• This goal has been obtained by combining different inorganic and organic chemical proxies such as trace elements, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and lead isotope ratios and exploiting both principal component and factor analysis to associate chemical proxies to human-driven contamination processes. (springer.com)
  • Three short sediment cores have been exploited to this aim and characterized in terms of major and trace elements, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and lead isotope ratios. (springer.com)
  • Spatial distribution and temporal evolution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediment and water in the northern part of Taihu Lake, China. (tu-darmstadt.de)
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are ubiquitous organic contaminants often found in terrestrial and marine environments. (mun.ca)
  • The results of both parts of the study were finally summarized in a descriptive model of sources, pathways, transport and deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the sediments of Lake Erie. (mun.ca)
  • Soil, groundwater, and sediments at the site were contaminated by coal tars from the gas plant that contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). (epa.gov)
  • In Titan's south polar region, an enigmatic dark feature named Ontario Lacus was the first suspected lake identified, possibly created by clouds that are observed to cluster in the area. (wikipedia.org)
  • The high relative humidity of methane in Titan's lower atmosphere could be maintained by evaporation from lakes covering only 0.002-0.02% of the whole surface. (wikipedia.org)
  • During a close Cassini flyby in December 2007 the visual and mapping instrument observed a lake, Ontario Lacus, in Titan's south polar region. (wikipedia.org)
  • In June 2008, Cassini's Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer confirmed the presence of liquid ethane beyond doubt in a lake in Titan's southern hemisphere. (wikipedia.org)
  • They require the sun to be above the horizon at the location of the lake, which is why none were visible until after Titan's northern spring equinox in 2009 when the seas became illuminated (see PIA17470). (nasa.gov)
  • During its 13-year tour of the Saturnian system (2004-2017), a multimode radar instrument onboard the Cassini spacecraft has mapped hundreds of lakes and three large seas on Titan's northern hemisphere. (usra.edu)
  • The data from those final days also sheds new light on Titan's hydrocarbon cycle. (sciencealert.com)
  • The second study, called " The case for seasonal surface changes at Titan's lake district " features lead author Shannon MacKenzie, planetary scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland. (sciencealert.com)
  • And they're telling us much more than just the depths of Titan's hydrocarbon seas . (sciencealert.com)
  • The results shed new light on Titan's hydrocarbon cycle. (sciencealert.com)
  • On Titan's western side, there are small lakes, some no larger than 16 kilometres (10 miles) across. (sciencealert.com)
  • In previous papers [2,3], we reported on monitoring of Titan's stratosphere near the poles after the mid-2009 northern spring equinox. (copernicus.org)
  • In particular we have reported on the observed strong temperature decrease and compositional enhancement above Titan's southern polar latitudes since 2012 and until 2014 of several trace species, such as complex hydrocarbons and nitriles, which were previously observed only at high northern latitudes. (copernicus.org)
  • This effect accompanied the transition of Titan's seasons from northern winter in 2002 to northern summer in 2017, while at that latter time, the southern hemisphere was entering winter. (copernicus.org)
  • Cassini VIMS image of specular reflections in one of Titan's lakes from a flyby on July 24, 2012 (NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/Jason W. Barnes et al. (universetoday.com)
  • It's no surprise that Titan's north polar region is covered with vast lakes and seas of liquid methane - these have been imaged many times by Cassini during its ten years in orbit around Saturn. (universetoday.com)
  • One would think that such large expanses of surface liquid - some of Titan's seas are as big the Great Lakes - would exhibit at least a little surface action on a world with an atmosphere as dense as Titan's. (universetoday.com)
  • Using data acquired during flybys of Titan in 2012 and 2013, planetary scientist Jason Barnes from the University of Idaho and a team of researchers from several other institutions including JPL, Cornell, and MIT, have identified what might be waves in the surface of Punga Mare, one of Titan's biggest lakes. (universetoday.com)
