• The enteric nervous system (ENS) or intrinsic nervous system is one of the main divisions of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and consists of a mesh-like system of neurons that governs the function of the gastrointestinal tract. (wikipedia.org)
  • although it receives considerable innervation from the autonomic nervous system, it can and does operate independently of the brain and the spinal cord. (wikipedia.org)
  • Previous studies showed that autonomic nervous system imbalance is associated with mortality in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) (Freeman et al. (springeropen.com)
  • 2006 ). The heart rate response to, and recovery from, a bout of exercise is mediated by the dynamic interaction between the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the autonomic nervous system (Freeman et al. (springeropen.com)
  • The autonomic nervous system ( ANS ) provides the efferent pathway for the involuntary control of most organs, excluding the motor control of skeletal muscle (Chapters 12 and 13). (pediagenosis.com)
  • The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the major involuntary, automatic portion of the nervous system and contrasts in several ways with the somatic (voluntary) nervous system. (mhmedical.com)
  • Schematic diagram comparing some features of the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system with the somatic motor system. (mhmedical.com)
  • There is some evidence that this anterior group of nuclei may deserve the adjective "para-sympathetic" because of the relationship of the tuberal nuclei to the craniosacral division of the autonomic nervous system with its peripheral control through vagus and pelvic nerves. (baillement.com)
  • She was subject to recurring seizures which resembled epileptic attacks, excepting that the manifestations of the attack were confined to the realm of the autonomic nervous system. (baillement.com)
  • Since its approval, it has remained relatively popular as an adjunctive, short-term treatment for acute skeletal muscle spasms secondary to musculoskeletal injury. (buyflexeril.com)
  • Each muscle spindle is built around 3-10 small intrafusal muscle fibres attached to the sheaths of the surrounding extrafusal skeletal muscle fibres, the ends of which are excited by small gamma efferent motor nerve fibres. (positivehealth.com)
  • It is capable of acting independently of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, although it may be influenced by them. (wikipedia.org)
  • The enteric nervous system is capable of operating independently of the brain and spinal cord, but does rely on innervation from the vagus nerve and prevertebral ganglia in healthy subjects. (wikipedia.org)
  • The neurons of the enteric nervous system control the motor functions of the system, in addition to the secretion of gastrointestinal enzymes. (wikipedia.org)
  • The enteric nervous system in humans consists of some 500 million neurons (including the various types of Dogiel cells), 0.5% of the number of neurons in the brain, five times as many as the one hundred million neurons in the human spinal cord, and about 2⁄3 as many as in the whole nervous system of a cat. (wikipedia.org)
  • The enteric nervous system is embedded in the lining of the gastrointestinal system, beginning in the esophagus and extending down to the anus. (wikipedia.org)
  • The anatomy of the plexus is similar to the anatomy of the central nervous system. (wikipedia.org)
  • The plexus includes sensory receptors, such as chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors, that are used to provide sensory input to the interneurons in the enteric nervous system. (wikipedia.org)
  • The enteric nervous system has been described as a "second brain" for several reasons. (wikipedia.org)
  • The enteric nervous system can operate autonomously. (wikipedia.org)
  • It normally communicates with the central nervous system (CNS) through the parasympathetic (e.g., via the vagus nerve) and sympathetic (e.g., via the prevertebral ganglia) nervous systems. (wikipedia.org)
  • However, vertebrate studies show that when the vagus nerve is severed, the enteric nervous system continues to function. (wikipedia.org)
  • In vertebrates, the enteric nervous system includes efferent neurons, afferent neurons, and interneurons, all of which make the enteric nervous system capable of carrying reflexes and acting as an integrating center in the absence of CNS input. (wikipedia.org)
  • The enteric nervous system also makes use of more than 30 neurotransmitters, most of which are identical to the ones found in CNS, such as acetylcholine, dopamine, and serotonin. (wikipedia.org)
  • The enteric nervous system has the capacity to alter its response depending on such factors as bulk and nutrient composition. (wikipedia.org)
