Bouts of physical irritability or movement alternating with periods of quiescence. It includes biochemical activity and hormonal activity which may be cellular. These cycles are shorter than 24 hours and include sleep-wakefulness cycles and the periodic activation of the digestive system.
The regular recurrence, in cycles of about 24 hours, of biological processes or activities, such as sensitivity to drugs and stimuli, hormone secretion, sleeping, and feeding.
The complex series of phenomena, occurring between the end of one CELL DIVISION and the end of the next, by which cellular material is duplicated and then divided between two daughter cells. The cell cycle includes INTERPHASE, which includes G0 PHASE; G1 PHASE; S PHASE; and G2 PHASE, and CELL DIVISION PHASE.

Neural changes after operant conditioning of the aerial respiratory behavior in Lymnaea stagnalis. (1/175)

In this study, we demonstrate neural changes that occurred during operant conditioning of the aerial respiratory behavior of Lymnaea stagnalis. Aerial respiration in Lymnaea occurs at the water interface and is achieved by opening and closing movements of its respiratory orifice, the pneumostome. This behavior is controlled by a central pattern generator (CPG), the neurons of which, as well as the motoneurons innervating the pneumostome, have previously been identified and their synaptic connections well characterized. The respiratory behavior was operantly conditioned by applying a mechanical stimulus to the open pneumostome whenever the animal attempted to breathe. This negative reinforcement to the open pneumostome resulted in its immediate closure and a significant reduction in the overall respiratory activity. Electrophysiological recordings from the isolated CNSs after operant conditioning showed that the spontaneous patterned respiratory activity of the CPG neurons was significantly reduced. This included reduced spontaneous activity of the CPG interneuron involved in pneumostome opening (input 3 interneuron) and a reduced frequency of spontaneous tonic activity of the CPG interneuron [right pedal dorsal 1 (RPeD1)]. The ability to trigger the patterned respiratory activity by electrical stimulation of RPeD1 was also significantly reduced after operant conditioning. This study therefore demonstrates significant changes within a CPG that are associated with changes in a rhythmic homeostatic behavior after operant conditioning.  (+info)

Scanning electron microscopy of the lateral cell surfaces of rat incisor ameloblasts. (2/175)

Dry dissected rat incisor ameloblasts studied in the scanning electron microscope show remarkable specializations of their lateral surfaces. Four or five cycles of a change from a surface with longitudinal gutterlike folds associated with large intercellular spaces, to one with microvilli and reduced intercellular spaces, are found along the length of the lower incisor maturation zone. It is argued that these changes indicate cyclical activity in maturation ameloblasts.  (+info)

Many LH peaks are needed to physiologically stimulate testosterone secretion: modulation by fasting and NPY. (3/175)

The pulsatile luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone secretions were studied during serial blood collections performed at 7-min time intervals in the male rat. In fed rats, a discontinuous pattern of LH secretion was observed. Periods without secretion alternated with active secretory episodes consisting in trains of three to four LH peaks that triggered testosterone secretion usually 1-2 h later. The magnitude of the testosterone response was not correlated with the amplitude of the LH peaks. Isolated, single peaks of LH did not evoke clear testosterone responses. Forty-eight hours after initiation of fasting, testosterone secretion was markedly decreased, but integrated LH secretion was only partly reduced. Chronic infusion of neuropeptide Y (NPY; 18 microgram/day, icv) reduced testosterone secretion to very low levels and abolished pulsatile LH secretion or testosterone response to isolated LH peaks. In conclusion, the stimulation of testosterone secretion by LH necessitates several LH peaks organized in a proper sequence, and the testosterone response is not immediate. Low testosterone secretion in fasting rats appears to result from disappearance of coordinated, multiple LH peaks of sufficient size. Inhibition of the gonadotropic axis achieved by central NPY administration is due to either absence of LH peak "clusters" or occurrence of nonfunctional single LH peaks.  (+info)

Activity patterns and synaptic organization of ventrally located interneurons in the embryonic chick spinal cord. (4/175)

