Organisms that live in water.
Chemical compounds which pollute the water of rivers, streams, lakes, the sea, reservoirs, or other bodies of water.
Substances or organisms which pollute the water or bodies of water. Use for water pollutants in general or those for which there is no specific heading.
A diverse genus of minute freshwater CRUSTACEA, of the suborder CLADOCERA. They are a major food source for both young and adult freshwater fish.
A yellowish fossil resin, the gum of several species of coniferous trees, found in the alluvial deposits of northeastern Germany. It is used in molecular biology in the analysis of organic matter fossilized in amber.
The study of ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION and the toxic effects of ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTANTS on the ECOSYSTEM. The term was coined by Truhaut in 1969.
A group of cold-blooded, aquatic vertebrates having gills, fins, a cartilaginous or bony endoskeleton, and elongated bodies covered with scales.
Cultivation of natural faunal resources of water. (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
Water containing no significant amounts of salts, such as water from RIVERS and LAKES.
Paired respiratory organs of fishes and some amphibians that are analogous to lungs. They are richly supplied with blood vessels by which oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged directly with the environment.
Diseases of freshwater, marine, hatchery or aquarium fish. This term includes diseases of both teleosts (true fish) and elasmobranchs (sharks, rays and skates).
A genus of VIBRIONACEAE, made up of short, slightly curved, motile, gram-negative rods. Various species produce cholera and other gastrointestinal disorders as well as abortion in sheep and cattle.
A functional system which includes the organisms of a natural community together with their environment. (McGraw Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
The monitoring of the level of toxins, chemical pollutants, microbial contaminants, or other harmful substances in the environment (soil, air, and water), workplace, or in the bodies of people and animals present in that environment.
The salinated water of OCEANS AND SEAS that provides habitat for marine organisms.
The presence of bacteria, viruses, and fungi in water. This term is not restricted to pathogenic organisms.
Large natural streams of FRESH WATER formed by converging tributaries and which empty into a body of water (lake or ocean).
The relationships of groups of organisms as reflected by their genetic makeup.
Inland bodies of still or slowly moving FRESH WATER or salt water, larger than a pond, and supplied by RIVERS and streams.
One of the three domains of life (the others being Eukarya and ARCHAEA), also called Eubacteria. They are unicellular prokaryotic microorganisms which generally possess rigid cell walls, multiply by cell division, and exhibit three principal forms: round or coccal, rodlike or bacillary, and spiral or spirochetal. Bacteria can be classified by their response to OXYGEN: aerobic, anaerobic, or facultatively anaerobic; by the mode by which they obtain their energy: chemotrophy (via chemical reaction) or PHOTOTROPHY (via light reaction); for chemotrophs by their source of chemical energy: CHEMOLITHOTROPHY (from inorganic compounds) or chemoorganotrophy (from organic compounds); and by their source for CARBON; NITROGEN; etc.; HETEROTROPHY (from organic sources) or AUTOTROPHY (from CARBON DIOXIDE). They can also be classified by whether or not they stain (based on the structure of their CELL WALLS) with CRYSTAL VIOLET dye: gram-negative or gram-positive.
Descriptions of specific amino acid, carbohydrate, or nucleotide sequences which have appeared in the published literature and/or are deposited in and maintained by databanks such as GENBANK, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), National Biomedical Research Foundation (NBRF), or other sequence repositories.
Inland bodies of standing FRESHWATER usually smaller than LAKES. They can be man-made or natural but there is no universal agreement as to their exact size. Some consider a pond to be a small body of water that is shallow enough for sunlight to reach the bottom.
A family of bisegmented, double-stranded RNA viruses causing infection in fish, mollusks, fowl, and Drosophila. There are three genera: AQUABIRNAVIRUS; AVIBIRNAVIRUS; and ENTOMOBIRNAVIRUS. Horizontal and vertical transmission occurs for all viruses.
A plant family of the order Hydrocharitales, subclass ALISMATIDAE, class Liliopsida (monocotyledons).
The restriction of a characteristic behavior, anatomical structure or physical system, such as immune response; metabolic response, or gene or gene variant to the members of one species. It refers to that property which differentiates one species from another but it is also used for phylogenetic levels higher or lower than the species.
A multistage process that includes cloning, physical mapping, subcloning, determination of the DNA SEQUENCE, and information analysis.
The sequence of transfers of matter and energy from organism to organism in the form of FOOD. Food chains intertwine locally into a food web because most organisms consume more than one type of animal or plant. PLANTS, which convert SOLAR ENERGY to food by PHOTOSYNTHESIS, are the primary food source. In a predator chain, a plant-eating animal is eaten by a larger animal. In a parasite chain, a smaller organism consumes part of a larger host and may itself be parasitized by smaller organisms. In a saprophytic chain, microorganisms live on dead organic matter.
Environments or habitats at the interface between truly terrestrial ecosystems and truly aquatic systems making them different from each yet highly dependent on both. Adaptations to low soil oxygen characterize many wetland species.
Animals that have no spinal column.
An order of wholly aquatic MAMMALS occurring in all the OCEANS and adjoining seas of the world, as well as in certain river systems. They feed generally on FISHES, cephalopods, and crustaceans. Most are gregarious and most have a relatively long period of parental care and maturation. Included are DOLPHINS; PORPOISES; and WHALES. (From Walker's Mammals of the World, 5th ed, pp969-70)
Wormlike or grublike stage, following the egg in the life cycle of insects, worms, and other metamorphosing animals.
The study of aquatic life inhabiting bodies of water, including growth, morphology, physiology, genetics, distribution, and interactions with other organisms and the environment. It includes MARINE HYDROBIOLOGY.
The flow of water in enviromental bodies of water such as rivers, oceans, water supplies, aquariums, etc. It includes currents, tides, and waves.
The process of cumulative change over successive generations through which organisms acquire their distinguishing morphological and physiological characteristics.
Deoxyribonucleic acid that makes up the genetic material of bacteria.
One of the three domains of life (the others being BACTERIA and ARCHAEA), also called Eukarya. These are organisms whose cells are enclosed in membranes and possess a nucleus. They comprise almost all multicellular and many unicellular organisms, and are traditionally divided into groups (sometimes called kingdoms) including ANIMALS; PLANTS; FUNGI; and various algae and other taxa that were previously part of the old kingdom Protista.
The branch of science concerned with the interrelationship of organisms and their ENVIRONMENT, especially as manifested by natural cycles and rhythms, community development and structure, interactions between different kinds of organisms, geographic distributions, and population alterations. (Webster's, 3d ed)
Constituent of 30S subunit prokaryotic ribosomes containing 1600 nucleotides and 21 proteins. 16S rRNA is involved in initiation of polypeptide synthesis.
The enrichment of a terrestrial or aquatic ECOSYSTEM by the addition of nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, that results in a superabundant growth of plants, ALGAE, or other primary producers. It can be a natural process or result from human activity such as agriculture runoff or sewage pollution. In aquatic ecosystems, an increase in the algae population is termed an algal bloom.
An order of heavy-bodied, slow-moving, completely aquatic, herbivorous mammals. The body is fusiform, plump, and hairless, except for bristles on the snout. Hindlimbs are absent, the forelimbs are modified to flippers, and the tail is a horizontal fluke. (From Scott, Concise Encyclopedia Biology, 1996)
A family of the order Anura, distinguished by the lack of a tongue. It includes four living genera of aquatic "toads". Two of the most familiar pipids are the popularly called Surinam "toad" (Pipa pipa) and XENOPUS LAEVIS.
A plant family of the order Najadales, subclass Alismatidae, class Liliopsida (monocotyledons).
Contamination of bodies of water (such as LAKES; RIVERS; SEAS; and GROUNDWATER.)
The variety of all native living organisms and their various forms and interrelationships.
A mass of organic or inorganic solid fragmented material, or the solid fragment itself, that comes from the weathering of rock and is carried by, suspended in, or dropped by air, water, or ice. It refers also to a mass that is accumulated by any other natural agent and that forms in layers on the earth's surface, such as sand, gravel, silt, mud, fill, or loess. (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed, p1689)
A plant genus of the family PONTEDERIACEAE that is used as a biological filter for treating wastewater.
Instinctual behavior pattern in which food is obtained by killing and consuming other species.
A clear, odorless, tasteless liquid that is essential for most animal and plant life and is an excellent solvent for many substances. The chemical formula is hydrogen oxide (H2O). (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
A large subphylum of mostly marine ARTHROPODS containing over 42,000 species. They include familiar arthropods such as lobsters (NEPHROPIDAE), crabs (BRACHYURA), shrimp (PENAEIDAE), and barnacles (THORACICA).
Minute free-floating animal organisms which live in practically all natural waters.
An order of mostly marine CRUSTACEA containing more than 5500 species in over 100 families. Like ISOPODA, the other large order in the superorder Peracarida, members are shrimp-like in appearance, have sessile compound eyes, and no carapace. But unlike Isopoda, they possess thoracic gills and their bodies are laterally compressed.
An activity in which the body is propelled through water by specific movement of the arms and/or the legs. Swimming as propulsion through water by the movement of limbs, tail, or fins of animals is often studied as a form of PHYSICAL EXERTION or endurance.
A plant family of the order Arales, subclass Arecidae, class Liliopsida (monocot). Many members contain OXALIC ACID and calcium oxalate (OXALATES).

