• Gram-negative sepsis caused by E. coli, Proteus mirabilis and Salmonella spp. (nih.gov)
  • En Proteus mirabilis, s'ha pogut observat al llarg dels deu anys un lleuger increment de la resistència a l'associació amoxicil·lina-àcid clavulànic i de manera puntual l'aparició de soques productores de pAmpCt (tres soques amb CMY-2) o de BLEA (una soca amb CTX-M-1). (uab.cat)
  • E. coli Salmonella sp. (wikipedia.org)
  • O antigen clusters from two serogroup O58 S. enterica strains had approximately 85 % identity with the E. coli O123 O antigen region over their entire length, suggesting that these Salmonella and E. coli O antigen regions evolved from a common ancestor. (microbiologyresearch.org)
  • The O antigen cluster of a Salmonella serogroup O41 isolate had a lower level of identity with E. coli O123 over only part of its O antigen DNA cluster sequence, suggesting a different and more complex evolution of this gene cluster than those in the O58 strains. (microbiologyresearch.org)
  • The E. coli O123 O-antigenic polysaccharide and its repeating unit were characterized, and the chemical structure for E. coli O123 was entirely consistent with the O antigen gene cluster sequences of E. coli O123 and the Salmonella O58 isolates. (microbiologyresearch.org)
  • An understanding of both the genetic and structural composition of Salmonella and E. coli O antigens is necessary for the development of novel molecular methods for serotyping these organisms. (microbiologyresearch.org)
  • Enterobacteriaceae such as E. coli and Salmonella species are most predominant in some meat products 5,6 . (microbiologyjournal.org)
  • Els estudis de sensibilitat mostren que en les espècies amb una β-lactamasa cromosòmica induïble tipus AmpC (Enterobacter, Citrobacter freundii i Morganella morganii) no hi ha hagut un increment de la resistència a C3G, indicatiu d'una possible desrepressió de l'enzim, essent el percentatge de soques amb fenotip de desrepressió del voltant del 30% en Enterobacter i C. freundii i del 7,5% en M. morganii. (uab.cat)
  • 0%). Furthermore, there was no correlation between faecal coliform and the presence of Salmonella species. (banglajol.info)
  • Filter sterilized carcass rinsate for recovery of Salmonella species in various concentrations of cetylpyridinium chloride. (usda.gov)
  • This image depicted a Petri dish culture plate, which had contained a growth medium of Brilliant Green agar, that had been inoculated with Salmonella sp. (cdc.gov)
  • welchii] Enteritis necroticans 005.3 Food poisoning due to other Clostridia 005.4 Food poisoning due to Vibrio parahaemolyticus 005.8 Other bacterial food poisoning Food poisoning due to Bacillus cereus Excludes: salmonella food poisoning (003. (cdc.gov)
  • Detection of multiple naturally occurring Salmonella serotypes from commercial broiler carcasses with conventional methods. (usda.gov)
  • Antimicrobial interventions to reduce Salmonella and Campylobacter populations and improve shelf life of quail carcasses. (usda.gov)
  • Sin embargo, Campylobacter a llegado a ser cada vez más resistente a fluoroquinolonas, con altas tasas de aislamiento, tanto en seres humanos como en animales. (journaltocs.ac.uk)
  • iii) el aislamiento, la identificación y las pruebas de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana para Campylobacter han sido realizadas mediante diferentes métodos analíticos haciendo necesarias la armonización y estandarización de los métodos diagnósticos y iv) es necesario fortalecer los programas de vigilancia de la resistencia antimicrobiana en Campylobacter y las capacidades diagnósticas, con la asociación entre los servicios de salud y las instituciones académicas. (journaltocs.ac.uk)
  • Martin, W.J.: Comparison of media for isolation of Salmonellae and Shigellae from fecal specimens. (mikrobiyoloji.org)
  • Evaluation of a triple buffered peptone broth for detection of Salmonella in broiler feed. (usda.gov)
  • Proteus bacilli are widely distributed in nature as saprophytes, being found in decomposing animal matter, sewage, manure soil, the mammalian intestine, and human and animal feces. (labtestsguide.com)
  • Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium from Wild Birds in the United States Represent Distinct Lineages Defined by Bird Type. (cdc.gov)
  • Cross-reaction between Y. pseudotuberculosis and Salmonella typhi or S. paratyphi B, and between Y. enterocolitica and Brucella was detected serologically. (who.int)
  • La réaction croisée entre Y. pseudotuberculosis et Salmonella typhi ou S. paratyphi B, et entre Y. enterocolitica et Brucella a été détectée sérologiquement. (who.int)
  • Salmonella enterica serovas paratyphi. (sendiks.com)
  • Salmonella enterica serovas paratyphi B. Your family comes in contcat with germs everyday. (sendiks.com)