• Therefore, the first stage of myelinogenesis is often defined as the differentiation of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) or Schwann cell progenitors into their mature counterparts, followed by myelin formation around axons. (wikipedia.org)
  • Generation of induced oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (iOPCs) from somatic fibroblasts may provide a cell-based therapeutic strategy against myelin diseases. (mpg.de)
  • These cells differentiated from induced oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (iOPCs), which in turn arose from pericytes (blue: cell nuclei). (mpg.de)
  • Pericytes and oligodendrocyte progenitor cells originate from the same cell population during development,' said Kee-Pyo Kim, the first author of the study. (mpg.de)
  • Therefore, we assumed that pericytes would be well suited for this reprogramming and subsequent differentiation into oligodendrocyte progenitor cells,' Kim continued. (mpg.de)
  • From infancy through adolescence, myelinating oligodendrocytes are generated in abundance in the human brain by progenitor cells in a process that is highly sensitive to hormones, nutrients and environmental conditions. (technologynetworks.com)
  • In other words, PRMT5 essentially acts as a traffic cop, allowing progenitor cells to become oligodendrocytes and stopping the biological signals that would interfere with myelin production. (technologynetworks.com)
  • Takashi Kozai, assistant professor of bioengineering at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering, was awarded an NIH R21 grant to improve device design by investigating the role of oligodendrocytes and oligodendrocyte progenitor cells in this process. (pitt.edu)
  • Oligodendrocytes and oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) are a type of glia or connective tissue in the central nervous system that play an important role in brain injury and neuronal activity, including the body's response to brain implants. (pitt.edu)
  • Mature oligodendrocyte: After myelinogenesis, mature oligodendrocytes surround axons in organized, multilamellar myelin sheaths that contain myelin basic protein (MBP) and myelin proteolipid protein (PLP). (wikipedia.org)
  • Mature oligodendrocytes (red marker: myelin basic protein) in an in vitro culture. (mpg.de)
  • However, transplanted mature oligodendrocytes cannot do this. (mpg.de)
  • Mature oligodendrocytes are generally believed to be mere targets of destruction in the context of neuroinflammation and tissue damage, but their real degree of in vivo plasticity has become a matter of debate. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Cytoskeletal gene expression was quantified from mature oligodendrocytes directly isolated from transgenic animals through cell sorting. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Mature oligodendrocytes acutely increase their cytoskeletal plasticity in vivo during demyelination. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Oligodendrocytes, the myelinating cells of the central nervous system (CNS), are generated from oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) that express neurotransmitter receptors. (nature.com)
  • In this study, we generated a transgenic mouse line that expresses membrane-anchored GCaMP6s in OPCs and used longitudinal two-photon microscopy to monitor OPC calcium (Ca 2+ ) dynamics in the cerebral cortex. (nature.com)
  • Fig. 7: Spontaneous Ca 2+ transients in OPCs progressively decline as they differentiate into myelinating oligodendrocytes. (nature.com)
  • The oligodendrocyte lineage can be further classified into four stages based on their relation to the onset of myelination: Differentiation: OPCs exit their proliferative, self-renewing state and begin to express genes and proteins associated with oligodendrocyte fate commitment. (wikipedia.org)
  • Myelination depends on the maintenance of oligodendrocytes that arise from oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs). (stanford.edu)
  • New myelin can be formed only when undifferentiated oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) are transplanted. (mpg.de)
  • Scientists were able to initially reprogram embryonic skin cells from mice and rats into induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and mature them into oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), called induced OPCs (iOPCs). (mpg.de)
  • Cilia extended from the cell bodies of nearly all excitatory and inhibitory neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), but were absent from oligodendrocytes and microglia. (janelia.org)
  • They plan to apply a similar logic to OPCs, which are a subtype of glia that are of particular interest because they have the capacity to differentiate into oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, or neurons during tissue repair. (pitt.edu)