Transcriptional regulation of long-term memory in the marine snail Aplysia. (1/490)


In situ labeling of transcription sites in marine medaka. (2/490)


Reticulate evolution and marine organisms: the final frontier? (3/490)


Challenges for the development of new non-toxic antifouling solutions. (4/490)


Genetic differentiation between marine iguanas from different breeding sites on the island of Santa Fe (Galapagos Archipelago). (5/490)


Ecogenomics and genome landscapes of marine Pseudoalteromonas phage H105/1. (6/490)


Bacterial exopolysaccharides from extreme marine habitats: production, characterization and biological activities. (7/490)


Research and application of marine microbial enzymes: status and prospects. (8/490)


'Aquatic organisms' are living beings that inhabit bodies of water, such as oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and ponds. This group includes a wide variety of species, ranging from tiny microorganisms like plankton to large marine mammals like whales. Aquatic organisms can be divided into several categories based on their specific adaptations to their environment, including:

1. Plankton: small organisms that drift with the water currents and include both plants (phytoplankton) and animals (zooplankton).
2. Nekton: actively swimming aquatic organisms, such as fish, squid, and marine mammals.
3. Benthos: organisms that live on or in the bottom of bodies of water, including crustaceans, mollusks, worms, and some types of algae.
4. Neuston: organisms that live at the air-water interface, such as certain species of insects and small fish.

Aquatic organisms play a critical role in maintaining the health and balance of aquatic ecosystems, providing food and habitat for other species, and contributing to global nutrient cycling and climate regulation.

Chemical water pollutants refer to harmful chemicals or substances that contaminate bodies of water, making them unsafe for human use and harmful to aquatic life. These pollutants can come from various sources, including industrial and agricultural runoff, sewage and wastewater, oil spills, and improper disposal of hazardous materials.

Examples of chemical water pollutants include heavy metals (such as lead, mercury, and cadmium), pesticides and herbicides, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and petroleum products. These chemicals can have toxic effects on aquatic organisms, disrupt ecosystems, and pose risks to human health through exposure or consumption.

Regulations and standards are in place to monitor and limit the levels of chemical pollutants in water sources, with the aim of protecting public health and the environment.

Water pollutants refer to any substances or materials that contaminate water sources and make them unsafe or unsuitable for use. These pollutants can include a wide range of chemicals, microorganisms, and physical particles that can have harmful effects on human health, aquatic life, and the environment as a whole. Examples of water pollutants include heavy metals like lead and mercury, industrial chemicals such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins, agricultural runoff containing pesticides and fertilizers, sewage and wastewater, oil spills, and microplastics. Exposure to water pollutants can cause a variety of health problems, ranging from minor irritations to serious illnesses or even death in extreme cases. Additionally, water pollution can have significant impacts on the environment, including harming or killing aquatic life, disrupting ecosystems, and reducing biodiversity.

'Daphnia' is not a medical term, but rather it refers to a group of small, planktonic crustaceans commonly known as water fleas. They are widely distributed in various freshwater environments and play an important role in the aquatic food chain as they serve as a food source for many larger animals such as fish.

While Daphnia may not have a direct medical definition, there has been some research into their potential use in biomedical applications due to their sensitivity to environmental changes. For instance, they have been used as indicators of water quality and toxicity levels in ecotoxicological studies. However, it is important to note that Daphnia itself is not a medical term or concept.

"Amber" is not a medical term. It is a fossilized tree resin that is often used in jewelry and ornamental objects. Amber can sometimes contain preserved insects, plants, and other organic material that became trapped in the resin millions of years ago. While amber itself is not a medical term, it may be mentioned in a medical context if it is used as a decorative element in medical equipment or if it contains inclusions of potential interest to paleopathology, the study of ancient diseases.

Ecotoxicology is the study of the harmful effects of chemicals and other stressors on living organisms and ecosystems in the environment. It involves investigating how these substances move through the environment, how they affect individual organisms, and how they impact the structure and function of whole ecosystems. The ultimate goal of ecotoxicology is to provide a scientific basis for managing the risks posed by environmental pollutants and protecting both human health and the environment.

The field of ecotoxicology draws on knowledge from a variety of disciplines, including toxicology, chemistry, biology, ecology, and environmental science. Ecotoxicologists use a range of techniques to study the effects of pollutants on organisms and ecosystems, including laboratory experiments, field studies, and computer modeling.

Some of the key topics studied in ecotoxicology include:

1. The sources, transport, and fate of environmental pollutants
2. The toxicity of chemicals to individual organisms, including their acute and chronic effects
3. The impacts of pollutants on populations, communities, and ecosystems
4. The development and validation of ecotoxicological tests and methods
5. The risk assessment and management of environmental pollutants

Overall, the field of ecotoxicology is critical for understanding and addressing the complex challenges posed by environmental pollution and protecting the health of both humans and the environment.

I believe there may be a misunderstanding in your question. The term "fishes" is not typically used in a medical context. "Fish" or "fishes" refers to any aquatic organism belonging to the taxonomic class Actinopterygii (bony fish), Chondrichthyes (sharks and rays), or Agnatha (jawless fish).

However, if you are referring to a condition related to fish or consuming fish, there is a medical issue called scombroid fish poisoning. It's a foodborne illness caused by eating spoiled or improperly stored fish from the Scombridae family, which includes tuna, mackerel, and bonito, among others. The bacteria present in these fish can produce histamine, which can cause symptoms like skin flushing, headache, diarrhea, and itchy rash. But again, this is not related to the term "fishes" itself but rather a condition associated with consuming certain types of fish.

Aquaculture is the controlled cultivation and farming of aquatic organisms, such as fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and aquatic plants, in both freshwater and saltwater environments. It involves the breeding, rearing, and harvesting of these organisms under controlled conditions to produce food, feed, recreational resources, and other products for human use. Aquaculture can take place in a variety of systems, including ponds, raceways, tanks, and cages, and it is an important source of protein and livelihoods for many people around the world.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Fresh Water" is not a medical term. It is a term used to describe water that contains low concentrations of dissolved salts and other dissolved minerals. It is distinguished from saline water, which includes saltwater found in the ocean and brackish water found in estuaries. Fresh water is essential for many biological processes and is the primary source of water for human consumption, agriculture, and industrial use.

Gills are specialized respiratory organs found in many aquatic organisms such as fish, crustaceans, and some mollusks. They are typically thin, feathery structures that increase the surface area for gas exchange between the water and the animal's bloodstream. Gills extract oxygen from water while simultaneously expelling carbon dioxide.

In fish, gills are located in the gill chamber, which is covered by opercula or protective bony flaps. Water enters through the mouth, flows over the gills, and exits through the opercular openings. The movement of water over the gills allows for the diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide across the gill filaments and lamellae, which are the thin plates where gas exchange occurs.

Gills contain a rich supply of blood vessels, allowing for efficient transport of oxygen to the body's tissues and removal of carbon dioxide. The counter-current flow of water and blood in the gills ensures that the concentration gradient between the water and the blood is maximized, enhancing the efficiency of gas exchange.

"Fish diseases" is a broad term that refers to various health conditions and infections affecting fish populations in aquaculture, ornamental fish tanks, or wild aquatic environments. These diseases can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, or environmental factors such as water quality, temperature, and stress.

Some common examples of fish diseases include:

1. Bacterial diseases: Examples include furunculosis (caused by Aeromonas salmonicida), columnaris disease (caused by Flavobacterium columnare), and enteric septicemia of catfish (caused by Edwardsiella ictaluri).