  • For a sense of scale, Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa, could fit lengthwise across Titan's 380-km (236-mile) -wide Punga Mare. (universetoday.com)
  • The irregular black shapes in this Cassini radar image of Titan's northern polar region are believed to be liquid methane-ethane lakes. (phys.org)
  • Ellen Stofan of Proxemy Research in Rectortown, Va., the principal investigator for the TiME mission, described the lander as a buoy-shaped capsule that would splash down in one of Titan's northern lakes and float across its surface for a minimum of two Titan days (sixteen Earth days). (phys.org)
  • Spring is finally giving way to summer in in Titan's northern hemisphere for the first time since Cassini arrived at Saturn in 2004. (space.com)
  • Could a unique form of methane-based life exist in Titan's liquid lakes and seas? (space.com)
  • Dozens of Titan's lakes individually have the equivalent of at least this much energy in the form of methane and ethane. (scienceblog.com)
  • Scientists estimated Titan's lake depth by making some general assumptions based on lakes on Earth. (scienceblog.com)
  • Dams or waterwheels could generate power from hydrocarbons made liquid by Titan's extremely low temperatures, but it could be difficult to get the liquid flowing as the largest lakes and seas are lower than surrounding terrain. (newscientist.com)
  • The wetness was probably due to methane rain that later flowed into Titan's hydrocarbon lakes or evaporated away. (newscientist.com)
  • Unlike Earth, however, the liquid on Titan's surface is composed of hydrocarbons including methane and ethane, not water. (phys.org)
  • By comparing different images captured by Webb's Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam), we soon confirmed that a bright spot visible in Titan's northern hemisphere was in fact a large cloud. (phys.org)
  • Detecting clouds is exciting because it validates long-held predictions from computer models about Titan's climate, that clouds would form readily in the mid-northern hemisphere during its late summertime when the surface is warmed by the sun. (phys.org)
  • Numerous well-defined dark patches resembling lakes are present in radar images of Titan's high latitudes taken during a July 22 flyby. (spacearchive.info)
  • At Titan's frigid temperatures, about minus 180 degrees Celsius, the liquids in the lakes are most likely methane or a combination of methane and ethane. (spacearchive.info)
  • Scientists had predicted, but had no confirmation until now, that pools of liquid were contributing to the high concentration of methane and other hydrocarbons in Titan's atmosphere. (spacearchive.info)
  • We've always believed Titan's methane had to be maintained by liquid lakes or extensive underground 'methanofers,' the methane equivalent of aquifers. (spacearchive.info)
  • These included the vast sand dunes that dominate Titan's lower latitudes and the methane lakes and seas that dominate it's higher latitudes - particularly around the northern polar region. (universetoday.com)
  • False-color mosaic of Titan's northern lakes, made from infrared data collected by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. (universetoday.com)
  • What they found was that while rain mostly accumulates near the poles - where Titan's major lakes and seas are located - the most intense rainstorms occur near 60 degrees latitude. (universetoday.com)
  • It sits in Ligeia Mare, a sea made of methane, ethane and nitrogen in Titan's northern polar region. (sciencenews.org)
  • Lakes of ethane and methane on Titan, Saturn's largest moon, have been detected by the Cassini-Huygens space probe, and had been suspected long before. (wikipedia.org)
  • Based on the observations, scientists announced "definitive evidence of lakes filled with methane on Saturn's moon Titan" in January 2007. (wikipedia.org)
  • Overall, the Cassini radar observations have shown that lakes cover only a few percent of the surface and are concentrated near the poles, making Titan much dryer than Earth. (wikipedia.org)
  • According to Cassini data, scientists announced on February 13, 2008, that Titan hosts within its polar lakes "hundreds of times more natural gas and other liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth. (wikipedia.org)
  • It has been estimated that the visible lakes and seas of Titan contain about 300 times the volume of Earth's proven oil reserves. (wikipedia.org)
  • This near-infrared color image shows a specular reflection, or sunglint, off of a hydrocarbon lake named Kivu Lacus on Saturn's moon Titan. (nasa.gov)
  • Kivu Lacus is a relatively small lake for Titan -- about 48.2 miles (77.5 km) wide -- located very close to the moon's north pole. (nasa.gov)
