• The heated debate in our society over reproductive cloning, as well as therapeutic cloning to obtain embryonic stem cells, has been fueled by misconceptions and hyperbole on both sides. (flfamily.org)
  • Most researchers obtain embryonic stem cells from the inner mass of a blastocyst, an embryonic stage when a fertilized egg has divided into 128 cells. (jcpa.org)
  • After many divisions in culture, this single cell forms a blastocyst (an early stage embryo with about 100 cells) with almost identical DNA to the original donor who provided the adult cell - a genetic clone. (eurostemcell.org)
  • To produce Dolly, the cloned blastocyst was transferred into the womb of a recipient ewe, where it developed and when born quickly became the world's most famous lamb. (eurostemcell.org)
  • In therapeutic cloning, the blastocyst is not transferred to a womb. (eurostemcell.org)
  • Instead, embryonic stem cells are isolated from the cloned blastocyst. (eurostemcell.org)
  • After growing and dividing for a week or so in a laboratory culture dish, the fused cell forms an early embryo called a blastocyst, which Wilmut's team implants into a surrogate mother. (newscientist.com)
  • From there, Dr. Brinster became interested in modifying the development of animals and their germ lines, and he went on to become the first person to show that it was possible to colonize a mouse blastocyst with stem cells from older embryos. (avma.org)
  • Moreover, Dr. Brinster first demonstrated that teratocarcinoma cells could combine with blastocyst cells to form adult chimeric mice, establishing the feasibility of this approach to change the genetic character of mice. (avma.org)
  • The stem cells derived from the inner mass of a blastocyst lack the ability to form a fetus when implanted into a woman, but are self-renewing and can be maintained for long periods of time in the laboratory as undifferentiated stem cells. (jcpa.org)
  • A blastocyst (cloned or not), because it lacks any trace of a nervous system, has no capacity for suffering or conscious experience in any form - the special properties that, in our view, spell the difference between biological tissue and a human life worthy of respect and rights. (wikiquote.org)
  • In the first 4 - 5 days after fertilization, the early-stage embryo (or blastocyst) is comprised of about 150 cells, within which there is a region called the Inner Cell Mass containing the stem cells. (jewishvaluesonline.org)
  • Fetal Tissue Research: Antiquated and Unethical? (flfamily.org)
  • The researchers wanted to see whether "mature" cells that have differentiated to fulfil a specialised role (such as that of an udder cell or a fetal cell) could be returned to a primitive state from which they could grow into entire organisms. (newscientist.com)
  • Conversely, you and I are on an unstoppable trajectory of growing and decaying that is a hallmark of later fetal and born human life. (jewishvaluesonline.org)
  • The stem cells suits human needs, does not cause harm and can be obtained from both adult and fetal does not conflict with religious beliefs, it has tissues, umbilical cord and early embryos. (who.int)
  • This policy is similar to that of other countries, including Israel, where scientists are funded by Government to study embryonic stem cells despite the aforementioned bioethical issue. (jcpa.org)
  • Thus, a kind of 'regenerative medicine' gives people access to therapies derived from their own cells. (boloji.com)
  • However, the Senate bill does allow for therapeutic cloning, known as 'nuclear transplantation', for research on therapies that could cure several serious and life-threatening diseases. (boloji.com)
  • Ethically, since eventually all such "research" will be applied to people, he cautions against the abuse of women "egg" donors, and against the premature use of vulnerable sick human patients for testing supposedly "patient-specific" stem cells in supposed "therapies", pointing to the obvious violations of standard international research ethics guidelines such clinical trials would necessarily entail. (lifeissues.net)
  • The petition recognizes that many "Canadians suffer from debilitating illnesses and diseases" and that the petitioners "support ethical stem cell research that has already shown encouraging potential to provide cures and therapies for these illnesses and diseases. (lifesitenews.com)
  • We now see a patent landscape where stem cell technologies and related therapies can, with very few exceptions, be protected via patents, provided the appropriate form of claim wording is used. (schlich.co.uk)
  • Stem cell technologies promise to be the next transformative medical technology offering therapies for conditions and diseases that are currently beyond medical science by creating replacement or supplementary tissues for a patient. (schlich.co.uk)
  • The Catholic Church has always held that stem-cell research and therapies are morally acceptable, as long as they don't involve the creation and destruction of human embryos. (archstl.org)
  • The Church also supports research and therapies using adult stem cells, which are cells that come from any person who has been born - including umbilical cord blood, bone marrow, skin and other organs. (archstl.org)
  • Experts in the field of regenerative medicine believe one of the first areas of success when using stem cell-derived therapies will be the treatment of macular degeneration, which causes progressive loss of sight, and other retinal diseases. (cnn.com)