To investigate the origin of spontaneous activity in developing spinal networks, we examined the activity patterns and synaptic organization of ventrally located lumbosacral interneurons, including those whose axons project into the ventrolateral funiculus (VLF), in embryonic day 9 (E9)-E12 chick embryos. During spontaneous episodes, rhythmic synaptic potentials were recorded from the VLF and from spinal interneurons that were synchronized, cycle by cycle, with rhythmic ventral root potentials. At the beginning of an episode, ventral root potentials started before the VLF discharge and the firing of individual interneurons. However, pharmacological blockade of recurrent motoneuron collaterals did not prevent or substantially delay interneuron recruitment during spontaneous episodes. The synaptic connections of interneurons were examined by stimulating the VLF and recording the potentials evoked in the ventral roots, in the VLF, or in individual interneurons. Low-intensity stimulation of the VLF evoked a short-latency depolarizing potential in the ventral roots, or in interneurons, that was probably mediated mono- or disynaptically. At higher intensities, long-latency responses were recruited in a highly nonlinear manner, eventually culminating in the activation of an episode. VLF-evoked potentials were reversibly blocked by extracellular Co2+, indicating that they were mediated by chemical synaptic transmission. Collectively, these findings indicate that ventral interneurons are rhythmically active, project to motoneurons, and are likely to be interconnected by recurrent excitatory synaptic connections. This pattern of organization may explain the synchronous activation of spinal neurons and the regenerative activation of spinal networks when provided with a suprathreshold stimulus.  (+info)

Lispro or regular insulin for multiple injection therapy in adolescence. Differences in free insulin and glucose levels overnight. (5/175)

OBJECTIVE: Regular insulin given with the evening meal could contribute to the risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia in adolescents with type 1 diabetes using a multiple injection regimen. To test this hypothesis, we compared glucodynamics and free insulin levels on two separate study nights. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A total of 14 adolescents were recruited. On both nights, identical doses of regular insulin or insulin lispro were administered 30 min or 10 min, respectively, before the evening meal, using a double-blind randomized crossover study design. Doses of NPH insulin and carbohydrate content of the evening meal and snack were kept identical. Blood samples were taken every 15 min for blood glucose and every 60 min for free insulin and ketones. RESULTS: After insulin lispro administration, glucose levels were significantly lower between the evening meal and the bedtime snack (analysis of variance [ANOVA] P = 0.02), and four hypoglycemic episodes were recorded. This corresponded to a higher (458 +/- 48 vs. 305 +/- 33 pmol/l, P = 0.02), earlier (64 +/- 4.6 vs. 103 +/- 12 min, P = 0.01), and shorter-lasting (245 +/- 21 vs. 365 +/- 39 min, P = 0.01) insulin peak in contrast to regular insulin. After the bedtime snack, glucose levels increased dramatically during the lispro night and stayed higher, up to 0300 in the morning (ANOVA P = 0.01), corresponding to lower mean insulin levels (146 +/- 20 vs. 184 +/- 27 pmol/l, P = 0.04). No differences were seen in glucose and insulin levels between 0300 and 0800. Four episodes of nocturnal hypoglycemia were documented after the bedtime snack during the regular insulin night, in contrast to one episode after insulin lispro. No differences in ketone levels were observed. CONCLUSIONS: The replacement of regular insulin with insulin lispro may reduce the risk of late hypoglycemia, but redistribution of the evening carbohydrate may be needed to ensure good metabolic control and prevent early postprandial hypoglycemia.  (+info)

Intracellular Ca(2+) oscillations in luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone neurons derived from the embryonic olfactory placode of the rhesus monkey. (6/175)

To understand the mechanism of pulsatile luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) release, we examined whether cultured LHRH neurons exhibit spontaneous intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) signaling. The olfactory placode and the ventral migratory pathway of LHRH neurons from rhesus monkey embryos at embryonic ages 35-37 were dissected out and cultured on glass coverslips. Two to five weeks later, cultured cells were labeled with fura-2 and examined for [Ca(2+)](i) signaling by recording changes in [Ca(2+)](i) every 10 sec for 30-175 min. Cells were fixed and immunostained for LHRH and neuron-specific enolase. In 20 cultures, 572 LHRH-positive cells exhibited [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations at an interpulse interval (IPI) of 8.2 +/- 0.7 min and a duration of 88.8 +/- 2.9 sec. LHRH-negative neurons in culture exhibited only occasional [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations. In 17 of 20 cultures with LHRH-positive cells, [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations occurred synchronously in 50-100% of the individual cells, whereas [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations in cells in the remaining three cultures did not synchronize. Strikingly, in 12 of 17 cultures the synchronization of [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations repeatedly occurred in complete unison at 52.8 +/- 3.0 min intervals, which is similar to the period observed for LHRH release, whereas in 5 of 17 cultures the less tight synchronization of [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations repeatedly occurred at 23.4 +/- 4.6 min intervals. IPI of [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations in cells with tight synchronization and less tight synchronization did not differ from IPI in cells without synchronization. The results indicate that LHRH neurons derived from the monkey olfactory placode possess an endogenous mechanism for synchronization of [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations. Whether synchronization of [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations relates to neurosecretion remains to be investigated.  (+info)

