• In Marxian economics and preceding theories, the problem of primitive accumulation (also called previous accumulation, prior accumulation, or original accumulation) of capital concerns the origin of capital and therefore how class distinctions between possessors and non-possessors came to be. (wikipedia.org)
  • Adam Smith's account of primitive-original accumulation depicted a peaceful process in which some workers laboured more diligently than others and gradually built up wealth, eventually leaving the less diligent workers to accept living wages for their labour. (wikipedia.org)
  • How labour became such a commodity before the rise of capitalism is the subject of Part 8 of Capital, which deals with primitive or original accumulation. (davidharvey.org)
  • But the intensification of the slave trade and the growth of internal slave markets are indicative of processes of unequal accumulation of 'wealth in people', the proceeds of the sale of human beings (such as consumer goods and weapons) and the fruits of enslaved labour (such as cash crops). (lse.ac.uk)
  • Capital-intensive commodities such as mining, cocoa, and coffee skewed the distribution more profoundly than labour-intensive commodities, especially annual crops like cotton and groundnuts. (lse.ac.uk)
  • It is widely believed that Marx adapted the labour theory of value from Ricardo as a founding concept for his studies of capital accumulation. (davidharvey.org)
  • But the circulation of capital presupposes the prior existence of wage labour as a commodity that can be bought and sold in the market (chapter 6). (davidharvey.org)
  • The concept of capital as a process - as value in motion - based on the purchase of labour power and means of production is inextricably interwoven with the emergence of the value form. (davidharvey.org)
  • While the steps in the argument are complicated, Marx appears to have done little more than synthesize and formalize Ricardo's labour theory of value by embedding it in the totality of circulation and accumulation as depicted in Figure 1. (davidharvey.org)
  • The fetishism of historical process requires certain prior conditions- the reification of social relations, the personification of the products of labour, the inversion of subject and object, the crystallisation of global social labour in a world of objects that seems to be autonomous and to grow independently, the coexistence of the rationality of the part and the irrationality of the whole, and the fragmentation of the social totality. (isj.org.uk)
  • Something similar occurs with other historical processes symptomatic of 'alienation' (the autonomy of manufactured products which turn against their producers, the alienated character of all social relations, the labour process as suffering, etc). (isj.org.uk)
  • The 'apocalypse' often imagined to be the destiny of the global financial system is already an enduring reality for millions of people, all of whom are victims of the step by step transition of capitalist institutions towards a situation where labour can profitably be exploited, and where the proceeds of that exploitation can be profitably reinvested. (metamute.org)
  • In particular, in terms of the distinctions to be developed, encoding universally consistent semantics into web-pages ( Berners-Lee, Hendler, & Lassila, 2001 ) can be regarded as description labour expended at the point of production, with the aim of increasing control and reducing human labour in selection and use. (informationr.net)
  • 14 The concept was initially referred to in various different ways, and the expression of an "accumulation" at the origin of capitalism began to appear with Adam Smith. (wikipedia.org)
  • In disinterring the origins of capital, Marx felt the need to dispel what he felt were religious myths and fairy tales about the origins of capitalism. (wikipedia.org)
  • Thesis 1: The current crisis is a crisis of the accumulation regime and the mode of regulation of neoliberal financial-market capitalism. (transform-network.net)
  • The cause lies in the limits of financial-market capitalism itself: its accumulation is largely finance-driven: the search for new valorisation possibilities and the continuous refining of financial instruments could not prevent ever larger sums of capital from being accumulated, driven by a redistribution toward the top, capital for which there are not sufficient valorisation possibilities. (transform-network.net)
  • The Marxian concept of the transition from capitalism to socialism can be meaningfully discussed only within the international, global framework in which the system of advanced capitalism actually operates. (autodidactproject.org)
  • This, therefore, led to the growth and accumulation of capital and the overproduction of goods that culminated, in 1929, in the greatest crisis in the history of capitalism and in the outbreak of wars, such as the Second World War, the Cold War, and many other conflicts between countries in the years that followed. (bvsalud.org)
  • offering insights into strategies employed by those who've successfully made this transition while also examining key elements crucial for wealth accumulation. (all-list.net)
  • The wealth definition is far more multifaceted than just the accumulation of monetary assets . (all-list.net)
  • Drawing from broader perspectives, wealth can also refer to other forms of capital such as human capital and social capital . (all-list.net)
  • Therefore, the process of wealth accumulation is not solely about piling up monetary assets, but also about enhancing one's human and social capital. (all-list.net)
  • This broader perspective is key to unravelling the mystery of wealth accumulation, enriching the journey from rags to riches. (all-list.net)