  • The use of various types of stem cells for research purposes to make disease "models" in the lab for regenerative medicine and for "therapies" to cure sick patients for diseases is constantly in the news. (lifeissues.net)
  • hEPCs have been used for cell-based therapies due to their capacity to contribute in the re-endothelialization of injured blood vessels and neovascularization in ischemic tissues. (intechopen.com)
  • Because the early stem cells have the ability to become any one of the hundreds of different kinds of human cells, scientists are working on research using these cells with the aim of creating therapies to treat a variety of diseases. (jewishvaluesonline.org)
  • For instance, it may be possible one day to produce cardiac tissue to repair a heart damaged in a heart attack, nerve tissue to repair spinal cord injuries and cell therapies to treat people suffering from Alzheimer's or ALS. (jewishvaluesonline.org)
  • Cloning, or somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), is the technique used to produce Dolly the sheep, the first animal to be produced as a genetic copy of another adult. (eurostemcell.org)
  • From a cell in adult ewe's mammary gland, Wilmot and his colleagues managed to create a frisky lamb named Dolly, scoring an advance in reproductive technology as unsettling as it was startling (Anibeze 2007).Unlike offspring produced in the usual fashion, Dolly does not merely take after her biological mother, she is indeed a carbon copy, a laboratory counterfeit so exact that she is indeed her mother/s identical twin. (er-journal.com)
  • The difference with Dolly is that all her DNA originated in a cell from the udder of an adult sheep. (newscientist.com)
  • Dolly was the only lamb born from 277 fusions of oocytes with udder cells. (newscientist.com)
  • Like Dolly the sheep, these microscopic embryos can also be implanted into a host uterus, where they develop into a fetus and grow into adult animals after birth. (the-scientist.com)
  • It became a hot topic in 1996 when Dolly the sheep was cloned via a process called somatic cell nuclear transfer. (archstl.org)
  • These stem cells are genetically matched to the donor organism, holding promise for studying genetic disease. (eurostemcell.org)
  • XI - embryonic stem cells: embryonic cells that are capable of modifying the cells of any organism tissue. (hinxtongroup.org)
  • … "embryo" means a human organism during the first 56 days of its development following fertilization or creation, excluding any time during which its development has been suspended, and includes any cell derived from such an organism that is used for the purpose of creating a human being. (hinxtongroup.org)
  • A clone is an organism that is a genetic copy of an existing one. (who.int)
  • The related concept of Longevity Determination , however, is the result of a species-specific genomic expression during early development that positions the somatic tissues of an organism to survive long after its reproductive period has been completed. (agemed.org)
  • Internal signals producing apoptosis depend on interactions of several proteins and may serve to protect the organism from cancer by killing cells that have pre-cancerous changes. (agemed.org)
  • The National Institutes of Health defines a human embryo as "the developing organism from the time of fertilization until the end of the eighth week of gestation. (archstl.org)
  • Stem cell research is, in part, a quest to understand cellular differentiation, the process by which a human being develops from one fertilized cell into a multicellular organism composed of over 200 different cell types - for example muscle, nerve, blood cell, or kidney. (jcpa.org)
  • At the top of the list comes the zygote-a fertilized egg, which of course has the ability to divide and differentiate into all cell types in the body and create a new organism. (thefutureofthings.com)
  • The first three divisions of the zygote give birth to eight totipotent cells, each of which also has the ability to become an entire organism. (thefutureofthings.com)
  • Stem cells have been used to repair tissue damaged by disease. (wikipedia.org)
  • The primary legislation in South Africa that deals with embryo research is the Human Tissue Act, which is set to be replaced by Chapter 8 of the National Health Act. (wikipedia.org)
  • As the cell begins to divide, scientists believe stem cells can be extracted and grown into tissue or organs. (boloji.com)
  • This means they can potentially produce new cells for any organ or tissue. (healthline.com)
  • She is the first mammal ever created from the non-reproductive tissue of an adult animal. (newscientist.com)
  • If the same could be achieved in humans, it would mean that each of us could have clones of ourselves made from our own tissue. (newscientist.com)
  • Mammary glands are rich in these cells, which are more adaptable than other tissue. (newscientist.com)
  • But if, as seems likely, the Roslin team has succeeded in making an entire animal from adult tissue, it might be possible to do the same for humans. (newscientist.com)
  • This process gets rid of unneeded cells and is particularly important for "sculpting" tissue and organ structure during development of the embryo (or larval metamorphosis in insects), but may occur at any time even in adult cells when a tissue needs to be remodeled. (agemed.org)
  • In February 2012, early research published by scientists at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and Johns Hopkins University showed that a patient's own stem cells can be used to regenerate heart tissue and help undo damage caused by a heart attack. (cnn.com)
