• This study investigated the temporal variation in soil CO 2 efflux and its relationship with soil temperature and precipitation in the Quercus glauca and Abies koreana forests in Jeju Island, South Korea, from August 2010 to December 2012. (biomedcentral.com)
  • The subject of this study, Quercus glauca , an evergreen broad-leaved tree, and Abies koreana , an evergreen coniferous tree, are typical vegetation distributed in warm-temperate forest and sub-alpine forest found in Korea. (biomedcentral.com)
  • With the exception of the family-species relationship in the Jiaohe study area, the exponents of the genus/family-species relationships did not show any scale dependent effects. (biomedcentral.com)
  • According to the theory of niche conservation [ 9 ], species belonging to a particular genus or family could have similar ecological traits and habitat tolerance. (biomedcentral.com)
  • A number of seral species, such as Betula platyphylla, Populus suaveolens and Alnus hirsuta may accompany the Larix dahurica on zonal sites. (geobotanica.ru)
  • The allozyme variation structure and genetic relationships between fir species - Abies sachalinensis Fr. (sibjforsci.com)
  • Genetic relationship among Eurasian and American Larix species based on allozymes » In « Heredity », 1999. (sibjforsci.com)
  • MacCulloch R., Fu J., Darevsky I., Danielyan F., Murphy R., Allozyme variation in three closely related species of Caucasian rock lizards ( Lacerta ), Amphibia-Reptilia 16 (1995) 331-340. (gse-journal.org)
  • However, this new species has small plants with short and curved hairs, 7 leaflets, small lower leaflets, a glabrous leaflet margin, and yellow petals with a reddish yellow base. (e-kjpt.org)
  • Two different varieties of the species grow at Mustila, var. (mustila.fi)
  • The first plantings of the species at Mustila were destroyed by the record frosts of the winter 1939-1940, when a young plantation of Alaskan provenance froze down to the snow level. (mustila.fi)
  • Based on the data collected in two large forest observational field studies, the taxonomic structures of the plant communities were analyzed at different sampling scales using taxonomic ratios (number of genera/number of species, number of families/number of species), and the relationship between the number of higher taxa and the number of species. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Far Eastern sectors of Arctic Polar Desert Area and Arctic Tundra Area are differed from the rest of circum-Arctic zone by presence of so-called Beringian plant species, which are also common to Alaskan and Eastern Canadian sectors of Arctic zone. (geobotanica.ru)
  • Research interests in phylo- and biogeography, population genetics, genetic backgrounds for the adaptation of plant species. (sibjforsci.com)
  • The quantitative relationship between genera/families and species, described by a linearized power function, showed a good fit. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Environmental filtering will therefore decrease the number of genera and families for a given number of species [ 9 , 10 , 11 ]. (biomedcentral.com)
  • The crustose and foliose lichens (the species of genera Gyrophora, Lecidea, Rhizocarpon) are most abundant on the stony substrate. (geobotanica.ru)
  • Despite a great variety of larch communities in ecological regimes and climatic conditions, the species composition of communities demonstrates outstanding homogeneity within all wide range from south to north and from the west to east. (geobotanica.ru)
  • Among silver firs this species is very distinct, on account of the narrow, truncate leaves, pointed forwards and curving upwards, and intensely blue-white beneath. (beanstreesandshrubs.org)
  • This concept involves the identification of particular species which are adapted to specific habitat conditions (such as terrain, soil or climate). (biomedcentral.com)
  • The species is fairly undemanding regarding soil, but when young requires an upper canopy to protect it from the combined drying effects of spring sunshine and wind. (mustila.fi)
  • Null Model 2 which considered the spatial dispersion of species generated a taxonomic structure which proved to be more consistent with that in the observed community. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Local communities are built from a regionally available species pool. (biomedcentral.com)
  • The name Abies is the classical Latin name for European silver fir (Abies alba), which grows in mountain ranges throughout the Italian peninsula. (conifersgarden.uk)
  • The close-growing needles and regular whorls of branches give the species an appearance reminiscent of club moss or ferns, rather similar to that of the Pacific silver fir ( Abies amabilis ). (mustila.fi)
  • It is also the northernmost growing fir in the world, reaching 67.6°N. Beyond its eastern limit it is replaced on the mainland by the closely related A. nephrolepis (the more distantly related A. holophylla also occurs here), and in northern Japan, the southern Kurile islands, and on Sakhalin by another close relative, A. sachalinensis ( Debreczy & Rácz 2011 ). (treesandshrubsonline.org)
  • Abies alba Mill. (beanstreesandshrubs.org)
  • acutifolia Turrill - As Mattfeld defined it, this is a variable species, native of S. Bulgaria and N.E. Greece, which combines in various ways the characters of A. alba and A. cephalonica . (beanstreesandshrubs.org)
  • Mattfeld considered the species to be the product of hybridisation at the end of the Tertiary period, when A. alba migrated southward as the climate cooled with the onset of the Ice Age and met and crossed with A. cephalonica . (beanstreesandshrubs.org)
  • Forming forests over a large region of northeast Asia, the total population of this species is thought to be declining due to logging, though there is an absence of any evidence for significant decline. (theferns.info)
  • The species is native to the mountain forests of Japan's Honshu Island, so prefers a rather maritime climate, in Finland growing best near the south coast. (mustila.fi)
  • Extensive forests of this species once' existed in N. Sicily in the Monti Nebrodi and Madonie. (beanstreesandshrubs.org)
  • This species is an important timber tree in northeast China and Korea, where it is commonly harvested from the wild and traded. (theferns.info)
  • In parts of its area it is in contact with one or other of these species, but in the Rhodope Range of Bulgaria, and on the Athos peninsula, it occurs in isolation from both. (beanstreesandshrubs.org)
  • has been carrying forward an adaptation plan for forest plant species that are susceptible to climate change. (ngii.go.kr)
  • Plant species will physiologically be in uenced by climate change. (ngii.go.kr)
  • Thus, new endangered plant species are likely to appear be- cause of global warming. (ngii.go.kr)
  • The plan, which builds regional microclimate change data, designates 100 climate change vulnerable species and monitors them af- ter classifying them into either northern or south- ern species. (ngii.go.kr)