  • In neuroanatomic terms, perception is carried out by the input to the nervous system ( afferent pathways), action is the output ( efferent pathways), and cognition arises from interconnections within and between perceptual modalities, as well as between perception and action. (mhmedical.com)
  • The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain, brainstem, cerebellum, and spinal cord ( Fig. 3-1 ). (mhmedical.com)
  • The peripheral nervous system (PNS) includes the nerve roots that enter (dorsal roots) and exit (ventral roots) the spinal cord and continue into the peripheral nerves. (mhmedical.com)
  • Neuro-ophthalmic manifestations frequently are encountered in persons with multiple sclerosis (MS) and other central nervous system (CNS) inflammatory disorders, including neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody associated disease (MOGAD). (medscape.com)
  • The retina is an extension of the central nervous system, and it is the only portion that can be viewed non-invasively. (aao.org)
  • [9] OCT has therefore emerged as a non-invasive and relatively inexpensive technique for capturing loss of central nervous system axons and neurons. (aao.org)
  • tion" is a result of several biological phenome- na that involve the central nervous system. (bvsalud.org)
  • Another example is our memory, nervous system. (bvsalud.org)
  • This review focuses on clinical studies comparing differences between men and women in blood pressure over the life span and response to dietary sodium and highlights experimental models investigating sexual dimorphism in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone, vascular, sympathetic nervous, and immune systems, endothelin, the major renal sodium transporters/exchangers/channels, and the impact of sex hormones on these systems in blood pressure homeostasis. (bvsalud.org)
  • Found within the central nervous system and the enteric nervous system. (medicalxpress.com)
  • b) nervous and endocrine systems. (vibdoc.com)
  • These are the efferent pathways of the nervous system: brain to body. (meghantelpner.com)
  • When we can tune into that rhythm of the heart and bring it into coherence, we can directly impact how we feel from a nervous system perspective (anxious vs. calm) as well as how the frontocortical and motor cortex of the brain functions (responsive vs. reactive). (meghantelpner.com)
  • In other species, however, for example, cats, opossums, and primates, a variable portion of the lower esophagus is composed of smooth muscle fibers, controlled by central preganglionic neurons and peripheral neurons of the enteric nervous system ( Figure 1b ). (nature.com)
  • That's because traditional controllers take advantage of the way your nervous system has been honed, from birth, to give you a highly efficient way to interact with the world. (gamedeveloper.com)
  • Unless similar layers of intuitive/subconscious controls are built into a BCI output system - or an extension of the efferent pathway of the nervous system, then it will always fall short. (gamedeveloper.com)
  • Recently, the role of inflammation in the central nervous system, particularly the hypothalamus in diet-induced IR progress, has been noted in rodent models and human (Posey et al. (deepdyve.com)
  • A large portion of the central nervous system is dedicated to vision hence its high likelihood of involvement in cases of stroke. (who.int)
  • The central nervous system consists of the brain and the spinal cord. (medscape.com)
  • The peripheral nervous system consists of the extensions of neural structures beyond the central nervous system and includes somatic and autonomic divisions. (medscape.com)
  • The enteric nervous system (ENS) is a semiautonomous part of the ANS located in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, with specific functions for the control of this organ system. (mhmedical.com)
  • they also provide sensory input to the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems and receive motor output from them. (mhmedical.com)
  • Cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride (a prescription-only medication known as Flexeril) is a central nervous system muscle relaxant designed to relieve pain and discomfort related to muscle spasms, sprains and other muscle injuries. (buyflexeril.com)
  • Second the signals travel to higher levels of the nervous system to higher levels in the cord itself, to the brain stem and cerebral cortex. (positivehealth.com)
  • This means that the alpha receptors it binds to are located in the central nervous system (CNS) rather than on the effector organ, which in this case is the heart. (proprofs.com)
  • If this proves to be true much of the hormonal material from the pituitary may act directly upon the nervous system. (baillement.com)
  • and also functions as a communication node between the cerebrum, the cerebellum, the spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system. (iqoro.com)
  • Unfortunately, this causes the usual messages in the bodys central nervous system to become scrambled or even stop completely. (urinaryhealthtalk.com)