  • If there are intact cells in this tissue they have been 'stored' frozen. (wikiquote.org)
  • It is also our view that there are no sound reasons for treating the early-stage human embryo or cloned human embryo as anything special, or as having moral status greater than human somatic cells in tissue culture. (wikiquote.org)
  • In addition to their ability to supply cells at the turnover rate of their respective tissues, they can be stimulated to repair injured tissue caused by liver damage, skin abrasions and blood loss. (thefutureofthings.com)
  • Thus, it has been shown that early EPCs release cytokines that promote tissue regeneration and neovasculogenesis, whereas late EPC and endothelial colony forming cells (ECFCs) contribute to the formation of blood vessels and stimulate tube formation. (intechopen.com)
  • One of the greatest controversies triggered tissue, a stem cell encoding for heart tissue by the rapid pace of evolution in biology, will eventually develop into heart tissue particularly in genomics and biotechnology, and so on. (who.int)
  • Because ES cells are cultured from the embryoblast 4-5 days after fertilization, harvesting them is most often done from donated embryos from in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics. (wikipedia.org)
  • France prohibits reproductive cloning and embryo creation for research purposes, but enacted laws (with a sunset provision expiring in 2009) to allow scientists to conduct stem cell research on imported a large amount of embryos from in vitro fertilization treatments. (wikipedia.org)
  • … "human clone" means an embryo that, as a result of the manipulation of human reproductive material or an in vitro embryo, contains a diploid set of chromosomes obtained from a single - living or deceased - human being, fetus, or embryo. (hinxtongroup.org)
  • As part of the study, Noggle and his colleagues developed new protocols that allow women to choose between giving their eggs to research or in vitro fertilization programs. (the-scientist.com)
  • According to the researcher's new protocols, women are paid to donate, but only later choose whether their eggs should go to research or in vitro fertilization. (the-scientist.com)
  • Today, this technique continues to form the foundation for research on mammalian embryos, including technologies such as transgenic engineering, embryonic stem cell therapy, human in vitro fertilization, mammalian cloning, and knockout engineering. (avma.org)
  • Practically, cycle regulation, chromosome stability and epigenetic F9 cells allow for the efficient metabolic labelling of the modification, in both mouse and human oocytes SILAC reference in vitro, overcoming the difficulty of directly labelling oocytes in vivo. (gotomydoctor.com)
  • In January 2007, researchers at Wake Forest University reported that "stem cells drawn from amniotic fluid donated by pregnant women hold much of the same promise as embryonic stem cells. (wikipedia.org)
  • According to modern stem cell researchers, Spain is one of the leaders in stem cell research and currently has one of the most progressive legislations worldwide with respect to human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research. (wikipedia.org)
  • The stem cells could be studied in the laboratory to help researchers understand what goes wrong in diseases like these. (eurostemcell.org)
  • The pig had been genetically edited to avoid the human intolerable sugar and immune system attack.For this procedure, the researchers had kept a diseased woman's body on a ventilator after her family had agreed to the experiment. (er-journal.com)
  • Advancing to the 20th century researchers were already attempting transplants of organs from baboons to humans. (er-journal.com)
  • For each clone, the Roslin researchers combine material from two sources. (newscientist.com)
  • Next, the researchers take cells containing donor genetic material. (newscientist.com)
  • Before the technique will ever make it to the clinic, however, researchers must find a way to remove genomic material from the egg cell. (the-scientist.com)
  • For the first time researchers can now compare iPSC differentiation to the same process an egg goes through after the transfer of a somatic cell genome. (the-scientist.com)
  • In January 2014, researchers announced they had developed a new method of making stem cells: by placing skin cells in an acidic environment. (cnn.com)
  • By making research easy to access, and puts the academic needs of the researchers before the business interests of publishers. (intechopen.com)
  • Although the third millennium is burgeoning greatly with significant advances in the realms of bio-genetic research, solutions to diseased organ replacement is still a subject of research with minimal target outcomes. (er-journal.com)
  • It is quite possible that the advances in human biology in the remainder of the twentieth century will be remembered as the most significant scientific achievement of the animal species known as Homo sapiens . (lifeissues.net)
  • Recent advances in the field of stem-cell research are giving hope to millions. (thefutureofthings.com)
  • The Society is concerned that a ban on nuclear transplantation might thwart research directed at finding cures and treatments for diseases and disabilities which solely, predominantly or differently affect women,' says their president, Phyllis Greenberger. (boloji.com)
