependent on the size and charge of the molecule. When a protein binds to the DNA probe, it forms a complex that has a different size and/or charge than the unbound probe, resulting in a shift in its mobility on the gel.

The EMSA can be used to identify specific protein-DNA interactions, determine the binding affinity of proteins for specific DNA sequences, and investigate the effects of mutations or post-translational modifications on protein-DNA interactions. The technique is widely used in molecular biology research, including studies of gene regulation, DNA damage repair, and epigenetic modifications.

In summary, Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) is a laboratory technique that detects and analyzes protein-DNA interactions by subjecting a mixture of proteins and labeled DNA probes to an electric field in a native polyacrylamide gel matrix. The binding of proteins to the DNA probe results in a shift in its mobility on the gel, allowing for the detection and analysis of specific protein-DNA interactions.

CCAAT-Enhancer-Binding Proteins (C/EBPs) are a family of transcription factors that play crucial roles in the regulation of various biological processes, including cell growth, development, and differentiation. They bind to specific DNA sequences called CCAAT boxes, which are found in the promoter or enhancer regions of many genes.

The C/EBP family consists of several members, including C/EBPα, C/EBPβ, C/EBPγ, C/EBPδ, and C/EBPε. These proteins share a highly conserved basic region-leucine zipper (bZIP) domain, which is responsible for their DNA-binding and dimerization activities.

C/EBPs can form homodimers or heterodimers with other bZIP proteins, allowing them to regulate gene expression in a combinatorial manner. They are involved in the regulation of various physiological processes, such as inflammation, immune response, metabolism, and cell cycle control. Dysregulation of C/EBP function has been implicated in several diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and inflammatory disorders.

Proto-oncogene proteins c-MET are a group of proteins that play a crucial role in normal cell growth and development. They are encoded by the c-MET gene, which provides instructions for making a receptor protein called MET. This receptor is located on the surface of certain cells and becomes active when it binds to a specific molecule called hepatocyte growth factor (HGF).

Activation of the MET receptor triggers a series of signaling pathways inside the cell that promote cell growth, survival, and motility. Proto-oncogene proteins c-MET help regulate various biological processes, including embryonic development, tissue repair, and angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels).

However, when the c-MET gene undergoes mutations or is abnormally activated, it can lead to the production of excessive or constantly active MET receptors. This results in uncontrolled cell growth and division, contributing to the development and progression of various types of cancer, such as carcinomas, sarcomas, and glioblastomas. Therefore, c-MET and its signaling pathways are attractive targets for cancer therapy.

Deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I) is an enzyme that cleaves the phosphodiester bonds in the DNA molecule, breaking it down into smaller pieces. It is also known as DNase A or bovine pancreatic deoxyribonuclease. This enzyme specifically hydrolyzes the internucleotide linkages of DNA by cleaving the phosphodiester bond between the 3'-hydroxyl group of one deoxyribose sugar and the phosphate group of another, leaving 3'-phosphomononucleotides as products.

DNase I plays a crucial role in various biological processes, including DNA degradation during apoptosis (programmed cell death), DNA repair, and host defense against pathogens by breaking down extracellular DNA from invading microorganisms or damaged cells. It is widely used in molecular biology research for applications such as DNA isolation, removing contaminating DNA from RNA samples, and generating defined DNA fragments for cloning purposes. DNase I can be found in various sources, including bovine pancreas, human tears, and bacterial cultures.

The cell nucleus is a membrane-bound organelle found in the eukaryotic cells (cells with a true nucleus). It contains most of the cell's genetic material, organized as DNA molecules in complex with proteins, RNA molecules, and histones to form chromosomes.

The primary function of the cell nucleus is to regulate and control the activities of the cell, including growth, metabolism, protein synthesis, and reproduction. It also plays a crucial role in the process of mitosis (cell division) by separating and protecting the genetic material during this process. The nuclear membrane, or nuclear envelope, surrounding the nucleus is composed of two lipid bilayers with numerous pores that allow for the selective transport of molecules between the nucleoplasm (nucleus interior) and the cytoplasm (cell exterior).

The cell nucleus is a vital structure in eukaryotic cells, and its dysfunction can lead to various diseases, including cancer and genetic disorders.

COUP (Chicken Ovalbumin Upstream Promoter-element) transcription factors are a family of proteins that regulate gene expression in various biological processes, including embryonic development, cell fate determination, and metabolism. They function by binding to specific DNA sequences called COUP elements, located in the upstream regulatory regions of their target genes. This binding results in either activation or repression of transcription, depending on the context and the specific COUP protein involved. There are two main types of COUP transcription factors, COUP-TF1 (also known as NRF-1) and COUP-TF2 (also known as ARP-1), which share structural similarities but have distinct functions and target genes.

Steroid 12-alpha-hydroxylase is an enzyme that is involved in the metabolism of steroids. It is specifically responsible for adding a hydroxyl group (-OH) to the 12th carbon atom of certain steroid molecules. This enzyme plays a crucial role in the biosynthesis of bile acids and corticosteroids, including cortisol and aldosterone, which are important hormones produced by the adrenal gland.

The gene that encodes this enzyme is called CYP12A1, and mutations in this gene can lead to various disorders related to steroid metabolism. For example, a deficiency in steroid 12-alpha-hydroxylase can result in the accumulation of bile acids that are not properly hydroxylated, which can cause liver damage and cholestatic pruritus (itching). Additionally, impaired cortisol and aldosterone production due to defects in this enzyme can lead to conditions such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia and salt-wasting crisis.

Podophyllin is not typically used in modern medicine due to its potential toxicity and the availability of safer and more effective alternatives. However, historically it was used as a topical medication for the treatment of certain skin conditions such as genital warts. It's derived from the dried roots and rhizomes of Podophyllum peltatum (May apple or American mandrake) and Podophyllum emodi (Himalayan mayapple).

The medical definition of Podophyllin, according to the 30th edition of Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary, is: "A brownish-yellow, resinous extract from the rhizomes and roots of Podophyllum peltatum L. (Berberidaceae) or P. emodi Wall., containing podophyllotoxin and other aryltetralin lignans. It has been used topically as a caustic for treatment of condylomata acuminata, but its use is limited because of potential systemic toxicity."

It's crucial to note that Podophyllin should only be applied by healthcare professionals due to the risk of adverse effects and toxicity. The more common formulation now used is podophyllotoxin, which comes in a purified form and has a lower risk of systemic toxicity compared to Podophyllin.

DNA footprinting is a laboratory technique used to identify specific DNA-protein interactions and map the binding sites of proteins on a DNA molecule. This technique involves the use of enzymes or chemicals that can cleave the DNA strand, but are prevented from doing so when a protein is bound to the DNA. By comparing the pattern of cuts in the presence and absence of the protein, researchers can identify the regions of the DNA where the protein binds.

The process typically involves treating the DNA-protein complex with a chemical or enzymatic agent that cleaves the DNA at specific sequences or sites. After the reaction is stopped, the DNA is separated into single strands and analyzed using techniques such as gel electrophoresis to visualize the pattern of cuts. The regions of the DNA where protein binding has occurred are protected from cleavage and appear as gaps or "footprints" in the pattern of cuts.

DNA footprinting is a valuable tool for studying gene regulation, as it can provide insights into how proteins interact with specific DNA sequences to control gene expression. It can also be used to study protein-DNA interactions involved in processes such as DNA replication, repair, and recombination.

A "reporter gene" is a type of gene that is linked to a gene of interest in order to make the expression or activity of that gene detectable. The reporter gene encodes for a protein that can be easily measured and serves as an indicator of the presence and activity of the gene of interest. Commonly used reporter genes include those that encode for fluorescent proteins, enzymes that catalyze colorimetric reactions, or proteins that bind to specific molecules.

In the context of genetics and genomics research, a reporter gene is often used in studies involving gene expression, regulation, and function. By introducing the reporter gene into an organism or cell, researchers can monitor the activity of the gene of interest in real-time or after various experimental treatments. The information obtained from these studies can help elucidate the role of specific genes in biological processes and diseases, providing valuable insights for basic research and therapeutic development.

A liver cell adenoma is a benign tumor that develops in the liver and is composed of cells similar to those normally found in the liver (hepatocytes). These tumors are usually solitary, but multiple adenomas can occur, especially in women who have taken oral contraceptives for many years. Liver cell adenomas are typically asymptomatic and are often discovered incidentally during imaging studies performed for other reasons. In rare cases, they may cause symptoms such as abdominal pain or discomfort, or complications such as bleeding or rupture. Treatment options include monitoring with periodic imaging studies or surgical removal of the tumor.

"Response elements" is a term used in molecular biology, particularly in the study of gene regulation. Response elements are specific DNA sequences that can bind to transcription factors, which are proteins that regulate gene expression. When a transcription factor binds to a response element, it can either activate or repress the transcription of the nearby gene.

Response elements are often found in the promoter region of genes and are typically short, conserved sequences that can be recognized by specific transcription factors. The binding of a transcription factor to a response element can lead to changes in chromatin structure, recruitment of co-activators or co-repressors, and ultimately, the regulation of gene expression.

Response elements are important for many biological processes, including development, differentiation, and response to environmental stimuli such as hormones, growth factors, and stress. The specificity of transcription factor binding to response elements allows for precise control of gene expression in response to changing conditions within the cell or organism.

COUP-TFI, also known as Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 2 Group F Member 1 (NR2F1), is a protein that functions as a transcription factor. It belongs to the family of nuclear receptors and plays crucial roles in various biological processes, including brain development, angiogenesis, and cancer. COUP-TFI regulates gene expression by binding to specific DNA sequences called hormone response elements (HREs) in the promoter regions of its target genes.

The name "COUP" stands for "Chicken Ovalbumin Upstream Promoter-element Binding Protein," as it was initially identified through its ability to bind to the ovalbumin upstream promoter element in chickens. However, COUP-TFI is highly conserved across species and has similar functions in humans and other mammals.

In summary, COUP-TFI is a nuclear receptor and transcription factor that plays essential roles in brain development, angiogenesis, and cancer by regulating the expression of specific target genes.

Cholesterol 7-alpha-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in the regulation of cholesterol homeostasis in the body. It is located in the endoplasmic reticulum of hepatic cells and is responsible for the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of bile acids from cholesterol.

The enzyme catalyzes the conversion of cholesterol to 7α-hydroxycholesterol, which is then further metabolized to form primary bile acids, including cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid. These bile acids are essential for the digestion and absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins in the small intestine.

Additionally, CYP7A1 is also involved in the regulation of cholesterol levels in the body by providing negative feedback to the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver. When cholesterol levels are high, the activity of CYP7A1 increases, leading to an increase in bile acid synthesis and a decrease in cholesterol levels. Conversely, when cholesterol levels are low, the activity of CYP7A1 decreases, reducing bile acid synthesis and allowing cholesterol levels to rise.

Abnormalities in CYP7A1 function have been implicated in several diseases, including gallstones, liver disease, and cardiovascular disease.

Homeodomain proteins are a group of transcription factors that play crucial roles in the development and differentiation of cells in animals and plants. They are characterized by the presence of a highly conserved DNA-binding domain called the homeodomain, which is typically about 60 amino acids long. The homeodomain consists of three helices, with the third helix responsible for recognizing and binding to specific DNA sequences.

Homeodomain proteins are involved in regulating gene expression during embryonic development, tissue maintenance, and organismal growth. They can act as activators or repressors of transcription, depending on the context and the presence of cofactors. Mutations in homeodomain proteins have been associated with various human diseases, including cancer, congenital abnormalities, and neurological disorders.

Some examples of homeodomain proteins include PAX6, which is essential for eye development, HOX genes, which are involved in body patterning, and NANOG, which plays a role in maintaining pluripotency in stem cells.

Signal transduction is the process by which a cell converts an extracellular signal, such as a hormone or neurotransmitter, into an intracellular response. This involves a series of molecular events that transmit the signal from the cell surface to the interior of the cell, ultimately resulting in changes in gene expression, protein activity, or metabolism.

The process typically begins with the binding of the extracellular signal to a receptor located on the cell membrane. This binding event activates the receptor, which then triggers a cascade of intracellular signaling molecules, such as second messengers, protein kinases, and ion channels. These molecules amplify and propagate the signal, ultimately leading to the activation or inhibition of specific cellular responses.

Signal transduction pathways are highly regulated and can be modulated by various factors, including other signaling molecules, post-translational modifications, and feedback mechanisms. Dysregulation of these pathways has been implicated in a variety of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and neurological disorders.

Steroid receptors are a type of nuclear receptor protein that are activated by the binding of steroid hormones or related molecules. These receptors play crucial roles in various physiological processes, including development, homeostasis, and metabolism. Steroid receptors function as transcription factors, regulating gene expression when activated by their respective ligands.

There are several subtypes of steroid receptors, classified based on the specific steroid hormones they bind to:

1. Glucocorticoid receptor (GR): Binds to glucocorticoids, which regulate metabolism, immune response, and stress response.
2. Mineralocorticoid receptor (MR): Binds to mineralocorticoids, which regulate electrolyte and fluid balance.
3. Androgen receptor (AR): Binds to androgens, which are male sex hormones that play a role in the development and maintenance of male sexual characteristics.
4. Estrogen receptor (ER): Binds to estrogens, which are female sex hormones that play a role in the development and maintenance of female sexual characteristics.
5. Progesterone receptor (PR): Binds to progesterone, which is a female sex hormone involved in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
6. Vitamin D receptor (VDR): Binds to vitamin D, which plays a role in calcium homeostasis and bone metabolism.

Upon ligand binding, steroid receptors undergo conformational changes that allow them to dimerize, interact with co-regulatory proteins, and bind to specific DNA sequences called hormone response elements (HREs) in the promoter regions of target genes. This interaction leads to the recruitment of transcriptional machinery, ultimately resulting in the modulation of gene expression. Dysregulation of steroid receptor signaling has been implicated in various diseases, including cancer, metabolic disorders, and inflammatory conditions.

Luciferases are a class of enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of their substrates, leading to the emission of light. This bioluminescent process is often associated with certain species of bacteria, insects, and fish. The term "luciferase" comes from the Latin word "lucifer," which means "light bearer."

The most well-known example of luciferase is probably that found in fireflies, where the enzyme reacts with a compound called luciferin to produce light. This reaction requires the presence of oxygen and ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which provides the energy needed for the reaction to occur.

Luciferases have important applications in scientific research, particularly in the development of sensitive assays for detecting gene expression and protein-protein interactions. By labeling a protein or gene of interest with luciferase, researchers can measure its activity by detecting the light emitted during the enzymatic reaction. This allows for highly sensitive and specific measurements, making luciferases valuable tools in molecular biology and biochemistry.

Liver neoplasms refer to abnormal growths in the liver that can be benign or malignant. Benign liver neoplasms are non-cancerous tumors that do not spread to other parts of the body, while malignant liver neoplasms are cancerous tumors that can invade and destroy surrounding tissue and spread to other organs.

Liver neoplasms can be primary, meaning they originate in the liver, or secondary, meaning they have metastasized (spread) to the liver from another part of the body. Primary liver neoplasms can be further classified into different types based on their cell of origin and behavior, including hepatocellular carcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma, and hepatic hemangioma.

The diagnosis of liver neoplasms typically involves a combination of imaging studies, such as ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI, and biopsy to confirm the type and stage of the tumor. Treatment options depend on the type and extent of the neoplasm and may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or liver transplantation.

A mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence of an organism's genome. Mutations can occur spontaneously or be caused by environmental factors such as exposure to radiation, chemicals, or viruses. They may have various effects on the organism, ranging from benign to harmful, depending on where they occur and whether they alter the function of essential proteins. In some cases, mutations can increase an individual's susceptibility to certain diseases or disorders, while in others, they may confer a survival advantage. Mutations are the driving force behind evolution, as they introduce new genetic variability into populations, which can then be acted upon by natural selection.

Caco-2 cells are a type of human epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line that is commonly used in scientific research, particularly in the field of drug development and toxicology. These cells are capable of forming a monolayer with tight junctions, which makes them an excellent model for studying intestinal absorption, transport, and metabolism of drugs and other xenobiotic compounds.

Caco-2 cells express many of the transporters and enzymes that are found in the human small intestine, making them a valuable tool for predicting drug absorption and bioavailability in humans. They are also used to study the mechanisms of drug transport across the intestinal epithelium, including passive diffusion and active transport by various transporters.

In addition to their use in drug development, Caco-2 cells are also used to study the toxicological effects of various compounds on human intestinal cells. They can be used to investigate the mechanisms of toxicity, as well as to evaluate the potential for drugs and other compounds to induce intestinal damage or inflammation.

Overall, Caco-2 cells are a widely used and valuable tool in both drug development and toxicology research, providing important insights into the absorption, transport, metabolism, and toxicity of various compounds in the human body.

Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) is a laboratory technique used in molecular biology to amplify and detect specific DNA sequences. This technique is particularly useful for the detection and quantification of RNA viruses, as well as for the analysis of gene expression.

The process involves two main steps: reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In the first step, reverse transcriptase enzyme is used to convert RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) by reading the template provided by the RNA molecule. This cDNA then serves as a template for the PCR amplification step.

In the second step, the PCR reaction uses two primers that flank the target DNA sequence and a thermostable polymerase enzyme to repeatedly copy the targeted cDNA sequence. The reaction mixture is heated and cooled in cycles, allowing the primers to anneal to the template, and the polymerase to extend the new strand. This results in exponential amplification of the target DNA sequence, making it possible to detect even small amounts of RNA or cDNA.

RT-PCR is a sensitive and specific technique that has many applications in medical research and diagnostics, including the detection of viruses such as HIV, hepatitis C virus, and SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). It can also be used to study gene expression, identify genetic mutations, and diagnose genetic disorders.

A "knockout" mouse is a genetically engineered mouse in which one or more genes have been deleted or "knocked out" using molecular biology techniques. This allows researchers to study the function of specific genes and their role in various biological processes, as well as potential associations with human diseases. The mice are generated by introducing targeted DNA modifications into embryonic stem cells, which are then used to create a live animal. Knockout mice have been widely used in biomedical research to investigate gene function, disease mechanisms, and potential therapeutic targets.

DNA primers are short single-stranded DNA molecules that serve as a starting point for DNA synthesis. They are typically used in laboratory techniques such as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequencing. The primer binds to a complementary sequence on the DNA template through base pairing, providing a free 3'-hydroxyl group for the DNA polymerase enzyme to add nucleotides and synthesize a new strand of DNA. This allows for specific and targeted amplification or analysis of a particular region of interest within a larger DNA molecule.

Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is a protein produced by the yolk sac and the liver during fetal development. In adults, AFP is normally present in very low levels in the blood. However, abnormal production of AFP can occur in certain medical conditions, such as:

* Liver cancer or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
* Germ cell tumors, including non-seminomatous testicular cancer and ovarian cancer
* Hepatitis or liver inflammation
* Certain types of benign liver disease, such as cirrhosis or hepatic adenomas

Elevated levels of AFP in the blood can be detected through a simple blood test. This test is often used as a tumor marker to help diagnose and monitor certain types of cancer, particularly HCC. However, it's important to note that an elevated AFP level alone is not enough to diagnose cancer, and further testing is usually needed to confirm the diagnosis. Additionally, some non-cancerous conditions can also cause elevated AFP levels, so it's important to interpret the test results in the context of the individual's medical history and other diagnostic tests.

A cell line that is derived from tumor cells and has been adapted to grow in culture. These cell lines are often used in research to study the characteristics of cancer cells, including their growth patterns, genetic changes, and responses to various treatments. They can be established from many different types of tumors, such as carcinomas, sarcomas, and leukemias. Once established, these cell lines can be grown and maintained indefinitely in the laboratory, allowing researchers to conduct experiments and studies that would not be feasible using primary tumor cells. It is important to note that tumor cell lines may not always accurately represent the behavior of the original tumor, as they can undergo genetic changes during their time in culture.

Organ specificity, in the context of immunology and toxicology, refers to the phenomenon where a substance (such as a drug or toxin) or an immune response primarily affects certain organs or tissues in the body. This can occur due to various reasons such as:

1. The presence of specific targets (like antigens in the case of an immune response or receptors in the case of drugs) that are more abundant in these organs.
2. The unique properties of certain cells or tissues that make them more susceptible to damage.
3. The way a substance is metabolized or cleared from the body, which can concentrate it in specific organs.

For example, in autoimmune diseases, organ specificity describes immune responses that are directed against antigens found only in certain organs, such as the thyroid gland in Hashimoto's disease. Similarly, some toxins or drugs may have a particular affinity for liver cells, leading to liver damage or specific drug interactions.

Prealbumin, also known as transthyretin, is a protein produced primarily in the liver and circulates in the blood. It plays a role in transporting thyroid hormones and vitamin A throughout the body. Prealbumin levels are often used as an indicator of nutritional status and liver function. Low prealbumin levels may suggest malnutrition or inflammation, while increased levels can be seen in certain conditions like hyperthyroidism. It is important to note that prealbumin levels should be interpreted in conjunction with other clinical findings and laboratory tests for a more accurate assessment of a patient's health status.

Nuclear Receptor Coactivator 2 (NCoA-2, also known as SRC-2 or TIF2) is a protein that functions as a transcriptional coactivator. It plays an essential role in the regulation of gene expression by interacting with nuclear receptors, which are transcription factors that bind to specific DNA sequences and control the expression of target genes.

NCoA-2 contains several functional domains, including an intrinsic histone acetyltransferase (HAT) domain, which can acetylate histone proteins and modify chromatin structure, leading to the activation of gene transcription. NCoA-2 also has a bromodomain, which recognizes and binds to acetylated lysine residues on histones, further contributing to its ability to modulate chromatin structure and function.