  • Neurogenic bladder and neurogenic bowels are both fairly common when damage in the nervous system affects these particular areas of the body. (urinaryhealthtalk.com)
  • The nerve cell's body is anatomically situated in the central nervous system or within the ganglia of the peripheral nervous system. (sageadvices.com)
  • A sensory nerve is really a collection of long dendrites carrying messages to the central nervous system from the periphery. (sageadvices.com)
  • The sinews of connectivity that bind the nervous system of "Mother" to that of the child are essential to the neurophysiological development of the child from the earliest moments, and hence cannot be segregated in any scientific enterprise worthy of our attentions. (eeginfo.com)
  • 7. Lindvall, O., Björklund, A.: Organization of catecholamine neurons in the rat central nervous system. (lu.se)
  • sympathetic / parasympathetic systems). (identity-intelligence.org)
  • The ANS is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. (pediagenosis.com)
  • Preganglionic neurones of both sympathetic and parasympathetic systems release acetylcho- line in the synapse, which acts on cholinergic nicotinic receptors on the postganglionic fibre. (pediagenosis.com)
  • In loose terms, the sympathetic system might be said to coordinate ' flight or fight ' responses, and the parasympathetic system ' rest and digest ' responses. (pediagenosis.com)
  • Another neural pathway controls the blink reflex, via trigeminal afferents and the somatic efferent fibers of the seventh cranial nerve. (drgrant.net)
  • Commonly recognized sensory systems are those for vision, hearing, somatic sensation (touch), taste and olfaction (smell). (sageadvices.com)
  • The auditory system involves highly complicated inner ear structures, many afferent and efferent nerve pathways and a great amount of nuclei that form a complex meshwork. (hear4uaudiology.com)
  • Without daring to stop for a detailed anatomical discussion I may point out only that lying beneath the walls of the third ventricle are supraoptic nuclei and nuclei of the tuber cinereum which seem to be closely associated with the posterior lobe of the pituitary, being connected with each other by afferent and efferent fibres. (baillement.com)
  • These efferent nuclei, in their turn, send impulses to the appropriate muscles and glands - the effect organs - that are to be activated. (iqoro.com)
  • These nuclei receive information like that carried by the dorsal column system, such as touch, pressure, vibration, and proprioception. (sageadvices.com)
  • 10. Lindvall, O., Björklund, A., Skagerberg, G.: Selective histochemical demonstration of dopamine terminal systems in rat di- and telencephalon: new evidence for dopaminergic innervation of hypothalamic neurosecretory nuclei. (lu.se)
  • Vestibular disorders can result in nystagmus because the vestibular system and the oculomotor nuclei are interconnected. (msdmanuals.com)
  • A failure of the nigrostriatal pathway is associated with Parkinson's Disease and the release of dopamine. (rahulgladwin.com)
  • Dopamine pathway (subst. (rahulgladwin.com)
  • The focus of my postdoctoral work was to sort out the anatomical organization of the dopamine and noradrenaline neuron systems in the brain using the new glyoxylic acid histofluorescence method. (lu.se)
  • Lindvall, allowed for the first time the visualisation of the dopamine neuron system in its entirety, and allowed us to map anatomically the previously unknown dopamine projections to cortical and limbic areas. (lu.se)
  • The term, corpus striatum is frequently used, and includes two structures (caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus). (rahulgladwin.com)
  • Motor output is controlled by the motor cortex, whose signals travel by way of the motor pathways to ultimately reach the peripheral nerves that will command muscles to move (see Ch. 4 ). (mhmedical.com)
  • Afferent and efferent pathways (to thalamus and cortex). (rahulgladwin.com)
  • 6. Acts in concert with the cerebral cortex and corticospinal system. (rahulgladwin.com)
  • Acetylcholine pathway (Cortex to the caudate nucleus and putamen). (rahulgladwin.com)
  • The outermost layer of the cerebrum is the cortex, which has a slightly gray appearance--hence the term "gray matter. (medscape.com)
  • The limbic system allows for complex interactions between the cortex, the thalamus, the hypothalamus, and the brainstem. (medscape.com)
  • The hippocampus likely allows long-term memory encoding in the cortex and allows short-term memory retrieval. (medscape.com)
  • The NTS is the core that gathers all incoming sensory signals from the oral cavity and pharynx via the afferent nerve pathways, and transmits them either to the brain's cortex or directly to the network-like system in the brain stem called the Formatio Reticularis (FR). (iqoro.com)