  • Kozai said, "If we can maintain a healthy environment for OPCs, maybe they can help replenish the oligodendrocyte and neuronal population, instead of turning into scar tissue forming astrocytes. (pitt.edu)
  • Kozai said, "Much of the work on oligodendrocytes and OPCs has been carried out with post-mortem immunohistochemistry and molecular assays in disease models. (pitt.edu)
  • By using transgenic mouse models and primary oligodendrocytes, we have found that SNARE-mediated exocytosis drives membrane addition in myelin sheaths. (stanford.edu)
  • As pre-clinical models, we used transgenic MSA mice, a myelinating stem cell-derived oligodendrocyte-neuron co-culture, and primary oligodendrocytes to determine functional consequences of oligodendrocytic alpha-synuclein overexpression on myelination. (uni-regensburg.de)
  • RNA-Seq analysis of primary oligodendrocytes and microglia cells uncovers gene expression signatures associated with activated stress responses and increased post mitotic cellular senescence (PoMiCS) which was confirmed by elevated senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity and SASP gene expression profile. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Myelin is formed by oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system and Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system. (wikipedia.org)
  • Experimental induction of myelination by regenerating peripheral axons demonstrated that Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes have a shared mechanism to stimulate myelination. (wikipedia.org)
  • Myelin associated glycoprotein (MAG) is a 100 kDa transmembrane glycoprotein found in the periaxonal membranes of Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes of myelin sheaths. (loinc.org)
  • A study by White et al (2009) found that psychosine's cytotoxic effects on oligodendroglia and Schwann cells was mediated through disruption of the architecture and composition of lipid rafts (cell membrane regions characterized by high cholesterol and sphingolipid concentration), followed by altered protein kinase C (PKC) function. (medscape.com)
  • PKC isozymes are LR-dependent molecules that link psychosine-induced LR disruption to reduced PKC function and altered cell signaling activity, possibly driving demyelination and apoptosis in oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells. (medscape.com)
  • Neuron-derived signaling molecules are temporally and spatially required to coordinate oligodendrocyte differentiation. (rupress.org)
  • There are two apparent functions of MAG which are to act as a ligand for an axonal receptor which maintains myelinated axons, and to act as an axonal signal receptor that promotes differentiation, maintenance, and survival of oligodendrocytes. (loinc.org)
  • 2) sKlotho induces oligodendrocyte differentiation and remyelination. (neurodegenerationresearch.eu)
  • Oligodendrocyte death results in immune-mediated CNS demyelination. (uchicago.edu)
  • The findings indicate that JHM virus has an affinity for oligodendrocytes in weanling mice and that demyelination occurs subsequently to the degeneration of the infected oligodendrocytes. (scienceopen.com)
  • Activity of this promoter served as surrogate for dynamics of the cytoskeleton gene transcription through recording of in vivo bioluminescence following diphtheria toxin-induced oligodendrocyte death and autoimmune demyelination. (biomedcentral.com)
  • I try to understand the white matter pathology in TBI with a focus on axonal injury, demyelination and vulnerability of the oligodendrocyte. (lu.se)
  • Immature oligodendrocyte: Sometimes referred to as premyelinating oligodendrocytes, these cells extend "pioneer processes" which contact axons and anchor premyelinating oligodendrocytes to neurons such that they are poised to commence myelinogenesis in response to axonal signals. (wikipedia.org)
  • Researchers studied regenerating PNS axons for 28 weeks in order to investigate whether or not peripheral axons stimulate oligodendrocytes to begin myelination. (wikipedia.org)
  • Furthermore, membrane-membrane interactions between axons may be required to promote the synthesis of P1, P2, and P0. (wikipedia.org)
  • During vertebrate brain development, axons are enwrapped by myelin, an insulating membrane produced by oligodendrocytes. (rupress.org)
  • These studies motivated her current research to identify membrane trafficking pathways for the formation of myelin, an insulating membrane sheath around axons that accelerates conduction velocity. (stanford.edu)
  • Each oligodendrocyte can extend multiple processes that selectively wrap axons in tens to hundreds of spiraling membrane layers, forming myelin sheaths that vary in thickness and length. (stanford.edu)
  • This lipid-rich membrane, which wraps axons, is damaged in certain degenerative nerve disorders. (mpg.de)