  • If embryonic stem-cell research offers real possibilities for future cures then, from a Jewish point of view, it may be pursued with caution, humility, and strict supervision. (jewishvaluesonline.org)
  • The rapidly emerging "regenerative" field of medicine is relying heavily on the use of ethically obtained stem cells. (flfamily.org)
  • WHA50.37 of 1997 argues that human cloning is ethically unacceptable and contrary to human integrity and morality. (who.int)
  • WHA50.37, which states "the use of cloning for the replication of human individuals is ethically unacceptable and contrary to human integrity and morality. (who.int)
  • Since stem cells have the ability to turn into various other types of cells, scientists believe that they can be useful for treating and understanding diseases. (healthline.com)
  • To create iPSCs, scientists genetically reprogram the adult stem cells so they behave like embryonic stem cells. (healthline.com)
  • Scientists are hoping that the cells can be made from someone's own skin to treat a disease. (healthline.com)
  • 1. Cloning is an umbrella term traditionally used by scientists to describe different processes for duplicating biological material. (who.int)
  • But scientists have not managed to isolate such cells from farm animals, and must rely instead on injecting genes randomly into early embryos. (newscientist.com)
  • Scientists view stem cells as a possible gateway to curing many medical conditions, from Parkinson's disease to diabetes. (cnn.com)
  • In 2000, the National Institutes of Health issued guidelines for the use of embryonic stem cells in research, specifying that scientists receiving federal funds could use only extra embryos that would otherwise be discarded. (cnn.com)
  • While regarded by many top scientists as the Holy Grail of medicine, others consider embryonic stem-cell research sacrilegious. (thefutureofthings.com)
  • A number of large biotech companies and scientists are looking toward stem cells as the basis for a therapeutic solution to cure such illnesses as blindness, diabetes and spinal cord injuries. (thefutureofthings.com)
  • As PhD students, we found it difficult to access the research we needed, so we decided to create a new Open Access publisher that levels the playing field for scientists across the world. (intechopen.com)
  • The con- is removed and replaced by a nucleus of cept of human cloning has long been in the another cell type, the stem cell will then imagination of many scientists, scholars and be reprogrammed to produce the product fiction writers [ 1 ]. (who.int)
  • The potential of therapeutic cloning for treating, and perhaps curing, a variety of debilitating diseases demands that the scientific community be allowed to continue this promising work. (boloji.com)
  • This could allow us to create cells that are useful for transplantation for a variety of diseases without the problem of immunological rejection," said Noggle in a press briefing. (the-scientist.com)
  • Stem cells offer the prospect of treatments for diseases and injuries that are currently beyond medical science. (schlich.co.uk)
  • Stem cells may underpin the next generation of pharmaceuticals, with even greater promise for successful treatment of diseases that are intractable or scarcely treatable now. (schlich.co.uk)
  • Father Tad Pacholczyk is convinced that embryonic stem cells will someday cure diseases. (archstl.org)
  • While there is a great deal published on the potential medical applications of stem cell research to treat or cure diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer, and heart disease, much less has been published on the future impact of stem cell research in reproductive medicine. (jcpa.org)
  • Claims that you could clone individual treatments of human beings to treat common diseases like diabetes, suggests you need a huge supply of human eggs. (wikiquote.org)
  • Doctors have been performing stem cell transplants, also known as bone marrow transplants, for decades using hematopoietic stem cells in order to treat certain types of cancer. (healthline.com)
  • The success of this research marks a significant step to the quest for the use of animal organs for live-saving transplants. (er-journal.com)
  • These stem cells come from developed organs and tissues in the body. (healthline.com)
  • Xenotransplantation is any procedure that involves the use of live cells, tissues or organs from a nonhuman source for transplantation, implantation or infusion into a human recipient. (er-journal.com)
  • reagents made using a patient's own cells used to regenerate disease or damaged tissues 14,15 , once the stuff of science fiction, may become science fact. (schlich.co.uk)
  • The ability of our body to regenerate some of its tissues is largely owed to the reserves of adult stem cells. (thefutureofthings.com)
  • In the normal course of gestation, these cells will divide and split off from one another to become every cell in the human body, forming the various organs and tissues. (jewishvaluesonline.org)
  • Stem cells may be derived from adult tissues but the most potent are extracted from developing human embryos. (edu.au)
  • Finally, and inexorably, a true professional scientist poses clearly challenging questions to his research colleagues, and to the scientific enterprise in general, about the dubious "scientific" justification for the current rush to clone human beings - for both "therapeutic" and for "reproductive" purposes. (lifeissues.net)
  • The use of the technique of nuclear transfer for reproduction of human beings is surrounded by strong ethical concerns and controversies and is considered a threat to human dignity. (who.int)