  • Cassini saw its first specular reflection on Titan on July 7, 2009 (see PIA12481) -- this provided solid confirmation of liquid in the moon's northern hemisphere. (nasa.gov)
  • Specular reflections can only be seen when the Cassini spacecraft is in the right place relative to the sun and Titan such that the mirror-like reflection from a lake reflects sunlight directly to the spacecraft. (nasa.gov)
  • Titan 's methane-filled lakes are much deeper, and weirder, than expected. (sciencealert.com)
  • Only Titan has lakes of liquid hydrocarbons. (sciencealert.com)
  • During Cassini's final flyby of Titan, it aimed its radar at some of the moon 's liquid lakes. (sciencealert.com)
  • Data from the Voyager probes gave us our first hint that Titan had liquid lakes. (sciencealert.com)
  • But in the early days of the Titan lakes hypothesis, we weren't sure if it held lakes or much larger oceans. (sciencealert.com)
  • Since then, many lakes and seas have been found on Titan, and there are lots of images of them. (sciencealert.com)
  • The hydrocarbon cycle on Titan works similarly to the hydrologic cycle on Earth. (sciencealert.com)
  • Hydrocarbon lake on Saturn's moon Titan. (scitechdaily.com)
  • A haze layer surrounds Titan at the northern pole and it is significantly reduced during the equinox because of atmospheric circulation patterns. (scitechdaily.com)
  • Any future search for living organisms should be only from Titan because of rich hydrocarbons in its atmosphere.Thank You. (scitechdaily.com)
  • Despite its satellite status, Titan has nothing to envy to planets: it has planetary dimensions, a substantial and dynamic atmosphere, a carbon cycle, a variety of geological features (dunes, lakes, rivers, mountains…), seasons and a hidden ocean. (copernicus.org)
  • In our work we have undertaken to realize the theme of the lakes on Titan. (esa.int)
  • The lakes on Titan are different than those, which we have on Earth. (esa.int)
  • So one has to wonder: has hydrocarbon chemistry on Titan crossed the threshold from inanimate matter to some form of life? (phys.org)
  • For 10 years, Cassini's images have helped scientists peer beneath the moon's orange, nitrogen-rich smog to see amazing features on the face of Titan like vast lakes made of methane and ethane that are larger than North America's Great Lakes and continually replenished by hydrocarbon rain showers. (space.com)
  • Saturn's orange moon Titan has hundreds of times more liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth, according to new data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft. (scienceblog.com)
  • Methane rain on Titan can create methane lakes 330 feet (100 metres) deep in the moon's northern polar region. (webtopnews.com)
  • Although it would be inefficient to combust hydrocarbons on the moon itself due to the lack of readily available oxygen, future inhabitants of Titan could add hydrogen to acetylene to generate power. (newscientist.com)
  • Titan is in some ways a bizarre version of Earth, complete with seas, lakes and rivers . (newscientist.com)
  • The crucial difference is that it is not water flowing on Titan, but liquid methane and other hydrocarbons. (newscientist.com)
  • Titan is the only moon in the solar system with a dense atmosphere , and it is also the only planetary body other than Earth that currently has rivers, lakes, and seas. (phys.org)
  • NASA's Cassini spacecraft has found lakes on Saturn's moon Titan. (spacearchive.info)
  • Finding the source of the complex soup of hydrocarbons in Titan s atmosphere has been a major goal for the Cassini mission and is a significant accomplishment. (spacearchive.info)
  • It was almost as though someone laid a bull's-eye around the whole north pole of Titan, and Cassini sees these regions of lakes just like those we see on Earth," said Larry Soderblom, Cassini interdisciplinary scientist at the U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, Ariz. "Titan has turned out to be like a musical crescendo -- each pass is more exciting than the last. (spacearchive.info)
  • According to a computer model, 3/4 of an average polar lake is ethane, with 10 percent methane, 7 percent propane and smaller amounts of hydrogen cyanide, butane, nitrogen and argon. (wikipedia.org)
  • The excess benzene would then build up in a mud-like sludge on the shores and on the lake floors before eventually being eroded by ethane rain, forming a complex cave-riddled landscape. (wikipedia.org)
  • But scientists were surprised to find that the much smaller lakes there were full of methane as well, where they expected to find ethane, a heavier hydrocarbon. (sciencealert.com)