NCoA-2 interacts with various nuclear receptors, such as the estrogen receptor (ER), glucocorticoid receptor (GR), progesterone receptor (PR), and androgen receptor (AR). By binding to these receptors, NCoA-2 enhances their transcriptional activity, ultimately influencing various physiological processes, including cell growth, differentiation, and metabolism.

Dysregulation of NCoA-2 has been implicated in several diseases, such as cancer, where its overexpression can contribute to tumor progression and hormone resistance. Therefore, understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying NCoA-2 function is crucial for developing novel therapeutic strategies targeting nuclear receptor signaling pathways.

HeLa cells are a type of immortalized cell line used in scientific research. They are derived from a cancer that developed in the cervical tissue of Henrietta Lacks, an African-American woman, in 1951. After her death, cells taken from her tumor were found to be capable of continuous division and growth in a laboratory setting, making them an invaluable resource for medical research.

HeLa cells have been used in a wide range of scientific studies, including research on cancer, viruses, genetics, and drug development. They were the first human cell line to be successfully cloned and are able to grow rapidly in culture, doubling their population every 20-24 hours. This has made them an essential tool for many areas of biomedical research.

It is important to note that while HeLa cells have been instrumental in numerous scientific breakthroughs, the story of their origin raises ethical questions about informed consent and the use of human tissue in research.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Nuclear Factor 45 Protein" does not have a specific or standardized medical definition in the way that a term like "hemoglobin" has a well-defined meaning in medicine. The term "nuclear factor" is used in molecular biology to refer to various proteins that bind to specific sequences of DNA in the cell's nucleus and regulate gene expression. There are several different nuclear factors that have been identified, and they are often designated by a number (e.g., NF-κB, NF-AT, etc.).

However, I was unable to find any specific information about a "Nuclear Factor 45 Protein" in the scientific literature. It's possible that this term is used in a specific research context or that it is an obsolete or alternative name for another nuclear factor. Without more context or information, it's difficult to provide a precise definition of this term.

If you have more information about where you encountered this term or what specific protein it refers to, I may be able to provide a more accurate answer.

Cell differentiation is the process by which a less specialized cell, or stem cell, becomes a more specialized cell type with specific functions and structures. This process involves changes in gene expression, which are regulated by various intracellular signaling pathways and transcription factors. Differentiation results in the development of distinct cell types that make up tissues and organs in multicellular organisms. It is a crucial aspect of embryonic development, tissue repair, and maintenance of homeostasis in the body.

Glucose Transporter Type 2 (GLUT2) is a protein responsible for the facilitated diffusion of glucose across the cell membrane. It is a member of the solute carrier family 2 (SLC2), also known as the facilitative glucose transporter family. GLUT2 is primarily expressed in the liver, kidney, and intestines, where it plays a crucial role in regulating glucose homeostasis.

In the pancreas, GLUT2 is found in the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans, where it facilitates the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream into the cells. Once inside the cell, glucose is metabolized, leading to an increase in ATP levels and the closure of ATP-sensitive potassium channels. This results in the depolarization of the cell membrane and the subsequent opening of voltage-gated calcium channels, allowing for the release of insulin from secretory vesicles into the bloodstream.

In the intestines, GLUT2 is expressed in the enterocytes of the small intestine, where it facilitates the absorption of glucose and other monosaccharides from the lumen into the bloodstream. In the kidneys, GLUT2 is found in the proximal tubules, where it plays a role in reabsorbing glucose from the filtrate back into the bloodstream.

Mutations in the gene that encodes GLUT2 (SLC2A2) can lead to several genetic disorders, including Fanconi-Bickel syndrome, which is characterized by impaired glucose and galactose absorption in the intestines, hepatic glycogen accumulation, and renal tubular dysfunction.

Gene expression is the process by which the information encoded in a gene is used to synthesize a functional gene product, such as a protein or RNA molecule. This process involves several steps: transcription, RNA processing, and translation. During transcription, the genetic information in DNA is copied into a complementary RNA molecule, known as messenger RNA (mRNA). The mRNA then undergoes RNA processing, which includes adding a cap and tail to the mRNA and splicing out non-coding regions called introns. The resulting mature mRNA is then translated into a protein on ribosomes in the cytoplasm through the process of translation.

The regulation of gene expression is a complex and highly controlled process that allows cells to respond to changes in their environment, such as growth factors, hormones, and stress signals. This regulation can occur at various stages of gene expression, including transcriptional activation or repression, RNA processing, mRNA stability, and translation. Dysregulation of gene expression has been implicated in many diseases, including cancer, genetic disorders, and neurological conditions.

Liver regeneration is the ability of the liver to restore its original mass and function after injury or surgical resection. This complex process involves the proliferation and differentiation of mature hepatocytes, as well as the activation and transdifferentiation of various types of stem and progenitor cells located in the liver. The mechanisms that regulate liver regeneration include a variety of growth factors, hormones, and cytokines, which act in a coordinated manner to ensure the restoration of normal liver architecture and function. Liver regeneration is essential for the survival of individuals who have undergone partial hepatectomy or who have suffered liver damage due to various causes, such as viral hepatitis, alcohol abuse, or drug-induced liver injury.

Glucose-6-phosphatase is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in the regulation of glucose metabolism. It is primarily located in the endoplasmic reticulum of cells in liver, kidney, and intestinal mucosa. The main function of this enzyme is to remove the phosphate group from glucose-6-phosphate (G6P), converting it into free glucose, which can then be released into the bloodstream and used as a source of energy by cells throughout the body.

The reaction catalyzed by glucose-6-phosphatase is as follows:

Glucose-6-phosphate + H2O → Glucose + Pi (inorganic phosphate)

This enzyme is essential for maintaining normal blood glucose levels, particularly during periods of fasting or starvation. In these situations, the body needs to break down stored glycogen in the liver and convert it into glucose to supply energy to the brain and other vital organs. Glucose-6-phosphatase is a key enzyme in this process, allowing for the release of free glucose into the bloodstream.

Deficiencies or mutations in the gene encoding glucose-6-phosphatase can lead to several metabolic disorders, such as glycogen storage disease type I (von Gierke's disease) and other related conditions. These disorders are characterized by an accumulation of glycogen and/or fat in various organs, leading to impaired glucose metabolism, growth retardation, and increased risk of infection and liver dysfunction.

Albumins are a type of protein found in various biological fluids, including blood plasma. The most well-known albumin is serum albumin, which is produced by the liver and is the most abundant protein in blood plasma. Serum albumin plays several important roles in the body, such as maintaining oncotic pressure (which helps to regulate fluid balance in the body), transporting various substances (such as hormones, fatty acids, and drugs), and acting as an antioxidant.

Albumins are soluble in water and have a molecular weight ranging from 65,000 to 69,000 daltons. They are composed of a single polypeptide chain that contains approximately 585 amino acid residues. The structure of albumin is characterized by a high proportion of alpha-helices and beta-sheets, which give it a stable, folded conformation.

In addition to their role in human physiology, albumins are also used as diagnostic markers in medicine. For example, low serum albumin levels may indicate liver disease, malnutrition, or inflammation, while high levels may be seen in dehydration or certain types of kidney disease. Albumins may also be used as a replacement therapy in patients with severe protein loss, such as those with nephrotic syndrome or burn injuries.

Regulatory sequences in nucleic acid refer to specific DNA or RNA segments that control the spatial and temporal expression of genes without encoding proteins. They are crucial for the proper functioning of cells as they regulate various cellular processes such as transcription, translation, mRNA stability, and localization. Regulatory sequences can be found in both coding and non-coding regions of DNA or RNA.

Some common types of regulatory sequences in nucleic acid include:

1. Promoters: DNA sequences typically located upstream of the gene that provide a binding site for RNA polymerase and transcription factors to initiate transcription.
2. Enhancers: DNA sequences, often located at a distance from the gene, that enhance transcription by binding to specific transcription factors and increasing the recruitment of RNA polymerase.
3. Silencers: DNA sequences that repress transcription by binding to specific proteins that inhibit the recruitment of RNA polymerase or promote chromatin compaction.
4. Intron splice sites: Specific nucleotide sequences within introns (non-coding regions) that mark the boundaries between exons (coding regions) and are essential for correct splicing of pre-mRNA.
5. 5' untranslated regions (UTRs): Regions located at the 5' end of an mRNA molecule that contain regulatory elements affecting translation efficiency, stability, and localization.
6. 3' untranslated regions (UTRs): Regions located at the 3' end of an mRNA molecule that contain regulatory elements influencing translation termination, stability, and localization.
7. miRNA target sites: Specific sequences in mRNAs that bind to microRNAs (miRNAs) leading to translational repression or degradation of the target mRNA.

Western blotting is a laboratory technique used in molecular biology to detect and quantify specific proteins in a mixture of many different proteins. This technique is commonly used to confirm the expression of a protein of interest, determine its size, and investigate its post-translational modifications. The name "Western" blotting distinguishes this technique from Southern blotting (for DNA) and Northern blotting (for RNA).

The Western blotting procedure involves several steps:

1. Protein extraction: The sample containing the proteins of interest is first extracted, often by breaking open cells or tissues and using a buffer to extract the proteins.
2. Separation of proteins by electrophoresis: The extracted proteins are then separated based on their size by loading them onto a polyacrylamide gel and running an electric current through the gel (a process called sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or SDS-PAGE). This separates the proteins according to their molecular weight, with smaller proteins migrating faster than larger ones.
3. Transfer of proteins to a membrane: After separation, the proteins are transferred from the gel onto a nitrocellulose or polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane using an electric current in a process called blotting. This creates a replica of the protein pattern on the gel but now immobilized on the membrane for further analysis.
4. Blocking: The membrane is then blocked with a blocking agent, such as non-fat dry milk or bovine serum albumin (BSA), to prevent non-specific binding of antibodies in subsequent steps.
5. Primary antibody incubation: A primary antibody that specifically recognizes the protein of interest is added and allowed to bind to its target protein on the membrane. This step may be performed at room temperature or 4°C overnight, depending on the antibody's properties.
6. Washing: The membrane is washed with a buffer to remove unbound primary antibodies.
7. Secondary antibody incubation: A secondary antibody that recognizes the primary antibody (often coupled to an enzyme or fluorophore) is added and allowed to bind to the primary antibody. This step may involve using a horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated or alkaline phosphatase (AP)-conjugated secondary antibody, depending on the detection method used later.
8. Washing: The membrane is washed again to remove unbound secondary antibodies.
9. Detection: A detection reagent is added to visualize the protein of interest by detecting the signal generated from the enzyme-conjugated or fluorophore-conjugated secondary antibody. This can be done using chemiluminescent, colorimetric, or fluorescent methods.
10. Analysis: The resulting image is analyzed to determine the presence and quantity of the protein of interest in the sample.

Western blotting is a powerful technique for identifying and quantifying specific proteins within complex mixtures. It can be used to study protein expression, post-translational modifications, protein-protein interactions, and more. However, it requires careful optimization and validation to ensure accurate and reproducible results.

Nuclear factor 90 proteins (NF-90) are a family of ubiquitously expressed nuclear factors that play important roles in regulating gene expression. They were originally discovered as proteins that bind to the IL-6 response element in the promoter region of the acute phase genes. NF-90 proteins have since been shown to be involved in various cellular processes, including transcriptional regulation, RNA processing, and translation.

NF-90 proteins are composed of two subunits, NF-90A and NF-90B, which form a heterodimer that binds to DNA and RNA. They have multiple functional domains, including an N-terminal double-stranded RNA binding domain (dsRBD), a central dimerization domain, and a C-terminal glycine-rich region involved in protein-protein interactions.

NF-90 proteins are known to interact with various transcription factors, chromatin modifiers, and RNA-binding proteins, suggesting that they function as adaptors or scaffolds in the assembly of large protein complexes involved in gene regulation. They have been shown to regulate the expression of genes involved in inflammation, immune response, cell cycle, apoptosis, and stress response.

In addition to their role in transcriptional regulation, NF-90 proteins also play important roles in RNA metabolism. They bind to double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and regulate the stability and translation of mRNAs encoding cytokines, growth factors, and other regulatory molecules. NF-90 proteins have been shown to interact with microRNAs (miRNAs), small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression by binding to target mRNAs, and modulate their activity.

Overall, NF-90 proteins are important regulators of gene expression at multiple levels, including transcriptional regulation, RNA processing, and translation. Dysregulation of NF-90 function has been implicated in various human diseases, including cancer, inflammation, and neurodegenerative disorders.

An amino acid sequence is the specific order of amino acids in a protein or peptide molecule, formed by the linking of the amino group (-NH2) of one amino acid to the carboxyl group (-COOH) of another amino acid through a peptide bond. The sequence is determined by the genetic code and is unique to each type of protein or peptide. It plays a crucial role in determining the three-dimensional structure and function of proteins.

C57BL/6 (C57 Black 6) is an inbred strain of laboratory mouse that is widely used in biomedical research. The term "inbred" refers to a strain of animals where matings have been carried out between siblings or other closely related individuals for many generations, resulting in a population that is highly homozygous at most genetic loci.

The C57BL/6 strain was established in 1920 by crossing a female mouse from the dilute brown (DBA) strain with a male mouse from the black strain. The resulting offspring were then interbred for many generations to create the inbred C57BL/6 strain.

C57BL/6 mice are known for their robust health, longevity, and ease of handling, making them a popular choice for researchers. They have been used in a wide range of biomedical research areas, including studies of cancer, immunology, neuroscience, cardiovascular disease, and metabolism.

One of the most notable features of the C57BL/6 strain is its sensitivity to certain genetic modifications, such as the introduction of mutations that lead to obesity or impaired glucose tolerance. This has made it a valuable tool for studying the genetic basis of complex diseases and traits.

Overall, the C57BL/6 inbred mouse strain is an important model organism in biomedical research, providing a valuable resource for understanding the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying human health and disease.

Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood glucose (or sugar) levels resulting from the body's inability to produce sufficient amounts of insulin or effectively use the insulin it produces. This form of diabetes usually develops gradually over several years and is often associated with older age, obesity, physical inactivity, family history of diabetes, and certain ethnicities.

In Type 2 diabetes, the body's cells become resistant to insulin, meaning they don't respond properly to the hormone. As a result, the pancreas produces more insulin to help glucose enter the cells. Over time, the pancreas can't keep up with the increased demand, leading to high blood glucose levels and diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is managed through lifestyle modifications such as weight loss, regular exercise, and a healthy diet. Medications, including insulin therapy, may also be necessary to control blood glucose levels and prevent long-term complications associated with the disease, such as heart disease, nerve damage, kidney damage, and vision loss.

Chloramphenicol O-acetyltransferase is an enzyme that is encoded by the cat gene in certain bacteria. This enzyme is responsible for adding acetyl groups to chloramphenicol, which is an antibiotic that inhibits bacterial protein synthesis. When chloramphenicol is acetylated by this enzyme, it becomes inactivated and can no longer bind to the ribosome and prevent bacterial protein synthesis.

Bacteria that are resistant to chloramphenicol often have a plasmid-borne cat gene, which encodes for the production of Chloramphenicol O-acetyltransferase. This enzyme allows the bacteria to survive in the presence of chloramphenicol by rendering it ineffective. The transfer of this plasmid between bacteria can also confer resistance to other susceptible strains.

In summary, Chloramphenicol O-acetyltransferase is an enzyme that inactivates chloramphenicol by adding acetyl groups to it, making it an essential factor in bacterial resistance to this antibiotic.

Bile acids and salts are naturally occurring steroidal compounds that play a crucial role in the digestion and absorption of lipids (fats) in the body. They are produced in the liver from cholesterol and then conjugated with glycine or taurine to form bile acids, which are subsequently converted into bile salts by the addition of a sodium or potassium ion.

Bile acids and salts are stored in the gallbladder and released into the small intestine during digestion, where they help emulsify fats, allowing them to be broken down into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the body. They also aid in the elimination of waste products from the liver and help regulate cholesterol metabolism.

Abnormalities in bile acid synthesis or transport can lead to various medical conditions, such as cholestatic liver diseases, gallstones, and diarrhea. Therefore, understanding the role of bile acids and salts in the body is essential for diagnosing and treating these disorders.

Experimental liver neoplasms refer to abnormal growths or tumors in the liver that are intentionally created or manipulated in a laboratory setting for the purpose of studying their development, progression, and potential treatment options. These experimental models can be established using various methods such as chemical induction, genetic modification, or transplantation of cancerous cells or tissues. The goal of this research is to advance our understanding of liver cancer biology and develop novel therapies for liver neoplasms in humans. It's important to note that these experiments are conducted under strict ethical guidelines and regulations to minimize harm and ensure the humane treatment of animals involved in such studies.

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a DNA virus that belongs to the Hepadnaviridae family and causes the infectious disease known as hepatitis B. This virus primarily targets the liver, where it can lead to inflammation and damage of the liver tissue. The infection can range from acute to chronic, with chronic hepatitis B increasing the risk of developing serious liver complications such as cirrhosis and liver cancer.

The Hepatitis B virus has a complex life cycle, involving both nuclear and cytoplasmic phases. It enters hepatocytes (liver cells) via binding to specific receptors and is taken up by endocytosis. The viral DNA is released into the nucleus, where it is converted into a covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) form, which serves as the template for viral transcription.

HBV transcribes several RNAs, including pregenomic RNA (pgRNA), which is used as a template for reverse transcription during virion assembly. The pgRNA is encapsidated into core particles along with the viral polymerase and undergoes reverse transcription to generate new viral DNA. This process occurs within the cytoplasm of the hepatocyte, resulting in the formation of immature virions containing partially double-stranded DNA.

These immature virions are then enveloped by host cell membranes containing HBV envelope proteins (known as surface antigens) to form mature virions that can be secreted from the hepatocyte and infect other cells. The virus can also integrate into the host genome, which may contribute to the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic cases.

Hepatitis B is primarily transmitted through exposure to infected blood or bodily fluids containing the virus, such as through sexual contact, sharing needles, or from mother to child during childbirth. Prevention strategies include vaccination, safe sex practices, and avoiding needle-sharing behaviors. Treatment for hepatitis B typically involves antiviral medications that can help suppress viral replication and reduce the risk of liver damage.

COS cells are a type of cell line that are commonly used in molecular biology and genetic research. The name "COS" is an acronym for "CV-1 in Origin," as these cells were originally derived from the African green monkey kidney cell line CV-1. COS cells have been modified through genetic engineering to express high levels of a protein called SV40 large T antigen, which allows them to efficiently take up and replicate exogenous DNA.

There are several different types of COS cells that are commonly used in research, including COS-1, COS-3, and COS-7 cells. These cells are widely used for the production of recombinant proteins, as well as for studies of gene expression, protein localization, and signal transduction.

It is important to note that while COS cells have been a valuable tool in scientific research, they are not without their limitations. For example, because they are derived from monkey kidney cells, there may be differences in the way that human genes are expressed or regulated in these cells compared to human cells. Additionally, because COS cells express SV40 large T antigen, they may have altered cell cycle regulation and other phenotypic changes that could affect experimental results. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the choice of cell line when designing experiments and interpreting results.

Transgenic mice are genetically modified rodents that have incorporated foreign DNA (exogenous DNA) into their own genome. This is typically done through the use of recombinant DNA technology, where a specific gene or genetic sequence of interest is isolated and then introduced into the mouse embryo. The resulting transgenic mice can then express the protein encoded by the foreign gene, allowing researchers to study its function in a living organism.

The process of creating transgenic mice usually involves microinjecting the exogenous DNA into the pronucleus of a fertilized egg, which is then implanted into a surrogate mother. The offspring that result from this procedure are screened for the presence of the foreign DNA, and those that carry the desired genetic modification are used to establish a transgenic mouse line.

Transgenic mice have been widely used in biomedical research to model human diseases, study gene function, and test new therapies. They provide a valuable tool for understanding complex biological processes and developing new treatments for a variety of medical conditions.

Oligodeoxyribonucleotides (ODNs) are relatively short, synthetic single-stranded DNA molecules. They typically contain 15 to 30 nucleotides, but can range from 2 to several hundred nucleotides in length. ODNs are often used as tools in molecular biology research for various applications such as:

1. Nucleic acid detection and quantification (e.g., real-time PCR)
2. Gene regulation (antisense, RNA interference)
3. Gene editing (CRISPR-Cas systems)
4. Vaccine development
5. Diagnostic purposes

Due to their specificity and affinity towards complementary DNA or RNA sequences, ODNs can be designed to target a particular gene or sequence of interest. This makes them valuable tools in understanding gene function, regulation, and interaction with other molecules within the cell.

Down-regulation is a process that occurs in response to various stimuli, where the number or sensitivity of cell surface receptors or the expression of specific genes is decreased. This process helps maintain homeostasis within cells and tissues by reducing the ability of cells to respond to certain signals or molecules.

In the context of cell surface receptors, down-regulation can occur through several mechanisms:

1. Receptor internalization: After binding to their ligands, receptors can be internalized into the cell through endocytosis. Once inside the cell, these receptors may be degraded or recycled back to the cell surface in smaller numbers.
2. Reduced receptor synthesis: Down-regulation can also occur at the transcriptional level, where the expression of genes encoding for specific receptors is decreased, leading to fewer receptors being produced.
3. Receptor desensitization: Prolonged exposure to a ligand can lead to a decrease in receptor sensitivity or affinity, making it more difficult for the cell to respond to the signal.

In the context of gene expression, down-regulation refers to the decreased transcription and/or stability of specific mRNAs, leading to reduced protein levels. This process can be induced by various factors, including microRNA (miRNA)-mediated regulation, histone modification, or DNA methylation.

Down-regulation is an essential mechanism in many physiological processes and can also contribute to the development of several diseases, such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders.

A sequence deletion in a genetic context refers to the removal or absence of one or more nucleotides (the building blocks of DNA or RNA) from a specific region in a DNA or RNA molecule. This type of mutation can lead to the loss of genetic information, potentially resulting in changes in the function or expression of a gene. If the deletion involves a critical portion of the gene, it can cause diseases, depending on the role of that gene in the body. The size of the deleted sequence can vary, ranging from a single nucleotide to a large segment of DNA.