Oscillatory behavior of a simple kinetic model for proteolysis during cell invasion. (7/175)

Extracellular proteolysis during cell invasion is thought to be tightly organized, both temporally and spatially. This work presents a simple kinetic model that describes the interactions between extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, proteinases, proteolytic fragments, and integrins. Nonmonotonous behavior arises from enzyme de novo synthesis consecutive to integrin binding to fragments or entire proteins. The model has been simulated using realistic values for kinetic constants and protein concentrations, with fibronectin as the ECM protein. The simulations show damped oscillations of integrin-complex concentrations, indicating alternation of maximal adhesion periods with maximal mobility periods. Comparisons with experimental data from the literature confirm the similarity between this system behavior and cell invasion. The influences on the system of cryptic functions of ECM proteins, proteinase inhibitors, and soluble antiadhesive peptides were examined. The first critical parameter for oscillation is the discrepancy between integrin affinity for intact ECM proteins and the respective proteolytic fragments, thus emphasizing the importance of cryptic functions of ECM proteins in cell invasion. Another critical parameter is the ratio between proteinase and the initial ECM protein concentration. These results suggest new insights into the organization of the ECM degradation during cell invasion.  (+info)

Circadian rhythms in the suprachiasmatic nucleus are temperature-compensated and phase-shifted by heat pulses in vitro. (8/175)

Temperature compensation and the effects of heat pulses on rhythm phase were assessed in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Circadian neuronal rhythms were recorded from the rat SCN at 37 and 31 degrees C in vitro. Rhythm period was 23.9 +/- 0.1 and 23.7 +/- 0.1 hr at 37 and 31 degrees C, respectively; the Q(10) for tau was 0.99. Heat pulses were administered at various circadian times (CTs) by increasing SCN temperature from 34 to 37 degrees C for 2 hr. Phase delays and advances were observed during early and late subjective night, respectively, and no phase shifts were obtained during midsubjective day. Maximum phase delays of 2.2 +/- 0.3 hr were obtained at CT 14, and maximum phase advances of 3.5 +/- 0.2 hr were obtained at CT 20. Phase delays were not blocked by a combination of NMDA [AP-5 (100 microM)] and non-NMDA [CNQX (10 microM)] receptor antagonists or by tetrodotoxin (TTX) at concentrations of 1 or 3 microM. The phase response curve for heat pulses is similar to ones obtained with light pulses for behavioral rhythms. These data demonstrate that circadian pacemaker period in the rat SCN is temperature-compensated over a physiological range of temperatures. Phase delays were not caused by activation of ionotropic glutamate receptors, release of other neurotransmitters, or temperature-dependent increases in metabolism associated with action potentials. Heat pulses may have phase-shifted rhythms by directly altering transcriptional or translational events in SCN pacemaker cells.  (+info)

'Activity cycles' is a term that can have different meanings in different contexts, and I could not find a specific medical definition for it. However, in the context of physiology or chronobiology, activity cycles often refer to the natural rhythms of behavior and physiological processes that occur over a 24-hour period, also known as circadian rhythms.

Circadian rhythms are biological processes that follow an approximate 24-hour cycle and regulate various functions in living organisms, including sleep-wake cycles, body temperature, hormone secretion, and metabolism. These rhythms help the body adapt to the changing environment and coordinate various physiological processes to optimize function and maintain homeostasis.

Therefore, activity cycles in a medical or physiological context may refer to the natural fluctuations in physical activity, alertness, and other behaviors that follow a circadian rhythm. Factors such as sleep deprivation, jet lag, and shift work can disrupt these rhythms and lead to various health problems, including sleep disorders, mood disturbances, and impaired cognitive function.

A circadian rhythm is a roughly 24-hour biological cycle that regulates various physiological and behavioral processes in living organisms. It is driven by the body's internal clock, which is primarily located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus in the brain.

The circadian rhythm controls many aspects of human physiology, including sleep-wake cycles, hormone secretion, body temperature, and metabolism. It helps to synchronize these processes with the external environment, particularly the day-night cycle caused by the rotation of the Earth.