2. Viral diseases: Examples include infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) in salmonids, viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV), and koi herpesvirus (KHV).

3. Fungal diseases: Examples include saprolegniasis (caused by Saprolegnia spp.) and cotton wool disease (caused by Aphanomyces spp.).

4. Parasitic diseases: Examples include ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich), costia, trichodina, and various worm infestations such as anchor worms (Lernaea spp.) and tapeworms (Diphyllobothrium spp.).

5. Environmental diseases: These are caused by poor water quality, temperature stress, or other environmental factors that weaken the fish's immune system and make them more susceptible to infections. Examples include osmoregulatory disorders, ammonia toxicity, and low dissolved oxygen levels.

It is essential to diagnose and treat fish diseases promptly to prevent their spread among fish populations and maintain healthy aquatic ecosystems. Preventative measures such as proper sanitation, water quality management, biosecurity practices, and vaccination can help reduce the risk of fish diseases in both farmed and ornamental fish settings.

"Vibrio" is a genus of Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, curved-rod bacteria that are commonly found in marine and freshwater environments. Some species of Vibrio can cause diseases in humans, the most notable being Vibrio cholerae, which is the causative agent of cholera, a severe diarrheal illness. Other pathogenic species include Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus, which can cause gastrointestinal or wound infections. These bacteria are often transmitted through contaminated food or water and can lead to serious health complications, particularly in individuals with weakened immune systems.

An "ecosystem" is not a term that has a specific medical definition, as it is a concept that is more commonly used in the fields of ecology and environmental science. However, I can provide you with the general ecological definition of an ecosystem:

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms interacting with each other and their non-living environment, including both biotic factors (plants, animals, microorganisms) and abiotic factors (climate, soil, water, and air). These interactions create a complex network of relationships that form the foundation of ecological processes, such as energy flow, nutrient cycling, and population dynamics.

While there is no direct medical definition for an ecosystem, understanding the principles of ecosystems can have important implications for human health. For example, healthy ecosystems can provide clean air and water, regulate climate, support food production, and offer opportunities for recreation and relaxation, all of which contribute to overall well-being. Conversely, degraded ecosystems can lead to increased exposure to environmental hazards, reduced access to natural resources, and heightened risks of infectious diseases. Therefore, maintaining the health and integrity of ecosystems is crucial for promoting human health and preventing disease.

Environmental monitoring is the systematic and ongoing surveillance, measurement, and assessment of environmental parameters, pollutants, or other stressors in order to evaluate potential impacts on human health, ecological systems, or compliance with regulatory standards. This process typically involves collecting and analyzing data from various sources, such as air, water, soil, and biota, and using this information to inform decisions related to public health, environmental protection, and resource management.

In medical terms, environmental monitoring may refer specifically to the assessment of environmental factors that can impact human health, such as air quality, water contamination, or exposure to hazardous substances. This type of monitoring is often conducted in occupational settings, where workers may be exposed to potential health hazards, as well as in community-based settings, where environmental factors may contribute to public health issues. The goal of environmental monitoring in a medical context is to identify and mitigate potential health risks associated with environmental exposures, and to promote healthy and safe environments for individuals and communities.

Seawater is not a medical term, but it is a type of water that covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface. Medically, seawater can be relevant in certain contexts, such as in discussions of marine biology, environmental health, or water safety. Seawater has a high salt content, with an average salinity of around 3.5%, which is much higher than that of freshwater. This makes it unsuitable for drinking or irrigation without desalination.

Exposure to seawater can also have medical implications, such as in cases of immersion injuries, marine envenomations, or waterborne illnesses. However, there is no single medical definition of seawater.

Water microbiology is not a formal medical term, but rather a branch of microbiology that deals with the study of microorganisms found in water. It involves the identification, enumeration, and characterization of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other microscopic organisms present in water sources such as lakes, rivers, oceans, groundwater, drinking water, and wastewater.

In a medical context, water microbiology is relevant to public health because it helps to assess the safety of water supplies for human consumption and recreational activities. It also plays a critical role in understanding and preventing waterborne diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms that can lead to illnesses such as diarrhea, skin infections, and respiratory problems.

Water microbiologists use various techniques to study water microorganisms, including culturing, microscopy, genetic analysis, and biochemical tests. They also investigate the ecology of these organisms, their interactions with other species, and their response to environmental factors such as temperature, pH, and nutrient availability.

Overall, water microbiology is a vital field that helps ensure the safety of our water resources and protects public health.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Rivers" is not a medical term or concept. It is a geographical term referring to large, flowing bodies of water that usually empty into a sea or an ocean. If you have any medical questions or terms you would like defined, I'd be happy to help!

Phylogeny is the evolutionary history and relationship among biological entities, such as species or genes, based on their shared characteristics. In other words, it refers to the branching pattern of evolution that shows how various organisms have descended from a common ancestor over time. Phylogenetic analysis involves constructing a tree-like diagram called a phylogenetic tree, which depicts the inferred evolutionary relationships among organisms or genes based on molecular sequence data or other types of characters. This information is crucial for understanding the diversity and distribution of life on Earth, as well as for studying the emergence and spread of diseases.

I'm happy to help, but it seems there might be some confusion in your question. "Lakes" is not a medical term that has a specific definition in the context of medicine or healthcare. It is a geographical term used to describe large bodies of water surrounded by land. If you have any questions related to health, medicine, or healthcare, I would be happy to try and help answer those for you!

Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that are among the earliest known life forms on Earth. They are typically characterized as having a cell wall and no membrane-bound organelles. The majority of bacteria have a prokaryotic organization, meaning they lack a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.

Bacteria exist in diverse environments and can be found in every habitat on Earth, including soil, water, and the bodies of plants and animals. Some bacteria are beneficial to their hosts, while others can cause disease. Beneficial bacteria play important roles in processes such as digestion, nitrogen fixation, and biogeochemical cycling.

Bacteria reproduce asexually through binary fission or budding, and some species can also exchange genetic material through conjugation. They have a wide range of metabolic capabilities, with many using organic compounds as their source of energy, while others are capable of photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.

Bacteria are highly adaptable and can evolve rapidly in response to environmental changes. This has led to the development of antibiotic resistance in some species, which poses a significant public health challenge. Understanding the biology and behavior of bacteria is essential for developing strategies to prevent and treat bacterial infections and diseases.

Molecular sequence data refers to the specific arrangement of molecules, most commonly nucleotides in DNA or RNA, or amino acids in proteins, that make up a biological macromolecule. This data is generated through laboratory techniques such as sequencing, and provides information about the exact order of the constituent molecules. This data is crucial in various fields of biology, including genetics, evolution, and molecular biology, allowing for comparisons between different organisms, identification of genetic variations, and studies of gene function and regulation.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Ponds" is not a medical term. A pond is a body of still water, either natural or man-made, that is smaller than a lake. If you have any questions about medical terms or concepts, I would be happy to help answer those!

Birnaviridae is a family of non-enveloped, double-stranded RNA viruses that infect a wide range of animals, including birds, fish, and insects. The name Birnaviridae comes from the combination of the words "bird" and "RNA." These viruses are characterized by their icosahedral symmetry and bi-segmented genome, which is composed of two segments of double-stranded RNA.

The two genomic segments of Birnaviridae encode for several viral proteins, including the viral capsid protein and the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) that is responsible for replicating the viral genome. The family Birnaviridae includes several important veterinary pathogens, such as infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), which causes a highly contagious and often fatal disease in young chickens, and aquabirnavirus, which infects various species of fish and can cause significant economic losses in the aquaculture industry.

Birnaviruses are typically transmitted through fecal-oral routes or by ingestion of contaminated food or water. They replicate in the cytoplasm of infected cells and can induce a range of clinical signs, depending on the specific virus and host species. In addition to their veterinary importance, birnaviruses are also of interest to researchers studying the fundamental biology of RNA viruses and their interactions with host cells.

I apologize for any confusion, but "Hydrocharitaceae" is not a medical term. It is a taxonomic category in botany, specifically a family of aquatic plants known as the Hydrocharitaceae family. This family includes various genera of submerged, floating, and emergent aquatic plants, such as hydrillas, tape grasses, and water poppies.

If you have any medical terms or concepts that you would like me to define or explain, please let me know!

Species specificity is a term used in the field of biology, including medicine, to refer to the characteristic of a biological entity (such as a virus, bacterium, or other microorganism) that allows it to interact exclusively or preferentially with a particular species. This means that the biological entity has a strong affinity for, or is only able to infect, a specific host species.