  • Progressing to the subject of financial education, it's imperative to understand how it forms the groundwork for proficient money management and ensuing wealth accumulation. (all-list.net)
  • Delving deeper into the journey from financial challenge to prosperity, it is necessary to comprehend the core principles and strategies that govern wealth accumulation. (all-list.net)
  • Investment strategy is the roadmap that guides the wealth accumulation process, dictating where, when, and how to invest. (all-list.net)
  • Karl Marx rejected such accounts as 'insipid childishness' for their omission of the role of violence, war, enslavement, and conquest in the historical accumulation of land and wealth. (wikipedia.org)
  • For reasons cogently argued by Smith and his successors, the momentum of growth was expected to peter out after a time, arrested by changes endogenous to the growth process itself, and giving rise in due course to the supervention of the stationary state. (newleftreview.org)
  • The findings resulting from this analysis have implications for our understanding on the origins and consequences of the development process (output growth, human capital accumulation, fertility transition). (lu.se)
  • Marx viewed the colonization of the Americas, the African slave trade, and the events surrounding the First Opium War and Second Opium War as important instances of primitive accumulation. (wikipedia.org)
  • 14 In The German Ideology and in volume 3 of Capital, Marx discusses how primitive accumulation alienates humans from nature. (wikipedia.org)
  • James Steuart, with his 1767 work, is considered by some scholars to be the greatest classical theorist of primitive accumulation. (wikipedia.org)
  • Marx wrote: This primitive accumulation plays in political economy about the same part as original sin in theology. (wikipedia.org)
  • These idyllic proceedings are the chief moments of primitive accumulation. (wikipedia.org)
  • Such a crisis is characterised by the fact that the accumulation regime obtaining up to now has come up against its limits and a stable securing of rule is not possible without the fundamental transformation of the mode of regulation. (transform-network.net)
  • This lecture focuses how the state and political regime have been in a process of restructuring by the AKP and his leader Erdoğan under the crises of hegemony and state in the last years in Turkey. (uni-potsdam.de)
  • The capital accumulation regime in Turkey, which benefited from capital inflows in 2002-07 and 2010-13 came to a definite end in 2018. (uni-potsdam.de)
  • A simple but crude analogy for Marx's argument might be this: the human body depends for its vitality upon the circulation of the blood, which has no being outside of the human body. (davidharvey.org)
  • Kohei Saito's Karl Marx's Ecosocialism: Capital, Nature, and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy (KME) deals with how Marx conceived of the metabolism between humankind and nature. (logosjournal.com)
  • Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Africa was on the cusp of demographic transition, driven by falling birthrates and rising overall life expectancy. (imf.org)
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has undercut human capital accumulation and gender equity. (imf.org)
  • Although the dynamic has suffered from changing circumstances in policy, funding, and the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a valuable accumulation of successful experiences and best practices to build on. (brookings.edu)
  • The mutual interdependency within the totality of capital circulation is what matters. (davidharvey.org)
  • It becomes a string of political and social disasters and convulsions, and under these conditions, punctuated by periodic economic catastrophes and crises, accumulation can go on no longer. (monthlyreview.org)
  • But, they all employ the power of the state, the concentrated and organized force of society, to hasten, hot-house fashion, the process of transformation of the feudal mode of production into the capitalist mode, and to shorten the transition. (wikipedia.org)
  • However, various left thinkers, many of them within the natural sciences, constituting a kind of second foundation of critical thought, and others in the arts rebelled against this narrow conception of human progress, and in the process generated a wider dialectic of ecology and a deeper materialism that questioned the environmental as well as social depredations of capitalist society. (monthlyreview.org)
  • The more ruthlessly capital sets about the destruction of non-capitalist strata at home and in the outside world, the more it lowers the standard of living for the workers as a whole, the greater also is the change in the day-to-day history of capital. (monthlyreview.org)
  • From a Marxist ecological perspective, the catastrophes Luxemburg refers to here, resulting from the destruction of natural economies and non-capitalist strata, can be seen as referring not only to the economic convulsion brought on by capital, but also to its ecocidal logic. (monthlyreview.org)
  • Much of these spawned widespread civilian uses, such as aviation, the internet and nuclear technologies, thus contributing in a major way to the support for endless capital accumulation and the increasing centralization of capitalist power in relation to a captive market. (versobooks.com)
  • Police violence has always been especially necessary in long periods of capitalist transition. (metamute.org)