A consensus sequence in genetics refers to the most common nucleotide (DNA or RNA) or amino acid at each position in a multiple sequence alignment. It is derived by comparing and analyzing several sequences of the same gene or protein from different individuals or organisms. The consensus sequence provides a general pattern or motif that is shared among these sequences and can be useful in identifying functional regions, conserved domains, or evolutionary relationships. However, it's important to note that not every sequence will exactly match the consensus sequence, as variations can occur naturally due to mutations or genetic differences among individuals.

Site-directed mutagenesis is a molecular biology technique used to introduce specific and targeted changes to a specific DNA sequence. This process involves creating a new variant of a gene or a specific region of interest within a DNA molecule by introducing a planned, deliberate change, or mutation, at a predetermined site within the DNA sequence.

The methodology typically involves the use of molecular tools such as PCR (polymerase chain reaction), restriction enzymes, and/or ligases to introduce the desired mutation(s) into a plasmid or other vector containing the target DNA sequence. The resulting modified DNA molecule can then be used to transform host cells, allowing for the production of large quantities of the mutated gene or protein for further study.

Site-directed mutagenesis is a valuable tool in basic research, drug discovery, and biotechnology applications where specific changes to a DNA sequence are required to understand gene function, investigate protein structure/function relationships, or engineer novel biological properties into existing genes or proteins.

The Cytochrome P-450 (CYP450) enzyme system is a group of enzymes found primarily in the liver, but also in other organs such as the intestines, lungs, and skin. These enzymes play a crucial role in the metabolism and biotransformation of various substances, including drugs, environmental toxins, and endogenous compounds like hormones and fatty acids.

The name "Cytochrome P-450" refers to the unique property of these enzymes to bind to carbon monoxide (CO) and form a complex that absorbs light at a wavelength of 450 nm, which can be detected spectrophotometrically.

The CYP450 enzyme system is involved in Phase I metabolism of xenobiotics, where it catalyzes oxidation reactions such as hydroxylation, dealkylation, and epoxidation. These reactions introduce functional groups into the substrate molecule, which can then undergo further modifications by other enzymes during Phase II metabolism.

There are several families and subfamilies of CYP450 enzymes, each with distinct substrate specificities and functions. Some of the most important CYP450 enzymes include:

1. CYP3A4: This is the most abundant CYP450 enzyme in the human liver and is involved in the metabolism of approximately 50% of all drugs. It also metabolizes various endogenous compounds like steroids, bile acids, and vitamin D.
2. CYP2D6: This enzyme is responsible for the metabolism of many psychotropic drugs, including antidepressants, antipsychotics, and beta-blockers. It also metabolizes some endogenous compounds like dopamine and serotonin.
3. CYP2C9: This enzyme plays a significant role in the metabolism of warfarin, phenytoin, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
4. CYP2C19: This enzyme is involved in the metabolism of proton pump inhibitors, antidepressants, and clopidogrel.
5. CYP2E1: This enzyme metabolizes various xenobiotics like alcohol, acetaminophen, and carbon tetrachloride, as well as some endogenous compounds like fatty acids and prostaglandins.

Genetic polymorphisms in CYP450 enzymes can significantly affect drug metabolism and response, leading to interindividual variability in drug efficacy and toxicity. Understanding the role of CYP450 enzymes in drug metabolism is crucial for optimizing pharmacotherapy and minimizing adverse effects.

Small interfering RNA (siRNA) is a type of short, double-stranded RNA molecule that plays a role in the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway. The RNAi pathway is a natural cellular process that regulates gene expression by targeting and destroying specific messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules, thereby preventing the translation of those mRNAs into proteins.

SiRNAs are typically 20-25 base pairs in length and are generated from longer double-stranded RNA precursors called hairpin RNAs or dsRNAs by an enzyme called Dicer. Once generated, siRNAs associate with a protein complex called the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), which uses one strand of the siRNA (the guide strand) to recognize and bind to complementary sequences in the target mRNA. The RISC then cleaves the target mRNA, leading to its degradation and the inhibition of protein synthesis.

SiRNAs have emerged as a powerful tool for studying gene function and have shown promise as therapeutic agents for a variety of diseases, including viral infections, cancer, and genetic disorders. However, their use as therapeutics is still in the early stages of development, and there are challenges associated with delivering siRNAs to specific cells and tissues in the body.

Sequence homology in nucleic acids refers to the similarity or identity between the nucleotide sequences of two or more DNA or RNA molecules. It is often used as a measure of biological relationship between genes, organisms, or populations. High sequence homology suggests a recent common ancestry or functional constraint, while low sequence homology may indicate a more distant relationship or different functions.

Nucleic acid sequence homology can be determined by various methods such as pairwise alignment, multiple sequence alignment, and statistical analysis. The degree of homology is typically expressed as a percentage of identical or similar nucleotides in a given window of comparison.

It's important to note that the interpretation of sequence homology depends on the biological context and the evolutionary distance between the sequences compared. Therefore, functional and experimental validation is often necessary to confirm the significance of sequence homology.

A plasmid is a small, circular, double-stranded DNA molecule that is separate from the chromosomal DNA of a bacterium or other organism. Plasmids are typically not essential for the survival of the organism, but they can confer beneficial traits such as antibiotic resistance or the ability to degrade certain types of pollutants.

Plasmids are capable of replicating independently of the chromosomal DNA and can be transferred between bacteria through a process called conjugation. They often contain genes that provide resistance to antibiotics, heavy metals, and other environmental stressors. Plasmids have also been engineered for use in molecular biology as cloning vectors, allowing scientists to replicate and manipulate specific DNA sequences.

Plasmids are important tools in genetic engineering and biotechnology because they can be easily manipulated and transferred between organisms. They have been used to produce vaccines, diagnostic tests, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for various applications, including agriculture, medicine, and industry.

I-kappa B (IκB) proteins are a family of inhibitory proteins that play a crucial role in regulating the activity of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), a key transcription factor involved in inflammation, immune response, and cell survival. In resting cells, NF-κB is sequestered in the cytoplasm by binding to IκB proteins, which prevents NF-κB from translocating into the nucleus and activating its target genes.

Upon stimulation of various signaling pathways, such as those triggered by proinflammatory cytokines, bacterial or viral components, and stress signals, IκB proteins become phosphorylated, ubiquitinated, and subsequently degraded by the 26S proteasome. This process allows NF-κB to dissociate from IκB, translocate into the nucleus, and bind to specific DNA sequences, leading to the expression of various genes involved in immune response, inflammation, cell growth, differentiation, and survival.

There are several members of the IκB protein family, including IκBα, IκBβ, IκBε, IκBγ, and Bcl-3. Each member has distinct functions and regulatory mechanisms in controlling NF-κB activity. Dysregulation of IκB proteins and NF-κB signaling has been implicated in various pathological conditions, such as chronic inflammation, autoimmune diseases, and cancer.

GATA4 is a transcription factor that belongs to the GATA family of zinc finger proteins, which are characterized by their ability to bind to DNA sequences containing the core motif (A/T)GATA(A/G). GATA4 specifically recognizes and binds to GATA motifs in the promoter and enhancer regions of target genes, where it can modulate their transcription.

GATA4 is widely expressed in various tissues, including the heart, gut, lungs, and gonads. In the heart, GATA4 plays critical roles during cardiac development, such as promoting cardiomyocyte differentiation and regulating heart tube formation. It also continues to be expressed in adult hearts, where it helps maintain cardiac function and can contribute to heart repair after injury.

Mutations in the GATA4 gene have been associated with congenital heart defects, suggesting its essential role in heart development. Additionally, GATA4 has been implicated in cancer progression, particularly in gastrointestinal and lung cancers, where it can act as an oncogene by promoting cell proliferation and survival.

Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylases (AHH) are a group of enzymes that play a crucial role in the metabolism of various aromatic and heterocyclic compounds, including potentially harmful substances such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and dioxins. These enzymes are primarily located in the endoplasmic reticulum of cells, particularly in the liver, but can also be found in other tissues.

The AHH enzymes catalyze the addition of a hydroxyl group (-OH) to the aromatic ring structure of these compounds, which is the first step in their biotransformation and eventual elimination from the body. This process can sometimes lead to the formation of metabolites that are more reactive and potentially toxic than the original compound. Therefore, the overall impact of AHH enzymes on human health is complex and depends on various factors, including the specific compounds being metabolized and individual genetic differences in enzyme activity.

The Islets of Langerhans are clusters of specialized cells within the pancreas, an organ located behind the stomach. These islets are named after Paul Langerhans, who first identified them in 1869. They constitute around 1-2% of the total mass of the pancreas and are distributed throughout its substance.

The Islets of Langerhans contain several types of cells, including:

1. Alpha (α) cells: These produce and release glucagon, a hormone that helps to regulate blood sugar levels by promoting the conversion of glycogen to glucose in the liver when blood sugar levels are low.
2. Beta (β) cells: These produce and release insulin, a hormone that promotes the uptake and utilization of glucose by cells throughout the body, thereby lowering blood sugar levels.
3. Delta (δ) cells: These produce and release somatostatin, a hormone that inhibits the release of both insulin and glucagon and helps regulate their secretion in response to changing blood sugar levels.
4. PP cells (gamma or γ cells): These produce and release pancreatic polypeptide, which plays a role in regulating digestive enzyme secretion and gastrointestinal motility.

Dysfunction of the Islets of Langerhans can lead to various endocrine disorders, such as diabetes mellitus, where insulin-producing beta cells are damaged or destroyed, leading to impaired blood sugar regulation.

Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a molecular biology technique used to analyze the interaction between proteins and DNA in the cell. It is a powerful tool for studying protein-DNA binding, such as transcription factor binding to specific DNA sequences, histone modification, and chromatin structure.

In ChIP assays, cells are first crosslinked with formaldehyde to preserve protein-DNA interactions. The chromatin is then fragmented into small pieces using sonication or other methods. Specific antibodies against the protein of interest are added to precipitate the protein-DNA complexes. After reversing the crosslinking, the DNA associated with the protein is purified and analyzed using PCR, sequencing, or microarray technologies.

ChIP assays can provide valuable information about the regulation of gene expression, epigenetic modifications, and chromatin structure in various biological processes and diseases, including cancer, development, and differentiation.

Glucuronosyltransferase (UDP-glucuronosyltransferase) is an enzyme belonging to the family of glycosyltransferases. It plays a crucial role in the process of biotransformation and detoxification of various endogenous and exogenous substances, including drugs, hormones, and environmental toxins, in the liver and other organs.

The enzyme functions by transferring a glucuronic acid moiety from a donor molecule, uridine diphosphate glucuronic acid (UDP-GlcUA), to an acceptor molecule, which can be a variety of hydrophobic compounds. This reaction results in the formation of a more water-soluble glucuronide conjugate, facilitating the excretion of the substrate through urine or bile.

There are multiple isoforms of glucuronosyltransferase, classified into two main families: UGT1 and UGT2. These isoforms exhibit different substrate specificities and tissue distributions, allowing for a wide range of compounds to be metabolized through the glucuronidation pathway.

In summary, Glucuronosyltransferase is an essential enzyme in the detoxification process, facilitating the elimination of various substances from the body by conjugating them with a glucuronic acid moiety.

Recombinant fusion proteins are artificially created biomolecules that combine the functional domains or properties of two or more different proteins into a single protein entity. They are generated through recombinant DNA technology, where the genes encoding the desired protein domains are linked together and expressed as a single, chimeric gene in a host organism, such as bacteria, yeast, or mammalian cells.

The resulting fusion protein retains the functional properties of its individual constituent proteins, allowing for novel applications in research, diagnostics, and therapeutics. For instance, recombinant fusion proteins can be designed to enhance protein stability, solubility, or immunogenicity, making them valuable tools for studying protein-protein interactions, developing targeted therapies, or generating vaccines against infectious diseases or cancer.

Examples of recombinant fusion proteins include:

1. Etaglunatide (ABT-523): A soluble Fc fusion protein that combines the heavy chain fragment crystallizable region (Fc) of an immunoglobulin with the extracellular domain of the human interleukin-6 receptor (IL-6R). This fusion protein functions as a decoy receptor, neutralizing IL-6 and its downstream signaling pathways in rheumatoid arthritis.
2. Etanercept (Enbrel): A soluble TNF receptor p75 Fc fusion protein that binds to tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and inhibits its proinflammatory activity, making it a valuable therapeutic option for treating autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and psoriasis.
3. Abatacept (Orencia): A fusion protein consisting of the extracellular domain of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) linked to the Fc region of an immunoglobulin, which downregulates T-cell activation and proliferation in autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
4. Belimumab (Benlysta): A monoclonal antibody that targets B-lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS) protein, preventing its interaction with the B-cell surface receptor and inhibiting B-cell activation in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
5. Romiplostim (Nplate): A fusion protein consisting of a thrombopoietin receptor agonist peptide linked to an immunoglobulin Fc region, which stimulates platelet production in patients with chronic immune thrombocytopenia (ITP).
6. Darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp): A hyperglycosylated erythropoiesis-stimulating protein that functions as a longer-acting form of recombinant human erythropoietin, used to treat anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease or cancer.
7. Palivizumab (Synagis): A monoclonal antibody directed against the F protein of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which prevents RSV infection and is administered prophylactically to high-risk infants during the RSV season.
8. Ranibizumab (Lucentis): A recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody fragment that binds and inhibits vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A), used in the treatment of age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and other ocular disorders.
9. Cetuximab (Erbitux): A chimeric monoclonal antibody that binds to epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), used in the treatment of colorectal cancer and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
10. Adalimumab (Humira): A fully humanized monoclonal antibody that targets tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), used in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and Crohn's disease.
11. Bevacizumab (Avastin): A recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody that binds to VEGF-A, used in the treatment of various cancers, including colorectal, lung, breast, and kidney cancer.
12. Trastuzumab (Herceptin): A humanized monoclonal antibody that targets HER2/neu receptor, used in the treatment of breast cancer.
13. Rituximab (Rituxan): A chimeric monoclonal antibody that binds to CD20 antigen on B cells, used in the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and rheumatoid arthritis.
14. Palivizumab (Synagis): A humanized monoclonal antibody that binds to the F protein of respiratory syncytial virus, used in the prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infection in high-risk infants.
15. Infliximab (Remicade): A chimeric monoclonal antibody that targets TNF-α, used in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases, including Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis.
16. Natalizumab (Tysabri): A humanized monoclonal antibody that binds to α4β1 integrin, used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease.
17. Adalimumab (Humira): A fully human monoclonal antibody that targets TNF-α, used in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.
18. Golimumab (Simponi): A fully human monoclonal antibody that targets TNF-α, used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and ulcerative colitis.
19. Certolizumab pegol (Cimzia): A PEGylated Fab' fragment of a humanized monoclonal antibody that targets TNF-α, used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and Crohn's disease.
20. Ustekinumab (Stelara): A fully human monoclonal antibody that targets IL-12 and IL-23, used in the treatment of psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and Crohn's disease.
21. Secukinumab (Cosentyx): A fully human monoclonal antibody that targets IL-17A, used in the treatment of psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis.
22. Ixekizumab (Taltz): A fully human monoclonal antibody that targets IL-17A, used in the treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.
23. Brodalumab (Siliq): A fully human monoclonal antibody that targets IL-17 receptor A, used in the treatment of psoriasis.
24. Sarilumab (Kevzara): A fully human monoclonal antibody that targets the IL-6 receptor, used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
25. Tocilizumab (Actemra): A humanized monoclonal antibody that targets the IL-6 receptor, used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis, giant cell arteritis, and chimeric antigen receptor T-cell-induced cytokine release syndrome.
26. Siltuximab (Sylvant): A chimeric monoclonal antibody that targets IL-6, used in the treatment of multicentric Castleman disease.
27. Satralizumab (Enspryng): A humanized monoclonal antibody that targets IL-6 receptor alpha, used in the treatment of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder.
28. Sirukumab (Plivensia): A human monoclonal antibody that targets IL-6, used in the treatment

Adenoviridae is a family of viruses that includes many species that can cause various types of illnesses in humans and animals. These viruses are non-enveloped, meaning they do not have a lipid membrane, and have an icosahedral symmetry with a diameter of approximately 70-90 nanometers.

The genome of Adenoviridae is composed of double-stranded DNA, which contains linear chromosomes ranging from 26 to 45 kilobases in length. The family is divided into five genera: Mastadenovirus, Aviadenovirus, Atadenovirus, Siadenovirus, and Ichtadenovirus.

Human adenoviruses are classified under the genus Mastadenovirus and can cause a wide range of illnesses, including respiratory infections, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, and upper respiratory tract infections. Some serotypes have also been associated with more severe diseases such as hemorrhagic cystitis, hepatitis, and meningoencephalitis.

Adenoviruses are highly contagious and can be transmitted through respiratory droplets, fecal-oral route, or by contact with contaminated surfaces. They can also be spread through contaminated water sources. Infections caused by adenoviruses are usually self-limiting, but severe cases may require hospitalization and supportive care.

Organic anion transporters (OATs) are membrane transport proteins that facilitate the movement of organic anions across biological membranes. The term "sodium-dependent" refers to a specific type of OAT that requires sodium ions (Na+) as a co-transport substrate to move organic anions across the membrane. These transporters play crucial roles in the elimination and distribution of various endogenous and exogenous organic anions, including drugs, toxins, and metabolites. Sodium-dependent OATs are primarily located in the kidneys and liver, where they help maintain homeostasis by regulating the reabsorption and secretion of these substances.

Recombinant proteins are artificially created proteins produced through the use of recombinant DNA technology. This process involves combining DNA molecules from different sources to create a new set of genes that encode for a specific protein. The resulting recombinant protein can then be expressed, purified, and used for various applications in research, medicine, and industry.

Recombinant proteins are widely used in biomedical research to study protein function, structure, and interactions. They are also used in the development of diagnostic tests, vaccines, and therapeutic drugs. For example, recombinant insulin is a common treatment for diabetes, while recombinant human growth hormone is used to treat growth disorders.

The production of recombinant proteins typically involves the use of host cells, such as bacteria, yeast, or mammalian cells, which are engineered to express the desired protein. The host cells are transformed with a plasmid vector containing the gene of interest, along with regulatory elements that control its expression. Once the host cells are cultured and the protein is expressed, it can be purified using various chromatography techniques.

Overall, recombinant proteins have revolutionized many areas of biology and medicine, enabling researchers to study and manipulate proteins in ways that were previously impossible.

Alpha 1-antitrypsin (AAT, or α1-antiproteinase, A1AP) is a protein that is primarily produced by the liver and released into the bloodstream. It belongs to a group of proteins called serine protease inhibitors, which help regulate inflammation and protect tissues from damage caused by enzymes involved in the immune response.

Alpha 1-antitrypsin is particularly important for protecting the lungs from damage caused by neutrophil elastase, an enzyme released by white blood cells called neutrophils during inflammation. In the lungs, AAT binds to and inhibits neutrophil elastase, preventing it from degrading the extracellular matrix and damaging lung tissue.

Deficiency in alpha 1-antitrypsin can lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and liver disease. The most common cause of AAT deficiency is a genetic mutation that results in abnormal folding and accumulation of the protein within liver cells, leading to reduced levels of functional AAT in the bloodstream. This condition is called alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) and can be inherited in an autosomal codominant manner. Individuals with severe AATD may require augmentation therapy with intravenous infusions of purified human AAT to help prevent lung damage.

Molecular cloning is a laboratory technique used to create multiple copies of a specific DNA sequence. This process involves several steps:

1. Isolation: The first step in molecular cloning is to isolate the DNA sequence of interest from the rest of the genomic DNA. This can be done using various methods such as PCR (polymerase chain reaction), restriction enzymes, or hybridization.
2. Vector construction: Once the DNA sequence of interest has been isolated, it must be inserted into a vector, which is a small circular DNA molecule that can replicate independently in a host cell. Common vectors used in molecular cloning include plasmids and phages.
3. Transformation: The constructed vector is then introduced into a host cell, usually a bacterial or yeast cell, through a process called transformation. This can be done using various methods such as electroporation or chemical transformation.
4. Selection: After transformation, the host cells are grown in selective media that allow only those cells containing the vector to grow. This ensures that the DNA sequence of interest has been successfully cloned into the vector.
5. Amplification: Once the host cells have been selected, they can be grown in large quantities to amplify the number of copies of the cloned DNA sequence.

Molecular cloning is a powerful tool in molecular biology and has numerous applications, including the production of recombinant proteins, gene therapy, functional analysis of genes, and genetic engineering.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Hydro-Lyases" is not a recognized medical term or category in biochemistry. It seems like there might be a misunderstanding or a typo in the term.

In biochemistry, "lyases" are enzymes that catalyze the removal of groups from substrates by means other than hydrolysis or oxidation, often forming a double bond or a ring-forming reaction. They are classified and named based on the type of bond they break.

If you meant to ask about a specific enzyme or reaction, could you please provide more context or clarify the term? I'd be happy to help further with accurate information.

Transcription Factor RelA, also known as NF-kB (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells) p65, is a protein complex that plays a crucial role in regulating the immune response to infection and inflammation, as well as cell survival, differentiation, and proliferation.

RelA is one of the five subunits that make up the NF-kB protein complex, and it is responsible for the transcriptional activation of target genes. In response to various stimuli such as cytokines, bacterial or viral antigens, and stress signals, RelA can be activated by phosphorylation and then translocate into the nucleus where it binds to specific DNA sequences called kB sites in the promoter regions of target genes. This binding leads to the recruitment of coactivators and the initiation of transcription.