For example, HIV is specifically adapted to infect human cells and does not typically infect other animal species. Similarly, some bacterial toxins are species-specific and can only affect certain types of animals or humans. This concept is important in understanding the transmission dynamics and host range of various pathogens, as well as in developing targeted therapies and vaccines.

DNA Sequence Analysis is the systematic determination of the order of nucleotides in a DNA molecule. It is a critical component of modern molecular biology, genetics, and genetic engineering. The process involves determining the exact order of the four nucleotide bases - adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T) - in a DNA molecule or fragment. This information is used in various applications such as identifying gene mutations, studying evolutionary relationships, developing molecular markers for breeding, and diagnosing genetic diseases.

The process of DNA Sequence Analysis typically involves several steps, including DNA extraction, PCR amplification (if necessary), purification, sequencing reaction, and electrophoresis. The resulting data is then analyzed using specialized software to determine the exact sequence of nucleotides.

In recent years, high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies have revolutionized the field of genomics, enabling the rapid and cost-effective sequencing of entire genomes. This has led to an explosion of genomic data and new insights into the genetic basis of many diseases and traits.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but the term "food chain" is not typically used in a medical context. It is a concept from ecology that describes the sequence of organisms through which food and energy pass as one organism eats another.

However, if you're referring to "food web" or "dietary intake," these terms might be more applicable in a medical context. For instance, dietary intake refers to what and how much a person consumes, which can have significant implications for their health. A food web, on the other hand, is a more complex network of relationships between different species that consume and are consumed by others, which can help researchers understand the impacts of changes in one species' population or behavior on others within an ecosystem.

If you meant to ask about something else, please provide more context or clarify your question, and I will do my best to provide a helpful answer!

I apologize for any confusion, but "wetlands" is a term related to environmental science and ecology rather than medicine. Wetlands are transitional areas between land and water that are characterized by the presence of water, which can be permanent or temporary. They are critical ecosystems that provide various important functions, such as water filtration, flood control, and habitat for diverse plant and animal life, including many species of migratory birds.

If you have any questions related to medicine or healthcare, please don't hesitate to ask!

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Invertebrates" is not a medical term. It is a term used in biology to describe a vast group of animals that do not have a vertebral column or spinal cord. This includes creatures such as insects, worms, starfish, and shellfish, among many others. They are classified as invertebrates because they lack a backbone, which is a characteristic of vertebrates, or animals that include humans and other mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.

Cetacea is a taxonomic order that includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises. This group of marine mammals is characterized by their fully aquatic lifestyle, torpedo-shaped bodies, modified limbs that serve as flippers, and the absence of external hindlimbs. Cetaceans have streamlined bodies that minimize drag while swimming, and their tail flukes enable powerful propulsion through vertical movement in the water column.

Their respiratory system features a pair of blowholes on the top of their heads, which they use to breathe air at the surface. Cetaceans exhibit complex social behaviors, advanced communication skills, and sophisticated echolocation abilities for navigation and hunting. They primarily feed on fish and invertebrates, with some larger species preying on marine mammals.

Cetaceans have a global distribution, occupying various habitats such as open oceans, coastal areas, and rivers. Unfortunately, many cetacean populations face threats from human activities like pollution, habitat degradation, climate change, and direct hunting or bycatch in fishing gear. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these remarkable creatures and their vital roles in marine ecosystems.

A larva is a distinct stage in the life cycle of various insects, mites, and other arthropods during which they undergo significant metamorphosis before becoming adults. In a medical context, larvae are known for their role in certain parasitic infections. Specifically, some helminth (parasitic worm) species use larval forms to infect human hosts. These invasions may lead to conditions such as cutaneous larva migrans, visceral larva migrans, or gnathostomiasis, depending on the specific parasite involved and the location of the infection within the body.

The larval stage is characterized by its markedly different morphology and behavior compared to the adult form. Larvae often have a distinct appearance, featuring unsegmented bodies, simple sense organs, and undeveloped digestive systems. They are typically adapted for a specific mode of life, such as free-living or parasitic existence, and rely on external sources of nutrition for their development.

In the context of helminth infections, larvae may be transmitted to humans through various routes, including ingestion of contaminated food or water, direct skin contact with infective stages, or transmission via an intermediate host (such as a vector). Once inside the human body, these parasitic larvae can cause tissue damage and provoke immune responses, leading to the clinical manifestations of disease.

It is essential to distinguish between the medical definition of 'larva' and its broader usage in biology and zoology. In those fields, 'larva' refers to any juvenile form that undergoes metamorphosis before reaching adulthood, regardless of whether it is parasitic or not.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Hydrobiology" is not a term commonly used in medicine. Instead, it is a branch of biology that deals with the study of organisms that live in water and their relationships with the aquatic environment. This includes various microorganisms, plants, and animals living in different types of water bodies such as oceans, lakes, rivers, and wetlands.

If you have any questions related to medical terminology or concepts, please feel free to ask, and I would be happy to help.

I'm not aware of a medical definition for the term "water movements." It is possible that it could be used in a specific context within a certain medical specialty or procedure. However, I can provide some general information about how the term "water" is used in a medical context.

In medicine, "water" often refers to the fluid component of the body, which includes all the fluids inside and outside of cells. The movement of water within the body is regulated by various physiological processes, such as osmosis and hydrostatic pressure. Disorders that affect the regulation of water balance can lead to dehydration or overhydration, which can have serious consequences for health.

If you could provide more context or clarify what you mean by "water movements," I may be able to give a more specific answer.

Biological evolution is the change in the genetic composition of populations of organisms over time, from one generation to the next. It is a process that results in descendants differing genetically from their ancestors. Biological evolution can be driven by several mechanisms, including natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow, and mutation. These processes can lead to changes in the frequency of alleles (variants of a gene) within populations, resulting in the development of new species and the extinction of others over long periods of time. Biological evolution provides a unifying explanation for the diversity of life on Earth and is supported by extensive evidence from many different fields of science, including genetics, paleontology, comparative anatomy, and biogeography.

Bacterial DNA refers to the genetic material found in bacteria. It is composed of a double-stranded helix containing four nucleotide bases - adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine (C) - that are linked together by phosphodiester bonds. The sequence of these bases in the DNA molecule carries the genetic information necessary for the growth, development, and reproduction of bacteria.

Bacterial DNA is circular in most bacterial species, although some have linear chromosomes. In addition to the main chromosome, many bacteria also contain small circular pieces of DNA called plasmids that can carry additional genes and provide resistance to antibiotics or other environmental stressors.

Unlike eukaryotic cells, which have their DNA enclosed within a nucleus, bacterial DNA is present in the cytoplasm of the cell, where it is in direct contact with the cell's metabolic machinery. This allows for rapid gene expression and regulation in response to changing environmental conditions.

Eukaryota is a domain that consists of organisms whose cells have a true nucleus and complex organelles. This domain includes animals, plants, fungi, and protists. The term "eukaryote" comes from the Greek words "eu," meaning true or good, and "karyon," meaning nut or kernel. In eukaryotic cells, the genetic material is housed within a membrane-bound nucleus, and the DNA is organized into chromosomes. This is in contrast to prokaryotic cells, which do not have a true nucleus and have their genetic material dispersed throughout the cytoplasm.

Eukaryotic cells are generally larger and more complex than prokaryotic cells. They have many different organelles, including mitochondria, chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus, that perform specific functions to support the cell's metabolism and survival. Eukaryotic cells also have a cytoskeleton made up of microtubules, actin filaments, and intermediate filaments, which provide structure and shape to the cell and allow for movement of organelles and other cellular components.

Eukaryotes are diverse and can be found in many different environments, ranging from single-celled organisms that live in water or soil to multicellular organisms that live on land or in aquatic habitats. Some eukaryotes are unicellular, meaning they consist of a single cell, while others are multicellular, meaning they consist of many cells that work together to form tissues and organs.

In summary, Eukaryota is a domain of organisms whose cells have a true nucleus and complex organelles. This domain includes animals, plants, fungi, and protists, and the eukaryotic cells are generally larger and more complex than prokaryotic cells.