  • Because intensified police violence has an indirect economic influence during period of capitalist transition, reports of broken ribs, smashed jaws, or cut heads at protests are not only testaments to the inexplicable 'reactionary' decline of the civil liberties 'for which our ancestors fought' or even to the hostility of the ruling classes towards demands for radical change. (metamute.org)
  • The resulting hypoalbuminemia contributes to extravascular fluid accumulation. (medscape.com)
  • In a similar vein, social capital refers to the network of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society, enabling that society to function effectively. (all-list.net)
  • A study of sustainability needs to consider the role of all forms of capital-natural, biological, social, technological, financial, cultural-and the complex ways in which they interact. (mdpi.com)
  • All forms of capital derive their value, utility and application from human mental awareness, creativity and social innovation. (mdpi.com)
  • This makes human capital, including social capital, the central determinant of resource productivity and sustainability. (mdpi.com)
  • This transition has profound bearing on human productive capabilities, adaptability, creativity and values, the organization of economy, public policy, social awareness and life styles that determine sustainability. (mdpi.com)
  • We joined more than seventy groups to uphold the Due Diligence 2.0 Commitment , which supports processes and practices that catalyze movement of capital to BIPOC and women asset managers instead of adhering to historical industry standards for due diligence that reinforce social inequities. (noyes.org)
  • Is it possible, beyond huge differences of history, culture, geographic zones and of our knowledge of them, to draw a schema joining them together with at least one common element which furnishes us with an explanation of social transitions? (quinterna.org)
  • Participation' involves the design and implementation of a post-war social and political decision making processes, to enhance the involvement of all stakeholders in the peace process and to enable prosperous peace building. (unu.edu)
  • The development of fixed capital indicates to what degree general social knowledge has become a direct force of production , and to what degree, hence, the conditions of the process of social life itself have come under control of the general intellect and been transformed in accordance with it. (informationr.net)
  • However, one consistent and decisive feature of all Venezuela's communes-part of both the legal framework and the on-the-ground reality-is that they involve returning control of production to direct producers, whose conscious organization of productive processes substitutes for the capital system's rule of abstract value relations that alienate laborers both from their own activities, and from their material and social environment. (links.org.au)
  • The loan conditionalities, policies, and practices endorsed and promoted by the WB and the IMF facilitate the accumulation of unpayable and crippling debts and impose the prioritization of debt payments over human and nature rights, social welfare, sustainable development and climate action. (cadtm.org)
  • Racism is "a system [of power and oppression] of structuring opportunity and assigning value based on the social interpretation of how one looks (which is what we call "race") that unfairly disadvantages some individuals and communities, unfairly advantages other individuals and communities, and saps the strength of the whole society through the waste of human resources" (1). (cdc.gov)
  • Using racially informed, life course-anchored practice models may help assure equitable service delivery to older adults whose current health reflects culturally structured, race-related stress accumulated in social institutions during sensitive periods, developmentally significant social transitions, or ubiquitously over a lifetime (28-31). (cdc.gov)
  • This book sketches a road map of privatisation, accumulation and dispossession of communal land in the tribal areas of North East India from pre-colonial times to the neo-liberal era. (bibliaimpex.com)
  • To frame the ecological promise of Venezuela's communal project, it is useful to consider some of its main features, and contrast them with the capital system. (links.org.au)
  • From an ecological perspective, this transformation is key, for in communal contexts centered on de-alienated labor, production methods and goals can be rationally sorted out in ways that are harmonious with natural processes, cycles, and limits, in contrast to capitalism's inexorable logic of accumulation. (links.org.au)
  • Achieving a sustained productivity growth requires both a high rate of capital accumulation, technological upgrading, and the related changes in human resources. (idm.at)
  • There are relatively few analyses of inter-country disparities in physical capital accumulation1 and of disparities in the composition and the technological level of the physical capital stocks.2 This paper intends to contribute to the closing of this gap by examining the manufacturing sector from the point of view of the factors involved in the production activity. (idm.at)
  • This research develops an evolutionary growth theory that captures the interplay between the evolution of mankind and economic growth since the emergence of the human species. (ssrn.com)
  • This unified theory encompasses the observed evolution of population, technology and income per capita in the long transition from an epoch of Malthusian stagnation to sustained economic growth. (ssrn.com)
  • The theory suggests that prolonged economic stagnation prior to the transition to sustained growth stimulated natural selection that shaped the evolution of the human species, whereas the evolution of the human species was the origin of the take-off from an epoch of stagnation to sustained growth. (ssrn.com)