  • Cassini has revealed rivers and lakes of methane-ethane, the lakes evaporating to form clouds, the clouds raining hydrocarbons back down onto the surface, flowing through rivers and collecting in lakes. (phys.org)
  • Methane and ethane are the simplest hydrocarbon molecules. (phys.org)
  • Instead of water, liquid hydrocarbons in the form of methane and ethane are present on the moon's surface, and tholins probably make up its dunes. (scienceblog.com)
  • Cassini detected large hurricanes on Saturn's north and south pole and a giant thunderstorm raged in Saturn's northern hemisphere over several months in the years 2010/2011. (oeaw.ac.at)
  • A newly published selection of images - made from data collected by Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer over five years - shows how the cloud thinned out and retreated as winter turned to spring in the northern hemisphere. (nasa.gov)
  • But in the 2009 images, the cloud cover had so many gaps it unveiled to Cassini's view the hydrocarbon sea known as Kraken Mare and surrounding lakes. (nasa.gov)
  • Cassini's radar has observed the south polar region only once, and only two small lakes were visible. (scienceblog.com)
  • During the flyby, Cassini's radar spotted several dozen lakes as small as 0.6 miles wide, with some nearly 20 miles wide. (spacearchive.info)
  • In October, Cassini's radar will look even closer to the north pole, searching for more lakes and mapping more of the polar region covered by these features. (spacearchive.info)
  • Two forms of depression have been identified near the moon's poles, but hydrocarbon reservoirs in the northern hemisphere are much larger than those in the southern hemisphere. (esa.int)
  • The bright spots are prominent clouds in the northern hemisphere. (phys.org)
  • On later passes toward the end of its prime mission, Cassini might see changes in the shape or size of lakes as winter yields to spring in the northern hemisphere. (spacearchive.info)
  • Following a flyby on July 22, 2006, in which the Cassini spacecraft's radar imaged the northern latitudes, which were at the time in winter. (wikipedia.org)
  • The Cassini-Huygens team concluded that the imaged features are almost certainly the long-sought hydrocarbon lakes, the first stable bodies of surface liquid found off Earth. (wikipedia.org)
  • Cassini arrived at Saturn in 2004, and although it didn't see any liquid lakes right away, it eventually found them at the poles, where scientists suspected they might exist. (sciencealert.com)
  • We can't see methanofers but we can now say we've seen lakes," said Jonathan Lunine, Cassini interdisciplinary scientist at the University of Arizona, Tucson. (spacearchive.info)
  • By passing over a lake in a different direction, Cassini may see the effect of prevailing winds in the changing brightness of the lake surface. (spacearchive.info)
  • Cassini spacecraft images of the island, which sits in a hydrocarbon sea called Ligeia Mare, revealed the feature's fickle nature. (sciencenews.org)
  • The large ones are known as maria (seas) and the small ones as lacūs (lakes). (wikipedia.org)
  • We already knew that the northern seas were filled with methane. (sciencealert.com)
  • We can't wait to see more of the surface, in particular in the northern land of lakes and seas. (nasa.gov)
  • This means icy clouds are retreating and revealing and never-before-seen views of the lakes and seas at the moon's north pole. (space.com)
  • Several hundred lakes and seas have been observed, with each of several dozen estimated to contain more hydrocarbon liquid than Earth's oil and gas reserves. (scienceblog.com)
  • This puts them close to the center of the northern and southern hemispheres, though slightly closer to the poles than the equator. (universetoday.com)
  • In both cases, evaporation forms clouds which eventually fall to the surface, forming rivers which flow into hydrocarbon lakes. (sciencealert.com)
  • The radiation from Jupiter also should contribute to this driving force on clouds of hydrocarbons and make seasons on its tilted axis of 27 degrees. (scitechdaily.com)
  • Sunsets, the northern lights, storm clouds seem to fill the whole sky. (mtu.edu)
  • Aside from being the only body beyond Earth that has a dense, nitrogen-rich atmosphere, it also has methane lakes on its surface and methane clouds in its atmosphere. (universetoday.com)
  • probes suggested that there could be ''lakes'' on the surface, because the presence of a large number of simple hydrocarbons in its dense atmosphere has been confirmed back then. (esa.int)
  • The lakes are most likely the source of hydrocarbon smog in the frigid moon's atmosphere. (spacearchive.info)