Ecology is not a medical term, but rather a term used in the field of biology. It refers to the study of the relationships between living organisms and their environment. This includes how organisms interact with each other and with their physical surroundings, such as climate, soil, and water. Ecologists may study the distribution and abundance of species, the flow of energy through an ecosystem, and the effects of human activities on the environment. While ecology is not a medical field, understanding ecological principles can be important for addressing public health issues related to the environment, such as pollution, climate change, and infectious diseases.

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is a type of RNA that combines with proteins to form ribosomes, which are complex structures inside cells where protein synthesis occurs. The "16S" refers to the sedimentation coefficient of the rRNA molecule, which is a measure of its size and shape. In particular, 16S rRNA is a component of the smaller subunit of the prokaryotic ribosome (found in bacteria and archaea), and is often used as a molecular marker for identifying and classifying these organisms due to its relative stability and conservation among species. The sequence of 16S rRNA can be compared across different species to determine their evolutionary relationships and taxonomic positions.

Eutrophication is the process of excessive nutrient enrichment in bodies of water, which can lead to a rapid growth of aquatic plants and algae. This overgrowth can result in decreased levels of oxygen in the water, harming or even killing fish and other aquatic life. The primary cause of eutrophication is the addition of nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, from human activities such as agricultural runoff, sewage and wastewater discharge, and air pollution.

In advanced stages, eutrophication can lead to a shift in the dominant species in the aquatic ecosystem, favoring those that are better adapted to the high-nutrient conditions. This can result in a loss of biodiversity and changes in water quality, making it difficult for many organisms to survive.

Eutrophication is a significant global environmental problem, affecting both freshwater and marine ecosystems. It can lead to harmful algal blooms (HABs), which can produce toxins that are dangerous to humans and animals. In addition, eutrophication can impact water use for drinking, irrigation, recreation, and industry, making it a critical issue for public health and economic development.

"Sirenia" is not a medical term, but a biological classification for a group of aquatic mammals commonly known as sea cows. This order includes four extant species: the Dugong (Dugong dugon), and three manatee species - the Amazonian Manatee (Trichechus inunguis), the West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus), and the African Manatee (Trichechus senegalensis). These herbivorous animals are known for their streamlined bodies, paddle-like limbs, and whiskered snouts. They inhabit warm coastal and riverine habitats in various parts of the world.

I apologize for any confusion, but "Pipidae" is not a medical term. It is actually a taxonomic category in the field of biology, specifically referring to a family of fully aquatic frogs known as the Pipid frogs or tropical frogs. These frogs are characterized by their lack of tongues and external ear drums. They are found primarily in Africa and South America.

If you have any medical terms or concepts that you would like me to define, I'd be happy to help!

I apologize for any confusion, but "Potamogetonaceae" is not a medical term. It is a taxonomic category in botany, specifically a family of aquatic plants commonly known as pondweeds. The plants in this family are characterized by their submerged or floating leaves and their adaptation to living in freshwater environments. If you have any questions related to the field of medicine, I would be happy to try and help answer them for you.

Water pollution is defined medically as the contamination of water sources by harmful or sufficient amounts of foreign substances (pathogens, chemicals, toxic compounds, etc.) which tend to interfere with its normal functioning and can have negative effects on human health. Such pollutants can find their way into water bodies through various means including industrial waste disposal, agricultural runoff, oil spills, sewage and wastewater discharges, and accidental chemical releases, among others.

Exposure to polluted water can lead to a range of health issues, from minor problems like skin irritation or stomach upset, to severe conditions such as neurological disorders, reproductive issues, cancer, and even death in extreme cases. It also poses significant risks to aquatic life, disrupting ecosystems and leading to the decline or extinction of various species. Therefore, maintaining clean and safe water supplies is critical for both human health and environmental preservation.

Biodiversity is the variety of different species of plants, animals, and microorganisms that live in an ecosystem. It also includes the variety of genes within a species and the variety of ecosystems (such as forests, grasslands, deserts, and oceans) that exist in a region or on Earth as a whole. Biodiversity is important for maintaining the health and balance of ecosystems, providing resources and services such as food, clean water, and pollination, and contributing to the discovery of new medicines and other useful products. The loss of biodiversity can have negative impacts on the functioning of ecosystems and the services they provide, and can threaten the survival of species and the livelihoods of people who depend on them.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "geologic sediments" is not a term used in medical definitions. Geological sediments are deposits of material that accumulate over time, usually in layers, as a result of natural geological processes such as weathering, erosion, and deposition. These sediments can eventually become rock formations and provide important clues about the Earth's history, including information about past climates, environments, and life on Earth.

'Eichhornia' is a genus of aquatic plants commonly known as water hyacinths. They are native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas but have become invasive species in many other parts of the world due to their ability to rapidly reproduce and choke waterways. Here is the medical definition:

Genus: Eichhornia

Common name: Water hyacinths

Family: Pontederiaceae

Characteristics: These plants are characterized by their thick, spongy stems, bright green, glossy leaves, and beautiful lavender or light blue flowers. They float on the surface of the water and can form dense mats that cover large areas.

Habitat: Water hyacinths thrive in slow-moving or still bodies of freshwater, such as ponds, lakes, and canals.

Reproduction: These plants reproduce primarily through vegetative means, with new plants growing from fragments of the parent plant that break off and float away. Each plant can produce thousands of seeds per year, which can remain viable for up to 15 years.

Invasive species: Water hyacinths are considered invasive species in many parts of the world due to their rapid growth and ability to outcompete native aquatic plants for resources. They can form dense mats that block sunlight and reduce oxygen levels in the water, killing fish and other aquatic life.

Medical relevance: While water hyacinths themselves are not directly harmful to human health, they can create environments that foster the growth of mosquitoes and other disease-carrying insects. Additionally, their dense mats can make it difficult for people to access waterways for recreation or transportation.

In the context of mental health and psychology, "predatory behavior" is not a term that is commonly used as a medical diagnosis or condition. However, it generally refers to aggressive or exploitative behavior towards others with the intention of taking advantage of them for personal gain or pleasure. This could include various types of harmful behaviors such as sexual harassment, assault, stalking, bullying, or financial exploitation.

In some cases, predatory behavior may be associated with certain mental health conditions, such as antisocial personality disorder or psychopathy, which are characterized by a disregard for the rights and feelings of others. However, it's important to note that not all individuals who engage in predatory behavior have a mental health condition, and many people who do may not necessarily exhibit these behaviors.

If you or someone else is experiencing harm or exploitation, it's important to seek help from a trusted authority figure, such as a healthcare provider, law enforcement officer, or social worker.

Medical definitions of water generally describe it as a colorless, odorless, tasteless liquid that is essential for all forms of life. It is a universal solvent, making it an excellent medium for transporting nutrients and waste products within the body. Water constitutes about 50-70% of an individual's body weight, depending on factors such as age, sex, and muscle mass.

In medical terms, water has several important functions in the human body:

1. Regulation of body temperature through perspiration and respiration.
2. Acting as a lubricant for joints and tissues.
3. Facilitating digestion by helping to break down food particles.
4. Transporting nutrients, oxygen, and waste products throughout the body.
5. Helping to maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes.
6. Assisting in the regulation of various bodily functions, such as blood pressure and heart rate.

Dehydration can occur when an individual does not consume enough water or loses too much fluid due to illness, exercise, or other factors. This can lead to a variety of symptoms, including dry mouth, fatigue, dizziness, and confusion. Severe dehydration can be life-threatening if left untreated.

Crustacea is a subphylum of Arthropoda, which is a phylum that includes animals without backbones and with jointed appendages. Crustaceans are characterized by their segmented bodies, usually covered with a hard exoskeleton made of chitin, and paired, jointed limbs.

Examples of crustaceans include crabs, lobsters, shrimps, crayfish, krill, barnacles, and copepods. Many crustaceans are aquatic, living in both freshwater and marine environments, while some are terrestrial. They can vary greatly in size, from tiny planktonic organisms to large crabs and lobsters.

Crustaceans have a complex life cycle that typically involves several distinct stages, including larval and adult forms. They are an important part of many aquatic ecosystems, serving as both predators and prey. Crustaceans also have economic importance as a source of food for humans, with crabs, lobsters, and shrimps being among the most commonly consumed.

Zooplankton are not a medical term, but they are an important concept in biology and ecology. Zooplankton refer to small, drifting or floating animals that live in watery environments such as oceans, seas, and freshwater bodies. They include various organisms like tiny crustaceans (such as copepods and krill), jellyfish, arrow worms, and larvae of larger aquatic animals. Zooplankton play a crucial role in food chains and nutrient cycling within aquatic ecosystems.