  • This paper answers the following two questions: 1) In the data, can we find a dilution effect of population growth also on per-capita human capital investment? (repec.org)
  • In the first part of the article we document empirically the considerable across-countries heterogeneity of a dilution effect of population growth also in regard to the process of per-capita human capital formation and observe that, at a country's level, population growth may be relevant (either positively or negatively) for economic growth depending on the specific way it affects the process of schooling-acquisition by agents. (repec.org)
  • In the second part of the paper we use these results in order to build a multi-sector growth model which is capable of accounting (depending on the strength of the found dilution effect of population growth on per-capita human capital formation) for the non-monotonous correlation between demographic and economic growth rates in the long-run. (repec.org)
  • Additionally, the growing presence of Chinese producers in Southern resource industries has the potential to accentuate structural changes in the organisation of production, because Chinese actors' activities are said to be concentrated in the extractive rather than the processing stages of production, often in disregard of socio-environmental consequences. (uni-muenchen.de)
  • Nevertheless, while it is still possible to avoid irreversible climate change through a massive transformation in the mode of production, it is no longer feasible to circumvent accelerating environmental disasters in the present century on a scale never seen before in human history, endangering the lives and living conditions of billions of people. (transcend.org)
  • Manhattan is an accumulation of possible disasters that never happen," wrote celebrated architect and theorist Rem Koolhaas. (ropac.net)
  • It has existed for hundreds of years and still occurs naturally in both animals and humans in many parts of the world, including Asia, southern Europe, sub-Sahelian Africa and parts of Australia. (who.int)
  • Emerging infectious diseases in animals and humans are being identified more frequently, many in low-income tropical countries, and this trend is expected to continue ( 1 ). (cdc.gov)
  • Humanity has entered the Anthropocene Epoch in which human changes have become the predominant factor in evolution. (mdpi.com)
  • Around the world, companies engaged in the energy transition seem to be making record profits, while the Congolese workers who are bringing cobalt to global markets are falling further into poverty. (goodelectronics.org)
  • The increase of competitiveness in Mexico depends largely on the development of its human capital nationwide, a process that would benefit from a wide array of cooperative regional projects involving student mobility, research, and short-term practical courses for young students engaged in dual and apprenticeship programs in which corporations and small businesses play a key role. (brookings.edu)
  • Their development mainly depends on the exploitation and processing of nonrenewable resources such as minerals, forests, and oil in the region. (frontiersin.org)
  • Control of anthrax among humans depends on the integration of veterinary and human health surveillance and control programmes. (who.int)
  • If the answer is yes, then human survival is indeed at stake in the environmental crisis. (transcend.org)
  • Since decolonization, Sub-Saharan Africa has made great progress on human capital-the knowledge, skills, and health that people accumulate throughout their lives, enabling them to realize their productive potential. (imf.org)
  • it has become part of the basic productive process and of the necessary costs of production. (autodidactproject.org)
  • For graduation approaches to be effective, complementary investments in human capital and efforts to improve capital accumulation by the extreme poor may be crucial to programme success. (theigc.org)
  • It is necessary to reconcile the population to declining standards of life quite quickly, because the decline itself is slow and (at least from the perspective of a limited human life) potentially endless. (metamute.org)
  • Progressive taxation compresses the (after-tax) wage structure, thereby distorting the incentives to accumulate human capital, in turn reducing the cross-sectional dispersion of (before-tax) wages. (federalreserve.gov)
  • Individuals enter the economy with an initial stock of human capital and are able to accumulate more human capital over the life cycle using a Ben-Porath (1967) style technology (which essentially combines learning ability, time, and existing human capital for production). (federalreserve.gov)
  • Routine cross-notification between the veterinary and human health surveillance systems should be part of any zoonotic disease prevention and control programme, and close collaboration between the two health sectors is particularly important during epidemiological and outbreak investigations. (who.int)
  • However, in practice, establishing links between animal and human health data has been difficult because data from animal and human health surveillance systems are obtained at different resolutions and scales and for different purposes. (cdc.gov)
  • These have propelled monopoly-finance capital into a phase of authoritarian neoliberalism: thin market democracies entrenching the power of transnationalizing propertied classes from the United States and Brazil to South Africa and India. (monthlyreview.org)
  • Two recent events illustrate this impact on the living conditions of human beings. (logosjournal.com)