  • 2. Over the years, the international community has tried without success to build a consensus on an international convention against the reproductive cloning of human beings. (who.int)
  • 3. Creating awareness among ministries of health in the African Region will provide them with critical and relevant information on the reproductive cloning of human beings and its implications to the health status of the general population. (who.int)
  • 7. The WHO Regional Committee for Africa is invited to review this document for information and guidance concerning reproductive cloning of human beings. (who.int)
  • 3. Media reports on nuclear transfer are usually about one form, reproductive nuclear transfer, also known as reproductive cloning of human beings . (who.int)
  • human beings have developed innovative technologies to treat and cure disease, to enhance human living conditions, and to protect or improve the environment. (jcpa.org)
  • The report arose out of a recommendation for the Committee to review the report of the Australian Health Ethics Committee (AHEC) of the NHMRC entitled Scientific, Ethical and Regulatory Considerations Relevant to Cloning of Human Beings (hereafter the AHEC Report ). (edu.au)
  • For example, stem cells could be generated using the nuclear transfer process described above, with the donor adult cell coming from a patient with diabetes or Alzheimer's. (eurostemcell.org)
  • The increasing life expectancy of humans has led to growing number of people with diseased organs. (er-journal.com)
  • This is imposing a burden on bio-genetic engineering research to provide solutions for diseased organs. (er-journal.com)
  • The dream of transferring bodily organs from animals to humans goes back to antiquity, as articulated in the myth of Daedalus and Icarus in Greek mythology. (er-journal.com)
  • By the 17th century the possibility of transferring animal organs to humans came into practice with stumbling attempts to use animal blood for transfusions. (er-journal.com)
  • Similarly, clinical use of animal organs such as the transplantation of a rabbit kidney to humans was documented in 1905 (Nagarian 2003). (er-journal.com)
  • Pigs have large litters, short gestation periods and organs comparable to humans. (er-journal.com)
  • Contrary to popular belief, stem cells are present in the human body throughout life and are found in many adult organs. (jcpa.org)
  • The ICM continues to differentiate into three germ layers-ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm, each of which follows a specific developmental destiny that takes them along an ever-specifying path at which end the daughter cells will make up the different organs of the human body. (thefutureofthings.com)
  • In May 2002, the Senate countered with its own legislation designed to foster scientific research. (boloji.com)
  • Their 'Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2002' would prohibit human reproductive cloning by imposing significant criminal and civil penalties in the form of fines (at least $1 million) and up to ten years in prison. (boloji.com)
  • In June 2002, numerous international organizations joined the Collective in issuing a statement on human cloning in which they called on Congress to pass a strong, effective ban on using human cloning to create a human being. (boloji.com)
  • VICTORIA, May 31, 2002 (LSN.ca) - The B.C. Liberals tabled draft legislation to scrap the province's Human Rights Commission, leaving only a simple tribunal to hear complaints. (lifesitenews.com)
  • VICTORIA, May 31, 2002 (LSN.ca) - A coalition of Canadian organizations and individuals has launched an emergency petition campaign to address the serious flaws in Bill C-56, The Assisted Human Reproduction Act. (lifesitenews.com)
  • OTTAWA, May 31, 2002 (LSN.ca) - Dr. Dianne Irving, a leading international expert on new reproductive technologies, has reviewed the proposed Canadian legislation, Bill C-56 and has found it completely inadequate. (lifesitenews.com)
  • The latest experiments have also produced three lambs from the cells of a sheep fetus aborted after 26 days, and four from a nine-day-old embryo. (newscientist.com)
  • This time, we thought we'd take them from a fetus and an adult as well. (newscientist.com)
  • Similarly, when the fertilized egg divides from two cells into four cells, each of these four cells has the potential to individually form a human fetus. (jcpa.org)
  • However, by the time the fertilized egg divides into 8 or 16 cells something changes and each respective cell, if separated, no longer has the potential to create a fetus. (jcpa.org)
  • Cellular differentiation begins with the fertilized egg which serves as the identifying characteristic of an embryonic stem cell. (jcpa.org)
  • The term stem cell can be defined by two very important qualities: the cell has the ability to self-renew and, in a more general sense, the cell has not completed differentiation into its final state. (thefutureofthings.com)
  • This general definition includes a wide variety of cells with varying degrees of differentiation potential. (thefutureofthings.com)
  • Stem cell technologies have been dogged by controversy because of objections over the morality of sacrificing human embryos to produce the first human embryonic stem cell lines. (schlich.co.uk)
  • For example, hematopoietic stem cells are a type of adult stem cell found in bone marrow. (healthline.com)