Amphipoda is an order of crustaceans characterized by a laterally compressed body and a distinctive jointed swimming leg, making them well-adapted for swimming in open water. They are commonly known as "sand fleas" or "beach fleas," although they are not actually fleas. Amphipods can be found in various aquatic habitats, including marine, freshwater, and brackish environments. Some species live on the seafloor, while others are planktonic or associate with other organisms. They vary greatly in size, ranging from less than a millimeter to over 30 centimeters in length.

The medical definition of 'Amphipoda' is not typically used since amphipods do not have direct relevance to human health or medicine. However, they can serve as bioindicators of environmental quality and may be involved in the transmission of certain diseases between aquatic organisms.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "swimming" is not typically considered a medical term. It refers to the act of moving through water using your arms and legs in a rhythmic pattern, often as a form of exercise, recreation, or competition. However, if you're referring to a medical condition related to swimming, such as "swimmer's ear" (otitis externa), I would be happy to provide a definition for that.

Swimmer's ear is a type of outer ear infection caused by water remaining in the ear after swimming or bathing, creating a moist environment that can lead to bacterial growth. It can also be caused by scratching or damaging the lining of the ear canal through the use of cotton swabs or other objects. Symptoms may include itching, redness, pain, and sometimes discharge from the ear. If left untreated, swimmer's ear can lead to more serious complications, such as hearing loss or damage to the inner ear.

Araceae is a family of flowering plants, also known as the arum or aroid family. It includes a diverse range of species, such as calla lilies, peace lilies, and jack-in-the-pulpit. These plants are characterized by their unique inflorescence structure, which consists of a specialized leaf-like structure called a spathe that surrounds and protects a spike-like structure called a spadix, where the flowers are located.

The flowers of Araceae plants are often small and inconspicuous, and may be surrounded by showy bracts or modified leaves. Many species in this family produce attractive berries or fruits that contain seeds. Some members of Araceae contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes if handled improperly.

Araceae plants are found worldwide, with a majority of species occurring in tropical regions. They are grown for their ornamental value, as well as for their edible fruits and tubers. Some species have medicinal uses, while others are invasive and can cause ecological damage in certain areas.