  • Providing the moon with an atmosphere containing abundant oxygen, would lead to oxidation of surface hydrocarbons. (newmars.com)
  • If humans were to one day live under the yellow haze of the moon's skies, exploring its rolling dunes and ragged peaks or settling by the side of gently stirring hydrocarbon lakes, they would need energy to power their lives. (newscientist.com)
  • In contrast, the northern hemisphere's Ligeia Mare has depths of 170 m (560 ft). (wikipedia.org)
  • 2018 ). To assess the impact of human activities, an undisturbed reference, such as pristine natural background sediments, is necessary to reflect the situation of the individual lake on a local or regional scale. (springer.com)
  • Under a consent decree approved March 1, 2017, Northern States Power Company (d/b/a Xcel Energy) agreed to dredge contaminated sediments in Chequamegon Bay in Lake Superior. (epa.gov)
  • The Ashland/Northern States Power Lakefront Superfund site includes a former manufactured gas plant owned by Xcel Energy, a city-owned park, and approximately 16 acres of contaminated sediments in Chequamegon Bay, which is part of Lake Superior. (epa.gov)
  • Thereby, climate conditions play a major role in rift basin sedimentation by controlling the sorting and petrography of inflowing sediments, as well as influence offshore sedimentation, where organic-rich deposits characterize deep lakes/high lake level conditions that can be linked to short or longer humid climatic conditions. (hal.science)
  • Freshwater ecosystems such as lakes and rivers are critical to understanding the effects of the environmental change driven by human activities, which have been particularly relevant in the Anthropocene (Dubois et al. (springer.com)
  • 2022 ), we characterized the three major hydrological regimes of the lake, focussing on the variations of precipitation and sedimentation processes of endogenic carbonates, i.e., calcite and calcium carbonate phosphate, relating the presence of these compounds to natural and human-driven processes. (springer.com)
  • Examples of sedimentation in the rift lakes of Eastern Africa - Tectonic versus Climatic controls: A comparison between the Eocene - mid Miocene Lake Lokichar and the mid Miocene - Present Lake Turkana in Northern Kenya. (hal.science)
  • Major differences in basin sedimentation for both the Lokichar and Turkana Basins concern the deep lake basin environment. (hal.science)
  • Offshore lake sedimentation in the Turkana Basin was controlled by semi-arid climate conditions, resulting in major inputs of fine-grained sediment with poor organic content from axial and lateral origins. (hal.science)
  • The new data shows that the hydrocarbon cycle on one side of the northern polar region is different than on the other side. (sciencealert.com)
  • Hydrocarbon lakes form around the north-polar region during the winter due to colder temperatures and condensation. (scitechdaily.com)
  • This global estimate is based mostly on views of the lakes in the northern polar regions. (scienceblog.com)
  • In the present work, we focus on Trasimeno, a shallow lake in Central Italy, which, similar to other basins in the Mediterranean area, has been severely impacted by human activities, which have altered its sensitive hydrological status since the beginning of the twentieth century and affected the ecosystem and biota (Goretti et al. (springer.com)
  • It does not fit well with traditional models of rifted continental basins defined by discrete basin bounding faults opposed by a low gradient flexural margin especially over Lake Albert. (searchanddiscovery.com)
  • Precise knowledge of such conditions may greatly help to identify lake basins favourable for hydrocarbon prospects. (hal.science)
  • Biogenic methane emissions have been observed from the surfaces of tailings ponds and about 40 million L of methane day -1 was estimated from a single tailings pond (Mildred Lake Settling Basin) in 1999. (actapress.com)
  • In the samples of underground ice, carbon isotopes were found in an amount characteristic of biogenic hydrocarbons. (northernforum.org)
  • Rapid tectonic subsidence coupled with limited sediment input led to deep stratified lakes with the accompanying deposition of source rocks. (searchanddiscovery.com)
  • The hydrocarbon exploration wells drilled in the Albertine Graben have proven the deposition of source, reservoir and cap rocks. (searchanddiscovery.com)
  • Not only has tectonics played a crucial role in deposition of source, reservoir and cap rocks and formation of structural traps, but also provided migration pathways for the hydrocarbons. (searchanddiscovery.com)
  • Thick (100m's), black, organic-rich shales form 2 major sedimentary units deposited in the Lokichar Basin during 2 lake highstand periods in the Eocene and Oligocene. (hal.science)