  • In May 2011, stem cell therapy in sports medicine was spotlighted after New York Yankees pitcher Bartolo Colon was revealed to have had fat and bone marrow stem cells injected into his injured elbow and shoulder while in the Dominican Republic. (cnn.com)
  • Human endothelial progenitor cells (hEPCs) are adult stem cells, located in the bone marrow and peripheral blood. (intechopen.com)
  • And if they don't know them, then even the international research ethics guidelines would preclude them from performing such research. (lifeissues.net)
  • Whereas Germany, Austria, Italy, Finland, Portugal and the Netherlands prohibit or severely restrict the use of embryonic stem cells, Greece, Sweden, Spain and the United Kingdom have created the legal basis to support this research. (wikipedia.org)
  • General Assembly the adoption of a declaration on human cloning by which Member States were called upon to prohibit all forms of human cloning inasmuch as they are incompatible with human dignity and the protection of human life. (who.int)
  • Human cloning involves creating embryos with the intent of implanting them in women to produce children. (boloji.com)
  • 2. Nuclear transfer is a technique used to duplicate genetic material by creating an embryo through the transfer and fusion of a diploid cell in an enucleated female oocyte.2 Cloning has a broader meaning than nuclear transfer as it also involves gene replication and natural or induced embryo splitting (see Annex 1). (who.int)
  • Somatic cell nuclear transfer typically involves the transfer of genomic information from a somatic cell into an unfertilized egg cell whose nucleus has been removed. (the-scientist.com)
  • A few years ago, in an article in the The Times of London newspaper, the author, Michael Gove, made the following statement: "Embryonic stem-cell experimentation involves not just the destruction of human life but the creation of life with the specific intent to destroy it. (jewishvaluesonline.org)
  • The early mammalian embryo consists of the extra-embryonic cell layers-the trophoblast and a body of cells called the inner cell mass (ICM), which eventually become the embryo proper. (thefutureofthings.com)
  • Wilmut and his colleagues fuse the empty oocyte with the donor cell by bringing them together and subjecting them to an electric current. (newscientist.com)
  • Wilmut says there were so many failures because it is difficult to ensure that the empty oocyst and the donor cell are at the same stage of the cell division cycle. (newscientist.com)
  • Reproductive Cloning - Use of a donor cell to create a new human genetically identical to the donor. (schlich.co.uk)
  • Their parents wanted to have a child who could be a stem cell donor for Molly. (cnn.com)
  • Stem cell treatments are a type of cell therapy that introduce new cells into adult bodies for possible treatment of cancer, somatic cell nuclear transfer, diabetes, and other medical conditions. (wikipedia.org)
  • In addition, the number and the migratory activity of these cells are inversely correlated with risk factors such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. (intechopen.com)
  • In biology , cloning is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when organisms such as bacteria , insects or plants reproduce asexually . (wikiquote.org)
  • in this post, we would appraise you with 200 biology research topics handpicked for aspiring high schoolers, to make their task easier. (thehighschooler.net)
  • To discern the same, it can be a fair idea to look into some crucial attributes that can lead a high schooler towards a desired biology research topic. (thehighschooler.net)
  • For instance, a student may like to learn and work in cell biology, while another may love studying more about genetics. (thehighschooler.net)
  • Cold Spring Harbor, NY -- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (CSHLP) announced the release of The Digital Cell: Cell Biology as a Data Science, available on its website in hardcover format. (cshlpress.com)
  • Dr. Irving, whose Ph.D. included a doctoral concentration in secular bioethics at the world's foremost bioethics institute, noted that the bill was poorly prepared using faulty science and lacking basic definitions necessary to have the law actually ban cloning as it claims it does. (lifesitenews.com)
  • Last year they used the same reproductive technology to create the world's first cloned lambs (Nature, vol 380, p 64). (newscientist.com)
  • Research is underway to find ways to produce iPSCs safely. (healthline.com)
  • While iPSCs avoid the ethical issues surrounding embryonic stem cells, the methods used to derive them sometimes induce mutations in cancer causing genes, making them unsuitable for therapeutic purposes. (the-scientist.com)
  • The bill also applies Federal ethical regulations on human subject research and outlaws the transfer of cloned embryos to a woman's uterus or to any artificial womb. (boloji.com)
  • To be sure, viewed through the lens of Jewish law, even the embryo outside the womb is human life. (jewishvaluesonline.org)
  • Left outside the womb, there is not the slightest hope that it will become anything more than the embryonic life it currently represents. (jewishvaluesonline.org)
  • The new Spanish law allows existing frozen embryos - of which there are estimated to be tens of thousands in Spain - to be kept for patient's future use, donated for another infertile couple, or used in research. (wikipedia.org)
  • In 2003, Spain's laws state that embryos left over from IVF and donated by the couple that created them can be used in research, including ES cell research, if they have been frozen for more than five years. (wikipedia.org)