... Low chronic exposure to the soluble insecticide is lethal ... The study, conducted by Dr Roman Ashauer and colleagues from Eawag (the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and ... which assumes that individual organisms react differently to any given chemical, in this case it could be down to individual ...
... persist through wastewater treatment and may occur in waterways at levels high enough to negatively affect aquatic organisms, ...
iStockCaerphilly Castle Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Ancient, Aquatic Organism, Castle. Download this Caerphilly Castle ...
All the latest science news about aquatic organisms from ... News tagged with aquatic organisms. * Date 6 hours 12 hours 1 ... All aquatic species in river mouths are contaminated by microplastics, says new report. All aquatic species in the river mouths ... Scientists have learned over the years that when aquatic organisms such as zooplankton become exposed to microplastics, they ... A research team from the Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has analyzed the harm ...
For example, traditional approaches for understanding aquatic effects may not be as useful for some APIs (Brooks et al. 2003), ... The vast preponderance of studies aimed at identifying and quantifying contaminant residues in aquatic tissues have involved ... in aquatic systems has led in recent years to a burgeoning literature examining environmental occurrence, fate, effects, risk ... For example, traditional approaches for understanding aquatic effects may not be as useful for some APIs (Brooks et al. 2003), ...
The Institute is the largest Croatian scientific research center of a multidisciplinary character
0010: Aquatic Biology Research Report: The Toxicity of Kraft Pulping Wastes to Typical Fish Food Organisms ... 0010: Aquatic Biology Research Report: The Toxicity of Kraft Pulping Wastes to Typical Fish Food Organisms. ... The so-called "web of life" that exists in an aquatic environment is a complex series of relationships between the species ... In the second place, the wastes may contain substances which are toxic to aquatic inhabitants. In either instance, the end ...
Bioassays to determine allowable waste concentrations in the aquatic environment ... water fishes and other aquatic organisms part 2 effects of sodium chlorate and ammonium sulfamate to the aquatic organisms in ... Bisphenol A in the aquatic environment and its endocrine-disruptive effects on aquatic organisms Critical Reviews in Toxicology ... Saturator system for generating toxic water solutions for aquatic bioassays Undesirable effects on aquatic organisms ...
By Ron Rhodes,October 27th, 2016,Tags: AOP, Aquatic Organism Passage, brook trout, fish passage, Haverhill, NH, ...
Aquatic Organism Passage I&A and state design guidelines * Modified Culvert Inventory and Assessment Protocol ... Technical Guide for Field Practitioners: Understanding and Monitoring Aquatic Organism Passage at Road-Stream Crossings ... US Forest Service Fish and Aquatic Organism Passage Programs in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law ... Northeast Aquatic Connectivity: An Assessment of Dams on Northeastern Rivers. * SEACAP: Southeast Aquatic Connectivity ...
... Rosenfield, Aaron and Mann, Roger "Dispersal of Living Organisms into ... The transfer and introduction, inadvertent and planned, by human being of living organisms into aquatic ecosystems has a long ... Rosenfield, Aaron and Mann, Roger "Dispersal of Living Organisms into Aquatic Ecosystems" , 1992. Export RIS Citation ... Title : Dispersal of Living Organisms into Aquatic Ecosystems Personal Author(s) : Rosenfield, Aaron;Mann, Roger; Corporate ...
Created: 1981-01-21T00:00:00Z. Last modified: 2021-05-24T17:34:42Z. skos:notation: 557 ...
Comparison of the sensitivity of Australasian and non-Australasian aquatic organisms to selected metals. Hobbs, D ... Comparison of the sensitivity of Australasian and non-Australasian aquatic organisms to selected metals. en_US. ... the non-Australasian organisms were more sensitive. Examination of the ratios of the differences between organisms from the two ... the non-Australasian organisms were more sensitive. Examination of the ratios of the differences between organisms from the two ...
Protect aquatic organisms through measures including:. *using bubble curtains or noise deterrents when blasting to scare ... aquatic organisms away from the blasting area;. *capturing and moving fish to another suitable location in the watercourse ... What precautions are required to protect the aquatic environment?. Specific protective measures must be implemented in order to ... limit the detrimental impact on the aquatic environment during operations in water. It is also important to only carry out ...
Laboratory of Biology of Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems. MNHN, CNRS 8067, SU, IRD 207, UCN, UA 43 rue Cuvier, CP 26 75231 ...
Laboratory of Biology of Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems. MNHN, CNRS 8067, SU, IRD 207, UCN, UA 43 rue Cuvier, CP 26 75231 ...
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. Volume 142, pages 105-118, doi:10.3354/dao03536 SauvƩ CC, HernƔndez-Ortiz A, Jenkins E, Mavrot F ...
is an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.. ...
... as an incubator or nursery for eggs and larvae for a wide range of aquatic organisms. Hunters definition includes all ... Organisms that live freely at the ocean surface, termed neuston, include keystone organisms like the golden seaweed Sargassum ... Organisms are perhaps less suitable as indicators of the SML because they can actively avoid the SML and/or the harsh ... Organisms here must contend with wave action and unique chemical and physical properties. The surface is utilised by a wide ...
Hazard for aquatic organisms. Freshwater. Hazard assessment conclusion:. PNEC aqua (freshwater). PNEC value:. 0.12 mg/L. ... Hazard for terrestrial organisms. Hazard for predators. Additional information. Conclusion on classification. The acute ...
Hazard for aquatic organisms. Freshwater. Hazard assessment conclusion:. no hazard identified. Marine water. Hazard assessment ... Hazard for terrestrial organisms. Soil. Hazard assessment conclusion:. no hazard identified. Hazard for predators. Secondary ... no potential to cause toxic effects if accumulated (in higher organisms) via the food chain. Additional information. Conclusion ...
Hazard for aquatic organisms. Freshwater. Hazard assessment conclusion:. PNEC aqua (freshwater). PNEC value:. 0.518 mg/L. ... Hazard for terrestrial organisms. Soil. Hazard assessment conclusion:. PNEC soil. PNEC value:. 0.1 mg/kg soil dw. Extrapolation ...
Hazard for aquatic organisms. Freshwater. Hazard assessment conclusion:. no hazard identified. Marine water. Hazard assessment ... Hazard for terrestrial organisms. Soil. Hazard assessment conclusion:. no hazard identified. Hazard for predators. Secondary ...
... the habitats for cold-water organisms also change. Researchers have now modelled where refuges that are vital for biodiversity ... Accordingly, the organisms accustomed to cold glacial water will migrate upwards with the glacier and move into the newly ... Glacial melt affects numerous organisms that are native to streams fed by glacial water. As the ice masses increasingly retreat ... This is particularly detrimental to the endemic organisms there, which can only migrate to other regions with difficulty due to ...
The widespread distribution of Crustacea across every aquatic ecological niche on Earth is enabled due to their exoskeletons ... MALDI mass spectrometry imaging workflow for the aquatic model organisms Danio rerio and Daphnia magna *Elisabeth Schirmer ... It allows a specific defense in a prey organism to manifest itself only if a reliable cue for a pending attack is given14. This ... Nevertheless, the presence of these amorphous biomineral phases is known to provide a flexible tool for organisms that can be ...
COVID-19 drugs persist through wastewater treatment, may negatively affect aquatic organisms Certain drugs used to treat COVID- ... persist through wastewater treatment and may occur in waterways at levels high enough to negatively affect aquatic organisms, ...
Comparative bioavailability of selenium to aquatic organisms after biological treatment of agricultural drainage water. Aquatic ... Comparative bioavailability of selenium to aquatic organisms after biological treatment of agricultural drainage water. Aquatic ... Amweg, E. L. ; Stuart, D. L. ; Weston, D. P. / Comparative bioavailability of selenium to aquatic organisms after biological ... Amweg, EL, Stuart, DL & Weston, DP 2003, Comparative bioavailability of selenium to aquatic organisms after biological ...
  • However, fipronil may influence non-target species as a result of the contamination of aquatic ecosystems. (
  • In conclusion, the analysis of current literature demonstrated that the ecosystem health of aquatic -freshwater, estuarine, marine - ecosystems includes the ability of the biological community to purify water (to perform water self-purification). (
  • Aquatic viruses are widespread in marine and freshwater environments, and they play significant roles in shaping aquatic ecosystems and affecting living organisms. (
  • Impact on microbial communities: Aquatic viruses have a profound influence on the structure and dynamics of microbial communities in aquatic ecosystems. (
  • Viral shunt: Aquatic viruses are a part of the microbial loop in aquatic ecosystems, where they play a role in the transfer of organic matter from primary producers (e.g., algae) to higher trophic levels. (
  • Harmful algal blooms (HABs): Some viruses are associated with harmful algal blooms (HABs), which can have detrimental effects on aquatic ecosystems. (
  • Aquatic viruses are pervasive in aquatic ecosystems and have multifaceted effects on living organisms. (
  • Understanding the role of aquatic viruses is essential for managing and conserving aquatic ecosystems, especially in the face of environmental challenges like climate change and pollution. (
  • Ecotoxicity of selected antibiotics for organisms of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. (
  • Havelkova B, Beklova M, Kovacova V, Hlavkova D, Pikula J. Ecotoxicity of selected antibiotics for organisms of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. (
  • During her Master's thesis research, "Effects of Diflubenzuron on Aquatic Macroinvertebrates," Harrahy investigated the toxicity and persistence of the gypsy moth pesticide diflubenzuron (DimilinĀ®) in stream ecosystems. (
  • The literature regarding the toxicity to aquatic organisms and the related chemistry of nine military-relevant compounds was evaluated and reviewed. (
  • The substance did not meet the ecological categorization criteria for persistence, bioaccumulation potential or inherent toxicity to aquatic organisms. (
  • Aquatic invasive species may be the most significant threat to the health of the Great Lakes. (
  • Prevent the arrival and spread of new aquatic invasive species. (
  • Detect and eradicate newly arrived aquatic invasive species before they get a foothold in the Great Lakes. (
  • While aquatic invasive species have irrevocably changed the Great Lakes, we are taking steps to stem new introductions, contain new arrivals from becoming established and minimize the impact of those aquatic invasive species that are here to stay. (
  • A stronger, more resilient Great Lakes ecosystem is one of the most powerful weapons we have against aquatic invasive species. (
  • The Nature Conservancy is working to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species in the Great Lakes region and beyond. (
  • There are many ways aquatic invasive species are introduced into new habitats. (
  • The places where waterways connect are vulnerable to the movement of aquatic invasive species. (
  • By focusing on the these connections, we can protect them and stop the two-way movement of aquatic invasive species. (
  • Live organisms are sold in pet stores, aquariums and bait shops have the potential to become an invasive species. (
  • But the pet and aquarium industry, nursery and water garden outlets, aquaculture and live bait shops are a major focus for preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species through the trade in live organisms. (
  • Ballast water helps ships stabilize on the open ocean, but it can harbor aquatic invasive species. (
  • In the last 60 years, maritime shipping has been the most prolific pathway of unintentional introduction of aquatic invasive species to the Great Lakes region, as it connects our freshwater communities with ports across the globe. (
  • Infection re- number of other aquatic mycobacterial species, including sults in illness and lasting negative socioeconomic effects in M. marinum ( 15 - 17 ). (
  • Terrestrial organisms Terrestrial organisms are species that live and thrive on land. (
  • These adaptations include specific respiratory systems, body structures, and reproductive methods suited to air exposure and ground mobility, distinguishing them from aquatic or aerial species. (
  • Some waterborne viruses that infect aquatic animals can cross the species barrier and infect humans, a phenomenon known as zoonotic transmission. (
  • The dead organisms floated over the water surface have a clear invitation for the growth of pathogens which may further risk to the waterborne infection.The chances of the disease outbreak are more, due to afavourable condition for the microorganism such as Aeromonas , S taphylococcus , Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Escherichia coli and other fungal species Branchiomyces, Saprolegnia and other etc. (