  • Tectonic Control on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Intra-Continental Albertine Graben of the East African Rift System, by Dozith Abeinomugisha and Robert Kasande, #10183 (2009). (searchanddiscovery.com)
  • A survey was conducted during April and May 2010 in the Albertine Graben region of Uganda as part of hydrocarbon exploration. (guralp.com)
  • Here I present a study on spatial distribution, sources and pathways of PAH in one of such settings, Lake Erie, lower Great Lakes. (mun.ca)
  • Mach Natural Resources, an oil and gas driller in the Anadarko Basin, plans to raise $200 million at a $1.9 billion market cap in the year's second IPO from an energy MLP.The Anadarko Basin has attracted multiple majors and independents all chasing low risk unconventional hydrocarbons, particularly liquids. (rabattstoves.de)
  • Complex fault patterns, as interpreted from geophysical data, have provided conduits for hydrocarbon migration, sometimes long distance migration. (searchanddiscovery.com)
  • Evolution of an intraplate alkaline volcanic complex: the Mt. Melbourne (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica). (uni-tuebingen.de)
  • But hydrocarbons are versatile: they can assemble themselves into fantastically complex structures. (phys.org)
  • Indeed, complex hydrocarbons form the basis of what we call life. (phys.org)
  • Such was the case in the Northern California town of Santa Rosa after the Tubbs Fire in the fall of 2017 and again in the town of Paradise after the deadly 2018 Camp Fire. (eenews.net)
  • In the present study, we searched the unreported phage genomic fragments from this lake for genes involved in methane oxidation. (nature.com)
  • It's similar to some Earthly areas in Germany, the US, and other places, where features called karstic lakes form when water dissolves limestone bedrock. (sciencealert.com)
  • Quantification of the water balance and experimental evaporation studies, Lake Urmia, Iran. (tu-darmstadt.de)
  • At such conditions methane and other hydrocarbons play a similar role in forming the landscape as water on Earth. (oeaw.ac.at)
  • Recordings were made at locations directly overlying both hydrocarbon and water-bearing strata within the sedimentary basin, as well as at reference sites external to the basin, which were located directly on basement rocks. (guralp.com)
  • It may even harbor ice volcanoes that spew water ice and hydrocarbons. (space.com)
  • Whitley lives with his wife of 35 yr in Northern Utah, and when he is not working, he can usually be found on the water with a fishing rod in his hands. (hydrocarbonprocessing.com)
  • The coast of the northern part of Baikal is sandy little water beaches, so the water can warm up to 24 degrees. (traveltorussiaidea.com)
  • The hottest of them, Kotelnikovsky, is close to the lake, with a water temperature of 81 degrees. (traveltorussiaidea.com)
  • Water of fluoride-hydrocarbon sodium with mineralization. (traveltorussiaidea.com)
  • The water of sulphate-hydrocarbon sodium, there is a weak smell of hydrogen sulphide, a temperature of about 44 degrees. (traveltorussiaidea.com)
  • According to Chuvilin, Skoltech's scientists were very lucky: they were able to get to the little-known Yerkutinsky crater in the very first year from the moment they were formed - after all, the next year it was already filled with water and turned into a lake. (northernforum.org)
  • When the probe arrived in the Saturnian system in 2004, it was hoped that hydrocarbon lakes or oceans might be detectable by reflected sunlight from the surface of any liquid bodies, but no specular reflections were initially observed. (wikipedia.org)
  • The current inventory of tailings in northern Alberta, Canada exceeds 850 million m 3 . (actapress.com)
  • The mature fine tailings (MFT) were collected from Syncrude Canada Ltd. and Shell Albian Sands tailings ponds and investigated for methanogenic biodegradation of solvent hydrocarbons that are used in the bitumen extraction process and the residual fractions of these solvents that are present in the tailings deposited in the tailings ponds. (actapress.com)
  • Our laboratory experiments have shown that only short-chain n -alkanes (C 6 -C 10 ) and certain monoaromatics (BTEX) present in C 3 -C 14 range hydrocarbons entrained in Syncrude tailings are readily biodegraded by the indigenous microorganism in the tailings ponds to produce methane. (actapress.com)
  • The molecular analysis of 16S rRNA genes revealed that different microbial communities are involved in the degradation of different groups of petroleum hydrocarbon in oil sands tailings. (actapress.com)