Disruptions to the circadian rhythm can have negative effects on health, leading to conditions such as insomnia, sleep disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, and even increased risk of chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Factors that can disrupt the circadian rhythm include shift work, jet lag, irregular sleep schedules, and exposure to artificial light at night.

The cell cycle is a series of events that take place in a cell leading to its division and duplication. It consists of four main phases: G1 phase, S phase, G2 phase, and M phase.

During the G1 phase, the cell grows in size and synthesizes mRNA and proteins in preparation for DNA replication. In the S phase, the cell's DNA is copied, resulting in two complete sets of chromosomes. During the G2 phase, the cell continues to grow and produces more proteins and organelles necessary for cell division.

The M phase is the final stage of the cell cycle and consists of mitosis (nuclear division) and cytokinesis (cytoplasmic division). Mitosis results in two genetically identical daughter nuclei, while cytokinesis divides the cytoplasm and creates two separate daughter cells.

The cell cycle is regulated by various checkpoints that ensure the proper completion of each phase before progressing to the next. These checkpoints help prevent errors in DNA replication and division, which can lead to mutations and cancer.

The activity cycle diagram is characterized by its focus on the life cycle of the components of a system, distinguishing for ... 1] INTRODUCTION TO DISCRETE EVENT SIMULATION [2] MODEL DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE [3] ACTIVITY CYCLE DIAGRAMS [4] SIMULATION USING ... An activity cycle diagram (ACD) is a graphical modeling tool to depict interactions among objects in a system. The ACD is a ... The activity-based modeling is a natural way to represent the knowledge about a system in the activity paradigm of discrete ...
Teaching About the Water Cycle with Data-rich Water Resources Activities. Webinar: Teaching About the Water Cycle with Data- ... Webinar: Teaching About the Water Cycle with Data-rich Water Resources Activities ... Strategies to engage students in studying the water cycle, water resources, and societal needs ... rich Water Resources Activities. Thursday, February 27, 2020. 9:00 am PT , 10:00 am MT , 11:00 am CT , 12:00 pm ET ...
Activity: Act out the Life Cycle of a Tree. This fun and interactive activity allows the youth to really dive into their ... Activity 4: Life Cycle of Trees. blockquote {border-left: 5px solid #fff;}. The Circle of Life is a very precious and delicate ... First lets define Life Cycle: A Life Cycle (noun) is "The series of stages through which a living thing passes from the ... Tree Life Cycle. * Trees start out small like you and I, with just a single seed. ...
Cycling. Swaledale Outdoor Clubs cycling section is a very active social cycling group of varying ability. We organise a ... We are affiliated to Cycling UK.. As a member of SOC you may attend any of the activities from any section on the programme ... Cycling in a group, if you are not used to it, is different to cycling on your own. Let the ride leader know you are coming and ... It was initially known as Swaledale Outdoor Centre and its purpose was to encourage and provide outdoor activities in the ...
Assess, Plan, Do, Evaluate, and Report: Iterative Cycle to Remove Academic Control of a Community-Based Physical Activity ... Assess, Plan, Do, Evaluate, and Report: Iterative Cycle to Remove Academic Control of a Community-Based Physical Activity ... Participants are asked to engage in aerobic activity to reach a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous aerobic activity ... iterative APDER cycles used to improve an older adult physical activity program, the Lifelong Improvements through Fitness ...
Included in the Life Cycle Activity Bundle - 26 pages of Activities:. 1) Life Cycles Primer for Educators with NGSS. 2) Life ... 10) Life Cycle Flip Book Activity (6 species - 7 pages) (Copy-Ready). 11) Leopard Frog Life Cycle Maze (Copy-Ready). 12) What ... 8) Paper Plate Life Cycle Activity (5 species - 2 pages) (Copy-Ready). 9) Life Cycle Story Boards (4 species - 5 pages) (Copy- ... 6) Print, Copy, Cut and Paste Life Cycles Activity (Copy-Ready). 7) Match the Baby Animal to Their Grown Up (Copy-Ready). ...
Fluctuations in sex hormone levels during womens menstrual cycles affect the responsiveness of their brains reward circuitry ... Activity in the amygdala and hippocampus was in lockstep with estrogen levels regardless of cycle phase; activity in these ... Brains Reward Circuit Activity Ebbs and Flows with a Womans Hormonal Cycle. ... Brains Reward Circuit Activity Ebbs and Flows with a Womans Hormonal Cycle. ...