  • They can be frozen in cell banks for use in the future. (healthline.com)
  • Above, dozens of packages containing frozen embryonic stem cells remain in liquid nitrogen in a laboratory at the University of Sao Paulo's human genome research center in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in March 2008. (cnn.com)
  • However, the myriad of possibilities from this research outcome have raised critical ethical issues militating against its advancement. (er-journal.com)
  • There is no way that human cloning could be developed without unethical mass experimentation on women and children,' they said. (boloji.com)
  • First, while stem-cell experimentation could involve the creation of embryos with the express purpose of destroying them, this is not the only means available for obtaining embryos. (jewishvaluesonline.org)
  • Second, Michael Gove holds that embryonic experimentation represents the destruction of human life. (jewishvaluesonline.org)
  • As the embryonic cells divide and the daughter cells differentiate, they become increasingly specific. (thefutureofthings.com)
  • This cell then has therapeutic cloning: the global the capacity to divide and grow into an exact replica of the original from whom the debate somatic cell was taken. (who.int)
  • Adult stem cells can be used to accelerate bone or tendon healing , and they can induce cartilage progenitor cells to produce a better matrix and repair cartilage damage . (thefutureofthings.com)
  • Different phenotypes and subtypes of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), such as early and late EPCs, have been described according to their functionality. (intechopen.com)
  • In the best case, an early embryo consisting of a few cells may form, but these are not capable of giving rise to human life, nor hESCs for therapeutic purposes. (the-scientist.com)
  • The triploid cells aren't suitable for therapeutic purposes, and future efforts will be focused on trying to eliminate the [egg cell] genome," said Daley, who wrote an accompanying News & Views in Nature . (the-scientist.com)
  • As the fertilized egg divides from one cell into two, physicians can separate these two cells and implant each one of them into a woman's uterus to generate two genetically identical children. (jcpa.org)
  • This paper outlines the debates prompted through a reproduction mechanism involv- by progress in cloning research, with special ing male and female germ cells. (who.int)
  • Reproductive cloning versus germ cell (egg, ovum). (who.int)
  • Italy has a 2004 law that forbids all sperm or egg donations and the freezing of embryos, but allows, in effect, using existing stem cell lines that have been imported. (wikipedia.org)
  • In August 2001, President George W. Bush announced that he would allow federal funding for about 60 existing stem cell lines created before this date. (cnn.com)
  • To achieve this success, Scott Noggle at the New York Stem Cell Foundation Laboratory took a unique approach to the process. (the-scientist.com)
  • In addition, specific proteins or biological substances can be added to these stem cell cultures to transform them in the laboratory into a large variety of specialized cell types, such as nerve, liver, muscle, bone, and blood cells. (jcpa.org)
  • Above, a human stem cell colony, which is no more than 1 millimeter wide and comprises thousands of individual stem cells, grows on mouse embryonic fibroblast in a research laboratory in September 2001. (cnn.com)
  • The laboratory will emphasize plant identification, various aspects of plant ecology and physiology, plant morphology, and plant use by humans. (middlebury.edu)
  • Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (CSHLP) announced the release of T-Cell Memory, available on its website in hardcover and eBook formats. (cshlpress.com)
  • Another long-term hope for therapeutic cloning is that it could be used to generate cells that are genetically identical to a patient. (eurostemcell.org)
  • During the process of harvesting embryotic stem cells, the embryo is destroyed. (healthline.com)
  • The controversy arises for some people because, in the course of harvesting these cells, the embryo is destroyed. (jewishvaluesonline.org)
  • A breakthrough in somatic cell nuclear transfer opens the possibility of producing human embryonic stem cells with a patient's own genes. (the-scientist.com)
  • In humans, somatic transfer has been less fruitful-the egg cell quits dividing and often dies after nuclear transfer. (the-scientist.com)
  • Instead of removing the egg genome prior to nuclear transfer, he and his colleagues added the somatic cell nucleus directly to the intact egg. (the-scientist.com)
  • More than 100 nuclear transfer procedures could be required to produce one viable clone. (wikiquote.org)
  • Stem cells are cells found in most, if not all, multi-cellular organisms. (wikipedia.org)
  • Cloning in biotechnology refers to processes used to create copies of DNA fragments ( molecular cloning ), cells (cell cloning), or organisms . (wikiquote.org)
  • Unicellular for those cells that are derived from human organisms are primed to replicate (clone) pre-embryos, which seem to have a high themselves by nature. (who.int)
  • Cloning technology, however, is perceived as having the potential for reproductive cloning, which raises serious ethical and moral concerns. (who.int)
  • In the end, the egg cell contained three sets of chromosomes-two from the diploid somatic cell, and one from the haploid egg. (the-scientist.com)