  • An obvious approach would be to transplant oligodendrocytes to remyelinate the axons. (mpg.de)
  • Finally, we show that mitochondria in optic nerve axons could sustain measured firing rates with a plausible density of glucose transporters in the nodal membrane, without the need for energy transfer from oligodendrocytes. (ucl.ac.uk)
  • Following the degeneration of oligodendrocytes the myelin sheaths disintegrated or were stripped off intact axons by cytoplasmic tongues of polymorpho- and mononuclear leucocytes that intruded between myelin lamellae. (scienceopen.com)
  • Rupture of axons and neural cell membranes also occurs. (medscape.com)
  • Oligodendrocytes extend the plasma membrane surrounding axons with myelin sheaths. (ascb.org)
  • My focus areas are a) injury to the white matter, where a focus is enhancing recovery of axons, rescuing oligodendrocytes and promoting remyelination b) targeting neuroinflammation which may have detrimental effects on recovery and c) understanding the long-term consequences of TBI, including the increased risk of neurodegeneration and Alzheimers disease. (lu.se)
  • Here, we show that CNS myelin membrane addition requires exocytosis mediated by the vesicular SNARE proteins VAMP2/3. (stanford.edu)
  • In conjunction with membrane expansion, mass spectrometry of oligodendrocyte surface proteins revealed that VAMP2/3 incorporates axon-myelin adhesion proteins that are collectively required to form nodes of Ranvier. (stanford.edu)
  • Western blots detected both soluble 24 kDa and membrane-bound 28-kDa COMT proteins in neuronal and astrocyte cultures. (lu.se)
  • Here, we investigate the spatial distribution and regulation of mRNAs encoding these membrane and secretory proteins (termed "secretome" mRNAs) through live cell, single molecule tracking to directly monitor the position and translation states of secretome mRNAs on ER and their relationship to other organelles. (janelia.org)
  • Altogether, these findings uncover a novel coordination between ER and lysosomes, in which local release of amino acids and other factors from ER-associated lysosomes patterns and regulates translation of mRNAs encoding secretory and membrane proteins. (janelia.org)
  • NogoA Antibody: NogoA is a member of a family of integral membrane proteins termed reticulons that are thought to be involved in numerous disorders including neurodegenerative diseases. (prosci-inc.com)
  • The membrane contains proteins. (easynotecards.com)
  • The membrane contains a double layer of proteins. (easynotecards.com)
  • OLIG1 is necessary in order to initiate myelination by oligodendrocytes in the brain, but is somewhat dispensable in the spinal cord. (wikipedia.org)
  • Furthermore, oligodendrocytes can respond to neural activity by adding new sheaths or by changing the geometry of pre-existing sheaths to tune neural circuitry, a process known as adaptive myelination. (stanford.edu)
  • What are the membrane trafficking mechanisms that drive adaptive myelination in oligodendrocytes? (stanford.edu)
  • Current research is focused on how these pathways in oligodendrocytes may be regulated during adaptive myelination. (stanford.edu)
  • CNS myelination requires VAMP2/3-mediated membrane expansion in oligodendrocytes. (stanford.edu)
  • Central to myelination is the ability of oligodendrocytes to add vast amounts of new cell membrane, expanding their surface areas by many thousand-fold. (stanford.edu)
  • Together, our results demonstrate that VAMP2/3-mediated membrane expansion in oligodendrocytes is indispensable for myelin formation, uncovering a cellular pathway that could sculpt myelination patterns in response to activity-dependent signals or be therapeutically targeted to promote regeneration in disease. (stanford.edu)
  • Transcriptome profiling of primary pre-myelinating oligodendrocytes demonstrated that benztropine readjusts myelination-related processes such as cholesterol and membrane biogenesis, being compromised by oligodendrocytic alpha-synuclein. (uni-regensburg.de)
  • Additionally, benztropine restored the alpha-synuclein-induced myelination deficit of stem cell-derived oligodendrocytes. (uni-regensburg.de)
  • They play a key role in myelination, a process where oligodendrocytes wrap a fatty substance around the neuron's axon to help insulate electrical signals and allow neural signals to move more rapidly. (pitt.edu)
  • Contactin-6 (CNTN6) is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily and functions as a cell adhesion molecule in neuron cell membranes. (biovision.com)
  • Contactin1 is a membrane anchored membrane protein that functions as a cell adhesion molecule. (antibodiesinc.com)
  • Myelin-forming cells of the central nervous system, called oligodendrocytes, orchestrate one of the most complex morphological transformations in neurobiology. (stanford.edu)