The Remutaka Cycle Trail is on of New Zealands Great Rides. The rail trails is its most popular section. Explore on our ... The Remutaka Cycle Trail is on of New Zealands Great Rides. The rail trails is its most popular section. Explore on our ... The Remutaka Cycle Trail is on of New Zealands Great Rides. The rail trails is its most popular section. Explore on our ... Remutaka Cycle Trail - One day rail trail tour. 16 Kitchener Street, Martinborough, New Zealand. ...
Re: Working within a high activity Website Development Cycle Is this only a xara issue or wordpress and others suffer from it? ... Re: Working within a high activity Website Development Cycle I feel dizzy and need to sit down. Wait. I am already sitting down ... Re: Working within a high activity Website Development Cycle To make it simpler to use this method, just drop this XAR file ... Re: Working within a high activity Website Development Cycle Thanks Acorn. Youre a marvel and eons ahead of some of us. I ...
Effect of menstrual cycle phase on physical activities == [[File:MenstrualCycle2.png,thumb,Fluctuating hormones during ... As a result, the impact of the menstrual cycle on physical performance is still debated.,ref name=":5">Carmichael MA, Thomson ... 2017 Mar 13;12(3):e0173951.,/ref> There are four main phases of a menstrual cycle: the early follicular phase, ovulation ... The effects of menstrual cycle phase on exercise performance in eumenorrheic women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. ...
... activities, accessories, decorations and packages in Ireland, the UK and Europe! ... This activity is especially great during the summer.. If you like the sounds of a cycle tour we have it available as part of ... Soak up everything your hen party destination has to see with a cycle tour! ...
The promotion of cycling and walking for everyday physical activity not only promotes health but can also have positive effects ... 2017)‎. Health economic assessment tool (‎HEAT)‎ for walking and for cycling: methods and user guide on physical activity, air ... Health economic assessment tool (‎HEAT)‎ for walking and for cycling: methods and user guide on physical activity, air ... The tool can be used for several types of assessment, for example: assessing current (‎or past)‎ levels of cycling or walking, ...
... sleep tracking plus heart metrics and cycle logging in a premium lightweight design featuring extra-long battery life and ... Compare your cycle data with other activity and sleep metrics to see how it evolves during your phases. Build better habits ... Activity & sleep tracking plus heart metrics and cycle logging in a premium lightweight design featuring extra-long battery ... and the length of your menstrual cycle month after month can help you understand your unique cycle patterns. Get notifications ...
2019) Data from: Cholinergic modulation of hippocampal calcium activity across the sleep-wake cycle Dryad Digital Repository, ... is reflected in dynamic calcium activity remains unclear. Here, we recorded hippocampal calcium activity with endoscopic ... Dynamic calcium activity was greater in exploratory behavior and REM sleep than in quiet wakefulness and slow wave sleep, ... The behavioral function of such coordination, often measured as co-fluctuations in neural activity across areas, is poorly ...
Regulation of ORC activity (The ORC cycle) Regulating Eukaryotic DNA Replication. In year 2000, we reported the first clear ... Does the "ORC cycle" exist in other eukaryotes? Various manifestations of this "ORC cycle" have since been discovered in yeast ... ORC activity in mammalian cells is regulated during each cell cycle through selective inactivation of the Orc1 subunit. ... activity in mammalian cells is regulated by cell cycle changes in the affinity of the Orc1 subunit for chromatin (1,2). ...
Re: Hurricane expert predicts years of more storms, Forecaster: Atlantic in cycle of increased activity that may last 10-20 ... Re: Hurricane expert predicts years of more storms, Forecaster: Atlantic in cycle of increased activity that may last 10-20 ... Re: Hurricane expert predicts years of more storms, Forecaster: Atlantic in cycle of increased activity that may last 10-20 ... Re: Hurricane expert predicts years of more storms, Forecaster: Atlantic in cycle of increased activity that may last 10-20 ...
eLife is a non-profit organisation inspired by research funders and led by scientists. Our mission is to help scientists accelerate discovery by operating a platform for research communication that encourages and recognises the most responsible behaviours in science. eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd is a limited liability non-profit non-stock corporation incorporated in the State of Delaware, USA, with company number 5030732, and is registered in the UK with company number FC030576 and branch number BR015634 at the address: ...
The cell cycle restricts activation-induced cytidine deaminase activity to early G1 Qiao Wang 1 , Kyong-Rim Kieffer-Kwon 2 3 , ... The cell cycle restricts activation-induced cytidine deaminase activity to early G1 Qiao Wang et al. J Exp Med. 2017 Jan. ... During the rest of the cell cycle, AID is cytoplasmic and no significant AID activity is detected. Therefore, this limited time ... A) Cell cycle distribution of In vitro-cultured B lymphocytes at different time points upon nocodazole release. Cells in M, ...