RelA has been implicated in a wide range of biological processes, including inflammation, immunity, cell growth, and apoptosis. Dysregulation of NF-kB signaling and RelA activity has been associated with various diseases, such as cancer, autoimmune disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Glucose is a simple monosaccharide (or single sugar) that serves as the primary source of energy for living organisms. It's a fundamental molecule in biology, often referred to as "dextrose" or "grape sugar." Glucose has the molecular formula C6H12O6 and is vital to the functioning of cells, especially those in the brain and nervous system.

In the body, glucose is derived from the digestion of carbohydrates in food, and it's transported around the body via the bloodstream to cells where it can be used for energy. Cells convert glucose into a usable form through a process called cellular respiration, which involves a series of metabolic reactions that generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP)—the main currency of energy in cells.

Glucose is also stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen, a polysaccharide (multiple sugar) that can be broken down back into glucose when needed for energy between meals or during physical activity. Maintaining appropriate blood glucose levels is crucial for overall health, and imbalances can lead to conditions such as diabetes mellitus.

Glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) are a type of nuclear receptor proteins found inside cells that bind to glucocorticoids, a class of steroid hormones. These receptors play an essential role in the regulation of various physiological processes, including metabolism, immune response, and stress response.

When a glucocorticoid hormone such as cortisol binds to the GR, it undergoes a conformational change that allows it to translocate into the nucleus of the cell. Once inside the nucleus, the GR acts as a transcription factor, binding to specific DNA sequences called glucocorticoid response elements (GREs) located in the promoter regions of target genes. The binding of the GR to the GRE can either activate or repress gene transcription, depending on the context and the presence of co-regulatory proteins.

Glucocorticoids have diverse effects on the body, including anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive actions. They are commonly used in clinical settings to treat a variety of conditions such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease. However, long-term use of glucocorticoids can lead to several side effects, including osteoporosis, weight gain, and increased risk of infections, due to the widespread effects of these hormones on multiple organ systems.

Sprague-Dawley rats are a strain of albino laboratory rats that are widely used in scientific research. They were first developed by researchers H.H. Sprague and R.C. Dawley in the early 20th century, and have since become one of the most commonly used rat strains in biomedical research due to their relatively large size, ease of handling, and consistent genetic background.

Sprague-Dawley rats are outbred, which means that they are genetically diverse and do not suffer from the same limitations as inbred strains, which can have reduced fertility and increased susceptibility to certain diseases. They are also characterized by their docile nature and low levels of aggression, making them easier to handle and study than some other rat strains.

These rats are used in a wide variety of research areas, including toxicology, pharmacology, nutrition, cancer, and behavioral studies. Because they are genetically diverse, Sprague-Dawley rats can be used to model a range of human diseases and conditions, making them an important tool in the development of new drugs and therapies.

Epithelial cells are types of cells that cover the outer surfaces of the body, line the inner surfaces of organs and glands, and form the lining of blood vessels and body cavities. They provide a protective barrier against the external environment, regulate the movement of materials between the internal and external environments, and are involved in the sense of touch, temperature, and pain. Epithelial cells can be squamous (flat and thin), cuboidal (square-shaped and of equal height), or columnar (tall and narrow) in shape and are classified based on their location and function.

Tertiary protein structure refers to the three-dimensional arrangement of all the elements (polypeptide chains) of a single protein molecule. It is the highest level of structural organization and results from interactions between various side chains (R groups) of the amino acids that make up the protein. These interactions, which include hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, van der Waals forces, and disulfide bridges, give the protein its unique shape and stability, which in turn determines its function. The tertiary structure of a protein can be stabilized by various factors such as temperature, pH, and the presence of certain ions. Any changes in these factors can lead to denaturation, where the protein loses its tertiary structure and thus its function.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the beta cells of the pancreatic islets, primarily in response to elevated levels of glucose in the circulating blood. It plays a crucial role in regulating blood glucose levels and facilitating the uptake and utilization of glucose by peripheral tissues, such as muscle and adipose tissue, for energy production and storage. Insulin also inhibits glucose production in the liver and promotes the storage of excess glucose as glycogen or triglycerides.

Deficiency in insulin secretion or action leads to impaired glucose regulation and can result in conditions such as diabetes mellitus, characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and associated complications. Exogenous insulin is used as a replacement therapy in individuals with diabetes to help manage their blood glucose levels and prevent long-term complications.

Pyruvate kinase is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in the final step of glycolysis, a process by which glucose is broken down to produce energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Specifically, pyruvate kinase catalyzes the transfer of a phosphate group from phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to adenosine diphosphate (ADP), resulting in the formation of pyruvate and ATP.

There are several isoforms of pyruvate kinase found in different tissues, including the liver, muscle, and brain. The type found in red blood cells is known as PK-RBC or PK-M2. Deficiencies in pyruvate kinase can lead to a genetic disorder called pyruvate kinase deficiency, which can result in hemolytic anemia due to the premature destruction of red blood cells.

Steroid hydroxylases are enzymes that catalyze the addition of a hydroxyl group (-OH) to a steroid molecule. These enzymes are located in the endoplasmic reticulum and play a crucial role in the biosynthesis of various steroid hormones, such as cortisol, aldosterone, and sex hormones. The hydroxylation reaction catalyzed by these enzymes increases the polarity and solubility of steroids, allowing them to be further metabolized and excreted from the body.

The most well-known steroid hydroxylases are part of the cytochrome P450 family, specifically CYP11A1, CYP11B1, CYP11B2, CYP17A1, CYP19A1, and CYP21A2. Each enzyme has a specific function in steroid biosynthesis, such as converting cholesterol to pregnenolone (CYP11A1), hydroxylating the 11-beta position of steroids (CYP11B1 and CYP11B2), or performing multiple hydroxylation reactions in the synthesis of sex hormones (CYP17A1, CYP19A1, and CYP21A2).

Defects in these enzymes can lead to various genetic disorders, such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which is characterized by impaired steroid hormone biosynthesis.

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a technique used in pathology and laboratory medicine to identify specific proteins or antigens in tissue sections. It combines the principles of immunology and histology to detect the presence and location of these target molecules within cells and tissues. This technique utilizes antibodies that are specific to the protein or antigen of interest, which are then tagged with a detection system such as a chromogen or fluorophore. The stained tissue sections can be examined under a microscope, allowing for the visualization and analysis of the distribution and expression patterns of the target molecule in the context of the tissue architecture. Immunohistochemistry is widely used in diagnostic pathology to help identify various diseases, including cancer, infectious diseases, and immune-mediated disorders.

Nuclear factor erythroid-derived 2-like 2 (NFE2L2), also known as NF-E2-related factor 2 (NRF2), is a protein that plays a crucial role in the regulation of cellular responses to oxidative stress and electrophilic substances. It is a transcription factor that binds to the antioxidant response element (ARE) in the promoter region of various genes, inducing their expression and promoting cellular defense against harmful stimuli.

Under normal conditions, NRF2 is bound to its inhibitor, Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (KEAP1), in the cytoplasm, where it is targeted for degradation by the proteasome. However, upon exposure to oxidative stress or electrophilic substances, KEAP1 undergoes conformational changes, leading to the release and stabilization of NRF2. Subsequently, NRF2 translocates to the nucleus, forms a complex with small Maf proteins, and binds to AREs, inducing the expression of genes involved in antioxidant response, detoxification, and cellular protection.

Genetic variations or dysregulation of the NFE2L2/KEAP1 pathway have been implicated in several diseases, including cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, and pulmonary fibrosis, highlighting its importance in maintaining cellular homeostasis and preventing disease progression.

Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-α) is a cytokine, a type of small signaling protein involved in immune response and inflammation. It is primarily produced by activated macrophages, although other cell types such as T-cells, natural killer cells, and mast cells can also produce it.

TNF-α plays a crucial role in the body's defense against infection and tissue injury by mediating inflammatory responses, activating immune cells, and inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death) in certain types of cells. It does this by binding to its receptors, TNFR1 and TNFR2, which are found on the surface of many cell types.

In addition to its role in the immune response, TNF-α has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several diseases, including autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and psoriasis, as well as cancer, where it can promote tumor growth and metastasis.

Therapeutic agents that target TNF-α, such as infliximab, adalimumab, and etanercept, have been developed to treat these conditions. However, these drugs can also increase the risk of infections and other side effects, so their use must be carefully monitored.

Retinoid X receptors (RXRs) are a subfamily of nuclear receptor proteins that function as transcription factors, playing crucial roles in the regulation of gene expression. They are activated by binding to retinoids, which are derivatives of vitamin A. RXRs can form heterodimers with other nuclear receptors, such as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), liver X receptors (LXRs), farnesoid X receptors (FXRs), and thyroid hormone receptors (THRs). Upon activation by their respective ligands, these heterodimers bind to specific DNA sequences called response elements in the promoter regions of target genes, leading to modulation of transcription. RXRs are involved in various biological processes, including cell differentiation, development, metabolism, and homeostasis. Dysregulation of RXR-mediated signaling pathways has been implicated in several diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and inflammatory disorders.

Homeostasis is a fundamental concept in the field of medicine and physiology, referring to the body's ability to maintain a stable internal environment, despite changes in external conditions. It is the process by which biological systems regulate their internal environment to remain in a state of dynamic equilibrium. This is achieved through various feedback mechanisms that involve sensors, control centers, and effectors, working together to detect, interpret, and respond to disturbances in the system.

For example, the body maintains homeostasis through mechanisms such as temperature regulation (through sweating or shivering), fluid balance (through kidney function and thirst), and blood glucose levels (through insulin and glucagon secretion). When homeostasis is disrupted, it can lead to disease or dysfunction in the body.

In summary, homeostasis is the maintenance of a stable internal environment within biological systems, through various regulatory mechanisms that respond to changes in external conditions.

A phenotype is the physical or biochemical expression of an organism's genes, or the observable traits and characteristics resulting from the interaction of its genetic constitution (genotype) with environmental factors. These characteristics can include appearance, development, behavior, and resistance to disease, among others. Phenotypes can vary widely, even among individuals with identical genotypes, due to differences in environmental influences, gene expression, and genetic interactions.

Gluconeogenesis is a metabolic pathway that occurs in the liver, kidneys, and to a lesser extent in the small intestine. It involves the synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate precursors such as lactate, pyruvate, glycerol, and certain amino acids. This process becomes particularly important during periods of fasting or starvation when glucose levels in the body begin to drop, and there is limited carbohydrate intake to replenish them.

Gluconeogenesis helps maintain blood glucose homeostasis by providing an alternative source of glucose for use by various tissues, especially the brain, which relies heavily on glucose as its primary energy source. It is a complex process that involves several enzymatic steps, many of which are regulated to ensure an adequate supply of glucose while preventing excessive production, which could lead to hyperglycemia.

A kidney, in medical terms, is one of two bean-shaped organs located in the lower back region of the body. They are essential for maintaining homeostasis within the body by performing several crucial functions such as:

1. Regulation of water and electrolyte balance: Kidneys help regulate the amount of water and various electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and calcium in the bloodstream to maintain a stable internal environment.

2. Excretion of waste products: They filter waste products from the blood, including urea (a byproduct of protein metabolism), creatinine (a breakdown product of muscle tissue), and other harmful substances that result from normal cellular functions or external sources like medications and toxins.

3. Endocrine function: Kidneys produce several hormones with important roles in the body, such as erythropoietin (stimulates red blood cell production), renin (regulates blood pressure), and calcitriol (activated form of vitamin D that helps regulate calcium homeostasis).

4. pH balance regulation: Kidneys maintain the proper acid-base balance in the body by excreting either hydrogen ions or bicarbonate ions, depending on whether the blood is too acidic or too alkaline.

5. Blood pressure control: The kidneys play a significant role in regulating blood pressure through the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), which constricts blood vessels and promotes sodium and water retention to increase blood volume and, consequently, blood pressure.

Anatomically, each kidney is approximately 10-12 cm long, 5-7 cm wide, and 3 cm thick, with a weight of about 120-170 grams. They are surrounded by a protective layer of fat and connected to the urinary system through the renal pelvis, ureters, bladder, and urethra.

Neoplastic gene expression regulation refers to the processes that control the production of proteins and other molecules from genes in neoplastic cells, or cells that are part of a tumor or cancer. In a normal cell, gene expression is tightly regulated to ensure that the right genes are turned on or off at the right time. However, in cancer cells, this regulation can be disrupted, leading to the overexpression or underexpression of certain genes.

Neoplastic gene expression regulation can be affected by a variety of factors, including genetic mutations, epigenetic changes, and signals from the tumor microenvironment. These changes can lead to the activation of oncogenes (genes that promote cancer growth and development) or the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes (genes that prevent cancer).

Understanding neoplastic gene expression regulation is important for developing new therapies for cancer, as targeting specific genes or pathways involved in this process can help to inhibit cancer growth and progression.

I-kappa B kinase (IKK) is a protein complex that plays a crucial role in the activation of NF-kB (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells), a transcription factor involved in the regulation of immune response, inflammation, cell survival, and proliferation.

The IKK complex is composed of two catalytic subunits, IKKα and IKKβ, and a regulatory subunit, IKKγ (also known as NEMO). Upon stimulation by various signals such as cytokines, pathogens, or stress, the IKK complex becomes activated and phosphorylates I-kappa B (IkB), an inhibitor protein that keeps NF-kB in an inactive state in the cytoplasm.

Once IkB is phosphorylated by the IKK complex, it undergoes ubiquitination and degradation, leading to the release and nuclear translocation of NF-kB, where it can bind to specific DNA sequences and regulate gene expression. Dysregulation of IKK activity has been implicated in various pathological conditions, including chronic inflammation, autoimmune diseases, and cancer.

Forkhead transcription factors (FOX) are a family of proteins that play crucial roles in the regulation of gene expression through the process of binding to specific DNA sequences, thereby controlling various biological processes such as cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. These proteins are characterized by a conserved DNA-binding domain, known as the forkhead box or FOX domain, which adopts a winged helix structure that recognizes and binds to the consensus sequence 5'-(G/A)(T/C)AA(C/A)A-3'.

The FOX family is further divided into subfamilies based on the structure of their DNA-binding domains, with each subfamily having distinct functions. For example, FOXP proteins are involved in brain development and function, while FOXO proteins play a key role in regulating cellular responses to stress and metabolism. Dysregulation of forkhead transcription factors has been implicated in various diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders.

In the field of medicine, "time factors" refer to the duration of symptoms or time elapsed since the onset of a medical condition, which can have significant implications for diagnosis and treatment. Understanding time factors is crucial in determining the progression of a disease, evaluating the effectiveness of treatments, and making critical decisions regarding patient care.

For example, in stroke management, "time is brain," meaning that rapid intervention within a specific time frame (usually within 4.5 hours) is essential to administering tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), a clot-busting drug that can minimize brain damage and improve patient outcomes. Similarly, in trauma care, the "golden hour" concept emphasizes the importance of providing definitive care within the first 60 minutes after injury to increase survival rates and reduce morbidity.

Time factors also play a role in monitoring the progression of chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease, where regular follow-ups and assessments help determine appropriate treatment adjustments and prevent complications. In infectious diseases, time factors are crucial for initiating antibiotic therapy and identifying potential outbreaks to control their spread.

Overall, "time factors" encompass the significance of recognizing and acting promptly in various medical scenarios to optimize patient outcomes and provide effective care.

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a laboratory technique used to amplify specific regions of DNA. It enables the production of thousands to millions of copies of a particular DNA sequence in a rapid and efficient manner, making it an essential tool in various fields such as molecular biology, medical diagnostics, forensic science, and research.

The PCR process involves repeated cycles of heating and cooling to separate the DNA strands, allow primers (short sequences of single-stranded DNA) to attach to the target regions, and extend these primers using an enzyme called Taq polymerase, resulting in the exponential amplification of the desired DNA segment.

In a medical context, PCR is often used for detecting and quantifying specific pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites) in clinical samples, identifying genetic mutations or polymorphisms associated with diseases, monitoring disease progression, and evaluating treatment effectiveness.

Apoptosis is a programmed and controlled cell death process that occurs in multicellular organisms. It is a natural process that helps maintain tissue homeostasis by eliminating damaged, infected, or unwanted cells. During apoptosis, the cell undergoes a series of morphological changes, including cell shrinkage, chromatin condensation, and fragmentation into membrane-bound vesicles called apoptotic bodies. These bodies are then recognized and engulfed by neighboring cells or phagocytic cells, preventing an inflammatory response. Apoptosis is regulated by a complex network of intracellular signaling pathways that involve proteins such as caspases, Bcl-2 family members, and inhibitors of apoptosis (IAPs).

The intestines, also known as the bowel, are a part of the digestive system that extends from the stomach to the anus. They are responsible for the further breakdown and absorption of nutrients from food, as well as the elimination of waste products. The intestines can be divided into two main sections: the small intestine and the large intestine.

The small intestine is a long, coiled tube that measures about 20 feet in length and is lined with tiny finger-like projections called villi, which increase its surface area and enhance nutrient absorption. The small intestine is where most of the digestion and absorption of nutrients takes place.

The large intestine, also known as the colon, is a wider tube that measures about 5 feet in length and is responsible for absorbing water and electrolytes from digested food, forming stool, and eliminating waste products from the body. The large intestine includes several regions, including the cecum, colon, rectum, and anus.

Together, the intestines play a critical role in maintaining overall health and well-being by ensuring that the body receives the nutrients it needs to function properly.

Gene expression regulation, viral, refers to the processes that control the production of viral gene products, such as proteins and nucleic acids, during the viral life cycle. This can involve both viral and host cell factors that regulate transcription, RNA processing, translation, and post-translational modifications of viral genes.

Viral gene expression regulation is critical for the virus to replicate and produce progeny virions. Different types of viruses have evolved diverse mechanisms to regulate their gene expression, including the use of promoters, enhancers, transcription factors, RNA silencing, and epigenetic modifications. Understanding these regulatory processes can provide insights into viral pathogenesis and help in the development of antiviral therapies.

Calcineurin is a calcium-calmodulin-activated serine/threonine protein phosphatase that plays a crucial role in signal transduction pathways involved in immune response and neuronal development. It consists of two subunits: the catalytic A subunit (calcineurin A) and the regulatory B subunit (calcineurin B). Calcineurin is responsible for dephosphorylating various substrates, including transcription factors, which leads to changes in their activity and ultimately affects gene expression. In the immune system, calcineurin plays a critical role in T-cell activation by dephosphorylating the nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT), allowing it to translocate into the nucleus and induce the expression of cytokines and other genes involved in the immune response. Inhibitors of calcineurin, such as cyclosporine A and tacrolimus, are commonly used as immunosuppressive drugs to prevent organ rejection after transplantation.

Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 6, Group A, Member 1 (NR6A1) is a gene that encodes for the steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) protein, which is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily. These proteins are transcription factors that regulate gene expression by binding to specific DNA sequences.

The SF-1 protein plays critical roles in the development and function of the endocrine system, including the regulation of steroid hormone biosynthesis, gonadal development, and reproductive function. Mutations in the NR6A1 gene have been associated with several genetic disorders, such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, primary ovarian insufficiency, and XY female disorder of sex development.

Oligonucleotides are short sequences of nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA and RNA. They typically contain fewer than 100 nucleotides, and can be synthesized chemically to have specific sequences. Oligonucleotides are used in a variety of applications in molecular biology, including as probes for detecting specific DNA or RNA sequences, as inhibitors of gene expression, and as components of diagnostic tests and therapies. They can also be used in the study of protein-nucleic acid interactions and in the development of new drugs.

RNA interference (RNAi) is a biological process in which RNA molecules inhibit the expression of specific genes. This process is mediated by small RNA molecules, including microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), that bind to complementary sequences on messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules, leading to their degradation or translation inhibition.

RNAi plays a crucial role in regulating gene expression and defending against foreign genetic elements, such as viruses and transposons. It has also emerged as an important tool for studying gene function and developing therapeutic strategies for various diseases, including cancer and viral infections.

Northern blotting is a laboratory technique used in molecular biology to detect and analyze specific RNA molecules (such as mRNA) in a mixture of total RNA extracted from cells or tissues. This technique is called "Northern" blotting because it is analogous to the Southern blotting method, which is used for DNA detection.

The Northern blotting procedure involves several steps:

1. Electrophoresis: The total RNA mixture is first separated based on size by running it through an agarose gel using electrical current. This separates the RNA molecules according to their length, with smaller RNA fragments migrating faster than larger ones.

2. Transfer: After electrophoresis, the RNA bands are denatured (made single-stranded) and transferred from the gel onto a nitrocellulose or nylon membrane using a technique called capillary transfer or vacuum blotting. This step ensures that the order and relative positions of the RNA fragments are preserved on the membrane, similar to how they appear in the gel.

3. Cross-linking: The RNA is then chemically cross-linked to the membrane using UV light or heat treatment, which helps to immobilize the RNA onto the membrane and prevent it from washing off during subsequent steps.

4. Prehybridization: Before adding the labeled probe, the membrane is prehybridized in a solution containing blocking agents (such as salmon sperm DNA or yeast tRNA) to minimize non-specific binding of the probe to the membrane.

5. Hybridization: A labeled nucleic acid probe, specific to the RNA of interest, is added to the prehybridization solution and allowed to hybridize (form base pairs) with its complementary RNA sequence on the membrane. The probe can be either a DNA or an RNA molecule, and it is typically labeled with a radioactive isotope (such as ³²P) or a non-radioactive label (such as digoxigenin).

6. Washing: After hybridization, the membrane is washed to remove unbound probe and reduce background noise. The washing conditions (temperature, salt concentration, and detergent concentration) are optimized based on the stringency required for specific hybridization.

7. Detection: The presence of the labeled probe is then detected using an appropriate method, depending on the type of label used. For radioactive probes, this typically involves exposing the membrane to X-ray film or a phosphorimager screen and analyzing the resulting image. For non-radioactive probes, detection can be performed using colorimetric, chemiluminescent, or fluorescent methods.