  • 4] There has also been an important, although still relatively under-developed, body of work that situates these processes globally. (colorado.edu)
  • As commercial interactions between different countries increased in early human civilized history, a globally standardized medium of exchange was required to facilitate commercial transactions. (forextraders.com)
  • The factor to be examined in the first section is physical capital, while the second section reviews how skilled and unskilled labor progressed during the transformation years. (idm.at)
  • Transformation and modernization have been accompanied by major changes in the composition of the physical capital stock of the Hungarian manufacturing sector. (idm.at)
  • On the other hand foreign direct investment (FDI) driven physical capital accumulation began, partly in the form of in-kind investments, but also in the form of purchases of used and new capital equipment. (idm.at)
  • By capital widening I mean the accumulation of physical capital which occurred as a result of the introduction of new, previously non-existing industries. (idm.at)
  • The stock of physical capital increased due to an inflow of a large volume of greenfield investments and to the quick capacity increase with the run-up of production. (idm.at)
  • China needs to promote the accumulation of resources to the real economy, and give better play to the supporting role of financial industry and producer services in advanced manufacturing. (chinadaily.com.cn)
  • We see the unique opportunity that philanthropy has to provide the capital needed to build a new economy by supporting funds and organizations that counter mainstream products and practices and get resources to the hands of underserved and overlooked communities. (noyes.org)
  • Generally speaking, young people are expected to individualise their lives by constructing trajectories based on their personal preferences and choices (Coté, 2002), but are increasingly left on their own resources to do so, as the decline of community-oriented policies leads to more tenuous institutional support for the life course transitions as well as to more destabilised and less predictable life course trajectories (Furlong & Cartmel, 2007). (eera-ecer.de)
  • Accumulation concerns also more psychological resources like cognitive complexity and flexibility and the resulting self-directedness or beliefs of personal control or self-efficacy. (eera-ecer.de)
  • Development of human resources and increased communication between local stakeholders (groups and persons whose actions are affected by emerging infectious diseases and animal health) were instrumental for successful implementation. (cdc.gov)
  • The jump in productivity, based on this separation from the needs that self-determined consumers would pursue, was once a source of marvel and awe, but it is now putting the planetary bases of human life in danger through its senseless profit-driven production of exchange values. (links.org.au)
  • Human capital essentially pertains to the skills, knowledge, and experience possessed by an individual or population, thereby acting as a significant contributor to generating economic value. (all-list.net)
  • But even before this natural economic impasse of capital's own creating is properly reached it becomes a necessity for the international working class to revolt against capital. (monthlyreview.org)
  • In 2013, Empire State will echo and engage such allegories of America's socio-economic transition and subsequent shifts in status, confidence and power. (ropac.net)
  • The development process occurred at different speed across space. (lu.se)
  • In the present study the case of Paliyan tribe is taken up to assess the impact of changing ecology and economy and the extent of developmental process initiated by both government and non-government agencies to bring them into the national mainstream along with the degree. (bibliaimpex.com)
  • Çalikan, K. & Callon, M. (2009) Economization, part 1: shifting attention from the economy towards processes of economization. (lu.se)
  • Specifically, we construct a life cycle model that features some key determinants of wages--most notably, human capital accumulation and idiosyncratic shocks. (federalreserve.gov)
  • This is associated with enclosures in the centers and peripheries, large-scale destruction of human and nonhuman life, and expropriation resulting in ecocide. (monthlyreview.org)
  • When the supply of water is blocked or disrupted, this will have a great impact on organic life, for water is, as we all know, one of the bare necessities of life for human beings, other animals, and plants. (logosjournal.com)
  • As against this problematic logic of separation, the country's communes bring together people-people who are both producers (whether of human life or material goods) and consumers-in situations where they can jointly ask and answer such questions as: What activities do we value? (links.org.au)
  • For socialist theory as for liberal analysis-and for Western science and culture in general-the notion of the conquest of nature and of human exemption from natural laws has for centuries been a major trope, reflecting the systematic alienation of nature. (monthlyreview.org)
  • This paper addresses the past achievements and the deficiencies of the Hungarian manufacturing sector by analyzing the changes and the challenges of the f​actor side of the well-known production function, according to which output is the function of factors (capital and labor) and efficiency. (idm.at)
  • The restructuring of the manufacturing sector also involved c​apital deepening i.e. the capital-labor ratio has increased. (idm.at)