  • Here, we'll delve into the genetic intricacies and health challenges faced by aquatic species. (
  • The Acinetobacter has more than 50 species, most of which are nonpathogenic environmental organisms. (
  • Shellfish" are defined as all non-insect aquatic invertebrates. (
  • Anyone seeking to import or possess live aquatic invertebrates from outside the state of Washington into the state. (
  • This includes but is not limited to aquatic invertebrates (other than insects) intended for aquaculture, research, public or personal display, or education. (
  • From collec- tions of 22,832 invertebrates, we compared composition, to propose that aquatic insects might serve as vectors of abundance, and associated M. ulcerans positivity among M. ulcerans . (
  • In light of these recent fi eld evidence for the potential of aquatic invertebrates to fi ndings, the relative frequency or abundance of M. ulcer- be vectors of M. ulcerans . (
  • Pollutants as developmental toxicants in aquatic organisms. (
  • The importance of this study exhibits the emphasis in monitoring agricultural pollutants that affects the vitality and development of aquatic organisms. (
  • The experiments were carried out as described in the OECD Guideline 220 [CSN EN ISO 16387--Soil quality--Effects of pollutants on Enchytraeidae (Enchytraeus sp. (
  • Waterborne viruses can be pathogenic and cause various diseases when they come into contact with living organisms. (
  • We're diving straight into a comprehensive session that seamlessly merges Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences with Genetics & Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. (
  • Without a pause, we'll transition seamlessly into the Genetics & Diseases of Aquatic Organisms segment. (
  • They come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, including bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) and viruses that infect eukaryotic organisms like algae, protozoa, and even larger aquatic animals. (
  • They control the abundance of their host organisms, primarily bacteria and phytoplankton. (
  • In the environment, hydroquinone showed increased toxicity for aquatic organisms, being less harmful for bacteria and fungi. (
  • Tests were conducted on organisms representing all trophic levels of the aquatic ecosystem, namely producers (green freshwater algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata), consumers (water fleas Daphnia magna) and decomposers (bacteria Vibrio fischeri). (
  • All sources of nitrogen that were evaluated are harmful to aquatic life. (
  • Shellfish Import and Transfer permitting requirements are intended to reduce risk associated with introducing and spreading shellfish disease agents and harmful aquatic pest organisms. (
  • As cyclohexane is considered to be readily biodegradable, the results would meet the criteria for Chronic Category 3, with the phrase H412: harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. (
  • The substance is harmful to aquatic organisms. (
  • The potential impact on aquatic organism passage has resulted in regulatory pressure to develop alternatives or modifications to the traditional soil saver wall design. (
  • This article contains the results of an analysis of the potential impact of box culverts with solid soil saver walls on aquatic organism passage. (
  • The results of a survey of thirty states and fifteen field sites on the current state-of-practice for box culverts, and flume tests using model box culverts with a solid soil saver wall and with modified design to promote aquatic passage are presented. (
  • M. Neupane, R. Parsons, J. Han, D. Parr, and J. Jacobe, "Evaluation of Soil Saver Walls on Aquatic Organism Passage Through Box Culverts," Journal of Testing and Evaluation 46, no. 4 (2018): 1313-1320. (
  • The ecotoxicity databases on the effects of soluble nickel compounds to aquatic, soil- and sediment-dwelling organisms are extensive. (
  • The leaching effects of this waste sludge may also degrade the soil fertility and their organisms. (
  • Enchytraeids are ecologically relevant soil organisms, due to their activity in decomposition and bioturbation in many soil types worldwide. (
  • Its bioaccumulation potential, however, in aquatic environments is low. (
  • reservoirs, remains tenuous, and thus, the role of aquatic however, past epidemiologic studies have associated BU insect vectors is uncertain. (
  • In aquatic environments, the availability of oxygen can be limited due to factors like temperature changes, stagnation, or overpopulation of organisms. (
  • Terrestrial organisms have direct access to atmospheric oxygen, which is not limited by solubility factors as in aquatic environments. (
  • This regulation helps maintain the balance of nutrient cycling and productivity in aquatic environments. (
  • A baumannii is a water organism and preferentially colonizes aquatic environments. (
  • In aquatic organisms the highest level of toxicity was shown by tetracycline to algae (72hEC50 = 1.82 mg.l-1) and daphnia (48hEC50 = 8.16 mg.l-1). (
  • 2. Ostroumov S. A. The Concept of Aquatic Biota as a Labile and Vulnerable Component of the Water Self-Purification System. (
  • This higher concentration in air allows terrestrial organisms to obtain oxygen more efficiently. (
  • Terrestrial organisms, therefore, expend less energy in the process of inhalation and exhalation. (
  • More Efficient Gas Exchange: The lower density and viscosity of air also allow for a more efficient gas exchange process in terrestrial organisms. (
  • The respiratory surfaces of terrestrial organisms, such as lungs, are adapted to maximize this efficiency, allowing for a more effective exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. (
  • Terrestrial organisms have evolved various adaptations to minimize water loss while still allowing for effective gas exchange. (
  • However, it's important to note that these advantages come with their own set of challenges, such as the need for terrestrial organisms to develop structures like lungs for efficient gas exchange and mechanisms to conserve water. (
  • 3. Ostroumov S. A. An aquatic ecosystem: a large-scale diversified bioreactor with a water self-purification function. (
  • The results would meet the criteria for Acute Category 1, with the phrase H400: very toxic to aquatic life. (
  • The least toxic for all test organisms was penicillin G. The results of the tests performed on the representative of edaphon, Folsomia candida, showed that its reproduction was most inhibited by penicillin G (28dEC50 = 328 and least by tetracycline (28dEC50 = 2560 (
  • Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. (
  • The widespread distribution of Crustacea across every aquatic ecological niche on Earth is enabled due to their exoskeleton's versatile properties. (
  • The organism has several features which contribute to its virulence. (
  • Mortality and morbidity resulting from A baumannii infection relate to the underlying cardiopulmonary immune status of the host rather than the inherent virulence of the organism. (
  • Mycobacterium ulcerans and associated with exposure to have been recognized, none has been consistently reported, aquatic habitats. (
  • Application of microdialysis combined with UHPLC-QTOF/MS to screen for endogenous metabolites in aquatic organisms as biomarkers of exposure to an emerging contaminant, triclosan. (
  • Viral infections in aquatic organisms can lead to reduced population sizes, altered ecological dynamics, and even mass mortalities in some cases. (
  • This can occur when people come into contact with contaminated water, consume infected aquatic organisms or come into contact with it through recreational activities such as swimming, boating, or fishing. (
  • For instance, there is need to take a serious action regarding this activity by the department of wildlife and forest conservationand Punjab control pollution boardand make a contribution in every possible way to minimize the effect of this to the other aquatic organism, and further,will establish a new strategies with strictly implementation and regularly monitoring. (
  • Particular emphasis is placed on the role of these micro-organisms in many of the elemental (geochemical) cycles of the oceans. (
  • Discussing the interpretation of tissue concentrations of contaminants in wildlife, this updated edition of a bestseller draws on current scientific research and includes new chapters and greater emphasis on aquatic organisms. (
  • She earned her M.S. in Aquatic Ecology at West Virginia University. (
  • To assess possible transmission of M. making it diffi cult to identify specifi c water-related risk ulcerans by aquatic biting insects, we conducted a fi eld activities ( 6 - 8 ). (
  • Abundance and diversity: Aquatic viruses are extremely abundant, with estimates suggesting that there are millions of virus particles per milliliter of seawater. (
  • Introduction to the evolution, diversity, and importance of micro-organisms in the sea. (
  • Genetic diversity and evolution: Aquatic viruses are also important drivers of genetic diversity and evolution in aquatic microorganisms. (
  • This organism is often cultured from hospitalized patients' sputum or respiratory secretions, wounds, and urine. (
  • Impact on marine animals: Aquatic viruses can infect a range of marine animals, including fish, marine mammals, and corals. (
  • One of the major river Beas in Punjab (originate from the Rohtang Pass from Himachal Pradesh which covered the 470 km distance and discharges into river Sutlej near Harikepattan, Punjab) has famous for the habitat of several aquatic plants and animals and irrigation of agricultural crop nearby areas and income sources of several fish farmers are depend upon this river. (
  • Despite the bioavailability of these metals to plants and animals, studies determining the effects of PGE on organisms are extremely rare. (
  • Previous studies have shown adverse effects of ammonium nitrate to aquatic organisms. (
  • No effects relevant for classification was observed in all aquatic tests. (
  • To date, a number of studies on the combined effects of mycotoxins have been conducted on cell and animal models, but very limited studies have been done on aquatic organisms. (
  • These between aquatic insect salivary gland antibodies in humans water bodies were chosen after discussions with commu- categorized as exposed or patient, when the former group nity members who directed us to the main water source for had exhibited BU. (
  • In many organisms, including humans, respiration includes breathing - the physical act of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. (
  • Climate change and ocean acidification: Environmental changes associated with climate change, such as rising sea temperatures and ocean acidification, can alter the distribution and dynamics of aquatic viruses. (
  • In biological nomenclature, organisms often receive scientific names that honor a person. (
  • Respiration is a vital biological process in which living organisms convert nutrients into energy. (
  • This list is part of the List of organisms named after famous people, and includes organisms named after famous individuals born between 1 January 1900 and 31 December 1949. (
  • Aquatic organisms, on the other hand, have adaptations suited to their environment, such as gills in fish, which are highly efficient at extracting oxygen from water. (
  • First up, we'll explore the latest breakthroughs and trends in Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, with experts sharing their cutting-edge research and insights. (
  • Get ready for an engaging and informative session that spans two critical domains of aquatic research! (
  • Scientists from Kant Federal University and Lobachevsky University in Nizhny Novgorod studied the movements of aquatic organisms and identified the main stages of development of floating robots. (
  • Of the 21 women honoured, 12 are in this section of the list, 7 are in the List of organisms named after famous people (born 1950-present) and the remaining two are not listed because they are natural scientists: Jane Goodall (Gibberula goodallae) and Linda R. Watkins (Gibberula watkinsae). (
  • Tiwari Academy / NCERT Solutions / NCERT Solutions for Class 10 / NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science / NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 5 Life Processes / What advantage over an aquatic organism does a terrestrial organism have with regard to obtaining oxygen for respiration? (
  • In a study that compares the genomes of aquatic life forms, researchers have found evidence to shuffle the branches of the tree of life. (
  • The team also found that their method works for cavefish, another aquatic model organism. (
  • The article points out that since the 1990s, researchers have been developing a variety of mechanisms that robots can use to simulate the movements of aquatic organisms, but these models were not sufficient to cover the full range of movements recorded in nature. (
  • Fish and aquatic organisms can accumulate barium. (
  • In general, the labyrinth fish are carnivores that eat small aquatic organisms and carrion. (
  • These walls act as a drop inlet and may hinder free movement of aquatic organisms. (
  • At the request of local and state health departments, and the aquatics industry, CDC led a national effort to develop the Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC). (
  • Learn more about the Model Aquatic Health Code . (

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