8. Data analysis: The intensity of the signal is quantified and compared to controls (such as housekeeping genes) to determine the relative expression level of the RNA of interest. This information can be used for various purposes, such as identifying differentially expressed genes in response to a specific treatment or comparing gene expression levels across different samples or conditions.

Gene expression profiling is a laboratory technique used to measure the activity (expression) of thousands of genes at once. This technique allows researchers and clinicians to identify which genes are turned on or off in a particular cell, tissue, or organism under specific conditions, such as during health, disease, development, or in response to various treatments.

The process typically involves isolating RNA from the cells or tissues of interest, converting it into complementary DNA (cDNA), and then using microarray or high-throughput sequencing technologies to determine which genes are expressed and at what levels. The resulting data can be used to identify patterns of gene expression that are associated with specific biological states or processes, providing valuable insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms of diseases and potential targets for therapeutic intervention.

In recent years, gene expression profiling has become an essential tool in various fields, including cancer research, drug discovery, and personalized medicine, where it is used to identify biomarkers of disease, predict patient outcomes, and guide treatment decisions.

Glucokinase is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in regulating glucose metabolism. It is primarily found in the liver, pancreas, and brain. In the pancreas, glucokinase helps to trigger the release of insulin in response to rising blood glucose levels. In the liver, it plays a key role in controlling glucose storage and production.

Glucokinase has a unique property among hexokinases (enzymes that phosphorylate six-carbon sugars) in that it is not inhibited by its product, glucose-6-phosphate. This allows it to continue functioning even when glucose levels are high, making it an important regulator of glucose metabolism.

Defects in the gene that codes for glucokinase can lead to several types of inherited diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

CCAAT-Enhancer-Binding Protein-alpha (CEBPA) is a transcription factor that plays a crucial role in the regulation of genes involved in the differentiation and proliferation of hematopoietic cells, which are the precursor cells to all blood cells. The protein binds to the CCAAT box, a specific DNA sequence found in the promoter regions of many genes, and activates or represses their transcription.

Mutations in the CEBPA gene have been associated with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow. These mutations can lead to an increased risk of developing AML, as well as resistance to chemotherapy treatments. Therefore, understanding the function of CEBPA and its role in hematopoiesis is essential for the development of new therapies for AML and other hematological disorders.

Immunoprecipitation (IP) is a research technique used in molecular biology and immunology to isolate specific antigens or antibodies from a mixture. It involves the use of an antibody that recognizes and binds to a specific antigen, which is then precipitated out of solution using various methods, such as centrifugation or chemical cross-linking.

In this technique, an antibody is first incubated with a sample containing the antigen of interest. The antibody specifically binds to the antigen, forming an immune complex. This complex can then be captured by adding protein A or G agarose beads, which bind to the constant region of the antibody. The beads are then washed to remove any unbound proteins, leaving behind the precipitated antigen-antibody complex.

Immunoprecipitation is a powerful tool for studying protein-protein interactions, post-translational modifications, and signal transduction pathways. It can also be used to detect and quantify specific proteins in biological samples, such as cells or tissues, and to identify potential biomarkers of disease.

Dexamethasone is a type of corticosteroid medication, which is a synthetic version of a natural hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It is often used to reduce inflammation and suppress the immune system in a variety of medical conditions, including allergies, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and certain skin conditions.

Dexamethasone works by binding to specific receptors in cells, which triggers a range of anti-inflammatory effects. These include reducing the production of chemicals that cause inflammation, suppressing the activity of immune cells, and stabilizing cell membranes.

In addition to its anti-inflammatory effects, dexamethasone can also be used to treat other medical conditions, such as certain types of cancer, brain swelling, and adrenal insufficiency. It is available in a variety of forms, including tablets, liquids, creams, and injectable solutions.

Like all medications, dexamethasone can have side effects, particularly if used for long periods of time or at high doses. These may include mood changes, increased appetite, weight gain, acne, thinning skin, easy bruising, and an increased risk of infections. It is important to follow the instructions of a healthcare provider when taking dexamethasone to minimize the risk of side effects.

Developmental gene expression regulation refers to the processes that control the activation or repression of specific genes during embryonic and fetal development. These regulatory mechanisms ensure that genes are expressed at the right time, in the right cells, and at appropriate levels to guide proper growth, differentiation, and morphogenesis of an organism.

Developmental gene expression regulation is a complex and dynamic process involving various molecular players, such as transcription factors, chromatin modifiers, non-coding RNAs, and signaling molecules. These regulators can interact with cis-regulatory elements, like enhancers and promoters, to fine-tune the spatiotemporal patterns of gene expression during development.

Dysregulation of developmental gene expression can lead to various congenital disorders and developmental abnormalities. Therefore, understanding the principles and mechanisms governing developmental gene expression regulation is crucial for uncovering the etiology of developmental diseases and devising potential therapeutic strategies.

Organic anion transporters (OATs) are membrane transport proteins that are responsible for the cellular uptake and excretion of various organic anions, such as drugs, toxins, and endogenous metabolites. They are found in various tissues, including the kidney, liver, and brain, where they play important roles in the elimination and detoxification of xenobiotics and endogenous compounds.

In the kidney, OATs are located in the basolateral membrane of renal tubular epithelial cells and mediate the uptake of organic anions from the blood into the cells. From there, the anions can be further transported into the urine by other transporters located in the apical membrane. In the liver, OATs are expressed in the sinusoidal membrane of hepatocytes and facilitate the uptake of organic anions from the blood into the liver cells for metabolism and excretion.

There are several isoforms of OATs that have been identified, each with distinct substrate specificities and tissue distributions. Mutations in OAT genes can lead to various diseases, including renal tubular acidosis, hypercalciuria, and drug toxicity. Therefore, understanding the function and regulation of OATs is important for developing strategies to improve drug delivery and reduce adverse drug reactions.

DNA Mutational Analysis is a laboratory test used to identify genetic variations or changes (mutations) in the DNA sequence of a gene. This type of analysis can be used to diagnose genetic disorders, predict the risk of developing certain diseases, determine the most effective treatment for cancer, or assess the likelihood of passing on an inherited condition to offspring.

The test involves extracting DNA from a patient's sample (such as blood, saliva, or tissue), amplifying specific regions of interest using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and then sequencing those regions to determine the precise order of nucleotide bases in the DNA molecule. The resulting sequence is then compared to reference sequences to identify any variations or mutations that may be present.

DNA Mutational Analysis can detect a wide range of genetic changes, including single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions, deletions, duplications, and rearrangements. The test is often used in conjunction with other diagnostic tests and clinical evaluations to provide a comprehensive assessment of a patient's genetic profile.

It is important to note that not all mutations are pathogenic or associated with disease, and the interpretation of DNA Mutational Analysis results requires careful consideration of the patient's medical history, family history, and other relevant factors.

Biological models, also known as physiological models or organismal models, are simplified representations of biological systems, processes, or mechanisms that are used to understand and explain the underlying principles and relationships. These models can be theoretical (conceptual or mathematical) or physical (such as anatomical models, cell cultures, or animal models). They are widely used in biomedical research to study various phenomena, including disease pathophysiology, drug action, and therapeutic interventions.

Examples of biological models include:

1. Mathematical models: These use mathematical equations and formulas to describe complex biological systems or processes, such as population dynamics, metabolic pathways, or gene regulation networks. They can help predict the behavior of these systems under different conditions and test hypotheses about their underlying mechanisms.
2. Cell cultures: These are collections of cells grown in a controlled environment, typically in a laboratory dish or flask. They can be used to study cellular processes, such as signal transduction, gene expression, or metabolism, and to test the effects of drugs or other treatments on these processes.
3. Animal models: These are living organisms, usually vertebrates like mice, rats, or non-human primates, that are used to study various aspects of human biology and disease. They can provide valuable insights into the pathophysiology of diseases, the mechanisms of drug action, and the safety and efficacy of new therapies.
4. Anatomical models: These are physical representations of biological structures or systems, such as plastic models of organs or tissues, that can be used for educational purposes or to plan surgical procedures. They can also serve as a basis for developing more sophisticated models, such as computer simulations or 3D-printed replicas.

Overall, biological models play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of biology and medicine, helping to identify new targets for therapeutic intervention, develop novel drugs and treatments, and improve human health.

The pancreas is a glandular organ located in the abdomen, posterior to the stomach. It has both exocrine and endocrine functions. The exocrine portion of the pancreas consists of acinar cells that produce and secrete digestive enzymes into the duodenum via the pancreatic duct. These enzymes help in the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in food.

The endocrine portion of the pancreas consists of clusters of cells called islets of Langerhans, which include alpha, beta, delta, and F cells. These cells produce and secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream, including insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide. Insulin and glucagon are critical regulators of blood sugar levels, with insulin promoting glucose uptake and storage in tissues and glucagon stimulating glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis to raise blood glucose when it is low.

REceptor Activator of NF-kB (RANK) Ligand is a type of protein that plays a crucial role in the immune system and bone metabolism. It belongs to the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily and is primarily produced by osteoblasts, which are cells responsible for bone formation.

RANK Ligand binds to its receptor RANK, which is found on the surface of osteoclasts, a type of cell involved in bone resorption or breakdown. The binding of RANK Ligand to RANK activates signaling pathways that promote the differentiation, activation, and survival of osteoclasts, thereby increasing bone resorption.

Abnormalities in the RANKL-RANK signaling pathway have been implicated in various bone diseases, such as osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and certain types of cancer that metastasize to bones. Therefore, targeting this pathway with therapeutic agents has emerged as a promising approach for the treatment of these conditions.

Carrier proteins, also known as transport proteins, are a type of protein that facilitates the movement of molecules across cell membranes. They are responsible for the selective and active transport of ions, sugars, amino acids, and other molecules from one side of the membrane to the other, against their concentration gradient. This process requires energy, usually in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Carrier proteins have a specific binding site for the molecule they transport, and undergo conformational changes upon binding, which allows them to move the molecule across the membrane. Once the molecule has been transported, the carrier protein returns to its original conformation, ready to bind and transport another molecule.

Carrier proteins play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ions and other molecules inside and outside of cells, and are essential for many physiological processes, including nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, and nutrient uptake.

Repressor proteins are a type of regulatory protein in molecular biology that suppress the transcription of specific genes into messenger RNA (mRNA) by binding to DNA. They function as part of gene regulation processes, often working in conjunction with an operator region and a promoter region within the DNA molecule. Repressor proteins can be activated or deactivated by various signals, allowing for precise control over gene expression in response to changing cellular conditions.

There are two main types of repressor proteins:

1. DNA-binding repressors: These directly bind to specific DNA sequences (operator regions) near the target gene and prevent RNA polymerase from transcribing the gene into mRNA.
2. Allosteric repressors: These bind to effector molecules, which then cause a conformational change in the repressor protein, enabling it to bind to DNA and inhibit transcription.

Repressor proteins play crucial roles in various biological processes, such as development, metabolism, and stress response, by controlling gene expression patterns in cells.

Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) is a laboratory technique used in molecular biology to amplify and detect specific DNA sequences in real-time. It is a sensitive and specific method that allows for the quantification of target nucleic acids, such as DNA or RNA, through the use of fluorescent reporter molecules.

The RT-PCR process involves several steps: first, the template DNA is denatured to separate the double-stranded DNA into single strands. Then, primers (short sequences of DNA) specific to the target sequence are added and allowed to anneal to the template DNA. Next, a heat-stable enzyme called Taq polymerase adds nucleotides to the annealed primers, extending them along the template DNA until a new double-stranded DNA molecule is formed.

During each amplification cycle, fluorescent reporter molecules are added that bind specifically to the newly synthesized DNA. As more and more copies of the target sequence are generated, the amount of fluorescence increases in proportion to the number of copies present. This allows for real-time monitoring of the PCR reaction and quantification of the target nucleic acid.

RT-PCR is commonly used in medical diagnostics, research, and forensics to detect and quantify specific DNA or RNA sequences. It has been widely used in the diagnosis of infectious diseases, genetic disorders, and cancer, as well as in the identification of microbial pathogens and the detection of gene expression.

Protein isoforms are different forms or variants of a protein that are produced from a single gene through the process of alternative splicing, where different exons (or parts of exons) are included in the mature mRNA molecule. This results in the production of multiple, slightly different proteins that share a common core structure but have distinct sequences and functions. Protein isoforms can also arise from genetic variations such as single nucleotide polymorphisms or mutations that alter the protein-coding sequence of a gene. These differences in protein sequence can affect the stability, localization, activity, or interaction partners of the protein isoform, leading to functional diversity and specialization within cells and organisms.

"Competitive binding" is a term used in pharmacology and biochemistry to describe the behavior of two or more molecules (ligands) competing for the same binding site on a target protein or receptor. In this context, "binding" refers to the physical interaction between a ligand and its target.

When a ligand binds to a receptor, it can alter the receptor's function, either activating or inhibiting it. If multiple ligands compete for the same binding site, they will compete to bind to the receptor. The ability of each ligand to bind to the receptor is influenced by its affinity for the receptor, which is a measure of how strongly and specifically the ligand binds to the receptor.

In competitive binding, if one ligand is present in high concentrations, it can prevent other ligands with lower affinity from binding to the receptor. This is because the higher-affinity ligand will have a greater probability of occupying the binding site and blocking access to the other ligands. The competition between ligands can be described mathematically using equations such as the Langmuir isotherm, which describes the relationship between the concentration of ligand and the fraction of receptors that are occupied by the ligand.

Competitive binding is an important concept in drug development, as it can be used to predict how different drugs will interact with their targets and how they may affect each other's activity. By understanding the competitive binding properties of a drug, researchers can optimize its dosage and delivery to maximize its therapeutic effect while minimizing unwanted side effects.

Glutathione transferases (GSTs) are a group of enzymes involved in the detoxification of xenobiotics and endogenous compounds. They facilitate the conjugation of these compounds with glutathione, a tripeptide consisting of cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine, which results in more water-soluble products that can be easily excreted from the body.

GSTs play a crucial role in protecting cells against oxidative stress and chemical injury by neutralizing reactive electrophilic species and peroxides. They are found in various tissues, including the liver, kidneys, lungs, and intestines, and are classified into several families based on their structure and function.

Abnormalities in GST activity have been associated with increased susceptibility to certain diseases, such as cancer, neurological disorders, and respiratory diseases. Therefore, GSTs have become a subject of interest in toxicology, pharmacology, and clinical research.

Complementary DNA (cDNA) is a type of DNA that is synthesized from a single-stranded RNA molecule through the process of reverse transcription. In this process, the enzyme reverse transcriptase uses an RNA molecule as a template to synthesize a complementary DNA strand. The resulting cDNA is therefore complementary to the original RNA molecule and is a copy of its coding sequence, but it does not contain non-coding regions such as introns that are present in genomic DNA.

Complementary DNA is often used in molecular biology research to study gene expression, protein function, and other genetic phenomena. For example, cDNA can be used to create cDNA libraries, which are collections of cloned cDNA fragments that represent the expressed genes in a particular cell type or tissue. These libraries can then be screened for specific genes or gene products of interest. Additionally, cDNA can be used to produce recombinant proteins in heterologous expression systems, allowing researchers to study the structure and function of proteins that may be difficult to express or purify from their native sources.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "TATA box" is actually a term used in molecular biology, specifically in the field of genetics and gene regulation. It does not have a direct medical definition.

The TATA box is a DNA sequence located in the promoter region of many genes, which serves as a binding site for certain proteins involved in the initiation of transcription. Transcription is the first step in gene expression, where the information in a gene is used to create a corresponding protein or RNA molecule.

The TATA box is typically found about 25-30 base pairs upstream of the transcription start site and has the consensus sequence "TATAAA". It is recognized by the TATA-binding protein (TBP), which is a component of the transcription factor II D (TFIIB) complex. The binding of TBP to the TATA box helps to position the RNA polymerase enzyme properly for the initiation of transcription.

While not a medical term per se, understanding the function of the TATA box and other cis-acting elements in gene regulation is important for understanding how genes are turned on and off in various cellular processes and how this can go awry in certain diseases.

Dimerization is a process in which two molecules, usually proteins or similar structures, bind together to form a larger complex. This can occur through various mechanisms, such as the formation of disulfide bonds, hydrogen bonding, or other non-covalent interactions. Dimerization can play important roles in cell signaling, enzyme function, and the regulation of gene expression.

In the context of medical research and therapy, dimerization is often studied in relation to specific proteins that are involved in diseases such as cancer. For example, some drugs have been developed to target and inhibit the dimerization of certain proteins, with the goal of disrupting their function and slowing or stopping the progression of the disease.

3T3 cells are a type of cell line that is commonly used in scientific research. The name "3T3" is derived from the fact that these cells were developed by treating mouse embryo cells with a chemical called trypsin and then culturing them in a flask at a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.

Specifically, 3T3 cells are a type of fibroblast, which is a type of cell that is responsible for producing connective tissue in the body. They are often used in studies involving cell growth and proliferation, as well as in toxicity tests and drug screening assays.

One particularly well-known use of 3T3 cells is in the 3T3-L1 cell line, which is a subtype of 3T3 cells that can be differentiated into adipocytes (fat cells) under certain conditions. These cells are often used in studies of adipose tissue biology and obesity.

It's important to note that because 3T3 cells are a type of immortalized cell line, they do not always behave exactly the same way as primary cells (cells that are taken directly from a living organism). As such, researchers must be careful when interpreting results obtained using 3T3 cells and consider any potential limitations or artifacts that may arise due to their use.

Phosphorylation is the process of adding a phosphate group (a molecule consisting of one phosphorus atom and four oxygen atoms) to a protein or other organic molecule, which is usually done by enzymes called kinases. This post-translational modification can change the function, localization, or activity of the target molecule, playing a crucial role in various cellular processes such as signal transduction, metabolism, and regulation of gene expression. Phosphorylation is reversible, and the removal of the phosphate group is facilitated by enzymes called phosphatases.

The "age of onset" is a medical term that refers to the age at which an individual first develops or displays symptoms of a particular disease, disorder, or condition. It can be used to describe various medical conditions, including both physical and mental health disorders. The age of onset can have implications for prognosis, treatment approaches, and potential causes of the condition. In some cases, early onset may indicate a more severe or progressive course of the disease, while late-onset symptoms might be associated with different underlying factors or etiologies. It is essential to provide accurate and precise information regarding the age of onset when discussing a patient's medical history and treatment plan.

Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis is a type of microarray analysis that allows for the simultaneous measurement of the expression levels of thousands of genes in a single sample. In this technique, oligonucleotides (short DNA sequences) are attached to a solid support, such as a glass slide, in a specific pattern. These oligonucleotides are designed to be complementary to specific target mRNA sequences from the sample being analyzed.

During the analysis, labeled RNA or cDNA from the sample is hybridized to the oligonucleotide array. The level of hybridization is then measured and used to determine the relative abundance of each target sequence in the sample. This information can be used to identify differences in gene expression between samples, which can help researchers understand the underlying biological processes involved in various diseases or developmental stages.

It's important to note that this technique requires specialized equipment and bioinformatics tools for data analysis, as well as careful experimental design and validation to ensure accurate and reproducible results.

Retinoic acid receptors (RARs) are a type of nuclear receptor proteins that play crucial roles in the regulation of gene transcription. They are activated by retinoic acid, which is a metabolite of vitamin A. There are three subtypes of RARs, namely RARα, RARβ, and RARγ, each encoded by different genes.

Once retinoic acid binds to RARs, they form heterodimers with another type of nuclear receptor called retinoid X receptors (RXRs). The RAR-RXR complex then binds to specific DNA sequences called retinoic acid response elements (RAREs) in the promoter regions of target genes. This binding event leads to the recruitment of coactivator proteins and the modification of chromatin structure, ultimately resulting in the activation or repression of gene transcription.

Retinoic acid and its receptors play essential roles in various biological processes, including embryonic development, cell differentiation, apoptosis, and immune function. In addition, RARs have been implicated in several diseases, such as cancer, where they can act as tumor suppressors or oncogenes depending on the context. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms of RAR signaling has important implications for the development of novel therapeutic strategies for various diseases.

Exons are the coding regions of DNA that remain in the mature, processed mRNA after the removal of non-coding intronic sequences during RNA splicing. These exons contain the information necessary to encode proteins, as they specify the sequence of amino acids within a polypeptide chain. The arrangement and order of exons can vary between different genes and even between different versions of the same gene (alternative splicing), allowing for the generation of multiple protein isoforms from a single gene. This complexity in exon structure and usage significantly contributes to the diversity and functionality of the proteome.

Genetic models are theoretical frameworks used in genetics to describe and explain the inheritance patterns and genetic architecture of traits, diseases, or phenomena. These models are based on mathematical equations and statistical methods that incorporate information about gene frequencies, modes of inheritance, and the effects of environmental factors. They can be used to predict the probability of certain genetic outcomes, to understand the genetic basis of complex traits, and to inform medical management and treatment decisions.

There are several types of genetic models, including:

1. Mendelian models: These models describe the inheritance patterns of simple genetic traits that follow Mendel's laws of segregation and independent assortment. Examples include autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked inheritance.
2. Complex trait models: These models describe the inheritance patterns of complex traits that are influenced by multiple genes and environmental factors. Examples include heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
3. Population genetics models: These models describe the distribution and frequency of genetic variants within populations over time. They can be used to study evolutionary processes, such as natural selection and genetic drift.
4. Quantitative genetics models: These models describe the relationship between genetic variation and phenotypic variation in continuous traits, such as height or IQ. They can be used to estimate heritability and to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that contribute to trait variation.
5. Statistical genetics models: These models use statistical methods to analyze genetic data and infer the presence of genetic associations or linkage. They can be used to identify genetic risk factors for diseases or traits.