  • Phages with very large genomes were recently reported from a man-made lake that covers a deposit of methane-generating tailings from an oil sands mine in Canada 2 . (nature.com)
  • Organic-rich mudstones only occurred in the Turkana Basin during high lake levels that characterized the Plio-Pleistocene period. (hal.science)
  • All of the Great Lakes are connected-to each other and the rest of the world. (mtu.edu)
  • The data paints an otherworldly image of mesas and buttes protruding hundreds of feet beyond the surroundings, with deep hydrocarbon lakes on top. (sciencealert.com)
  • They took the average area and depth of lakes on Earth, taking into account the nearby surroundings, like mountains. (scienceblog.com)
  • Based on these data, scientists built a model for the formation of the Yerkutinsky crater, which was formed on the site of one of the dried lakes. (northernforum.org)
  • The Lake Albert Rift is part of the East African Rift system and stretches from the northern part of Lake Albert in the north western part of Uganda to the southern part of Lake Tanganyika in west Tanzania. (guralp.com)
  • Tesoro Logistics (TLLP) has completed the acquisition of The Northern California Terminalling and Storage Assets located in Martinez, California, US, from Tesoro. (hydrocarbons-technology.com)
  • We also know that some lakes are more than 10 meters or so deep because they appear literally pitch-black to the radar. (scienceblog.com)
  • This is a big deal," said Steve Wall, deputy radar team leader at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "We've now seen a place other than Earth where lakes are present. (spacearchive.info)
  • 2019 ) affecting the Trasimeno lake and quantify the degree of contaminant enrichment (Wang et al. (springer.com)
  • The bright, white area represents the glint off of the lake Kivu Lacus. (nasa.gov)
  • It is not sound green energy policy to substitute one form of pollution for another," counters Michael Connolly, a resident of Arcadia, a Lake Michigan coastal village in Manistee County that is a hotbed of opposition to the Duke plan. (modeshift.org)
  • mile upon mile of black and ransacked earth pocked with stadium-swallowing pits and dead, discolored lakes guarded by scarecrows in cast-off rain gear and overseen by flaming stacks and fuming refineries, the whole laced together by circuit board mazes of dirt roads and piping, patrolled by building-sized machines that, enormous as they are, appear dwarfed by the wastelands they have made. (sierraclub.org)
  • Tullow Oil owns a third share in each of four hydrocarbon exploration licences which it operates with its partner companies CNOOC and Total in the Lake Albert Rift Basin. (guralp.com)
  • During the exploration phase, a passive seismic survey was conducted over a three week period in the central part of the graben, close to Lake Albert in the northern part of the Butiaba area.ries. (guralp.com)
  • Unravelling the stable isotopic evidence for the origin of hydrocarbons in peralkaline complexes: New data from the Lovozero and Strange Lake peralkaline plutons. (uni-tuebingen.de)
  • Therefore, analyses of both molecular and isotopic compositions of compounds have been simultaneously employed in the study in an attempt to obtain a better insight into the regional distribution pattern and original sources of these contaminants in Lake Erie. (mun.ca)
  • The nature of the axial clastic inputs in both lakes were mainly controlled by the fault structure at the watershed as well as by its lithology, issuing well-sorted quartz-rich sands for the Lokichar Basin, and mainly silt and mud from the volcanic-dominated far watershed for the Turkana Basin. (hal.science)
  • The Christina Lake project comprises approximately 200km² of oil sands leases in north-east Alberta, Canada. (hydrocarbons-technology.com)
  • The investment will support the pipeline which serves the Christina Lake oil sands project, owned by Cenovus Energy Inc. Construction of a new $370-million pipeline is also due to take place for the Suncor Energy Inc oil sand operation. (energydigital.com)
  • Fault closures against basin bounding faults, or even intrabasinal faults, have proved prolific for hydrocarbon trapping. (searchanddiscovery.com)
  • The pink is specular skyglow -- haze illuminated from below by specular reflection off of the lake. (nasa.gov)
  • Tropical climate and associated vegetation prevailed in the Lake Lokichar watershed from Eocene to lower Miocene resulting in quartz-rich, well-sorted sand inputs in shallow lake waters and deltaic platforms. (hal.science)
  • Coal combustion produces mercury-loaded emissions that contaminate lakes and enter the food chain. (modeshift.org)