  • This finding advances the understanding the mechanisms of short-term visual plasticity which until now has been thought to be confined to visual cortex. (elifesciences.org)
  • The pathway involving the thalamus is particularly interesting because of the role of the thalamus for multiple sensory integration [85,86]. (researchgate.net)
  • major efferent nucleus with projections to the thalamus, hypothalamus and midbrain. (rahulgladwin.com)
  • Results We found short-term changes in the motor thalamus and in the tract between the thalamus and regions within the dentato-rubro-thalamo-cortical tract. (biorxiv.org)
  • Long term damage was found in the ablated core and in the tract connecting the thalamus and red-nucleus. (biorxiv.org)
  • It may be that forebrain and thalamus form stations on the pathway from periphery to hypothalamic centres, but it is also evident that what may be considered afferent impulses reach these centres through the blood stream. (baillement.com)
  • Here, we asked whether short-term ocular dominance plasticity affects the human visual thalamus. (elifesciences.org)
  • However, studies have shown that the system is operable with a severed vagus nerve. (wikipedia.org)
  • The efferent pathway carries nerve impulses from the brain to the muscles - the brain driving the body. (functionfirst.com)
  • Whereas, the afferent pathway carries nerve impulses from the muscles to the brain - the body communicating back to the brain. (functionfirst.com)
  • Most published data indicate that cephalic responses are mediated by the efferent component of the vagus nerve, although other neurobiological components and brain centers must be involved. (nih.gov)
  • The perceptions of pressure, texture, taste and temperature are transmitted up to the brain (via the afferent nerve pathways), and down to the relevant muscles (via the efferent nerve pathways). (iqoro.com)
  • The unmyelinated old vagus nerve mediates the life-preserving immobilization of the system in the presence of extreme threat, and in absence of an ability to execute the flight/flight response. (eeginfo.com)
  • 8. Lindvall, O., Björklund, A.: Dopaminengic innervation of the globus pallidus by collaterals from the nigrostriatal pathway. (lu.se)
  • An effective corrective exercise program must, therefore, influence both the structural anatomy and the neurological system via the efferent and afferent pathways. (functionfirst.com)
  • There exists a highly complex, layered system of nerves, pathways and musculature to give you highly accurate and precise control over the motor movements of your fingers and hands. (gamedeveloper.com)
  • This immune system-based attack can damage the myelin sheath that protects nerves, thereby damaging the nerves themselves. (urinaryhealthtalk.com)
  • Motor nerves have only efferent fibers, long axons of motor neurons. (sageadvices.com)
  • Trigeminal sensory fibers arising from the ocular surface run to the superior salivary nucleus in the pons, from whence efferent fibers pass, in the nervus intermedius, to the pterygopalatine ganglion. (drgrant.net)
  • Myelin is what gives the white appearance to these fibers of the brain--hence the term "white matter. (medscape.com)
  • The corpus callosum is the largest set of commissural fibers in the brain and is a pathway of crucial importance to speech-language functions (Fig. 2-10, B). (sageadvices.com)
  • c. efferent fibers. (sageadvices.com)
  • The efferent projections of the ventral pallidum in the rat were studied using anterograde tracing of Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin and retrograde tracing of choleratoxin subunit B. The main aim of this study was to determine the degree of topographical organization in the outputs of the ventral pallidum. (nih.gov)
  • Thus there are 2 pathways in the spinal cord reflexes can take. (positivehealth.com)
  • Schematic Of Ascending (sensory) And Descending (motor) Pathways Between The Brain And The Spinal Cord. (australiaessaywriting.com)
  • Criticised for being vulnerable and the subarachnoid space central canal of spinal cord segments (and their afferent and efferent pathways. (ardelyx.com)
  • This presentation will classify ototoxic agents according to their effects on the peripheral or central auditory system both in laboratory animals and humans. (cdc.gov)
  • See for example Canale et al (2014) The Role of the efferent auditory system in developmental dyslexia. (neuronlearning.com)
  • The outputs from the amygdala travel through the stria terminalis and the ventral amygdalofugal pathway. (medscape.com)
  • 2018). Here, we report evidence for short-term plasticity in the ventral division of the pulvinar (vPulv), where the deprived eye representation was enhanced over the nondeprived eye. (elifesciences.org)
  • This paper documents short-term plasticity in a subcortical region, the ventral division of the pulvinar, following monocular deprivation in adult humans. (elifesciences.org)