Overall, genetic models are essential tools in genetics research and medical genetics, as they allow researchers to make predictions about genetic outcomes, test hypotheses about the genetic basis of traits and diseases, and develop strategies for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

Restriction mapping is a technique used in molecular biology to identify the location and arrangement of specific restriction endonuclease recognition sites within a DNA molecule. Restriction endonucleases are enzymes that cut double-stranded DNA at specific sequences, producing fragments of various lengths. By digesting the DNA with different combinations of these enzymes and analyzing the resulting fragment sizes through techniques such as agarose gel electrophoresis, researchers can generate a restriction map - a visual representation of the locations and distances between recognition sites on the DNA molecule. This information is crucial for various applications, including cloning, genome analysis, and genetic engineering.

NF-κB (Nuclear Factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells) p50 subunit, also known as NFKB1, is a protein that plays a crucial role in regulating the immune response, inflammation, and cell survival. The NF-κB p50 subunit can form homodimers or heterodimers with other NF-κB family members, such as p65 (RelA) or c-Rel, to bind to specific DNA sequences called κB sites in the promoter regions of target genes.

The activation of NF-κB signaling leads to the nuclear translocation of these dimers and the regulation of gene expression involved in various biological processes, including immune response, inflammation, differentiation, cell growth, and apoptosis. The p50 subunit can act as a transcriptional activator or repressor, depending on its partner and the context.

In summary, NF-κB p50 Subunit is a protein involved in the regulation of gene expression, particularly in immune response, inflammation, and cell survival, through its ability to bind to specific DNA sequences as part of homodimers or heterodimers with other NF-κB family members.

'Cercopithecus aethiops' is the scientific name for the monkey species more commonly known as the green monkey. It belongs to the family Cercopithecidae and is native to western Africa. The green monkey is omnivorous, with a diet that includes fruits, nuts, seeds, insects, and small vertebrates. They are known for their distinctive greenish-brown fur and long tail. Green monkeys are also important animal models in biomedical research due to their susceptibility to certain diseases, such as SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus), which is closely related to HIV.

Lipid metabolism is the process by which the body breaks down and utilizes lipids (fats) for various functions, such as energy production, cell membrane formation, and hormone synthesis. This complex process involves several enzymes and pathways that regulate the digestion, absorption, transport, storage, and consumption of fats in the body.

The main types of lipids involved in metabolism include triglycerides, cholesterol, phospholipids, and fatty acids. The breakdown of these lipids begins in the digestive system, where enzymes called lipases break down dietary fats into smaller molecules called fatty acids and glycerol. These molecules are then absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to the liver, which is the main site of lipid metabolism.

In the liver, fatty acids may be further broken down for energy production or used to synthesize new lipids. Excess fatty acids may be stored as triglycerides in specialized cells called adipocytes (fat cells) for later use. Cholesterol is also metabolized in the liver, where it may be used to synthesize bile acids, steroid hormones, and other important molecules.

Disorders of lipid metabolism can lead to a range of health problems, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). These conditions may be caused by genetic factors, lifestyle habits, or a combination of both. Proper diagnosis and management of lipid metabolism disorders typically involves a combination of dietary changes, exercise, and medication.

Introns are non-coding sequences of DNA that are present within the genes of eukaryotic organisms, including plants, animals, and humans. Introns are removed during the process of RNA splicing, in which the initial RNA transcript is cut and reconnected to form a mature, functional RNA molecule.

After the intron sequences are removed, the remaining coding sequences, known as exons, are joined together to create a continuous stretch of genetic information that can be translated into a protein or used to produce non-coding RNAs with specific functions. The removal of introns allows for greater flexibility in gene expression and regulation, enabling the generation of multiple proteins from a single gene through alternative splicing.

In summary, introns are non-coding DNA sequences within genes that are removed during RNA processing to create functional RNA molecules or proteins.

Transcription Factor AP-1 (Activator Protein 1) is a heterodimeric transcription factor that belongs to the bZIP (basic region-leucine zipper) family. It is formed by the dimerization of Jun (c-Jun, JunB, JunD) and Fos (c-Fos, FosB, Fra1, Fra2) protein families, or alternatively by homodimers of Jun proteins. AP-1 plays a crucial role in regulating gene expression in various cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Its activity is tightly controlled through various signaling pathways, including the MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) cascades, which lead to phosphorylation and activation of its components. Once activated, AP-1 binds to specific DNA sequences called TPA response elements (TREs) or AP-1 sites, thereby modulating the transcription of target genes involved in various cellular responses, such as inflammation, immune response, stress response, and oncogenic transformation.

Sequence homology, amino acid, refers to the similarity in the order of amino acids in a protein or a portion of a protein between two or more species. This similarity can be used to infer evolutionary relationships and functional similarities between proteins. The higher the degree of sequence homology, the more likely it is that the proteins are related and have similar functions. Sequence homology can be determined through various methods such as pairwise alignment or multiple sequence alignment, which compare the sequences and calculate a score based on the number and type of matching amino acids.

Tissue distribution, in the context of pharmacology and toxicology, refers to the way that a drug or xenobiotic (a chemical substance found within an organism that is not naturally produced by or expected to be present within that organism) is distributed throughout the body's tissues after administration. It describes how much of the drug or xenobiotic can be found in various tissues and organs, and is influenced by factors such as blood flow, lipid solubility, protein binding, and the permeability of cell membranes. Understanding tissue distribution is important for predicting the potential effects of a drug or toxin on different parts of the body, and for designing drugs with improved safety and efficacy profiles.

RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) is a single-stranded, linear polymer of ribonucleotides. It is a nucleic acid present in the cells of all living organisms and some viruses. RNAs play crucial roles in various biological processes such as protein synthesis, gene regulation, and cellular signaling. There are several types of RNA including messenger RNA (mRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), small nuclear RNA (snRNA), microRNA (miRNA), and long non-coding RNA (lncRNA). These RNAs differ in their structure, function, and location within the cell.

A genetic vector is a vehicle, often a plasmid or a virus, that is used to introduce foreign DNA into a host cell as part of genetic engineering or gene therapy techniques. The vector contains the desired gene or genes, along with regulatory elements such as promoters and enhancers, which are needed for the expression of the gene in the target cells.

The choice of vector depends on several factors, including the size of the DNA to be inserted, the type of cell to be targeted, and the efficiency of uptake and expression required. Commonly used vectors include plasmids, adenoviruses, retroviruses, and lentiviruses.

Plasmids are small circular DNA molecules that can replicate independently in bacteria. They are often used as cloning vectors to amplify and manipulate DNA fragments. Adenoviruses are double-stranded DNA viruses that infect a wide range of host cells, including human cells. They are commonly used as gene therapy vectors because they can efficiently transfer genes into both dividing and non-dividing cells.

Retroviruses and lentiviruses are RNA viruses that integrate their genetic material into the host cell's genome. This allows for stable expression of the transgene over time. Lentiviruses, a subclass of retroviruses, have the advantage of being able to infect non-dividing cells, making them useful for gene therapy applications in post-mitotic tissues such as neurons and muscle cells.

Overall, genetic vectors play a crucial role in modern molecular biology and medicine, enabling researchers to study gene function, develop new therapies, and modify organisms for various purposes.

Apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) is a major protein component of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) in human plasma. It plays a crucial role in the metabolism and transport of lipids, particularly cholesterol, within the body. ApoA-I facilitates the formation of HDL particles, which are involved in the reverse transport of cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver for excretion. This process is known as reverse cholesterol transport and helps maintain appropriate cholesterol levels in the body. Low levels of ApoA-I or dysfunctional ApoA-I have been associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Electrophoresis, polyacrylamide gel (EPG) is a laboratory technique used to separate and analyze complex mixtures of proteins or nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) based on their size and electrical charge. This technique utilizes a matrix made of cross-linked polyacrylamide, a type of gel, which provides a stable and uniform environment for the separation of molecules.

In this process:

1. The polyacrylamide gel is prepared by mixing acrylamide monomers with a cross-linking agent (bis-acrylamide) and a catalyst (ammonium persulfate) in the presence of a buffer solution.
2. The gel is then poured into a mold and allowed to polymerize, forming a solid matrix with uniform pore sizes that depend on the concentration of acrylamide used. Higher concentrations result in smaller pores, providing better resolution for separating smaller molecules.
3. Once the gel has set, it is placed in an electrophoresis apparatus containing a buffer solution. Samples containing the mixture of proteins or nucleic acids are loaded into wells on the top of the gel.
4. An electric field is applied across the gel, causing the negatively charged molecules to migrate towards the positive electrode (anode) while positively charged molecules move toward the negative electrode (cathode). The rate of migration depends on the size, charge, and shape of the molecules.
5. Smaller molecules move faster through the gel matrix and will migrate farther from the origin compared to larger molecules, resulting in separation based on size. Proteins and nucleic acids can be selectively stained after electrophoresis to visualize the separated bands.

EPG is widely used in various research fields, including molecular biology, genetics, proteomics, and forensic science, for applications such as protein characterization, DNA fragment analysis, cloning, mutation detection, and quality control of nucleic acid or protein samples.

Up-regulation is a term used in molecular biology and medicine to describe an increase in the expression or activity of a gene, protein, or receptor in response to a stimulus. This can occur through various mechanisms such as increased transcription, translation, or reduced degradation of the molecule. Up-regulation can have important functional consequences, for example, enhancing the sensitivity or response of a cell to a hormone, neurotransmitter, or drug. It is a normal physiological process that can also be induced by disease or pharmacological interventions.

Cricetinae is a subfamily of rodents that includes hamsters, gerbils, and relatives. These small mammals are characterized by having short limbs, compact bodies, and cheek pouches for storing food. They are native to various parts of the world, particularly in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Some species are popular pets due to their small size, easy care, and friendly nature. In a medical context, understanding the biology and behavior of Cricetinae species can be important for individuals who keep them as pets or for researchers studying their physiology.

Cell proliferation is the process by which cells increase in number, typically through the process of cell division. In the context of biology and medicine, it refers to the reproduction of cells that makes up living tissue, allowing growth, maintenance, and repair. It involves several stages including the transition from a phase of quiescence (G0 phase) to an active phase (G1 phase), DNA replication in the S phase, and mitosis or M phase, where the cell divides into two daughter cells.

Abnormal or uncontrolled cell proliferation is a characteristic feature of many diseases, including cancer, where deregulated cell cycle control leads to excessive and unregulated growth of cells, forming tumors that can invade surrounding tissues and metastasize to distant sites in the body.

Chromatin is the complex of DNA, RNA, and proteins that make up the chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell. It is responsible for packaging the long DNA molecules into a more compact form that fits within the nucleus. Chromatin is made up of repeating units called nucleosomes, which consist of a histone protein octamer wrapped tightly by DNA. The structure of chromatin can be altered through chemical modifications to the histone proteins and DNA, which can influence gene expression and other cellular processes.

Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are large molecules found in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. They consist of a hydrophilic polysaccharide called the O-antigen, a core oligosaccharide, and a lipid portion known as Lipid A. The Lipid A component is responsible for the endotoxic activity of LPS, which can trigger a powerful immune response in animals, including humans. This response can lead to symptoms such as fever, inflammation, and septic shock, especially when large amounts of LPS are introduced into the bloodstream.

A symporter is a type of transmembrane protein that functions to transport two or more molecules or ions across a biological membrane in the same direction, simultaneously. This process is called co-transport and it is driven by the concentration gradient of one of the substrates, which is usually an ion such as sodium (Na+) or proton (H+).

Symporters are classified based on the type of energy that drives the transport process. Primary active transporters, such as symporters, use the energy from ATP hydrolysis or from the electrochemical gradient of ions to move substrates against their concentration gradient. In contrast, secondary active transporters use the energy stored in an existing electrochemical gradient of one substrate to drive the transport of another substrate against its own concentration gradient.

Symporters play important roles in various physiological processes, including nutrient uptake, neurotransmitter reuptake, and ion homeostasis. For example, the sodium-glucose transporter (SGLT) is a symporter that co-transports glucose and sodium ions across the intestinal epithelium and the renal proximal tubule, contributing to glucose absorption and regulation of blood glucose levels. Similarly, the dopamine transporter (DAT) is a symporter that co-transports dopamine and sodium ions back into presynaptic neurons, terminating the action of dopamine in the synapse.

Hepatectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of part or all of the liver. This procedure can be performed for various reasons, such as removing cancerous or non-cancerous tumors, treating liver trauma, or donating a portion of the liver to another person in need of a transplant (live donor hepatectomy). The extent of the hepatectomy depends on the medical condition and overall health of the patient. It is a complex procedure that requires significant expertise and experience from the surgical team due to the liver's unique anatomy, blood supply, and regenerative capabilities.

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a cytokine, a type of protein that plays a crucial role in communication between cells, especially in the immune system. It is produced by various cells including T-cells, B-cells, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells in response to infection, injury, or inflammation.

IL-6 has diverse effects on different cell types. In the immune system, it stimulates the growth and differentiation of B-cells into plasma cells that produce antibodies. It also promotes the activation and survival of T-cells. Moreover, IL-6 plays a role in fever induction by acting on the hypothalamus to raise body temperature during an immune response.

In addition to its functions in the immune system, IL-6 has been implicated in various physiological processes such as hematopoiesis (the formation of blood cells), bone metabolism, and neural development. However, abnormal levels of IL-6 have also been associated with several diseases, including autoimmune disorders, chronic inflammation, and cancer.

Viral DNA refers to the genetic material present in viruses that consist of DNA as their core component. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is one of the two types of nucleic acids that are responsible for storing and transmitting genetic information in living organisms. Viruses are infectious agents much smaller than bacteria that can only replicate inside the cells of other organisms, called hosts.

Viral DNA can be double-stranded (dsDNA) or single-stranded (ssDNA), depending on the type of virus. Double-stranded DNA viruses have a genome made up of two complementary strands of DNA, while single-stranded DNA viruses contain only one strand of DNA.

Examples of dsDNA viruses include Adenoviruses, Herpesviruses, and Poxviruses, while ssDNA viruses include Parvoviruses and Circoviruses. Viral DNA plays a crucial role in the replication cycle of the virus, encoding for various proteins necessary for its multiplication and survival within the host cell.

Thiocarbamates are a group of chemical compounds that contain a functional group with the structure R-S-CO-NH-R', where R and R' represent organic groups. They are commonly used as herbicides, fungicides, and nematocides in agriculture due to their ability to inhibit certain enzymes in plants and pests.

In a medical context, thiocarbamates have been studied for their potential therapeutic effects, particularly as anti-cancer agents. Some thiocarbamate derivatives have been found to inhibit the growth of cancer cells by interfering with microtubule dynamics or by inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death). However, more research is needed to fully understand their mechanisms of action and potential side effects before they can be widely used in clinical settings.

A lung is a pair of spongy, elastic organs in the chest that work together to enable breathing. They are responsible for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide through the process of respiration. The left lung has two lobes, while the right lung has three lobes. The lungs are protected by the ribcage and are covered by a double-layered membrane called the pleura. The trachea divides into two bronchi, which further divide into smaller bronchioles, leading to millions of tiny air sacs called alveoli, where the exchange of gases occurs.

Cell division is the process by which a single eukaryotic cell (a cell with a true nucleus) divides into two identical daughter cells. This complex process involves several stages, including replication of DNA, separation of chromosomes, and division of the cytoplasm. There are two main types of cell division: mitosis and meiosis.

Mitosis is the type of cell division that results in two genetically identical daughter cells. It is a fundamental process for growth, development, and tissue repair in multicellular organisms. The stages of mitosis include prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, followed by cytokinesis, which divides the cytoplasm.

Meiosis, on the other hand, is a type of cell division that occurs in the gonads (ovaries and testes) during the production of gametes (sex cells). Meiosis results in four genetically unique daughter cells, each with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. This process is essential for sexual reproduction and genetic diversity. The stages of meiosis include meiosis I and meiosis II, which are further divided into prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

In summary, cell division is the process by which a single cell divides into two daughter cells, either through mitosis or meiosis. This process is critical for growth, development, tissue repair, and sexual reproduction in multicellular organisms.

Insulin-secreting cells, also known as beta cells, are a type of cell found in the pancreas. They are responsible for producing and releasing insulin, a hormone that regulates blood glucose levels by allowing cells in the body to take in glucose from the bloodstream. Insulin-secreting cells are clustered together in the pancreatic islets, along with other types of cells that produce other hormones such as glucagon and somatostatin. In people with diabetes, these cells may not function properly, leading to an impaired ability to regulate blood sugar levels.

Virus replication is the process by which a virus produces copies or reproduces itself inside a host cell. This involves several steps:

1. Attachment: The virus attaches to a specific receptor on the surface of the host cell.
2. Penetration: The viral genetic material enters the host cell, either by invagination of the cell membrane or endocytosis.
3. Uncoating: The viral genetic material is released from its protective coat (capsid) inside the host cell.
4. Replication: The viral genetic material uses the host cell's machinery to produce new viral components, such as proteins and nucleic acids.
5. Assembly: The newly synthesized viral components are assembled into new virus particles.
6. Release: The newly formed viruses are released from the host cell, often through lysis (breaking) of the cell membrane or by budding off the cell membrane.

The specific mechanisms and details of virus replication can vary depending on the type of virus. Some viruses, such as DNA viruses, use the host cell's DNA polymerase to replicate their genetic material, while others, such as RNA viruses, use their own RNA-dependent RNA polymerase or reverse transcriptase enzymes. Understanding the process of virus replication is important for developing antiviral therapies and vaccines.

In genetics, sequence alignment is the process of arranging two or more DNA, RNA, or protein sequences to identify regions of similarity or homology between them. This is often done using computational methods to compare the nucleotide or amino acid sequences and identify matching patterns, which can provide insight into evolutionary relationships, functional domains, or potential genetic disorders. The alignment process typically involves adjusting gaps and mismatches in the sequences to maximize the similarity between them, resulting in an aligned sequence that can be visually represented and analyzed.

Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 Hepatocyte nuclear factors GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000101076 - Ensembl, May 2017 GRCm38: ... Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha (HNF4A) also known as NR2A1 (nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group A, member 1) is a nuclear ... including hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha, a transcription factor which regulates the expression of several hepatic genes. ... "The orphan nuclear receptor SHP inhibits hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 and retinoid X receptor transactivation: two mechanisms ...
Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1A bound to DNA [1] Different rendering of HNF1a bound to DNA Hepatocyte+Nuclear+Factors at the U.S. ... Hepatocyte nuclear factors (HNFs) are a group of phylogenetically unrelated transcription factors that regulate the ... Ryffel GU (2001). "Mutations in the human genes encoding the transcription factors of the hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)1 and ... Hence hepatocyte nuclear factors function to ensure liver specific expression of certain genes. As is the case with many ...
Hepatocyte nuclear factors Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4A Chartier FL, Bossu JP, Laudet V, Fruchart JC, Laine B (1994). "Cloning ... HNF4 (Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4) is a nuclear receptor protein mostly expressed in the liver, gut, kidney, and pancreatic ... "Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 is a transcription factor that constitutively binds fatty acids". Structure. 10 (9): 1225-34. doi: ... Hepatocyte+Nuclear+Factor+4 at the U.S. National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) v t e (Articles with short ...
Hepatocyte nuclear factor 3-gamma (HNF-3G), also known as forkhead box protein A3 (FOXA3) or transcription factor 3G (TCF-3G) ... "Analysis of hepatocyte nuclear factor-3 beta protein domains required for transcriptional activation and nuclear targeting". ... "Targeted disruption of the gene encoding hepatocyte nuclear factor 3gamma results in reduced transcription of hepatocyte- ... 2005). "A hepatocyte nuclear factor-3 site in the fibrinogen beta promoter is important for interleukin 6-induced expression, ...
"Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1A Is a Cell-Intrinsic Transcription Factor Required for B Cell Differentiation and Development in ... and transcription factor 1, TCF1, respectively) and of the hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor gene (HGF)". Genomics. 13 (2 ... HNF1 homeobox A (hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 homeobox A), also known as HNF1A, is a human gene on chromosome 12. It is ... Luo Z, Li Y, Wang H, Fleming J, Li M, Kang Y, Zhang R, Li D (2015-01-01). "Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1A (HNF1A) as a possible ...
"Hepatocyte growth factor induces Wnt-independent nuclear translocation of beta-catenin after Met-beta-catenin dissociation in ... "Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor activates the ETS1 transcription factor by a RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK signaling pathway". ... "Fully human monoclonal antibodies to hepatocyte growth factor with therapeutic potential against hepatocyte growth factor/c-Met ... Hepatocyte growth factor/Scatter Factor (HGF/SF) and its splicing isoform (NK1, NK2) are the only known ligands of the HGF ...
"Entrez Gene: PCBD2 pterin-4 alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase/dimerization cofactor of hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha (TCF1) 2 ... 6 (9): 791-806. doi:10.1101/gr.6.9.791. PMID 8889548. Wiemann S, Weil B, Wellenreuther R, et al. (2001). "Toward a catalog of ... 303 (1): 31-6. doi:10.1016/S0006-291X(03)00276-6. PMID 12646162. Gerhard DS, Wagner L, Feingold EA, et al. (2004). "The status ...
Wang JC, Stafford JM, Granner DK (1998). "SRC-1 and GRIP1 coactivate transcription with hepatocyte nuclear factor 4". J. Biol. ... GRIP1 is a transcriptional co-activator of the glucocorticoid receptor and interferon regulatory factor 1 (IRF1). Nuclear ... "Interaction of transcriptional intermediary factor 2 nuclear receptor box peptides with the coactivator binding site of ... The nuclear receptor coactivator 2 also known as NCoA-2 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the NCOA2 gene. NCoA-2 is ...
"Regulation of the Expression of Human Organic Anion Transporter 3 by Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 /beta and DNA Methylation". ... 51 (6): 575-80. doi:10.1007/s10038-006-0398-1. PMID 16648942. Kikuchi R, Kusuhara H, Hattori N, Shiota K, Kim I, Gonzalez FJ, ... 73 (6): 554-65. doi:10.1016/S0009-9236(03)00060-2. PMID 12811365. S2CID 6570648. Bakhiya A, Bahn A, Burckhardt G, Wolff N (2003 ...
"Identification of nine tissue-specific transcription factors of the hepatocyte nuclear factor 3/forkhead DNA-binding-domain ... regulation of human CYP3A4 basal expression by CCAAT enhancer-binding protein alpha and hepatocyte nuclear factor-3 gamma". ... This gene belongs to the forkhead family of transcription factors which is characterized by a distinct forkhead domain. The ... "The forkhead transcription factor Foxi1 is a master regulator of vacuolar H-ATPase proton pump subunits in the inner ear, ...
Forkhead box protein A2 (FOXA2), also known as hepatocyte nuclear factor 3-beta (HNF-3B), is a transcription factor that plays ... The proteins were therefore originally named hepatocyte nuclear factor 3 alpha, beta and gamma. These transcription factors ... restricted promoter activity of the liver transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor 3 beta involves a cell-specific factor ... "Hepatocyte nuclear factor 3beta (Foxa2) is dispensable for maintaining the differentiated state of the adult hepatocyte". ...
Rausa FM, Tan Y, Costa RH (2003). "Association between hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 (HNF-6) and FoxA2 DNA binding domains ... This gene encodes a member of the Cut homeobox family of transcription factors. Expression of the encoded protein is enriched ... stimulates FoxA2 transcriptional activity but inhibits HNF-6 DNA binding". Mol. Cell. Biol. 23 (2): 437-49. doi:10.1128/mcb. ...
In the liver, AMPK inhibits gluconeogenesis by inhibiting transcription factors including hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 (HNF4) ... it enhances the activity of transcription factors like nuclear respiratory factor 1 (NRF-1), myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2), ... It is also regulated by several protein-protein interactions, and may either be activated or inhibited by oxidative factors; ... Two proteins are essential for the regulation of GLUT-4 expression at a transcriptional level - myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2 ...
Other transacting factors suspected of playing a role in liver cell transcription regulation include: Hepatic nuclear factor-4- ... The predominant cells of the liver are the hepatocytes, and GK is found exclusively in these cells. During digestion of a ... Upstream stimulatory factor 1 (USF1) is another basic helix-loop-helix zipper (bHLHZ) transactivator. Hepatic nuclear factor 6 ... Pdx-1 is a homeodomain transcription factor involved in the differentiation of the pancreas. PPARγ is a nuclear receptor that ...
2006). "Farnesoid X receptor, hepatocyte nuclear factors 1alpha and 3beta are essential for transcriptional activation of the ... gene is transcriptionally repressed by hepatocyte nuclear factor 3beta in hepatocellular carcinoma". J. Hepatol. 40 (2): 212-8 ... 2006). "OATP8/1B3-mediated cotransport of bile acids and glutathione: an export pathway for organic anions from hepatocytes?". ... 2007). "Human liver-specific organic anion transporter-2 is a potent prognostic factor for human breast carcinoma". Cancer Sci ...
Song KH, Li T, Chiang JY (2006). "A prospero-related homeodomain protein is a novel co-regulator of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 ... "The homeobox transcription factor Prox1 is highly conserved in embryonic hepatoblasts and in adult and transformed hepatocytes ... 2002). "The transcription factor Prox1 is a marker for lymphatic endothelial cells in normal and diseased human tissues". FASEB ... 2002). "Lymphatic endothelial reprogramming of vascular endothelial cells by the Prox-1 homeobox transcription factor". EMBO J ...
Lannoy VJ, Burglin TR, Rousseau GG, Lemaigre FP (May 1998). "Isoforms of hepatocyte nuclear factor-6 differ in DNA-binding ... "Structural basis for recognition of the matrix attachment region of DNA by transcription factor SATB1". Nucleic Acids Research ...
The enzyme regulates the homodimerization of the transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 (HNF1). Mutations of the ... Milatovich A, Mendel DB, Crabtree GR, Francke U (April 1993). "Genes for the dimerization cofactor of hepatocyte nuclear factor ... "Entrez Gene: PCBD1 pterin-4 alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase/dimerization cofactor of hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha (TCF1 ... "Studies on the enzymatic and transcriptional activity of the dimerization cofactor for hepatocyte nuclear factor 1". ...
"Identification of nine tissue-specific transcription factors of the hepatocyte nuclear factor 3/forkhead DNA-binding-domain ... Murphy DB, Seemann S, Wiese S, Kirschner R, Grzeschik KH, Thies U (March 1997). "The human hepatocyte nuclear factor 3/fork ... Hackett BP, Brody SL, Liang M, Zeitz ID, Bruns LA, Gitlin JD (May 1995). "Primary structure of hepatocyte nuclear factor/ ... You Y, Huang T, Richer EJ, Schmidt JE, Zabner J, Borok Z, Brody SL (April 2004). "Role of f-box factor foxj1 in differentiation ...
yes Soutoglou E, Papafotiou G, Katrakili N, Talianidis I (April 2000). "Transcriptional activation by hepatocyte nuclear factor ... Soutoglou E, Papafotiou G, Katrakili N, Talianidis I (April 2000). "Transcriptional activation by hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 ... yes Kim JH, Yu S, Chen JD, Kong AN (January 2013). "The nuclear cofactor RAC3/AIB1/SRC-3 enhances Nrf2 signaling by interacting ... August 2004). "Identification of a novel family of ankyrin repeats containing cofactors for p160 nuclear receptor coactivators ...
"Hepatocyte nuclear factor-4 alpha/gamma and hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 alpha as causal factors of interindividual difference ... Ozeki T, Takahashi Y, Nakayama K, Kamataki T (September 2002). "Hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-4 alpha/gamma, HNF-1 alpha, and ... 1C4 gene by hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-4alpha/gamma and HNF-1alpha". The Biochemical Journal. 355 (Pt 2): 537-44. doi: ... 86 (2): 841-6. doi:10.1210/jcem.86.2.7216. PMID 11158055. Ozeki T, Takahashi Y, Kume T, Nakayama K, Yokoi T, Nunoya K, Hara A, ...
FOXA1, FOXA2, FOXA3 (See also Hepatocyte nuclear factors.) FOXB1, FOXB2 FOXC1 (associated with glaucoma), FOXC2 (varicose veins ... Weigel D, Jürgens G, Küttner F, Seifert E, Jäckle H (1989). "The homeotic gene fork head encodes a nuclear protein and is ... The founding member and namesake of the FOX family is the fork head transcription factor in Drosophila, discovered by German ... FOX (forkhead box) proteins are a family of transcription factors that play important roles in regulating the expression of ...
"Activation of nicotinamide N-methyltransferase gene promoter by hepatocyte nuclear factor-1beta in human papillary thyroid ... "Histone deacetylase inhibitor depsipeptide represses nicotinamide N-methyltransferase and hepatocyte nuclear factor-1beta gene ... 6 (6): 759-767. doi:10.1111/j.1474-9726.2007.00335.x. PMID 17877786. S2CID 16071943. Komatsu M, Kanda T, Wakino S, Itoh H (2018 ... 6 (1): 43-53. doi:10.1097/00008571-199602000-00003. PMID 8845860. Smith ML, Burnett D, Bennett P, et al. (1998). "A direct ...
... nuclear receptor-binding factor 2 NSMCE4A: non-SMC element 4 homolog A OTUD1: encoding protein OTU deubiquitinase 1 PAPSS2: ... fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (bacteria-expressed kinase, keratinocyte growth factor receptor, craniofacial dysostosis 1 ... eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-like 1 EPC1: Enhancer of polycomb homolog 1 ERCC6: excision repair cross- ... cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor CEFIP: encoding protein Cardiac-enriched FHL2-interacting protein COMMD3-BMI1: COMMD3- ...
... hepatocyte nuclear factor 3-beta MeSH D12.776.260.950.249.875 - hepatocyte nuclear factor 3-gamma The list continues at List of ... hepatocyte nuclear factor 1-alpha MeSH D12.776.260.262.500.750 - hepatocyte nuclear factor 1-beta MeSH D12.776.260.400.249.249 ... serum response factor MeSH D12.776.260.400.624.500 - hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 MeSH D12.776.260.522.750.249 - sp1 ... hepatocyte nuclear factor 3-alpha MeSH D12.776.260.950.249.750 - ... transcription factor chop MeSH D12.776. - Y box ...
... promoter with conserved binding sites in mouse and human for caudal-related homeodomain proteins and hepatocyte nuclear factor- ... 147 (6): 1351-63. doi:10.1083/jcb.147.6.1351. PMC 2168087. PMID 10601346. Sakaguchi T, Gu X, Golden HM, et al. (2002). "Cloning ... 284 (6): C1346-54. doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00547.2002. PMID 12700140. Clark HF, Gurney AL, Abaya E, et al. (2003). "The Secreted ... 14 (5): 531-6. doi:10.1016/S0955-0674(02)00362-9. PMID 12231346. González-Mariscal L, Betanzos A, Nava P, Jaramillo BE (2003 ...
"Identification of hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor type 2 (HAI-2)-related small peptide (H2RSP): its nuclear ... "Clinical relevance of hepsin and hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor type 2 expression in renal cell carcinoma". ... Naganuma S, Itoh H, Uchiyama S, Nagaike K, Tanaka H, Akiyama Y, Chijiiwa K, Kataoka H (March 2006). "Nuclear translocation of ... doi:10.1007/s00428-005-0064-6. PMID 16189703. S2CID 1817907. Betsunoh H, Mukai S, Akiyama Y, Fukushima T, Minamiguchi N, Hasui ...
... is similar to the D. melanogaster dac gene, which encodes a nuclear factor essential for determining cell fates in the ... Hepatocyte the abundance of DACH1 Is Increased in the hepatocytes of Obese patients. Dach1 promotes hepatic insulin resistance ... Dach1 is located in nuclear and cytoplasmic pools and is considered a cell fate determination factor. Dachshund domain 1 (DD1, ... "Hepatocyte DACH1 Is Increased in Obesity via Nuclear Exclusion of HDAC4 and Promotes Hepatic Insulin Resistance". Cell Reports ...
Nuclear factor of activated T-cells Hepatocyte nuclear factor 3 (alpha, beta) (FOXA1, FOXA2) E2F transcription factor 1 ... two SMAD factors, sine oculis homeobox (SIX), heat shock factor (HSF), PRDM, Snail, and cell cycles gene homology region (CHR ... Homeodomain factor Nkx-2.5/Csx Estrogen-related receptor alpha (secondary DNA binding preference) Early B-cell factor 1 (Neuron ... March 2009). "The effect of a short-term hypocaloric diet on liver gene expression and metabolic risk factors in obese women". ...
"The orphan nuclear receptor SHP inhibits hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 and retinoid X receptor transactivation: two mechanisms ... "The orphan nuclear receptor SHP inhibits hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 and retinoid X receptor transactivation: two mechanisms ... SHP is a member of the nuclear receptor family of intracellular transcription factors. SHP is unusual for a nuclear receptor in ... Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha, Liver receptor homolog-1, Liver X receptor alpha, Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ...
Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 Hepatocyte nuclear factors GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000101076 - Ensembl, May 2017 GRCm38: ... Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha (HNF4A) also known as NR2A1 (nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group A, member 1) is a nuclear ... including hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha, a transcription factor which regulates the expression of several hepatic genes. ... "The orphan nuclear receptor SHP inhibits hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 and retinoid X receptor transactivation: two mechanisms ...
Ellard, S. (2000) Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha (HNF-1 alpha) mutations in maturity-onset diabetes of the young. Human ... 1997) Mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1-α gene in MODY and early-onset NIDDM. Evidence for a mutational hotspot in ... Novel variants in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1-alpha gene in MODY and early onset NIDDM: Evidence for a mutational hotspot ... 1996) Mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 alpha gene in maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY 3). Nature, 384, ...
Diabetes in subjects with hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-1α gene mutations (maturity-onset diabetes of the young [MODY]-3) is ... Decreased Glibenclamide Uptake in Hepatocytes of Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor-1α-Deficient Mice: A Mechanism for Hypersensitivity ... Decreased Glibenclamide Uptake in Hepatocytes of Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor-1α-Deficient Mice: A Mechanism for Hypersensitivity ... Mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-1α gene cause the most common form of maturity-onset diabetes of the young ( ...
Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 3-beta. Foxa2 protein, mouse 0 *Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 3-beta. FOXA2 protein, human 0 *Hepatocyte ... Other names Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 3 beta; HNF 3beta Protein; Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 3beta; HNF-. 3beta Protein; Forkhead ... Nuclear Factor 3-beta. To share this definition, click "text" (Facebook, Twitter) or "link" (blog, mail) then paste text link ... Definition: A forkhead transcription factor that regulates expression of metabolic GENES and is involved in EMBRYONIC ...
The onecut transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor-6 controls B lymphopoiesis in fetal liver.. J. Immunol. 171(3):1297- ... Targeted deletion of murine coagulation factor XII gene-a model for contact phase activation in vivo.. Thromb. Haemost. 92(3): ... Targeting coagulation factor XII provides protection from pathological thrombosis in cerebral ischemia without interfering with ...
Human HNF1a(Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit. Human HNF1a(Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit. To Order ... Description: A sandwich ELISA kit for detection of Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 Alpha from Human in samples from blood, serum, ... Description: A sandwich ELISA kit for detection of Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 Alpha from Mouse in samples from blood, serum, ... Description: A sandwich CLIA kit for quantitative measurement of Rat HNF1a (Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 Alpha) in samples from ...
GATA factors, hepatocyte nuclear factor HNF310, epidermal growth factor and its receptor, EGFR; mitogen-activated protein [MAP ... 8. Warburton D, Olver BE: Coordination of genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors in lung development, injury, and ... 6. Boyden, E. . Developmental anomalies of lung Am. J. Surg, 1955; 89: 79-88.. 7. Yoshimura S, Masuzaki H, Miura K, et al: ... Pulmonary agenesis is classified into three categories depending upon the stage of development of the primitive lung bud6: (1) ...
The transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor-6/Onecut-1 controls the expression of its paralog Onecut-3 in developing ... ADP-ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide-exchange factor 1 (AARFGEF1), kinesin family member 5A (KIF5A), as well as dopamine ... Liu, G., Ma, H., Jiang, L. & Zhao, Y. Allograft inflammatory factor-1 and its immune regulation. Autoimmunity 40, 95-102 (2007 ... Supplementary Figure 6 Representative markers for hypothalamic neuronal subtypes and their localization. (a) For each neuronal ...
A prevalent amino acid polymorphism at codon 98 in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 alpha gene is associated with reduced serum ... Renal cysts and diabetes syndrome resulting from mutations in hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 beta. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2004;19 ... Contrasting diabetes pheno types associated with hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 alpha and 1 beta mutations. Diabetes Care 2004;27: ... Missense mutations in the human insulin promoter factor-1 gene and their relation to maturity-onset diabetes of the young and ...
... pterin-4 α-carbinolamine dehydratase/dimerization cofactor of hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α (Pcbd1), TBC1 domain family, member ... Several known magnesiotropic genes, such as transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 6 (Trpm6), and ...
pterin-4 alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase/dimerization cofactor of hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha 126090 BIOMDB Database of ... pterin-4 alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase/dimerization cofactor of hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha 126090 Pterin-4a- ... Mutations of the RNA Processing Factor 31 Retina International PRPF8 PRP8 pre-mRNA processing factor 8 homolog (S. cerevisiae) ... pirin (iron-binding nuclear protein) 603329 PIR database at LOVD Johan T. den Dunnen Leiden Univ. Med Centre (acting), Curator ...
Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1A (HNF1A) as a possible tumor suppressor in pancreatic cancer. PLoS One. 2015;10:e0121082 ... miR-504 mediated down-regulation of nuclear respiratory factor 1 leads to radio-resistance in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. ... metastasis and epithelial-mesenchymal transition in thyroid carcinoma via Kruppel-like factor 2. Int J Oncol. 2018;53:1927-1938 ... 6. J Yu, Y Liu, Z Gong. et al. Overexpression long non-coding RNA LINC00673 is associated with poor prognosis and promotes ...
Curcumin reduces NF-κB nuclear translocation in HFFA-stimulated hepatocytes. (A) Curcumin inhibits HFFA-induced nuclear ... the redox-sensitive nuclear transcriptional factor, NF-κB, acts as a proapoptotic factor in the pathogenesis of NAFLD and NF-κB ... nuclear respiratory factor 1 (NRF1) and mitochondrial transcription factor A (Tfam). In addition, curcumin contributed to cell ... L LiL ChenL HuNuclear factor high-mobility group box1 mediating the activation of Toll-like receptor 4 signaling in hepatocytes ...
The HNF1B gene provides instructions for making a protein called hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 beta (HNF-1β). Learn about this ... The HNF1B gene provides instructions for making a protein called hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 beta (HNF-1β). This protein ... El-Khairi R, Vallier L. The role of hepatocyte nuclear factor 1beta in disease and development. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2016 Sep; ... Verhave JC, Bech AP, Wetzels JF, Nijenhuis T. Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1beta-Associated Kidney Disease: More than Renal Cysts ...
... and Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4, Alpha transcription factors (TFs), respectively. This study identified SNPs mapping to the ... 6)). Among them, 17 SNPs map to the PITPNC1, ACMSD, ZBTB16, ODZ3, and CDH17 gene loci. Functional genomics data indicate that 2 ...
Pterin-4 alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase/dimerization cofactor of hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha (TCF1), pterin-4 alpha- ... carbinolamine dehydratase/dimerization cofactor of hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha, pterin-4 alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase/ ... dimerization cofactor of hepatic nuclear factor 1-alpha), pterin-4-alpha carbinolamine dehydratase ... Previous symbols and names : 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase/dimerization cofactor of hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha ( ...
Hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-1beta gene (TCF2) is normally expressed in the Wolffian duct, metanephric tubules, and ... Transcription factors such as EMX-2, BF-2, fibroblast growth factor 7 (FGF 7), epithelial growth factor receptor (EGF-R), GDNF ... dysfunction and genital malformation associated with a partial deletion of the pseudo-POU domain of hepatocyte nuclear factor- ... During nephrogenesis, multiple genes, transcription factors, and growth factors control the essential interaction between the ...
... and reduced the alcohol-induced expression of nuclear factor NF -κB and CD68 in hepatocytes of Wistar rats. This study also ... NLRP3: nod-like receptor pyrin containing 3; p38-MAPK: p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase; NF-κB: nuclear factor κB; iNOS: ... production and downregulations of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB), NF-kB-target vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), ... intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), Sp prooncogenic transcription factors, Sp-target vascular endothelial growth factor ...
... and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), secreted by tumor and stromal cells and modulated by transcription factor nuclear factor κB ... Dong G, Chen Z, Li ZY, Yeh NT, Bancroft CC, Van Waes C. Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor-induced activation of MEK and ... Dong G, Chen Z, Li ZY, Yeh NT, Bancroft CC, Van Waes C. Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor-induced activation of MEK and ... Hepatocyte growth factor promotes cancer cell migration and angiogenic factors expression: a prognostic marker of human ...
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Rat Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 β in samples from blood, ... Rat NFIX(Nuclear Factor I/X) ELISA Kit Rat NFIX(Nuclear Factor I/X) ELISA Kit. To Order Contact us: [email protected] ... Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Rat Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 β in samples from blood, ... Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Rat Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 β in samples from blood, ...