  • COMT immunoreactivity colocalized with a specific oligodendrocyte marker galactocerebroside in cells displaying oligodendrocyte morphology, flat cells displaying type-1 astrocyte morphology and glial fibrillary acidic protein, in branched cells displaying type-2 astrocyte morphology and in cell bodies of neurons, the processes of which displayed neurofilament immunoreactivity. (lu.se)
  • These nonpermissive oligodendrocytes were characterized by a radial, highly branched process network, often contained myelin basic protein, and may, therefore, correspond to cells actively involved in the production of myelin-like membranes. (nih.gov)
  • Mitophagy was not detected in untreated cells and the membrane potential was normal. (dojindo.com)
  • However, reduction of membrane potential and mitophagy were observed in treated cells. (dojindo.com)
  • To determine TRPA1 localization in cellular membranes we stained HEK293T cells transfected with the mTRPA1-mCherry construct with the Vybrant Alexa Fluor 488 Lipid Raft Labeling Kit. (elifesciences.org)
  • Virus particles, consistent with the appearance of corona viruses, were found in the cytoplasm of cells that were identified as oligondendrocytes by demonstrating connections of their plasma membranes with myelin lamellae. (scienceopen.com)
  • Myelin-a membrane produced by specialized glial cells-plays a critical role in protecting the fibers that help carry messages throughout the body. (technologynetworks.com)
  • They are a major component of the basal lamina (one of the layers of the basement membrane), a protein network foundation for most cells and organs. (pearltrees.com)
  • Oligodendrocytes are myelinating cells of the central nervous system which support functionally, structurally, and metabolically neurons. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Oligodendrocytes (OL) are responsible for homeostasis and maintenance of the myelin sheaths, which is a complex and highly energy demanding process sensitizing these cells to metabolic, oxidative and other forms of stress. (biomedcentral.com)
  • In the brain, Klotho is mainly localized in the apical plasma membrane of epithelial cells of the choroid plexus and, to a lesser extent, hippocampal neurons. (neurodegenerationresearch.eu)
  • We detected myelin loss accompanied by preserved or even increased numbers of oligodendrocytes in post-mortem MSA brains or transgenic mouse forebrains, respectively, indicating an oligodendrocytic dysfunction in myelin formation. (uni-regensburg.de)
  • In this study, we show that neurons regulate myelin membrane trafficking in oligodendrocytes. (rupress.org)
  • In the absence of neurons, the major myelin membrane protein, the proteolipid protein (PLP), is internalized and stored in late endosomes/lysosomes (LEs/Ls) by a cholesterol-dependent and clathrin-independent endocytosis pathway that requires actin and the RhoA guanosine triphosphatase. (rupress.org)
  • Cholesterol, an essential membrane component, among others modifies membrane fluidity and regulates cell signaling. (uni-goettingen.de)
  • Their work has pinpointed PRMT5 as a protein that regulates the molecules responsible for stopping or promoting the expression of certain genes that are needed for survival of oligodendrocytes and production of myelin. (technologynetworks.com)
  • Insights into dynamic properties of ODCs could come from the study of the cell cytoarchitecture which regulates and drives membrane movements [ 27 ]. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Mitochondrial membrane potential is a parameter used to measure with mitochondrial condition. (dojindo.com)
  • Characteristics of the movement of K+ across the mitochondrial membrane and the inhibitory action of Tl+. (cdc.gov)
  • Through live imaging, we discovered that VAMP2/3-mediated exocytosis drives membrane expansion within myelin sheaths to initiate wrapping and power sheath elongation. (stanford.edu)
  • The sheath continues to expand along the length of the target axon while new membrane is synthesized at the leading edge of the inner tongue of the developing myelin sheath, which begins to take on a spiral cross-sectional structure. (wikipedia.org)
  • Post-mortem analyses of MSA patients and controls were performed to quantify myelin and oligodendrocyte numbers. (uni-regensburg.de)
  • The basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor OLIG1 plays an integral role in the process of oligodendrocyte myelinogenesis by regulating expression of myelin-related genes. (wikipedia.org)
  • Surprisingly, the iOPCs retain the memory of their original cell identity, which prevents them from differentiating into myelin-producing oligodendrocytes in mice after transplantation. (mpg.de)
  • By using in vivo imaging techniques like multiphoton imaging and pinpointing brain injury using neural engineering technology, Kozai and Cambi can map out the spatiotemporal relationships between oligodendrocyte loss, neuronal cell death, and OPC tissue repair and identify targets for intervention strategies, not just for brain implants, but also many neurodegenerative diseases. (pitt.edu)