  • 2) In this exchange society, the satisfaction of human needs occurs only as a by-product of profitable production. (autodidactproject.org)
  • The Human Capital Index, which measures children's future productivity relative to a benchmark of full health and complete education, increased in nearly all sub-Saharan countries from 2010 to 2020 (Chart 1). (imf.org)
  • Most papers relate income and productivity differences to efficiency differences, explaining this latter with technology absorption difficulties, an inadequate human capital stock as well as with institutional deficiencies. (idm.at)
  • Individuals can choose to either invest in human capital on the job up to a certain fraction of their time or enroll in school where they can invest full time. (federalreserve.gov)
  • Across most of sub-Saharan Africa, females fall behind males in human capital and related measures. (imf.org)
  • Since it was first reported in Vietnam in 2003, the disease has been responsible for human outbreaks and deaths in 15 countries in Asia, Europe, Middle East and Africa resulting in 603 human cases including 356 deaths. (who.int)
  • It is the circulation of money as capital (chapter 5) that consolidates the conditions for the formation of capital's distinctive value form as a regulatory norm. (davidharvey.org)
  • Securing this transition and investing to harness the benefits is essential to Africa's future. (imf.org)
  • We are rapidly approaching a planetary tipping point in the form of a climate Armageddon, threatening to make the earth unlivable for the human species, as well as innumerable other species. (transcend.org)
  • Such an absolute catastrophe for civilization and the human species as a whole is still avoidable with a revolutionary-scale reconstitution of the current system of production, consumption, and energy usage, though the time in which to act is rapidly running out. (transcend.org)
  • The fifth scenario (SSP5-8.5) points to an increase in the global average temperature of 4.4°C (best estimate)-spelling the collapse of civilization and absolute disaster for the human species. (transcend.org)
  • The report also urges battery and vehicle makers to make sure they are honoring their obligation to protect human rights as outlined in the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights (UNGPs), as they stand to gain from the rising demand for EVs. (goodelectronics.org)
  • It's becoming increasingly obvious, more widely acknowledged and rapidly being operationalized that human nature lies at the root of our problems with climate. (skepticalscience.com)
  • A view of technology as a radical human construction will be taken as the basis for subsequent discussion. (informationr.net)
  • Fundamental to this process is the understanding of key concepts such as the compound interest principle, savings habits, investment strategy, diversification of portfolio, and risk tolerance. (all-list.net)
  • Savings habits play a pivotal role in this journey, acting as a safety net and a source of potential investment capital. (all-list.net)
  • 1,600 articles related to animal sentinels of zoonotic, environmental, and toxic effects on human health ( 6 ). (cdc.gov)
  • As we advance in the context of USMCA towards the integration of supply chains in high tech manufacturing and other sectors of our economies, more human talent will be needed, and more of our young people will have unprecedented opportunities to be creative and progress through a trajectory of professional and personal achievement. (brookings.edu)
  • The result of this was the hegemonic transition of power and the extermination of thousands of people (Barroco, Matos, & Orso, 2018). (bvsalud.org)
  • But in rejecting the dialectics of nature, Western Marxism was compelled to absent itself from the natural world almost entirely, except insofar as it could be said to impinge on human psychology or human nature or to have an indirect impact via technology. (monthlyreview.org)
  • natural material transformed into organs of the human will over nature, or of human participation in nature. (informationr.net)
  • Las concentraciones de plomo detectadas en los explantes de musgo expuestos al medio urbano fueron superiores a las de los musgos del bosque natural, mientras que los niveles de arsénico en estos últimos fueron superiores a los encontrados en los briófitos trasladados a la ciudad. (bvsalud.org)
  • Our central theme is that political participation is a key factor for successful post-conflict transition. (unu.edu)
  • Political participation has many dimensions such as constitutional design, electoral politics, human rights protection, the legal and justice system, decentralization, and political culture. (unu.edu)
  • Furthermore, the political changes implemented to promote democracy could trigger violence that then stalls the democratic process. (unu.edu)
  • The last proposition refers to the advanced industrial countries where the transition to socialism was to take place, and precisely in these countries, the laboring classes are in no sense a revolutionary potential. (autodidactproject.org)
  • A cautious hypothesis may be that ultimately peace, prosperity and participation are mutually reinforcing, even if we do not yet know very well how these processes work together. (unu.edu)
  • Because many infectious diseases are emerging in animals in low-income and middle-income countries, surveillance of animal health in these areas may be needed for forecasting disease risks to humans. (cdc.gov)
  • Because ≈75% of these diseases in humans have originated in animals ( 1 ), interest has increased considerably in the utility of animal health surveillance for prediction of human health risks ( 2 - 5 ). (cdc.gov)