Nuclear Proteins [D12.776.660] * Hepatocyte Nuclear Factors [D12.776.660.352] * Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 [D12.776.660.352. ... Transcription Factors [D12.776.930] * Hepatocyte Nuclear Factors [D12.776.930.318] * Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 [D12.776. ... Hepatocyte Nuclear Factors [D12.776.260.262] * Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 [D12.776.260.262.500] ... HNF6 Transcription Factor HNF6alpha Transcription Factor HNF6beta Transcription Factor Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 6-Alpha ...
3B). The gene expression levels of ALB, α-fetoprotein, α-1 antitrypsin, transthyretin, hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 α, and ... hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 α (HNF4A), and CYP3A4] were examined in undifferentiated WT iPS cells, undifferentiated CYP2C19-KO ... hepatocyte culture medium. HLC. hepatocyte-like cell. human iPS cells. human induced pluripotent stem cells. MRM. multiple- ... Primary Human Hepatocytes.. Three lots of cryopreserved human hepatocytes (lots YOW, OHO, and FCL; Veritas) were used. The ...
The Onecut homeodomain transcription factor hepatic nuclear factor 6 (Hnf6) is necessary for proper development of islet β- ... Transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 regulates pancreatic endocrine cell differentiation and controls expression of ... Expression of the L-type pyruvate kinase gene and the hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 transcription factor in exocrine and ... The Onecut homeodomain transcription factor hepatic nuclear factor 6 (Hnf6) is necessary for proper development of islet β- ...
Hepatocyte nuclear factor HNF1A is a potential regulator in shaping the super-enhancer landscape in colorectal cancer liver ... KLF11 (Krüppel-Like Factor 11) Inhibits Arterial Thrombosis via Suppression of Tissue Factor in the Vascular Wall. ... Transcription factor EB regulates cardiovascular homeostasis. EBioMedicine, 63 , 103207. Liu, Yuhao; Zhao, Ying; Shukha, Yousef ... Endothelial TFEB (Transcription Factor EB) Improves Glucose Tolerance via Upregulation of IRS (Insulin Receptor Substrate) 1 ...
"Hepatocyte Nuclear Factors" by people in this website by year, and whether "Hepatocyte Nuclear Factors" was a major or minor ... Hepatocyte nuclear factors are a family of evolutionarily conserved transcription factors that are preferentially expressed in ... "Hepatocyte Nuclear Factors" is a descriptor in the National Library of Medicines controlled vocabulary thesaurus, MeSH ( ... Below are the most recent publications written about "Hepatocyte Nuclear Factors" by people in Profiles. ...
Barnes PJ, Karin M. Nuclear factor-kappaB: a pivotal transcription factor in chronic inflammatory diseases. N Engl J Med. 1997; ... increases hepatocyte growth factor, and induces proliferation of hepatic progenitor cells within 7 d of administration in ... RISK FACTORS. Studies have identified risk factors towards the development and progression of liver disease. Patterns of ... Collagen production activates transforming growth factor β dependent, platelet-derived growth factor, and independent ...
... act in concert with other hepatocyte nuclear factors (HNF) to coordinately regulate liver-specific gene expression. To ... Elevated hepatocyte levels of the Forkhead box A2 (HNF-3beta) transcription factor cause postnatal steatosis and mitochondrial ... "Elevated hepatocyte levels of the Forkhead box A2 (HNF-3beta) transcription factor cause postnatal steatosis and mitochondrial ... Elevated hepatocyte levels of the Forkhead box A2 (HNF-3beta) transcription factor cause postnatal steatosis and mitochondrial ...
Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4; Interleukin-1 / metabolism; Interleukin-6 / metabolism; Liver / drug effects; Male; Mice; Mice, ... Cytoplasmic and Nuclear / metabolism; Receptors, Tumor Necrosis Factor / genetics; Receptors, Tumor Necrosis Factor / ... MeSH headings : Animals; Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Leucine Zipper Transcription Factors; Cell Division / drug effects; DNA / ... Cytoplasmic and Nuclear / physiology; Transcription Factors / physiology ...
... hepatocyte nuclear factor 4(HNF4), and ERRs과 같은 핵수용체와, cAMP response element-binding protein(CREB), CREBH, steroid regulatory ... hepatocyte nuclear factor 4; ACC, acetyl-CoA carboxylase; LDL, Low-density lipoprotein; LXR, liver X receptor; CREB, cyclic AMP ... CHOP, a novel developmentally regulated nuclear protein that dimerizes with transcription factors C/EBP and LAP and functions ... SMILE acts as a corepressor for nuclear receptors related transcriptional activity and other transcription factors. SMILE plays ...
The mechanism of this neuro-excitation-induced ADAM17 activation is thought to be mediated via nuclear factor-κ B (NFκB). ... α in stress-induced activation of NFκB was confirmed after finding that decreased TNFα is mediated by hepatocyte growth factor- ... 1999). Tumor necrosis factor-α-converting enzyme and tumor necrosis factor-α in human dilated cardiomyopathy. Circulation 99, ... 2004). Selective roles for tumor necrosis factor α-converting enzyme/ADAM17 in the shedding of the epidermal growth factor ...
  • The encoded protein controls the expression of several genes, including hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha, a transcription factor which regulates the expression of several hepatic genes. (wikipedia.org)
  • MODY can result from mutations in any one of the six different genes, one of which encodes the glycolytic enzyme Glucokinase, associated with MO-DY2 and the other five encode transcription factors HNF4-alpha associated with MODY 1, HNF1-alpha associated with MODY 3, IPF with MODY 4, HNF1-Beta with MODY 5 and NeuroD1 with MO-DY6. (scirp.org)
  • Studies related to mutations in the MODY genes have led to a better understanding of the genetic causes of the Beta cell dysfunction as genetic factors plays a great role in this disorder. (scirp.org)
  • Objective: To investigate the mutation pattern in the different transcription factor genes with special reference to HNF1-alpha which are highly penetrant with 63% mutation carriers manifesting clinical diabetes by the age of 25 years. (scirp.org)
  • A forkhead transcription factor that regulates expression of metabolic GENES and is involved in EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT. (reference.md)
  • Several known magnesiotropic genes, such as transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 6 (Trpm6), and Parvalbumin, were upregulated under low dietary Mg(2+). (nih.gov)
  • To confirm that the selected candidate genes were regulated by dietary Mg(2+) availability, the expression levels of solute carrier family 41, member 3 (Slc41a3), pterin-4 α-carbinolamine dehydratase/dimerization cofactor of hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α (Pcbd1), TBC1 domain family, member 4 (Tbc1d4), and uromodulin (Umod) were determined by RT-PCR analysis. (nih.gov)
  • A shortage of this transcription factor disrupts the activity of genes that direct the development and function of certain tissues and organs. (medlineplus.gov)
  • During nephrogenesis, multiple genes, transcription factors, and growth factors control the essential interaction between the ureteric bud and the metanephric mesenchyme. (medscape.com)
  • Small heterodimer partner(SHP)-interacting leucine zipper protein(SMILE)은 처음에 Zhangfei라고 불리는 basic leucin zipper protein(bZIP) 전사조절인자로, 바이러스 단백질 VP16을 통해 단순포진바이러스(Herpes simplex virus, HSV)의 극초기 유전자(immediate early genes) 전이 활성화를 위해 필요한 수용체 세포 인자(host cell factor, HCF)에 결합하는 보조조절인자(coregulator) 중 하나로 알려졌다[ 1 , 2 ]. (etals.org)
  • Genes , 13 (6). (irb.hr)
  • Binding sites for the nuclear factor (NF)-κB transcription factor have been identified within control regions of many genes involved in inflammatory and immune responses. (rupress.org)
  • Transcription of the fibrinogen genes is mediated by hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 and modulated by interleukin 6. (mhmedical.com)
  • Additional screens for MMTV provirus entry sites in tumors revealed several other upregulated genes that are associated with other gene development pathways such as INT2, INT3, and INT4 [4,5,6]. (chemdiv.com)
  • According to phylogenetic analysis of specific genes, the family Alloherpesviridae seems to be subdivided into 2 clades ( 6 ) ( Figure 2 , panel B). The first clade comprises anguillid and cyprinid herpesviruses, which possess the largest genomes in the order Herpesvirales (245-295 kb). (cdc.gov)
  • 1 ) report that serum levels and temporal velocities of multiple cytokine and growth factors interleukin IL-6, IL-8, growth regulated oncogene 1 (GRO-1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), secreted by tumor and stromal cells and modulated by transcription factor nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), predict chemoradiation response and survival in patients with advanced-stage oropharyngeal carcinoma. (aacrjournals.org)
  • The number of welding years correlated with decreased respiratory system reactance and increased serum levels of matrix metalloproteinases 9, interleukin 6, and hepatocyte growth factor. (lu.se)
  • Pivac, Nela (2022) Genetic and Epigenetic Association of Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor-1α with Glycosylation in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder . (irb.hr)
  • Božina, Nada (2020) Remission is not associated with DRD2 rs1800497 and DAT1 rs28363170 genetic variants in male schizophrenic patients after 6-months monotherapy with olanzapine . (irb.hr)
  • 6 months of age), genetic testing and precision treatment for NDM are fast and uncomplicated. (pfmjournal.org)
  • Challenges faced when implementing precision medicine in diabetes are disease heterogeneity, various genetic influences, difficulties of accurate diagnosis, limitations of current treatment, and social, environmental, and psychological factors [ 6 ]. (pfmjournal.org)
  • and (6) the value of genetic counselors. (bvsalud.org)
  • Biochemical studies suggest that in one case this transcription factors to implement particular genetic programs. (lu.se)
  • These recent studies showed that curcumin inhibited HSCs activation, and suppressed hepatic fibrogenesis in vitro and in vivo ( 6 , 7 ). (spandidos-publications.com)
  • The Onecut homeodomain transcription factor hepatic nuclear factor 6 (Hnf6) is necessary for proper development of islet β-cells. (diabetesjournals.org)
  • To circumvent the hepatic functional redundancy of the Foxa proteins, we used the T-77 transgenic (TG) mouse line in which the -3-kb transthyretin (TTR) promoter functioned to increase hepatocyte expression of the Foxa2 cDNA. (duke.edu)
  • Hepatic function in a family with a nonsense mutation (R154X) in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-4alpha/MODY1 gene. (uchicago.edu)
  • Hepatic cytochrome P450s, phase II enzymes and nuclear receptors are downregulated in a Th2 environment during Schistosoma mansoni infection. (harvard.edu)
  • Alterations in hepatic mRNA expression of phase II enzymes and xenobiotic transporters after targeted disruption of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha. (harvard.edu)
  • The HNF-1β protein is one of a large group of transcription factors called homeodomain proteins. (medlineplus.gov)
  • In addition, building on previous observations that increases or decreases in the levels of IL-6, IL-8, GRO-1, VEGF, and HGF in post-chemoradiation serum samples were associated with tumor progression or reduction in individual patients, these investigators further reasoned that longitudinal monitoring of a panel of these NF-κB-modulated proteins could potentially serve as additional serum biomarker predictors of response, relapse, and survival. (aacrjournals.org)
  • Regulation of gene transcription is controlled in part by nuclear receptors that function coordinately with coregulator proteins. (aspetjournals.org)
  • Diabetes in subjects with hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-1α gene mutations (maturity-onset diabetes of the young [MODY]-3) is characterized by impaired insulin secretion. (diabetesjournals.org)
  • Mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-1α gene cause the most common form of maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY), type 3 ( 1 ). (diabetesjournals.org)
  • No diabetes-associated mutations in the coding region of the hepatocyte nuclear factor-4gamma gene (HNF4G) in Japanese patients with MODY. (uchicago.edu)
  • Mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-4alpha gene in maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY1) Nature. (uchicago.edu)
  • The generalized aminoaciduria seen in patients with hepatocyte nuclear factor-1alpha mutations is a feature of all patients with diabetes and is associated with glucosuria. (cdc.gov)
  • Hepatology , 37 (6), 1414-1424. (duke.edu)
  • Hepatology 37, no. 6 (June 2003): 1414-24. (duke.edu)
  • Krüppel-like factor 15 activates hepatitis B virus gene expression and replication Hepatology. (usc.edu)
  • This syndrome is characterized by steatosis in hepatocytes and elevated serum levels of free fatty acids (FFAs) ( 1 ). (spandidos-publications.com)
  • The postnatal TG mice displayed significant reduction in serum glucose levels and in hepatocyte glycogen storage without increased serum levels of ketone bodies and free fatty acid suggesting that they are not undergoing a starvation response. (duke.edu)
  • In conclusion, our model proposes that in response to reduction in hepatocyte glycogen storage, the TTR-Foxa2 TG mice survive by maintaining sufficient serum levels of glucose through gluconeogenesis using deaminated amino acids with dicarboxylate products of peroxisomal lipid beta-oxidation shuttled through the tricarboxylic acid cycle. (duke.edu)
  • Welders had significantly higher respiratory system resistance assessed with oscillometry, serum levels of metalloproteinases 9 and hepatocyte growth factor, compared with controls. (lu.se)
  • The onecut transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor-6 controls B lymphopoiesis in fetal liver. (taconic.com)
  • Figure 6: Efferent projections of periventricular onecut-3 + dopamine neurons. (nature.com)
  • We demonstrate that curcumin effectively suppressed HFFA-induced production of phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) in hepatocytes. (spandidos-publications.com)
  • An intravenous glucose infusion rate greater than 8 mg/kg/min (normally, 4-6 mg/kg/min) strongly supports the diagnosis. (medscape.com)
  • The first step in glycolysis (ie, conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate [G6P] by glucokinase) is the rate-limiting step in glucose metabolism. (medscape.com)
  • The key enzymes of gluconeogenesis are phosphoenopyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and glucose 6-phosphatase (G6Pase). (medscape.com)
  • International journal of molecular medicine 2018 6 42 (3): 1603-1614. (cdc.gov)
  • Hepatitis C virus inhibits DNA damage repair through reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and by interfering with the ATM-NBS1/Mre11/Rad50 DNA repair pathway in monocytes and hepatocytes J Immunol. (usc.edu)
  • Hatzis P, Kyrmizi I, Talianidis I. (2006) Mitogen-activated protein kinase-mediated disruption of enhancer-promoter communication inhibits hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha expression. (forth.gr)
  • SMILE acts as a corepressor for nuclear receptors related transcriptional activity and other transcription factors. (etals.org)
  • The HNF1B gene provides instructions for making a protein called hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 beta (HNF-1β). (medlineplus.gov)
  • Based on this role, the protein is called a transcription factor. (medlineplus.gov)
  • Functional genomics data indicate that 2 of the suggestive SNPs (rs2446823 and rs2446824) are located within putative binding sites for the CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein (CEBP) and Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4, Alpha transcription factors (TFs), respectively. (cdc.gov)
  • Small heterodimer partner-interacting leucine zipper (SMILE) is a member of the cAMP response element-binding protein / activator transcription factor (CREB/ATF) family of basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factors. (etals.org)
  • Lung measurements were performed with standard spirometry and new methods: airspace dimension assessment (AiDA), oscillometry, blood serum biomarkers (club cell secretory protein 16, surfactant protein D, matrix metalloproteinases, fibroblast, hepatocyte growth factor, interleukins), and one urine biomarker (desmosine). (lu.se)
  • Results obtained in primary human hepatocytes further demonstrated DAX-1 inhibition of CAR-mediated CITCO induction of the CYP2B6 target gene. (aspetjournals.org)
  • In occurs through the inhibition of DNA binding of cognate cis- hematopoiesis there exist several lineage branch points with regulatory motif while in the other case DNA binding is unaffected identified key transcription factors and external signals [3-5]. (lu.se)
  • Together, these data suggest that curcumin protects hepatocytes from HFFA-induced lipoapoptosis and mitochondrial dysfunction, which partially occurs through the regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis. (spandidos-publications.com)
  • Such κB sites are often found adjacent to those of interferon (IFN)-γ-inducible transcription factors, suggesting a requirement for multiple signaling pathways for gene regulation. (rupress.org)
  • Microbial LPS and viral dsRNA are potent inducers of nuclear factor (NF)-κB transcription factors, which have been implicated in regulation of host defense mechanisms in diverse species ranging from insects to mammals ( 3 ). (rupress.org)
  • The Forkhead box (Fox) transcription factor Foxa2 (HNF-3beta) and related family members Foxa1 (HNF-3alpha) and Foxa3 (HNF-3gamma) act in concert with other hepatocyte nuclear factors (HNF) to coordinately regulate liver-specific gene expression. (duke.edu)
  • Furthermore, the expression of GLUT2 and the glycolytic enzymes glucokinase and liver pyruvate kinase are reduced in pancreatic islets of Hnf-1α −/− mice compared with wild-type mice ( 6 ). (diabetesjournals.org)
  • Hepatitis B virus alters the antioxidant system in transgenic mice and sensitizes hepatocytes to Fas signaling PLoS One. (usc.edu)
  • Using fibroblasts from RelA (p65)-deficient mice generated by gene targeting, we have investigated the role of this subunit of NF-κB in gene activation by microbial lipopolysaccharide, tumor necrosis factor α, and in possible synergism with the IFN-γ-signaling pathway. (rupress.org)
  • Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha (HNF4A) also known as NR2A1 (nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group A, member 1) is a nuclear receptor that in humans is encoded by the HNF4A gene. (wikipedia.org)
  • Not only did curcumin treatment increase mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number in hepatocytes, but it also increased levels of transcriptional factors that regulate mitochondrial biogenesis, including peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator 1α (PGC1α), nuclear respiratory factor 1 (NRF1) and mitochondrial transcription factor A (Tfam). (spandidos-publications.com)
  • These diverse actions of glucocorticoids are mediated by the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), which belongs to the nuclear receptor superfamily and functions as a hormone-dependent transcription factor. (brainimmune.com)
  • In this report, DAX-1, a nuclear receptor family member with corepressor properties, was identified as a potent CAR regulator. (aspetjournals.org)
  • Scholars@Duke publication: Elevated hepatocyte levels of the Forkhead box A2 (HNF-3beta) transcription factor cause postnatal steatosis and mitochondrial damage. (duke.edu)
  • Since epithelial cell signaling during NEC has been an important factor in deciphering the pathogenesis of the disease [ 11 , 12 ], we focused this study on the epithelial cell methylome signature. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Direct interaction between CAR and DAX-1 was demonstrated with both alpha-screen and coimmunoprecipitation experiments, and this interaction was enhanced in the presence of the CAR activator 6-(4-chlorophenyl)imidazo[2,1- b ]thiazole-5-carbaldehyde O -(3,4-dichlorobenzyl)oxime (CITCO). (aspetjournals.org)
  • Description: This is Double-antibody Sandwich Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Mouse Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 Alpha (HNF1a) in Tissue homogenates, cell lysates and other biological fluids. (wildpalm.net)
  • Description: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on the Double-antibody Sandwich method for detection of Mouse Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 Alpha (HNF1a) in samples from Tissue homogenates, cell lysates and other biological fluids with no significant corss-reactivity with analogues from other species. (wildpalm.net)
  • Description: Quantitativesandwich ELISA kit for measuring Rat Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1-alpha (HNF1A) in samples from serum, plasma, cell culture supernates, tissue homogenates. (wildpalm.net)
  • Glibenclamide uptake into hepatocytes was dramatically decreased in vivo and in vitro. (diabetesjournals.org)
  • Targeted deletion of murine coagulation factor XII gene-a model for contact phase activation in vivo. (taconic.com)
  • Description: A sandwich ELISA kit for detection of Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 Alpha from Human in samples from blood, serum, plasma, cell culture fluid and other biological fluids. (wildpalm.net)
  • The generalized biological basis and scientific rationale of this study rest on known tumor/host cell biology showing that the interaction of tumor and stromal cells leads to the secretion of multiple growth factors and cytokines that modulate and promote cell growth, inflammation, and angiogenesis within the tumor microenvironment ( 2 - 4 ) and hence is related to tumor proliferation, invasion, and metastasis ( 5, 6 ). (aacrjournals.org)
  • The current study builds on previously reported data from these and other investigators that increased expression of a number of cytokines and growth factors is observed in HNSCC cell lines and tumor tissues ( 7 - 15 ). (aacrjournals.org)
  • Factor XIII is a proenzyme for a plasma transglutaminase. (mhmedical.com)
  • GATA-1 and PU.1 then initiate the presumed cascade of It governs the erythroid - myeloid lineages and demonstrates both transcriptional changes that culminate in the specification of the commitment as well as priming features [6,7]. (lu.se)
  • 1998).Linkage and molecular scaning analysis of MODY 3/hepatocyte nuclear factor 1-alpha gene in typical familial type 2 diabetes: Evidence for novel mutation in exon 8 and 10. (scirp.org)
  • Sustained expression of Hnf6 also results in downregulation of the β-cell-specific transcription factor MafA and a decrease in total pancreatic insulin. (diabetesjournals.org)
  • Hepatocyte Nuclear Factors" is a descriptor in the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) . (umassmed.edu)
  • Since glucocorticoids are essential for life, other cellular signaling pathways strongly regulate GR actions in many different ways, such as physical interaction via their effector transcription factors and epigenetic modifications including phosphorylation and acetylation. (brainimmune.com)
  • Speaking more specifically, β-catenin is an integral structural component of cadherin-based adhesive junctions as well as it a key nuclear effector of canonical in nucleus Wnt signaling. (chemdiv.com)
  • Description: A sandwich quantitative ELISA assay kit for detection of Human Nuclear Factor I/X (NFIX) in samples from tissue homogenates or other biological fluids. (operatiebrp.nl)
  • These observations, together with their finding that the levels of several of these factors can be jointly modulated in HNSCC by the transcription factor NF-κB, led these investigators to hypothesize that the circulating levels of these factors could be combined into a biologically rational biomarker panel for more accurately predicting response, relapse, and survival in individual patients. (aacrjournals.org)
  • Control of pancreas and liver gene expression by HNF transcription factors. (uchicago.edu)
  • Assessment of the effects of occupational and environmental factors on all faster and slower large myelinated nerve fibers: A study of the distribution of nerve conduction velocities. (cdc.gov)
  • The use of rifabutin-containing antituberculosis regimens should always include an assessment of the patient's response to treatment to decide the appropriate duration of therapy (i.e., 6 months or 9 months). (cdc.gov)
  • The age-dependent association of risk factors with pancreatic cancer. (mdanderson.org)
  • Increased amplification of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha has been observed in colorectal cancer. (wikipedia.org)
  • HNF-4α is a nuclear transcription factor that binds DNA as a homodimer. (wikipedia.org)
  • Hepatocyte nuclear factors are a family of evolutionarily conserved transcription factors that are preferentially expressed in HEPATOCYTES. (umassmed.edu)
  • Members of the ADAM family contribute to various physiological and pathophysiological processes by modulation of molecules like growth factors or cytokines. (frontiersin.org)
  • CyHV-3 is a member of the order Herpesvirales and newly designated family Alloherpesviridae ( 5 , 6 ) ( Figure 2 , panel A). Alloherpesviridae viruses infect fish and amphibians. (cdc.gov)
  • The common ancestor of this family is thought to have diverged from the common ancestor of the family Herpesviridae (herpesviruses that infect reptiles, birds, and mammals) ( 6 ). (cdc.gov)
  • Description: This is Double-antibody Sandwich Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Rat Nuclear Factor I/X (NFIX) in Tissue homogenates and other biological fluids. (operatiebrp.nl)
  • Of specific relevance, these investigators have previously observed increased levels of factors IL-6, IL-8, GRO-1, VEGF, and HGF in the sera of HNSCC patients compared with disease-free control subjects ( 9, 12, 16 - 20 ), consistent with previous and related studies ( 9, 21 - 24 ). (aacrjournals.org)
  • Identification of individuals with risk factors for the development of severe alcoholic hepatitis may provide insight to the diverse clinical spectrum and prognosis of the disease. (wjgnet.com)
  • The study also reported that recurrence risk factors for these lesions included positive and uncertain resection margins, as well as younger age at diagnosis. (medscape.com)