  • Additionally, recent evidence has shown that a wave of apoptosis further affects the oligodendrocytes up to 4 segments from the trauma site days and weeks after the initial trauma. (medscape.com)
  • Experimental demyelinating setups augmented oligodendrocyte-specific in vivo bioluminescence. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Moreover, we identified two structural motifs in transmembrane segments 2 and 4 involved in mTRPA1-cholesterol interactions that are necessary for normal agonist sensitivity and plasma membrane localization. (elifesciences.org)
  • Structural comparisons revealed that the membrane structure at the base of the cilium and the microtubule organization differed between neurons and glia. (janelia.org)
  • MOG is a membrane protein expressed on the cell surface of oligodendrocytes and thought to provide structural integrity to the outermost surface of myelin sheaths. (antibodiesinc.com)
  • COMT immunoreactivity colocalized with a specific oligodendrocyte marker. (lu.se)
  • With the use of total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy we found a population of highly mobile vesicular structures near the cellular membrane containing both mTRPA1-mCherry and the lipid raft marker cholera toxin B ( Figure 1A and B , Video 1 ), as well as static areas where both fluorescent probes were colocalized at the membrane. (elifesciences.org)
  • The t-Cho signal represents cell membrane turnover, and Cre is a marker of brain energy metabolism. (biomedcentral.com)
  • MBP is locally translated and inserted into the cytoplasmic membrane leaflets to strengthen myelin membranes internally. (wikipedia.org)
  • We used a novel mouse model (oLucR) expressing luciferase in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-positive oligodendrocytes under the control of a β-actin promoter. (biomedcentral.com)
  • A primary cilium is a thin membrane-bound extension off a cell surface that contains receptors for perceiving and transmitting signals that modulate cell state and activity. (janelia.org)
  • The molecular mechanisms that generate myelin-forming oligodendrocytes are only partially understood, but through their research, ASRC scientists are one step closer to identifying them. (technologynetworks.com)
  • The body's response to neurotoxins is influenced by factors such as the neurotransmitter affected, cellular membrane integrity and the presence of detoxifying mechanisms. (news-medical.net)
  • In contrast, differentiated oligodendrocytes (O4+, A2B5-, GalC+) represented a nonpermissive substrate for neuronal adhesion and neurite growth. (nih.gov)
  • differentiated oligodendrocytes were nonpermissive for cell adhesion, neurite growth, or fibroblast spreading. (nih.gov)
  • Because the oligodendrocytes provide growth factors and support for neurons, the idea is maybe if we can help to oligodendrocytes to survive after injury, they can, in turn, help the neurons to survive," said Kozai. (pitt.edu)
  • Nogo /( RTN4 ) is a member of the endoplasmic reticulum-associated "reticulon" (RTN) family whose members have two hydrophobic, membrane spanning domains in the carboxyl-terminus. (biomedcentral.com)
  • AMPA (alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid) glutamate receptors play a major role in oligodendrocyte damage. (medscape.com)
  • These membrane domains remain directly connected to the cell body with a complex underlying cytoarchitecture comprising microtubules distributed in larger processes and actin filaments enriched in thinner myelin domains and in paranodes [ 6 , 7 ]. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Although some substances have a particular affinity to certain areas of the nervous system, most neurotoxins have widespread effects, targeting cell processes involved in membrane transport, internal cellular chemical reactions, liberation of secretory substances, and so on. (iloencyclopaedia.org)
  • Upon maturation, the rate of endocytosis is reduced, and a cAMP-dependent neuronal signal triggers the transport of PLP from LEs/Ls to the plasma membrane. (rupress.org)
  • β1 also recruits ankyrin to the plasma membrane at sites of cell-cell contact in response to homophilic cell adhesion (Malhotra et al. (jneurosci.org)
  • However, it is currently unknown whether TRPA1 is localized in specific domains of the plasma membrane, or whether cholesterol interacts with specific residues of TRPA1. (elifesciences.org)
  • Which of the following statements is FALSE about plasma membrane structure? (easynotecards.com)
  • Despite emergent evidence that TRPA1 is regulated by the membrane environment, it remains unknown whether this channel localizes in membrane microdomains or whether it interacts with cholesterol. (elifesciences.org)