  • pathways can produce severe ocular defects such as Data analysis was carried out using Statistical transient monocular visual loss, visual field defect Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows, 1-3 or ocular motility restrictions. (who.int)
  • Neuro-ophthalmologic disorders may also involve dysfunction of the central pathways that control and integrate ocular movement and vision. (msdmanuals.com)
  • Nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) is the central integration hub for afferents from upper airway (somatosensory/gustatory), respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular (baroreceptor and chemoreceptor) and other systems. (hindawi.com)
  • 10. Associated with important specific neurotransmitter pathways. (rahulgladwin.com)
  • Some individuals with MS and other CNS inflammatory syndromes also may experience homonymous visual field defects caused by lesions in retrochiasmal or retrogeniculate (posterior) regions of the afferent visual pathway. (medscape.com)
  • Efferent visual pathway lesions can create a perception of oscillopsia, a visual disturbance in which objects appear to jiggle or move owing to nystagmus (involuntary eye movements). (medscape.com)
  • Approach to the Neurologic Patient Patients with neurologic symptoms are approached in a stepwise manner termed the neurologic method, which consists of the following: Identifying the anatomic location of the lesion or lesions. (msdmanuals.com)
  • With limbic system. (rahulgladwin.com)
  • The limbic system is a grouping of cortical and subcortical structures involved in memory formation and emotional responses. (medscape.com)
  • The limbic system is not defined by strict anatomic boundaries but incorporates several important structures. (medscape.com)
  • The functional connections within the limbic system are best summarized by the Papez circuit. (medscape.com)
  • The hippocampus serves as a primary output structure of the limbic system. (medscape.com)
  • Although pharmacologic manipulation of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells and the neural pathways that mediate photophobia may be possible in the future, current therapies are directed at the underlying cause of the photophobia and optical modulation of these cells and pathways. (researchgate.net)
  • The trigeminal system is key in the pathophysiology of photophobia as it is very closely linked to pain sensation [85]. (researchgate.net)
  • These reactions largely occur in the digestive system, but they have also been observed in other structures. (nih.gov)
  • Corrective exercises should precede more integrated exercises because they can cue the client's motor system to respond in a more desirable way and assist in removing or improving biomechanical constraints. (functionfirst.com)
  • Beneficial and immediate short term changes in biomechanics and motor control will occur within a given session completely independent of any hands-on intervention. (functionfirst.com)
  • Such impulses are conducted via efferent neurons (NEURONS, EFFERENT), such as MOTOR NEURONS, autonomic neurons, and hypophyseal neurons. (bvsalud.org)
  • Efferent tracts, composed of short neurones which pass downward through brain stem and cord, are assumed for both anterior and posterior complexes, but in the ease of the posterior group a sympathetic pathway was actually followed by Beattie, Brow and Long' from this region down the posterior longitudinal bundle and cervical cord, through the second, third and fourth thoracic anterior roots to the stellate ganglion and thence to the heart. (baillement.com)
  • a) tissue b) organ c) molecules d) compounds e) organism Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective 1: LO 1.2 Describe the structural and functional organization of the human body and list the 11 body systems represented. (vibdoc.com)
  • Section Reference 1: 1.4 Homeostasis 8) The two organ systems that regulate and maintain homeostasis are the a) cardiovascular and integumentary systems. (vibdoc.com)
  • Common migraine comorbidities affect multiple organ systems in addition to the CNS ( 1 ). (frontiersin.org)
  • The postganglionic neurotransmitters and receptors depend on the system and organ (see below). (pediagenosis.com)
  • where an organ is innervated by both systems, they often act antagonistically (Fig. 7b). (pediagenosis.com)
  • The cephalic phase of nutrition refers to a set of food intake-associated autonomic and endocrine responses to the stimulation of sensory systems mainly located in the oropharyngeal cavity. (nih.gov)
  • Maturation with an ntd defect is responsible for achiev- ing sexual responses in this period, termed dandies, swells or image, with frocks, eye makeup, extravagant decadents, delighted in outrageous clothes. (ardelyx.com)
  • Affected individuals may experience problems with how they see the world (afferent visual pathway symptoms) and/or how smoothly and synchronously their eyes move together (efferent visual pathway disorders). (medscape.com)