  • Understanding human [eggs'] ability to reprogram could shed light on improved methods for reprograming," said Noggle. (the-scientist.com)
  • But he is equally concerned about the unethical aspects inherent in the rush to perform " therapeutic " human cloning research, including the abuses to all vulnerable human patients who would be required to participate in clinical trials. (lifeissues.net)
  • As he has questioned the HFEA before, would not the use of vulnerable human patients in clinical trials be premature, dangerous, and unethical given the already acquired knowledge in the research community that such supposed "patient-specific" stem cells would most probably cause serious immune rejection reactions in these patients? (lifeissues.net)
  • It will be recalled that in 1998, a British embryologist became the first living proof to show that an adult cell can revert to embryonic stage and produce a full new being. (er-journal.com)
  • In 1998, President Bill Clinton requested a National Bioethics Advisory Commission to study the question of stem cell research. (cnn.com)
  • The findings validate this controversial method, and may one day allow therapeutic stem cells to be created from a patient's own genetic material. (the-scientist.com)
  • HN - 2008 BX - Von Ebner's Glands MH - Cumulus Cells UI - D054885 MN - A05.360.319.114.630.535.200.500 MN - A06.407.312.497.535.300.500 MN - A11.436.300.500 MS - The granulosa cells of the cumulus oophorus which surround the OVUM in the GRAAFIAN FOLLICLE. (bvsalud.org)
  • In 2001, the British Parliament amended the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 (since amended by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008) to permit the destruction of embryos for hESC harvests but only if the research satisfies one of the following requirements: Increases knowledge about the development of embryos, Increases knowledge about serious disease, or Enables any such knowledge to be applied in developing treatments for serious disease. (wikipedia.org)
  • The destruction of the pre-embryo has been the critical issue in the U.S. behind imposing limits on federal government-sponsored research in embryonic stem cells. (jcpa.org)
  • In this procedure, the nucleus of an egg cell is removed and replaced by the nucleus of a cell from another adult. (eurostemcell.org)
  • After being inserted into the egg, the adult cell nucleus is reprogrammed by the host cell. (eurostemcell.org)
  • In therapeutic cloning on the other hand, genetic material from a body cell is inserted into an egg cell, replacing the nucleus. (boloji.com)
  • When the nucleus of a stem cell has been the technique of cloning. (who.int)
  • The basic techniques of of the implanted nucleus, when it fully cloning have been known for some time, and develops. (who.int)
  • In November 2010, William Caldwell, CEO of Advanced Cell Technology, said the FDA had granted approval for his company to start a clinical trial using cells grown from human embryonic stem cells. (cnn.com)
  • Topics covered will include cell membrane structure and function, metabolism, cell motility and division, genome structure and replication, the regulation of gene expression and protein production, genotype to phenotype relationship, and basic principles of inheritance. (middlebury.edu)
  • However, it appears that the ability of the In its simplest form, cloning is defined stem cells to transform is limited, except as the exact replication of cells. (who.int)
  • Agreeing with the premise of an earlier article in the same journal, he agrees that we "must not let our debate get completely derailed by vested interests, whether politically or economically motivated", and that the failure to find global agreement on human cloning at the U.N. could result in "reproductive" human cloning [and all the abuses of women that would entail]. (lifeissues.net)
  • In particular, scientific developments in areas such as iPS cells open new possibilities of research and, at mid term, of therapeutic applications, but they also bring new ethical challenges and problems requiring further reflection and debate. (lifeissues.net)
  • and the general public debate about reproductive cloning. (edu.au)
  • In order to better appreciate the role of stem cell research in reproductive medicine, there is a need to understand the critical biological principles of stem cell research and its potential applications to medicine. (jcpa.org)
  • Stem cells have the potential to become many kinds of cells and can renew themselves through cell division. (cnn.com)
  • in other words, it has the potential to become any type of cell. (thefutureofthings.com)
  • This chapter provides an overview of the key role of hEPC in promoting angiogenesis and their potential use for cell therapy. (intechopen.com)
  • This lack of potential for development puts embryonic human life in a separate category. (jewishvaluesonline.org)
  • The unique properties of human stem cells have aroused considerable optimism about their potential as new pathways for alleviating human suffering caused by disease and injury. (edu.au)
  • Embryonic stem cell technology is still at a preliminary research stage and announcements about its potential may be premature. (edu.au)
  • Therapeutic cloning possesses enormous potential for revolutionizing medical and thera- peutic techniques. (who.int)
  • To date, no human embryonic stem cell lines have been derived using therapeutic cloning, so both these possibilities remain very much in the future. (eurostemcell.org)