Mans Small Role…New Scientific Findings Show Pacific Tropical Storm Activity Linked To Solar And Oceanic Cycles. By P Gosselin ... Tropical storms in the Pacific are strongly influenced by solar activity fluctuations and ocean cycles. By Dr. Sebastian Lüning ... Our companion record of tropical cyclone activity from Tahaa suggests major storm activity was higher between 2600-1500 years B ... New Scientific Findings Show Pacific Tropical Storm Activity Linked To Solar And Oceanic Cycles". * Bitter&twisted. 4. March ...
... anywhere and anyhow by selecting one of our many activity categories listed below and on or help us create your own ... Outdoor activity challenge registration categories include: Cheetahs (experienced and first-time runners) Tortoises (walkers) ... Pick your favorite outdoor activity and go wild to benefit Mother Nature! You can participate anytime, ... Make a positive impact this Earth Day by helping us create the first annual World Wide Race Against Extinction Outdoor Activity ...
The promotion of cycling and walking for everyday physical activity not only promotes health but can also have positive effects ... 2017)‎. Health economic assessment tool (‎HEAT)‎ for walking and for cycling: methods and user guide on physical activity, air ... Health economic assessment tool (‎HEAT)‎ for walking and for cycling: methods and user guide on physical activity, air ... The tool can be used for several types of assessment, for example: assessing current (‎or past)‎ levels of cycling or walking, ...
Investigation of the ovarian activity of free-ranging elephants could provide insight into the reproductive ageing process, ... and ovarian activity in female elephants in Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa. Social status was the strongest ... Ovarian Cycle Activity Varies with Respect to Age and Social Status in Free-Ranging Elephants in Addo Elephant National Park, ... Ovarian cycle activity varies with respect to age and social status in free-ranging elephants in Addo Elephant National Park, ...
... intermediate and high cell-cycle activity in 9515 pan-cancer patients with 32 different … ... Focusing on the cell cycle, we examined the DNA mutations and chromosome arm-level aneuploidy within tumours with low, ... Pan-cancer genomic analyses based on the magnitude of pathway activity are currently lacking. ... A pan-cancer analysis of the frequency of DNA alterations across cell cycle activity levels Arian Lundberg 1 2 , Linda S ...
Sports and activities. *Alpine skiing*Alpine skis with bindings*All-mountain alpine skis*Womens all-mountain alpine skis ... Cycling clothing and shoes*Cycling tops*Womens cycling tops. *Mens cycling tops ...
in Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly Click name to view affiliation Rafael E.A. Muchaxo Rafael E.A. Muchaxo Vrije ... Hettinga, F.J., Valent, L., Groen, W., van Drongelen, S., de Groot, S., & van der Woude, L.H.V. (2010). Hand-cycling: An active ... Leprêtre, P., Weissland, T., Slawinski, J., & Lopes, P. (2012). Para-cycling performance was rather limited by physiological ... Weissland, T., & Leprêtre, P. (2013). Are tetraplegic handbikers going to disappear from team relay in para-cycling? Frontiers ...
You can do this easily by taking out membership of either British Cycling or CTC. Both of these provide the required Insurance ... Home › Weekend-Rides › Confirmed club activities - 28th & 29th October 2017. Confirmed club activities - 28th & 29th October ... AND they support cycling throughout Britain.. Also please make yourself aware of the BMCC Club rides protocol. These can be ...
Take an unforgettable United States REI Adventures Cycling trip led by local guides. ... Remove activity filter:Cycling. Filter (1). Sort: Best Match. Best Match. Price. Activity Level. Trip Length. ...
The cycle in the graph consists of module-a and module-b as illustrated below:. module-c:1.0.0 +- module-b:2.0.0 +- module-a: ... Maven throws StackOverflowError when version ranges are unsolvable and the dependency graph contains a cycle. ... throwing the exception PathRecordingDependencyVisitor visits nodes in the dependency graph and the graph contains a cycle. The ...
Good pedestrian and cycling infrastructure may play an important role in promoting commuting physical activity among the ... Commuting physical activity was self-reported. Logistic regression models were applied, and age, gender, education, leisure- ... A high proportion of recreational green space contributed negatively to the levels of commuting physical activity (0.73; 0.57- ... time and occupational physical activity were adjusted. Analyses were limited to those of working age, living in the core-urban ...

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