  • While many readers may not be familiar with the term gastroparesis, they are familiar with the symptoms they suffer from heartburn, vomiting, the sensation of being bloated, a constantly full stomach, and of course nausea. (caringmedical.com)
  • However, the cardiovascular system is much more than just the heart, and from a scientific and medical standpoint, it is important to understand why this system is so vital to life. (australiaessaywriting.com)
  • Most simply stated, the major function of the cardiovascular system is transportation. (australiaessaywriting.com)
  • The cardiovascular system delivers oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues and carries away wastes such as carbon dioxide via blood. (australiaessaywriting.com)
  • If the cardiovascular system cannot perform its functions, wastes build up in tissues. (australiaessaywriting.com)
  • Arterial pressure is an important variable in the cardiovascular system because it is the driving force that causes blood circulation in the first place. (mhmedical.com)
  • Despite the clinical importance of a person's arterial pressure, it is best remembered that the single most important requirement for proper operation of the cardiovascular system is to provide adequate perfusion of all tissues in the body at all times. (mhmedical.com)
  • Variation in cag diseases processes that penis or not other, nonsexual psychophysiological response patterns, especially concerning the cardiovascular system. (ardelyx.com)
  • In laboratory studies of animals and humans, the hippocampus has been shown to also have a cellular memory termed "long-term potentiation. (medscape.com)
  • We addressed this question in normally sighted adult humans, using ultra-high field (7T) magnetic resonance imaging combined with the paradigm of short-term monocular deprivation. (elifesciences.org)
  • The molecular underpinnings common to and connecting these disorders are not known, but may include shared genetic risk factors ( 1 , 8 ), regulation of brain cations ( 9 , 10 ), or common receptor signaling events that activate pain ( 11 ), inflammation ( 12 ), or oxidative ( 13 ) pathways. (frontiersin.org)
  • a) palpation b) metabolism c) homeostasis d) autopsy e) differentiation Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective 1: LO 1.4 Understand the importance of homeostatic feedback systems and how imbalances are related to disorders. (vibdoc.com)
  • Both afferent and efferent visual systems are sensitive to brain injury. (researchgate.net)
  • In fact, not only were the pathways that were carved in his brain able to handle a ton of stimulus (taste, touch, feel, see, smell) before shutting down, but he actually NEEDED STIMULUS in order to get warmed up. (identity-intelligence.org)
  • I hypothesize that the brain implements a very efficient resource management system by recruiting and activating NPs only when they are needed, and also by tuning the activity level of mental and behavioral modules depending on the demand, similarly to the CPUs explained above. (frontiersin.org)
  • The dorsal column system (sometimes referred to as the dorsal column-medial lemniscus) and the spinothalamic tract are two major pathways that bring sensory information to the brain (Figure 1). (sageadvices.com)
  • A sensory system consists of sensory receptors, neural pathways, and parts of the brain involved in sensory perception. (sageadvices.com)
  • 2. Lindvall, O., Björklund, A.: The organization of the ascending catecholamine neuron systems in the rat brain as revealed by the glyoxylic acid fluorescence method. (lu.se)
  • Measurement of the various retinal layers allows for objective, quantitative assessment of structural damage in the visual pathway. (aao.org)
  • Both these transforms are mappings of the hemi-retinal image, and are achieved by known connectivity in the visual system. (paulbourke.net)
  • Ethical approval was obtained occlusions along the afferent or efferent visual from the Ethical Research Committee of FTHL. (who.int)
  • I propose that (1) the midbrain DA system is organized in a similar manner, with different groups of DA neurons corresponding to these parallel neural pathways (NPs). (frontiersin.org)
  • I suggest that the midbrain DA system is suited for this management role of deciding which NPs should be active, and to what degree, at a given moment. (frontiersin.org)
  • When most people hear the term cardio-vascular system, they immediately think of the heart. (australiaessaywriting.com)
  • Because of the parallel arrangement of blood flow to body organs, the system-wide consequence of these individual changes in local vascular resistances is a change in total peripheral resistance (TPR). (mhmedical.com)
  • B. The goal of medical treatment is to eliminate cholesterol from the vascular system. (nursingessay24x7.com)
  • Tinnitus is the term for the perception of sound when no external sound is present. (hear4uaudiology.com)